This file contains more detailed usage information, and a fuller
description of the job file parameters.

Signed-off-by: Jens Axboe <jens.axboe@oracle.com>
diff --git a/README b/README
index f64b028..7e79d94 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
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 Job file
-Only a few options can be controlled with command line parameters,
-generally it's a lot easier to just write a simple job file to describe
-the workload. The job file format is in the ini style format, as it's
-easy to read and write for the user.
+See the HOWTO file for a more detailed description of parameters and what
+they mean. This file contains the terse version.  Only a few options can
+be controlled with command line parameters, generally it's a lot easier to
+just write a simple job file to describe the workload. The job file format
+is in the ini style format, as it's easy to read and write for the user.
 The job file parameters are:
@@ -158,192 +159,6 @@
 	cpuchunks=x	Split burn cycles into pieces of x.
-Examples using a job file
-Example 1) Two random readers
-Lets say we want to simulate two threads reading randomly from a file
-each. They will be doing IO in 4KiB chunks, using raw (O_DIRECT) IO.
-Since they share most parameters, we'll put those in the [global]
-section. Job 1 will use a 128MiB file, job 2 will use a 256MiB file.
-; ---snip---
-ioengine=sync	; regular read/write(2), the default
-; ---snip---
-Generally the [] bracketed name specifies a file name, but the "global"
-keyword is reserved for setting options that are inherited by each
-subsequent job description. It's possible to have several [global]
-sections in the job file, each one adds options that are inherited by
-jobs defined below it. The name can also point to a block device, such
-as /dev/sda. To run the above job file, simply do:
-$ fio jobfile
-Example 2) Many random writers
-Say we want to exercise the IO subsystem some more. We'll define 64
-threads doing random buffered writes. We'll let each thread use async io
-with a depth of 4 ios in flight. A job file would then look like this:
-; ---snip---
-; ---snip---
-This will create files.[0-63] and perform the random writes to them.
-There are endless ways to define jobs, the examples/ directory contains
-a few more examples.
-Interpreting the output
-fio spits out a lot of output. While running, fio will display the
-status of the jobs created. An example of that would be:
-Threads running: 1: [_r] [24.79% done] [eta 00h:01m:31s]
-The characters inside the square brackets denote the current status of
-each thread. The possible values (in typical life cycle order) are:
-Idle	Run
-----    ---
-P		Thread setup, but not started.
-C		Thread created.
-I		Thread initialized, waiting.
-	R	Running, doing sequential reads.
-	r	Running, doing random reads.
-	W	Running, doing sequential writes.
-	w	Running, doing random writes.
-	M	Running, doing mixed sequential reads/writes.
-	m	Running, doing mixed random reads/writes.
-	F	Running, currently waiting for fsync()
-V		Running, doing verification of written data.
-E		Thread exited, not reaped by main thread yet.
-_		Thread reaped.
-The other values are fairly self explanatory - number of threads
-currently running and doing io, and the estimated completion percentage
-and time for the running group. It's impossible to estimate runtime
-of the following groups (if any).
-When fio is done (or interrupted by ctrl-c), it will show the data for
-each thread, group of threads, and disks in that order. For each data
-direction, the output looks like:
-Client1 (g=0): err= 0:
-  write: io=    32MiB, bw=   666KiB/s, runt= 50320msec
-    slat (msec): min=    0, max=  136, avg= 0.03, dev= 1.92
-    clat (msec): min=    0, max=  631, avg=48.50, dev=86.82
-    bw (KiB/s) : min=    0, max= 1196, per=51.00%, avg=664.02, dev=681.68
-  cpu        : usr=1.49%, sys=0.25%, ctx=7969
-The client number is printed, along with the group id and error of that
-thread. Below is the io statistics, here for writes. In the order listed,
-they denote:
-io=		Number of megabytes io performed
-bw=		Average bandwidth rate
-runt=		The runtime of that thread
-	slat=	Submission latency (avg being the average, dev being the
-		standard deviation). This is the time it took to submit
-		the io. For sync io, the slat is really the completion
-		latency, since queue/complete is one operation there.
-	clat=	Completion latency. Same names as slat, this denotes the
-		time from submission to completion of the io pieces. For
-		sync io, clat will usually be equal (or very close) to 0,
-		as the time from submit to complete is basically just
-		CPU time (io has already been done, see slat explanation).
-	bw=	Bandwidth. Same names as the xlat stats, but also includes
-		an approximate percentage of total aggregate bandwidth
-		this thread received in this group. This last value is
-		only really useful if the threads in this group are on the
-		same disk, since they are then competing for disk access.
-cpu=		CPU usage. User and system time, along with the number
-		of context switches this thread went through.
-After each client has been listed, the group statistics are printed. They
-will look like this:
-Run status group 0 (all jobs):
-   READ: io=64MiB, aggrb=22178, minb=11355, maxb=11814, mint=2840msec, maxt=2955msec
-  WRITE: io=64MiB, aggrb=1302, minb=666, maxb=669, mint=50093msec, maxt=50320msec
-For each data direction, it prints:
-io=		Number of megabytes io performed.
-aggrb=		Aggregate bandwidth of threads in this group.
-minb=		The minimum average bandwidth a thread saw.
-maxb=		The maximum average bandwidth a thread saw.
-mint=		The smallest runtime of the threads in that group.
-maxt=		The longest runtime of the threads in that group.
-And finally, the disk statistics are printed. They will look like this:
-Disk stats (read/write):
-  sda: ios=16398/16511, merge=30/162, ticks=6853/819634, in_queue=826487, util=100.00%
-Each value is printed for both reads and writes, with reads first. The
-numbers denote:
-ios=		Number of ios performed by all groups.
-merge=		Number of merges io the io scheduler.
-ticks=		Number of ticks we kept the disk busy.
-io_queue=	Total time spent in the disk queue.
-util=		The disk utilization. A value of 100% means we kept the disk
-		busy constantly, 50% would be a disk idling half of the time.
-Terse output
-For scripted usage where you typically want to generate tables or graphs
-of the results, fio can output the results in a comma seperated format.
-The format is one long line of values, such as:
-Split up, the format is as follows:
-	jobname, groupid, error
-	READ status:
-		KiB IO, bandwidth (KiB/sec), runtime (msec)
-		Submission latency: min, max, mean, deviation
-		Completion latency: min, max, mean, deviation
-		Bw: min, max, aggreate percentage of total, mean, deviation
-	WRITE status:
-		KiB IO, bandwidth (KiB/sec), runtime (msec)
-		Submission latency: min, max, mean, deviation
-		Completion latency: min, max, mean, deviation
-		Bw: min, max, aggreate percentage of total, mean, deviation
-	CPU usage: user, system, context switches