libcxx initial import

git-svn-id: 91177308-0d34-0410-b5e6-96231b3b80d8
diff --git a/include/memory b/include/memory
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..663c470
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/memory
@@ -0,0 +1,3824 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===-------------------------- memory ------------------------------------===//
+// ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊThe LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+    memory synopsis
+namespace std
+struct allocator_arg_t { };
+constexpr allocator_arg_t allocator_arg = allocator_arg_t();
+template <class T, class Alloc> struct uses_allocator;
+template <class Ptr>
+struct pointer_traits
+    typedef Ptr pointer;
+    typedef <details> element_type;
+    typedef <details> difference_type;
+    template <class U> using rebind = <details>;
+    static pointer pointer_to(<details>);
+template <class Alloc>
+struct allocator_traits
+    typedef Alloc                        allocator_type;
+    typedef typename allocator_type::value_type
+                                         value_type;
+    typedef Alloc::pointer | value_type* pointer;
+    typedef Alloc::const_pointer
+          | pointer_traits<pointer>::rebind<const value_type>
+                                         const_pointer;
+    typedef Alloc::void_pointer
+          | pointer_traits<pointer>::rebind<void>
+                                         void_pointer;
+    typedef Alloc::const_void_pointer
+          | pointer_traits<pointer>::rebind<const void>
+                                         const_void_pointer;
+    typedef Alloc::difference_type
+          | ptrdiff_t                    difference_type;
+    typedef Alloc::size_type | size_t    size_type;
+    typedef Alloc::propagate_on_container_copy_assignment
+          | false_type                   propagate_on_container_copy_assignment;
+    typedef Alloc::propagate_on_container_move_assignment
+          | false_type                   propagate_on_container_move_assignment;
+    typedef Alloc::propagate_on_container_swap
+          | false_type                   propagate_on_container_swap;
+    template <class T> using rebind_alloc  = Alloc::rebind<U>::other | Alloc<T, Args...>;
+    template <class T> using rebind_traits = allocator_traits<rebind_alloc<T>>;
+    static pointer allocate(allocator_type& a, size_type n);
+    static pointer allocate(allocator_type& a, size_type n, const_void_pointer hint);
+    static void deallocate(allocator_type& a, pointer p, size_type n);
+    template <class T, class... Args>
+        static void construct(allocator_type& a, T* p, Args&&... args);
+    template <class T>
+        static void destroy(allocator_type& a, T* p);
+    static size_type max_size(const allocator_type& a);
+    static allocator_type
+        select_on_container_copy_construction(const allocator_type& a);
+template <>
+class allocator<void>
+    typedef void*                                 pointer;
+    typedef const void*                           const_pointer;
+    typedef void                                  value_type;
+    template <class _Up> struct rebind {typedef allocator<_Up> other;};
+template <class T>
+class allocator
+    typedef size_t                                size_type;
+    typedef ptrdiff_t                             difference_type;
+    typedef T*                                    pointer;
+    typedef const T*                              const_pointer;
+    typedef typename add_lvalue_reference<T>::type       reference;
+    typedef typename add_lvalue_reference<const T>::type const_reference;
+    typedef T                                     value_type;
+    template <class U> struct rebind {typedef allocator<U> other;};
+    allocator() throw();
+    allocator(const allocator&) throw();
+    template <class U> allocator(const allocator<U>&) throw();
+    ~allocator() throw();
+    pointer address(reference x) const;
+    const_pointer address(const_reference x) const;
+    pointer allocate(size_type, allocator<void>::const_pointer hint = 0);
+    void deallocate(pointer p, size_type n);
+    size_type max_size() const throw();
+    void construct(pointer p, const T& val);
+    void destroy(pointer p);
+template <class T, class U>
+bool operator==(const allocator<T>&, const allocator<U>&) throw();
+template <class T, class U>
+bool operator!=(const allocator<T>&, const allocator<U>&) throw();
+template <class OutputIterator, class T>
+class raw_storage_iterator
+    : public iterator<output_iterator_tag,
+                      T,                               // purposefully not C++03
+                      ptrdiff_t,                       // purposefully not C++03
+                      T*,                              // purposefully not C++03
+                      raw_storage_iterator&>           // purposefully not C++03
+    explicit raw_storage_iterator(OutputIterator x);
+    raw_storage_iterator& operator*();
+    raw_storage_iterator& operator=(const T& element);
+    raw_storage_iterator& operator++();
+    raw_storage_iterator  operator++(int);
+template <class T> pair<T*,ptrdiff_t> get_temporary_buffer(ptrdiff_t n);
+template <class T> void               return_temporary_buffer(T* p);
+template <class InputIterator, class ForwardIterator>
+uninitialized_copy(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, ForwardIterator result);
+template <class ForwardIterator, class T>
+void uninitialized_fill(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, const T& x);
+template <class ForwardIterator, class Size, class T>
+void uninitialized_fill_n(ForwardIterator first, Size n, const T& x);
+template <class Y> struct auto_ptr_ref {};
+template<class X>
+class auto_ptr
+    typedef X element_type;
+    explicit auto_ptr(X* p =0) throw();
+    auto_ptr(auto_ptr&) throw();
+    template<class Y> auto_ptr(auto_ptr<Y>&) throw();
+    auto_ptr& operator=(auto_ptr&) throw();
+    template<class Y> auto_ptr& operator=(auto_ptr<Y>&) throw();
+    auto_ptr& operator=(auto_ptr_ref<X> r) throw();
+    ~auto_ptr() throw();
+    typename add_lvalue_reference<X>::type operator*() const throw();
+    X* operator->() const throw();
+    X* get() const throw();
+    X* release() throw();
+    void reset(X* p =0) throw();
+    auto_ptr(auto_ptr_ref<X>) throw();
+    template<class Y> operator auto_ptr_ref<Y>() throw();
+    template<class Y> operator auto_ptr<Y>() throw();
+void* align(size_t alignment, size_t size, void*& ptr, size_t& space);
+}  // std
+#include <__config>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include <typeinfo>
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <new>
+#include <utility>
+#include <limits>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <__functional_base>
+    #include <cassert>
+#pragma GCC system_header
+// allocator_arg_t
+struct allocator_arg_t { }; 
+extern const allocator_arg_t allocator_arg;
+// addressof
+template <class _Tp>
+addressof(_Tp& __x)
+    return (_Tp*)&(char&)__x;
+template <class _Tp> class allocator;
+template <>
+class allocator<void>
+    typedef void*             pointer;
+    typedef const void*       const_pointer;
+    typedef void              value_type;
+    template <class _Up> struct rebind {typedef allocator<_Up> other;};
+// pointer_traits
+template <class _Tp>
+struct __has_element_type
+    struct __two {char _; char __;};
+    template <class _Up> static __two __test(...);
+    template <class _Up> static char __test(typename _Up::element_type* = 0);
+    static const bool value = sizeof(__test<_Tp>(0)) == 1;
+template <class _Ptr, bool = __has_element_type<_Ptr>::value>
+struct __pointer_traits_element_type;
+template <class _Ptr>
+struct __pointer_traits_element_type<_Ptr, true>
+    typedef typename _Ptr::element_type type;
+template <template <class, class...> class _Sp, class _Tp, class ..._Args>
+struct __pointer_traits_element_type<_Sp<_Tp, _Args...>, true>
+    typedef typename _Sp<_Tp, _Args...>::element_type type;
+template <template <class, class...> class _Sp, class _Tp, class ..._Args>
+struct __pointer_traits_element_type<_Sp<_Tp, _Args...>, false>
+    typedef _Tp type;
+template <template <class> class _Sp, class _Tp>
+struct __pointer_traits_element_type<_Sp<_Tp>, true>
+    typedef typename _Sp<_Tp>::element_type type;
+template <template <class> class _Sp, class _Tp>
+struct __pointer_traits_element_type<_Sp<_Tp>, false>
+    typedef _Tp type;
+template <template <class, class> class _Sp, class _Tp, class _A0>
+struct __pointer_traits_element_type<_Sp<_Tp, _A0>, true>
+    typedef typename _Sp<_Tp, _A0>::element_type type;
+template <template <class, class> class _Sp, class _Tp, class _A0>
+struct __pointer_traits_element_type<_Sp<_Tp, _A0>, false>
+    typedef _Tp type;
+template <template <class, class, class> class _Sp, class _Tp, class _A0, class _A1>
+struct __pointer_traits_element_type<_Sp<_Tp, _A0, _A1>, true>
+    typedef typename _Sp<_Tp, _A0, _A1>::element_type type;
+template <template <class, class, class> class _Sp, class _Tp, class _A0, class _A1>
+struct __pointer_traits_element_type<_Sp<_Tp, _A0, _A1>, false>
+    typedef _Tp type;
+template <template <class, class, class, class> class _Sp, class _Tp, class _A0,
+                                                           class _A1, class _A2>
+struct __pointer_traits_element_type<_Sp<_Tp, _A0, _A1, _A2>, true>
+    typedef typename _Sp<_Tp, _A0, _A1, _A2>::element_type type;
+template <template <class, class, class, class> class _Sp, class _Tp, class _A0,
+                                                           class _A1, class _A2>
+struct __pointer_traits_element_type<_Sp<_Tp, _A0, _A1, _A2>, false>
+    typedef _Tp type;
+template <class _Tp>
+struct __has_difference_type
+    struct __two {char _; char __;};
+    template <class _Up> static __two __test(...);
+    template <class _Up> static char __test(typename _Up::difference_type* = 0);
+    static const bool value = sizeof(__test<_Tp>(0)) == 1;
+template <class _Ptr, bool = __has_difference_type<_Ptr>::value>
+struct __pointer_traits_difference_type
+    typedef ptrdiff_t type;
+template <class _Ptr>
+struct __pointer_traits_difference_type<_Ptr, true>
+    typedef typename _Ptr::difference_type type;
+template <class _Tp, class _Up>
+struct __has_rebind
+    struct __two {char _; char __;};
+    template <class _Xp> static __two __test(...);
+    template <class _Xp> static char __test(typename _Xp::template rebind<_Up>* = 0);
+    static const bool value = sizeof(__test<_Tp>(0)) == 1;
+template <class _Tp, class _Up, bool = __has_rebind<_Tp, _Up>::value>
+struct __pointer_traits_rebind
+    typedef typename _Tp::template rebind<_Up> type;
+    typedef typename _Tp::template rebind<_Up>::other type;
+template <template <class, class...> class _Sp, class _Tp, class ..._Args, class _Up>
+struct __pointer_traits_rebind<_Sp<_Tp, _Args...>, _Up, true>
+    typedef typename _Sp<_Tp, _Args...>::template rebind<_Up> type;
+    typedef typename _Sp<_Tp, _Args...>::template rebind<_Up>::other type;
+template <template <class, class...> class _Sp, class _Tp, class ..._Args, class _Up>
+struct __pointer_traits_rebind<_Sp<_Tp, _Args...>, _Up, false>
+    typedef _Sp<_Up, _Args...> type;
+template <template <class> class _Sp, class _Tp, class _Up>
+struct __pointer_traits_rebind<_Sp<_Tp>, _Up, true>
+    typedef typename _Sp<_Tp>::template rebind<_Up> type;
+    typedef typename _Sp<_Tp>::template rebind<_Up>::other type;
+template <template <class> class _Sp, class _Tp, class _Up>
+struct __pointer_traits_rebind<_Sp<_Tp>, _Up, false>
+    typedef _Sp<_Up> type;
+template <template <class, class> class _Sp, class _Tp, class _A0, class _Up>
+struct __pointer_traits_rebind<_Sp<_Tp, _A0>, _Up, true>
+    typedef typename _Sp<_Tp, _A0>::template rebind<_Up> type;
+    typedef typename _Sp<_Tp, _A0>::template rebind<_Up>::other type;
+template <template <class, class> class _Sp, class _Tp, class _A0, class _Up>
+struct __pointer_traits_rebind<_Sp<_Tp, _A0>, _Up, false>
+    typedef _Sp<_Up, _A0> type;
+template <template <class, class, class> class _Sp, class _Tp, class _A0,
+                                         class _A1, class _Up>
+struct __pointer_traits_rebind<_Sp<_Tp, _A0, _A1>, _Up, true>
+    typedef typename _Sp<_Tp, _A0, _A1>::template rebind<_Up> type;
+    typedef typename _Sp<_Tp, _A0, _A1>::template rebind<_Up>::other type;
+template <template <class, class, class> class _Sp, class _Tp, class _A0,
+                                         class _A1, class _Up>
+struct __pointer_traits_rebind<_Sp<_Tp, _A0, _A1>, _Up, false>
+    typedef _Sp<_Up, _A0, _A1> type;
+template <template <class, class, class, class> class _Sp, class _Tp, class _A0,
+                                                class _A1, class _A2, class _Up>
+struct __pointer_traits_rebind<_Sp<_Tp, _A0, _A1, _A2>, _Up, true>
+    typedef typename _Sp<_Tp, _A0, _A1, _A2>::template rebind<_Up> type;
+    typedef typename _Sp<_Tp, _A0, _A1, _A2>::template rebind<_Up>::other type;
+template <template <class, class, class, class> class _Sp, class _Tp, class _A0,
+                                                class _A1, class _A2, class _Up>
+struct __pointer_traits_rebind<_Sp<_Tp, _A0, _A1, _A2>, _Up, false>
+    typedef _Sp<_Up, _A0, _A1, _A2> type;
+template <class _Ptr>
+struct pointer_traits
+    typedef _Ptr                                                     pointer;
+    typedef typename __pointer_traits_element_type<pointer>::type    element_type;
+    typedef typename __pointer_traits_difference_type<pointer>::type difference_type;
+    template <class _Up> using rebind = __pointer_traits_rebind<pointer, _Up>::type;
+    template <class _Up> struct rebind
+        {typedef typename __pointer_traits_rebind<pointer, _Up>::type other;};
+    struct __nat {};
+    static pointer pointer_to(typename conditional<is_void<element_type>::value,
+                                           __nat, element_type>::type& __r)
+        {return pointer::pointer_to(__r);}
+template <class _Tp>
+struct pointer_traits<_Tp*>
+    typedef _Tp*      pointer;
+    typedef _Tp       element_type;
+    typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
+    template <class _Up> using rebind = _Up*;
+    template <class _Up> struct rebind {typedef _Up* other;};
+    struct __nat {};
+    static pointer pointer_to(typename conditional<is_void<element_type>::value,
+                                           __nat, element_type>::type& __r)
+        {return _STD::addressof(__r);}
+// allocator_traits
+namespace __has_pointer_type_imp
+    template <class _Up> static __two test(...);
+    template <class _Up> static char test(typename _Up::pointer* = 0);
+template <class _Tp>
+struct __has_pointer_type
+    : public integral_constant<bool, sizeof(__has_pointer_type_imp::test<_Tp>(0)) == 1>
+namespace __pointer_type_imp
+template <class _Tp, class _Dp, bool = __has_pointer_type<_Dp>::value>
+struct __pointer_type
+    typedef typename _Dp::pointer type;
+template <class _Tp, class _Dp>
+struct __pointer_type<_Tp, _Dp, false>
+    typedef _Tp* type;
+template <class _Tp, class _Dp>
+struct __pointer_type
+    typedef typename __pointer_type_imp::__pointer_type<_Tp, typename remove_reference<_Dp>::type>::type type;
+template <class _Tp>
+struct __has_const_pointer
+    struct __two {char _; char __;};
