Initial version

Change-Id: I5a9473876e596e7461e91f971b0243f694f7e8fb
diff --git a/decoder/impeg2d_dec_hdr.c b/decoder/impeg2d_dec_hdr.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15e61fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/decoder/impeg2d_dec_hdr.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1733 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************
+ * Originally developed and contributed by Ittiam Systems Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore
+#include <string.h>
+#include "iv_datatypedef.h"
+#include "iv.h"
+#include "ivd.h"
+#include "impeg2_macros.h"
+#include "impeg2_buf_mgr.h"
+#include "impeg2_disp_mgr.h"
+#include "impeg2_defs.h"
+#include "impeg2_inter_pred.h"
+#include "impeg2_idct.h"
+#include "impeg2_format_conv.h"
+#include "impeg2_mem_func.h"
+#include "impeg2_platform_macros.h"
+#include "ithread.h"
+#include "impeg2_job_queue.h"
+#include "impeg2d.h"
+#include "impeg2d_bitstream.h"
+#include "impeg2d_api.h"
+#include "impeg2d_structs.h"
+#include "impeg2_globals.h"
+#include "impeg2d_pic_proc.h"
+*  Function Name   : impeg2d_next_start_code
+*  Description     : Peek for next_start_code from the stream_t.
+*  Arguments       :
+*  dec             : Decoder Context
+*  Values Returned : None
+void impeg2d_next_start_code(dec_state_t *ps_dec)
+    stream_t *ps_stream;
+    ps_stream = &ps_dec->s_bit_stream;
+    impeg2d_bit_stream_flush_to_byte_boundary(ps_stream);
+    while ((impeg2d_bit_stream_nxt(ps_stream,START_CODE_PREFIX_LEN) != START_CODE_PREFIX)
+        && (ps_dec->s_bit_stream.u4_offset < ps_dec->s_bit_stream.u4_max_offset))
+    {
+        impeg2d_bit_stream_get(ps_stream,8);
+    }
+    return;
+*  Function Name   : impeg2d_next_code
+*  Description     : Peek for next_start_code from the stream_t.
+*  Arguments       :
+*  dec             : Decoder Context
+*  Values Returned : None
+void impeg2d_next_code(dec_state_t *ps_dec, UWORD32 u4_start_code_val)
+    stream_t *ps_stream;
+    ps_stream = &ps_dec->s_bit_stream;
+    impeg2d_bit_stream_flush_to_byte_boundary(ps_stream);
+    while ((impeg2d_bit_stream_nxt(ps_stream,START_CODE_LEN) != u4_start_code_val)
+        && (ps_dec->s_bit_stream.u4_offset <= ps_dec->s_bit_stream.u4_max_offset))
+    {
+        if (impeg2d_bit_stream_get(ps_stream,8) != 0)
+        {
+            /* Ignore stuffing bit errors. */
+        }
+    }
+    return;
+*  Function Name   : impeg2d_peek_next_start_code
+*  Description     : Peek for next_start_code from the stream_t.
+*  Arguments       :
+*  dec             : Decoder Context
+*  Values Returned : None
+void impeg2d_peek_next_start_code(dec_state_t *ps_dec)
+    stream_t *ps_stream;
+    ps_stream = &ps_dec->s_bit_stream;
+    impeg2d_bit_stream_flush_to_byte_boundary(ps_stream);
+    while ((impeg2d_bit_stream_nxt(ps_stream,START_CODE_PREFIX_LEN) != START_CODE_PREFIX)
+        && (ps_dec->s_bit_stream.u4_offset <= ps_dec->s_bit_stream.u4_max_offset))
+    {
+        impeg2d_bit_stream_get(ps_stream,8);
+    }
+    return;
+*  Function Name   : impeg2d_dec_seq_hdr
+*  Description     : Decodes Sequence header information
+*  Arguments       :
+*  dec             : Decoder Context
+*  Values Returned : None
+IMPEG2D_ERROR_CODES_T impeg2d_dec_seq_hdr(dec_state_t *ps_dec)
+    stream_t *ps_stream;
+    ps_stream = &ps_dec->s_bit_stream;
+    UWORD16 u2_height;
+    UWORD16 u2_width;
+    if (impeg2d_bit_stream_nxt(ps_stream,START_CODE_LEN) != SEQUENCE_HEADER_CODE)
+    {
+        impeg2d_bit_stream_flush(ps_stream,START_CODE_LEN);
+    }
+    impeg2d_bit_stream_flush(ps_stream,START_CODE_LEN);
+    u2_width    = impeg2d_bit_stream_get(ps_stream,12);
+    u2_height   = impeg2d_bit_stream_get(ps_stream,12);
+    if ((u2_width != ps_dec->u2_horizontal_size)
+                    || (u2_height != ps_dec->u2_vertical_size))
+    {
+        if (0 == ps_dec->u2_header_done)
+        {
+            /* This is the first time we are reading the resolution */
+            ps_dec->u2_horizontal_size = u2_width;
+            ps_dec->u2_vertical_size = u2_height;
+            if (0 == ps_dec->u4_frm_buf_stride)
+            {
+                ps_dec->u4_frm_buf_stride  = (UWORD32) ALIGN16(u2_width);
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            if((u2_width > ps_dec->u2_create_max_width)
+                            || (u2_height > ps_dec->u2_create_max_height))
+            {
+                ps_dec->u2_reinit_max_height   = u2_height;
+                ps_dec->u2_reinit_max_width    = u2_width;
+                return e_error;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                /* The resolution has changed */
+                return (IMPEG2D_ERROR_CODES_T)IVD_RES_CHANGED;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if((ps_dec->u2_horizontal_size > ps_dec->u2_create_max_width)
+                    || (ps_dec->u2_vertical_size > ps_dec->u2_create_max_height))
+    {
+        return SET_IVD_FATAL_ERROR(e_error);
+    }
+    /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    /* Flush the following as they are not being used                         */
+    /* aspect_ratio_info (4 bits)                                             */
+    /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    ps_dec->u2_aspect_ratio_info = impeg2d_bit_stream_get(ps_stream,4);
+    /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    /* Frame rate code(4 bits)                                                */
+    /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    ps_dec->u2_frame_rate_code = impeg2d_bit_stream_get(ps_stream,4);
+    /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    /* Flush the following as they are not being used                         */
+    /* bit_rate_value (18 bits)                                               */
+    /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    impeg2d_bit_stream_flush(ps_stream,18);
+    GET_MARKER_BIT(ps_dec,ps_stream);
+    /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    /* Flush the following as they are not being used                         */
+    /* vbv_buffer_size_value(10 bits), constrained_parameter_flag (1 bit)     */
+    /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    impeg2d_bit_stream_flush(ps_stream,11);
+    /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    /* Quantization matrix for the intra blocks                               */
+    /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    if(impeg2d_bit_stream_get_bit(ps_stream) == 1)
+    {
+        UWORD16 i;
+        for(i = 0; i < NUM_PELS_IN_BLOCK; i++)
+        {
+            ps_dec->au1_intra_quant_matrix[gau1_impeg2_inv_scan_zig_zag[i]] =  (UWORD8)impeg2d_bit_stream_get(ps_stream,8);
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        memcpy(ps_dec->au1_intra_quant_matrix,gau1_impeg2_intra_quant_matrix_default,
+                NUM_PELS_IN_BLOCK);
+    }
+    /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    /* Quantization matrix for the inter blocks                               */
+    /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    if(impeg2d_bit_stream_get_bit(ps_stream) == 1)
+    {
+        UWORD16 i;
+        for(i = 0; i < NUM_PELS_IN_BLOCK; i++)
+        {
+            ps_dec->au1_inter_quant_matrix[gau1_impeg2_inv_scan_zig_zag[i]] =   (UWORD8)impeg2d_bit_stream_get(ps_stream,8);
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        memcpy(ps_dec->au1_inter_quant_matrix,gau1_impeg2_inter_quant_matrix_default,
+            NUM_PELS_IN_BLOCK);
+    }
+    impeg2d_next_start_code(ps_dec);
+*  Function Name   : impeg2d_dec_seq_ext
+*  Description     : Gets additional sequence data.
