Initial import of eigen 3.1.1

Added a and a MODULE_LICENSE_MPL2 file.
Added empty and to optimize Android build.
Non MPL2 license code is disabled in ./Eigen/src/Core/util/NonMPL2.h.
Trying to include such files will lead to an error.

Change-Id: I0e148b7c3e83999bcc4dfaa5809d33bfac2aac32
diff --git a/doc/examples/TutorialLinAlgExSolveLDLT.cpp b/doc/examples/TutorialLinAlgExSolveLDLT.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8beacd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/examples/TutorialLinAlgExSolveLDLT.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#include <iostream>
+#include <Eigen/Dense>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace Eigen;
+int main()
+   Matrix2f A, b;
+   A << 2, -1, -1, 3;
+   b << 1, 2, 3, 1;
+   cout << "Here is the matrix A:\n" << A << endl;
+   cout << "Here is the right hand side b:\n" << b << endl;
+   Matrix2f x = A.ldlt().solve(b);
+   cout << "The solution is:\n" << x << endl;