Revert directory structure changes
diff --git a/xpath.c b/xpath.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..669e4cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xpath.c
@@ -0,0 +1,6498 @@
+ * xpath.c: XML Path Language implementation
+ *          XPath is a language for addressing parts of an XML document,
+ *          designed to be used by both XSLT and XPointer
+ *
+ * Reference: W3C Recommendation 16 November 1999
+ *
+ * Public reference:
+ *
+ *
+ * See COPYRIGHT for the status of this software
+ *
+ * Author:
+ *
+ * 14 Nov 2000 ht - truncated declaration of xmlXPathEvalRelativeLocationPath
+ * for VMS
+ */
+#ifdef WIN32
+#include "win32config.h"
+#include "config.h"
+#include <libxml/xmlversion.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#ifdef HAVE_MATH_H
+#include <math.h>
+#ifdef HAVE_FLOAT_H
+#include <float.h>
+#include <ieeefp.h>
+#ifdef HAVE_NAN_H
+#include <nan.h>
+#ifdef HAVE_CTYPE_H
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <libxml/xmlmemory.h>
+#include <libxml/tree.h>
+#include <libxml/valid.h>
+#include <libxml/xpath.h>
+#include <libxml/xpathInternals.h>
+#include <libxml/parserInternals.h>
+#include <libxml/hash.h>
+#include <libxml/xpointer.h>
+#include <libxml/debugXML.h>
+#include <libxml/xmlerror.h>
+/* #define DEBUG */
+/* #define DEBUG_STEP */
+/* #define DEBUG_EXPR */
+void xmlXPathStringFunction(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs);
+double xmlXPathStringEvalNumber(const xmlChar *str);
+ * Setup stuff for floating point
+ * The lack of portability of this section of the libc is annoying !
+ */
+double xmlXPathNAN = 0;
+double xmlXPathPINF = 1;
+double xmlXPathNINF = -1;
+#ifndef isinf
+#ifndef HAVE_ISINF
+int isinf(double d) {
+    fpclass_t	type = fpclass(d);
+    switch (type) {
+	case FP_NINF:
+	    return(-1);
+	case FP_PINF:
+	    return(1);
+    }
+    return(0);
+#elif defined(HAVE_FP_CLASS) || defined(HAVE_FP_CLASS_D)
+#include <fp_class.h>
+int isinf(double d) {
+    int	fpclass = fp_class(d);
+    int	fpclass = fp_class_d(d);
+    if (fpclass == FP_POS_INF)
+	return(1);
+    if (fpclass == FP_NEG_INF)
+	return(-1);
+    return(0);
+#elif defined(HAVE_CLASS)
+int isinf(double d) {
+    int	fpclass = class(d);
+    if (fpclass == FP_PLUS_INF)
+	return(1);
+    if (fpclass == FP_MINUS_INF)
+	return(-1);
+    return(0);
+#elif defined(finite) || defined(HAVE_FINITE)
+int isinf(double x) { return !finite(x) && x==x; }
+#elif defined(HUGE_VAL)
+int isinf(double x)
+    if (x == HUGE_VAL)
+        return(1);
+    if (x == -HUGE_VAL)
+        return(-1);
+    return(0);
+#endif /* ! HAVE_ISINF */
+#endif /* ! defined(isinf) */
+#ifndef isnan
+#ifndef HAVE_ISNAN
+#define isnan(f) isnand(f)
+#endif /* HAVE_iSNAND */
+#endif /* ! HAVE_iSNAN */
+#endif /* ! defined(isnan) */
+ * xmlXPathInit:
+ *
+ * Initialize the XPath environment
+ */
+xmlXPathInit(void) {
+    static int initialized = 0;
+    if (initialized) return;
+    xmlXPathNAN = 0;
+    xmlXPathNAN /= 0;
+    xmlXPathPINF = 1;
+    xmlXPathPINF /= 0;
+    xmlXPathNINF = -1;
+    xmlXPathNINF /= 0;
+    initialized = 1;
+ *									*
+ * 		Debugging related functions				*
+ *									*
+ ************************************************************************/
+#define TODO 								\
+    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,				\
+	    "Unimplemented block at %s:%d\n",				\
+            __FILE__, __LINE__);
+#define STRANGE 							\
+    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,				\
+	    "Internal error at %s:%d\n",				\
+            __FILE__, __LINE__);
+void xmlXPathDebugDumpNode(FILE *output, xmlNodePtr cur, int depth) {
+    int i;
+    char shift[100];
+    for (i = 0;((i < depth) && (i < 25));i++)
+        shift[2 * i] = shift[2 * i + 1] = ' ';
+    shift[2 * i] = shift[2 * i + 1] = 0;
+    if (cur == NULL) {
+	fprintf(output, shift);
+	fprintf(output, "Node is NULL !\n");
+	return;
+    }
+    if ((cur->type == XML_DOCUMENT_NODE) ||
+	     (cur->type == XML_HTML_DOCUMENT_NODE)) {
+	fprintf(output, shift);
+	fprintf(output, " /\n");
+    } else if (cur->type == XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE)
+	xmlDebugDumpAttr(output, (xmlAttrPtr)cur, depth);
+    else
+	xmlDebugDumpOneNode(output, cur, depth);
+void xmlXPathDebugDumpNodeSet(FILE *output, xmlNodeSetPtr cur, int depth) {
+    int i;
+    char shift[100];
+    for (i = 0;((i < depth) && (i < 25));i++)
+        shift[2 * i] = shift[2 * i + 1] = ' ';
+    shift[2 * i] = shift[2 * i + 1] = 0;
+    if (cur == NULL) {
+	fprintf(output, shift);
+	fprintf(output, "NodeSet is NULL !\n");
+	return;
+    }
+    fprintf(output, "Set contains %d nodes:\n", cur->nodeNr);
+    for (i = 0;i < cur->nodeNr;i++) {
+	fprintf(output, shift);
+        fprintf(output, "%d", i + 1);
+	xmlXPathDebugDumpNode(output, cur->nodeTab[i], depth + 1);
+    }
+void xmlXPathDebugDumpObject(FILE *output, xmlXPathObjectPtr cur, int depth);
+void xmlXPathDebugDumpLocationSet(FILE *output, xmlLocationSetPtr cur, int depth) {
+    int i;
+    char shift[100];
+    for (i = 0;((i < depth) && (i < 25));i++)
+        shift[2 * i] = shift[2 * i + 1] = ' ';
+    shift[2 * i] = shift[2 * i + 1] = 0;
+    if (cur == NULL) {
+	fprintf(output, shift);
+	fprintf(output, "LocationSet is NULL !\n");
+	return;
+    }
+    for (i = 0;i < cur->locNr;i++) {
+	fprintf(output, shift);
+        fprintf(output, "%d : ", i + 1);
+	xmlXPathDebugDumpObject(output, cur->locTab[i], depth + 1);
+    }
+void xmlXPathDebugDumpObject(FILE *output, xmlXPathObjectPtr cur, int depth) {
+    int i;
+    char shift[100];
+    for (i = 0;((i < depth) && (i < 25));i++)
+        shift[2 * i] = shift[2 * i + 1] = ' ';
+    shift[2 * i] = shift[2 * i + 1] = 0;
+    fprintf(output, shift);
+    if (cur == NULL) {
+        fprintf(output, "Object is empty (NULL)\n");
+	return;
+    }
+    switch(cur->type) {
+        case XPATH_UNDEFINED:
+	    fprintf(output, "Object is uninitialized\n");
+	    break;
+        case XPATH_NODESET:
+	    fprintf(output, "Object is a Node Set :\n");
+	    xmlXPathDebugDumpNodeSet(output, cur->nodesetval, depth);
+	    break;
+	    fprintf(output, "Object is an XSLT value tree :\n");
+	    xmlXPathDebugDumpNode(output, cur->user, depth);
+	    break;
+        case XPATH_BOOLEAN:
+	    fprintf(output, "Object is a Boolean : ");
+	    if (cur->boolval) fprintf(output, "true\n");
+	    else fprintf(output, "false\n");
+	    break;
+        case XPATH_NUMBER:
+	    fprintf(output, "Object is a number : %0g\n", cur->floatval);
+	    break;
+        case XPATH_STRING:
+	    fprintf(output, "Object is a string : ");
+	    xmlDebugDumpString(output, cur->stringval);
+	    fprintf(output, "\n");
+	    break;
+	    fprintf(output, "Object is a point : index %d in node", cur->index);
+	    xmlXPathDebugDumpNode(output, (xmlNodePtr) cur->user, depth + 1);
+	    fprintf(output, "\n");
+	    break;
+	    if ((cur->user2 == NULL) ||
+		((cur->user2 == cur->user) && (cur->index == cur->index2))) {
+		fprintf(output, "Object is a collapsed range :\n");
+		fprintf(output, shift);
+		if (cur->index >= 0)
+		    fprintf(output, "index %d in ", cur->index);
+		fprintf(output, "node\n");
+		xmlXPathDebugDumpNode(output, (xmlNodePtr) cur->user,
+			              depth + 1);
+	    } else  {
+		fprintf(output, "Object is a range :\n");
+		fprintf(output, shift);
+		fprintf(output, "From ");
+		if (cur->index >= 0)
+		    fprintf(output, "index %d in ", cur->index);
+		fprintf(output, "node\n");
+		xmlXPathDebugDumpNode(output, (xmlNodePtr) cur->user,
+			              depth + 1);
+		fprintf(output, shift);
+		fprintf(output, "To ");
+		if (cur->index2 >= 0)
+		    fprintf(output, "index %d in ", cur->index2);
+		fprintf(output, "node\n");
+		xmlXPathDebugDumpNode(output, (xmlNodePtr) cur->user2,
+			              depth + 1);
+		fprintf(output, "\n");
+	    }
+	    break;
+	    fprintf(output, "Object is a Location Set:\n");
+	    xmlXPathDebugDumpLocationSet(output,
+		    (xmlLocationSetPtr) cur->user, depth);
+	    break;
+	    fprintf(output, "Object is user defined\n");
+	    break;
+    }
+ *									*
+ * 		Parser stacks related functions and macros		*
+ *									*
+ ************************************************************************/
+ * Generic function for accessing stacks in the Parser Context
+ */
+#define PUSH_AND_POP(type, name)					\
+extern int name##Push(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, type value) {	\
+    if (ctxt->name##Nr >= ctxt->name##Max) {				\
+	ctxt->name##Max *= 2;						\
+        ctxt->name##Tab = (type *) xmlRealloc(ctxt->name##Tab,		\
+	             ctxt->name##Max * sizeof(ctxt->name##Tab[0]));	\
+        if (ctxt->name##Tab == NULL) {					\
+	    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,			\
+		    "realloc failed !\n");				\
+	    return(0);							\
+	}								\
+    }									\
+    ctxt->name##Tab[ctxt->name##Nr] = value;				\
+    ctxt->name = value;							\
+    return(ctxt->name##Nr++);						\
+}									\
+extern type name##Pop(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt) {			\
+    type ret;								\
+    if (ctxt->name##Nr <= 0) return(0);					\
+    ctxt->name##Nr--;							\
+    if (ctxt->name##Nr > 0)						\
+	ctxt->name = ctxt->name##Tab[ctxt->name##Nr - 1];		\
+    else								\
+        ctxt->name = NULL;						\
+    ret = ctxt->name##Tab[ctxt->name##Nr];				\
+    ctxt->name##Tab[ctxt->name##Nr] = 0;				\
+    return(ret);							\
+}									\
+PUSH_AND_POP(xmlXPathObjectPtr, value)
+ * Macros for accessing the content. Those should be used only by the parser,
+ * and not exported.