+*  Arguments       :
+*  dec             : Decoder Context
+*  Values Returned : None
+IMPEG2D_ERROR_CODES_T impeg2d_dec_seq_ext(dec_state_t *ps_dec)
+    stream_t *ps_stream;
+    ps_stream = &ps_dec->s_bit_stream;
+    if (impeg2d_bit_stream_nxt(ps_stream,START_CODE_LEN) != EXTENSION_START_CODE)
+    {
+        impeg2d_bit_stream_flush(ps_stream,START_CODE_LEN);
+    }
+    /* Flush the extension start code */
+    impeg2d_bit_stream_flush(ps_stream,START_CODE_LEN);
+    /* Flush extension start code identifier */
+    impeg2d_bit_stream_flush(ps_stream,4);
+    /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    /* Profile and Level information                                        */
+    /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    {
+        UWORD32   u4_esc_bit, u4_profile, u4_level;
+        /* Read the profile and level information */
+        /* check_profile_and_level: Table 8-1     */
+        /* [7:7] 1 Escape bit                     */
+        /* [6:4] 3 Profile identification         */
+        /* [3:0] 4 Level identification           */
+        u4_esc_bit   = impeg2d_bit_stream_get_bit(ps_stream);
+        u4_profile   = impeg2d_bit_stream_get(ps_stream,3);
+        u4_level     = impeg2d_bit_stream_get(ps_stream,4);
+        UNUSED(u4_profile);
+        UNUSED(u4_level);
+        /*
+        if( escBit == 1                   ||
+            profile < MPEG2_MAIN_PROFILE  ||
+            level < MPEG2_MAIN_LEVEL)
+            */
+        if (1 == u4_esc_bit)
+        {
+        }
+    }
+    ps_dec->u2_progressive_sequence = impeg2d_bit_stream_get_bit(ps_stream);
+    /* Read the chrominance format */
+    if(impeg2d_bit_stream_get(ps_stream,2) != 0x1)
+        return IMPEG2D_CHROMA_FMT_NOT_SUP;
+    /* Read the 2 most significant bits from horizontal_size */
+    ps_dec->u2_horizontal_size    += (impeg2d_bit_stream_get(ps_stream,2) << 12);
+    /* Read the 2 most significant bits from vertical_size */
+    ps_dec->u2_vertical_size      += (impeg2d_bit_stream_get(ps_stream,2) << 12);
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    /* Flush the following as they are not used now                          */
+    /* bit_rate_extension          12                                        */
+    /* marker_bit                   1                                        */
+    /* vbv_buffer_size_extension    8                                        */
+    /* low_delay                    1                                        */
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    impeg2d_bit_stream_flush(ps_stream,12);
+    GET_MARKER_BIT(ps_dec,ps_stream);
+    impeg2d_bit_stream_flush(ps_stream,9);
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    /* frame_rate_extension_n       2                                        */
+    /* frame_rate_extension_d       5                                        */
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    ps_dec->u2_frame_rate_extension_n = impeg2d_bit_stream_get(ps_stream,2);
+    ps_dec->u2_frame_rate_extension_d = impeg2d_bit_stream_get(ps_stream,5);
+*  Function Name   : impeg2d_dec_seq_disp_ext
+*  Description     : This function is eqvt to sequence_display_extension() of
+*                    standard. It flushes data present as it is not being used
+*  Arguments       :
+*  dec             : Decoder Context
+*  Values Returned : None
+void impeg2d_dec_seq_disp_ext(dec_state_t *ps_dec)
+    stream_t *ps_stream;
+    ps_stream = &ps_dec->s_bit_stream;
+    /*
+    sequence_display_extension()
+    {
+        extension_start_code_identifier 4
+        video_format                    3
+        colour_description              1
+        if (colour_description)
+        {
+            colour_primaries            8
+            transfer_characteristics    8
+            matrix_coefficients         8
+        }
+        display_horizontal_size         14
+        marker_bit                      1
+        display_vertical_size           14
+        next_start_code()
+    }
+    */
+    impeg2d_bit_stream_get(ps_stream,7);
+    if (impeg2d_bit_stream_get_bit(ps_stream) == 1)
+    {
+        impeg2d_bit_stream_get(ps_stream,24);
+    }
+    /* display_horizontal_size and display_vertical_size */
+    ps_dec->u2_display_horizontal_size = impeg2d_bit_stream_get(ps_stream,14);;
+    GET_MARKER_BIT(ps_dec,ps_stream);
+    ps_dec->u2_display_vertical_size   = impeg2d_bit_stream_get(ps_stream,14);
+    impeg2d_next_start_code(ps_dec);
+*  Function Name   : impeg2d_dec_seq_scale_ext
+*  Description     : This function is eqvt to sequence_scalable_extension() of
+*                    standard.
+*  Arguments       : Decoder context
+*  Values Returned : None
+IMPEG2D_ERROR_CODES_T impeg2d_dec_seq_scale_ext(dec_state_t *ps_dec)
+    UNUSED(ps_dec);
+*  Function Name   : impeg2d_dec_quant_matrix_ext
+*  Description     : Gets Intra and NonIntra quantizer matrix from the stream.
+*  Arguments       : Decoder context
+*  Values Returned : None
+void impeg2d_dec_quant_matrix_ext(dec_state_t *ps_dec)
+    stream_t *ps_stream;
+    ps_stream = &ps_dec->s_bit_stream;
+    /* Flush extension_start_code_identifier */
+    impeg2d_bit_stream_flush(ps_stream,4);
+    /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    /* Quantization matrix for the intra blocks                               */
+    /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    if(impeg2d_bit_stream_get(ps_stream,1) == 1)
+    {
+        UWORD16 i;
+        for(i = 0; i < NUM_PELS_IN_BLOCK; i++)
+        {
+            ps_dec->au1_intra_quant_matrix[gau1_impeg2_inv_scan_zig_zag[i]] =  (UWORD8)impeg2d_bit_stream_get(ps_stream,8);
+        }
+    }
+    /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    /* Quantization matrix for the inter blocks                               */
+    /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    if(impeg2d_bit_stream_get(ps_stream,1) == 1)
+    {
+        UWORD16 i;
+        for(i = 0; i < NUM_PELS_IN_BLOCK; i++)
+        {
+            ps_dec->au1_inter_quant_matrix[gau1_impeg2_inv_scan_zig_zag[i]] =   (UWORD8)impeg2d_bit_stream_get(ps_stream,8);
+        }
+    }
+    /* Note : chroma intra quantizer matrix and chroma non
+    intra quantizer matrix are not needed for 4:2:0 format */
+    impeg2d_next_start_code(ps_dec);
+*  Function Name   : impeg2d_dec_pic_disp_ext
+*  Description     : This function is eqvt to picture_display_extension() of
+*                    standard.The parameters are not used by decoder
+*  Arguments       : Pointer to dec_state_t
+*  Values Returned : Decoder context
+*  Values Returned : None
+void impeg2d_dec_pic_disp_ext(dec_state_t *ps_dec)
+    WORD16 i2_number_of_frame_centre_offsets ;
+    stream_t *ps_stream;
+    ps_stream = &ps_dec->s_bit_stream;
+    impeg2d_bit_stream_flush(ps_stream,4);
+    if (ps_dec->u2_progressive_sequence)
+    {
+        i2_number_of_frame_centre_offsets = (ps_dec->u2_repeat_first_field) ?
+            2 + ps_dec->u2_top_field_first : 1;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        i2_number_of_frame_centre_offsets =
+            (ps_dec->u2_picture_structure != FRAME_PICTURE) ?
