Revert directory structure changes
diff --git a/include/libxml/parser.h b/include/libxml/parser.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b98f2a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/libxml/parser.h
@@ -0,0 +1,527 @@
+ * parser.h : Interfaces, constants and types related to the XML parser.
+ *
+ * See Copyright for the status of this software.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef __XML_PARSER_H__
+#define __XML_PARSER_H__
+#include <libxml/tree.h>
+#include <libxml/valid.h>
+#include <libxml/xmlIO.h>
+#include <libxml/entities.h>
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+ * Constants.
+ */
+#define XML_DEFAULT_VERSION	"1.0"
+ * an xmlParserInput is an input flow for the XML processor.
+ * Each entity parsed is associated an xmlParserInput (except the
+ * few predefined ones). This is the case both for internal entities
+ * - in which case the flow is already completely in memory - or
+ * external entities - in which case we use the buf structure for
+ * progressive reading and I18N conversions to the internal UTF-8 format.
+ */
+typedef void (* xmlParserInputDeallocate)(xmlChar *);
+typedef struct _xmlParserInput xmlParserInput;
+typedef xmlParserInput *xmlParserInputPtr;
+struct _xmlParserInput {
+    /* Input buffer */
+    xmlParserInputBufferPtr buf;      /* UTF-8 encoded buffer */
+    const char *filename;             /* The file analyzed, if any */
+    const char *directory;            /* the directory/base of teh file */
+    const xmlChar *base;              /* Base of the array to parse */
+    const xmlChar *cur;               /* Current char being parsed */
+    int length;                       /* length if known */
+    int line;                         /* Current line */
+    int col;                          /* Current column */
+    int consumed;                     /* How many xmlChars already consumed */
+    xmlParserInputDeallocate free;    /* function to deallocate the base */
+    const xmlChar *encoding;          /* the encoding string for entity */
+    const xmlChar *version;           /* the version string for entity */
+    int standalone;                   /* Was that entity marked standalone */
+ * the parser can be asked to collect Node informations, i.e. at what
+ * place in the file they were detected. 
+ * NOTE: This is off by default and not very well tested.
+ */
+typedef struct _xmlParserNodeInfo xmlParserNodeInfo;
+typedef xmlParserNodeInfo *xmlParserNodeInfoPtr;
+struct _xmlParserNodeInfo {
+  const struct _xmlNode* node;
+  /* Position & line # that text that created the node begins & ends on */
+  unsigned long begin_pos;
+  unsigned long begin_line;
+  unsigned long end_pos;
+  unsigned long end_line;
+typedef struct _xmlParserNodeInfoSeq xmlParserNodeInfoSeq;
+typedef xmlParserNodeInfoSeq *xmlParserNodeInfoSeqPtr;
+struct _xmlParserNodeInfoSeq {
+  unsigned long maximum;
+  unsigned long length;
+  xmlParserNodeInfo* buffer;
+ * The parser is now working also as a state based parser
+ * The recursive one use the stagte info for entities processing
+ */
+typedef enum {
+    XML_PARSER_EOF = -1,	/* nothing is to be parsed */
+    XML_PARSER_START = 0,	/* nothing has been parsed */
+    XML_PARSER_MISC,		/* Misc* before int subset */
+    XML_PARSER_PI,		/* Whithin a processing instruction */
+    XML_PARSER_DTD,		/* within some DTD content */
+    XML_PARSER_PROLOG,		/* Misc* after internal subset */
+    XML_PARSER_COMMENT,		/* within a comment */
+    XML_PARSER_START_TAG,	/* within a start tag */
+    XML_PARSER_CONTENT,		/* within the content */
+    XML_PARSER_CDATA_SECTION,	/* within a CDATA section */
+    XML_PARSER_END_TAG,		/* within a closing tag */
+    XML_PARSER_ENTITY_DECL,	/* within an entity declaration */
+    XML_PARSER_ENTITY_VALUE,	/* within an entity value in a decl */
+    XML_PARSER_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE,	/* within an attribute value */
+    XML_PARSER_SYSTEM_LITERAL,	/* within a SYSTEM value */
+    XML_PARSER_EPILOG, 		/* the Misc* after the last end tag */
+    XML_PARSER_IGNORE		/* within an IGNORED section */
+} xmlParserInputState;
+ * The parser context.
+ * NOTE This doesn't completely defines the parser state, the (current ?)
