blob: f64fd6fda4ff268635a1ff2824ec1038ec5391a4 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- IdentifierTable.h - Hash table for identifier lookup ---*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file defines the IdentifierInfo, IdentifierTable, and Selector
// interfaces.
#include "clang/Basic/TokenKinds.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
#include "llvm/Bitcode/SerializationFwd.h"
#include <string>
#include <cassert>
namespace llvm {
template <typename T> struct DenseMapInfo;
namespace clang {
struct LangOptions;
class MultiKeywordSelector; // a private class used by Selector.
/// IdentifierInfo - One of these records is kept for each identifier that
/// is lexed. This contains information about whether the token was #define'd,
/// is a language keyword, or if it is a front-end token of some sort (e.g. a
/// variable or function name). The preprocessor keeps this information in a
/// set, and all tok::identifier tokens have a pointer to one of these.
class IdentifierInfo {
// Note: DON'T make TokenID a 'tok::TokenKind'; MSVC will treat it as a
// signed char and TokenKinds > 127 won't be handled correctly.
unsigned TokenID : 8; // Front-end token ID or tok::identifier.
unsigned BuiltinID : 9; // ID if this is a builtin (__builtin_inf).
// NOTE: VC++ treats enums as signed, avoid using tok::ObjCKeywordKind enum
unsigned ObjCID : 5; // ID for objc @ keyword like @'protocol'.
bool HasMacro : 1; // True if there is a #define for this.
bool IsExtension : 1; // True if identifier is a lang extension.
bool IsPoisoned : 1; // True if identifier is poisoned.
bool IsCPPOperatorKeyword : 1; // True if ident is a C++ operator keyword.
// 6 bits left in 32-bit word.
void *FETokenInfo; // Managed by the language front-end.
IdentifierInfo(const IdentifierInfo&); // NONCOPYABLE.
void operator=(const IdentifierInfo&); // NONASSIGNABLE.
/// getName - Return the actual string for this identifier. The returned
/// string is properly null terminated.
const char *getName() const {
// We know that this is embedded into a StringMapEntry, and it knows how to
// efficiently find the string.
return llvm::StringMapEntry<IdentifierInfo>::
/// getLength - Efficiently return the length of this identifier info.
unsigned getLength() const {
return llvm::StringMapEntry<IdentifierInfo>::
/// hasMacroDefinition - Return true if this identifier is #defined to some
/// other value.
bool hasMacroDefinition() const {
return HasMacro;
void setHasMacroDefinition(bool Val) { HasMacro = Val; }
/// get/setTokenID - If this is a source-language token (e.g. 'for'), this API
/// can be used to cause the lexer to map identifiers to source-language
/// tokens.
tok::TokenKind getTokenID() const { return (tok::TokenKind)TokenID; }
void setTokenID(tok::TokenKind ID) { TokenID = ID; }
/// getPPKeywordID - Return the preprocessor keyword ID for this identifier.
/// For example, "define" will return tok::pp_define.
tok::PPKeywordKind getPPKeywordID() const;
/// getObjCKeywordID - Return the Objective-C keyword ID for the this
/// identifier. For example, 'class' will return tok::objc_class if ObjC is
/// enabled.
tok::ObjCKeywordKind getObjCKeywordID() const {
return tok::ObjCKeywordKind(ObjCID);
void setObjCKeywordID(tok::ObjCKeywordKind ID) { ObjCID = ID; }
/// getBuiltinID - Return a value indicating whether this is a builtin
/// function. 0 is not-built-in. 1 is builtin-for-some-nonprimary-target.