+            1 : 2 + ps_dec->u2_repeat_first_field;
+    }
+    while(i2_number_of_frame_centre_offsets--)
+    {
+        /* frame_centre_horizontal_offset */
+        impeg2d_bit_stream_get(ps_stream,16);
+        GET_MARKER_BIT(ps_dec,ps_stream);
+        /* frame_centre_vertical_offset */
+        impeg2d_bit_stream_get(ps_stream,16);
+        GET_MARKER_BIT(ps_dec,ps_stream);
+    }
+    impeg2d_next_start_code(ps_dec);
+*  Function Name   : impeg2d_dec_itu_t_ext
+*  Description     : This function is eqvt to ITU-T_extension() of
+*                    standard.The parameters are not used by decoder
+*  Arguments       : Decoder context
+*  Values Returned : None
+void impeg2d_dec_itu_t_ext(dec_state_t *ps_dec)
+  impeg2d_bit_stream_flush(&ps_dec->s_bit_stream,EXT_ID_LEN);
+  impeg2d_next_start_code(ps_dec);
+*  Function Name   : impeg2d_dec_copyright_ext
+*  Description     : This function is eqvt to copyright_extension() of
+*                    standard. The parameters are not used by decoder
+*  Arguments       : Decoder context
+*  Values Returned : None
+void impeg2d_dec_copyright_ext(dec_state_t *ps_dec)
+    UWORD32 u4_bits_to_flush;
+    u4_bits_to_flush = COPYRIGHT_EXTENSION_LEN;
+    while(u4_bits_to_flush >= 32 )
+    {
+        impeg2d_bit_stream_flush(&ps_dec->s_bit_stream,32);
+        u4_bits_to_flush = u4_bits_to_flush - 32;
+    }
+    if(u4_bits_to_flush > 0)
+    {
+        impeg2d_bit_stream_flush(&ps_dec->s_bit_stream,u4_bits_to_flush);
+    }
+  impeg2d_next_start_code(ps_dec);
+*  Function Name   : impeg2d_dec_cam_param_ext
+*  Description     : This function is eqvt to camera_parameters_extension() of
+*                    standard. The parameters are not used by decoder
+*  Arguments       : Decoder context
+*  Values Returned : None
+void impeg2d_dec_cam_param_ext(dec_state_t *ps_dec)
+    UWORD32 u4_bits_to_flush;
+    u4_bits_to_flush = CAMERA_PARAMETER_EXTENSION_LEN;
+    while(u4_bits_to_flush >= 32 )
+    {
+        impeg2d_bit_stream_flush(&ps_dec->s_bit_stream,32);
+        u4_bits_to_flush = u4_bits_to_flush - 32;
+    }
+    if(u4_bits_to_flush > 0)
+    {
+        impeg2d_bit_stream_flush(&ps_dec->s_bit_stream,u4_bits_to_flush);
+    }
+  impeg2d_next_start_code(ps_dec);
+*  Function Name   : impeg2d_dec_grp_of_pic_hdr
+*  Description     : Gets information at the GOP level.
+*  Arguments       : Decoder context
+*  Values Returned : None
+void impeg2d_dec_grp_of_pic_hdr(dec_state_t *ps_dec)
+    UWORD32 u4_bits_to_flush;
+    u4_bits_to_flush = GROUP_OF_PICTURE_LEN;
+    while(u4_bits_to_flush >= 32 )
+    {
+        impeg2d_bit_stream_flush(&ps_dec->s_bit_stream,32);
+        u4_bits_to_flush = u4_bits_to_flush - 32;
+    }
+    if(u4_bits_to_flush > 0)
+    {
+        impeg2d_bit_stream_flush(&ps_dec->s_bit_stream,u4_bits_to_flush);
+    }
+*  Function Name   : impeg2d_dec_pic_hdr
+*  Description     : Gets the picture header information.
+*  Arguments       : Decoder context
+*  Values Returned : None
+IMPEG2D_ERROR_CODES_T impeg2d_dec_pic_hdr(dec_state_t *ps_dec)
+    stream_t *ps_stream;
+    ps_stream = &ps_dec->s_bit_stream;
+    impeg2d_bit_stream_flush(ps_stream,START_CODE_LEN);
+    /* Flush temporal reference */
+    impeg2d_bit_stream_get(ps_stream,10);
+    /* Picture type */
+    ps_dec->e_pic_type = (e_pic_type_t)impeg2d_bit_stream_get(ps_stream,3);
+    if((ps_dec->e_pic_type < I_PIC) || (ps_dec->e_pic_type > D_PIC))
+    {
+        impeg2d_next_code(ps_dec, PICTURE_START_CODE);
+        return IMPEG2D_INVALID_PIC_TYPE;
+    }
+    /* Flush vbv_delay */
+    impeg2d_bit_stream_get(ps_stream,16);
+    if(ps_dec->e_pic_type == P_PIC || ps_dec->e_pic_type == B_PIC)
+    {
+        ps_dec->u2_full_pel_forw_vector = impeg2d_bit_stream_get_bit(ps_stream);
+        ps_dec->u2_forw_f_code          = impeg2d_bit_stream_get(ps_stream,3);
+    }
+    if(ps_dec->e_pic_type == B_PIC)
+    {
+        ps_dec->u2_full_pel_back_vector = impeg2d_bit_stream_get_bit(ps_stream);
+        ps_dec->u2_back_f_code          = impeg2d_bit_stream_get(ps_stream,3);
+    }
+    if(ps_dec->u2_is_mpeg2 == 0)
+    {
+        ps_dec->au2_f_code[0][0] = ps_dec->au2_f_code[0][1] = ps_dec->u2_forw_f_code;
+        ps_dec->au2_f_code[1][0] = ps_dec->au2_f_code[1][1] = ps_dec->u2_back_f_code;
+    }
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    /*  Flush the extra bit value                                            */
+    /*                                                                       */
+    /*  while(impeg2d_bit_stream_nxt() == '1')                                  */
+    /*  {                                                                    */
+    /*      extra_bit_picture         1                                      */
+    /*      extra_information_picture 8                                      */
+    /*  }                                                                    */
+    /*  extra_bit_picture             1                                      */
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    while (impeg2d_bit_stream_nxt(ps_stream,1) == 1)
+    {
+        impeg2d_bit_stream_get(ps_stream,9);
+    }
+    impeg2d_bit_stream_get_bit(ps_stream);
+    impeg2d_next_start_code(ps_dec);
+*  Function Name   : impeg2d_dec_pic_coding_ext
+*  Description     : Reads more picture level parameters
+*  Arguments       :
+*  dec             : Decoder context
+*  Values Returned : None
+void impeg2d_dec_pic_coding_ext(dec_state_t *ps_dec)
+    stream_t *ps_stream;
+    ps_stream = &ps_dec->s_bit_stream;
+    impeg2d_bit_stream_flush(ps_stream,START_CODE_LEN);
+    /* extension code identifier */
+    impeg2d_bit_stream_get(ps_stream,4);
+    ps_dec->au2_f_code[0][0]             = impeg2d_bit_stream_get(ps_stream,4);
+    ps_dec->au2_f_code[0][1]             = impeg2d_bit_stream_get(ps_stream,4);
+    ps_dec->au2_f_code[1][0]             = impeg2d_bit_stream_get(ps_stream,4);
+    ps_dec->au2_f_code[1][1]             = impeg2d_bit_stream_get(ps_stream,4);
+    ps_dec->u2_intra_dc_precision        = impeg2d_bit_stream_get(ps_stream,2);
+    ps_dec->u2_picture_structure            = impeg2d_bit_stream_get(ps_stream,2);
+    ps_dec->u2_top_field_first              = impeg2d_bit_stream_get_bit(ps_stream);
+    ps_dec->u2_frame_pred_frame_dct         = impeg2d_bit_stream_get_bit(ps_stream);
+    ps_dec->u2_concealment_motion_vectors   = impeg2d_bit_stream_get_bit(ps_stream);
+    ps_dec->u2_q_scale_type                 = impeg2d_bit_stream_get_bit(ps_stream);
+    ps_dec->u2_intra_vlc_format             = impeg2d_bit_stream_get_bit(ps_stream);
+    ps_dec->u2_alternate_scan               = impeg2d_bit_stream_get_bit(ps_stream);
+    ps_dec->u2_repeat_first_field           = impeg2d_bit_stream_get_bit(ps_stream);
+    /* Flush chroma_420_type */
+    impeg2d_bit_stream_get_bit(ps_stream);
+    ps_dec->u2_progressive_frame            = impeg2d_bit_stream_get_bit(ps_stream);
+    if (impeg2d_bit_stream_get_bit(ps_stream))
+    {
+        /* Flush v_axis, field_sequence, burst_amplitude, sub_carrier_phase */
+        impeg2d_bit_stream_flush(ps_stream,20);
+    }
+    impeg2d_next_start_code(ps_dec);
+    if(VERTICAL_SCAN == ps_dec->u2_alternate_scan)
+    {
+        ps_dec->pu1_inv_scan_matrix = (UWORD8 *)gau1_impeg2_inv_scan_vertical;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        ps_dec->pu1_inv_scan_matrix = (UWORD8 *)gau1_impeg2_inv_scan_zig_zag;
+    }
+*  Function Name   : impeg2d_dec_slice
+*  Description     : Reads Slice level parameters and calls functions that
+*                    decode individual MBs of slice
+*  Arguments       :
+*  dec             : Decoder context
+*  Values Returned : None
+IMPEG2D_ERROR_CODES_T impeg2d_dec_slice(dec_state_t *ps_dec)
+    stream_t *ps_stream;
+    UWORD32 u4_slice_vertical_position;
+    UWORD32 u4_slice_vertical_position_extension;
+    IMPEG2D_ERROR_CODES_T e_error;
+    ps_stream = &ps_dec->s_bit_stream;
+    /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    /* All the profiles supported require restricted slice structure. Hence   */
+    /* there is no need to store slice_vertical_position. Note that max       */
+    /* height supported does not exceed 2800 and scalablity is not supported  */
+    /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    /* Remove the slice start code */
+    impeg2d_bit_stream_flush(ps_stream,START_CODE_PREFIX_LEN);
+    u4_slice_vertical_position = impeg2d_bit_stream_get(ps_stream, 8);
+    if(u4_slice_vertical_position > 2800)
+    {
+        u4_slice_vertical_position_extension = impeg2d_bit_stream_get(ps_stream, 3);
+        u4_slice_vertical_position += (u4_slice_vertical_position_extension << 7);
+    }
+    if((u4_slice_vertical_position > ps_dec->u2_num_vert_mb) ||
+       (u4_slice_vertical_position == 0))
+    {
+        return IMPEG2D_INVALID_VERT_SIZE;
+    }
+    // change the mb_y to point to slice_vertical_position
+    u4_slice_vertical_position--;
+    if (ps_dec->u2_mb_y != u4_slice_vertical_position)
+    {
+        ps_dec->u2_mb_y    = u4_slice_vertical_position;
+        ps_dec->u2_mb_x    = 0;
+    }
+    ps_dec->u2_first_mb = 1;
+    /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    /* Quant scale code decoding                                              */
+    /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    {
+        UWORD16 u2_quant_scale_code;
+        u2_quant_scale_code = impeg2d_bit_stream_get(ps_stream,5);
+        ps_dec->u1_quant_scale = (ps_dec->u2_q_scale_type) ?