+ *
+ * Dirty macros, i.e. one need to make assumption on the context to use them
+ *
+ *   CUR_PTR return the current pointer to the xmlChar to be parsed.
+ *   CUR     returns the current xmlChar value, i.e. a 8 bit value
+ *           in ISO-Latin or UTF-8.
+ *           This should be used internally by the parser
+ *           only to compare to ASCII values otherwise it would break when
+ *           running with UTF-8 encoding.
+ *   NXT(n)  returns the n'th next xmlChar. Same as CUR is should be used only
+ *           to compare on ASCII based substring.
+ *   SKIP(n) Skip n xmlChar, and must also be used only to skip ASCII defined
+ *           strings within the parser.
+ *   CURRENT Returns the current char value, with the full decoding of
+ *           UTF-8 if we are using this mode. It returns an int.
+ *   NEXT    Skip to the next character, this does the proper decoding
+ *           in UTF-8 mode. It also pop-up unfinished entities on the fly.
+ *           It returns the pointer to the current xmlChar.
+ */
+#define CUR (*ctxt->cur)
+#define SKIP(val) ctxt->cur += (val)
+#define NXT(val) ctxt->cur[(val)]
+#define CUR_PTR ctxt->cur
+#define SKIP_BLANKS 							\
+    while (IS_BLANK(*(ctxt->cur))) NEXT
+#define CURRENT (*ctxt->cur)
+#define NEXT ((*ctxt->cur) ?  ctxt->cur++: ctxt->cur)
+ *									*
+ *			Error handling routines				*
+ *									*
+ ************************************************************************/
+const char *xmlXPathErrorMessages[] = {
+    "Ok",
+    "Number encoding",
+    "Unfinished litteral",
+    "Start of litteral",
+    "Expected $ for variable reference",
+    "Undefined variable",
+    "Invalid predicate",
+    "Invalid expression",
+    "Missing closing curly brace",
+    "Unregistered function",
+    "Invalid operand",
+    "Invalid type",
+    "Invalid number of arguments",
+    "Invalid context size",
+    "Invalid context position",
+    "Memory allocation error",
+    "Syntax error",
+    "Resource error",
+    "Sub resource error",
+    "Undefined namespace prefix"
+ * xmlXPathError:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ * @file:  the file name
+ * @line:  the line number
+ * @no:  the error number
+ *
+ * Create a new xmlNodeSetPtr of type double and of value @val
+ *
+ * Returns the newly created object.
+ */
+xmlXPatherror(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, const char *file,
+              int line, int no) {
+    int n;
+    const xmlChar *cur;
+    const xmlChar *base;
+    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+	    "Error %s:%d: %s\n", file, line,
+            xmlXPathErrorMessages[no]);
+    cur = ctxt->cur;
+    base = ctxt->base;
+    while ((cur > base) && ((*cur == '\n') || (*cur == '\r'))) {
+	cur--;
+    }
+    n = 0;
+    while ((n++ < 80) && (cur > base) && (*cur != '\n') && (*cur != '\r'))
+        cur--;
+    if ((*cur == '\n') || (*cur == '\r')) cur++;
+    base = cur;
+    n = 0;
+    while ((*cur != 0) && (*cur != '\n') && (*cur != '\r') && (n < 79)) {
+        xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, "%c", (unsigned char) *cur++);
+	n++;
+    }
+    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, "\n");
+    cur = ctxt->cur;
+    while ((*cur == '\n') || (*cur == '\r'))
+	cur--;
+    n = 0;
+    while ((cur != base) && (n++ < 80)) {
+        xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, " ");
+        base++;
+    }
+    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,"^\n");
+ *									*
+ *			Routines to handle NodeSets			*
+ *									*
+ ************************************************************************/
+ * xmlXPathCmpNodes:
+ * @node1:  the first node
+ * @node2:  the second node
+ *
+ * Compare two nodes w.r.t document order
+ *
+ * Returns -2 in case of error 1 if first point < second point, 0 if
+ *         that's the same node, -1 otherwise
+ */
+xmlXPathCmpNodes(xmlNodePtr node1, xmlNodePtr node2) {
+    int depth1, depth2;
+    xmlNodePtr cur, root;
+    if ((node1 == NULL) || (node2 == NULL))
+	return(-2);
+    /*
+     * a couple of optimizations which will avoid computations in most cases
+     */
+    if (node1 == node2)
+	return(0);
+    if (node1 == node2->prev)
+	return(1);
+    if (node1 == node2->next)
+	return(-1);
+    /*
+     * compute depth to root
+     */
+    for (depth2 = 0, cur = node2;cur->parent != NULL;cur = cur->parent) {
+	if (cur == node1)
+	    return(1);
+	depth2++;
+    }
+    root = cur;
+    for (depth1 = 0, cur = node1;cur->parent != NULL;cur = cur->parent) {
+	if (cur == node2)
+	    return(-1);
+	depth1++;
+    }
+    /*
+     * Distinct document (or distinct entities :-( ) case.
+     */
+    if (root != cur) {
+	return(-2);
+    }
+    /*
+     * get the nearest common ancestor.
+     */
+    while (depth1 > depth2) {
+	depth1--;
+	node1 = node1->parent;
+    }
+    while (depth2 > depth1) {
+	depth2--;
+	node2 = node2->parent;
+    }
+    while (node1->parent != node2->parent) {
+	node1 = node1->parent;
+	node2 = node2->parent;
+	/* should not happen but just in case ... */
+	if ((node1 == NULL) || (node2 == NULL))
+	    return(-2);
+    }
+    /*
+     * Find who's first.
+     */
+    if (node1 == node2->next)
+	return(-1);
+    for (cur = node1->next;cur != NULL;cur = cur->next)
+	if (cur == node2)
+	    return(1);
+    return(-1); /* assume there is no sibling list corruption */
+ * xmlXPathNodeSetSort:
+ * @set:  the node set
+ *
+ * Sort the node set in document order
+ */
+xmlXPathNodeSetSort(xmlNodeSetPtr set) {
+    int i, j, incr, len, rc;
+    xmlNodePtr tmp;
+    if (set == NULL)
+	return;
+    /* Use Shell's sort to sort the node-set */
+    len = set->nodeNr;
+    for (incr = len / 2; incr > 0; incr /= 2) {
+	for (i = incr; i < len; i++) {
+	    j = i - incr;
+	    while (j >= 0) {
+		rc = xmlXPathCmpNodes(set->nodeTab[j], set->nodeTab[j + incr]);
+		if (rc != 1 && rc != -2) {
+		    tmp = set->nodeTab[j];
+		    set->nodeTab[j] = set->nodeTab[j + incr];
+		    set->nodeTab[j + incr] = tmp;
+		    j -= incr;
+		} else
+		    break;
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+ * xmlXPathNodeSetCreate:
+ * @val:  an initial xmlNodePtr, or NULL
+ *
+ * Create a new xmlNodeSetPtr of type double and of value @val
+ *
+ * Returns the newly created object.
