Updated to Clang 3.5a.

Change-Id: I8127eb568f674c2e72635b639a3295381fe8af82
diff --git a/docs/LanguageExtensions.rst b/docs/LanguageExtensions.rst
index 7a4b31e..392e679 100644
--- a/docs/LanguageExtensions.rst
+++ b/docs/LanguageExtensions.rst
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
-   AutomaticReferenceCounting   
+   AutomaticReferenceCounting
@@ -113,8 +113,8 @@
 This function-like macro takes a single identifier argument that is the name of
-an attribute.  It evaluates to 1 if the attribute is supported or 0 if not.  It
-can be used like this:
+an attribute.  It evaluates to 1 if the attribute is supported by the current
+compilation target, or 0 if not.  It can be used like this:
 .. code-block:: c++
@@ -134,6 +134,7 @@
 (double underscore) to avoid interference from a macro with the same name.  For
 instance, ``__always_inline__`` can be used instead of ``always_inline``.
 Include File Checking Macros
@@ -425,103 +426,6 @@
 framework search path.  For consistency, we recommend that such files never be
 included in installed versions of the framework.
-Availability attribute
-Clang introduces the ``availability`` attribute, which can be placed on
-declarations to describe the lifecycle of that declaration relative to
-operating system versions.  Consider the function declaration for a
-hypothetical function ``f``:
-.. code-block:: c++
-  void f(void) __attribute__((availability(macosx,introduced=10.4,deprecated=10.6,obsoleted=10.7)));
-The availability attribute states that ``f`` was introduced in Mac OS X 10.4,
-deprecated in Mac OS X 10.6, and obsoleted in Mac OS X 10.7.  This information
-is used by Clang to determine when it is safe to use ``f``: for example, if
-Clang is instructed to compile code for Mac OS X 10.5, a call to ``f()``
-succeeds.  If Clang is instructed to compile code for Mac OS X 10.6, the call
-succeeds but Clang emits a warning specifying that the function is deprecated.
-Finally, if Clang is instructed to compile code for Mac OS X 10.7, the call
-fails because ``f()`` is no longer available.
-The availability attribute is a comma-separated list starting with the
-platform name and then including clauses specifying important milestones in the
-declaration's lifetime (in any order) along with additional information.  Those
-clauses can be:
-introduced=\ *version*
-  The first version in which this declaration was introduced.
-deprecated=\ *version*
-  The first version in which this declaration was deprecated, meaning that
-  users should migrate away from this API.
-obsoleted=\ *version*
-  The first version in which this declaration was obsoleted, meaning that it
-  was removed completely and can no longer be used.
-  This declaration is never available on this platform.
-message=\ *string-literal*
-  Additional message text that Clang will provide when emitting a warning or
-  error about use of a deprecated or obsoleted declaration.  Useful to direct
-  users to replacement APIs.
-Multiple availability attributes can be placed on a declaration, which may
-correspond to different platforms.  Only the availability attribute with the
-platform corresponding to the target platform will be used; any others will be
-ignored.  If no availability attribute specifies availability for the current
-target platform, the availability attributes are ignored.  Supported platforms
-  Apple's iOS operating system.  The minimum deployment target is specified by
-  the ``-mios-version-min=*version*`` or ``-miphoneos-version-min=*version*``
-  command-line arguments.
-  Apple's Mac OS X operating system.  The minimum deployment target is
-  specified by the ``-mmacosx-version-min=*version*`` command-line argument.
-A declaration can be used even when deploying back to a platform version prior
-to when the declaration was introduced.  When this happens, the declaration is
-`weakly linked
-as if the ``weak_import`` attribute were added to the declaration.  A
-weakly-linked declaration may or may not be present a run-time, and a program
-can determine whether the declaration is present by checking whether the
-address of that declaration is non-NULL.
-If there are multiple declarations of the same entity, the availability
-attributes must either match on a per-platform basis or later
-declarations must not have availability attributes for that
-platform. For example:
-.. code-block:: c
-  void g(void) __attribute__((availability(macosx,introduced=10.4)));
-  void g(void) __attribute__((availability(macosx,introduced=10.4))); // okay, matches
-  void g(void) __attribute__((availability(ios,introduced=4.0))); // okay, adds a new platform
-  void g(void); // okay, inherits both macosx and ios availability from above.