+            gau1_impeg2_non_linear_quant_scale[u2_quant_scale_code] : (u2_quant_scale_code << 1);
+    }
+    if (impeg2d_bit_stream_nxt(ps_stream,1) == 1)
+    {
+        impeg2d_bit_stream_flush(ps_stream,9);
+        /* Flush extra bit information */
+        while (impeg2d_bit_stream_nxt(ps_stream,1) == 1)
+        {
+            impeg2d_bit_stream_flush(ps_stream,9);
+        }
+    }
+    impeg2d_bit_stream_get_bit(ps_stream);
+    /* Reset the DC predictors to reset values given in Table 7.2 at the start*/
+    /* of slice data */
+    ps_dec->u2_def_dc_pred[Y_LUMA]   = 128 << ps_dec->u2_intra_dc_precision;
+    ps_dec->u2_def_dc_pred[U_CHROMA]   = 128 << ps_dec->u2_intra_dc_precision;
+    ps_dec->u2_def_dc_pred[V_CHROMA]   = 128 << ps_dec->u2_intra_dc_precision;
+    /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    /* dec->DecMBsinSlice() implements the following psuedo code from standard*/
+    /* do                                                                     */
+    /* {                                                                      */
+    /*      macroblock()                                                      */
+    /* } while (impeg2d_bit_stream_nxt() != '000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000')      */
+    /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    e_error = ps_dec->pf_decode_slice(ps_dec);
+    if ((IMPEG2D_ERROR_CODES_T)IVD_ERROR_NONE != e_error)
+    {
+        return e_error;
+    }
+    /* Check for the MBy index instead of number of MBs left, because the
+     * number of MBs left in case of multi-thread decode is the number of MBs
+     * in that row only
+     */
+    if(ps_dec->u2_mb_y < ps_dec->u2_num_vert_mb)
+        impeg2d_next_start_code(ps_dec);
+void impeg2d_dec_pic_data_thread(dec_state_t *ps_dec)
+    WORD32 i4_continue_decode;
+    WORD32 i4_cur_row, temp;
+    UWORD32 u4_bits_read;
+    WORD32 i4_dequeue_job;
+    IMPEG2D_ERROR_CODES_T e_error;
+    i4_cur_row = ps_dec->u2_mb_y + 1;
+    i4_continue_decode = 1;
+    i4_dequeue_job = 1;
+    do
+    {
+        if(i4_cur_row > ps_dec->u2_num_vert_mb)
+        {
+            i4_continue_decode = 0;
+            break;
+        }
+        {
+            if((ps_dec->i4_num_cores> 1) && (i4_dequeue_job))
+            {
+                job_t s_job;
+                IV_API_CALL_STATUS_T e_ret;
+                UWORD8 *pu1_buf;
+                e_ret = impeg2_jobq_dequeue(ps_dec->pv_jobq, &s_job, sizeof(s_job), 1, 1);
+                if(e_ret != IV_SUCCESS)
+                    break;
+                if(CMD_PROCESS == s_job.i4_cmd)
+                {
+                    pu1_buf = ps_dec->pu1_inp_bits_buf + s_job.i4_bistream_ofst;
+                    impeg2d_bit_stream_init(&(ps_dec->s_bit_stream), pu1_buf,
+                            (ps_dec->u4_num_inp_bytes - s_job.i4_bistream_ofst) + 8);
+                    i4_cur_row      = s_job.i2_start_mb_y;
+                    ps_dec->i4_start_mb_y = s_job.i2_start_mb_y;
+                    ps_dec->i4_end_mb_y = s_job.i2_end_mb_y;
+                    ps_dec->u2_mb_x = 0;
+                    ps_dec->u2_mb_y = ps_dec->i4_start_mb_y;
+                    ps_dec->u2_num_mbs_left = (ps_dec->i4_end_mb_y - ps_dec->i4_start_mb_y) * ps_dec->u2_num_horiz_mb;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    WORD32 start_row;
+                    WORD32 num_rows;
+                    start_row = s_job.i2_start_mb_y << 4;
+                    num_rows = MIN((s_job.i2_end_mb_y << 4), ps_dec->u2_vertical_size);
+                    num_rows -= start_row;
+                    impeg2d_format_convert(ps_dec, ps_dec->ps_disp_pic,
+                                        ps_dec->ps_disp_frm_buf,
+                                        start_row, num_rows);
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+            e_error = impeg2d_dec_slice(ps_dec);
+            if ((IMPEG2D_ERROR_CODES_T)IVD_ERROR_NONE != e_error)
+            {
+                impeg2d_next_start_code(ps_dec);
+            }
+        }
+        /* Detecting next slice start code */
+        while(1)
+        {
+            // skip (dec->u4_num_cores-1) rows
+            u4_bits_read = impeg2d_bit_stream_nxt(&ps_dec->s_bit_stream,START_CODE_LEN);
+            temp = u4_bits_read & 0xFF;
+            i4_continue_decode = (((u4_bits_read >> 8) == 0x01) && (temp) && (temp <= 0xAF));
+            if(i4_continue_decode)
+            {
+                /* If the slice is from the same row, then continue decoding without dequeue */
+                if((temp - 1) == i4_cur_row)
+                {
+                    i4_dequeue_job = 0;
+                    break;
+                }
+                if(temp < ps_dec->i4_end_mb_y)
+                {
+                    i4_cur_row = ps_dec->u2_mb_y;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    i4_dequeue_job = 1;
+                }
+                break;
+            }
+            else
+                break;
+        }
+    }while(i4_continue_decode);
+    if(ps_dec->i4_num_cores > 1)
+    {
+        while(1)
+        {
+            job_t s_job;
+            IV_API_CALL_STATUS_T e_ret;
+            e_ret = impeg2_jobq_dequeue(ps_dec->pv_jobq, &s_job, sizeof(s_job), 1, 1);
+            if(e_ret != IV_SUCCESS)
+                break;
+            if(CMD_FMTCONV == s_job.i4_cmd)
+            {
+                WORD32 start_row;
+                WORD32 num_rows;
+                start_row = s_job.i2_start_mb_y << 4;
+                num_rows = MIN((s_job.i2_end_mb_y << 4), ps_dec->u2_vertical_size);
+                num_rows -= start_row;