+ */
+xmlXPathNodeSetCreate(xmlNodePtr val) {
+    xmlNodeSetPtr ret;
+    ret = (xmlNodeSetPtr) xmlMalloc(sizeof(xmlNodeSet));
+    if (ret == NULL) {
+        xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+		"xmlXPathNewNodeSet: out of memory\n");
+	return(NULL);
+    }
+    memset(ret, 0 , (size_t) sizeof(xmlNodeSet));
+    if (val != NULL) {
+        ret->nodeTab = (xmlNodePtr *) xmlMalloc(XML_NODESET_DEFAULT *
+					     sizeof(xmlNodePtr));
+	if (ret->nodeTab == NULL) {
+	    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+		    "xmlXPathNewNodeSet: out of memory\n");
+	    return(NULL);
+	}
+	memset(ret->nodeTab, 0 ,
+	       XML_NODESET_DEFAULT * (size_t) sizeof(xmlNodePtr));
+        ret->nodeMax = XML_NODESET_DEFAULT;
+	ret->nodeTab[ret->nodeNr++] = val;
+    }
+    return(ret);
+ * xmlXPathNodeSetAdd:
+ * @cur:  the initial node set
+ * @val:  a new xmlNodePtr
+ *
+ * add a new xmlNodePtr ot an existing NodeSet
+ */
+xmlXPathNodeSetAdd(xmlNodeSetPtr cur, xmlNodePtr val) {
+    int i;
+    if (val == NULL) return;
+    /*
+     * check against doublons
+     */
+    for (i = 0;i < cur->nodeNr;i++)
+        if (cur->nodeTab[i] == val) return;
+    /*
+     * grow the nodeTab if needed
+     */
+    if (cur->nodeMax == 0) {
+        cur->nodeTab = (xmlNodePtr *) xmlMalloc(XML_NODESET_DEFAULT *
+					     sizeof(xmlNodePtr));
+	if (cur->nodeTab == NULL) {
+	    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+		    "xmlXPathNodeSetAdd: out of memory\n");
+	    return;
+	}
+	memset(cur->nodeTab, 0 ,
+	       XML_NODESET_DEFAULT * (size_t) sizeof(xmlNodePtr));
+        cur->nodeMax = XML_NODESET_DEFAULT;
+    } else if (cur->nodeNr == cur->nodeMax) {
+        xmlNodePtr *temp;
+        cur->nodeMax *= 2;
+	temp = (xmlNodePtr *) xmlRealloc(cur->nodeTab, cur->nodeMax *
+				      sizeof(xmlNodePtr));
+	if (temp == NULL) {
+	    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+		    "xmlXPathNodeSetAdd: out of memory\n");
+	    return;
+	}
+	cur->nodeTab = temp;
+    }
+    cur->nodeTab[cur->nodeNr++] = val;
+ * xmlXPathNodeSetAddUnique:
+ * @cur:  the initial node set
+ * @val:  a new xmlNodePtr
+ *
+ * add a new xmlNodePtr ot an existing NodeSet, optimized version
+ * when we are sure the node is not already in the set.
+ */
+xmlXPathNodeSetAddUnique(xmlNodeSetPtr cur, xmlNodePtr val) {
+    if (val == NULL) return;
+    /*
+     * grow the nodeTab if needed
+     */
+    if (cur->nodeMax == 0) {
+        cur->nodeTab = (xmlNodePtr *) xmlMalloc(XML_NODESET_DEFAULT *
+					     sizeof(xmlNodePtr));
+	if (cur->nodeTab == NULL) {
+	    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+		    "xmlXPathNodeSetAddUnique: out of memory\n");
+	    return;
+	}
+	memset(cur->nodeTab, 0 ,
+	       XML_NODESET_DEFAULT * (size_t) sizeof(xmlNodePtr));
+        cur->nodeMax = XML_NODESET_DEFAULT;
+    } else if (cur->nodeNr == cur->nodeMax) {
+        xmlNodePtr *temp;
+        cur->nodeMax *= 2;
+	temp = (xmlNodePtr *) xmlRealloc(cur->nodeTab, cur->nodeMax *
+				      sizeof(xmlNodePtr));
+	if (temp == NULL) {
+	    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+		    "xmlXPathNodeSetAddUnique: out of memory\n");
+	    return;
+	}
+	cur->nodeTab = temp;
+    }
+    cur->nodeTab[cur->nodeNr++] = val;
+ * xmlXPathNodeSetMerge:
+ * @val1:  the first NodeSet or NULL
+ * @val2:  the second NodeSet
+ *
+ * Merges two nodesets, all nodes from @val2 are added to @val1
+ * if @val1 is NULL, a new set is created and copied from @val2
+ *
+ * Returns val1 once extended or NULL in case of error.
+ */
+xmlXPathNodeSetMerge(xmlNodeSetPtr val1, xmlNodeSetPtr val2) {
+    int i, j, initNr;
+    if (val2 == NULL) return(val1);
+    if (val1 == NULL) {
+	val1 = xmlXPathNodeSetCreate(NULL);
+    }
+    initNr = val1->nodeNr;
+    for (i = 0;i < val2->nodeNr;i++) {
+	/*
+	 * check against doublons
+	 */
+	for (j = 0; j < initNr; j++)
+	    if (val1->nodeTab[j] == val2->nodeTab[i]) continue;
+	/*
+	 * grow the nodeTab if needed
+	 */
+	if (val1->nodeMax == 0) {
+	    val1->nodeTab = (xmlNodePtr *) xmlMalloc(XML_NODESET_DEFAULT *
+						    sizeof(xmlNodePtr));
+	    if (val1->nodeTab == NULL) {
+		xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+				"xmlXPathNodeSetMerge: out of memory\n");
+		return(NULL);
+	    }
+	    memset(val1->nodeTab, 0 ,
+		   XML_NODESET_DEFAULT * (size_t) sizeof(xmlNodePtr));
+	    val1->nodeMax = XML_NODESET_DEFAULT;
+	} else if (val1->nodeNr == val1->nodeMax) {
+	    xmlNodePtr *temp;
+	    val1->nodeMax *= 2;
+	    temp = (xmlNodePtr *) xmlRealloc(val1->nodeTab, val1->nodeMax *
+					     sizeof(xmlNodePtr));
+	    if (temp == NULL) {
+		xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+				"xmlXPathNodeSetMerge: out of memory\n");
+		return(NULL);
+	    }
+	    val1->nodeTab = temp;
+	}
+	val1->nodeTab[val1->nodeNr++] = val2->nodeTab[i];
+    }
+    return(val1);
+ * xmlXPathNodeSetDel:
+ * @cur:  the initial node set
+ * @val:  an xmlNodePtr
+ *
+ * Removes an xmlNodePtr from an existing NodeSet
+ */
+xmlXPathNodeSetDel(xmlNodeSetPtr cur, xmlNodePtr val) {
+    int i;
+    if (cur == NULL) return;
+    if (val == NULL) return;
+    /*
+     * check against doublons
+     */
+    for (i = 0;i < cur->nodeNr;i++)
+        if (cur->nodeTab[i] == val) break;
+    if (i >= cur->nodeNr) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+        xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, 
+	        "xmlXPathNodeSetDel: Node %s wasn't found in NodeList\n",
+		val->name);
+        return;
+    }
+    cur->nodeNr--;
+    for (;i < cur->nodeNr;i++)
+        cur->nodeTab[i] = cur->nodeTab[i + 1];
+    cur->nodeTab[cur->nodeNr] = NULL;
+ * xmlXPathNodeSetRemove:
+ * @cur:  the initial node set
+ * @val:  the index to remove
+ *
+ * Removes an entry from an existing NodeSet list.
+ */
+xmlXPathNodeSetRemove(xmlNodeSetPtr cur, int val) {
+    if (cur == NULL) return;
+    if (val >= cur->nodeNr) return;
+    cur->nodeNr--;
+    for (;val < cur->nodeNr;val++)
+        cur->nodeTab[val] = cur->nodeTab[val + 1];
+    cur->nodeTab[cur->nodeNr] = NULL;
+ * xmlXPathFreeNodeSet:
+ * @obj:  the xmlNodeSetPtr to free
+ *
+ * Free the NodeSet compound (not the actual nodes !).
