Fix linkage calculation of auto member functions returning lambdas

As described by Richard in

we should allow:

template<typename S>
struct A {

template<typename T> static auto default_lambda() {
  return [](const T&) { return 42; };

template<class U = decltype(default_lambda<S>())>
  U func(U u = default_lambda<S>()) { return u; }


int run2 = A<double>{}.func()(3.14);

int run3 = A<char>{}.func()('a');

This patch allows the code using the same trickery that was used to allow the code in non-member functions at namespace scope.

Please see for richard's approval.

git-svn-id: 91177308-0d34-0410-b5e6-96231b3b80d8
2 files changed