+ *      design of the parser uses recursive function calls since this allow
+ *      and easy mapping from the production rules of the specification
+ *      to the actual code. The drawback is that the actual function call
+ *      also reflect the parser state. However most of the parsing routines
+ *      takes as the only argument the parser context pointer, so migrating
+ *      to a state based parser for progressive parsing shouldn't be too hard.
+ */
+typedef struct _xmlParserCtxt xmlParserCtxt;
+typedef xmlParserCtxt *xmlParserCtxtPtr;
+struct _xmlParserCtxt {
+    struct _xmlSAXHandler *sax;       /* The SAX handler */
+    void            *userData;        /* For SAX interface only, used by DOM build */
+    xmlDocPtr           myDoc;        /* the document being built */
+    int            wellFormed;        /* is the document well formed */
+    int       replaceEntities;        /* shall we replace entities ? */
+    const xmlChar    *version;        /* the XML version string */
+    const xmlChar   *encoding;        /* the declared encoding, if any */
+    int            standalone;        /* standalone document */
+    int                  html;        /* an HTML(1)/Docbook(2) document */
+    /* Input stream stack */
+    xmlParserInputPtr  input;         /* Current input stream */
+    int                inputNr;       /* Number of current input streams */
+    int                inputMax;      /* Max number of input streams */
+    xmlParserInputPtr *inputTab;      /* stack of inputs */
+    /* Node analysis stack only used for DOM building */
+    xmlNodePtr         node;          /* Current parsed Node */
+    int                nodeNr;        /* Depth of the parsing stack */
+    int                nodeMax;       /* Max depth of the parsing stack */
+    xmlNodePtr        *nodeTab;       /* array of nodes */
+    int record_info;                  /* Whether node info should be kept */
+    xmlParserNodeInfoSeq node_seq;    /* info about each node parsed */
+    int errNo;                        /* error code */
+    int     hasExternalSubset;        /* reference and external subset */
+    int             hasPErefs;        /* the internal subset has PE refs */
+    int              external;        /* are we parsing an external entity */
+    int                 valid;        /* is the document valid */
+    int              validate;        /* shall we try to validate ? */
+    xmlValidCtxt        vctxt;        /* The validity context */
+    xmlParserInputState instate;      /* current type of input */
+    int                 token;        /* next char look-ahead */    
+    char           *directory;        /* the data directory */
+    /* Node name stack */
+    xmlChar           *name;          /* Current parsed Node */
+    int                nameNr;        /* Depth of the parsing stack */
+    int                nameMax;       /* Max depth of the parsing stack */
+    xmlChar *         *nameTab;       /* array of nodes */
+    long               nbChars;       /* number of xmlChar processed */
+    long            checkIndex;       /* used by progressive parsing lookup */
+    int             keepBlanks;       /* ugly but ... */
+    int             disableSAX;       /* SAX callbacks are disabled */
+    int               inSubset;       /* Parsing is in int 1/ext 2 subset */
+    xmlChar *          intSubName;    /* name of subset */
+    xmlChar *          extSubURI;     /* URI of external subset */
+    xmlChar *          extSubSystem;  /* SYSTEM ID of external subset */
+    /* xml:space values */
+    int *              space;         /* Should the parser preserve spaces */
+    int                spaceNr;       /* Depth of the parsing stack */
+    int                spaceMax;      /* Max depth of the parsing stack */
+    int *              spaceTab;      /* array of space infos */
+    int                depth;         /* to prevent entity substitution loops */
+    xmlParserInputPtr  entity;        /* used to check entities boundaries */
+    int                charset;       /* encoding of the in-memory content
+				         actually an xmlCharEncoding */
+    int                nodelen;       /* Those two fields are there to */
+    int                nodemem;       /* Speed up large node parsing */
+    int                pedantic;      /* signal pedantic warnings */
+    void              *_private;      /* For user data, libxml won't touch it */
+    int                loadsubset;    /* should the external subset be loaded */
+ * a SAX Locator.
+ */
+typedef struct _xmlSAXLocator xmlSAXLocator;
+typedef xmlSAXLocator *xmlSAXLocatorPtr;
+struct _xmlSAXLocator {
+    const xmlChar *(*getPublicId)(void *ctx);
+    const xmlChar *(*getSystemId)(void *ctx);
+    int (*getLineNumber)(void *ctx);
+    int (*getColumnNumber)(void *ctx);
+ * a SAX handler is bunch of callbacks called by the parser when processing
+ * of the input generate data or structure informations.
