The first field in a MDLocationDescriptor is a u_int32_t, so change this cast
to the correct type. This fixes an error newer clang versions find in c++ 0x

Patch by Rafael Ávila de Espí­ndola <>

git-svn-id: 4c0a9323-5329-0410-9bdc-e9ce6186880e
diff --git a/src/client/minidump_file_writer.h b/src/client/minidump_file_writer.h
index cded358..21d4ce6 100644
--- a/src/client/minidump_file_writer.h
+++ b/src/client/minidump_file_writer.h
@@ -151,7 +151,8 @@
   // Return size and position
   inline MDLocationDescriptor location() const {
-    MDLocationDescriptor location = { static_cast<int>(size_), position_ };
+    MDLocationDescriptor location = { static_cast<u_int32_t>(size_),
+                                      position_ };
     return location;