/// 2+ are specific builtin functions.
unsigned getBuiltinID() const { return BuiltinID; }
void setBuiltinID(unsigned ID) {
BuiltinID = ID;
assert(BuiltinID == ID && "ID too large for field!");
/// get/setExtension - Initialize information about whether or not this
/// language token is an extension. This controls extension warnings, and is
/// only valid if a custom token ID is set.
bool isExtensionToken() const { return IsExtension; }
void setIsExtensionToken(bool Val) { IsExtension = Val; }
/// setIsPoisoned - Mark this identifier as poisoned. After poisoning, the
/// Preprocessor will emit an error every time this token is used.
void setIsPoisoned(bool Value = true) { IsPoisoned = Value; }
/// isPoisoned - Return true if this token has been poisoned.
bool isPoisoned() const { return IsPoisoned; }
/// isCPlusPlusOperatorKeyword/setIsCPlusPlusOperatorKeyword controls whether
/// this identifier is a C++ alternate representation of an operator.
void setIsCPlusPlusOperatorKeyword(bool Val = true)
{ IsCPPOperatorKeyword = Val; }
bool isCPlusPlusOperatorKeyword() const { return IsCPPOperatorKeyword; }
/// getFETokenInfo/setFETokenInfo - The language front-end is allowed to
/// associate arbitrary metadata with this token.
template<typename T>
T *getFETokenInfo() const { return static_cast<T*>(FETokenInfo); }
void setFETokenInfo(void *T) { FETokenInfo = T; }
/// Emit - Serialize this IdentifierInfo to a bitstream.
void Emit(llvm::Serializer& S) const;
/// Read - Deserialize an IdentifierInfo object from a bitstream.
void Read(llvm::Deserializer& D);
/// IdentifierTable - This table implements an efficient mapping from strings to
/// IdentifierInfo nodes. It has no other purpose, but this is an
/// extremely performance-critical piece of the code, as each occurrance of
/// every identifier goes through here when lexed.
class IdentifierTable {
// Shark shows that using MallocAllocator is *much* slower than using this
// BumpPtrAllocator!
typedef llvm::StringMap<IdentifierInfo, llvm::BumpPtrAllocator> HashTableTy;
HashTableTy HashTable;
/// IdentifierTable ctor - Create the identifier table, populating it with
/// info about the language keywords for the language specified by LangOpts.
IdentifierTable(const LangOptions &LangOpts);
/// get - Return the identifier token info for the specified named identifier.
IdentifierInfo &get(const char *NameStart, const char *NameEnd) {
return HashTable.GetOrCreateValue(NameStart, NameEnd).getValue();
IdentifierInfo &get(const char *Name) {
return get(Name, Name+strlen(Name));
IdentifierInfo &get(const std::string &Name) {
// Don't use c_str() here: no need to be null terminated.
const char *NameBytes = &Name[0];
return get(NameBytes, NameBytes+Name.size());
typedef HashTableTy::const_iterator iterator;
typedef HashTableTy::const_iterator const_iterator;
iterator begin() const { return HashTable.begin(); }
iterator end() const { return HashTable.end(); }
unsigned size() const { return HashTable.size(); }
/// PrintStats - Print some statistics to stderr that indicate how well the
/// hashing is doing.
void PrintStats() const;
void AddKeywords(const LangOptions &LangOpts);
/// Emit - Serialize this IdentifierTable to a bitstream. This should
/// be called AFTER objects that externally reference the identifiers in the
/// table have been serialized. This is because only the identifiers that
/// are actually referenced are serialized.
void Emit(llvm::Serializer& S) const;
/// Create - Deserialize an IdentifierTable from a bitstream.
static IdentifierTable* CreateAndRegister(llvm::Deserializer& D);
/// This ctor is not intended to be used by anyone except for object
/// serialization.
/// Selector - This smart pointer class efficiently represents Objective-C
/// method names. This class will either point to an IdentifierInfo or a
/// MultiKeywordSelector (which is private). This enables us to optimize
/// selectors that no arguments and selectors that take 1 argument, which
/// accounts for 78% of all selectors in Cocoa.h.
class Selector {
enum IdentifierInfoFlag {
// MultiKeywordSelector = 0.
