Initial import of eigen 3.1.1

Added a and a MODULE_LICENSE_MPL2 file.
Added empty and to optimize Android build.
Non MPL2 license code is disabled in ./Eigen/src/Core/util/NonMPL2.h.
Trying to include such files will lead to an error.

Change-Id: I0e148b7c3e83999bcc4dfaa5809d33bfac2aac32
diff --git a/test/sparse.h b/test/sparse.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4db0004
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/sparse.h
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
+// for linear algebra.
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Gael Guennebaud <>
+// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
+// Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
+// with this file, You can obtain one at
+#include "main.h"
+#if EIGEN_GNUC_AT_LEAST(4,0) && !defined __ICC && !defined(__clang__)
+#ifdef min
+#undef min
+#ifdef max
+#undef max
+#include <tr1/unordered_map>
+namespace std {
+  using std::tr1::unordered_map;
+  #include <google/sparse_hash_map>
+#include <Eigen/Cholesky>
+#include <Eigen/LU>
+#include <Eigen/Sparse>
+enum {
+  ForceNonZeroDiag = 1,
+  MakeLowerTriangular = 2,
+  MakeUpperTriangular = 4,
+  ForceRealDiag = 8
+/* Initializes both a sparse and dense matrix with same random values,
+ * and a ratio of \a density non zero entries.
+ * \param flags is a union of ForceNonZeroDiag, MakeLowerTriangular and MakeUpperTriangular
+ *        allowing to control the shape of the matrix.
+ * \param zeroCoords and nonzeroCoords allows to get the coordinate lists of the non zero,
+ *        and zero coefficients respectively.
+ */
+template<typename Scalar,int Opt1,int Opt2,typename Index> void
+initSparse(double density,
+           Matrix<Scalar,Dynamic,Dynamic,Opt1>& refMat,
+           SparseMatrix<Scalar,Opt2,Index>& sparseMat,
+           int flags = 0,
+           std::vector<Vector2i>* zeroCoords = 0,
+           std::vector<Vector2i>* nonzeroCoords = 0)
+  enum { IsRowMajor = SparseMatrix<Scalar,Opt2,Index>::IsRowMajor };
+  sparseMat.setZero();
+  //sparseMat.reserve(int(refMat.rows()*refMat.cols()*density));
+  sparseMat.reserve(VectorXi::Constant(IsRowMajor ? refMat.rows() : refMat.cols(), int((1.5*density)*(IsRowMajor?refMat.cols():refMat.rows()))));
+  for(int j=0; j<sparseMat.outerSize(); j++)
+  {
+    //sparseMat.startVec(j);
+    for(int i=0; i<sparseMat.innerSize(); i++)
+    {
+      int ai(i), aj(j);
+      if(IsRowMajor)
+        std::swap(ai,aj);
+      Scalar v = (internal::random<double>(0,1) < density) ? internal::random<Scalar>() : Scalar(0);
+      if ((flags&ForceNonZeroDiag) && (i==j))
+      {
+        v = internal::random<Scalar>()*Scalar(3.);
+        v = v*v + Scalar(5.);
+      }
+      if ((flags & MakeLowerTriangular) && aj>ai)
+        v = Scalar(0);
+      else if ((flags & MakeUpperTriangular) && aj<ai)
+        v = Scalar(0);
+      if ((flags&ForceRealDiag) && (i==j))
+        v = internal::real(v);
+      if (v!=Scalar(0))
+      {
+        //sparseMat.insertBackByOuterInner(j,i) = v;
+        sparseMat.insertByOuterInner(j,i) = v;
+        if (nonzeroCoords)
+          nonzeroCoords->push_back(Vector2i(ai,aj));
+      }
+      else if (zeroCoords)
+      {
+        zeroCoords->push_back(Vector2i(ai,aj));
+      }
+      refMat(ai,aj) = v;
+    }
+  }
+  //sparseMat.finalize();
+template<typename Scalar,int Opt1,int Opt2,typename Index> void
+initSparse(double density,
+           Matrix<Scalar,Dynamic,Dynamic, Opt1>& refMat,
+           DynamicSparseMatrix<Scalar, Opt2, Index>& sparseMat,
+           int flags = 0,
+           std::vector<Vector2i>* zeroCoords = 0,
+           std::vector<Vector2i>* nonzeroCoords = 0)
+  enum { IsRowMajor = DynamicSparseMatrix<Scalar,Opt2,Index>::IsRowMajor };
+  sparseMat.setZero();
+  sparseMat.reserve(int(refMat.rows()*refMat.cols()*density));
+  for(int j=0; j<sparseMat.outerSize(); j++)
+  {
+    sparseMat.startVec(j); // not needed for DynamicSparseMatrix
+    for(int i=0; i<sparseMat.innerSize(); i++)
+    {
+      int ai(i), aj(j);
+      if(IsRowMajor)
+        std::swap(ai,aj);
+      Scalar v = (internal::random<double>(0,1) < density) ? internal::random<Scalar>() : Scalar(0);
+      if ((flags&ForceNonZeroDiag) && (i==j))
+      {
+        v = internal::random<Scalar>()*Scalar(3.);
+        v = v*v + Scalar(5.);
+      }
+      if ((flags & MakeLowerTriangular) && aj>ai)
+        v = Scalar(0);
+      else if ((flags & MakeUpperTriangular) && aj<ai)
+        v = Scalar(0);
+      if ((flags&ForceRealDiag) && (i==j))
+        v = internal::real(v);
+      if (v!=Scalar(0))
+      {
+        sparseMat.insertBackByOuterInner(j,i) = v;
+        if (nonzeroCoords)
+          nonzeroCoords->push_back(Vector2i(ai,aj));
+      }
+      else if (zeroCoords)
+      {
+        zeroCoords->push_back(Vector2i(ai,aj));
+      }
+      refMat(ai,aj) = v;
+    }
+  }
+  sparseMat.finalize();
+template<typename Scalar> void
+initSparse(double density,
+           Matrix<Scalar,Dynamic,1>& refVec,
+           SparseVector<Scalar>& sparseVec,
+           std::vector<int>* zeroCoords = 0,
+           std::vector<int>* nonzeroCoords = 0)
+  sparseVec.reserve(int(refVec.size()*density));
+  sparseVec.setZero();
+  for(int i=0; i<refVec.size(); i++)
+  {
+    Scalar v = (internal::random<double>(0,1) < density) ? internal::random<Scalar>() : Scalar(0);
+    if (v!=Scalar(0))
+    {
+      sparseVec.insertBack(i) = v;
+      if (nonzeroCoords)
+        nonzeroCoords->push_back(i);
+    }
+    else if (zeroCoords)
+        zeroCoords->push_back(i);
+    refVec[i] = v;
+  }
+#include <unsupported/Eigen/SparseExtra>