+                impeg2d_format_convert(ps_dec, ps_dec->ps_disp_pic,
+                                    ps_dec->ps_disp_frm_buf,
+                                    start_row, num_rows);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if((NULL != ps_dec->ps_disp_pic) && ((0 == ps_dec->u4_share_disp_buf) || (IV_YUV_420P != ps_dec->i4_chromaFormat)))
+            impeg2d_format_convert(ps_dec, ps_dec->ps_disp_pic,
+                            ps_dec->ps_disp_frm_buf,
+                            0, ps_dec->u2_vertical_size);
+    }
+static WORD32 impeg2d_init_thread_dec_ctxt(dec_state_t *ps_dec,
+                                           dec_state_t *ps_dec_thd,
+                                           WORD32 i4_min_mb_y)
+    UNUSED(i4_min_mb_y);
+    ps_dec_thd->i4_start_mb_y = 0;
+    ps_dec_thd->i4_end_mb_y = ps_dec->u2_num_vert_mb;
+    ps_dec_thd->u2_mb_x = 0;
+    ps_dec_thd->u2_mb_y = 0;
+    ps_dec_thd->u2_is_mpeg2 = ps_dec->u2_is_mpeg2;
+    ps_dec_thd->u2_frame_width = ps_dec->u2_frame_width;
+    ps_dec_thd->u2_frame_height = ps_dec->u2_frame_height;
+    ps_dec_thd->u2_picture_width = ps_dec->u2_picture_width;
+    ps_dec_thd->u2_horizontal_size = ps_dec->u2_horizontal_size;
+    ps_dec_thd->u2_vertical_size = ps_dec->u2_vertical_size;
+    ps_dec_thd->u2_create_max_width = ps_dec->u2_create_max_width;
+    ps_dec_thd->u2_create_max_height = ps_dec->u2_create_max_height;
+    ps_dec_thd->u2_header_done = ps_dec->u2_header_done;
+    ps_dec_thd->u2_decode_header = ps_dec->u2_decode_header;
+    ps_dec_thd->u2_num_horiz_mb = ps_dec->u2_num_horiz_mb;
+    ps_dec_thd->u2_num_vert_mb = ps_dec->u2_num_vert_mb;
+    ps_dec_thd->u2_num_flds_decoded = ps_dec->u2_num_flds_decoded;
+    ps_dec_thd->u4_frm_buf_stride = ps_dec->u4_frm_buf_stride;
+    ps_dec_thd->u2_field_dct = ps_dec->u2_field_dct;
+    ps_dec_thd->u2_read_dct_type = ps_dec->u2_read_dct_type;
+    ps_dec_thd->u2_read_motion_type = ps_dec->u2_read_motion_type;
+    ps_dec_thd->u2_motion_type = ps_dec->u2_motion_type;
+    ps_dec_thd->pu2_mb_type = ps_dec->pu2_mb_type;
+    ps_dec_thd->u2_fld_pic = ps_dec->u2_fld_pic;
+    ps_dec_thd->u2_frm_pic = ps_dec->u2_frm_pic;
+    ps_dec_thd->u2_fld_parity = ps_dec->u2_fld_parity;
+    ps_dec_thd->au2_fcode_data[0] = ps_dec->au2_fcode_data[0];
+    ps_dec_thd->au2_fcode_data[1] = ps_dec->au2_fcode_data[1];
+    ps_dec_thd->u1_quant_scale = ps_dec->u1_quant_scale;
+    ps_dec_thd->u2_num_mbs_left = ps_dec->u2_num_mbs_left;
+    ps_dec_thd->u2_first_mb = ps_dec->u2_first_mb;
+    ps_dec_thd->u2_num_skipped_mbs = ps_dec->u2_num_skipped_mbs;
+    memcpy(&ps_dec_thd->s_cur_frm_buf, &ps_dec->s_cur_frm_buf, sizeof(yuv_buf_t));
+    memcpy(&ps_dec_thd->as_recent_fld[0][0], &ps_dec->as_recent_fld[0][0], sizeof(yuv_buf_t));
+    memcpy(&ps_dec_thd->as_recent_fld[0][1], &ps_dec->as_recent_fld[0][1], sizeof(yuv_buf_t));
+    memcpy(&ps_dec_thd->as_recent_fld[1][0], &ps_dec->as_recent_fld[1][0], sizeof(yuv_buf_t));
+    memcpy(&ps_dec_thd->as_recent_fld[1][1], &ps_dec->as_recent_fld[1][1], sizeof(yuv_buf_t));
+    memcpy(&ps_dec_thd->as_ref_buf, &ps_dec->as_ref_buf, sizeof(yuv_buf_t) * 2 * 2);
+    ps_dec_thd->pf_decode_slice = ps_dec->pf_decode_slice;
+    ps_dec_thd->pf_vld_inv_quant = ps_dec->pf_vld_inv_quant;
+    memcpy(ps_dec_thd->pf_idct_recon, ps_dec->pf_idct_recon, sizeof(ps_dec->pf_idct_recon));
+    memcpy(ps_dec_thd->pf_mc, ps_dec->pf_mc, sizeof(ps_dec->pf_mc));
+    ps_dec_thd->pf_interpolate = ps_dec->pf_interpolate;
+    ps_dec_thd->pf_copy_mb = ps_dec->pf_copy_mb;
+    ps_dec_thd->pf_fullx_halfy_8x8              =  ps_dec->pf_fullx_halfy_8x8;
+    ps_dec_thd->pf_halfx_fully_8x8              =  ps_dec->pf_halfx_fully_8x8;
+    ps_dec_thd->pf_halfx_halfy_8x8              =  ps_dec->pf_halfx_halfy_8x8;
+    ps_dec_thd->pf_fullx_fully_8x8              =  ps_dec->pf_fullx_fully_8x8;
+    ps_dec_thd->pf_memset_8bit_8x8_block        =  ps_dec->pf_memset_8bit_8x8_block;
+    ps_dec_thd->pf_memset_16bit_8x8_linear_block        =  ps_dec->pf_memset_16bit_8x8_linear_block;
+    ps_dec_thd->pf_copy_yuv420p_buf             =   ps_dec->pf_copy_yuv420p_buf;
+    ps_dec_thd->pf_fmt_conv_yuv420p_to_yuv422ile    =   ps_dec->pf_fmt_conv_yuv420p_to_yuv422ile;
+    ps_dec_thd->pf_fmt_conv_yuv420p_to_yuv420sp_uv  =   ps_dec->pf_fmt_conv_yuv420p_to_yuv420sp_uv;
+    ps_dec_thd->pf_fmt_conv_yuv420p_to_yuv420sp_vu  =   ps_dec->pf_fmt_conv_yuv420p_to_yuv420sp_vu;
+    memcpy(ps_dec_thd->au1_intra_quant_matrix, ps_dec->au1_intra_quant_matrix, NUM_PELS_IN_BLOCK * sizeof(UWORD8));
+    memcpy(ps_dec_thd->au1_inter_quant_matrix, ps_dec->au1_inter_quant_matrix, NUM_PELS_IN_BLOCK * sizeof(UWORD8));
+    ps_dec_thd->pu1_inv_scan_matrix = ps_dec->pu1_inv_scan_matrix;
+    ps_dec_thd->u2_progressive_sequence = ps_dec->u2_progressive_sequence;
+    ps_dec_thd->e_pic_type =  ps_dec->e_pic_type;
+    ps_dec_thd->u2_full_pel_forw_vector = ps_dec->u2_full_pel_forw_vector;
+    ps_dec_thd->u2_forw_f_code =   ps_dec->u2_forw_f_code;
+    ps_dec_thd->u2_full_pel_back_vector = ps_dec->u2_full_pel_back_vector;
+    ps_dec_thd->u2_back_f_code = ps_dec->u2_back_f_code;
+    memcpy(ps_dec_thd->ai2_mv, ps_dec->ai2_mv, (2*2*2)*sizeof(WORD16));
+    memcpy(ps_dec_thd->au2_f_code, ps_dec->au2_f_code, (2*2)*sizeof(UWORD16));
+    ps_dec_thd->u2_intra_dc_precision = ps_dec->u2_intra_dc_precision;
+    ps_dec_thd->u2_picture_structure = ps_dec->u2_picture_structure;
+    ps_dec_thd->u2_top_field_first = ps_dec->u2_top_field_first;
+    ps_dec_thd->u2_frame_pred_frame_dct = ps_dec->u2_frame_pred_frame_dct;
+    ps_dec_thd->u2_concealment_motion_vectors = ps_dec->u2_concealment_motion_vectors;
+    ps_dec_thd->u2_q_scale_type =  ps_dec->u2_q_scale_type;