+    template <class _Up> static __two __test(...);
+    template <class _Up> static char __test(typename _Up::const_pointer* = 0);
+    static const bool value = sizeof(__test<_Tp>(0)) == 1;
+template <class _Tp, class _Ptr, class _Alloc, bool = __has_const_pointer<_Alloc>::value>
+struct __const_pointer
+    typedef typename _Alloc::const_pointer type;
+template <class _Tp, class _Ptr, class _Alloc>
+struct __const_pointer<_Tp, _Ptr, _Alloc, false>
+    typedef typename pointer_traits<_Ptr>::template rebind<const _Tp> type;
+    typedef typename pointer_traits<_Ptr>::template rebind<const _Tp>::other type;
+template <class _Tp>
+struct __has_void_pointer
+    struct __two {char _; char __;};
+    template <class _Up> static __two __test(...);
+    template <class _Up> static char __test(typename _Up::void_pointer* = 0);
+    static const bool value = sizeof(__test<_Tp>(0)) == 1;
+template <class _Ptr, class _Alloc, bool = __has_void_pointer<_Alloc>::value>
+struct __void_pointer
+    typedef typename _Alloc::void_pointer type;
+template <class _Ptr, class _Alloc>
+struct __void_pointer<_Ptr, _Alloc, false>
+    typedef typename pointer_traits<_Ptr>::template rebind<void> type;
+    typedef typename pointer_traits<_Ptr>::template rebind<void>::other type;
+template <class _Tp>
+struct __has_const_void_pointer
+    struct __two {char _; char __;};
+    template <class _Up> static __two __test(...);
+    template <class _Up> static char __test(typename _Up::const_void_pointer* = 0);
+    static const bool value = sizeof(__test<_Tp>(0)) == 1;
+template <class _Ptr, class _Alloc, bool = __has_const_void_pointer<_Alloc>::value>
+struct __const_void_pointer
+    typedef typename _Alloc::const_void_pointer type;
+template <class _Ptr, class _Alloc>
+struct __const_void_pointer<_Ptr, _Alloc, false>
+    typedef typename pointer_traits<_Ptr>::template rebind<const void> type;
+    typedef typename pointer_traits<_Ptr>::template rebind<const void>::other type;
+template <class _T>
+__to_raw_pointer(_T* __p)
+    return __p;
+template <class _Pointer>
+typename pointer_traits<_Pointer>::element_type*
+__to_raw_pointer(_Pointer __p)
+    return _STD::__to_raw_pointer(__p.operator->());
+template <class _Tp>
+struct __has_size_type
+    struct __two {char _; char __;};
+    template <class _Up> static __two __test(...);
+    template <class _Up> static char __test(typename _Up::size_type* = 0);
+    static const bool value = sizeof(__test<_Tp>(0)) == 1;
+template <class _Alloc, bool = __has_size_type<_Alloc>::value>
+struct __size_type
+    typedef size_t type;
+template <class _Alloc>
+struct __size_type<_Alloc, true>
+    typedef typename _Alloc::size_type type;
+template <class _Tp>
+struct __has_propagate_on_container_copy_assignment
+    struct __two {char _; char __;};
+    template <class _Up> static __two __test(...);
+    template <class _Up> static char __test(typename _Up::propagate_on_container_copy_assignment* = 0);
+    static const bool value = sizeof(__test<_Tp>(0)) == 1;
+template <class _Alloc, bool = __has_propagate_on_container_copy_assignment<_Alloc>::value>
+struct __propagate_on_container_copy_assignment
+    typedef false_type type;
+template <class _Alloc>
+struct __propagate_on_container_copy_assignment<_Alloc, true>
+    typedef typename _Alloc::propagate_on_container_copy_assignment type;
+template <class _Tp>
+struct __has_propagate_on_container_move_assignment
+    struct __two {char _; char __;};
+    template <class _Up> static __two __test(...);
+    template <class _Up> static char __test(typename _Up::propagate_on_container_move_assignment* = 0);
+    static const bool value = sizeof(__test<_Tp>(0)) == 1;
+template <class _Alloc, bool = __has_propagate_on_container_move_assignment<_Alloc>::value>
+struct __propagate_on_container_move_assignment
+    typedef false_type type;
+template <class _Alloc>
+struct __propagate_on_container_move_assignment<_Alloc, true>
+    typedef typename _Alloc::propagate_on_container_move_assignment type;
+template <class _Tp>
+struct __has_propagate_on_container_swap
+    struct __two {char _; char __;};
+    template <class _Up> static __two __test(...);
+    template <class _Up> static char __test(typename _Up::propagate_on_container_swap* = 0);
+    static const bool value = sizeof(__test<_Tp>(0)) == 1;
+template <class _Alloc, bool = __has_propagate_on_container_swap<_Alloc>::value>
+struct __propagate_on_container_swap
+    typedef false_type type;
+template <class _Alloc>
+struct __propagate_on_container_swap<_Alloc, true>
+    typedef typename _Alloc::propagate_on_container_swap type;
+template <class _Tp, class _Up, bool = __has_rebind<_Tp, _Up>::value>
+struct __has_rebind_other
+    struct __two {char _; char __;};
+    template <class _Xp> static __two __test(...);
+    template <class _Xp> static char __test(typename _Xp::template rebind<_Up>::other* = 0);
+    static const bool value = sizeof(__test<_Tp>(0)) == 1;
+template <class _Tp, class _Up>
+struct __has_rebind_other<_Tp, _Up, false>
+    static const bool value = false;
+template <class _Tp, class _Up, bool = __has_rebind_other<_Tp, _Up>::value>
+struct __allocator_traits_rebind
+    typedef typename _Tp::template rebind<_Up>::other type;
+template <template <class, class...> class _Alloc, class _Tp, class ..._Args, class _Up>
+struct __allocator_traits_rebind<_Alloc<_Tp, _Args...>, _Up, true>
+    typedef typename _Alloc<_Tp, _Args...>::template rebind<_Up>::other type;
+template <template <class, class...> class _Alloc, class _Tp, class ..._Args, class _Up>
+struct __allocator_traits_rebind<_Alloc<_Tp, _Args...>, _Up, false>
+    typedef _Alloc<_Up, _Args...> type;
+template <template <class> class _Alloc, class _Tp, class _Up>
+struct __allocator_traits_rebind<_Alloc<_Tp>, _Up, true>
+    typedef typename _Alloc<_Tp>::template rebind<_Up>::other type;
+template <template <class> class _Alloc, class _Tp, class _Up>
+struct __allocator_traits_rebind<_Alloc<_Tp>, _Up, false>
+    typedef _Alloc<_Up> type;
+template <template <class, class> class _Alloc, class _Tp, class _A0, class _Up>
+struct __allocator_traits_rebind<_Alloc<_Tp, _A0>, _Up, true>
+    typedef typename _Alloc<_Tp, _A0>::template rebind<_Up>::other type;
+template <template <class, class> class _Alloc, class _Tp, class _A0, class _Up>
+struct __allocator_traits_rebind<_Alloc<_Tp, _A0>, _Up, false>
+    typedef _Alloc<_Up, _A0> type;
+template <template <class, class, class> class _Alloc, class _Tp, class _A0,
+                                         class _A1, class _Up>
+struct __allocator_traits_rebind<_Alloc<_Tp, _A0, _A1>, _Up, true>
+    typedef typename _Alloc<_Tp, _A0, _A1>::template rebind<_Up>::other type;
+template <template <class, class, class> class _Alloc, class _Tp, class _A0,
+                                         class _A1, class _Up>
+struct __allocator_traits_rebind<_Alloc<_Tp, _A0, _A1>, _Up, false>
+    typedef _Alloc<_Up, _A0, _A1> type;
+template <template <class, class, class, class> class _Alloc, class _Tp, class _A0,
+                                                class _A1, class _A2, class _Up>
+struct __allocator_traits_rebind<_Alloc<_Tp, _A0, _A1, _A2>, _Up, true>
+    typedef typename _Alloc<_Tp, _A0, _A1, _A2>::template rebind<_Up>::other type;
+template <template <class, class, class, class> class _Alloc, class _Tp, class _A0,
+                                                class _A1, class _A2, class _Up>
+struct __allocator_traits_rebind<_Alloc<_Tp, _A0, _A1, _A2>, _Up, false>
+    typedef _Alloc<_Up, _A0, _A1, _A2> type;
+template <class _Alloc, class _SizeType, class _ConstVoidPtr>
+__has_allocate_hint_test(_Alloc&& __a, _SizeType&& __sz, _ConstVoidPtr&& __p)
+    -> decltype(__a.allocate(__sz, __p), true_type());
+template <class _Alloc, class _SizeType, class _ConstVoidPtr>
+__has_allocate_hint_test(const _Alloc& __a, _SizeType&& __sz, _ConstVoidPtr&& __p)
+    -> false_type;
+template <class _Alloc, class _SizeType, class _ConstVoidPtr>
+struct __has_allocate_hint
+    : integral_constant<bool,
+        is_same<
+            decltype(__has_allocate_hint_test(declval<_Alloc>(),
+                                          declval<_SizeType>(),
+                                          declval<_ConstVoidPtr>())),
+            true_type>::value>
+template <class _Alloc, class _SizeType, class _ConstVoidPtr>
+struct __has_allocate_hint
+    : true_type
+template <class _Alloc, class _Tp, class ..._Args>
+                                           _STD::declval<_Args>()...),
+                                           true_type())
+__has_construct_test(_Alloc&& __a, _Tp* __p, _Args&& ...__args);
+template <class _Alloc, class _Pointer, class ..._Args>
+__has_construct_test(const _Alloc& __a, _Pointer&& __p, _Args&& ...__args);
+template <class _Alloc, class _Pointer, class ..._Args>
+struct __has_construct
+    : integral_constant<bool,
+        is_same<
+            decltype(__has_construct_test(declval<_Alloc>(),
+                                          declval<_Pointer>(),
+                                          declval<_Args>()...)),
+            true_type>::value>
+template <class _Alloc, class _Pointer>
+__has_destroy_test(_Alloc&& __a, _Pointer&& __p)
+    -> decltype(__a.destroy(__p), true_type());
+template <class _Alloc, class _Pointer>
+__has_destroy_test(const _Alloc& __a, _Pointer&& __p)
+    -> false_type;
+template <class _Alloc, class _Pointer>
+struct __has_destroy
+    : integral_constant<bool,
+        is_same<
+            decltype(__has_destroy_test(declval<_Alloc>(),
+                                        declval<_Pointer>())),
+            true_type>::value>
+template <class _Alloc>
+__has_max_size_test(_Alloc&& __a)
+    -> decltype(__a.max_size(), true_type());
+template <class _Alloc>
+__has_max_size_test(const volatile _Alloc& __a)
+    -> false_type;
+template <class _Alloc>
+struct __has_max_size
+    : integral_constant<bool,
+        is_same<
+            decltype(__has_max_size_test(declval<_Alloc&>())),
+            true_type>::value>
+template <class _Alloc>
+__has_select_on_container_copy_construction_test(_Alloc&& __a)
+    -> decltype(__a.select_on_container_copy_construction(), true_type());
+template <class _Alloc>
+__has_select_on_container_copy_construction_test(const volatile _Alloc& __a)
+    -> false_type;
+template <class _Alloc>
+struct __has_select_on_container_copy_construction
+    : integral_constant<bool,
+        is_same<
+            decltype(__has_select_on_container_copy_construction_test(declval<_Alloc&>())),
+            true_type>::value>
+template <class _Alloc, class _Pointer, class ..._Args>
+struct __has_construct
+    : false_type
+template <class _Alloc, class _Pointer>
+struct __has_destroy
+    : false_type
+template <class _Alloc>
+struct __has_max_size
+    : true_type
+template <class _Alloc>
+struct __has_select_on_container_copy_construction
+    : false_type
+template <class _Alloc>
+struct allocator_traits
+    typedef _Alloc                              allocator_type;
+    typedef typename allocator_type::value_type value_type;
+    typedef typename __pointer_type<value_type, allocator_type>::type pointer;
+    typedef typename __const_pointer<value_type, pointer, allocator_type>::type const_pointer;
+    typedef typename __void_pointer<pointer, allocator_type>::type void_pointer;
+    typedef typename __const_void_pointer<pointer, allocator_type>::type const_void_pointer;
+    typedef typename __pointer_traits_difference_type<allocator_type>::type difference_type;
+    typedef typename __size_type<allocator_type>::type size_type;
+    typedef typename __propagate_on_container_copy_assignment<allocator_type>::type
+                     propagate_on_container_copy_assignment;
+    typedef typename __propagate_on_container_move_assignment<allocator_type>::type
+                     propagate_on_container_move_assignment;
+    typedef typename __propagate_on_container_swap<allocator_type>::type
+                     propagate_on_container_swap;
+    template <class _Tp> using rebind_alloc =
+                           __allocator_traits_rebind<allocator_type, _Tp>::type;
+    template <class _Tp> using rebind_traits = allocator_traits<rebind_alloc<_Tp>>;
+    template <class _Tp> struct rebind_alloc
+        {typedef typename __allocator_traits_rebind<allocator_type, _Tp>::type other;};
+    template <class _Tp> struct rebind_traits
+        {typedef allocator_traits<typename rebind_alloc<_Tp>::other> other;};
+    static pointer allocate(allocator_type& __a, size_type __n)
+        {return __a.allocate(__n);}
+    static pointer allocate(allocator_type& __a, size_type __n, const_void_pointer __hint)
+        {return allocate(__a, __n, __hint,
+            __has_allocate_hint<allocator_type, size_type, const_void_pointer>());}
+    static void deallocate(allocator_type& __a, pointer __p, size_type __n)
+        {__a.deallocate(__p, __n);}
+    template <class _Tp, class... _Args>
+        static void construct(allocator_type& __a, _Tp* __p, _Args&&... __args)
+            {__construct(__has_construct<allocator_type, pointer, _Args...>(),
+                         __a, __p, _STD::forward<_Args>(__args)...);}
+    template <class _Tp>
+        static void construct(allocator_type& __a, _Tp* __p)
+            {
+                ::new ((void*)__p) _Tp();
+            }
+    template <class _Tp, class _A0>
+        static void construct(allocator_type& __a, _Tp* __p, const _A0& __a0)
+            {
+                ::new ((void*)__p) _Tp(__a0);
+            }
+    template <class _Tp, class _A0, class _A1>
+        static void construct(allocator_type& __a, _Tp* __p, const _A0& __a0,
+                              const _A1& __a1)
+            {
+                ::new ((void*)__p) _Tp(__a0, __a1);
+            }
+    template <class _Tp, class _A0, class _A1, class _A2>
+        static void construct(allocator_type& __a, _Tp* __p, const _A0& __a0,
+                              const _A1& __a1, const _A2& __a2)
+            {
+                ::new ((void*)__p) _Tp(__a0, __a1, __a2);
+            }
+    template <class _Tp>
+        static void destroy(allocator_type& __a, _Tp* __p)
+            {__destroy(__has_destroy<allocator_type, _Tp*>(), __a, __p);}
+    static size_type max_size(const allocator_type& __a)
+        {return __max_size(__has_max_size<const allocator_type>(), __a);}
+    static allocator_type
+        select_on_container_copy_construction(const allocator_type& __a)
+            {return select_on_container_copy_construction(
+                __has_select_on_container_copy_construction<const allocator_type>(),
+                __a);}
+    static pointer allocate(allocator_type& __a, size_type __n,
+        const_void_pointer __hint, true_type)
+        {return __a.allocate(__n, __hint);}
+    static pointer allocate(allocator_type& __a, size_type __n,
+        const_void_pointer __hint, false_type)
+        {return __a.allocate(__n);}
+    template <class _Tp, class... _Args>
+        static void __construct(true_type, allocator_type& __a, _Tp* __p, _Args&&... __args)
+            {__a.construct(__p, _STD::forward<_Args>(__args)...);}
+    template <class _Tp, class... _Args>
+        static void __construct(false_type, allocator_type&, _Tp* __p, _Args&&... __args)
+            {
+                ::new ((void*)__p) _Tp(_STD::forward<_Args>(__args)...);
+            }
+    template <class _Tp>