-  void g(void) __attribute__((availability(macosx,introduced=10.5))); // error: mismatch
-When one method overrides another, the overriding method can be more widely available than the overridden method, e.g.,:
-.. code-block:: objc
-  @interface A
-  - (id)method __attribute__((availability(macosx,introduced=10.4)));
-  - (id)method2 __attribute__((availability(macosx,introduced=10.4)));
-  @end
-  @interface B : A
-  - (id)method __attribute__((availability(macosx,introduced=10.3))); // okay: method moved into base class later
-  - (id)method __attribute__((availability(macosx,introduced=10.5))); // error: this method was available via the base class in 10.4
-  @end
 Checks for Standard Language Features
@@ -830,7 +734,6 @@
 ``__has_extension(cxx_init_capture)`` to determine if support for
 lambda captures with explicit initializers is enabled
 (for instance, ``[n(0)] { return ++n; }``).
-Clang does not yet support this feature.
 C++1y generic lambdas
@@ -839,7 +742,6 @@
 ``__has_extension(cxx_generic_lambda)`` to determine if support for generic
 (polymorphic) lambdas is enabled
 (for instance, ``[] (auto x) { return x + 1; }``).
-Clang does not yet support this feature.
 C++1y relaxed constexpr
@@ -872,7 +774,6 @@
 Use ``__has_feature(cxx_variable_templates)`` or
 ``__has_extension(cxx_variable_templates)`` to determine if support for
 templated variable declarations is enabled.
-Clang does not yet support this feature.
@@ -924,15 +825,33 @@
 Use ``__has_feature(c_thread_local)`` or ``__has_extension(c_thread_local)``
 to determine if support for ``_Thread_local`` variables is enabled.
-Checks for Type Traits
+Checks for Type Trait Primitives
+Type trait primitives are special builtin constant expressions that can be used
+by the standard C++ library to facilitate or simplify the implementation of
+user-facing type traits in the <type_traits> header.
+They are not intended to be used directly by user code because they are
+implementation-defined and subject to change -- as such they're tied closely to
+the supported set of system headers, currently:
+* LLVM's own libc++
+* GNU libstdc++
+* The Microsoft standard C++ library
 Clang supports the `GNU C++ type traits
 <http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Type-Traits.html>`_ and a subset of the
 `Microsoft Visual C++ Type traits
-<http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms177194(v=VS.100).aspx>`_.  For each
-supported type trait ``__X``, ``__has_extension(X)`` indicates the presence of
-the type trait.  For example:
+Feature detection is supported only for some of the primitives at present. User
+code should not use these checks because they bear no direct relation to the
+actual set of type traits supported by the C++ standard library.
+For type trait ``__X``, ``__has_extension(X)`` indicates the presence of the
+type trait primitive in the compiler. A simplistic usage example as might be
+seen in standard C++ headers follows:
 .. code-block:: c++
@@ -942,10 +861,10 @@
     static const bool value = __is_convertible_to(From, To);
-  // Emulate type trait
+  // Emulate type trait for compatibility with other compilers.
-The following type traits are supported by Clang:
+The following type trait primitives are supported by Clang:
 * ``__has_nothrow_assign`` (GNU, Microsoft)
 * ``__has_nothrow_copy`` (GNU, Microsoft)
@@ -980,6 +899,11 @@
   ``argtypes...`` such that no non-trivial functions are called as part of
   that initialization.  This trait is required to implement the C++11 standard
+* ``__is_destructible`` (MSVC 2013): partially implemented
+* ``__is_nothrow_destructible`` (MSVC 2013): partially implemented
+* ``__is_nothrow_assignable`` (MSVC 2013, clang)
+* ``__is_constructible`` (MSVC 2013, clang)
+* ``__is_nothrow_constructible`` (MSVC 2013, clang)
@@ -1174,77 +1098,6 @@
 ``__has_feature(objc_default_synthesize_properties)`` checks for availability
 of this feature in version of clang being used.