+    ps_dec_thd->u2_intra_vlc_format = ps_dec->u2_intra_vlc_format;
+    ps_dec_thd->u2_alternate_scan = ps_dec->u2_alternate_scan;
+    ps_dec_thd->u2_repeat_first_field = ps_dec->u2_repeat_first_field;
+    ps_dec_thd->u2_progressive_frame = ps_dec->u2_progressive_frame;
+    ps_dec_thd->pu1_inp_bits_buf = ps_dec->pu1_inp_bits_buf;
+    ps_dec_thd->u4_num_inp_bytes = ps_dec->u4_num_inp_bytes;
+    ps_dec_thd->pv_jobq = ps_dec->pv_jobq;
+    ps_dec_thd->pv_jobq_buf = ps_dec->pv_jobq_buf;
+    ps_dec_thd->i4_jobq_buf_size = ps_dec->i4_jobq_buf_size;
+    ps_dec_thd->u2_frame_rate_code = ps_dec->u2_frame_rate_code;
+    ps_dec_thd->u2_frame_rate_extension_n = ps_dec->u2_frame_rate_extension_n;
+    ps_dec_thd->u2_frame_rate_extension_d = ps_dec->u2_frame_rate_extension_d;
+    ps_dec_thd->u2_framePeriod =   ps_dec->u2_framePeriod;
+    ps_dec_thd->u2_display_horizontal_size = ps_dec->u2_display_horizontal_size;
+    ps_dec_thd->u2_display_vertical_size = ps_dec->u2_display_vertical_size;
+    ps_dec_thd->u2_aspect_ratio_info = ps_dec->u2_aspect_ratio_info;
+    ps_dec_thd->ps_func_bi_direct = ps_dec->ps_func_bi_direct;
+    ps_dec_thd->ps_func_forw_or_back = ps_dec->ps_func_forw_or_back;
+    return 0;
+WORD32 impeg2d_get_slice_pos(dec_state_multi_core_t *ps_dec_state_multi_core)
+    WORD32 u4_bits;
+    WORD32 i4_row;
+    dec_state_t *ps_dec = ps_dec_state_multi_core->ps_dec_state[0];
+    WORD32 i4_prev_row;
+    stream_t s_bitstrm;
+    WORD32 i4_start_row;
+    WORD32 i4_slice_bistream_ofst;
+    WORD32 i;
+    s_bitstrm = ps_dec->s_bit_stream;
+    i4_prev_row = -1;
+    ps_dec_state_multi_core->ps_dec_state[0]->i4_start_mb_y = 0;
+    ps_dec_state_multi_core->ps_dec_state[1]->i4_start_mb_y = -1;
+    ps_dec_state_multi_core->ps_dec_state[2]->i4_start_mb_y = -1;
+    ps_dec_state_multi_core->ps_dec_state[3]->i4_start_mb_y = -1;
+    ps_dec_state_multi_core->ps_dec_state[0]->i4_end_mb_y = ps_dec->u2_num_vert_mb;
+    ps_dec_state_multi_core->ps_dec_state[1]->i4_end_mb_y = -1;
+    ps_dec_state_multi_core->ps_dec_state[2]->i4_end_mb_y = -1;
+    ps_dec_state_multi_core->ps_dec_state[3]->i4_end_mb_y = -1;
+    if(ps_dec->i4_num_cores == 1)
+        return 0;
+    /* Reset the jobq to start of the jobq buffer */
+    impeg2_jobq_reset((jobq_t *)ps_dec->pv_jobq);
+    i4_start_row = -1;
+    i4_slice_bistream_ofst = 0;
+    while(1)
+    {
+        WORD32 i4_is_slice;
+        u4_bits = impeg2d_bit_stream_nxt(&s_bitstrm,START_CODE_LEN);
+        if(s_bitstrm.u4_offset >= s_bitstrm.u4_max_offset)
+        {
+            break;
+        }
+        i4_row = u4_bits & 0xFF;
+        /* Detect end of frame */
+        i4_is_slice = (((u4_bits >> 8) == 0x01) && (i4_row) && (i4_row <= ps_dec->u2_num_vert_mb));
+        if(!i4_is_slice)
+            break;
+        i4_row -= 1;
+        if(i4_prev_row != i4_row)
+        {
+            /* Create a job for previous slice row */
+            if(i4_start_row != -1)
+            {
+                job_t s_job;
+                IV_API_CALL_STATUS_T ret;
+                s_job.i2_start_mb_y = i4_start_row;
+                s_job.i2_end_mb_y = i4_row;
+                s_job.i4_cmd = CMD_PROCESS;
+                s_job.i4_bistream_ofst = i4_slice_bistream_ofst;
+                ret = impeg2_jobq_queue(ps_dec->pv_jobq, &s_job, sizeof(s_job), 1, 0);
+                if(ret != IV_SUCCESS)
+                    return ret;
+            }
+            /* Store current slice's bitstream offset */
+            i4_slice_bistream_ofst = s_bitstrm.u4_offset >> 3;
+            i4_slice_bistream_ofst -= (size_t)s_bitstrm.pv_bs_buf & 3;
+            i4_prev_row = i4_row;
+            /* Store current slice's row position */
+            i4_start_row = i4_row;
+        }
+        impeg2d_bit_stream_flush(&s_bitstrm, START_CODE_LEN);
+        // flush bytes till next start code
+        /* Flush the bytes till a  start code is encountered  */
+        while(impeg2d_bit_stream_nxt(&s_bitstrm, 24) != START_CODE_PREFIX)
+        {
+            impeg2d_bit_stream_get(&s_bitstrm, 8);
+            if(s_bitstrm.u4_offset >= s_bitstrm.u4_max_offset)
+            {
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /* Create job for the last slice row */
+    {
+        job_t s_job;
+        IV_API_CALL_STATUS_T e_ret;
+        s_job.i2_start_mb_y = i4_start_row;
+        s_job.i2_end_mb_y = ps_dec->u2_num_vert_mb;
+        s_job.i4_cmd = CMD_PROCESS;
+        s_job.i4_bistream_ofst = i4_slice_bistream_ofst;
+        e_ret = impeg2_jobq_queue(ps_dec->pv_jobq, &s_job, sizeof(s_job), 1, 0);
+        if(e_ret != IV_SUCCESS)
+            return e_ret;
+    }
+    if((NULL != ps_dec->ps_disp_pic) && ((0 == ps_dec->u4_share_disp_buf) || (IV_YUV_420P != ps_dec->i4_chromaFormat)))
+    {
+        for(i = 0; i < ps_dec->u2_vertical_size; i+=64)
+        {
+            job_t s_job;
+            IV_API_CALL_STATUS_T ret;
+            s_job.i2_start_mb_y = i;
+            s_job.i2_start_mb_y >>= 4;
+            s_job.i2_end_mb_y = (i + 64);
+            s_job.i2_end_mb_y >>= 4;
+            s_job.i4_cmd = CMD_FMTCONV;
+            s_job.i4_bistream_ofst = 0;
+            ret = impeg2_jobq_queue(ps_dec->pv_jobq, &s_job, sizeof(s_job), 1, 0);
+            if(ret != IV_SUCCESS)
+                return ret;
+        }
+    }
+    impeg2_jobq_terminate(ps_dec->pv_jobq);
+    ps_dec->i4_bytes_consumed = s_bitstrm.u4_offset >> 3;
+    ps_dec->i4_bytes_consumed -= ((size_t)s_bitstrm.pv_bs_buf & 3);
+    return 0;
+*  Function Name   : impeg2d_dec_pic_data
+*  Description     : It intializes several parameters and decodes a Picture
+*                    till any slice is left.