+        static void __destroy(true_type, allocator_type& __a, _Tp* __p)
+            {__a.destroy(__p);}
+    template <class _Tp>
+        static void __destroy(false_type, allocator_type&, _Tp* __p)
+            {
+                __p->~_Tp();
+            }
+    static size_type __max_size(true_type, const allocator_type& __a)
+            {return __a.max_size();}
+    static size_type __max_size(false_type, const allocator_type&)
+            {return numeric_limits<size_type>::max();}
+    static allocator_type
+        select_on_container_copy_construction(true_type, const allocator_type& __a)
+            {return __a.select_on_container_copy_construction();}
+    static allocator_type
+        select_on_container_copy_construction(false_type, const allocator_type& __a)
+            {return __a;}
+// uses_allocator
+template <class _Tp>
+struct __has_allocator_type
+    struct __two {char _; char __;};
+    template <class _Up> static __two __test(...);
+    template <class _Up> static char __test(typename _Up::allocator_type* = 0);
+    static const bool value = sizeof(__test<_Tp>(0)) == 1;
+template <class _Tp, class _Alloc, bool = __has_allocator_type<_Tp>::value>
+struct __uses_allocator
+    : public integral_constant<bool,
+        is_convertible<_Alloc, typename _Tp::allocator_type>::value>
+template <class _Tp, class _Alloc>
+struct __uses_allocator<_Tp, _Alloc, false>
+    : public false_type
+template <class _Tp, class _Alloc>
+struct uses_allocator
+    : public __uses_allocator<_Tp, _Alloc>
+#ifdef _LIBCPP_MOVE
+// uses-allocator construction
+template <class _Tp, class _Alloc, class ..._Args>
+struct __uses_alloc_ctor_imp
+    static const bool __ua = uses_allocator<_Tp, _Alloc>::value;
+    static const bool __ic =
+        is_constructible<_Tp, allocator_arg_t, _Alloc, _Args...>::value;
+    static const int value = __ua ? 2 - __ic : 0;
+template <class _Tp, class _Alloc, class ..._Args>
+struct __uses_alloc_ctor
+    : integral_constant<int, __uses_alloc_ctor_imp<_Tp, _Alloc, _Args...>::value>
+    {};
+// scoped_allocator_adaptor
+template <class ..._Allocs>
+class scoped_allocator_adaptor;
+template <class ..._Allocs> struct __get_poc_copy_assignment;
+template <class _A0>
+struct __get_poc_copy_assignment<_A0>
+    static const bool value = allocator_traits<_A0>::
+                              propagate_on_container_copy_assignment::value;
+template <class _A0, class ..._Allocs>
+struct __get_poc_copy_assignment<_A0, _Allocs...>
+    static const bool value =
+        allocator_traits<_A0>::propagate_on_container_copy_assignment::value ||
+        __get_poc_copy_assignment<_Allocs...>::value;
+template <class ..._Allocs> struct __get_poc_move_assignment;
+template <class _A0>
+struct __get_poc_move_assignment<_A0>
+    static const bool value = allocator_traits<_A0>::
+                              propagate_on_container_move_assignment::value;
+template <class _A0, class ..._Allocs>
+struct __get_poc_move_assignment<_A0, _Allocs...>
+    static const bool value =
+        allocator_traits<_A0>::propagate_on_container_move_assignment::value ||
+        __get_poc_move_assignment<_Allocs...>::value;
+template <class ..._Allocs> struct __get_poc_swap;
+template <class _A0>
+struct __get_poc_swap<_A0>
+    static const bool value = allocator_traits<_A0>::
+                              propagate_on_container_swap::value;
+template <class _A0, class ..._Allocs>
+struct __get_poc_swap<_A0, _Allocs...>
+    static const bool value =
+        allocator_traits<_A0>::propagate_on_container_swap::value ||
+        __get_poc_swap<_Allocs...>::value;
+template <class ..._Allocs>
+class __scoped_allocator_storage;
+template <class _OuterAlloc, class... _InnerAllocs>
+class __scoped_allocator_storage<_OuterAlloc, _InnerAllocs...>
+    : public _OuterAlloc
+    typedef _OuterAlloc outer_allocator_type;
+    typedef scoped_allocator_adaptor<_InnerAllocs...> inner_allocator_type;
+    inner_allocator_type __inner_;
+    __scoped_allocator_storage() {}
+    template <class _OuterA2,
+              class = typename enable_if<
+                        is_constructible<outer_allocator_type, _OuterA2>::value
+                      >::type>
+        __scoped_allocator_storage(_OuterA2&& __outerAlloc,
+                                   const _InnerAllocs& ...__innerAllocs)
+            : outer_allocator_type(_STD::forward<_OuterA2>(__outerAlloc)),
+              __inner_(__innerAllocs...) {}
+    template <class _OuterA2,
+              class = typename enable_if<
+                        is_constructible<outer_allocator_type, const _OuterA2&>::value
+                      >::type>
+        __scoped_allocator_storage(
+            const __scoped_allocator_storage<_OuterA2, _InnerAllocs...>& __other)
+            : outer_allocator_type(__other.outer_allocator()),
+              __inner_(__other.inner_allocator()) {}
+    template <class _OuterA2,
+              class = typename enable_if<
+                        is_constructible<outer_allocator_type, _OuterA2>::value
+                      >::type>
+        __scoped_allocator_storage(
+            __scoped_allocator_storage<_OuterA2, _InnerAllocs...>&& __other)
+            : outer_allocator_type(_STD::move(__other.outer_allocator())),
+              __inner_(_STD::move(__other.inner_allocator())) {}
+    template <class _OuterA2,
+              class = typename enable_if<
+                        is_constructible<outer_allocator_type, _OuterA2>::value
+                      >::type>
+    __scoped_allocator_storage(_OuterA2&& __o,
+                               const inner_allocator_type& __i)
+        : outer_allocator_type(_STD::forward<_OuterA2>(__o)),
+          __inner_(__i)
+    {
+    }
+    inner_allocator_type& inner_allocator()             {return __inner_;}
+    const inner_allocator_type& inner_allocator() const {return __inner_;}
+    outer_allocator_type& outer_allocator()
+        {return static_cast<outer_allocator_type&>(*this);}
+    const outer_allocator_type& outer_allocator() const
+        {return static_cast<const outer_allocator_type&>(*this);}
+    scoped_allocator_adaptor<outer_allocator_type, _InnerAllocs...>
+    select_on_container_copy_construction() const
+        {
+            return scoped_allocator_adaptor<outer_allocator_type, _InnerAllocs...>
+            (
+                allocator_traits<outer_allocator_type>::
+                    select_on_container_copy_construction(outer_allocator()),
+                allocator_traits<inner_allocator_type>::
+                    select_on_container_copy_construction(inner_allocator())
+            );
+        }
+    template <class...> friend class __scoped_allocator_storage;
+template <class _OuterAlloc>
+class __scoped_allocator_storage<_OuterAlloc>
+    : public _OuterAlloc
+    typedef _OuterAlloc outer_allocator_type;
+    typedef scoped_allocator_adaptor<_OuterAlloc> inner_allocator_type;
+    __scoped_allocator_storage() {}
+    template <class _OuterA2,
+              class = typename enable_if<
+                        is_constructible<outer_allocator_type, _OuterA2>::value
+                      >::type>
+        __scoped_allocator_storage(_OuterA2&& __outerAlloc)
+            : outer_allocator_type(_STD::forward<_OuterA2>(__outerAlloc)) {}
+    template <class _OuterA2,
+              class = typename enable_if<
+                        is_constructible<outer_allocator_type, const _OuterA2&>::value
+                      >::type>
+        __scoped_allocator_storage(
+            const __scoped_allocator_storage<_OuterA2>& __other)
+            : outer_allocator_type(__other.outer_allocator()) {}
+    template <class _OuterA2,
+              class = typename enable_if<
+                        is_constructible<outer_allocator_type, _OuterA2>::value
+                      >::type>
+        __scoped_allocator_storage(
+            __scoped_allocator_storage<_OuterA2>&& __other)
+            : outer_allocator_type(_STD::move(__other.outer_allocator())) {}
+    inner_allocator_type& inner_allocator()
+        {return static_cast<inner_allocator_type&>(*this);}
+    const inner_allocator_type& inner_allocator() const
+        {return static_cast<const inner_allocator_type&>(*this);}
+    outer_allocator_type& outer_allocator()
+        {return static_cast<outer_allocator_type&>(*this);}
+    const outer_allocator_type& outer_allocator() const
+        {return static_cast<const outer_allocator_type&>(*this);}
+    scoped_allocator_adaptor<outer_allocator_type>
+    select_on_container_copy_construction() const
+        {return scoped_allocator_adaptor<outer_allocator_type>(
+            allocator_traits<outer_allocator_type>::
+                select_on_container_copy_construction(outer_allocator())
+        );}
+    __scoped_allocator_storage(const outer_allocator_type& __o,
+                               const inner_allocator_type& __i);
+    template <class...> friend class __scoped_allocator_storage;
+// __outermost
+template <class _Alloc>
+decltype(declval<_Alloc>().outer_allocator(), true_type())
+__has_outer_allocator_test(_Alloc&& __a);
+template <class _Alloc>
+__has_outer_allocator_test(const volatile _Alloc& __a);
+template <class _Alloc>
+struct __has_outer_allocator
+    : public common_type
+             <
+                 decltype(__has_outer_allocator_test(declval<_Alloc&>()))
+             >::type
+template <class _Alloc, bool = __has_outer_allocator<_Alloc>::value>
+struct __outermost
+    typedef _Alloc type;
+    type& operator()(type& __a) const {return __a;}
+template <class _Alloc>
+struct __outermost<_Alloc, true>
+    typedef typename remove_reference
+                     <
+                        decltype(_STD::declval<_Alloc>().outer_allocator())
+                     >::type                                    _OuterAlloc;
+    typedef typename __outermost<_OuterAlloc>::type             type;
+    type& operator()(_Alloc& __a) const
+        {return __outermost<_OuterAlloc>()(__a.outer_allocator());}
+template <class _OuterAlloc, class... _InnerAllocs>
+class scoped_allocator_adaptor<_OuterAlloc, _InnerAllocs...>
+    : public __scoped_allocator_storage<_OuterAlloc, _InnerAllocs...>
+    typedef __scoped_allocator_storage<_OuterAlloc, _InnerAllocs...> base;
+    typedef allocator_traits<_OuterAlloc>             _OuterTraits;
+    typedef _OuterAlloc                               outer_allocator_type;
+    typedef typename base::inner_allocator_type       inner_allocator_type;
+    typedef typename _OuterTraits::size_type          size_type;
+    typedef typename _OuterTraits::difference_type    difference_type;
+    typedef typename _OuterTraits::pointer            pointer;
+    typedef typename _OuterTraits::const_pointer      const_pointer;
+    typedef typename _OuterTraits::void_pointer       void_pointer;
+    typedef typename _OuterTraits::const_void_pointer const_void_pointer;
+    typedef integral_constant
+            <
+                bool,
+                __get_poc_copy_assignment<outer_allocator_type,
+                                          _InnerAllocs...>::value
+            > propagate_on_container_copy_assignment;
+    typedef integral_constant
+            <
+                bool,
+                __get_poc_move_assignment<outer_allocator_type,
+                                          _InnerAllocs...>::value
+            > propagate_on_container_move_assignment;
+    typedef integral_constant
+            <
+                bool,
+                __get_poc_swap<outer_allocator_type, _InnerAllocs...>::value
+            > propagate_on_container_swap;
+    template <class _Tp>
+    struct rebind
+    {
+        typedef scoped_allocator_adaptor
+        <
+            typename _OuterTraits::template rebind_alloc<_Tp>, _InnerAllocs...
+        > other;
+    };
+    scoped_allocator_adaptor() {}
+    template <class _OuterA2,
+              class = typename enable_if<
+                        is_constructible<outer_allocator_type, _OuterA2>::value
+                      >::type>
+        scoped_allocator_adaptor(_OuterA2&& __outerAlloc,
+                                 const _InnerAllocs& ...__innerAllocs)
+            : base(_STD::forward<_OuterA2>(__outerAlloc), __innerAllocs...) {}
+    // scoped_allocator_adaptor(const scoped_allocator_adaptor& __other) = default;
+    template <class _OuterA2,
+              class = typename enable_if<
+                        is_constructible<outer_allocator_type, const _OuterA2&>::value
+                      >::type>
+        scoped_allocator_adaptor(
+            const scoped_allocator_adaptor<_OuterA2, _InnerAllocs...>& __other)
+                : base(__other) {}
+    template <class _OuterA2,
+              class = typename enable_if<
+                        is_constructible<outer_allocator_type, _OuterA2>::value
+                      >::type>
+        scoped_allocator_adaptor(
+            scoped_allocator_adaptor<_OuterA2, _InnerAllocs...>&& __other)
+                : base(_STD::move(__other)) {}
+    // ~scoped_allocator_adaptor() = default;
+    inner_allocator_type& inner_allocator()
+        {return base::inner_allocator();}
+    const inner_allocator_type& inner_allocator() const
+        {return base::inner_allocator();}
+    outer_allocator_type& outer_allocator()
+        {return base::outer_allocator();}
+    const outer_allocator_type& outer_allocator() const
+        {return base::outer_allocator();}
+    pointer allocate(size_type __n)
+        {return allocator_traits<outer_allocator_type>::
+            allocate(outer_allocator(), __n);}
+    pointer allocate(size_type __n, const_void_pointer __hint)
+        {return allocator_traits<outer_allocator_type>::
+            allocate(outer_allocator(), __n, __hint);}
+    void deallocate(pointer __p, size_type __n)
+        {allocator_traits<outer_allocator_type>::
+            deallocate(outer_allocator(), __p, __n);}
+    size_type max_size() const
+        {allocator_traits<outer_allocator_type>::max_size(outer_allocator());}
+    template <class _Tp, class... _Args>
+        void construct(_Tp* __p, _Args&& ...__args)
+            {__construct(__uses_alloc_ctor<_Tp, inner_allocator_type, _Args...>(),
+                         __p, _STD::forward<_Args>(__args)...);}
+    template <class _Tp>
+        void destroy(_Tp* __p)
+            {
+                typedef __outermost<outer_allocator_type> _OM;
+                allocator_traits<typename _OM::type>::
+                                         destroy(_OM()(outer_allocator()), __p);
+            }
+    scoped_allocator_adaptor select_on_container_copy_construction() const
+        {return base::select_on_container_copy_construction();}
+    template <class _OuterA2,
+              class = typename enable_if<
+                        is_constructible<outer_allocator_type, _OuterA2>::value
+                      >::type>
+    scoped_allocator_adaptor(_OuterA2&& __o,
+                             const inner_allocator_type& __i)
+        : base(_STD::forward<_OuterA2>(__o), __i) {}
+    template <class _Tp, class... _Args>
+        void __construct(integral_constant<int, 0>, _Tp* __p, _Args&& ...__args)
+            {
+                typedef __outermost<outer_allocator_type> _OM;
+                allocator_traits<typename _OM::type>::construct
+                (
+                    _OM()(outer_allocator()),
+                    __p,
+                    _STD::forward<_Args>(__args)...