+ */
+xmlXPathFreeNodeSet(xmlNodeSetPtr obj) {
+    if (obj == NULL) return;
+    if (obj->nodeTab != NULL) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+	memset(obj->nodeTab, 0xB , (size_t) sizeof(xmlNodePtr) * obj->nodeMax);
+	xmlFree(obj->nodeTab);
+    }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    memset(obj, 0xB , (size_t) sizeof(xmlNodeSet));
+    xmlFree(obj);
+ * xmlXPathFreeValueTree:
+ * @obj:  the xmlNodeSetPtr to free
+ *
+ * Free the NodeSet compound and the actual tree, this is different
+ * from xmlXPathFreeNodeSet()
+ */
+xmlXPathFreeValueTree(xmlNodeSetPtr obj) {
+    int i;
+    if (obj == NULL) return;
+    for (i = 0;i < obj->nodeNr;i++)
+        if (obj->nodeTab[i] != NULL)
+	    xmlFreeNode(obj->nodeTab[i]);
+    if (obj->nodeTab != NULL) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+	memset(obj->nodeTab, 0xB , (size_t) sizeof(xmlNodePtr) * obj->nodeMax);
+	xmlFree(obj->nodeTab);
+    }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    memset(obj, 0xB , (size_t) sizeof(xmlNodeSet));
+    xmlFree(obj);
+#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(DEBUG_STEP)
+ * xmlGenericErrorContextNodeSet:
+ * @output:  a FILE * for the output
+ * @obj:  the xmlNodeSetPtr to free
+ *
+ * Quick display of a NodeSet
+ */
+xmlGenericErrorContextNodeSet(FILE *output, xmlNodeSetPtr obj) {
+    int i;
+    if (output == NULL) output = xmlGenericErrorContext;
+    if (obj == NULL)  {
+        fprintf(output, "NodeSet == NULL !\n");
+	return;
+    }
+    if (obj->nodeNr == 0) {
+        fprintf(output, "NodeSet is empty\n");
+	return;
+    }
+    if (obj->nodeTab == NULL) {
+	fprintf(output, " nodeTab == NULL !\n");
+	return;
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < obj->nodeNr; i++) {
+        if (obj->nodeTab[i] == NULL) {
+	    fprintf(output, " NULL !\n");
+	    return;
+        }
+	if ((obj->nodeTab[i]->type == XML_DOCUMENT_NODE) ||
+	    (obj->nodeTab[i]->type == XML_HTML_DOCUMENT_NODE))
+	    fprintf(output, " /");
+	else if (obj->nodeTab[i]->name == NULL)
+	    fprintf(output, " noname!");
+	else fprintf(output, " %s", obj->nodeTab[i]->name);
+    }
+    fprintf(output, "\n");
+ * xmlXPathNewNodeSet:
+ * @val:  the NodePtr value
+ *
+ * Create a new xmlXPathObjectPtr of type NodeSet and initialize
+ * it with the single Node @val
+ *
+ * Returns the newly created object.
+ */
+xmlXPathNewNodeSet(xmlNodePtr val) {
+    xmlXPathObjectPtr ret;
+    ret = (xmlXPathObjectPtr) xmlMalloc(sizeof(xmlXPathObject));
+    if (ret == NULL) {
+        xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+		"xmlXPathNewNodeSet: out of memory\n");
+	return(NULL);
+    }
+    memset(ret, 0 , (size_t) sizeof(xmlXPathObject));
+    ret->type = XPATH_NODESET;
+    ret->nodesetval = xmlXPathNodeSetCreate(val);
+    return(ret);
+ * xmlXPathNewValueTree:
+ * @val:  the NodePtr value
+ *
+ * Create a new xmlXPathObjectPtr of type Value Tree (XSLT) and initialize
+ * it with the tree root @val
+ *
+ * Returns the newly created object.
+ */
+xmlXPathNewValueTree(xmlNodePtr val) {
+    xmlXPathObjectPtr ret;
+    ret = (xmlXPathObjectPtr) xmlMalloc(sizeof(xmlXPathObject));
+    if (ret == NULL) {
+        xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+		"xmlXPathNewNodeSet: out of memory\n");
+	return(NULL);
+    }
+    memset(ret, 0 , (size_t) sizeof(xmlXPathObject));
+    ret->type = XPATH_XSLT_TREE;
+    ret->nodesetval = xmlXPathNodeSetCreate(val);
+    return(ret);
+ * xmlXPathNewNodeSetList:
+ * @val:  an existing NodeSet
+ *
+ * Create a new xmlXPathObjectPtr of type NodeSet and initialize
+ * it with the Nodeset @val
+ *
+ * Returns the newly created object.
+ */
+xmlXPathNewNodeSetList(xmlNodeSetPtr val) {
+    xmlXPathObjectPtr ret;
+    int i;
+    if (val == NULL)
+    	ret = NULL;
+    else if (val->nodeTab == NULL)
+	    ret = xmlXPathNewNodeSet(NULL);
+    else
+    	{
+	    ret = xmlXPathNewNodeSet(val->nodeTab[0]);
+	    for (i = 1; i < val->nodeNr; ++i)
+	    	xmlXPathNodeSetAddUnique(ret->nodesetval, val->nodeTab[i]);
+	    }
+    return(ret);
+ * xmlXPathWrapNodeSet:
+ * @val:  the NodePtr value
+ *
+ * Wrap the Nodeset @val in a new xmlXPathObjectPtr
+ *
+ * Returns the newly created object.
+ */
+xmlXPathWrapNodeSet(xmlNodeSetPtr val) {
+    xmlXPathObjectPtr ret;
+    ret = (xmlXPathObjectPtr) xmlMalloc(sizeof(xmlXPathObject));
+    if (ret == NULL) {
+        xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+		"xmlXPathWrapNodeSet: out of memory\n");
+	return(NULL);
+    }
+    memset(ret, 0 , (size_t) sizeof(xmlXPathObject));
+    ret->type = XPATH_NODESET;
+    ret->nodesetval = val;
+    return(ret);
+ * xmlXPathFreeNodeSetList:
+ * @obj:  an existing NodeSetList object
+ *
+ * Free up the xmlXPathObjectPtr @obj but don't deallocate the objects in
+ * the list contrary to xmlXPathFreeObject().
+ */
+xmlXPathFreeNodeSetList(xmlXPathObjectPtr obj) {
+    if (obj == NULL) return;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    memset(obj, 0xB , (size_t) sizeof(xmlXPathObject));
+    xmlFree(obj);
+ *									*
+ *		Routines to handle extra functions			*
+ *									*
+ ************************************************************************/
+ * xmlXPathRegisterFunc:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath context
+ * @name:  the function name
+ * @f:  the function implementation or NULL
+ *
+ * Register a new function. If @f is NULL it unregisters the function
+ *
+ * Returns 0 in case of success, -1 in case of error
+ */
+xmlXPathRegisterFunc(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt, const xmlChar *name,
+		     xmlXPathFunction f) {
+    return(xmlXPathRegisterFuncNS(ctxt, name, NULL, f));
+ * xmlXPathRegisterFuncNS:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath context
+ * @name:  the function name
+ * @ns_uri:  the function namespace URI
+ * @f:  the function implementation or NULL
+ *
+ * Register a new function. If @f is NULL it unregisters the function
+ *
+ * Returns 0 in case of success, -1 in case of error
+ */
+xmlXPathRegisterFuncNS(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt, const xmlChar *name,
+		       const xmlChar *ns_uri, xmlXPathFunction f) {
+    if (ctxt == NULL)
+	return(-1);
+    if (name == NULL)
+	return(-1);
+    if (ctxt->funcHash == NULL)
+	ctxt->funcHash = xmlHashCreate(0);
+    if (ctxt->funcHash == NULL)
+	return(-1);
+    return(xmlHashAddEntry2(ctxt->funcHash, name, ns_uri, (void *) f));
+ * xmlXPathFunctionLookup:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath context
+ * @name:  the function name
+ *
+ * Search in the Function array of the context for the given
+ * function.
+ *
+ * Returns the xmlXPathFunction or NULL if not found
+ */
+xmlXPathFunctionLookup(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt, const xmlChar *name) {
+    return(xmlXPathFunctionLookupNS(ctxt, name, NULL));
+ * xmlXPathFunctionLookupNS:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath context
+ * @name:  the function name
+ * @ns_uri:  the function namespace URI
+ *
+ * Search in the Function array of the context for the given
+ * function.
+ *
+ * Returns the xmlXPathFunction or NULL if not found
+ */
+xmlXPathFunctionLookupNS(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt, const xmlChar *name,
+			 const xmlChar *ns_uri) {
+    if (ctxt == NULL)
+	return(NULL);
+    if (ctxt->funcHash == NULL)
+	return(NULL);
+    if (name == NULL)
+	return(NULL);
+    return((xmlXPathFunction) xmlHashLookup2(ctxt->funcHash, name, ns_uri));
+ * xmlXPathRegisteredFuncsCleanup:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath context
+ *
+ * Cleanup the XPath context data associated to registered functions
+ */
+xmlXPathRegisteredFuncsCleanup(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt) {
+    if (ctxt == NULL)
+	return;
+    xmlHashFree(ctxt->funcHash, NULL);
+    ctxt->funcHash = NULL;
+ *									*
+ *			Routines to handle Variable			*
+ *									*
+ ************************************************************************/
+ * xmlXPathRegisterVariable:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath context
+ * @name:  the variable name
+ * @value:  the variable value or NULL
+ *
+ * Register a new variable value. If @value is NULL it unregisters
+ * the variable
+ *
+ * Returns 0 in case of success, -1 in case of error
+ */
+xmlXPathRegisterVariable(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt, const xmlChar *name,
+			 xmlXPathObjectPtr value) {
+    return(xmlXPathRegisterVariableNS(ctxt, name, NULL, value));
+ * xmlXPathRegisterVariableNS:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath context
+ * @name:  the variable name
+ * @ns_uri:  the variable namespace URI
+ * @value:  the variable value or NULL
+ *
+ * Register a new variable value. If @value is NULL it unregisters
+ * the variable
+ *
+ * Returns 0 in case of success, -1 in case of error
+ */
+xmlXPathRegisterVariableNS(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt, const xmlChar *name,
+			   const xmlChar *ns_uri,
+			   xmlXPathObjectPtr value) {
+    if (ctxt == NULL)
+	return(-1);
+    if (name == NULL)
+	return(-1);
+    if (ctxt->varHash == NULL)
+	ctxt->varHash = xmlHashCreate(0);
+    if (ctxt->varHash == NULL)
+	return(-1);
+    return(xmlHashUpdateEntry2(ctxt->varHash, name, ns_uri,
+			       (void *) value,
+			       (xmlHashDeallocator)xmlXPathFreeObject));
+ * xmlXPathRegisterVariableLookup:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath context
+ * @f:  the lookup function
+ * @data:  the lookup data
+ *
+ * register an external mechanism to do variable lookup
+ */
+xmlXPathRegisterVariableLookup(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt,
+	 xmlXPathVariableLookupFunc f, void *data) {
+    if (ctxt == NULL)
+	return;
+    ctxt->varLookupFunc = (void *) f;
+    ctxt->varLookupData = data;
+ * xmlXPathVariableLookup:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath context
+ * @name:  the variable name
+ *
+ * Search in the Variable array of the context for the given
+ * variable value.