+ */
+typedef xmlParserInputPtr (*resolveEntitySAXFunc) (void *ctx,
+			    const xmlChar *publicId, const xmlChar *systemId);
+typedef void (*internalSubsetSAXFunc) (void *ctx, const xmlChar *name,
+                            const xmlChar *ExternalID, const xmlChar *SystemID);
+typedef void (*externalSubsetSAXFunc) (void *ctx, const xmlChar *name,
+                            const xmlChar *ExternalID, const xmlChar *SystemID);
+typedef xmlEntityPtr (*getEntitySAXFunc) (void *ctx,
+                            const xmlChar *name);
+typedef xmlEntityPtr (*getParameterEntitySAXFunc) (void *ctx,
+                            const xmlChar *name);
+typedef void (*entityDeclSAXFunc) (void *ctx,
+                            const xmlChar *name, int type, const xmlChar *publicId,
+			    const xmlChar *systemId, xmlChar *content);
+typedef void (*notationDeclSAXFunc)(void *ctx, const xmlChar *name,
+			    const xmlChar *publicId, const xmlChar *systemId);
+typedef void (*attributeDeclSAXFunc)(void *ctx, const xmlChar *elem,
+                            const xmlChar *name, int type, int def,
+			    const xmlChar *defaultValue, xmlEnumerationPtr tree);
+typedef void (*elementDeclSAXFunc)(void *ctx, const xmlChar *name,
+			    int type, xmlElementContentPtr content);
+typedef void (*unparsedEntityDeclSAXFunc)(void *ctx,
+                            const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar *publicId,
+			    const xmlChar *systemId, const xmlChar *notationName);
+typedef void (*setDocumentLocatorSAXFunc) (void *ctx,
+                            xmlSAXLocatorPtr loc);
+typedef void (*startDocumentSAXFunc) (void *ctx);
+typedef void (*endDocumentSAXFunc) (void *ctx);
+typedef void (*startElementSAXFunc) (void *ctx, const xmlChar *name,
+                            const xmlChar **atts);
+typedef void (*endElementSAXFunc) (void *ctx, const xmlChar *name);
+typedef void (*attributeSAXFunc) (void *ctx, const xmlChar *name,
+                                  const xmlChar *value);
+typedef void (*referenceSAXFunc) (void *ctx, const xmlChar *name);
+typedef void (*charactersSAXFunc) (void *ctx, const xmlChar *ch,
+		            int len);
+typedef void (*ignorableWhitespaceSAXFunc) (void *ctx,
+			    const xmlChar *ch, int len);
+typedef void (*processingInstructionSAXFunc) (void *ctx,
+                            const xmlChar *target, const xmlChar *data);
+typedef void (*commentSAXFunc) (void *ctx, const xmlChar *value);
+typedef void (*cdataBlockSAXFunc) (void *ctx, const xmlChar *value, int len);
+typedef void (*warningSAXFunc) (void *ctx, const char *msg, ...);
+typedef void (*errorSAXFunc) (void *ctx, const char *msg, ...);
+typedef void (*fatalErrorSAXFunc) (void *ctx, const char *msg, ...);
+typedef int (*isStandaloneSAXFunc) (void *ctx);
+typedef int (*hasInternalSubsetSAXFunc) (void *ctx);
+typedef int (*hasExternalSubsetSAXFunc) (void *ctx);
+typedef struct _xmlSAXHandler xmlSAXHandler;
+typedef xmlSAXHandler *xmlSAXHandlerPtr;
+struct _xmlSAXHandler {
+    internalSubsetSAXFunc internalSubset;
+    isStandaloneSAXFunc isStandalone;
+    hasInternalSubsetSAXFunc hasInternalSubset;
+    hasExternalSubsetSAXFunc hasExternalSubset;
+    resolveEntitySAXFunc resolveEntity;
+    getEntitySAXFunc getEntity;
+    entityDeclSAXFunc entityDecl;
+    notationDeclSAXFunc notationDecl;
+    attributeDeclSAXFunc attributeDecl;
+    elementDeclSAXFunc elementDecl;
+    unparsedEntityDeclSAXFunc unparsedEntityDecl;
+    setDocumentLocatorSAXFunc setDocumentLocator;
+    startDocumentSAXFunc startDocument;
+    endDocumentSAXFunc endDocument;
+    startElementSAXFunc startElement;
+    endElementSAXFunc endElement;
+    referenceSAXFunc reference;
+    charactersSAXFunc characters;
+    ignorableWhitespaceSAXFunc ignorableWhitespace;
+    processingInstructionSAXFunc processingInstruction;
+    commentSAXFunc comment;
+    warningSAXFunc warning;
+    errorSAXFunc error;
+    fatalErrorSAXFunc fatalError;
+    getParameterEntitySAXFunc getParameterEntity;
+    cdataBlockSAXFunc cdataBlock;
+    externalSubsetSAXFunc externalSubset;
+ * External entity loaders types
+ */
+typedef xmlParserInputPtr (*xmlExternalEntityLoader)(const char *URL,
+						     const char *ID,
+						     xmlParserCtxtPtr context);
+ * Global variables: just the default SAX interface tables and XML
+ * version infos.
