blob: ec63ff3d035e6aa6fdcf35a02ffcb6909807e8bc [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- PPCallbacks.h - Callbacks for Preprocessor actions -----*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
/// \file
/// \brief Defines the PPCallbacks interface.
#include "clang/Lex/DirectoryLookup.h"
#include "clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h"
#include "clang/Basic/DiagnosticIDs.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include <string>
namespace clang {
class SourceLocation;
class Token;
class IdentifierInfo;
class MacroInfo;
/// \brief This interface provides a way to observe the actions of the
/// preprocessor as it does its thing.
/// Clients can define their hooks here to implement preprocessor level tools.
class PPCallbacks {
virtual ~PPCallbacks();
enum FileChangeReason {
EnterFile, ExitFile, SystemHeaderPragma, RenameFile
/// \brief Callback invoked whenever a source file is entered or exited.
/// \param Loc Indicates the new location.
/// \param PrevFID the file that was exited if \p Reason is ExitFile.
virtual void FileChanged(SourceLocation Loc, FileChangeReason Reason,
SrcMgr::CharacteristicKind FileType,
FileID PrevFID = FileID()) {
/// \brief Callback invoked whenever a source file is skipped as the result
/// of header guard optimization.
/// \param ParentFile The file that \#included the skipped file.
/// \param FilenameTok The token in ParentFile that indicates the
/// skipped file.
virtual void FileSkipped(const FileEntry &ParentFile,
const Token &FilenameTok,
SrcMgr::CharacteristicKind FileType) {
/// \brief Callback invoked whenever an inclusion directive results in a
/// file-not-found error.
/// \param FileName The name of the file being included, as written in the
/// source code.
/// \param RecoveryPath If this client indicates that it can recover from
/// this missing file, the client should set this as an additional header
/// search patch.
/// \returns true to indicate that the preprocessor should attempt to recover
/// by adding \p RecoveryPath as a header search path.
virtual bool FileNotFound(StringRef FileName,
SmallVectorImpl<char> &RecoveryPath) {
return false;
/// \brief Callback invoked whenever an inclusion directive of
/// any kind (\c \#include, \c \#import, etc.) has been processed, regardless
/// of whether the inclusion will actually result in an inclusion.
/// \param HashLoc The location of the '#' that starts the inclusion
/// directive.
/// \param IncludeTok The token that indicates the kind of inclusion
/// directive, e.g., 'include' or 'import'.
/// \param FileName The name of the file being included, as written in the
/// source code.
/// \param IsAngled Whether the file name was enclosed in angle brackets;
/// otherwise, it was enclosed in quotes.
/// \param FilenameRange The character range of the quotes or angle brackets
/// for the written file name.
/// \param File The actual file that may be included by this inclusion
/// directive.
/// \param EndLoc The location of the last token within the inclusion
/// directive.
/// \param SearchPath Contains the search path which was used to find the file
/// in the file system. If the file was found via an absolute include path,
/// SearchPath will be empty. For framework includes, the SearchPath and
/// RelativePath will be split up. For example, if an include of "Some/Some.h"
/// is found via the framework path
/// "path/to/Frameworks/Some.framework/Headers/Some.h", SearchPath will be
/// "path/to/Frameworks/Some.framework/Headers" and RelativePath will be
/// "Some.h".
/// \param RelativePath The path relative to SearchPath, at which the include
/// file was found. This is equal to FileName except for framework includes.
virtual void InclusionDirective(SourceLocation HashLoc,
const Token &IncludeTok,
StringRef FileName,
bool IsAngled,
CharSourceRange FilenameRange,
const FileEntry *File,
StringRef SearchPath,
StringRef RelativePath) {
/// \brief Callback invoked when the end of the main file is reached.
/// No subsequent callbacks will be made.
virtual void EndOfMainFile() {
/// \brief Callback invoked when a \#ident or \#sccs directive is read.
/// \param Loc The location of the directive.
/// \param str The text of the directive.
virtual void Ident(SourceLocation Loc, const std::string &str) {
/// \brief Callback invoked when a \#pragma comment directive is read.
virtual void PragmaComment(SourceLocation Loc, const IdentifierInfo *Kind,
const std::string &Str) {
/// \brief Callback invoked when a \#pragma message directive is read.
/// \param Loc The location of the message directive.