+ *
+ * Returns the value or NULL if not found
+ */
+xmlXPathVariableLookup(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt, const xmlChar *name) {
+    if (ctxt == NULL)
+	return(NULL);
+    if (ctxt->varLookupFunc != NULL) {
+	xmlXPathObjectPtr ret;
+	ret = ((xmlXPathVariableLookupFunc)ctxt->varLookupFunc)
+	        (ctxt->varLookupData, name, NULL);
+	if (ret != NULL) return(ret);
+    }
+    return(xmlXPathVariableLookupNS(ctxt, name, NULL));
+ * xmlXPathVariableLookupNS:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath context
+ * @name:  the variable name
+ * @ns_uri:  the variable namespace URI
+ *
+ * Search in the Variable array of the context for the given
+ * variable value.
+ *
+ * Returns the value or NULL if not found
+ */
+xmlXPathVariableLookupNS(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt, const xmlChar *name,
+			 const xmlChar *ns_uri) {
+    if (ctxt == NULL)
+	return(NULL);
+    if (ctxt->varLookupFunc != NULL) {
+	xmlXPathObjectPtr ret;
+	ret = ((xmlXPathVariableLookupFunc)ctxt->varLookupFunc)
+	        (ctxt->varLookupData, name, ns_uri);
+	if (ret != NULL) return(ret);
+    }
+    if (ctxt->varHash == NULL)
+	return(NULL);
+    if (name == NULL)
+	return(NULL);
+    return((xmlXPathObjectPtr) xmlHashLookup2(ctxt->varHash, name, ns_uri));
+ * xmlXPathRegisteredVariablesCleanup:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath context
+ *
+ * Cleanup the XPath context data associated to registered variables
+ */
+xmlXPathRegisteredVariablesCleanup(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt) {
+    if (ctxt == NULL)
+	return;
+    xmlHashFree(ctxt->varHash, NULL);
+    ctxt->varHash = NULL;
+ * xmlXPathRegisterNs:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath context
+ * @prefix:  the namespace prefix
+ * @ns_uri:  the namespace name
+ *
+ * Register a new namespace. If @ns_uri is NULL it unregisters
+ * the namespace
+ *
+ * Returns 0 in case of success, -1 in case of error
+ */
+xmlXPathRegisterNs(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt, const xmlChar *prefix,
+			   const xmlChar *ns_uri) {
+    if (ctxt == NULL)
+	return(-1);
+    if (prefix == NULL)
+	return(-1);
+    if (ctxt->nsHash == NULL)
+	ctxt->nsHash = xmlHashCreate(10);
+    if (ctxt->nsHash == NULL)
+	return(-1);
+    return(xmlHashUpdateEntry(ctxt->nsHash, prefix, (void *) ns_uri,
+			      (xmlHashDeallocator)xmlFree));
+ * xmlXPathNsLookup:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath context
+ * @prefix:  the namespace prefix value
+ *
+ * Search in the namespace declaration array of the context for the given
+ * namespace name associated to the given prefix
+ *
+ * Returns the value or NULL if not found
+ */
+const xmlChar *
+xmlXPathNsLookup(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt, const xmlChar *prefix) {
+    if (ctxt == NULL)
+	return(NULL);
+    if (prefix == NULL)
+	return(NULL);
+    if (xmlStrEqual(prefix, (const xmlChar *) "xml"))
+    if (ctxt->nsHash == NULL)
+	return(NULL);
+    return((const xmlChar *) xmlHashLookup(ctxt->nsHash, prefix));
+ * xmlXPathRegisteredVariablesCleanup:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath context
+ *
+ * Cleanup the XPath context data associated to registered variables
+ */
+xmlXPathRegisteredNsCleanup(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt) {
+    if (ctxt == NULL)
+	return;
+    xmlHashFree(ctxt->nsHash, NULL);
+    ctxt->nsHash = NULL;
+ *									*
+ *			Routines to handle Values			*
+ *									*
+ ************************************************************************/
+/* Allocations are terrible, one need to optimize all this !!! */
+ * xmlXPathNewFloat:
+ * @val:  the double value
+ *
+ * Create a new xmlXPathObjectPtr of type double and of value @val
+ *
+ * Returns the newly created object.
+ */
+xmlXPathNewFloat(double val) {
+    xmlXPathObjectPtr ret;
+    ret = (xmlXPathObjectPtr) xmlMalloc(sizeof(xmlXPathObject));
+    if (ret == NULL) {
+        xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+		"xmlXPathNewFloat: out of memory\n");
+	return(NULL);
+    }
+    memset(ret, 0 , (size_t) sizeof(xmlXPathObject));
+    ret->type = XPATH_NUMBER;
+    ret->floatval = val;
+    return(ret);
+ * xmlXPathNewBoolean:
+ * @val:  the boolean value
+ *
+ * Create a new xmlXPathObjectPtr of type boolean and of value @val
+ *
+ * Returns the newly created object.
+ */
+xmlXPathNewBoolean(int val) {
+    xmlXPathObjectPtr ret;
+    ret = (xmlXPathObjectPtr) xmlMalloc(sizeof(xmlXPathObject));
+    if (ret == NULL) {
+        xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+		"xmlXPathNewBoolean: out of memory\n");
+	return(NULL);
+    }
+    memset(ret, 0 , (size_t) sizeof(xmlXPathObject));
+    ret->type = XPATH_BOOLEAN;
+    ret->boolval = (val != 0);
+    return(ret);
+ * xmlXPathNewString:
+ * @val:  the xmlChar * value
+ *
+ * Create a new xmlXPathObjectPtr of type string and of value @val
+ *
+ * Returns the newly created object.
+ */
+xmlXPathNewString(const xmlChar *val) {
+    xmlXPathObjectPtr ret;
+    ret = (xmlXPathObjectPtr) xmlMalloc(sizeof(xmlXPathObject));
+    if (ret == NULL) {
+        xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+		"xmlXPathNewString: out of memory\n");
+	return(NULL);
+    }
+    memset(ret, 0 , (size_t) sizeof(xmlXPathObject));
+    ret->type = XPATH_STRING;
+    if (val != NULL)
+	ret->stringval = xmlStrdup(val);
+    else
+	ret->stringval = xmlStrdup((const xmlChar *)"");
+    return(ret);
+ * xmlXPathNewCString:
+ * @val:  the char * value
+ *
+ * Create a new xmlXPathObjectPtr of type string and of value @val
+ *
+ * Returns the newly created object.
+ */
+xmlXPathNewCString(const char *val) {
+    xmlXPathObjectPtr ret;
+    ret = (xmlXPathObjectPtr) xmlMalloc(sizeof(xmlXPathObject));
+    if (ret == NULL) {
+        xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+		"xmlXPathNewCString: out of memory\n");
+	return(NULL);
+    }
+    memset(ret, 0 , (size_t) sizeof(xmlXPathObject));
+    ret->type = XPATH_STRING;
+    ret->stringval = xmlStrdup(BAD_CAST val);
+    return(ret);
+ * xmlXPathObjectCopy:
+ * @val:  the original object
+ *
+ * allocate a new copy of a given object
+ *
+ * Returns the newly created object.
+ */
+xmlXPathObjectCopy(xmlXPathObjectPtr val) {
+    xmlXPathObjectPtr ret;
+    if (val == NULL)
+	return(NULL);
+    ret = (xmlXPathObjectPtr) xmlMalloc(sizeof(xmlXPathObject));
+    if (ret == NULL) {
+        xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+		"xmlXPathObjectCopy: out of memory\n");
+	return(NULL);
+    }
+    memcpy(ret, val , (size_t) sizeof(xmlXPathObject));
+    switch (val->type) {
+	    break;
+	    ret->stringval = xmlStrdup(val->stringval);
+	    break;
+	    if ((val->nodesetval != NULL) &&
+		(val->nodesetval->nodeTab != NULL))
+		ret->nodesetval = xmlXPathNodeSetCreate(
+			xmlCopyNode(val->nodesetval->nodeTab[0], 1));
+	    else
+		ret->nodesetval = xmlXPathNodeSetCreate(NULL);
+	    break;
+	    ret->nodesetval = xmlXPathNodeSetMerge(NULL, val->nodesetval);
+	    break;
+	{
+	    xmlLocationSetPtr loc = val->user;
+	    ret->user = (void *) xmlXPtrLocationSetMerge(NULL, loc);
+	    break;
+	}
+	    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+		    "xmlXPathObjectCopy: unsupported type %d\n",
+		    val->type);
+	    break;
+    }
+    return(ret);
+ * xmlXPathFreeObject:
+ * @obj:  the object to free
+ *
+ * Free up an xmlXPathObjectPtr object.