+                );
+            }
+    template <class _Tp, class... _Args>
+        void __construct(integral_constant<int, 1>, _Tp* __p, _Args&& ...__args)
+            {
+                typedef __outermost<outer_allocator_type> _OM;
+                allocator_traits<typename _OM::type>::construct
+                (
+                    _OM()(outer_allocator()),
+                    __p,
+                    allocator_arg,
+                    inner_allocator(),
+                    _STD::forward<_Args>(__args)...
+                );
+            }
+    template <class _Tp, class... _Args>
+        void __construct(integral_constant<int, 2>, _Tp* __p, _Args&& ...__args)
+            {
+                typedef __outermost<outer_allocator_type> _OM;
+                allocator_traits<typename _OM::type>::construct
+                (
+                    _OM()(outer_allocator()),
+                    __p,
+                    _STD::forward<_Args>(__args)...,
+                    inner_allocator()
+                );
+            }
+    template <class...> friend class __scoped_allocator_storage;
+template <class _OuterA1, class _OuterA2>
+operator==(const scoped_allocator_adaptor<_OuterA1>& __a,
+           const scoped_allocator_adaptor<_OuterA2>& __b)
+    return __a.outer_allocator() == __b.outer_allocator();
+template <class _OuterA1, class _OuterA2, class... _InnerAllocs>
+operator==(const scoped_allocator_adaptor<_OuterA1, _InnerAllocs...>& __a,
+           const scoped_allocator_adaptor<_OuterA2, _InnerAllocs...>& __b)
+    return __a.outer_allocator() == __b.outer_allocator() &&
+           __a.inner_allocator() == __b.inner_allocator();
+template <class _OuterA1, class _OuterA2, class... _InnerAllocs>
+operator!=(const scoped_allocator_adaptor<_OuterA1, _InnerAllocs...>& __a,
+           const scoped_allocator_adaptor<_OuterA2, _InnerAllocs...>& __b)
+    return !(__a == __b);
+// allocator
+template <class _Tp>
+class allocator
+    typedef size_t            size_type;
+    typedef ptrdiff_t         difference_type;
+    typedef _Tp*              pointer;
+    typedef const _Tp*        const_pointer;
+    typedef _Tp&              reference;
+    typedef const _Tp&        const_reference;
+    typedef _Tp               value_type;
+    template <class _Up> struct rebind {typedef allocator<_Up> other;};
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY allocator() throw() {}
+    template <class _Up> _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY allocator(const allocator<_Up>&) throw() {}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY pointer address(reference __x) const             {return addressof(__x);}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY const_pointer address(const_reference __x) const {return addressof(__x);}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY pointer allocate(size_type __n, allocator<void>::const_pointer = 0)
+        {return static_cast<pointer>(::operator new(__n * sizeof(_Tp)));}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY void deallocate(pointer __p, size_type) {::operator delete((void*)__p);}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY size_type max_size() const throw() {return size_type(~0) / sizeof(_Tp);}
+#ifdef _LIBCPP_MOVE
+    template <class _Up, class... _Args>
+        void
+        construct(_Up* __p, _Args&&... __args)
+        {
+            ::new((void*)__p) _Up(_STD::forward<_Args>(__args)...);
+        }
+        void
+        construct(pointer __p)
+        {
+            ::new((void*)__p) _Tp();
+        }
+    template <class _A0>
+        typename enable_if
+        <
+            !is_convertible<_A0, __rv<_A0> >::value,
+            void
+        >::type
+        construct(pointer __p, _A0& __a0)
+        {
+            ::new((void*)__p) _Tp(__a0);
+        }
+    template <class _A0>
+        typename enable_if
+        <
+            !is_convertible<_A0, __rv<_A0> >::value,
+            void
+        >::type
+        construct(pointer __p, const _A0& __a0)
+        {
+            ::new((void*)__p) _Tp(__a0);
+        }
+    template <class _A0>
+        typename enable_if
+        <
+            is_convertible<_A0, __rv<_A0> >::value,
+            void
+        >::type
+        construct(pointer __p, _A0 __a0)
+        {
+            ::new((void*)__p) _Tp(_STD::move(__a0));
+        }
+    template <class _A0, class _A1>
+        void
+        construct(pointer __p, _A0& __a0, _A1& __a1)
+        {
+            ::new((void*)__p) _Tp(__a0, __a1);
+        }
+    template <class _A0, class _A1>
+        void
+        construct(pointer __p, const _A0& __a0, _A1& __a1)
+        {
+            ::new((void*)__p) _Tp(__a0, __a1);
+        }
+    template <class _A0, class _A1>
+        void
+        construct(pointer __p, _A0& __a0, const _A1& __a1)
+        {
+            ::new((void*)__p) _Tp(__a0, __a1);
+        }
+    template <class _A0, class _A1>
+        void
+        construct(pointer __p, const _A0& __a0, const _A1& __a1)
+        {
+            ::new((void*)__p) _Tp(__a0, __a1);
+        }
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY void destroy(pointer __p) {__p->~_Tp();}
+template <class _Tp, class _Up>
+bool operator==(const allocator<_Tp>&, const allocator<_Up>&) throw() {return true;}
+template <class _Tp, class _Up>
+bool operator!=(const allocator<_Tp>&, const allocator<_Up>&) throw() {return false;}
+template <class _OutputIterator, class _Tp>
+class raw_storage_iterator
+    : public iterator<output_iterator_tag,
+                      _Tp,                                         // purposefully not C++03
+                      ptrdiff_t,                                   // purposefully not C++03
+                      _Tp*,                                        // purposefully not C++03
+                      raw_storage_iterator<_OutputIterator, _Tp>&> // purposefully not C++03
+    _OutputIterator __x_;
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY explicit raw_storage_iterator(_OutputIterator __x) : __x_(__x) {}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY raw_storage_iterator& operator*() {return *this;}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY raw_storage_iterator& operator=(const _Tp& __element)
+        {::new(&*__x_) _Tp(__element); return *this;}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY raw_storage_iterator& operator++() {++__x_; return *this;}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY raw_storage_iterator  operator++(int)
+        {raw_storage_iterator __t(*this); ++__x_; return __t;}
+template <class _Tp>
+pair<_Tp*, ptrdiff_t>
+get_temporary_buffer(ptrdiff_t __n)
+    pair<_Tp*, ptrdiff_t> __r(0, 0);
+    const ptrdiff_t __m = (~ptrdiff_t(0) ^
+                           ptrdiff_t(ptrdiff_t(1) << (sizeof(ptrdiff_t) * __CHAR_BIT__ - 1)))
+                           / sizeof(_Tp);
+    if (__n > __m)
+        __n = __m;
+    while (__n > 0)
+    {
+        __r.first = static_cast<_Tp*>(::operator new(__n * sizeof(_Tp), nothrow));
+        if (__r.first)
+        {
+            __r.second = __n;
+            break;
+        }
+        __n /= 2;
+    }
+    return __r;
+template <class _Tp>
+void return_temporary_buffer(_Tp* __p) {::operator delete(__p);}
+template <class _Tp>
+struct auto_ptr_ref
+    _Tp* __ptr_;
+template<class _Tp>
+class auto_ptr
+    _Tp* __ptr_;
+    typedef _Tp element_type;
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY explicit auto_ptr(_Tp* __p = 0) throw() : __ptr_(__p) {}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY auto_ptr(auto_ptr& __p) throw() : __ptr_(__p.release()) {}
+    template<class _Up> _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY auto_ptr(auto_ptr<_Up>& __p) throw()
+        : __ptr_(__p.release()) {}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY auto_ptr& operator=(auto_ptr& __p) throw()
+        {reset(__p.release()); return *this;}
+    template<class _Up> _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY auto_ptr& operator=(auto_ptr<_Up>& __p) throw()
+        {reset(__p.release()); return *this;}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY auto_ptr& operator=(auto_ptr_ref<_Tp> __p) throw()
+        {reset(__p.__ptr_); return *this;}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY ~auto_ptr() throw() {delete __ptr_;}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY _Tp& operator*() const throw()
+        {return *__ptr_;}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY _Tp* operator->() const throw() {return __ptr_;}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY _Tp* get() const throw() {return __ptr_;}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY _Tp* release() throw()
+    {
+        _Tp* __t = __ptr_;
+        __ptr_ = 0;
+        return __t;
+    }
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY void reset(_Tp* __p = 0) throw()
+    {
+        if (__ptr_ != __p)
+            delete __ptr_;
+        __ptr_ = __p;
+    }
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY auto_ptr(auto_ptr_ref<_Tp> __p) throw() : __ptr_(__p.__ptr_) {}
+    template<class _Up> _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY operator auto_ptr_ref<_Up>() throw()
+        {auto_ptr_ref<_Up> __t; __t.__ptr_ = release(); return __t;}
+    template<class _Up> _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY operator auto_ptr<_Up>() throw()
+        {return auto_ptr<_Up>(release());}
+template <>
+class auto_ptr<void>
+    typedef void element_type;
+template <class _T1, class _T2, bool = is_same<typename remove_cv<_T1>::type,
+                                                     typename remove_cv<_T2>::type>::value,
+                                bool = is_empty<_T1>::value,
+                                bool = is_empty<_T2>::value>
+struct __libcpp_compressed_pair_switch;
+template <class _T1, class _T2, bool IsSame>
+struct __libcpp_compressed_pair_switch<_T1, _T2, IsSame, false, false> {enum {value = 0};};
+template <class _T1, class _T2, bool IsSame>
+struct __libcpp_compressed_pair_switch<_T1, _T2, IsSame, true, false>  {enum {value = 1};};
+template <class _T1, class _T2, bool IsSame>
+struct __libcpp_compressed_pair_switch<_T1, _T2, IsSame, false, true>  {enum {value = 2};};
+template <class _T1, class _T2>
+struct __libcpp_compressed_pair_switch<_T1, _T2, false, true, true>    {enum {value = 3};};
+template <class _T1, class _T2>
+struct __libcpp_compressed_pair_switch<_T1, _T2, true, true, true>     {enum {value = 1};};
+template <class _T1, class _T2, unsigned = __libcpp_compressed_pair_switch<_T1, _T2>::value>
+class __libcpp_compressed_pair_imp;
+template <class _T1, class _T2>
+class __libcpp_compressed_pair_imp<_T1, _T2, 0>
+    _T1 __first_;
+    _T2 __second_;
+    typedef _T1 _T1_param;
+    typedef _T2 _T2_param;
+    typedef typename remove_reference<_T1>::type& _T1_reference;
+    typedef typename remove_reference<_T2>::type& _T2_reference;
+    typedef const typename remove_reference<_T1>::type& _T1_const_reference;
+    typedef const typename remove_reference<_T2>::type& _T2_const_reference;
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY __libcpp_compressed_pair_imp() {}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY explicit __libcpp_compressed_pair_imp(_T1_param __t1, int = 0)
+        : __first_(_STD::forward<_T1_param>(__t1)) {}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY explicit __libcpp_compressed_pair_imp(_T2_param __t2, int* = 0)
+        : __second_(_STD::forward<_T2_param>(__t2)) {}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY __libcpp_compressed_pair_imp(_T1_param __t1, _T2_param __t2)
+        : __first_(_STD::forward<_T1_param>(__t1)), __second_(_STD::forward<_T2_param>(__t2)) {}
+#ifdef _LIBCPP_MOVE
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY __libcpp_compressed_pair_imp(__libcpp_compressed_pair_imp&& __p)
+        : __first_(_STD::forward<_T1>(__p.first())), __second_(_STD::forward<_T2>(__p.second())) {}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY _T1_reference       first()       {return __first_;}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY _T1_const_reference first() const {return __first_;}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY _T2_reference       second()       {return __second_;}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY _T2_const_reference second() const {return __second_;}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY void swap(__libcpp_compressed_pair_imp& __x)
+    {
+        using _STD::swap;
+        swap(__first_, __x.__first_);
+        swap(__second_, __x.__second_);
+    }
+template <class _T1, class _T2>
+class __libcpp_compressed_pair_imp<_T1, _T2, 1>
+    : private _T1
+    _T2 __second_;
+    typedef _T1 _T1_param;
+    typedef _T2 _T2_param;
+    typedef _T1&                                        _T1_reference;
+    typedef typename remove_reference<_T2>::type& _T2_reference;
+    typedef const _T1&                                        _T1_const_reference;
+    typedef const typename remove_reference<_T2>::type& _T2_const_reference;
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY __libcpp_compressed_pair_imp() {}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY explicit __libcpp_compressed_pair_imp(_T1_param __t1, int = 0)
+        : _T1(_STD::forward<_T1_param>(__t1)) {}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY explicit __libcpp_compressed_pair_imp(_T2_param __t2, int* = 0)
+        : __second_(_STD::forward<_T2_param>(__t2)) {}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY __libcpp_compressed_pair_imp(_T1_param __t1, _T2_param __t2)
+        : _T1(_STD::forward<_T1_param>(__t1)), __second_(_STD::forward<_T2_param>(__t2)) {}
+#ifdef _LIBCPP_MOVE
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY __libcpp_compressed_pair_imp(__libcpp_compressed_pair_imp&& __p)
+        : _T1(_STD::move(__p.first())), __second_(_STD::forward<_T2>(__p.second())) {}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY _T1_reference       first()       {return *this;}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY _T1_const_reference first() const {return *this;}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY _T2_reference       second()       {return __second_;}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY _T2_const_reference second() const {return __second_;}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY void swap(__libcpp_compressed_pair_imp& __x)
+    {
+        using _STD::swap;
+        swap(__second_, __x.__second_);
+    }
+template <class _T1, class _T2>
+class __libcpp_compressed_pair_imp<_T1, _T2, 2>
+    : private _T2
+    _T1 __first_;
+    typedef _T1 _T1_param;
+    typedef _T2 _T2_param;
+    typedef typename remove_reference<_T1>::type& _T1_reference;
+    typedef _T2&                                        _T2_reference;
+    typedef const typename remove_reference<_T1>::type& _T1_const_reference;
+    typedef const _T2&                                        _T2_const_reference;
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY __libcpp_compressed_pair_imp() {}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY explicit __libcpp_compressed_pair_imp(_T1_param __t1)
+        : __first_(_STD::forward<_T1_param>(__t1)) {}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY explicit __libcpp_compressed_pair_imp(_T2_param __t2)
+        : _T2(_STD::forward<_T2_param>(__t2)) {}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY __libcpp_compressed_pair_imp(_T1_param __t1, _T2_param __t2)
+        : _T2(_STD::forward<_T2_param>(__t2)), __first_(_STD::forward<_T1_param>(__t1)) {}
+#ifdef _LIBCPP_MOVE
+    __libcpp_compressed_pair_imp(__libcpp_compressed_pair_imp&& __p)
+        : _T2(_STD::forward<_T2>(__p.second())), __first_(_STD::move(__p.first())) {}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY _T1_reference       first()       {return __first_;}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY _T1_const_reference first() const {return __first_;}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY _T2_reference       second()       {return *this;}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY _T2_const_reference second() const {return *this;}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY void swap(__libcpp_compressed_pair_imp& __x)
+    {
+        using _STD::swap;
+        swap(__first_, __x.__first_);
+    }
+template <class _T1, class _T2>
+class __libcpp_compressed_pair_imp<_T1, _T2, 3>
+    : private _T1,
+      private _T2
+    typedef _T1 _T1_param;
+    typedef _T2 _T2_param;
+    typedef _T1& _T1_reference;
+    typedef _T2& _T2_reference;
+    typedef const _T1& _T1_const_reference;
+    typedef const _T2& _T2_const_reference;
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY __libcpp_compressed_pair_imp() {}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY explicit __libcpp_compressed_pair_imp(_T1_param __t1)