/// \param Str The text of the message directive.
virtual void PragmaMessage(SourceLocation Loc, StringRef Str) {
/// \brief Callback invoked when a \#pragma gcc dianostic push directive
/// is read.
virtual void PragmaDiagnosticPush(SourceLocation Loc,
StringRef Namespace) {
/// \brief Callback invoked when a \#pragma gcc dianostic pop directive
/// is read.
virtual void PragmaDiagnosticPop(SourceLocation Loc,
StringRef Namespace) {
/// \brief Callback invoked when a \#pragma gcc dianostic directive is read.
virtual void PragmaDiagnostic(SourceLocation Loc, StringRef Namespace,
diag::Mapping mapping, StringRef Str) {
/// \brief Called by Preprocessor::HandleMacroExpandedIdentifier when a
/// macro invocation is found.
virtual void MacroExpands(const Token &MacroNameTok, const MacroInfo* MI,
SourceRange Range) {
/// \brief Hook called whenever a macro definition is seen.
virtual void MacroDefined(const Token &MacroNameTok, const MacroInfo *MI) {
/// \brief Hook called whenever a macro \#undef is seen.
/// MI is released immediately following this callback.
virtual void MacroUndefined(const Token &MacroNameTok, const MacroInfo *MI) {
/// \brief Hook called whenever the 'defined' operator is seen.
virtual void Defined(const Token &MacroNameTok) {
/// \brief Hook called when a source range is skipped.
/// \param Range The SourceRange that was skipped. The range begins at the
/// \#if/\#else directive and ends after the \#endif/\#else directive.
virtual void SourceRangeSkipped(SourceRange Range) {
/// \brief Hook called whenever an \#if is seen.
/// \param Loc the source location of the directive.
/// \param ConditionRange The SourceRange of the expression being tested.
// FIXME: better to pass in a list (or tree!) of Tokens.
virtual void If(SourceLocation Loc, SourceRange ConditionRange) {
/// \brief Hook called whenever an \#elif is seen.
/// \param Loc the source location of the directive.
/// \param ConditionRange The SourceRange of the expression being tested.
/// \param IfLoc the source location of the \#if/\#ifdef/\#ifndef directive.
// FIXME: better to pass in a list (or tree!) of Tokens.
virtual void Elif(SourceLocation Loc, SourceRange ConditionRange,
SourceLocation IfLoc) {
/// \brief Hook called whenever an \#ifdef is seen.
/// \param Loc the source location of the directive.
/// \param MacroNameTok Information on the token being tested.
virtual void Ifdef(SourceLocation Loc, const Token &MacroNameTok) {
/// \brief Hook called whenever an \#ifndef is seen.
/// \param Loc the source location of the directive.
/// \param MacroNameTok Information on the token being tested.
virtual void Ifndef(SourceLocation Loc, const Token &MacroNameTok) {
/// \brief Hook called whenever an \#else is seen.
/// \param Loc the source location of the directive.
/// \param IfLoc the source location of the \#if/\#ifdef/\#ifndef directive.
virtual void Else(SourceLocation Loc, SourceLocation IfLoc) {
/// \brief Hook called whenever an \#endif is seen.
/// \param Loc the source location of the directive.
/// \param IfLoc the source location of the \#if/\#ifdef/\#ifndef directive.
virtual void Endif(SourceLocation Loc, SourceLocation IfLoc) {
/// \brief Simple wrapper class for chaining callbacks.