+ */
+LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern const char *xmlParserVersion;
+LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern xmlSAXLocator xmlDefaultSAXLocator;
+LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern xmlSAXHandler xmlDefaultSAXHandler;
+LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern xmlSAXHandler htmlDefaultSAXHandler;
+LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern xmlSAXHandler sgmlDefaultSAXHandler;
+ * entity substitution default behaviour.
+ */
+#ifdef VMS
+LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern int xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefaultVal;
+#define xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefaultValue xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefaultVal
+LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern int xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefaultValue;
+LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern int xmlGetWarningsDefaultValue;
+ * Init/Cleanup
+ */
+void		xmlInitParser		(void);
+void		xmlCleanupParser	(void);
+ * Input functions
+ */
+int		xmlParserInputRead	(xmlParserInputPtr in,
+					 int len);
+int		xmlParserInputGrow	(xmlParserInputPtr in,
+					 int len);
+ * xmlChar handling
+ */
+xmlChar *	xmlStrdup		(const xmlChar *cur);
+xmlChar *	xmlStrndup		(const xmlChar *cur,
+					 int len);
+xmlChar *	xmlStrsub		(const xmlChar *str,
+					 int start,
+					 int len);
+const xmlChar *	xmlStrchr		(const xmlChar *str,
+					 xmlChar val);
+const xmlChar *	xmlStrstr		(const xmlChar *str,
+					 xmlChar *val);
+const xmlChar *	xmlStrcasestr		(const xmlChar *str,
+					 xmlChar *val);
+int		xmlStrcmp		(const xmlChar *str1,
+					 const xmlChar *str2);
+int		xmlStrncmp		(const xmlChar *str1,
+					 const xmlChar *str2,
+					 int len);
+int		xmlStrcasecmp		(const xmlChar *str1,
+					 const xmlChar *str2);
+int		xmlStrncasecmp		(const xmlChar *str1,
+					 const xmlChar *str2,
+					 int len);
+int		xmlStrEqual		(const xmlChar *str1,
+					 const xmlChar *str2);
+int		xmlStrlen		(const xmlChar *str);
+xmlChar *	xmlStrcat		(xmlChar *cur,
+					 const xmlChar *add);
+xmlChar *	xmlStrncat		(xmlChar *cur,
+					 const xmlChar *add,
+					 int len);
+ * Basic parsing Interfaces
+ */
+xmlDocPtr	xmlParseDoc		(xmlChar *cur);
+xmlDocPtr	xmlParseMemory		(char *buffer,
+					 int size);
+xmlDocPtr	xmlParseFile		(const char *filename);
+int		xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefault(int val);
+int		xmlKeepBlanksDefault	(int val);
+void		xmlStopParser		(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt);
+int		xmlPedanticParserDefault(int val);
+ * Recovery mode 
+ */
+xmlDocPtr	xmlRecoverDoc		(xmlChar *cur);
+xmlDocPtr	xmlRecoverMemory	(char *buffer,
+					 int size);
+xmlDocPtr	xmlRecoverFile		(const char *filename);
+ * Less common routines and SAX interfaces
+ */
+int		xmlParseDocument	(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt);
+int		xmlParseExtParsedEnt	(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt);
+xmlDocPtr	xmlSAXParseDoc		(xmlSAXHandlerPtr sax,
+					 xmlChar *cur,
+					 int recovery);
+int		xmlSAXUserParseFile	(xmlSAXHandlerPtr sax,
+					 void *user_data,
+					 const char *filename);
+int		xmlSAXUserParseMemory	(xmlSAXHandlerPtr sax,
+					 void *user_data,
+					 char *buffer,
+					 int size);
+xmlDocPtr	xmlSAXParseMemory	(xmlSAXHandlerPtr sax,
+					 char *buffer,
+                                   	 int size,
+					 int recovery);
+xmlDocPtr	xmlSAXParseFile		(xmlSAXHandlerPtr sax,
+					 const char *filename,