+*  Arguments       :
+*  dec             : Decoder context
+*  Values Returned : None
+void impeg2d_dec_pic_data(dec_state_t *ps_dec)
+    WORD32 i;
+    dec_state_multi_core_t *ps_dec_state_multi_core;
+    UWORD32  u4_error_code;
+    dec_state_t *ps_dec_thd;
+    WORD32 i4_status;
+    WORD32 i4_min_mb_y;
+    /* Resetting the MB address and MB coordinates at the start of the Frame */
+    ps_dec->u2_mb_x = ps_dec->u2_mb_y = 0;
+    u4_error_code = 0;
+    ps_dec_state_multi_core = ps_dec->ps_dec_state_multi_core;
+    impeg2d_get_slice_pos(ps_dec_state_multi_core);
+    i4_min_mb_y = 1;
+    for(i=0; i < ps_dec->i4_num_cores - 1; i++)
+    {
+        // initialize decoder context for thread
+        // launch dec->u4_num_cores-1 threads
+        ps_dec_thd = ps_dec_state_multi_core->ps_dec_state[i+1];
+        ps_dec_thd->ps_disp_pic = ps_dec->ps_disp_pic;
+        ps_dec_thd->ps_disp_frm_buf = ps_dec->ps_disp_frm_buf;
+        i4_status = impeg2d_init_thread_dec_ctxt(ps_dec, ps_dec_thd, i4_min_mb_y);
+        //impeg2d_dec_pic_data_thread(ps_dec_thd);
+        if(i4_status == 0)
+        {
+            ithread_create(ps_dec_thd->pv_codec_thread_handle, NULL, (void *)impeg2d_dec_pic_data_thread, ps_dec_thd);
+            ps_dec_state_multi_core->au4_thread_launched[i + 1] = 1;
+            i4_min_mb_y = ps_dec_thd->u2_mb_y + 1;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            ps_dec_state_multi_core->au4_thread_launched[i + 1] = 0;
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    impeg2d_dec_pic_data_thread(ps_dec);
+    // wait for threads to complete
+    for(i=0; i < (ps_dec->i4_num_cores - 1); i++)
+    {
+        if(ps_dec_state_multi_core->au4_thread_launched[i + 1] == 1)
+        {
+            ps_dec_thd = ps_dec_state_multi_core->ps_dec_state[i+1];
+            ithread_join(ps_dec_thd->pv_codec_thread_handle, NULL);
+        }
+    }
+    ps_dec->u4_error_code = u4_error_code;
+*  Function Name   : impeg2d_flush_ext_and_user_data
+*  Description     : Flushes the extension and user data present in the
+*                    stream_t
+*  Arguments       :
+*  dec             : Decoder context
+*  Values Returned : None
+void impeg2d_flush_ext_and_user_data(dec_state_t *ps_dec)
+    UWORD32 u4_start_code;
+    stream_t *ps_stream;
+    ps_stream    = &ps_dec->s_bit_stream;
+    u4_start_code = impeg2d_bit_stream_nxt(ps_stream,START_CODE_LEN);
+    while(u4_start_code == EXTENSION_START_CODE || u4_start_code == USER_DATA_START_CODE)
+    {
+        impeg2d_bit_stream_flush(ps_stream,START_CODE_LEN);
+        while(impeg2d_bit_stream_nxt(ps_stream,START_CODE_PREFIX_LEN) != START_CODE_PREFIX)
+        {
+            impeg2d_bit_stream_flush(ps_stream,8);
+        }
+        u4_start_code = impeg2d_bit_stream_nxt(ps_stream,START_CODE_LEN);
+    }
+*  Function Name   : impeg2d_dec_user_data
+*  Description     : Flushes the user data present in the stream_t
+*  Arguments       :
+*  dec             : Decoder context
+*  Values Returned : None
+void impeg2d_dec_user_data(dec_state_t *ps_dec)
+    UWORD32 u4_start_code;
+    stream_t *ps_stream;
+    ps_stream    = &ps_dec->s_bit_stream;
+    u4_start_code = impeg2d_bit_stream_nxt(ps_stream,START_CODE_LEN);
+    while(u4_start_code == USER_DATA_START_CODE)
+    {
+        impeg2d_bit_stream_flush(ps_stream,START_CODE_LEN);
+        while(impeg2d_bit_stream_nxt(ps_stream,START_CODE_PREFIX_LEN) != START_CODE_PREFIX)
+        {
+            impeg2d_bit_stream_flush(ps_stream,8);
+        }
+        u4_start_code = impeg2d_bit_stream_nxt(ps_stream,START_CODE_LEN);
+    }
+*  Function Name   : impeg2d_dec_seq_ext_data
+*  Description     : Decodes the extension data following Sequence
+*                    Extension. It flushes any user data if present
+*  Arguments       :
+*  dec             : Decoder context
+*  Values Returned : None
+IMPEG2D_ERROR_CODES_T impeg2d_dec_seq_ext_data(dec_state_t *ps_dec)
+    stream_t   *ps_stream;
+    UWORD32     u4_start_code;
+    IMPEG2D_ERROR_CODES_T e_error;
+    ps_stream      = &ps_dec->s_bit_stream;
+    u4_start_code = impeg2d_bit_stream_nxt(ps_stream,START_CODE_LEN);
+    while( (u4_start_code == EXTENSION_START_CODE ||
+            u4_start_code == USER_DATA_START_CODE) &&
+            (IMPEG2D_ERROR_CODES_T)IVD_ERROR_NONE == e_error)
+    {
+        if(u4_start_code == USER_DATA_START_CODE)
+        {
+            impeg2d_dec_user_data(ps_dec);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            impeg2d_bit_stream_flush(ps_stream,START_CODE_LEN);
+            u4_start_code   = impeg2d_bit_stream_nxt(ps_stream,EXT_ID_LEN);
+            switch(u4_start_code)
+            {
+            case SEQ_DISPLAY_EXT_ID:
+                impeg2d_dec_seq_disp_ext(ps_dec);
+                break;
+            case SEQ_SCALABLE_EXT_ID:
+                e_error = IMPEG2D_SCALABILITIY_NOT_SUPPORTED;
+                break;
+            default:
+                /* In case its a reserved extension code */
+                impeg2d_bit_stream_flush(ps_stream,EXT_ID_LEN);
+                impeg2d_peek_next_start_code(ps_dec);
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        u4_start_code = impeg2d_bit_stream_nxt(ps_stream,START_CODE_LEN);
+    }
+    return e_error;
+*  Function Name   : impeg2d_dec_pic_ext_data
+*  Description     : Decodes the extension data following Picture Coding
+*                    Extension. It flushes any user data if present
+*  Arguments       :
+*  dec             : Decoder context
+*  Values Returned : None
+IMPEG2D_ERROR_CODES_T impeg2d_dec_pic_ext_data(dec_state_t *ps_dec)
+    stream_t   *ps_stream;
+    UWORD32     u4_start_code;
+    IMPEG2D_ERROR_CODES_T e_error;
+    ps_stream      = &ps_dec->s_bit_stream;
+    u4_start_code   = impeg2d_bit_stream_nxt(ps_stream,START_CODE_LEN);
+    while ( (u4_start_code == EXTENSION_START_CODE ||
+            u4_start_code == USER_DATA_START_CODE) &&
+            (IMPEG2D_ERROR_CODES_T)IVD_ERROR_NONE == e_error)
+    {
+        if(u4_start_code == USER_DATA_START_CODE)
+        {
+            impeg2d_dec_user_data(ps_dec);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            impeg2d_bit_stream_flush(ps_stream,START_CODE_LEN);
+            u4_start_code   = impeg2d_bit_stream_nxt(ps_stream,EXT_ID_LEN);
+            switch(u4_start_code)
+            {
+            case QUANT_MATRIX_EXT_ID:
+                impeg2d_dec_quant_matrix_ext(ps_dec);
+                break;
+            case COPYRIGHT_EXT_ID:
+                impeg2d_dec_copyright_ext(ps_dec);
+                break;
+            case PIC_DISPLAY_EXT_ID:
+                impeg2d_dec_pic_disp_ext(ps_dec);
+                break;
+            case CAMERA_PARAM_EXT_ID:
+                impeg2d_dec_cam_param_ext(ps_dec);
+                break;
+            case ITU_T_EXT_ID:
+                impeg2d_dec_itu_t_ext(ps_dec);
+                break;
+            case PIC_SPATIAL_SCALABLE_EXT_ID:
+                e_error = IMPEG2D_SCALABLITY_NOT_SUP;
+                break;
+            default:
+                /* In case its a reserved extension code */
+                impeg2d_bit_stream_flush(ps_stream,EXT_ID_LEN);
+                impeg2d_next_start_code(ps_dec);
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        u4_start_code = impeg2d_bit_stream_nxt(ps_stream,START_CODE_LEN);
+    }
+    return e_error;
+*  Function Name   : impeg2d_process_video_header
+*  Description     : Processes video sequence header information
+*  Arguments       :
+*  dec             : Decoder context
+*  Values Returned : None
+IMPEG2D_ERROR_CODES_T impeg2d_process_video_header(dec_state_t *ps_dec)
+    stream_t *ps_stream;
+    ps_stream = &ps_dec->s_bit_stream;
+    IMPEG2D_ERROR_CODES_T e_error;
+    impeg2d_next_code(ps_dec, SEQUENCE_HEADER_CODE);
+    if(ps_dec->s_bit_stream.u4_offset < ps_dec->s_bit_stream.u4_max_offset)
+    {
