blob: d7734dfa562953d9d4f1917cae2d67ba56e1fdbb [file] [log] [blame]
@protocol SUPER;
@interface SUPER <SUPER> @end // expected-error {{cannot find protocol definition for 'SUPER', referenced by 'SUPER'}}
typedef int INTF; // expected-error {{previou sdefinition is here}}
@interface INTF @end // expected-error {{redefinition of 'INTF' as different kind of symbol}}
@interface OBJECT @end
@interface INTF1 : OBJECT @end
@interface INTF1 : OBJECT @end // expected-error {{duplicate interface declaration for class 'INTF1'}
typedef int OBJECT; // expected-error {{previous definition is here}}
@interface INTF2 : OBJECT @end // expected-error {{redefinition of 'OBJECT' as different kind of symbol}}
@protocol PROTO;
@interface INTF3 : PROTO @end // expected-error {{cannot find interface declaration for 'PROTO', superclass of 'INTF3'}}