-.. _langext-objc_method_family:
-Objective-C requiring a call to ``super`` in an override
-Some Objective-C classes allow a subclass to override a particular method in a
-parent class but expect that the overriding method also calls the overridden
-method in the parent class. For these cases, we provide an attribute to
-designate that a method requires a "call to ``super``" in the overriding
-method in the subclass.
-**Usage**: ``__attribute__((objc_requires_super))``.  This attribute can only
-be placed at the end of a method declaration:
-.. code-block:: objc
-  - (void)foo __attribute__((objc_requires_super));
-This attribute can only be applied the method declarations within a class, and
-not a protocol.  Currently this attribute does not enforce any placement of
-where the call occurs in the overriding method (such as in the case of
-``-dealloc`` where the call must appear at the end).  It checks only that it
-Note that on both OS X and iOS that the Foundation framework provides a
-convenience macro ``NS_REQUIRES_SUPER`` that provides syntactic sugar for this
-.. code-block:: objc
-  - (void)foo NS_REQUIRES_SUPER;
-This macro is conditionally defined depending on the compiler's support for
-this attribute.  If the compiler does not support the attribute the macro
-expands to nothing.
-Operationally, when a method has this annotation the compiler will warn if the
-implementation of an override in a subclass does not call super.  For example:
-.. code-block:: objc
-   warning: method possibly missing a [super AnnotMeth] call
-   - (void) AnnotMeth{};
-                      ^
-Objective-C Method Families
-Many methods in Objective-C have conventional meanings determined by their
-selectors. It is sometimes useful to be able to mark a method as having a
-particular conventional meaning despite not having the right selector, or as
-not having the conventional meaning that its selector would suggest. For these
-use cases, we provide an attribute to specifically describe the "method family"
-that a method belongs to.
-**Usage**: ``__attribute__((objc_method_family(X)))``, where ``X`` is one of
-``none``, ``alloc``, ``copy``, ``init``, ``mutableCopy``, or ``new``.  This
-attribute can only be placed at the end of a method declaration:
-.. code-block:: objc
-  - (NSString *)initMyStringValue __attribute__((objc_method_family(none)));
-Users who do not wish to change the conventional meaning of a method, and who
-merely want to document its non-standard retain and release semantics, should
-use the :ref:`retaining behavior attributes <langext-objc-retain-release>`
-described below.
-Query for this feature with ``__has_attribute(objc_method_family)``.
 .. _langext-objc-retain-release:
 Objective-C retaining behavior attributes
@@ -1257,8 +1110,7 @@
 return values. However, there are exceptions, and so Clang provides attributes
 to allow these exceptions to be documented. This are used by ARC and the
 `static analyzer <http://clang-analyzer.llvm.org>`_ Some exceptions may be
-better described using the :ref:`objc_method_family
-<langext-objc_method_family>` attribute instead.
+better described using the ``objc_method_family`` attribute instead.
 **Usage**: The ``ns_returns_retained``, ``ns_returns_not_retained``,
 ``ns_returns_autoreleased``, ``cf_returns_retained``, and
@@ -1315,87 +1167,7 @@
 Query the presence of this new mangling with
-Function Overloading in C
-Clang provides support for C++ function overloading in C.  Function overloading
-in C is introduced using the ``overloadable`` attribute.  For example, one
-might provide several overloaded versions of a ``tgsin`` function that invokes
-the appropriate standard function computing the sine of a value with ``float``,
-``double``, or ``long double`` precision:
-.. code-block:: c
-  #include <math.h>
-  float __attribute__((overloadable)) tgsin(float x) { return sinf(x); }
-  double __attribute__((overloadable)) tgsin(double x) { return sin(x); }
-  long double __attribute__((overloadable)) tgsin(long double x) { return sinl(x); }
-Given these declarations, one can call ``tgsin`` with a ``float`` value to
-receive a ``float`` result, with a ``double`` to receive a ``double`` result,
-etc.  Function overloading in C follows the rules of C++ function overloading
-to pick the best overload given the call arguments, with a few C-specific
-* Conversion from ``float`` or ``double`` to ``long double`` is ranked as a
-  floating-point promotion (per C99) rather than as a floating-point conversion
-  (as in C++).
-* A conversion from a pointer of type ``T*`` to a pointer of type ``U*`` is
-  considered a pointer conversion (with conversion rank) if ``T`` and ``U`` are
-  compatible types.