+        : _T1(_STD::forward<_T1_param>(__t1)) {}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY explicit __libcpp_compressed_pair_imp(_T2_param __t2)
+        : _T2(_STD::forward<_T2_param>(__t2)) {}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY __libcpp_compressed_pair_imp(_T1_param __t1, _T2_param __t2)
+        : _T1(_STD::forward<_T1_param>(__t1)), _T2(_STD::forward<_T2_param>(__t2)) {}
+#ifdef _LIBCPP_MOVE
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY __libcpp_compressed_pair_imp(__libcpp_compressed_pair_imp&& __p)
+        : _T1(_STD::move(__p.first())), _T2(_STD::move(__p.second())) {}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY _T1_reference       first()       {return *this;}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY _T1_const_reference first() const {return *this;}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY _T2_reference       second()       {return *this;}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY _T2_const_reference second() const {return *this;}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY void swap(__libcpp_compressed_pair_imp& __x)
+    {
+    }
+template <class _T1, class _T2>
+class __compressed_pair
+    : private __libcpp_compressed_pair_imp<_T1, _T2>
+    typedef __libcpp_compressed_pair_imp<_T1, _T2> base;
+    typedef typename base::_T1_param _T1_param;
+    typedef typename base::_T2_param _T2_param;
+    typedef typename base::_T1_reference _T1_reference;
+    typedef typename base::_T2_reference _T2_reference;
+    typedef typename base::_T1_const_reference _T1_const_reference;
+    typedef typename base::_T2_const_reference _T2_const_reference;
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY __compressed_pair() {}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY explicit __compressed_pair(_T1_param __t1, int = 0)
+        : base(_STD::forward<_T1_param>(__t1)) {}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY explicit __compressed_pair(_T2_param __t2, int* = 0)
+        : base(_STD::forward<_T2_param>(__t2)) {}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY __compressed_pair(_T1_param __t1, _T2_param __t2)
+        : base(_STD::forward<_T1_param>(__t1), _STD::forward<_T2_param>(__t2)) {}
+#ifdef _LIBCPP_MOVE
+    __compressed_pair(__compressed_pair&& __p)
+        : base(_STD::move(__p)) {}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY _T1_reference       first()       {return base::first();}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY _T1_const_reference first() const {return base::first();}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY _T2_reference       second()       {return base::second();}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY _T2_const_reference second() const {return base::second();}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY void swap(__compressed_pair& __x) {base::swap(__x);}
+template <class _T1, class _T2>
+swap(__compressed_pair<_T1, _T2>& __x, __compressed_pair<_T1, _T2>& __y)
+    {__x.swap(__y);}
+template <class _Tp>
+struct default_delete
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY default_delete() {}
+    template <class _Up>
+        _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY default_delete(const default_delete<_Up>&,
+                      typename enable_if<is_convertible<_Up*, _Tp*>::value>::type* = 0) {}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY void operator() (_Tp* __ptr) const
+        {
+            static_assert(sizeof(_Tp) > 0, "default_delete can not delete incomplete type");
+            delete __ptr;
+        }
+template <class _Tp>
+struct default_delete<_Tp[]>
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY void operator() (_Tp* __ptr) const
+        {
+            static_assert(sizeof(_Tp) > 0, "default_delete can not delete incomplete type");
+            delete [] __ptr;
+        }
+    template <class _Up> void operator() (_Up*) const;
+template <class _Tp, class _Dp = default_delete<_Tp> >
+class unique_ptr
+    typedef _Tp element_type;
+    typedef _Dp deleter_type;
+    typedef typename __pointer_type<_Tp, deleter_type>::type pointer;
+    __compressed_pair<pointer, deleter_type> __ptr_;
+#ifdef _LIBCPP_MOVE
+    unique_ptr(const unique_ptr&);
+    unique_ptr& operator=(const unique_ptr&);
+    template <class _Up, class _Ep>
+        unique_ptr(const unique_ptr<_Up, _Ep>&);
+    template <class _Up, class _Ep>
+        unique_ptr& operator=(const unique_ptr<_Up, _Ep>&);
+    unique_ptr(unique_ptr&);
+    template <class _Up, class _Ep>
+        unique_ptr(unique_ptr<_Up, _Ep>&);
+    unique_ptr& operator=(unique_ptr&);
+    template <class _Up, class _Ep>
+        unique_ptr& operator=(unique_ptr<_Up, _Ep>&);
+    struct __nat {int __for_bool_;};
+    typedef       typename remove_reference<deleter_type>::type& _Dp_reference;
+    typedef const typename remove_reference<deleter_type>::type& _Dp_const_reference;
+        : __ptr_(pointer())
+        {
+            static_assert(!is_pointer<deleter_type>::value,
+                "unique_ptr constructed with null function pointer deleter");
+        }
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY unique_ptr(nullptr_t)
+        : __ptr_(pointer())
+        {
+            static_assert(!is_pointer<deleter_type>::value,
+                "unique_ptr constructed with null function pointer deleter");
+        }
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY explicit unique_ptr(pointer __p)
+        : __ptr_(_STD::move(__p))
+        {
+            static_assert(!is_pointer<deleter_type>::value,
+                "unique_ptr constructed with null function pointer deleter");
+        }
+    template <class _Up>
+        _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY explicit unique_ptr(auto_ptr<_Up>& __p,
+                typename enable_if<
+                                      is_convertible<_Up*, _Tp*>::value &&
+                                      is_same<_Dp, default_delete<_Tp> >::value,
+                                      __nat
+                                  >::type = __nat())
+            : __ptr_(__p.release())
+            {
+            }
+#ifdef _LIBCPP_MOVE
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY unique_ptr(pointer __p, typename conditional<
+                                        is_reference<deleter_type>::value,
+                                        deleter_type,
+                                        typename add_lvalue_reference<const deleter_type>::type>::type __d)
+        : __ptr_(__p, __d) {}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY unique_ptr(pointer __p, typename remove_reference<deleter_type>::type&& __d)
+        : __ptr_(__p, _STD::move(__d))
+        {
+            static_assert(!is_reference<deleter_type>::value, "rvalue deleter bound to reference");
+        }
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY unique_ptr(unique_ptr&& __u)
+        : __ptr_(__u.release(), _STD::forward<deleter_type>(__u.get_deleter())) {}
+    template <class _Up, class _Ep>
+        unique_ptr(unique_ptr<_Up, _Ep>&& __u,
+                   typename enable_if
+                      <
+                        !is_array<_Up>::value &&
+                         is_convertible<typename unique_ptr<_Up, _Ep>::pointer, pointer>::value &&
+                         is_convertible<_Ep, deleter_type>::value &&
+                         (
+                            !is_reference<deleter_type>::value ||
+                            is_same<deleter_type, _Ep>::value
+                         ),
+                         __nat
+                      >::type = __nat())
+            : __ptr_(__u.release(), _STD::forward<_Ep>(__u.get_deleter())) {}
+    template <class _Up>
+        _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY unique_ptr(auto_ptr<_Up>&& __p,
+                typename enable_if<
+                                      is_convertible<_Up*, _Tp*>::value &&
+                                      is_same<_Dp, default_delete<_Tp> >::value,
+                                      __nat
+                                  >::type = __nat())
+            : __ptr_(__p.release())
+            {
+            }
+        _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY unique_ptr& operator=(unique_ptr&& __u)
+            {
+                reset(__u.release());
+                __ptr_.second() = _STD::forward<deleter_type>(__u.get_deleter());
+                return *this;
+            }
+        template <class _Up, class _Ep>
+            typename enable_if
+            <
+                !is_array<_Up>::value,
+                unique_ptr&
+            >::type
+            operator=(unique_ptr<_Up, _Ep>&& __u)
+            {
+                reset(__u.release());
+                __ptr_.second() = _STD::forward<_Ep>(__u.get_deleter());
+                return *this;
+            }
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY operator __rv<unique_ptr>()
+    {
+        return __rv<unique_ptr>(*this);
+    }
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY unique_ptr(__rv<unique_ptr> __u)
+        : __ptr_(__u->release(), _STD::forward<deleter_type>(__u->get_deleter())) {}
+    template <class _Up, class _Ep>
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY unique_ptr& operator=(unique_ptr<_Up, _Ep> __u)
+    {
+        reset(__u.release());
+        __ptr_.second() = _STD::forward<deleter_type>(__u.get_deleter());
+        return *this;
+    }
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY unique_ptr(pointer __p, deleter_type __d)
+        : __ptr_(_STD::move(__p), _STD::move(__d)) {}
+    template <class _Up>
+                typename enable_if<
+                                      is_convertible<_Up*, _Tp*>::value &&
+                                      is_same<_Dp, default_delete<_Tp> >::value,
+                                      unique_ptr&
+                                  >::type
+        operator=(auto_ptr<_Up> __p)
+            {reset(__p.release()); return *this;}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY ~unique_ptr() {reset();}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY unique_ptr& operator=(nullptr_t)
+    {
+        reset();
+        return *this;
+    }
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY typename add_lvalue_reference<_Tp>::type operator*() const
+        {return *__ptr_.first();}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY pointer operator->() const {return __ptr_.first();}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY pointer get() const {return __ptr_.first();}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY       _Dp_reference get_deleter()       {return __ptr_.second();}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY _Dp_const_reference get_deleter() const {return __ptr_.second();}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY operator int __nat::*() const {return __ptr_.first() ? &__nat::__for_bool_ : 0;}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY pointer release()
+    {
+        pointer __t = __ptr_.first();
+        __ptr_.first() = pointer();
+        return __t;
+    }
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY void reset(pointer __p = pointer())
+    {
+        pointer __tmp = __ptr_.first();
+        __ptr_.first() = __p;
+        if (__tmp)
+            __ptr_.second()(__tmp);
+    }
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY void swap(unique_ptr& __u) {__ptr_.swap(__u.__ptr_);}
+template <class _Tp, class _Dp>
+class unique_ptr<_Tp[], _Dp>
+    typedef _Tp element_type;
+    typedef _Dp deleter_type;
+    typedef typename __pointer_type<_Tp, deleter_type>::type pointer;
+    __compressed_pair<pointer, deleter_type> __ptr_;
+#ifdef _LIBCPP_MOVE
+    unique_ptr(const unique_ptr&);
+    unique_ptr& operator=(const unique_ptr&);
+    unique_ptr(unique_ptr&);
+    template <class _Up>
+        unique_ptr(unique_ptr<_Up>&);
+    unique_ptr& operator=(unique_ptr&);
+    template <class _Up>
+        unique_ptr& operator=(unique_ptr<_Up>&);
+    struct __nat {int __for_bool_;};
+    typedef       typename remove_reference<deleter_type>::type& _Dp_reference;
+    typedef const typename remove_reference<deleter_type>::type& _Dp_const_reference;
+        : __ptr_(pointer())
+        {
+            static_assert(!is_pointer<deleter_type>::value,
+                "unique_ptr constructed with null function pointer deleter");
+        }
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY unique_ptr(nullptr_t)
+        : __ptr_(pointer())
+        {
+            static_assert(!is_pointer<deleter_type>::value,
+                "unique_ptr constructed with null function pointer deleter");
+        }
+#ifdef _LIBCPP_MOVE
+    template <class _P,
+              class = typename enable_if<is_same<_P, pointer>::value>::type
+             >
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY explicit unique_ptr(_P __p)
+        : __ptr_(__p)
+        {
+            static_assert(!is_pointer<deleter_type>::value,
+                "unique_ptr constructed with null function pointer deleter");
+        }
+    template <class _P,
+              class = typename enable_if<is_same<_P, pointer>::value>::type
+             >
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY unique_ptr(_P __p, typename conditional<
+                                       is_reference<deleter_type>::value,
+                                       deleter_type,
+                                       typename add_lvalue_reference<const deleter_type>::type>::type __d)
+        : __ptr_(__p, __d) {}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY unique_ptr(nullptr_t, typename conditional<
+                                       is_reference<deleter_type>::value,
+                                       deleter_type,
+                                       typename add_lvalue_reference<const deleter_type>::type>::type __d)
+        : __ptr_(pointer(), __d) {}
+    template <class _P,
+              class = typename enable_if<is_same<_P, pointer>::value ||
+                                         is_same<_P, nullptr_t>::value>::type
+             >
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY unique_ptr(_P __p, typename remove_reference<deleter_type>::type&& __d)
+        : __ptr_(__p, _STD::move(__d))
+        {
+            static_assert(!is_reference<deleter_type>::value, "rvalue deleter bound to reference");
+        }
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY unique_ptr(nullptr_t, typename remove_reference<deleter_type>::type&& __d)
+        : __ptr_(pointer(), _STD::move(__d))
+        {
+            static_assert(!is_reference<deleter_type>::value, "rvalue deleter bound to reference");
+        }
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY unique_ptr(unique_ptr&& __u)
+        : __ptr_(__u.release(), _STD::forward<deleter_type>(__u.get_deleter())) {}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY unique_ptr& operator=(unique_ptr&& __u)
+        {
+            reset(__u.release());
+            __ptr_.second() = _STD::forward<deleter_type>(__u.get_deleter());
+            return *this;
+        }
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY explicit unique_ptr(pointer __p)
+        : __ptr_(__p)
+        {
+            static_assert(!is_pointer<deleter_type>::value,
+                "unique_ptr constructed with null function pointer deleter");
+        }
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY unique_ptr(pointer __p, deleter_type __d)
+        : __ptr_(__p, _STD::forward<deleter_type>(__d)) {}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY unique_ptr(nullptr_t, deleter_type __d)
+        : __ptr_(pointer(), _STD::forward<deleter_type>(__d)) {}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY operator __rv<unique_ptr>()
+    {
+        return __rv<unique_ptr>(*this);
+    }
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY unique_ptr(__rv<unique_ptr> __u)
+        : __ptr_(__u->release(), _STD::forward<deleter_type>(__u->get_deleter())) {}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY unique_ptr& operator=(__rv<unique_ptr> __u)
+    {
+        reset(__u->release());
+        __ptr_.second() = _STD::forward<deleter_type>(__u->get_deleter());
+        return *this;
+    }
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY ~unique_ptr() {reset();}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY unique_ptr& operator=(nullptr_t)
+    {
+        reset();
+        return *this;
+    }
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY typename add_lvalue_reference<_Tp>::type operator[](size_t __i) const
