Update Clang for rebase to r212749.

This also fixes a small issue with arm_neon.h not being generated always.

Includes a cherry-pick of:
r213450 - fixes mac-specific header issue
r213126 - removes a default -Bsymbolic on Android

Change-Id: I2a790a0f5d3b2aab11de596fc3a74e7cbc99081d
diff --git a/test/SemaCXX/new-delete-cxx0x.cpp b/test/SemaCXX/new-delete-cxx0x.cpp
index c404fab..899cb4c 100644
--- a/test/SemaCXX/new-delete-cxx0x.cpp
+++ b/test/SemaCXX/new-delete-cxx0x.cpp
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
 void ugly_news(int *ip) {
   // These are ill-formed according to one reading of C++98, and at the least
-  // have undefined behavior. But they're well-formed, and defined to throw
-  // std::bad_array_new_length, in C++11.
+  // have undefined behavior.
+  // FIXME: They're ill-formed in C++11.
   (void)new int[-1]; // expected-warning {{array size is negative}}
   (void)new int[2000000000]; // expected-warning {{array is too large}}
@@ -22,5 +22,12 @@
 void fn() {
   (void) new int[2] {1, 2};
   (void) new S[2] {1, 2};
-  (void) new T[2] {1, 2}; // expected-error {{no matching constructor}}
+  // C++11 [expr.new]p19:
+  //   If the new-expression creates an object or an array of objects of class
+  //   type, access and ambiguity control are done for the allocation function,
+  //   the deallocation function (12.5), and the constructor (12.1).
+  //
+  // Note that this happens even if the array bound is constant and the
+  // initializer initializes every array element.
+  (void) new T[2] {1, 2}; // expected-error {{no matching constructor}} expected-note {{in implicit initialization of array element 2}}