-* A conversion from type ``T`` to a value of type ``U`` is permitted if ``T``
-  and ``U`` are compatible types.  This conversion is given "conversion" rank.
-The declaration of ``overloadable`` functions is restricted to function
-declarations and definitions.  Most importantly, if any function with a given
-name is given the ``overloadable`` attribute, then all function declarations
-and definitions with that name (and in that scope) must have the
-``overloadable`` attribute.  This rule even applies to redeclarations of
-functions whose original declaration had the ``overloadable`` attribute, e.g.,
-.. code-block:: c
-  int f(int) __attribute__((overloadable));
-  float f(float); // error: declaration of "f" must have the "overloadable" attribute
-  int g(int) __attribute__((overloadable));
-  int g(int) { } // error: redeclaration of "g" must also have the "overloadable" attribute
-Functions marked ``overloadable`` must have prototypes.  Therefore, the
-following code is ill-formed:
-.. code-block:: c
-  int h() __attribute__((overloadable)); // error: h does not have a prototype
-However, ``overloadable`` functions are allowed to use a ellipsis even if there
-are no named parameters (as is permitted in C++).  This feature is particularly
-useful when combined with the ``unavailable`` attribute:
-.. code-block:: c++
-  void honeypot(...) __attribute__((overloadable, unavailable)); // calling me is an error
-Functions declared with the ``overloadable`` attribute have their names mangled
-according to the same rules as C++ function names.  For example, the three
-``tgsin`` functions in our motivating example get the mangled names
-``_Z5tgsinf``, ``_Z5tgsind``, and ``_Z5tgsine``, respectively.  There are two
-caveats to this use of name mangling:
-* Future versions of Clang may change the name mangling of functions overloaded
-  in C, so you should not depend on an specific mangling.  To be completely
-  safe, we strongly urge the use of ``static inline`` with ``overloadable``
-  functions.
-* The ``overloadable`` attribute has almost no meaning when used in C++,
-  because names will already be mangled and functions are already overloadable.
-  However, when an ``overloadable`` function occurs within an ``extern "C"``
-  linkage specification, it's name *will* be mangled in the same way as it
-  would in C.
-Query for this feature with ``__has_extension(attribute_overloadable)``.
+.. _langext-overloading:
 Initializer lists for complex numbers in C
@@ -1774,7 +1546,7 @@
   void __builtin_arm_clrex(void);
 The types ``T`` currently supported are:
-* Integer types with width at most 64 bits.
+* Integer types with width at most 64 bits (or 128 bits on ARM64).
 * Floating-point types
 * Pointer types.
@@ -1798,55 +1570,7 @@
 Clang's non-standard C++11 attributes live in the ``clang`` attribute
-The ``clang::fallthrough`` attribute
-The ``clang::fallthrough`` attribute is used along with the
-``-Wimplicit-fallthrough`` argument to annotate intentional fall-through
-between switch labels.  It can only be applied to a null statement placed at a
-point of execution between any statement and the next switch label.  It is
-common to mark these places with a specific comment, but this attribute is
-meant to replace comments with a more strict annotation, which can be checked
-by the compiler.  This attribute doesn't change semantics of the code and can
-be used wherever an intended fall-through occurs.  It is designed to mimic
-control-flow statements like ``break;``, so it can be placed in most places
-where ``break;`` can, but only if there are no statements on the execution path
-between it and the next switch label.
-Here is an example:
-.. code-block:: c++
-  // compile with -Wimplicit-fallthrough
-  switch (n) {
-  case 22:
-  case 33:  // no warning: no statements between case labels
-    f();
-  case 44:  // warning: unannotated fall-through
-    g();
-    [[clang::fallthrough]];
-  case 55:  // no warning
-    if (x) {
-      h();
-      break;
-    }
-    else {
-      i();
-      [[clang::fallthrough]];
-    }
-  case 66:  // no warning
-    p();
-    [[clang::fallthrough]]; // warning: fallthrough annotation does not
-                            //          directly precede case label
-    q();
-  case 77:  // warning: unannotated fall-through
-    r();
-  }
-``gnu::`` attributes
-Clang also supports GCC's ``gnu`` attribute namespace. All GCC attributes which
+Clang supports GCC's ``gnu`` attribute namespace. All GCC attributes which
 are accepted with the ``__attribute__((foo))`` syntax are also accepted as
 ``[[gnu::foo]]``. This only extends to attributes which are specified by GCC
 (see the list of `GCC function attributes
@@ -1902,48 +1626,6 @@
           movl    %gs:(%eax), %eax
-ARM Language Extensions
-Interrupt attribute
-Clang supports the GNU style ``__attribute__((interrupt("TYPE")))`` attribute on
-ARM targets. This attribute may be attached to a function definition and
-instructs the backend to generate appropriate function entry/exit code so that
-it can be used directly as an interrupt service routine.