+ */
+xmlXPathFreeObject(xmlXPathObjectPtr obj) {
+    if (obj == NULL) return;
+    if (obj->type == XPATH_NODESET) {
+	if (obj->nodesetval != NULL)
+	    xmlXPathFreeNodeSet(obj->nodesetval);
+    } else if (obj->type == XPATH_LOCATIONSET) {
+	if (obj->user != NULL)
+	    xmlXPtrFreeLocationSet(obj->user);
+    } else if (obj->type == XPATH_STRING) {
+	if (obj->stringval != NULL)
+	    xmlFree(obj->stringval);
+    } else if (obj->type == XPATH_XSLT_TREE) {
+	if (obj->nodesetval != NULL)
+	    xmlXPathFreeValueTree(obj->nodesetval);
+    }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    memset(obj, 0xB , (size_t) sizeof(xmlXPathObject));
+    xmlFree(obj);
+ *									*
+ *		Routines to handle XPath contexts			*
+ *									*
+ ************************************************************************/
+ * xmlXPathNewContext:
+ * @doc:  the XML document
+ *
+ * Create a new xmlXPathContext
+ *
+ * Returns the xmlXPathContext just allocated.
+ */
+xmlXPathNewContext(xmlDocPtr doc) {
+    xmlXPathContextPtr ret;
+    ret = (xmlXPathContextPtr) xmlMalloc(sizeof(xmlXPathContext));
+    if (ret == NULL) {
+        xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+		"xmlXPathNewContext: out of memory\n");
+	return(NULL);
+    }
+    memset(ret, 0 , (size_t) sizeof(xmlXPathContext));
+    ret->doc = doc;
+    ret->node = NULL;
+    ret->varHash = NULL;
+    ret->nb_types = 0;
+    ret->max_types = 0;
+    ret->types = NULL;
+    ret->funcHash = xmlHashCreate(0);
+    ret->nb_axis = 0;
+    ret->max_axis = 0;
+    ret->axis = NULL;
+    ret->nsHash = NULL;
+    ret->user = NULL;
+    ret->contextSize = -1;
+    ret->proximityPosition = -1;
+    xmlXPathRegisterAllFunctions(ret);
+    return(ret);
+ * xmlXPathFreeContext:
+ * @ctxt:  the context to free
+ *
+ * Free up an xmlXPathContext
+ */
+xmlXPathFreeContext(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt) {
+    xmlXPathRegisteredNsCleanup(ctxt);
+    xmlXPathRegisteredFuncsCleanup(ctxt);
+    xmlXPathRegisteredVariablesCleanup(ctxt);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    memset(ctxt, 0xB , (size_t) sizeof(xmlXPathContext));
+    xmlFree(ctxt);
+ *									*
+ *		Routines to handle XPath parser contexts		*
+ *									*
+ ************************************************************************/
+#define CHECK_CTXT(ctxt)						\
+    if (ctxt == NULL) { 						\
+        xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,				\
+		"%s:%d Internal error: ctxt == NULL\n",			\
+	        __FILE__, __LINE__);					\
+    }									\
+#define CHECK_CONTEXT(ctxt)						\
+    if (ctxt == NULL) { 						\
+        xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,				\
+		"%s:%d Internal error: no context\n",			\
+	        __FILE__, __LINE__);					\
+    }									\
+    else if (ctxt->doc == NULL) { 					\
+        xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,				\
+		"%s:%d Internal error: no document\n",			\
+	        __FILE__, __LINE__);					\
+    }									\
+    else if (ctxt->doc->children == NULL) { 				\
+        xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,				\
+	        "%s:%d Internal error: document without root\n",	\
+	        __FILE__, __LINE__);					\
+    }									\
+ * xmlXPathNewParserContext:
+ * @str:  the XPath expression
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath context
+ *
+ * Create a new xmlXPathParserContext
+ *
+ * Returns the xmlXPathParserContext just allocated.
+ */
+xmlXPathNewParserContext(const xmlChar *str, xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt) {
+    xmlXPathParserContextPtr ret;
+    ret = (xmlXPathParserContextPtr) xmlMalloc(sizeof(xmlXPathParserContext));
+    if (ret == NULL) {
+        xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+		"xmlXPathNewParserContext: out of memory\n");
+	return(NULL);
+    }
+    memset(ret, 0 , (size_t) sizeof(xmlXPathParserContext));
+    ret->cur = ret->base = str;
+    ret->context = ctxt;
+    /* Allocate the value stack */
+    ret->valueTab = (xmlXPathObjectPtr *) 
+                     xmlMalloc(10 * sizeof(xmlXPathObjectPtr));
+    ret->valueNr = 0;
+    ret->valueMax = 10;
+    ret->value = NULL;
+    return(ret);
+ * xmlXPathFreeParserContext:
+ * @ctxt:  the context to free
+ *
+ * Free up an xmlXPathParserContext
+ */
+xmlXPathFreeParserContext(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt) {
+    if (ctxt->valueTab != NULL) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+        memset(ctxt->valueTab, 0xB , 10 * (size_t) sizeof(xmlXPathObjectPtr));
+        xmlFree(ctxt->valueTab);
+    }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    memset(ctxt, 0xB , (size_t) sizeof(xmlXPathParserContext));
+    xmlFree(ctxt);
+ *									*
+ *		The implicit core function library			*
+ *									*
+ ************************************************************************/
+ * Auto-pop and cast to a number
+ */
+void xmlXPathNumberFunction(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs);
+#define POP_FLOAT						\
+    arg = valuePop(ctxt);					\
+    if (arg == NULL) {						\
+    }								\
+    if (arg->type != XPATH_NUMBER) {				\
+        valuePush(ctxt, arg);					\
+        xmlXPathNumberFunction(ctxt, 1);			\
+	arg = valuePop(ctxt);					\
+    }
+ * xmlXPathCompareNodeSetFloat:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ * @inf:  less than (1) or greater than (0)
+ * @strict:  is the comparison strict
+ * @arg:  the node set
+ * @f:  the value
+ *
+ * Implement the compare operation between a nodeset and a number
+ *     @ns < @val    (1, 1, ...
+ *     @ns <= @val   (1, 0, ...
+ *     @ns > @val    (0, 1, ...
+ *     @ns >= @val   (0, 0, ...
+ *
+ * If one object to be compared is a node-set and the other is a number,
+ * then the comparison will be true if and only if there is a node in the
+ * node-set such that the result of performing the comparison on the number
+ * to be compared and on the result of converting the string-value of that
+ * node to a number using the number function is true.
+ *
+ * Returns 0 or 1 depending on the results of the test.
+ */
+xmlXPathCompareNodeSetFloat(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int inf, int strict,
+	                    xmlXPathObjectPtr arg, xmlXPathObjectPtr f) {
+    int i, ret = 0;
+    xmlNodeSetPtr ns;
+    xmlChar *str2;
+    if ((f == NULL) || (arg == NULL) ||
+	((arg->type != XPATH_NODESET) && (arg->type != XPATH_XSLT_TREE))) {
+	xmlXPathFreeObject(arg);
+	xmlXPathFreeObject(f);
+        return(0);
+    }
+    ns = arg->nodesetval;
+    for (i = 0;i < ns->nodeNr;i++) {
+         str2 = xmlNodeGetContent(ns->nodeTab[i]);
+	 if (str2 != NULL) {
+	     valuePush(ctxt,
+		       xmlXPathNewString(str2));
+	     xmlFree(str2);
+	     xmlXPathNumberFunction(ctxt, 1);
+	     valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathObjectCopy(f));
+	     ret = xmlXPathCompareValues(ctxt, inf, strict);
+	     if (ret)
+		 break;
+	 }
+    }
+    xmlXPathFreeObject(arg);
+    xmlXPathFreeObject(f);
+    return(ret);
+ * xmlXPathCompareNodeSetString:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ * @inf:  less than (1) or greater than (0)
+ * @strict:  is the comparison strict
+ * @arg:  the node set
+ * @s:  the value
+ *
+ * Implement the compare operation between a nodeset and a string
+ *     @ns < @val    (1, 1, ...
+ *     @ns <= @val   (1, 0, ...
+ *     @ns > @val    (0, 1, ...
+ *     @ns >= @val   (0, 0, ...
+ *
+ * If one object to be compared is a node-set and the other is a string,
+ * then the comparison will be true if and only if there is a node in
+ * the node-set such that the result of performing the comparison on the
+ * string-value of the node and the other string is true.
+ *
+ * Returns 0 or 1 depending on the results of the test.
