stats: Add a function to report completion latency percentiles

    This patch introduces two new options:
    1) Specifying --clat_percentiles enables the reporting of
       completion latency percentiles.
    2) --percentile_list allows the user to customize the
       list of percentiles to report.

    Signed-off-by: Yu-ju Hong <>

Signed-off-by: Jens Axboe <>
diff --git a/fio.h b/fio.h
index d8e3011..6766351 100644
--- a/fio.h
+++ b/fio.h
@@ -78,6 +78,97 @@
 #define FIO_IO_U_LAT_U_NR 10
 #define FIO_IO_U_LAT_M_NR 12
+ * Aggregate clat samples to report percentile(s) of them.
+ *
+ *
+ * FIO_IO_U_PLAT_BITS determines the maximum statistical error on the
+ * value of resulting percentiles. The error will be approximately
+ * 1/2^(FIO_IO_U_PLAT_BITS+1) of the value.
+ *
+ * FIO_IO_U_PLAT_GROUP_NR and FIO_IO_U_PLAT_BITS determine the maximum
+ * range being tracked for latency samples. The maximum value tracked
+ * accurately will be 2^(GROUP_NR + PLAT_BITS -1) microseconds.
+ *
+ * FIO_IO_U_PLAT_GROUP_NR and FIO_IO_U_PLAT_BITS determine the memory
+ * requirement of storing those aggregate counts. The memory used will
+ * be (FIO_IO_U_PLAT_GROUP_NR * 2^FIO_IO_U_PLAT_BITS) * sizeof(int)
+ * bytes.
+ *
+ * FIO_IO_U_PLAT_NR is the total number of buckets.
+ *
+ *
+ * Suppose the clat varies from 0 to 999 (usec), the straightforward
+ * method is to keep an array of (999 + 1) buckets, in which a counter
+ * keeps the count of samples which fall in the bucket, e.g.,
+ * {[0],[1],...,[999]}. However this consumes a huge amount of space,
+ * and can be avoided if an approximation is acceptable.
+ *
+ * One such method is to let the range of the bucket to be greater
+ * than one. This method has low accuracy when the value is small. For
+ * example, let the buckets be {[0,99],[100,199],...,[900,999]}, and
+ * the represented value of each bucket be the mean of the range. Then
+ * a value 0 has an round-off error of 49.5. To improve on this, we
+ * use buckets with non-uniform ranges, while bounding the error of
+ * each bucket within a ratio of the sample value. A simple example
+ * would be when error_bound = 0.005, buckets are {
+ * {[0],[1],...,[99]}, {[100,101],[102,103],...,[198,199]},..,
+ * {[900,909],[910,919]...}  }. The total range is partitioned into
+ * groups with different ranges, then buckets with uniform ranges. An
+ * upper bound of the error is (range_of_bucket/2)/value_of_bucket
+ *
+ * For better efficiency, we implement this using base two. We group
+ * samples by their Most Significant Bit (MSB), extract the next M bit
+ * of them as an index within the group, and discard the rest of the
+ * bits.
+ *
+ * E.g., assume a sample 'x' whose MSB is bit n (starting from bit 0),
+ * and use M bit for indexing
+ *
+ *        | n |    M bits   | bit (n-M-1) ... bit 0 |
+ *
+ * Because x is at least 2^n, and bit 0 to bit (n-M-1) is at most
+ * (2^(n-M) - 1), discarding bit 0 to (n-M-1) makes the round-off
+ * error
+ *
+ *           2^(n-M)-1    2^(n-M)    1
+ *      e <= --------- <= ------- = ---
+ *             2^n          2^n     2^M
+ *
+ * Furthermore, we use "mean" of the range to represent the bucket,
+ * the error e can be lowered by half to 1 / 2^(M+1). By using M bits
+ * as the index, each group must contains 2^M buckets.
+ *
+ * E.g. Let M (FIO_IO_U_PLAT_BITS) be 6
+ *      Error bound is 1/2^(6+1) = 0.0078125 (< 1%)
+ *
+ *	Group	MSB	#discarded	range of		#buckets
+ *			error_bits	value
+ *	----------------------------------------------------------------
+ *	0*	0~5	0		[0,63]			64
+ *	1*	6	0		[64,127]		64
+ *	2	7	1		[128,255]		64
+ *	3	8	2		[256,511]		64
+ *	4	9	3		[512,1023]		64
+ *	...	...	...		[...,...]		...
+ *	18	23	17		[8838608,+inf]**	64
+ *
+ *  * Special cases: when n < (M-1) or when n == (M-1), in both cases,
+ *    the value cannot be rounded off. Use all bits of the sample as
+ *    index.
+ *
+ *  ** If a sample's MSB is greater than 23, it will be counted as 23.
+ */
+#define FIO_IO_U_PLAT_BITS 6
+#define FIO_IO_U_PLAT_GROUP_NR 19
+#define FIO_IO_U_LIST_MAX_LEN 20 /* The size of the default and user-specified
+					list of percentiles */
 #define MAX_PATTERN_SIZE 512
 struct thread_stat {
@@ -118,11 +209,15 @@
 	 * IO depth and latency stats
+	unsigned int clat_percentiles;
+	double* percentile_list;
 	unsigned int io_u_map[FIO_IO_U_MAP_NR];
 	unsigned int io_u_submit[FIO_IO_U_MAP_NR];
 	unsigned int io_u_complete[FIO_IO_U_MAP_NR];
 	unsigned int io_u_lat_u[FIO_IO_U_LAT_U_NR];
 	unsigned int io_u_lat_m[FIO_IO_U_LAT_M_NR];
+	unsigned int io_u_plat [2][FIO_IO_U_PLAT_NR];
 	unsigned long total_io_u[3];
 	unsigned long short_io_u[3];
 	unsigned long total_submit;
@@ -266,6 +361,9 @@
 	unsigned int trim_batch;
 	unsigned int trim_zero;
 	unsigned long long trim_backlog;
+	unsigned int clat_percentiles;
+	unsigned int overwrite_plist;
+	double percentile_list[FIO_IO_U_LIST_MAX_LEN];
 	char *read_iolog_file;
 	char *write_iolog_file;