- The parameter passed to the interrupt attribute is optional, but if
-provided it must be a string literal with one of the following values: "IRQ",
-"FIQ", "SWI", "ABORT", "UNDEF".
-The semantics are as follows:
-- If the function is AAPCS, Clang instructs the backend to realign the stack to
-  8 bytes on entry. This is a general requirement of the AAPCS at public
-  interfaces, but may not hold when an exception is taken. Doing this allows
-  other AAPCS functions to be called.
-- If the CPU is M-class this is all that needs to be done since the architecture
-  itself is designed in such a way that functions obeying the normal AAPCS ABI
-  constraints are valid exception handlers.
-- If the CPU is not M-class, the prologue and epilogue are modified to save all
-  non-banked registers that are used, so that upon return the user-mode state
-  will not be corrupted. Note that to avoid unnecessary overhead, only
-  general-purpose (integer) registers are saved in this way. If VFP operations
-  are needed, that state must be saved manually.
-  Specifically, interrupt kinds other than "FIQ" will save all core registers
-  except "lr" and "sp". "FIQ" interrupts will save r0-r7.
-- If the CPU is not M-class, the return instruction is changed to one of the
-  canonical sequences permitted by the architecture for exception return. Where
-  possible the function itself will make the necessary "lr" adjustments so that
-  the "preferred return address" is selected.
-  Unfortunately the compiler is unable to make this guarantee for an "UNDEF"
-  handler, where the offset from "lr" to the preferred return address depends on
-  the execution state of the code which generated the exception. In this case
-  a sequence equivalent to "movs pc, lr" will be used.
 Extensions for Static Analysis
@@ -1957,450 +1639,11 @@
 Extensions for Dynamic Analysis
-.. _langext-address_sanitizer:
 Use ``__has_feature(address_sanitizer)`` to check if the code is being built
 with :doc:`AddressSanitizer`.
-Use ``__attribute__((no_sanitize_address))``
-on a function declaration
-to specify that address safety instrumentation (e.g. AddressSanitizer) should
-not be applied to that function.
-.. _langext-thread_sanitizer:
 Use ``__has_feature(thread_sanitizer)`` to check if the code is being built
 with :doc:`ThreadSanitizer`.
-Use ``__attribute__((no_sanitize_thread))`` on a function declaration
-to specify that checks for data races on plain (non-atomic) memory accesses
-should not be inserted by ThreadSanitizer.
-The function is still instrumented by the tool to avoid false positives and
-provide meaningful stack traces.
-.. _langext-memory_sanitizer:
 Use ``__has_feature(memory_sanitizer)`` to check if the code is being built
 with :doc:`MemorySanitizer`.
-Use ``__attribute__((no_sanitize_memory))`` on a function declaration
-to specify that checks for uninitialized memory should not be inserted 
-(e.g. by MemorySanitizer). The function may still be instrumented by the tool
-to avoid false positives in other places.
-Thread-Safety Annotation Checking
-Clang supports additional attributes for checking basic locking policies in
-multithreaded programs.  Clang currently parses the following list of
-attributes, although **the implementation for these annotations is currently in
-development.** For more details, see the `GCC implementation
-Use ``__attribute__((no_thread_safety_analysis))`` on a function declaration to
-specify that the thread safety analysis should not be run on that function.
-This attribute provides an escape hatch (e.g. for situations when it is
-difficult to annotate the locking policy).