+ */
+xmlXPathCompareNodeSetString(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int inf, int strict,
+	                    xmlXPathObjectPtr arg, xmlXPathObjectPtr s) {
+    int i, ret = 0;
+    xmlNodeSetPtr ns;
+    xmlChar *str2;
+    if ((s == NULL) || (arg == NULL) ||
+	((arg->type != XPATH_NODESET) && (arg->type != XPATH_XSLT_TREE))) {
+	xmlXPathFreeObject(arg);
+	xmlXPathFreeObject(s);
+        return(0);
+    }
+    ns = arg->nodesetval;
+    for (i = 0;i < ns->nodeNr;i++) {
+         str2 = xmlNodeGetContent(ns->nodeTab[i]);
+	 if (str2 != NULL) {
+	     valuePush(ctxt,
+		       xmlXPathNewString(str2));
+	     xmlFree(str2);
+	     valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathObjectCopy(s));
+	     ret = xmlXPathCompareValues(ctxt, inf, strict);
+	     if (ret)
+		 break;
+	 }
+    }
+    xmlXPathFreeObject(arg);
+    xmlXPathFreeObject(s);
+    return(ret);
+ * xmlXPathCompareNodeSets:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ * @op:  less than (-1), equal (0) or greater than (1)
+ * @strict:  is the comparison strict
+ * @arg1:  the fist node set object
+ * @arg2:  the second node set object
+ *
+ * Implement the compare operation on nodesets:
+ *
+ * If both objects to be compared are node-sets, then the comparison
+ * will be true if and only if there is a node in the first node-set
+ * and a node in the second node-set such that the result of performing
+ * the comparison on the string-values of the two nodes is true. 
+ * ....
+ * When neither object to be compared is a node-set and the operator
+ * is <=, <, >= or >, then the objects are compared by converting both
+ * objects to numbers and comparing the numbers according to IEEE 754.
+ * ....
+ * The number function converts its argument to a number as follows:
+ *  - a string that consists of optional whitespace followed by an
+ *    optional minus sign followed by a Number followed by whitespace
+ *    is converted to the IEEE 754 number that is nearest (according
+ *    to the IEEE 754 round-to-nearest rule) to the mathematical value
+ *    represented by the string; any other string is converted to NaN
+ *
+ * Conclusion all nodes need to be converted first to their string value
+ * and then the comparison must be done when possible 
+ */
+xmlXPathCompareNodeSets(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int inf, int strict,
+	                xmlXPathObjectPtr arg1, xmlXPathObjectPtr arg2) {
+    int i, j, init = 0;
+    double val1;
+    double *values2;
+    int ret = 0;
+    xmlChar *str;
+    xmlNodeSetPtr ns1;
+    xmlNodeSetPtr ns2;
+    if ((arg1 == NULL) ||
+	((arg1->type != XPATH_NODESET) && (arg1->type != XPATH_XSLT_TREE)))
+        return(0);
+    if ((arg2 == NULL) ||
+	((arg2->type != XPATH_NODESET) && (arg2->type != XPATH_XSLT_TREE)))
+        return(0);
+    ns1 = arg1->nodesetval;
+    ns2 = arg2->nodesetval;
+    if (ns1->nodeNr <= 0)
+	return(0);
+    if (ns2->nodeNr <= 0)
+	return(0);
+    values2 = (double *) xmlMalloc(ns2->nodeNr * sizeof(double));
+    if (values2 == NULL) {
+	return(0);
+    }
+    for (i = 0;i < ns1->nodeNr;i++) {
+	str = xmlNodeGetContent(ns1->nodeTab[i]);
+	if (str == NULL)
+	    continue;
+	val1 = xmlXPathStringEvalNumber(str);
+	xmlFree(str);
+	if (isnan(val1))
+	    continue;
+	for (j = 0;j < ns2->nodeNr;j++) {
+	    if (init == 0) {
+		str = xmlNodeGetContent(ns2->nodeTab[j]);
+		if (str == NULL) {
+		    values2[j] = xmlXPathNAN;
+		} else {
+		    values2[j] = xmlXPathStringEvalNumber(str);
+		    xmlFree(str);
+		}
+	    }
+	    if (isnan(values2[j]))
+		continue;
+	    if (inf && strict) 
+		ret = (val1 < values2[j]);
+	    else if (inf && !strict)
+		ret = (val1 <= values2[j]);
+	    else if (!inf && strict)
+		ret = (val1 > values2[j]);
+	    else if (!inf && !strict)
+		ret = (val1 >= values2[j]);
+	    if (ret)
+		break;
+	}
+	if (ret)
+	    break;
+	init = 1;
+    }
+    xmlFree(values2);
+    return(ret);
+    return(0);
+ * xmlXPathCompareNodeSetValue:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ * @inf:  less than (1) or greater than (0)
+ * @strict:  is the comparison strict
+ * @arg:  the node set
+ * @val:  the value
+ *
+ * Implement the compare operation between a nodeset and a value
+ *     @ns < @val    (1, 1, ...
+ *     @ns <= @val   (1, 0, ...
+ *     @ns > @val    (0, 1, ...
+ *     @ns >= @val   (0, 0, ...
+ *
+ * If one object to be compared is a node-set and the other is a boolean,
+ * then the comparison will be true if and only if the result of performing
+ * the comparison on the boolean and on the result of converting
+ * the node-set to a boolean using the boolean function is true.
+ *
+ * Returns 0 or 1 depending on the results of the test.
+ */
+xmlXPathCompareNodeSetValue(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int inf, int strict,
+	                    xmlXPathObjectPtr arg, xmlXPathObjectPtr val) {
+    if ((val == NULL) || (arg == NULL) ||
+	((arg->type != XPATH_NODESET) && (arg->type != XPATH_XSLT_TREE)))
+        return(0);
+    switch(val->type) {
+        case XPATH_NUMBER:
+	    return(xmlXPathCompareNodeSetFloat(ctxt, inf, strict, arg, val));
+        case XPATH_NODESET:
+        case XPATH_XSLT_TREE:
+	    return(xmlXPathCompareNodeSets(ctxt, inf, strict, arg, val));
+        case XPATH_STRING:
+	    return(xmlXPathCompareNodeSetString(ctxt, inf, strict, arg, val));
+        case XPATH_BOOLEAN:
+	    valuePush(ctxt, arg);
+	    xmlXPathBooleanFunction(ctxt, 1);
+	    valuePush(ctxt, val);
+	    return(xmlXPathCompareValues(ctxt, inf, strict));
+	default:
+	    TODO
+	    return(0);
+    }
+    return(0);
+ * xmlXPathEqualNodeSetString
+ * @arg:  the nodeset object argument
+ * @str:  the string to compare to.
+ *
+ * Implement the equal operation on XPath objects content: @arg1 == @arg2
+ * If one object to be compared is a node-set and the other is a string,
+ * then the comparison will be true if and only if there is a node in
+ * the node-set such that the result of performing the comparison on the
+ * string-value of the node and the other string is true.
+ *
+ * Returns 0 or 1 depending on the results of the test.
+ */
+xmlXPathEqualNodeSetString(xmlXPathObjectPtr arg, const xmlChar *str) {
+    int i;
+    xmlNodeSetPtr ns;
+    xmlChar *str2;
+    if ((str == NULL) || (arg == NULL) ||
+	((arg->type != XPATH_NODESET) && (arg->type != XPATH_XSLT_TREE)))
+        return(0);
+    ns = arg->nodesetval;
+    if (ns->nodeNr <= 0)
+	return(0);
+    for (i = 0;i < ns->nodeNr;i++) {
+         str2 = xmlNodeGetContent(ns->nodeTab[i]);
+	 if ((str2 != NULL) && (xmlStrEqual(str, str2))) {
+	     xmlFree(str2);
+	     return(1);
+	 }
+	 if (str2 != NULL)
+	     xmlFree(str2);
+    }
+    return(0);
+ * xmlXPathEqualNodeSetFloat
+ * @arg:  the nodeset object argument
+ * @f:  the float to compare to
+ *
+ * Implement the equal operation on XPath objects content: @arg1 == @arg2
+ * If one object to be compared is a node-set and the other is a number,
+ * then the comparison will be true if and only if there is a node in
+ * the node-set such that the result of performing the comparison on the
+ * number to be compared and on the result of converting the string-value
+ * of that node to a number using the number function is true.
+ *
+ * Returns 0 or 1 depending on the results of the test.
+ */
+xmlXPathEqualNodeSetFloat(xmlXPathObjectPtr arg, double f) {
+    char buf[100] = "";
+    if ((arg == NULL) ||
+	((arg->type != XPATH_NODESET) && (arg->type != XPATH_XSLT_TREE)))
+        return(0);
+    if (isnan(f))
+	sprintf(buf, "NaN");
+    else if (isinf(f) > 0)
+	sprintf(buf, "+Infinity");
+    else if (isinf(f) < 0)
+	sprintf(buf, "-Infinity");
+    else
+	sprintf(buf, "%0g", f);
+    return(xmlXPathEqualNodeSetString(arg, BAD_CAST buf));
+ * xmlXPathEqualNodeSets
+ * @arg1:  first nodeset object argument
+ * @arg2:  second nodeset object argument
+ *
+ * Implement the equal operation on XPath nodesets: @arg1 == @arg2
+ * If both objects to be compared are node-sets, then the comparison
+ * will be true if and only if there is a node in the first node-set and
+ * a node in the second node-set such that the result of performing the
+ * comparison on the string-values of the two nodes is true.
