Move fio to seperate repo
diff --git a/fio_generate_plots b/fio_generate_plots
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f410efe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fio_generate_plots
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# Use gnuplot to generate plots from fio run with -l and/or -w
+if [ "$1"x == "x" ]; then
+	echo Need title as arg
+	exit 1
+for i in *bw.log; do
+	if [ ! -r $i ]; then
+		continue
+	fi
+	if [ "$PLOT_LINE"x != "x" ]; then
+	fi
+	PLOT_LINE=$PLOT_LINE"'$i' with lines"
+if [ "$PLOT_LINE"x != "x" ]; then
+	echo Making bw logs
+	echo "set title 'Bandwidth - $TITLE'; set xlabel 'time (msec)'; set ylabel 'KiB/sec'; set terminal png; set output '$TITLE-bw.png'; plot " $PLOT_LINE | gnuplot -
+for i in *slat.log; do
+	if [ ! -r $i ]; then
+		continue
+	fi
+	if [ "$PLOT_LINE"x != "x" ]; then
+	fi
+	PLOT_LINE=$PLOT_LINE"'$i' with lines"
+if [ "$PLOT_LINE"x != "x" ]; then
+	echo Making slat logs $PLOT_LINE
+	echo "set title 'Submission latency - $TITLE'; set xlabel 'time (msec)'; set ylabel 'latency (msec)'; set terminal png; set output '$TITLE-slat.png'; plot " $PLOT_LINE | gnuplot -
+for i in *clat.log; do
+	if [ ! -r $i ]; then
+		continue
+	fi
+	if [ "$PLOT_LINE"x != "x" ]; then
+	fi
+	PLOT_LINE=$PLOT_LINE"'$i' with lines"
+if [ "$PLOT_LINE"x != "x" ]; then
+	echo Making clat logs $PLOT_LINE
+	echo "set title 'Completion latency - $TITLE'; set xlabel 'time (msec)'; set ylabel 'latency (msec)'; set terminal png; set output '$TITLE-clat.png'; plot " $PLOT_LINE | gnuplot -