+        {return __ptr_.first()[__i];}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY pointer get() const {return __ptr_.first();}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY       _Dp_reference get_deleter()       {return __ptr_.second();}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY _Dp_const_reference get_deleter() const {return __ptr_.second();}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY operator int __nat::*() const {return __ptr_.first() ? &__nat::__for_bool_ : 0;}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY pointer release()
+    {
+        pointer __t = __ptr_.first();
+        __ptr_.first() = pointer();
+        return __t;
+    }
+#ifdef _LIBCPP_MOVE
+    template <class _P,
+              class = typename enable_if<is_same<_P, pointer>::value>::type
+             >
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY void reset(_P __p)
+    {
+        pointer __tmp = __ptr_.first();
+        __ptr_.first() = __p;
+        if (__tmp)
+            __ptr_.second()(__tmp);
+    }
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY void reset(nullptr_t)
+    {
+        pointer __tmp = __ptr_.first();
+        __ptr_.first() = nullptr;
+        if (__tmp)
+            __ptr_.second()(__tmp);
+    }
+    {
+        pointer __tmp = __ptr_.first();
+        __ptr_.first() = nullptr;
+        if (__tmp)
+            __ptr_.second()(__tmp);
+    }
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY void reset(pointer __p = pointer())
+    {
+        pointer __tmp = __ptr_.first();
+        __ptr_.first() = __p;
+        if (__tmp)
+            __ptr_.second()(__tmp);
+    }
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY void swap(unique_ptr& __u) {__ptr_.swap(__u.__ptr_);}
+#ifndef _LIBCPP_MOVE
+    template <class _Up>
+        explicit unique_ptr(_Up);
+    template <class _Up>
+        unique_ptr(_Up __u,
+                   typename conditional<
+                                       is_reference<deleter_type>::value,
+                                       deleter_type,
+                                       typename add_lvalue_reference<const deleter_type>::type>::type,
+                   typename enable_if
+                      <
+                         is_convertible<_Up, pointer>::value,
+                         __nat
+                      >::type = __nat());
+template <class _Tp, class _Dp>
+swap(unique_ptr<_Tp, _Dp>& __x, unique_ptr<_Tp, _Dp>& __y) {__x.swap(__y);}
+template <class _T1, class _D1, class _T2, class _D2>
+operator==(const unique_ptr<_T1, _D1>& __x, const unique_ptr<_T2, _D2>& __y) {return __x.get() == __y.get();}
+template <class _T1, class _D1, class _T2, class _D2>
+operator!=(const unique_ptr<_T1, _D1>& __x, const unique_ptr<_T2, _D2>& __y) {return !(__x == __y);}
+template <class _T1, class _D1, class _T2, class _D2>
+operator< (const unique_ptr<_T1, _D1>& __x, const unique_ptr<_T2, _D2>& __y) {return __x.get() < __y.get();}
+template <class _T1, class _D1, class _T2, class _D2>
+operator> (const unique_ptr<_T1, _D1>& __x, const unique_ptr<_T2, _D2>& __y) {return __y < __x;}
+template <class _T1, class _D1, class _T2, class _D2>
+operator<=(const unique_ptr<_T1, _D1>& __x, const unique_ptr<_T2, _D2>& __y) {return !(__y < __x);}
+template <class _T1, class _D1, class _T2, class _D2>
+operator>=(const unique_ptr<_T1, _D1>& __x, const unique_ptr<_T2, _D2>& __y) {return !(__x < __y);}
+struct __destruct_n
+    size_t size;
+    template <class _Tp>
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY void __process(_Tp* __p, false_type)
+        {for (size_t __i = 0; __i < size; ++__i, ++__p) __p->~_Tp();}
+    template <class _Tp>
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY void __process(_Tp*, true_type)
+        {}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY void __incr(false_type)
+        {++size;}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY void __incr(true_type)
+        {}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY void __set(size_t __s, false_type)
+        {size = __s;}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY void __set(size_t, true_type)
+        {}
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY explicit __destruct_n(size_t __s) : size(__s) {}
+    template <class _Tp>
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY void __incr(_Tp*)
+        {__incr(integral_constant<bool, has_trivial_destructor<_Tp>::value>());}
+    template <class _Tp>
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY void __set(size_t __s, _Tp*)
+        {__set(__s, integral_constant<bool, has_trivial_destructor<_Tp>::value>());}
+    template <class _Tp>
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY void operator()(_Tp* __p)
+        {__process(__p, integral_constant<bool, has_trivial_destructor<_Tp>::value>());}
+template <class _Alloc>
+class __allocator_destructor
+    typedef allocator_traits<_Alloc> __alloc_traits;
+    typedef typename __alloc_traits::pointer pointer;
+    typedef typename __alloc_traits::size_type size_type;
+    _Alloc& __alloc_;
+    size_type __s_;
+    _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY __allocator_destructor(_Alloc& __a, size_type __s)
+        : __alloc_(__a), __s_(__s) {}
+    void operator()(pointer __p) {__alloc_traits::deallocate(__alloc_, __p, __s_);}
+template <class _InputIterator, class _ForwardIterator>
+uninitialized_copy(_InputIterator __f, _InputIterator __l, _ForwardIterator __r)
+    __destruct_n __d(0);
+    typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::value_type value_type;
+    unique_ptr<value_type, __destruct_n&> __h(&*__r, __d);
+    for (; __f != __l; ++__f, ++__r, __d.__incr((value_type*)0))
+        ::new(&*__r) value_type(*__f);
+    __h.release();
+    return __r;
+template <class _InputIterator, class _Size, class _ForwardIterator>
+uninitialized_copy_n(_InputIterator __f, _Size __n, _ForwardIterator __r)
+    __destruct_n __d(0);
+    typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::value_type value_type;
+    unique_ptr<value_type, __destruct_n&> __h(&*__r, __d);
+    for (; __n > 0; ++__f, ++__r, __d.__incr((value_type*)0), --__n)
+        ::new(&*__r) value_type(*__f);
+    __h.release();
+    return __r;
+template <class _ForwardIterator, class _Tp>
+uninitialized_fill(_ForwardIterator __f, _ForwardIterator __l, const _Tp& __x)
+    __destruct_n __d(0);
+    typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::value_type value_type;
+    unique_ptr<value_type, __destruct_n&> __h(&*__f, __d);
+    for (; __f != __l; ++__f, __d.__incr((value_type*)0))
+        ::new(&*__f) value_type(__x);
+    __h.release();
+template <class _ForwardIterator, class _Size, class _Tp>
+uninitialized_fill_n(_ForwardIterator __f, _Size __n, const _Tp& __x)
+    __destruct_n __d(0);
+    typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::value_type value_type;
+    unique_ptr<value_type, __destruct_n&> __h(&*__f, __d);
+    for (; __n > 0; ++__f, --__n, __d.__incr((value_type*)0))
+        ::new(&*__f) value_type(__x);
+    __h.release();
+class bad_weak_ptr
+    : public std::exception
+    virtual ~bad_weak_ptr() throw();
+    virtual const char* what() const throw();
+template<class _Tp> class weak_ptr;
+class __shared_count
+    __shared_count(const __shared_count&);
+    __shared_count& operator=(const __shared_count&);
+    long __shared_owners_;
+    virtual ~__shared_count();
+    virtual void __on_zero_shared() = 0;
+    explicit __shared_count(long __refs = 0)
+        : __shared_owners_(__refs) {}
+    void __add_shared();
+    void __release_shared();
+    long use_count() const {return __shared_owners_ + 1;}
+class __shared_weak_count
+    : private __shared_count
+    long __shared_weak_owners_;
+    explicit __shared_weak_count(long __refs = 0)
+        : __shared_count(__refs),
+          __shared_weak_owners_(__refs) {}
+    virtual ~__shared_weak_count();
+    void __add_shared();
+    void __add_weak();
+    void __release_shared();
+    void __release_weak();
+    long use_count() const {return __shared_count::use_count();}
+    __shared_weak_count* lock();
+    virtual const void* __get_deleter(const type_info&) const;
+    virtual void __on_zero_shared_weak() = 0;
+template <class _Tp, class _Dp, class _Alloc>
+class __shared_ptr_pointer
+    : public __shared_weak_count
+    __compressed_pair<__compressed_pair<_Tp, _Dp>, _Alloc> __data_;
+    __shared_ptr_pointer(_Tp __p, _Dp __d, _Alloc __a)
+        :  __data_(__compressed_pair<_Tp, _Dp>(__p, _STD::move(__d)), _STD::move(__a)) {}
+    virtual const void* __get_deleter(const type_info&) const;
+    virtual void __on_zero_shared();
+    virtual void __on_zero_shared_weak();
+template <class _Tp, class _Dp, class _Alloc>
+const void*
+__shared_ptr_pointer<_Tp, _Dp, _Alloc>::__get_deleter(const type_info& __t) const
+    return __t == typeid(_Dp) ? &__data_.first().second() : 0;
+template <class _Tp, class _Dp, class _Alloc>
+__shared_ptr_pointer<_Tp, _Dp, _Alloc>::__on_zero_shared()
+    __data_.first().second()(__data_.first().first());
+    __data_.first().second().~_Dp();
+template <class _Tp, class _Dp, class _Alloc>
+__shared_ptr_pointer<_Tp, _Dp, _Alloc>::__on_zero_shared_weak()
+    typename _Alloc::template rebind<__shared_ptr_pointer>::other __a(__data_.second());
+    __data_.second().~_Alloc();
+    __a.deallocate(this, 1);
+template <class _Tp, class _Alloc>
+class __shared_ptr_emplace
+    : public __shared_weak_count
+    __compressed_pair<_Alloc, _Tp> __data_;
+    __shared_ptr_emplace(_Alloc __a)
+        :  __data_(_STD::move(__a)) {}
+    template <class ..._Args>
+        __shared_ptr_emplace(_Alloc __a, _Args&& ...__args)
+            :  __data_(_STD::move(__a), _Tp(_STD::forward<_Args>(__args)...)) {}
+    __shared_ptr_emplace(_Alloc __a)
+        :  __data_(__a) {}
+    template <class _A0>
+        __shared_ptr_emplace(_Alloc __a, _A0& __a0)
+            :  __data_(__a, _Tp(__a0)) {}
+    template <class _A0, class _A1>
+        __shared_ptr_emplace(_Alloc __a, _A0& __a0, _A1& __a1)
+            :  __data_(__a, _Tp(__a0, __a1)) {}
+    template <class _A0, class _A1, class _A2>
+        __shared_ptr_emplace(_Alloc __a, _A0& __a0, _A1& __a1, _A2& __a2)
+            :  __data_(__a, _Tp(__a0, __a1, __a2)) {}
+    virtual void __on_zero_shared();
+    virtual void __on_zero_shared_weak();
+    _Tp* get() {return &__data_.second();}
+template <class _Tp, class _Alloc>
+__shared_ptr_emplace<_Tp, _Alloc>::__on_zero_shared()
+    __data_.second().~_Tp();
+template <class _Tp, class _Alloc>
+__shared_ptr_emplace<_Tp, _Alloc>::__on_zero_shared_weak()
+    typename _Alloc::template rebind<__shared_ptr_emplace>::other __a(__data_.first());
+    __data_.first().~_Alloc();
+    __a.deallocate(this, 1);
+template<class _Tp> class enable_shared_from_this;
+template<class _Tp>
+class shared_ptr
+    typedef _Tp element_type; 
+    element_type*      __ptr_;
+    __shared_weak_count* __cntrl_;
+    struct __nat {int __for_bool_;};
+    shared_ptr();
+    shared_ptr(nullptr_t);
+    template<class _Yp> explicit shared_ptr(_Yp* __p);
+    template<class _Yp, class _Dp> shared_ptr(_Yp* __p, _Dp __d); 
+    template<class _Yp, class _Dp, class _Alloc> shared_ptr(_Yp* __p, _Dp __d, _Alloc __a); 
+    template <class _Dp> shared_ptr(nullptr_t __p, _Dp __d);
+    template <class _Dp, class _Alloc> shared_ptr(nullptr_t __p, _Dp __d, _Alloc __a);
+    template<class _Yp> shared_ptr(const shared_ptr<_Yp>& __r, element_type *__p); 
+    shared_ptr(const shared_ptr& __r);
+    template<class _Yp>
+        shared_ptr(const shared_ptr<_Yp>& __r,
+                   typename enable_if<is_convertible<_Yp*, _Tp*>::value, __nat>::type = __nat());
+#ifdef _LIBCPP_MOVE    
+    shared_ptr(shared_ptr&& __r);
+    template<class _Yp> shared_ptr(shared_ptr<_Yp>&& __r,
+                   typename enable_if<is_convertible<_Yp*, _Tp*>::value, __nat>::type = __nat()); 
+    template<class _Yp> explicit shared_ptr(const weak_ptr<_Yp>& __r,
+                   typename enable_if<is_convertible<_Yp*, _Tp*>::value, __nat>::type= __nat()); 
+#ifdef _LIBCPP_MOVE    
+    template<class _Yp> shared_ptr(auto_ptr<_Yp>&& __r); 
+    template<class _Yp> shared_ptr(auto_ptr<_Yp>& __r); 
+#ifdef _LIBCPP_MOVE    
+    template <class _Yp, class _Dp> shared_ptr(const unique_ptr<_Yp, _Dp>& __r);// = delete; 
+    template <class _Yp, class _Dp> shared_ptr(unique_ptr<_Yp, _Dp>&&,
+       typename enable_if<!is_lvalue_reference<_Dp>::value, __nat>::type = __nat());
+    template <class _Yp, class _Dp> shared_ptr(unique_ptr<_Yp, _Dp>&&,
+       typename enable_if<is_lvalue_reference<_Dp>::value, __nat>::type = __nat());
+    template <class _Yp, class _Dp> shared_ptr(unique_ptr<_Yp, _Dp>,
+       typename enable_if<!is_lvalue_reference<_Dp>::value, __nat>::type = __nat());
+    template <class _Yp, class _Dp> shared_ptr(unique_ptr<_Yp, _Dp>,
+       typename enable_if<is_lvalue_reference<_Dp>::value, __nat>::type = __nat());
+    ~shared_ptr();
+    shared_ptr& operator=(const shared_ptr& __r); 
+    template<class _Yp> shared_ptr& operator=(const shared_ptr<_Yp>& __r); 
+#ifdef _LIBCPP_MOVE    
+    shared_ptr& operator=(shared_ptr&& __r); 
+    template<class _Yp> shared_ptr& operator=(shared_ptr<_Yp>&& __r); 
+    template<class _Yp> shared_ptr& operator=(auto_ptr<_Yp>&& __r); 
+    template<class _Yp> shared_ptr& operator=(auto_ptr<_Yp>& __r); 
+#ifdef _LIBCPP_MOVE    
+    template <class _Yp, class _Dp> shared_ptr& operator=(const unique_ptr<_Yp, _Dp>& __r);// = delete; 
+    template <class _Yp, class _Dp> shared_ptr& operator=(unique_ptr<_Yp, _Dp>&& __r); 
+    template <class _Yp, class _Dp> shared_ptr& operator=(unique_ptr<_Yp, _Dp> __r); 
+    void swap(shared_ptr& __r);
+    void reset();
+    template<class _Yp> void reset(_Yp* __p);
+    template<class _Yp, class _Dp> void reset(_Yp* __p, _Dp __d);
+    template<class _Yp, class _Dp, class _Alloc> void reset(_Yp* __p, _Dp __d, _Alloc __a);
+    element_type* get() const {return __ptr_;}
+    typename add_lvalue_reference<element_type>::type operator*() const {return *__ptr_;}
+    element_type* operator->() const {return __ptr_;}
+    long use_count() const {return __cntrl_ ? __cntrl_->use_count() : 0;}
+    bool unique() const {return use_count() == 1;}
+    bool empty() const {return __cntrl_ == 0;}
+    /*explicit*/ operator bool() const {return get() != 0;}
+    template <class _U> bool owner_before(shared_ptr<_U> const& __p) const
+        {return __cntrl_ < __p.__cntrl_;}
+    template <class _U> bool owner_before(weak_ptr<_U> const& __p) const
+        {return __cntrl_ < __p.__cntrl_;}
+    template <class _Dp>
+        _Dp* __get_deleter() const
+            {return (_Dp*)(__cntrl_ ? __cntrl_->__get_deleter(typeid(_Dp)) : 0);}
+    template<class ..._Args>
+        static
+        shared_ptr<_Tp>
+        make_shared(_Args&& ...__args);
+    template<class _Alloc, class ..._Args>
+        static
+        shared_ptr<_Tp>
+        allocate_shared(const _Alloc& __a, _Args&& ...__args);
+    static shared_ptr<_Tp> make_shared();
+    template<class _A0>
+        static shared_ptr<_Tp> make_shared(_A0&);
+    template<class _A0, class _A1>
+        static shared_ptr<_Tp> make_shared(_A0&, _A1&);
+    template<class _A0, class _A1, class _A2>
+        static shared_ptr<_Tp> make_shared(_A0&, _A1&, _A2&);
+    template<class _Alloc>
+        static shared_ptr<_Tp>
+        allocate_shared(const _Alloc& __a);
+    template<class _Alloc, class _A0>
+        static shared_ptr<_Tp>
+        allocate_shared(const _Alloc& __a, _A0& __a0);
+    template<class _Alloc, class _A0, class _A1>
+        static shared_ptr<_Tp>
+        allocate_shared(const _Alloc& __a, _A0& __a0, _A1& __a1);
+    template<class _Alloc, class _A0, class _A1, class _A2>
+        static shared_ptr<_Tp>
+        allocate_shared(const _Alloc& __a, _A0& __a0, _A1& __a1, _A2& __a2);
+    template <class _Yp>
+        void
+        __enable_weak_this(const enable_shared_from_this<_Yp>* __e)
+        {
+            if (__e)
+                __e->__weak_this_ = *this;
+        }
+    void __enable_weak_this(const void*) {}
+    template <class _Up> friend class shared_ptr;
+    template <class _Up> friend class weak_ptr;
+template<class _Tp>
+    : __ptr_(0),
+      __cntrl_(0)
+template<class _Tp>
+    : __ptr_(0),
+      __cntrl_(0)
+template<class _Tp>
+template<class _Yp>
+shared_ptr<_Tp>::shared_ptr(_Yp* __p)
+    : __ptr_(__p)
+    unique_ptr<_Yp> __hold(__p);
+    typedef __shared_ptr_pointer<_Yp*, default_delete<_Yp>, allocator<_Yp> > _CntrlBlk;
+    __cntrl_ = new _CntrlBlk(__p, default_delete<_Yp>(), allocator<_Yp>());
+    __hold.release();
+    __enable_weak_this(__p);
+template<class _Tp>
+template<class _Yp, class _Dp>
+shared_ptr<_Tp>::shared_ptr(_Yp* __p, _Dp __d)
+    : __ptr_(__p)
+    try
+    {
+        typedef __shared_ptr_pointer<_Yp*, _Dp, allocator<_Yp> > _CntrlBlk;
+        __cntrl_ = new _CntrlBlk(__p, __d, allocator<_Yp>());
+        __enable_weak_this(__p);
+    }
+    catch (...)