-Use ``__attribute__((lockable))`` on a class definition to specify that it has
-a lockable type (e.g. a Mutex class).  This annotation is primarily used to
-check consistency.
-Use ``__attribute__((scoped_lockable))`` on a class definition to specify that
-it has a "scoped" lockable type.  Objects of this type will acquire the lock
-upon construction and release it upon going out of scope.  This annotation is
-primarily used to check consistency.
-Use ``__attribute__((guarded_var))`` on a variable declaration to specify that
-the variable must be accessed while holding some lock.
-Use ``__attribute__((pt_guarded_var))`` on a pointer declaration to specify
-that the pointer must be dereferenced while holding some lock.
-Use ``__attribute__((guarded_by(l)))`` on a variable declaration to specify
-that the variable must be accessed while holding lock ``l``.
-Use ``__attribute__((pt_guarded_by(l)))`` on a pointer declaration to specify
-that the pointer must be dereferenced while holding lock ``l``.
-Use ``__attribute__((acquired_before(...)))`` on a declaration of a lockable
-variable to specify that the lock must be acquired before all attribute
-arguments.  Arguments must be lockable type, and there must be at least one
-Use ``__attribute__((acquired_after(...)))`` on a declaration of a lockable
-variable to specify that the lock must be acquired after all attribute
-arguments.  Arguments must be lockable type, and there must be at least one
-Use ``__attribute__((exclusive_lock_function(...)))`` on a function declaration
-to specify that the function acquires all listed locks exclusively.  This
-attribute takes zero or more arguments: either of lockable type or integers
-indexing into function parameters of lockable type.  If no arguments are given,
-the acquired lock is implicitly ``this`` of the enclosing object.
-Use ``__attribute__((shared_lock_function(...)))`` on a function declaration to
-specify that the function acquires all listed locks, although the locks may be
-shared (e.g. read locks).  This attribute takes zero or more arguments: either
-of lockable type or integers indexing into function parameters of lockable
-type.  If no arguments are given, the acquired lock is implicitly ``this`` of
-the enclosing object.
-Use ``__attribute__((exclusive_lock_function(...)))`` on a function declaration
-to specify that the function will try (without blocking) to acquire all listed
-locks exclusively.  This attribute takes one or more arguments.  The first
-argument is an integer or boolean value specifying the return value of a
-successful lock acquisition.  The remaining arugments are either of lockable
-type or integers indexing into function parameters of lockable type.  If only
-one argument is given, the acquired lock is implicitly ``this`` of the
-enclosing object.
-Use ``__attribute__((shared_lock_function(...)))`` on a function declaration to
-specify that the function will try (without blocking) to acquire all listed
-locks, although the locks may be shared (e.g. read locks).  This attribute
-takes one or more arguments.  The first argument is an integer or boolean value
-specifying the return value of a successful lock acquisition.  The remaining
-arugments are either of lockable type or integers indexing into function
-parameters of lockable type.  If only one argument is given, the acquired lock
-is implicitly ``this`` of the enclosing object.
-Use ``__attribute__((unlock_function(...)))`` on a function declaration to
-specify that the function release all listed locks.  This attribute takes zero
-or more arguments: either of lockable type or integers indexing into function
-parameters of lockable type.  If no arguments are given, the acquired lock is
-implicitly ``this`` of the enclosing object.
-Use ``__attribute__((lock_returned(l)))`` on a function declaration to specify
-that the function returns lock ``l`` (``l`` must be of lockable type).  This
-annotation is used to aid in resolving lock expressions.
-Use ``__attribute__((locks_excluded(...)))`` on a function declaration to
-specify that the function must not be called with the listed locks.  Arguments
-must be lockable type, and there must be at least one argument.
-Use ``__attribute__((exclusive_locks_required(...)))`` on a function
-declaration to specify that the function must be called while holding the
-listed exclusive locks.  Arguments must be lockable type, and there must be at
-least one argument.
-Use ``__attribute__((shared_locks_required(...)))`` on a function declaration
-to specify that the function must be called while holding the listed shared
-locks.  Arguments must be lockable type, and there must be at least one
-Consumed Annotation Checking
-Clang supports additional attributes for checking basic resource management
-properties, specifically for unique objects that have a single owning reference.