+        e_error = impeg2d_dec_seq_hdr(ps_dec);
+        if ((IMPEG2D_ERROR_CODES_T)IVD_ERROR_NONE != e_error)
+        {
+            return e_error;
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+    }
+    if (impeg2d_bit_stream_nxt(ps_stream,START_CODE_LEN) == EXTENSION_START_CODE)
+    {
+        /* MPEG2 Decoder */
+        if(ps_dec->s_bit_stream.u4_offset < ps_dec->s_bit_stream.u4_max_offset)
+        {
+            e_error = impeg2d_dec_seq_ext(ps_dec);
+            if ((IMPEG2D_ERROR_CODES_T)IVD_ERROR_NONE != e_error)
+            {
+                return e_error;
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+        }
+        if(ps_dec->s_bit_stream.u4_offset < ps_dec->s_bit_stream.u4_max_offset)
+        {
+            e_error = impeg2d_dec_seq_ext_data(ps_dec);
+            if ((IMPEG2D_ERROR_CODES_T)IVD_ERROR_NONE != e_error)
+            {
+                return e_error;
+            }
+        }
+        return impeg2d_init_video_state(ps_dec,MPEG_2_VIDEO);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+         /* MPEG1 Decoder */
+        if(ps_dec->s_bit_stream.u4_offset < ps_dec->s_bit_stream.u4_max_offset)
+        {
+            impeg2d_flush_ext_and_user_data(ps_dec);
+        }
+        return impeg2d_init_video_state(ps_dec,MPEG_1_VIDEO);
+    }
+*  Function Name   : impeg2d_process_video_bit_stream
+*  Description     : Processes video sequence header information
+*  Arguments       :
+*  dec             : Decoder context
+*  Values Returned : None
+IMPEG2D_ERROR_CODES_T impeg2d_process_video_bit_stream(dec_state_t *ps_dec)
+    stream_t *ps_stream;
+    UWORD32 u4_next_bits, u4_start_code_found;
+    IMPEG2D_ERROR_CODES_T e_error;
+    ps_stream = &ps_dec->s_bit_stream;
+    impeg2d_next_start_code(ps_dec);
+    /* If the stream is MPEG-2 compliant stream */
+    u4_start_code_found = 0;
+    if(ps_dec->u2_is_mpeg2)
+    {
+        /* MPEG2 decoding starts */
+        while((u4_start_code_found == 0) && (ps_dec->s_bit_stream.u4_offset < ps_dec->s_bit_stream.u4_max_offset))
+        {
+            u4_next_bits = impeg2d_bit_stream_nxt(ps_stream,START_CODE_LEN);
+            if(u4_next_bits == SEQUENCE_HEADER_CODE)
+            {
+                if(ps_dec->s_bit_stream.u4_offset < ps_dec->s_bit_stream.u4_max_offset)
+                {
+                    e_error = impeg2d_dec_seq_hdr(ps_dec);
+                    if ((IMPEG2D_ERROR_CODES_T)IVD_ERROR_NONE != e_error)
+                    {
+                        return e_error;
+                    }
+                    u4_start_code_found = 0;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    return IMPEG2D_BITSTREAM_BUFF_EXCEEDED_ERR;
+                }
+                if(ps_dec->s_bit_stream.u4_offset < ps_dec->s_bit_stream.u4_max_offset)
+                {
+                    IMPEG2D_ERROR_CODES_T e_error;
+                    e_error = impeg2d_dec_seq_ext(ps_dec);
+                    if ((IMPEG2D_ERROR_CODES_T)IVD_ERROR_NONE != e_error)
+                    {
+                        return e_error;
+                    }
+                    u4_start_code_found = 0;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    return IMPEG2D_BITSTREAM_BUFF_EXCEEDED_ERR;
+                }
+            }
+            else if((u4_next_bits == USER_DATA_START_CODE) || (u4_next_bits == EXTENSION_START_CODE))
+            {
+                if(ps_dec->s_bit_stream.u4_offset < ps_dec->s_bit_stream.u4_max_offset)
+                {
+                    impeg2d_dec_seq_ext_data(ps_dec);
+                    u4_start_code_found = 0;
+                }
+            }
+            else if((ps_dec->s_bit_stream.u4_offset < ps_dec->s_bit_stream.u4_max_offset)
+                    && (u4_next_bits == GOP_START_CODE))
+            {
+                impeg2d_dec_grp_of_pic_hdr(ps_dec);
+                impeg2d_dec_user_data(ps_dec);
+                u4_start_code_found = 0;
+            }
+            else if((ps_dec->s_bit_stream.u4_offset < ps_dec->s_bit_stream.u4_max_offset)
+                    && (u4_next_bits == PICTURE_START_CODE))
+            {
+                e_error = impeg2d_dec_pic_hdr(ps_dec);
+                if ((IMPEG2D_ERROR_CODES_T)IVD_ERROR_NONE != e_error)
+                {
+                    return e_error;
+                }
+                impeg2d_dec_pic_coding_ext(ps_dec);
+                e_error = impeg2d_dec_pic_ext_data(ps_dec);
+                if ((IMPEG2D_ERROR_CODES_T)IVD_ERROR_NONE != e_error)
+                {
+                    return e_error;
+                }
+                impeg2d_pre_pic_dec_proc(ps_dec);
+                impeg2d_dec_pic_data(ps_dec);
+                impeg2d_post_pic_dec_proc(ps_dec);
+                u4_start_code_found = 1;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                FLUSH_BITS(ps_dec->s_bit_stream.u4_offset, ps_dec->s_bit_stream.u4_buf, ps_dec->s_bit_stream.u4_buf_nxt, 8, ps_dec->s_bit_stream.pu4_buf_aligned);
+            }
+            if(u4_start_code_found == 0)
+            {
+                impeg2d_next_start_code(ps_dec);
+            }
+        }
+        if((u4_start_code_found == 0) && (ps_dec->s_bit_stream.u4_offset > ps_dec->s_bit_stream.u4_max_offset))
+        {
+        }
+    }
+        /* If the stream is MPEG-1 compliant stream */
+    else
+    {
+        while((u4_start_code_found == 0) && (ps_dec->s_bit_stream.u4_offset < ps_dec->s_bit_stream.u4_max_offset))
+        {
+            u4_next_bits = impeg2d_bit_stream_nxt(ps_stream,START_CODE_LEN);
+            if(impeg2d_bit_stream_nxt(ps_stream,START_CODE_LEN) == SEQUENCE_HEADER_CODE)
+            {
+                if(ps_dec->s_bit_stream.u4_offset < ps_dec->s_bit_stream.u4_max_offset)
+                {
+                    e_error = impeg2d_dec_seq_hdr(ps_dec);
+                    if ((IMPEG2D_ERROR_CODES_T)IVD_ERROR_NONE != e_error)
+                    {
+                        return e_error;
+                    }
+                    u4_start_code_found = 0;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    return IMPEG2D_BITSTREAM_BUFF_EXCEEDED_ERR;
+                }
+            }
+            else if((ps_dec->s_bit_stream.u4_offset < ps_dec->s_bit_stream.u4_max_offset) && (u4_next_bits == EXTENSION_START_CODE || u4_next_bits == USER_DATA_START_CODE))
+            {
+                impeg2d_flush_ext_and_user_data(ps_dec);
+                u4_start_code_found = 0;
+            }
+            else if ((impeg2d_bit_stream_nxt(ps_stream,START_CODE_LEN) == GOP_START_CODE)
+                    && (ps_dec->s_bit_stream.u4_offset < ps_dec->s_bit_stream.u4_max_offset))
+            {
+                impeg2d_dec_grp_of_pic_hdr(ps_dec);
+                impeg2d_flush_ext_and_user_data(ps_dec);
+                u4_start_code_found = 0;
+            }
+            else if ((impeg2d_bit_stream_nxt(ps_stream,START_CODE_LEN) == PICTURE_START_CODE)
+                    && (ps_dec->s_bit_stream.u4_offset < ps_dec->s_bit_stream.u4_max_offset))
+            {
+                e_error = impeg2d_dec_pic_hdr(ps_dec);
+                if ((IMPEG2D_ERROR_CODES_T)IVD_ERROR_NONE != e_error)
+                {
+                    return e_error;
+                }
+                impeg2d_flush_ext_and_user_data(ps_dec);
+                impeg2d_pre_pic_dec_proc(ps_dec);
+                impeg2d_dec_pic_data(ps_dec);
+                impeg2d_post_pic_dec_proc(ps_dec);
+                u4_start_code_found = 1;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                FLUSH_BITS(ps_dec->s_bit_stream.u4_offset, ps_dec->s_bit_stream.u4_buf, ps_dec->s_bit_stream.u4_buf_nxt, 8, ps_dec->s_bit_stream.pu4_buf_aligned);
+            }
+            impeg2d_next_start_code(ps_dec);
+        }
+        if((u4_start_code_found == 0) && (ps_dec->s_bit_stream.u4_offset > ps_dec->s_bit_stream.u4_max_offset))
+        {
+        }
+    }