ZeroArg = 0x1,
OneArg = 0x2,
ArgFlags = ZeroArg|OneArg
uintptr_t InfoPtr; // a pointer to the MultiKeywordSelector or IdentifierInfo.
Selector(IdentifierInfo *II, unsigned nArgs) {
InfoPtr = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(II);
assert((InfoPtr & ArgFlags) == 0 &&"Insufficiently aligned IdentifierInfo");
assert(nArgs < 2 && "nArgs not equal to 0/1");
InfoPtr |= nArgs+1;
Selector(MultiKeywordSelector *SI) {
InfoPtr = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(SI);
assert((InfoPtr & ArgFlags) == 0 &&"Insufficiently aligned IdentifierInfo");
Selector(uintptr_t V) : InfoPtr(V) {}
friend class SelectorTable; // only the SelectorTable can create these.
IdentifierInfo *getAsIdentifierInfo() const {
if (getIdentifierInfoFlag())
return reinterpret_cast<IdentifierInfo *>(InfoPtr & ~ArgFlags);
return 0;
unsigned getIdentifierInfoFlag() const {
return InfoPtr & ArgFlags;
/// operator==/!= - Indicate whether the specified selectors are identical.
bool operator==(const Selector &RHS) const {
return InfoPtr == RHS.InfoPtr;
bool operator!=(const Selector &RHS) const {
return InfoPtr != RHS.InfoPtr;
void *getAsOpaquePtr() const {
return reinterpret_cast<void*>(InfoPtr);
// Predicates to identify the selector type.
bool isKeywordSelector() const {
return getIdentifierInfoFlag() != ZeroArg;
bool isUnarySelector() const {
return getIdentifierInfoFlag() == ZeroArg;
unsigned getNumArgs() const;
IdentifierInfo *getIdentifierInfoForSlot(unsigned argIndex) const;
/// getName - Derive the full selector name (e.g. "foo:bar:") and return it.
std::string getName() const;
static Selector getEmptyMarker() {
return Selector(uintptr_t(-1));
static Selector getTombstoneMarker() {
return Selector(uintptr_t(-2));
// Emit - Emit a selector to bitcode.
void Emit(llvm::Serializer& S) const;
// ReadVal - Read a selector from bitcode.
static Selector ReadVal(llvm::Deserializer& D);
/// SelectorTable - This table allows us to fully hide how we implement
/// multi-keyword caching.
class SelectorTable {
void *Impl; // Actually a FoldingSet<MultiKeywordSelector>*
SelectorTable(const SelectorTable&); // DISABLED: DO NOT IMPLEMENT
void operator=(const SelectorTable&); // DISABLED: DO NOT IMPLEMENT
/// getSelector - This can create any sort of selector. NumArgs indicates
/// whether this is a no argument selector "foo", a single argument selector
/// "foo:" or multi-argument "foo:bar:".
Selector getSelector(unsigned NumArgs, IdentifierInfo **IIV);
Selector getUnarySelector(IdentifierInfo *ID) {
return Selector(ID, 1);
Selector getNullarySelector(IdentifierInfo *ID) {
return Selector(ID, 0);
// Emit - Emit a SelectorTable to bitcode.
void Emit(llvm::Serializer& S) const;
// Create - Reconstitute a SelectorTable from bitcode.
static SelectorTable* CreateAndRegister(llvm::Deserializer& D);
} // end namespace clang
/// Define DenseMapInfo so that Selectors can be used as keys in DenseMap and
/// DenseSets.
namespace llvm {
template <>
struct DenseMapInfo<clang::Selector> {
static inline clang::Selector getEmptyKey() {
return clang::Selector::getEmptyMarker();
static inline clang::Selector getTombstoneKey() {
return clang::Selector::getTombstoneMarker();
static unsigned getHashValue(clang::Selector S);
static bool isEqual(clang::Selector LHS, clang::Selector RHS) {
return LHS == RHS;
static bool isPod() { return true; }
} // end namespace llvm