-The following attributes are currently supported, although **the implementation
-for these annotations is currently in development and are subject to change.**
-Each class that uses any of the following annotations must first be marked
-using the consumable attribute.  Failure to do so will result in a warning.
-Annotate methods that transition an object into a new state with
-``__attribute__((set_typestate(new_state)))``.  The new new state must be
-unconsumed, consumed, or unknown.
-Use ``__attribute__((callable_when(...)))`` to indicate what states a method
-may be called in.  Valid states are unconsumed, consumed, or unknown.  Each
-argument to this attribute must be a quoted string.  E.g.:
-``__attribute__((callable_when("unconsumed", "unknown")))``
-Use ``__attribute__((tests_typestate(tested_state)))`` to indicate that a method
-returns true if the object is in the specified state..
-This attribute specifies expectations about function parameters.  Calls to an
-function with annotated parameters will issue a warning if the corresponding
-argument isn't in the expected state.  The attribute is also used to set the
-initial state of the parameter when analyzing the function's body.
-The ``return_typestate`` attribute can be applied to functions or parameters.
-When applied to a function the attribute specifies the state of the returned
-value.  The function's body is checked to ensure that it always returns a value
-in the specified state.  On the caller side, values returned by the annotated
-function are initialized to the given state.
-If the attribute is applied to a function parameter it modifies the state of
-an argument after a call to the function returns.  The function's body is
-checked to ensure that the parameter is in the expected state before returning. 
-Type Safety Checking
-Clang supports additional attributes to enable checking type safety properties
-that can't be enforced by the C type system.  Use cases include:
-* MPI library implementations, where these attributes enable checking that
-  the buffer type matches the passed ``MPI_Datatype``;
-* for HDF5 library there is a similar use case to MPI;
-* checking types of variadic functions' arguments for functions like
-  ``fcntl()`` and ``ioctl()``.
-You can detect support for these attributes with ``__has_attribute()``.  For
-.. code-block:: c++
-  #if defined(__has_attribute)
-  #  if __has_attribute(argument_with_type_tag) && \
-        __has_attribute(pointer_with_type_tag) && \
-        __has_attribute(type_tag_for_datatype)
-  #    define ATTR_MPI_PWT(buffer_idx, type_idx) __attribute__((pointer_with_type_tag(mpi,buffer_idx,type_idx)))
-  /* ... other macros ...  */
-  #  endif
-  #endif
-  #if !defined(ATTR_MPI_PWT)
-  # define ATTR_MPI_PWT(buffer_idx, type_idx)
-  #endif
-  int MPI_Send(void *buf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype /*, other args omitted */)
-      ATTR_MPI_PWT(1,3);
-Use ``__attribute__((argument_with_type_tag(arg_kind, arg_idx,
-type_tag_idx)))`` on a function declaration to specify that the function
-accepts a type tag that determines the type of some other argument.
-``arg_kind`` is an identifier that should be used when annotating all
-applicable type tags.
-This attribute is primarily useful for checking arguments of variadic functions
-(``pointer_with_type_tag`` can be used in most non-variadic cases).
-For example:
-.. code-block:: c++
-  int fcntl(int fd, int cmd, ...)
-      __attribute__(( argument_with_type_tag(fcntl,3,2) ));
-Use ``__attribute__((pointer_with_type_tag(ptr_kind, ptr_idx, type_tag_idx)))``
-on a function declaration to specify that the function accepts a type tag that
-determines the pointee type of some other pointer argument.
-For example:
-.. code-block:: c++
-  int MPI_Send(void *buf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype /*, other args omitted */)
-      __attribute__(( pointer_with_type_tag(mpi,1,3) ));
-Clang supports annotating type tags of two forms.
