Closing #3908 and #3937 and a memory leak in the SAX API
added SAX.h mostly useful for the doc generation
Regenerated all the docs,
diff --git a/SAX.h b/SAX.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d9f3c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SAX.h
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+ * SAX.c : Default SAX handler interfaces.
+ *
+ * See Copyright for the status of this software.
+ *
+ * Daniel Veillard <>
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "parser.h"
+#ifndef __XML_SAX_H__
+#define __XML_SAX_H__
+const xmlChar *	getPublicId			(void *ctx);
+const xmlChar *	getSystemId			(void *ctx);
+void	setDocumentLocator			(void *ctx,
+						 xmlSAXLocatorPtr loc);
+int		getLineNumber			(void *ctx);
+int		getColumnNumber			(void *ctx);
+int		isStandalone			(void *ctx);
+int		hasInternalSubset		(void *ctx);
+int		hasExternalSubset		(void *ctx);
+void		internalSubset			(void *ctx,
+						 const xmlChar *name,
+						 const xmlChar *ExternalID,
+						 const xmlChar *SystemID);
+xmlEntityPtr	getEntity			(void *ctx,
+						 const xmlChar *name);
+xmlEntityPtr	getParameterEntity		(void *ctx,
+						 const xmlChar *name);
+xmlParserInputPtr resolveEntity			(void *ctx,
+						 const xmlChar *publicId,
+						 const xmlChar *systemId);
+void		entityDecl			(void *ctx,
+						 const xmlChar *name,
+						 int type,
+						 const xmlChar *publicId,
+						 const xmlChar *systemId,
+						 xmlChar *content);
+void		attributeDecl			(void *ctx,
+						 const xmlChar *elem,
+						 const xmlChar *name,
+						 int type,
+						 int def,
+						 const xmlChar *defaultValue,
+						 xmlEnumerationPtr tree);
+void		elementDecl			(void *ctx,
+						 const xmlChar *name,
+						 int type,
+						 xmlElementContentPtr content);
+void		notationDecl			(void *ctx,
+						 const xmlChar *name,
+						 const xmlChar *publicId,
+						 const xmlChar *systemId);
+void		unparsedEntityDecl		(void *ctx,
+						 const xmlChar *name,
+						 const xmlChar *publicId,
+						 const xmlChar *systemId,
+						 const xmlChar *notationName);
+void		startDocument			(void *ctx);
+void		endDocument			(void *ctx);
+void		attribute			(void *ctx,
+						 const xmlChar *fullname,
+						 const xmlChar *value);
+void		startElement			(void *ctx,
+						 const xmlChar *fullname,
+						 const xmlChar **atts);
+void		endElement			(void *ctx,
+						 const xmlChar *name);
+void		reference			(void *ctx,
+						 const xmlChar *name);
+void		characters			(void *ctx,
+						 const xmlChar *ch,
+						 int len);
+void		ignorableWhitespace		(void *ctx,
+						 const xmlChar *ch,
+						 int len);
+void		processingInstruction		(void *ctx,
+						 const xmlChar *target,
+						 const xmlChar *data);
+void		globalNamespace			(void *ctx,
+						 const xmlChar *href,
+						 const xmlChar *prefix);
+void		setNamespace			(void *ctx,
+						 const xmlChar *name);
+xmlNsPtr	getNamespace			(void *ctx);
+int		checkNamespace			(void *ctx,
+						 xmlChar *namespace);
+void		namespaceDecl			(void *ctx,
+						 const xmlChar *href,
+						 const xmlChar *prefix);
+void		comment				(void *ctx,
+						 const xmlChar *value);
+void		cdataBlock			(void *ctx,
+						 const xmlChar *value,
+						 int len);
+void		xmlDefaultSAXHandlerInit	(void);
+void		htmlDefaultSAXHandlerInit	(void);
+#endif /* __XML_SAX_H__ */