class PPChainedCallbacks : public PPCallbacks {
virtual void anchor();
PPCallbacks *First, *Second;
PPChainedCallbacks(PPCallbacks *_First, PPCallbacks *_Second)
: First(_First), Second(_Second) {}
~PPChainedCallbacks() {
delete Second;
delete First;
virtual void FileChanged(SourceLocation Loc, FileChangeReason Reason,
SrcMgr::CharacteristicKind FileType,
FileID PrevFID) {
First->FileChanged(Loc, Reason, FileType, PrevFID);
Second->FileChanged(Loc, Reason, FileType, PrevFID);
virtual void FileSkipped(const FileEntry &ParentFile,
const Token &FilenameTok,
SrcMgr::CharacteristicKind FileType) {
First->FileSkipped(ParentFile, FilenameTok, FileType);
Second->FileSkipped(ParentFile, FilenameTok, FileType);
virtual bool FileNotFound(StringRef FileName,
SmallVectorImpl<char> &RecoveryPath) {
return First->FileNotFound(FileName, RecoveryPath) ||
Second->FileNotFound(FileName, RecoveryPath);
virtual void InclusionDirective(SourceLocation HashLoc,
const Token &IncludeTok,
StringRef FileName,
bool IsAngled,
CharSourceRange FilenameRange,
const FileEntry *File,
StringRef SearchPath,
StringRef RelativePath) {
First->InclusionDirective(HashLoc, IncludeTok, FileName, IsAngled,
FilenameRange, File, SearchPath, RelativePath);
Second->InclusionDirective(HashLoc, IncludeTok, FileName, IsAngled,
FilenameRange, File, SearchPath, RelativePath);
virtual void EndOfMainFile() {
virtual void Ident(SourceLocation Loc, const std::string &str) {
First->Ident(Loc, str);
Second->Ident(Loc, str);
virtual void PragmaComment(SourceLocation Loc, const IdentifierInfo *Kind,
const std::string &Str) {
First->PragmaComment(Loc, Kind, Str);
Second->PragmaComment(Loc, Kind, Str);
virtual void PragmaMessage(SourceLocation Loc, StringRef Str) {
First->PragmaMessage(Loc, Str);
Second->PragmaMessage(Loc, Str);
virtual void PragmaDiagnosticPush(SourceLocation Loc,
StringRef Namespace) {
First->PragmaDiagnosticPush(Loc, Namespace);
Second->PragmaDiagnosticPush(Loc, Namespace);
virtual void PragmaDiagnosticPop(SourceLocation Loc,
StringRef Namespace) {
First->PragmaDiagnosticPop(Loc, Namespace);
Second->PragmaDiagnosticPop(Loc, Namespace);
virtual void PragmaDiagnostic(SourceLocation Loc, StringRef Namespace,
diag::Mapping mapping, StringRef Str) {
First->PragmaDiagnostic(Loc, Namespace, mapping, Str);
Second->PragmaDiagnostic(Loc, Namespace, mapping, Str);
virtual void MacroExpands(const Token &MacroNameTok, const MacroInfo* MI,
SourceRange Range) {
First->MacroExpands(MacroNameTok, MI, Range);
Second->MacroExpands(MacroNameTok, MI, Range);
virtual void MacroDefined(const Token &MacroNameTok, const MacroInfo *MI) {
First->MacroDefined(MacroNameTok, MI);
Second->MacroDefined(MacroNameTok, MI);
virtual void MacroUndefined(const Token &MacroNameTok, const MacroInfo *MI) {
First->MacroUndefined(MacroNameTok, MI);
Second->MacroUndefined(MacroNameTok, MI);
virtual void Defined(const Token &MacroNameTok) {
virtual void SourceRangeSkipped(SourceRange Range) {
/// \brief Hook called whenever an \#if is seen.
virtual void If(SourceLocation Loc, SourceRange ConditionRange) {
First->If(Loc, ConditionRange);
Second->If(Loc, ConditionRange);
/// \brief Hook called whenever an \#if is seen.
virtual void Elif(SourceLocation Loc, SourceRange ConditionRange,
SourceLocation IfLoc) {
First->Elif(Loc, ConditionRange, IfLoc);
Second->Elif(Loc, ConditionRange, IfLoc);
/// \brief Hook called whenever an \#ifdef is seen.
virtual void Ifdef(SourceLocation Loc, const Token &MacroNameTok) {
First->Ifdef(Loc, MacroNameTok);
Second->Ifdef(Loc, MacroNameTok);
/// \brief Hook called whenever an \#ifndef is seen.
virtual void Ifndef(SourceLocation Loc, const Token &MacroNameTok) {
First->Ifndef(Loc, MacroNameTok);
Second->Ifndef(Loc, MacroNameTok);
/// \brief Hook called whenever an \#else is seen.
virtual void Else(SourceLocation Loc, SourceLocation IfLoc) {
First->Else(Loc, IfLoc);
Second->Else(Loc, IfLoc);
/// \brief Hook called whenever an \#endif is seen.
virtual void Endif(SourceLocation Loc, SourceLocation IfLoc) {
First->Endif(Loc, IfLoc);
Second->Endif(Loc, IfLoc);
} // end namespace clang