+    {
+        __d(__p);
+        throw;
+    }
+template<class _Tp>
+template<class _Dp>
+shared_ptr<_Tp>::shared_ptr(nullptr_t __p, _Dp __d)
+    : __ptr_(0)
+    try
+    {
+        typedef __shared_ptr_pointer<nullptr_t, _Dp, allocator<_Tp> > _CntrlBlk;
+        __cntrl_ = new _CntrlBlk(__p, __d, allocator<_Tp>());
+    }
+    catch (...)
+    {
+        __d(__p);
+        throw;
+    }
+template<class _Tp>
+template<class _Yp, class _Dp, class _Alloc>
+shared_ptr<_Tp>::shared_ptr(_Yp* __p, _Dp __d, _Alloc __a)
+    : __ptr_(__p)
+    try
+    {
+        typedef __shared_ptr_pointer<_Yp*, _Dp, _Alloc> _CntrlBlk;
+        typedef typename _Alloc::template rebind<_CntrlBlk>::other _A2;
+        typedef __allocator_destructor<_A2> _D2;
+        _A2 __a2(__a);
+        unique_ptr<_CntrlBlk, _D2> __hold2(__a2.allocate(1), _D2(__a2, 1));
+        ::new(__hold2.get()) _CntrlBlk(__p, __d, __a);
+        __cntrl_ = __hold2.release();
+        __enable_weak_this(__p);
+    }
+    catch (...)
+    {
+        __d(__p);
+        throw;
+    }
+template<class _Tp>
+template<class _Dp, class _Alloc>
+shared_ptr<_Tp>::shared_ptr(nullptr_t __p, _Dp __d, _Alloc __a)
+    : __ptr_(0)
+    try
+    {
+        typedef __shared_ptr_pointer<nullptr_t, _Dp, _Alloc> _CntrlBlk;
+        typedef typename _Alloc::template rebind<_CntrlBlk>::other _A2;
+        typedef __allocator_destructor<_A2> _D2;
+        _A2 __a2(__a);
+        unique_ptr<_CntrlBlk, _D2> __hold2(__a2.allocate(1), _D2(__a2, 1));
+        ::new(__hold2.get()) _CntrlBlk(__p, __d, __a);
+        __cntrl_ = __hold2.release();
+    }
+    catch (...)
+    {
+        __d(__p);
+        throw;
+    }
+template<class _Tp>
+template<class _Yp>
+shared_ptr<_Tp>::shared_ptr(const shared_ptr<_Yp>& __r, element_type *__p)
+    : __ptr_(__p),
+      __cntrl_(__r.__cntrl_)
+    if (__cntrl_)
+        __cntrl_->__add_shared();
+template<class _Tp>
+shared_ptr<_Tp>::shared_ptr(const shared_ptr& __r)
+    : __ptr_(__r.__ptr_),
+      __cntrl_(__r.__cntrl_)
+    if (__cntrl_)
+        __cntrl_->__add_shared();
+template<class _Tp>
+template<class _Yp>
+shared_ptr<_Tp>::shared_ptr(const shared_ptr<_Yp>& __r,
+                            typename enable_if<is_convertible<_Yp*, _Tp*>::value, __nat>::type)
+    : __ptr_(__r.__ptr_),
+      __cntrl_(__r.__cntrl_)
+    if (__cntrl_)
+        __cntrl_->__add_shared();
+#ifdef _LIBCPP_MOVE
+template<class _Tp>
+shared_ptr<_Tp>::shared_ptr(shared_ptr&& __r)
+    : __ptr_(__r.__ptr_),
+      __cntrl_(__r.__cntrl_)
+    __r.__ptr_ = 0;
+    __r.__cntrl_ = 0;
+template<class _Tp>
+template<class _Yp>
+shared_ptr<_Tp>::shared_ptr(shared_ptr<_Yp>&& __r,
+                            typename enable_if<is_convertible<_Yp*, _Tp*>::value, __nat>::type)
+    : __ptr_(__r.__ptr_),
+      __cntrl_(__r.__cntrl_)
+    __r.__ptr_ = 0;
+    __r.__cntrl_ = 0;
+template<class _Tp>
+template<class _Yp>
+#ifdef _LIBCPP_MOVE    
+shared_ptr<_Tp>::shared_ptr(auto_ptr<_Yp>&& __r)
+shared_ptr<_Tp>::shared_ptr(auto_ptr<_Yp>& __r)
+    : __ptr_(__r.get())
+    typedef __shared_ptr_pointer<_Yp*, default_delete<_Yp>, allocator<_Yp> > _CntrlBlk;
+    __cntrl_ = new _CntrlBlk(__r.get(), default_delete<_Yp>(), allocator<_Yp>());
+    __enable_weak_this(__r.get());
+    __r.release();
+template<class _Tp>
+template <class _Yp, class _Dp>
+#ifdef _LIBCPP_MOVE    
+shared_ptr<_Tp>::shared_ptr(unique_ptr<_Yp, _Dp>&& __r,
+shared_ptr<_Tp>::shared_ptr(unique_ptr<_Yp, _Dp> __r,
+           typename enable_if<!is_lvalue_reference<_Dp>::value, __nat>::type)
+    : __ptr_(__r.get())
+    typedef __shared_ptr_pointer<_Yp*, _Dp, allocator<_Yp> > _CntrlBlk;
+    __cntrl_ = new _CntrlBlk(__r.get(), __r.get_deleter(), allocator<_Yp>());
+    __enable_weak_this(__r.get());
+    __r.release();
+template<class _Tp>
+template <class _Yp, class _Dp>
+#ifdef _LIBCPP_MOVE    
+shared_ptr<_Tp>::shared_ptr(unique_ptr<_Yp, _Dp>&& __r,
+shared_ptr<_Tp>::shared_ptr(unique_ptr<_Yp, _Dp> __r,
+           typename enable_if<is_lvalue_reference<_Dp>::value, __nat>::type)
+    : __ptr_(__r.get())
+    typedef __shared_ptr_pointer<_Yp*,
+                                 reference_wrapper<typename remove_reference<_Dp>::type>,
+                                 allocator<_Yp> > _CntrlBlk;
+    __cntrl_ = new _CntrlBlk(__r.get(), ref(__r.get_deleter()), allocator<_Yp>());
+    __enable_weak_this(__r.get());
+    __r.release();
+template<class _Tp>
+template<class ..._Args>
+shared_ptr<_Tp>::make_shared(_Args&& ...__args)
+    typedef __shared_ptr_emplace<_Tp, allocator<_Tp> > _CntrlBlk;
+    typedef allocator<_CntrlBlk> _A2;
+    typedef __allocator_destructor<_A2> _D2;
+    _A2 __a2;
+    unique_ptr<_CntrlBlk, _D2> __hold2(__a2.allocate(1), _D2(__a2, 1));
+    ::new(__hold2.get()) _CntrlBlk(__a2, _STD::forward<_Args>(__args)...);
+    shared_ptr<_Tp> __r;
+    __r.__ptr_ = __hold2.get()->get();
+    __r.__cntrl_ = __hold2.release();
+    __r.__enable_weak_this(__r.__ptr_);
+    return __r;
+template<class _Tp>
+template<class _Alloc, class ..._Args>
+shared_ptr<_Tp>::allocate_shared(const _Alloc& __a, _Args&& ...__args)
+    typedef __shared_ptr_emplace<_Tp, _Alloc> _CntrlBlk;
+    typedef typename _Alloc::template rebind<_CntrlBlk>::other _A2;
+    typedef __allocator_destructor<_A2> _D2;
+    _A2 __a2(__a);
+    unique_ptr<_CntrlBlk, _D2> __hold2(__a2.allocate(1), _D2(__a2, 1));
+    ::new(__hold2.get()) _CntrlBlk(__a, _STD::forward<_Args>(__args)...);
+    shared_ptr<_Tp> __r;
+    __r.__ptr_ = __hold2.get()->get();
+    __r.__cntrl_ = __hold2.release();
+    __r.__enable_weak_this(__r.__ptr_);
+    return __r;
+template<class _Tp>
+    typedef __shared_ptr_emplace<_Tp, allocator<_Tp> > _CntrlBlk;
+    typedef allocator<_CntrlBlk> _Alloc2;
+    typedef __allocator_destructor<_Alloc2> _D2;
+    _Alloc2 __alloc2;
+    unique_ptr<_CntrlBlk, _D2> __hold2(__alloc2.allocate(1), _D2(__alloc2, 1));
+    ::new(__hold2.get()) _CntrlBlk(__alloc2);
+    shared_ptr<_Tp> __r;
+    __r.__ptr_ = __hold2.get()->get();
+    __r.__cntrl_ = __hold2.release();
+    __r.__enable_weak_this(__r.__ptr_);
+    return __r;
+template<class _Tp>
+template<class _A0>
+shared_ptr<_Tp>::make_shared(_A0& __a0)
+    typedef __shared_ptr_emplace<_Tp, allocator<_Tp> > _CntrlBlk;
+    typedef allocator<_CntrlBlk> _Alloc2;
+    typedef __allocator_destructor<_Alloc2> _D2;
+    _Alloc2 __alloc2;
+    unique_ptr<_CntrlBlk, _D2> __hold2(__alloc2.allocate(1), _D2(__alloc2, 1));
+    ::new(__hold2.get()) _CntrlBlk(__alloc2, __a0);
+    shared_ptr<_Tp> __r;
+    __r.__ptr_ = __hold2.get()->get();
+    __r.__cntrl_ = __hold2.release();
+    __r.__enable_weak_this(__r.__ptr_);
+    return __r;
+template<class _Tp>
+template<class _A0, class _A1>
+shared_ptr<_Tp>::make_shared(_A0& __a0, _A1& __a1)
+    typedef __shared_ptr_emplace<_Tp, allocator<_Tp> > _CntrlBlk;
+    typedef allocator<_CntrlBlk> _Alloc2;
+    typedef __allocator_destructor<_Alloc2> _D2;
+    _Alloc2 __alloc2;
+    unique_ptr<_CntrlBlk, _D2> __hold2(__alloc2.allocate(1), _D2(__alloc2, 1));
+    ::new(__hold2.get()) _CntrlBlk(__alloc2, __a0, __a1);
+    shared_ptr<_Tp> __r;
+    __r.__ptr_ = __hold2.get()->get();
+    __r.__cntrl_ = __hold2.release();
+    __r.__enable_weak_this(__r.__ptr_);
+    return __r;
+template<class _Tp>
+template<class _A0, class _A1, class _A2>
+shared_ptr<_Tp>::make_shared(_A0& __a0, _A1& __a1, _A2& __a2)
+    typedef __shared_ptr_emplace<_Tp, allocator<_Tp> > _CntrlBlk;
+    typedef allocator<_CntrlBlk> _Alloc2;
+    typedef __allocator_destructor<_Alloc2> _D2;
+    _Alloc2 __alloc2;
+    unique_ptr<_CntrlBlk, _D2> __hold2(__alloc2.allocate(1), _D2(__alloc2, 1));
+    ::new(__hold2.get()) _CntrlBlk(__alloc2, __a0, __a1, __a2);
+    shared_ptr<_Tp> __r;
+    __r.__ptr_ = __hold2.get()->get();
+    __r.__cntrl_ = __hold2.release();
+    __r.__enable_weak_this(__r.__ptr_);
+    return __r;
+template<class _Tp>
+template<class _Alloc>
+shared_ptr<_Tp>::allocate_shared(const _Alloc& __a)
+    typedef __shared_ptr_emplace<_Tp, _Alloc> _CntrlBlk;
+    typedef typename _Alloc::template rebind<_CntrlBlk>::other _Alloc2;
+    typedef __allocator_destructor<_Alloc2> _D2;
+    _Alloc2 __alloc2(__a);
+    unique_ptr<_CntrlBlk, _D2> __hold2(__alloc2.allocate(1), _D2(__alloc2, 1));
+    ::new(__hold2.get()) _CntrlBlk(__a);
+    shared_ptr<_Tp> __r;
+    __r.__ptr_ = __hold2.get()->get();
+    __r.__cntrl_ = __hold2.release();
+    __r.__enable_weak_this(__r.__ptr_);
+    return __r;
+template<class _Tp>
+template<class _Alloc, class _A0>
+shared_ptr<_Tp>::allocate_shared(const _Alloc& __a, _A0& __a0)
+    typedef __shared_ptr_emplace<_Tp, _Alloc> _CntrlBlk;
+    typedef typename _Alloc::template rebind<_CntrlBlk>::other _Alloc2;
+    typedef __allocator_destructor<_Alloc2> _D2;
+    _Alloc2 __alloc2(__a);
+    unique_ptr<_CntrlBlk, _D2> __hold2(__alloc2.allocate(1), _D2(__alloc2, 1));
+    ::new(__hold2.get()) _CntrlBlk(__a, __a0);
+    shared_ptr<_Tp> __r;
+    __r.__ptr_ = __hold2.get()->get();
+    __r.__cntrl_ = __hold2.release();
+    __r.__enable_weak_this(__r.__ptr_);
+    return __r;
+template<class _Tp>
+template<class _Alloc, class _A0, class _A1>
+shared_ptr<_Tp>::allocate_shared(const _Alloc& __a, _A0& __a0, _A1& __a1)
+    typedef __shared_ptr_emplace<_Tp, _Alloc> _CntrlBlk;
+    typedef typename _Alloc::template rebind<_CntrlBlk>::other _Alloc2;
+    typedef __allocator_destructor<_Alloc2> _D2;
+    _Alloc2 __alloc2(__a);
+    unique_ptr<_CntrlBlk, _D2> __hold2(__alloc2.allocate(1), _D2(__alloc2, 1));
+    ::new(__hold2.get()) _CntrlBlk(__a, __a0, __a1);
+    shared_ptr<_Tp> __r;
+    __r.__ptr_ = __hold2.get()->get();
+    __r.__cntrl_ = __hold2.release();
+    __r.__enable_weak_this(__r.__ptr_);
+    return __r;
+template<class _Tp>
+template<class _Alloc, class _A0, class _A1, class _A2>
+shared_ptr<_Tp>::allocate_shared(const _Alloc& __a, _A0& __a0, _A1& __a1, _A2& __a2)
+    typedef __shared_ptr_emplace<_Tp, _Alloc> _CntrlBlk;
+    typedef typename _Alloc::template rebind<_CntrlBlk>::other _Alloc2;
+    typedef __allocator_destructor<_Alloc2> _D2;
+    _Alloc2 __alloc2(__a);
+    unique_ptr<_CntrlBlk, _D2> __hold2(__alloc2.allocate(1), _D2(__alloc2, 1));
+    ::new(__hold2.get()) _CntrlBlk(__a, __a0, __a1, __a2);
+    shared_ptr<_Tp> __r;
+    __r.__ptr_ = __hold2.get()->get();
