rebuilt the generated pages (again), manually restored doc/html/index.html

* doc/ doc/*.html doc/html/*.html: rebuilt the
  generated pages (again), manually restored doc/html/index.html
  and manually edited generated file doc/gnome-xml.xml to put
  in appropriate headings.
* doc/docdescr.doc: new file to describe details of the
  document generation (helps my memory for the next time)
*,chvalid.c,include/libxml/chvalid.h: minor
  enhancement to please the automatic documentation generation.
diff --git a/doc/docdescr.doc b/doc/docdescr.doc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c80e4f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/docdescr.doc
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+                   Notes on the libxml2 Documentation
+            Prepared by: William Brack <>
+  After spending a  lot of time tracing through, some Python
+scripts  and some xsl  scripts and xml files, I  thought it might be good
+to save others some time  by setting down the basic information about how
+the library documentation  is created.  I intend to enhance this process,
+but will keep this document up-to-date for  everyone's information.  Note
+that this document does not  apply to the subdirectory  "tutorial", which
+is separately maintained by John Fleck.
+  There are a relatively  small number of files  which form the "core" of
+the document directory.  All  the other files in the directory can be re-
+generated using  the information  present in these  core files,  plus the
+actual library  source files (*.[ch]) in the parent  directory  "../" and
+it's descendants include  and include/libxml.  These core files, together
+with a brief description of each, are as follows:-
+xml.html           The "main page", manually produced by Daniel Veillard
+news.html          The latest news, extracted from xml.html by site.xsl
+benchmark.gif      Illustrations used for the "main page" and subsidiaries
+gnome2.png                              -------
+Libxml2-Logo-180x168.gif                   |
+libxml.gif                                 |
+linus.gif                                  |
+redhat.gif                                 |
+structure.gif                             \ /
+w3c.png                                    -
+        Python script which generates the file libxml2-api.xml       Python secipt which generates the file libxml2-refs.xml
+api.xsl            xslt script to generate API cross-references APIchunk*.html
+                     using information from libxml2-api.xml and libxml2-refs.xml
+news.xsl           xslt script to generate ../NEWS from news.html
+site.xsl           xslt script imported by api.xsl, generates most top-level
+                     pages from news.html
+xsa.xsl            xslt script to generate libxml.xsa from news.html
+xmlcatalog.1       Man page for xml catalogs
+xmllint.1          Man page for xmllint program
+libxml-doc.el      Control script for displaying docs under emacs
+  Given the above files, the generation of the complete documentation (as
+provided on the web by can be created with the following steps:
+NOTE:  Steps 1 through 5 are performed with the command "make rebuild";
+       Step 6 must be accomplished manually.
+       Steps 7 and 8 are performed with the command "make web"
+1) Generate libxml-decl.txt, libxml-decl-list.txt and libxml-sections.txt:
+       gtkdoc-scan --module=libxml --source-dir=../ \
+         --ignore-headers="acconfig.h config.h win32config.h trio.h triostr.h 
+                           triop.h config-m ac.h XMLTestPrefix2.h  XMLTestPrefix.h
+                           triodef.h trionan.h xlink.h libxml.h libx ml2-py.h
+                           libxml_wrap.h"
+   These three files are used by the gdk-doc routines in the following steps.
+2) Generate the sgml documentation in the subdirectory "tmpl":
+       gtkdoc-mktmpl --module=libxml
+3) Generate the xml documentation in the subdirectory "xml":
+       gtkdoc-mkdb --module=libxml --source-dir=../ --output-format=xml \
+         --main-sgml-file=gnome-xml.xml
+    This also generates the file gnome-xml.xml.
+    Note that, in order to produce "readable" documentation, the file
+    gnome-xml.xml should be manually edited in order to put in appropriate
+    titles.
+4) Generate the main html documentation in the subdirectory "html":
+       cd html
+       gtkdoc-mkhtml libxml ../gnome-xml.xml
+       cd ../
+    Note that the file index.html is really not suitable, so a manual
+    substitution of a generic index is done.
+5) Generate libxml2-api.xml:
+       ./
+    This script is a more recent addition to the documentation generation.
+    Instead of using the information from the gtk-doc routines, it actually
+    re-processes all the the library source files, extracting information
+    about the api (exported procedures and symbols, together with information
+    from the source comments within these).  It produces an xml file which
+    contains all of this information, "libxml2-api.xml".
+6) Generate libxml2-refs.xml:
+       ./
+    This script uses the *.txt files generated by Step 1, together with the
+    files in the subdirectory xml produced in Step 3, and produces the summary
+    xml file "libxml2-refs.xml".  Historically, it also used to produce
+    information on the api's in the file "libxml2-api.xml", but that step is
+    now being done by a separate script.
+7) Generate the site's main page:
+       xsltproc --nonet --html --output index.html site.xsl xml.html
+    All of the "top-level" pages (except xmlreader.html and guidelines.html)
+    which have navigation framing, are generated from this step
+8) Generate the contents and cross-referencing pages:
+       xsltproc --nonet --html api.xsl xml.html
+9) Generate the NEWS file in the top directory:
+       xsltproc --nonet --output ../NEWS news.xsl news.html
+10)Generate the XML Software Autoupdate file libxml2.xsa:
+       xsltproc --nonet --output libxml2.xsa xsa.xsl news.html
+11)Manually generate xmlcatalog.1 and xmllint.1 using manpages/docbook.xsl
+   stylesheet in docbook stylesheets
+  After these steps have been done, the documentation is complete.
+The search engine is then set up using the script, using
+libxml2-api.xml, the HTML web pages generated above, and the HTML
+mailing list archives at
+Last update:  15 November 2003