-* **Type tag that is an expression containing a reference to some declared
-  identifier.** Use ``__attribute__((type_tag_for_datatype(kind, type)))`` on a
-  declaration with that identifier:
-  .. code-block:: c++
-    extern struct mpi_datatype mpi_datatype_int
-        __attribute__(( type_tag_for_datatype(mpi,int) ));
-    #define MPI_INT ((MPI_Datatype) &mpi_datatype_int)
-* **Type tag that is an integral literal.** Introduce a ``static const``
-  variable with a corresponding initializer value and attach
-  ``__attribute__((type_tag_for_datatype(kind, type)))`` on that declaration,
-  for example:
-  .. code-block:: c++
-    #define MPI_INT ((MPI_Datatype) 42)
-    static const MPI_Datatype mpi_datatype_int
-        __attribute__(( type_tag_for_datatype(mpi,int) )) = 42
-The attribute also accepts an optional third argument that determines how the
-expression is compared to the type tag.  There are two supported flags:
-* ``layout_compatible`` will cause types to be compared according to
-  layout-compatibility rules (C++11 [class.mem] p 17, 18).  This is
-  implemented to support annotating types like ``MPI_DOUBLE_INT``.
-  For example:
-  .. code-block:: c++
-    /* In mpi.h */
-    struct internal_mpi_double_int { double d; int i; };
-    extern struct mpi_datatype mpi_datatype_double_int
-        __attribute__(( type_tag_for_datatype(mpi, struct internal_mpi_double_int, layout_compatible) ));
-    #define MPI_DOUBLE_INT ((MPI_Datatype) &mpi_datatype_double_int)
-    /* In user code */
-    struct my_pair { double a; int b; };
-    struct my_pair *buffer;
-    MPI_Send(buffer, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_INT /*, ...  */); // no warning
-    struct my_int_pair { int a; int b; }
-    struct my_int_pair *buffer2;
-    MPI_Send(buffer2, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_INT /*, ...  */); // warning: actual buffer element
-                                                      // type 'struct my_int_pair'
-                                                      // doesn't match specified MPI_Datatype
-* ``must_be_null`` specifies that the expression should be a null pointer
-  constant, for example:
-  .. code-block:: c++
-    /* In mpi.h */
-    extern struct mpi_datatype mpi_datatype_null
-        __attribute__(( type_tag_for_datatype(mpi, void, must_be_null) ));
-    #define MPI_DATATYPE_NULL ((MPI_Datatype) &mpi_datatype_null)
-    /* In user code */
-    MPI_Send(buffer, 1, MPI_DATATYPE_NULL /*, ...  */); // warning: MPI_DATATYPE_NULL
-                                                        // was specified but buffer
-                                                        // is not a null pointer
-Format String Checking
-Clang supports the ``format`` attribute, which indicates that the function
-accepts a ``printf`` or ``scanf``-like format string and corresponding
-arguments or a ``va_list`` that contains these arguments.
-Please see `GCC documentation about format attribute
-<http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Function-Attributes.html>`_ to find details
-about attribute syntax.
-Clang implements two kinds of checks with this attribute.
-#. Clang checks that the function with the ``format`` attribute is called with
-   a format string that uses format specifiers that are allowed, and that
-   arguments match the format string.  This is the ``-Wformat`` warning, it is
-   on by default.
-#. Clang checks that the format string argument is a literal string.  This is
-   the ``-Wformat-nonliteral`` warning, it is off by default.
-   Clang implements this mostly the same way as GCC, but there is a difference
-   for functions that accept a ``va_list`` argument (for example, ``vprintf``).
-   GCC does not emit ``-Wformat-nonliteral`` warning for calls to such
-   fuctions.  Clang does not warn if the format string comes from a function
-   parameter, where the function is annotated with a compatible attribute,
-   otherwise it warns.  For example:
-   .. code-block:: c
-     __attribute__((__format__ (__scanf__, 1, 3)))
-     void foo(const char* s, char *buf, ...) {
-       va_list ap;
-       va_start(ap, buf);
-       vprintf(s, ap); // warning: format string is not a string literal
-     }
-   In this case we warn because ``s`` contains a format string for a
-   ``scanf``-like function, but it is passed to a ``printf``-like function.
-   If the attribute is removed, clang still warns, because the format string is
-   not a string literal.
-   Another example:
-   .. code-block:: c
-     __attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, 1, 3)))
-     void foo(const char* s, char *buf, ...) {
-       va_list ap;
-       va_start(ap, buf);
-       vprintf(s, ap); // warning
-     }
-   In this case Clang does not warn because the format string ``s`` and
-   the corresponding arguments are annotated.  If the arguments are
-   incorrect, the caller of ``foo`` will receive a warning.