Large commit of changes done while travelling to XML'99
- cleanups on memory use and parsers
- start of Link interfaces HTML and XLink
- rebuild the doc
- released as 1.8.0
diff --git a/ b/
index 54d6228..ed0b2bb 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -28,7 +28,8 @@
 		xmlIO.c \
 		xmlmemory.c \
 		nanohttp.c \
-		valid.c
+		valid.c \
+		xlink.c
 xmlincdir = $(includedir)/gnome-xml
 xmlinc_HEADERS = \
@@ -46,7 +47,8 @@
 		xmlIO.h \
 		xmlmemory.h \
 		nanohttp.h \
-		valid.h
+		valid.h \
+		xlink.h
 DEPS = $(top_builddir)/
 LDADDS = $(top_builddir)/ @Z_LIBS@ @M_LIBS@