+					 int recovery);
+xmlDocPtr	xmlSAXParseEntity	(xmlSAXHandlerPtr sax,
+					 const char *filename);
+xmlDocPtr	xmlParseEntity		(const char *filename);
+xmlDtdPtr	xmlParseDTD		(const xmlChar *ExternalID,
+					 const xmlChar *SystemID);
+xmlDtdPtr	xmlSAXParseDTD		(xmlSAXHandlerPtr sax,
+					 const xmlChar *ExternalID,
+					 const xmlChar *SystemID);
+xmlDtdPtr	xmlIOParseDTD		(xmlSAXHandlerPtr sax,
+					 xmlParserInputBufferPtr input,
+					 xmlCharEncoding enc);
+int		xmlParseBalancedChunkMemory(xmlDocPtr doc,
+					 xmlSAXHandlerPtr sax,
+					 void *user_data,
+					 int depth,
+					 const xmlChar *string,
+					 xmlNodePtr *list);
+int		xmlParseExternalEntity	(xmlDocPtr doc,
+					 xmlSAXHandlerPtr sax,
+					 void *user_data,
+					 int depth,
+					 const xmlChar *URL,
+					 const xmlChar *ID,
+					 xmlNodePtr *list);
+int		xmlParseCtxtExternalEntity(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctx,
+					 const xmlChar *URL,
+					 const xmlChar *ID,
+					 xmlNodePtr *list);
+ * SAX initialization routines
+ */
+void		xmlDefaultSAXHandlerInit(void);
+void		htmlDefaultSAXHandlerInit(void);
+ * Parser contexts handling.
+ */
+void		xmlInitParserCtxt	(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt);
+void		xmlClearParserCtxt	(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt);
+void		xmlFreeParserCtxt	(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt);
+void		xmlSetupParserForBuffer	(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt,
+					 const xmlChar* buffer,
+					 const char* filename);
+xmlParserCtxtPtr xmlCreateDocParserCtxt	(xmlChar *cur);
+ * Reading/setting optional parsing features.
+ */
+int		xmlGetFeaturesList	(int *len,
+					 const char **result);
+int		xmlGetFeature		(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt,
+					 const char *name,
+					 void *result);
+int		xmlSetFeature		(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt,
+					 const char *name,
+					 void *value);
+ * Interfaces for the Push mode
+ */
+xmlParserCtxtPtr xmlCreatePushParserCtxt(xmlSAXHandlerPtr sax,
+					 void *user_data,
+					 const char *chunk,
+					 int size,
+					 const char *filename);
+int		 xmlParseChunk		(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt,
+					 const char *chunk,
+					 int size,
+					 int terminate);
+ * Special I/O mode
+ */
+xmlParserCtxtPtr xmlCreateIOParserCtxt	(xmlSAXHandlerPtr sax,
+					 void *user_data,
+					 xmlInputReadCallback   ioread,
+					 xmlInputCloseCallback  ioclose,
+					 void *ioctx,
+					 xmlCharEncoding enc);
+xmlParserInputPtr xmlNewIOInputStream	(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt,
+					 xmlParserInputBufferPtr input,
+					 xmlCharEncoding enc);
+ * Node infos
+ */
+const xmlParserNodeInfo*
+		xmlParserFindNodeInfo	(const xmlParserCtxt* ctxt,
+                                               const xmlNode* node);
+void		xmlInitNodeInfoSeq	(xmlParserNodeInfoSeqPtr seq);
+void		xmlClearNodeInfoSeq	(xmlParserNodeInfoSeqPtr seq);
+unsigned long xmlParserFindNodeInfoIndex(const xmlParserNodeInfoSeq* seq,
+                                         const xmlNode* node);
+void		xmlParserAddNodeInfo	(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt,
+					 const xmlParserNodeInfo* info);
+ * External entities handling actually implemented in xmlIO
+ */
+void		xmlSetExternalEntityLoader(xmlExternalEntityLoader f);
+		xmlGetExternalEntityLoader(void);
+		xmlLoadExternalEntity	(const char *URL,
+					 const char *ID,
+					 xmlParserCtxtPtr context);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __XML_PARSER_H__ */