Compile the hyphenation patterns to binary

Makefile updates to compile the hyphenation patterns to binary format
on the device.

Bug: 21562869
Bug: 21826930
Bug: 24570591
Change-Id: I8b92ed16626d11dce299415280d2e1a075436481
(cherry picked from commit 9c07dd308499248830f6f9c423fdb0c7bc10ff24)
diff --git a/ b/
index 7e7c73e..18ff133 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
-HYPHENS_DIR := $(call my-dir)
+LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
 pattern_locales := \
     en-US/en-us \
@@ -21,35 +21,32 @@
     hu/hu \
     hy/hy \
     nb/nb \
-    nn/nn \
-    sa/sa
+    nn/nn
-pattern_src_files := \
-    $(foreach locale, $(pattern_locales), \
-        $(addprefix $(dir $(locale)), \
-            $(addprefix hyph-, $(addprefix $(notdir $(locale)), \
-                .chr.txt .hyp.txt .lic.txt .pat.txt))))
-pattern_locales :=
+# TODO: we have data for sa/sa, but it requires special case handling for case
+# folding and normalization, so don't build it until that's fixed.
-# We have to use BUILD_PREBUILT instead of PRODUCT_COPY_FILES,
-# to copy over the NOTICE file.
-# $(1): The source file name in LOCAL_PATH.
-#       It also serves as the module name and the dest file name.
+# $(1): The subdirectory where the source files live.
+$ $(2): The file name fragment.
+#       It is used to find source files, and also generate the resulting binary.
 define build-one-pattern-module
 $(eval include $(CLEAR_VARS))\
-$(eval LOCAL_PATH := $(abspath $(addprefix $(HYPHENS_DIR)/, $(dir $(1)))))\
-$(eval LOCAL_MODULE := $(notdir $(1)))\
-$(eval LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(notdir $(1)))\
+$(eval LOCAL_MODULE := $(addprefix hyph-, $(2)))\
+$(eval LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(addprefix $(1)/hyph-, $(addprefix $(2), .pat.txt .chr.txt .hyp.txt)))\
+$(eval include $(BUILD_HYB))\
+$(eval include $(CLEAR_VARS))\
+$(eval LOCAL_MODULE := $(addprefix $(addprefix hyph-, $(2)), .lic.txt))\
+$(eval LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(addprefix $(1)/hyph-, $(addprefix $(2), .lic.txt)))\
 $(eval LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional)\
 $(eval LOCAL_MODULE_PATH := $(TARGET_OUT)/usr/hyphen-data)\
 $(eval include $(BUILD_PREBUILT))
-$(foreach f, $(pattern_src_files), $(call build-one-pattern-module, $(f)))
+$(foreach l, $(pattern_locales), $(call build-one-pattern-module, $(dir $(l)), $(notdir $l)))
 build-one-pattern-module :=
-pattern_src_files :=
+pattern_locales :=