+    __r.__cntrl_ = __hold2.release();
+    __r.__enable_weak_this(__r.__ptr_);
+    return __r;
+template<class _Tp>
+    if (__cntrl_)
+        __cntrl_->__release_shared();
+template<class _Tp>
+shared_ptr<_Tp>::operator=(const shared_ptr& __r)
+    shared_ptr(__r).swap(*this);
+    return *this;
+template<class _Tp>
+template<class _Yp>
+shared_ptr<_Tp>::operator=(const shared_ptr<_Yp>& __r)
+    shared_ptr(__r).swap(*this);
+    return *this;
+#ifdef _LIBCPP_MOVE    
+template<class _Tp>
+shared_ptr<_Tp>::operator=(shared_ptr&& __r)
+    shared_ptr(_STD::move(__r)).swap(*this);
+    return *this;
+template<class _Tp>
+template<class _Yp>
+shared_ptr<_Tp>::operator=(shared_ptr<_Yp>&& __r)
+    shared_ptr(_STD::move(__r)).swap(*this);
+    return *this;
+template<class _Tp>
+template<class _Yp>
+shared_ptr<_Tp>::operator=(auto_ptr<_Yp>&& __r)
+    shared_ptr(__r).swap(*this);
+    return *this;
+template<class _Tp>
+template <class _Yp, class _Dp>
+shared_ptr<_Tp>::operator=(unique_ptr<_Yp, _Dp>&& __r)
+    shared_ptr(_STD::move(__r)).swap(*this);
+    return *this;
+template<class _Tp>
+template<class _Yp>
+shared_ptr<_Tp>::operator=(auto_ptr<_Yp>& __r)
+    shared_ptr(__r).swap(*this);
+    return *this;
+template<class _Tp>
+template <class _Yp, class _Dp>
+shared_ptr<_Tp>::operator=(unique_ptr<_Yp, _Dp> __r)
+    shared_ptr(_STD::move(__r)).swap(*this);
+    return *this;
+template<class _Tp>
+shared_ptr<_Tp>::swap(shared_ptr& __r)
+    _STD::swap(__ptr_, __r.__ptr_);
+    _STD::swap(__cntrl_, __r.__cntrl_);
+template<class _Tp>
+    shared_ptr().swap(*this);
+template<class _Tp>
+template<class _Yp>
+shared_ptr<_Tp>::reset(_Yp* __p)
+    shared_ptr(__p).swap(*this);
+template<class _Tp>
+template<class _Yp, class _Dp>
+shared_ptr<_Tp>::reset(_Yp* __p, _Dp __d)
+    shared_ptr(__p, __d).swap(*this);
+template<class _Tp>
+template<class _Yp, class _Dp, class _Alloc>
+shared_ptr<_Tp>::reset(_Yp* __p, _Dp __d, _Alloc __a)
+    shared_ptr(__p, __d, __a).swap(*this);
+template<class _Tp, class ..._Args> 
+make_shared(_Args&& ...__args)
+    return shared_ptr<_Tp>::make_shared(_STD::forward<_Args>(__args)...);
+template<class _Tp, class _Alloc, class ..._Args> 
+allocate_shared(const _Alloc& __a, _Args&& ...__args)
+    return shared_ptr<_Tp>::allocate_shared(__a, _STD::forward<_Args>(__args)...);
+template<class _Tp>
+    return shared_ptr<_Tp>::make_shared();
+template<class _Tp, class _A0>
+make_shared(_A0& __a0)
+    return shared_ptr<_Tp>::make_shared(__a0);
+template<class _Tp, class _A0, class _A1>
+make_shared(_A0& __a0, _A1& __a1)
+    return shared_ptr<_Tp>::make_shared(__a0, __a1);
+template<class _Tp, class _A0, class _A1, class _A2> 
+make_shared(_A0& __a0, _A1& __a1, _A2& __a2)
+    return shared_ptr<_Tp>::make_shared(__a0, __a1, __a2);
+template<class _Tp, class _Alloc>
+allocate_shared(const _Alloc& __a)
+    return shared_ptr<_Tp>::allocate_shared(__a);
+template<class _Tp, class _Alloc, class _A0>
+allocate_shared(const _Alloc& __a, _A0& __a0)
+    return shared_ptr<_Tp>::allocate_shared(__a, __a0);
+template<class _Tp, class _Alloc, class _A0, class _A1>
+allocate_shared(const _Alloc& __a, _A0& __a0, _A1& __a1)
+    return shared_ptr<_Tp>::allocate_shared(__a, __a0, __a1);
+template<class _Tp, class _Alloc, class _A0, class _A1, class _A2>
+allocate_shared(const _Alloc& __a, _A0& __a0, _A1& __a1, _A2& __a2)
+    return shared_ptr<_Tp>::allocate_shared(__a, __a0, __a1, __a2);
+template<class _Tp, class _Up>
+operator==(const shared_ptr<_Tp>& __x, const shared_ptr<_Up>& __y)
+    return __x.get() == __y.get();
+template<class _Tp, class _Up>
+operator!=(const shared_ptr<_Tp>& __x, const shared_ptr<_Up>& __y)
+    return !(__x == __y);
+template<class _Tp, class _Up>
+operator<(const shared_ptr<_Tp>& __x, const shared_ptr<_Up>& __y)
+    return __x.get() < __y.get();
+template<class _Tp>
+swap(shared_ptr<_Tp>& __x, shared_ptr<_Tp>& __y)
+    __x.swap(__y);
+template<class _Tp, class _Up>
+static_pointer_cast(const shared_ptr<_Up>& __r)
+    return shared_ptr<_Tp>(__r, static_cast<_Tp*>(__r.get()));
+template<class _Tp, class _Up>
+dynamic_pointer_cast(const shared_ptr<_Up>& __r)
+    _Tp* __p = dynamic_cast<_Tp*>(__r.get());
+    return __p ? shared_ptr<_Tp>(__r, __p) : shared_ptr<_Tp>();
+template<class _Tp, class _Up>
+const_pointer_cast(const shared_ptr<_Up>& __r)
+    return shared_ptr<_Tp>(__r, const_cast<_Tp*>(__r.get()));
+template<class _Dp, class _Tp>
+get_deleter(const shared_ptr<_Tp>& __p)
+    return __p.template __get_deleter<_Dp>();
+template<class _Tp>
+class weak_ptr
+    typedef _Tp element_type; 
+    element_type*        __ptr_;
+    __shared_weak_count* __cntrl_;
+    weak_ptr(); 
+    template<class _Yp> weak_ptr(shared_ptr<_Yp> const& __r,
+                   typename enable_if<is_convertible<_Yp*, _Tp*>::value, __nat>::type = __nat());
+    weak_ptr(weak_ptr const& __r); 
+    template<class _Yp> weak_ptr(weak_ptr<_Yp> const& __r,
+                   typename enable_if<is_convertible<_Yp*, _Tp*>::value, __nat>::type = __nat()); 
+    ~weak_ptr(); 
+    weak_ptr& operator=(weak_ptr const& __r); 
+    template<class _Yp> weak_ptr& operator=(weak_ptr<_Yp> const& __r); 
+    template<class _Yp> weak_ptr& operator=(shared_ptr<_Yp> const& __r); 
+    void swap(weak_ptr& __r); 
+    void reset(); 
+    long use_count() const {return __cntrl_ ? __cntrl_->use_count() : 0;}
+    bool expired() const {return __cntrl_ == 0 || __cntrl_->use_count() == 0;}
+    shared_ptr<_Tp> lock() const; 
+    template<class _Up> bool owner_before(const shared_ptr<_Up>& __r) const 
+        {return __cntrl_ < __r.__cntrl_;}
+    template<class _Up> bool owner_before(const weak_ptr<_Up>& __r) const
+        {return __cntrl_ < __r.__cntrl_;}
+    template <class _Up> friend class weak_ptr;
+    template <class _Up> friend class shared_ptr;
+template<class _Tp>
+    : __ptr_(0),
+      __cntrl_(0)
+template<class _Tp>
+weak_ptr<_Tp>::weak_ptr(weak_ptr const& __r)
+    : __ptr_(__r.__ptr_),
+      __cntrl_(__r.__cntrl_)
+    if (__cntrl_)
+        __cntrl_->__add_weak();
+template<class _Tp>
+template<class _Yp>
+weak_ptr<_Tp>::weak_ptr(shared_ptr<_Yp> const& __r,
+                        typename enable_if<is_convertible<_Yp*, _Tp*>::value, __nat>::type)
+    : __ptr_(__r.__ptr_),
+      __cntrl_(__r.__cntrl_)
+    if (__cntrl_)
+        __cntrl_->__add_weak();
+template<class _Tp>
+template<class _Yp>
+weak_ptr<_Tp>::weak_ptr(weak_ptr<_Yp> const& __r,
+                        typename enable_if<is_convertible<_Yp*, _Tp*>::value, __nat>::type)
+    : __ptr_(__r.__ptr_),
+      __cntrl_(__r.__cntrl_)
+    if (__cntrl_)
+        __cntrl_->__add_weak();
+template<class _Tp>
+    if (__cntrl_)
+        __cntrl_->__release_weak();
+template<class _Tp>
+weak_ptr<_Tp>::operator=(weak_ptr const& __r)
+    weak_ptr(__r).swap(*this);
+    return *this;
+template<class _Tp>
+template<class _Yp> 
+weak_ptr<_Tp>::operator=(weak_ptr<_Yp> const& __r)
+    weak_ptr(__r).swap(*this);
+    return *this;
+template<class _Tp>
+template<class _Yp> 
+weak_ptr<_Tp>::operator=(shared_ptr<_Yp> const& __r)
+    weak_ptr(__r).swap(*this);
+    return *this;
+template<class _Tp>
+weak_ptr<_Tp>::swap(weak_ptr& __r)
+    _STD::swap(__ptr_, __r.__ptr_);
+    _STD::swap(__cntrl_, __r.__cntrl_);
+template<class _Tp>
+swap(weak_ptr<_Tp>& __x, weak_ptr<_Tp>& __y)
+    __x.swap(__y);
+template<class _Tp>
+    weak_ptr().swap(*this);
+template<class _Tp>
+template<class _Yp>
+shared_ptr<_Tp>::shared_ptr(const weak_ptr<_Yp>& __r,
+                            typename enable_if<is_convertible<_Yp*, _Tp*>::value, __nat>::type)
+    : __ptr_(__r.__ptr_),
+      __cntrl_(__r.__cntrl_ ? __r.__cntrl_->lock() : __r.__cntrl_)
+    if (__cntrl_ == 0)
+        throw bad_weak_ptr();
+        assert(!"bad_weak_ptr");
+template<class _Tp>
+weak_ptr<_Tp>::lock() const
+    shared_ptr<_Tp> __r;
+    __r.__cntrl_ = __cntrl_ ? __cntrl_->lock() : __cntrl_;
+    if (__r.__cntrl_)
+        __r.__ptr_ = __ptr_;
+    return __r;
+template <class _Tp> struct owner_less; 
+template <class _Tp>
+struct owner_less<shared_ptr<_Tp> > 
+    : binary_function<shared_ptr<_Tp>, shared_ptr<_Tp>, bool>
+    typedef bool result_type; 
+    bool operator()(shared_ptr<_Tp> const& __x, shared_ptr<_Tp> const& __y) const
+        {return __x.owner_before(__y);}
+    bool operator()(shared_ptr<_Tp> const& __x,   weak_ptr<_Tp> const& __y) const
+        {return __x.owner_before(__y);}
+    bool operator()(  weak_ptr<_Tp> const& __x, shared_ptr<_Tp> const& __y) const
+        {return __x.owner_before(__y);}
+template <class _Tp>
+struct owner_less<weak_ptr<_Tp> > 
+    : binary_function<weak_ptr<_Tp>, weak_ptr<_Tp>, bool>
+    typedef bool result_type; 
+    bool operator()(  weak_ptr<_Tp> const& __x,   weak_ptr<_Tp> const& __y) const
+        {return __x.owner_before(__y);}
+    bool operator()(shared_ptr<_Tp> const& __x,   weak_ptr<_Tp> const& __y) const
+        {return __x.owner_before(__y);}
+    bool operator()(  weak_ptr<_Tp> const& __x, shared_ptr<_Tp> const& __y) const
+        {return __x.owner_before(__y);}
+template<class _Tp>
+class enable_shared_from_this
+    mutable weak_ptr<_Tp> __weak_this_;
+    enable_shared_from_this() {}
+    enable_shared_from_this(enable_shared_from_this const&) {}
+    enable_shared_from_this& operator=(enable_shared_from_this const&) {return *this;}
+    ~enable_shared_from_this() {}
+    shared_ptr<_Tp> shared_from_this() {return shared_ptr<_Tp>(__weak_this_);}
+    shared_ptr<_Tp const> shared_from_this() const {return shared_ptr<const _Tp>(__weak_this_);}
+    template <class _Up> friend class shared_ptr;
+//enum class 
+struct pointer_safety
+    enum _
+    {
+        relaxed,
+        preferred,
+        strict
+    };
+    _ __v_;
+    pointer_safety(_ __v) : __v_(__v) {}
+    operator int() const {return __v_;}
+void declare_reachable(void* __p);
+void declare_no_pointers(char* __p, size_t __n);
+void undeclare_no_pointers(char* __p, size_t __n);
+pointer_safety get_pointer_safety();
+void* __undeclare_reachable(void*);
+template <class _Tp>
+undeclare_reachable(_Tp* __p)
+    return static_cast<_Tp*>(__undeclare_reachable(__p));
+void* align(size_t, size_t, void*&, size_t&);
+#endif  // _LIBCPP_MEMORY
+// hh 060228 Created