[PATCH] Various little fixes and lots of commenting
diff --git a/README b/README
index d6ff109..4ed6078 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -102,7 +102,9 @@
 	cpumask=x	Only allow job to run on CPUs defined by mask.
 	fsync=x		If writing, fsync after every x blocks have been written
 	startdelay=x	Start this thread x seconds after startup
-	timeout=x	Terminate x seconds after startup
+	timeout=x	Terminate x seconds after startup. Can include a
+			normal time suffix if not given in seconds, such as
+			'm' for minutes, 'h' for hours, and 'd' for days.
 	offset=x	Start io at offset x (x string can include k/m/g)
 	invalidate=x	Invalidate page cache for file prior to doing io
 	sync=x		Use sync writes if x and writing