+ *
+ * (needless to say, this is a costly operation)
+ *
+ * Returns 0 or 1 depending on the results of the test.
+ */
+xmlXPathEqualNodeSets(xmlXPathObjectPtr arg1, xmlXPathObjectPtr arg2) {
+    int i, j;
+    xmlChar **values1;
+    xmlChar **values2;
+    int ret = 0;
+    xmlNodeSetPtr ns1;
+    xmlNodeSetPtr ns2;
+    if ((arg1 == NULL) ||
+	((arg1->type != XPATH_NODESET) && (arg1->type != XPATH_XSLT_TREE)))
+        return(0);
+    if ((arg2 == NULL) ||
+	((arg2->type != XPATH_NODESET) && (arg2->type != XPATH_XSLT_TREE)))
+        return(0);
+    ns1 = arg1->nodesetval;
+    ns2 = arg2->nodesetval;
+    if (ns1->nodeNr <= 0)
+	return(0);
+    if (ns2->nodeNr <= 0)
+	return(0);
+    /*
+     * check if there is a node pertaining to both sets
+     */
+    for (i = 0;i < ns1->nodeNr;i++)
+	for (j = 0;j < ns2->nodeNr;j++)
+	    if (ns1->nodeTab[i] == ns2->nodeTab[j])
+		return(1);
+    values1 = (xmlChar **) xmlMalloc(ns1->nodeNr * sizeof(xmlChar *));
+    if (values1 == NULL)
+	return(0);
+    memset(values1, 0, ns1->nodeNr * sizeof(xmlChar *));
+    values2 = (xmlChar **) xmlMalloc(ns2->nodeNr * sizeof(xmlChar *));
+    if (values2 == NULL) {
+	xmlFree(values1);
+	return(0);
+    }
+    memset(values2, 0, ns2->nodeNr * sizeof(xmlChar *));
+    for (i = 0;i < ns1->nodeNr;i++) {
+	values1[i] = xmlNodeGetContent(ns1->nodeTab[i]);
+	for (j = 0;j < ns2->nodeNr;j++) {
+	    if (i == 0)
+		values2[j] = xmlNodeGetContent(ns2->nodeTab[j]);
+	    ret = xmlStrEqual(values1[i], values2[j]);
+	    if (ret)
+		break;
+	}
+	if (ret)
+	    break;
+    }
+    for (i = 0;i < ns1->nodeNr;i++)
+	if (values1[i] != NULL)
+	    xmlFree(values1[i]);
+    for (j = 0;j < ns2->nodeNr;j++)
+	if (values2[j] != NULL)
+	    xmlFree(values2[j]);
+    xmlFree(values1);
+    xmlFree(values2);
+    return(ret);
+ * xmlXPathEqualValues:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ *
+ * Implement the equal operation on XPath objects content: @arg1 == @arg2
+ *
+ * Returns 0 or 1 depending on the results of the test.
+ */
+xmlXPathEqualValues(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt) {
+    xmlXPathObjectPtr arg1, arg2;
+    int ret = 0;
+    arg1 = valuePop(ctxt);
+    if (arg1 == NULL)
+    arg2 = valuePop(ctxt);
+    if (arg2 == NULL) {
+	xmlXPathFreeObject(arg1);
+    }
+    if (arg1 == arg2) {
+#ifdef DEBUG_EXPR
+        xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+		"Equal: by pointer\n");
+        return(1);
+    }
+    switch (arg1->type) {
+        case XPATH_UNDEFINED:
+#ifdef DEBUG_EXPR
+	    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+		    "Equal: undefined\n");
+	    break;
+        case XPATH_XSLT_TREE:
+        case XPATH_NODESET:
+	    switch (arg2->type) {
+	        case XPATH_UNDEFINED:
+#ifdef DEBUG_EXPR
+		    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+			    "Equal: undefined\n");
+		    break;
+		    ret = xmlXPathEqualNodeSets(arg1, arg2);
+		    break;
+		    if ((arg1->nodesetval == NULL) ||
+			(arg1->nodesetval->nodeNr == 0)) ret = 0;
+		    else 
+			ret = 1;
+		    ret = (ret == arg2->boolval);
+		    break;
+		    ret = xmlXPathEqualNodeSetFloat(arg1, arg2->floatval);
+		    break;
+		    ret = xmlXPathEqualNodeSetString(arg1, arg2->stringval);
+		    break;
+		case XPATH_USERS:
+		case XPATH_POINT:
+		case XPATH_RANGE:
+		    TODO
+		    break;
+	    }
+	    break;
+        case XPATH_BOOLEAN:
+	    switch (arg2->type) {
+	        case XPATH_UNDEFINED:
+#ifdef DEBUG_EXPR
+		    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+			    "Equal: undefined\n");
+		    break;
+		    if ((arg2->nodesetval == NULL) ||
+			(arg2->nodesetval->nodeNr == 0)) ret = 0;
+		    else 
+			ret = 1;
+		    break;
+#ifdef DEBUG_EXPR
+		    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+			    "Equal: %d boolean %d \n",
+			    arg1->boolval, arg2->boolval);
+		    ret = (arg1->boolval == arg2->boolval);
+		    break;
+		    if (arg2->floatval) ret = 1;
+		    else ret = 0;
+		    ret = (arg1->boolval == ret);
+		    break;
+		    if ((arg2->stringval == NULL) ||
+			(arg2->stringval[0] == 0)) ret = 0;
+		    else 
+			ret = 1;
+		    ret = (arg1->boolval == ret);
+		    break;
+		case XPATH_USERS:
+		case XPATH_POINT:
+		case XPATH_RANGE:
+		    TODO
+		    break;
+	    }
+	    break;
+        case XPATH_NUMBER:
+	    switch (arg2->type) {
+	        case XPATH_UNDEFINED:
+#ifdef DEBUG_EXPR
+		    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+			    "Equal: undefined\n");
+		    break;
+		    ret = xmlXPathEqualNodeSetFloat(arg2, arg1->floatval);
+		    break;
+		    if (arg1->floatval) ret = 1;
+		    else ret = 0;
+		    ret = (arg2->boolval == ret);
+		    break;
+		    valuePush(ctxt, arg2);
+		    xmlXPathNumberFunction(ctxt, 1);
+		    arg2 = valuePop(ctxt);
+		    /* no break on purpose */
+		    ret = (arg1->floatval == arg2->floatval);
+		    break;
+		case XPATH_USERS:
+		case XPATH_POINT:
+		case XPATH_RANGE:
+		    TODO
+		    break;
+	    }
+	    break;
+        case XPATH_STRING:
+	    switch (arg2->type) {
+	        case XPATH_UNDEFINED:
+#ifdef DEBUG_EXPR
+		    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+			    "Equal: undefined\n");
+		    break;
+		    ret = xmlXPathEqualNodeSetString(arg2, arg1->stringval);
+		    break;
+		    if ((arg1->stringval == NULL) ||
+			(arg1->stringval[0] == 0)) ret = 0;
+		    else 
+			ret = 1;
+		    ret = (arg2->boolval == ret);
+		    break;
+		    ret = xmlStrEqual(arg1->stringval, arg2->stringval);
+		    break;
+		    valuePush(ctxt, arg1);
+		    xmlXPathNumberFunction(ctxt, 1);
+		    arg1 = valuePop(ctxt);
+		    ret = (arg1->floatval == arg2->floatval);
+		    break;
+		case XPATH_USERS:
+		case XPATH_POINT:
+		case XPATH_RANGE:
+		    TODO
+		    break;
+	    }
+	    break;
+        case XPATH_USERS:
+	    TODO
+	    break;
+    }
+    xmlXPathFreeObject(arg1);
+    xmlXPathFreeObject(arg2);
+    return(ret);
+ * xmlXPathCompareValues:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ * @inf:  less than (1) or greater than (0)
+ * @strict:  is the comparison strict
+ *
+ * Implement the compare operation on XPath objects: 
+ *     @arg1 < @arg2    (1, 1, ...
+ *     @arg1 <= @arg2   (1, 0, ...
+ *     @arg1 > @arg2    (0, 1, ...
+ *     @arg1 >= @arg2   (0, 0, ...
+ *
+ * When neither object to be compared is a node-set and the operator is
+ * <=, <, >=, >, then the objects are compared by converted both objects
+ * to numbers and comparing the numbers according to IEEE 754. The <
+ * comparison will be true if and only if the first number is less than the
+ * second number. The <= comparison will be true if and only if the first
+ * number is less than or equal to the second number. The > comparison
+ * will be true if and only if the first number is greater than the second
+ * number. The >= comparison will be true if and only if the first number
+ * is greater than or equal to the second number.
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if the comparaison succeeded, 0 if it failed
+ */
+xmlXPathCompareValues(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int inf, int strict) {
+    int ret = 0;
+    xmlXPathObjectPtr arg1, arg2;
+    arg2 = valuePop(ctxt);
+    if (arg2 == NULL) {
+    }
+    arg1 = valuePop(ctxt);
+    if (arg1 == NULL) {
+	xmlXPathFreeObject(arg2);
+    }
+    if ((arg2->type == XPATH_NODESET) || (arg1->type == XPATH_NODESET)) {
+	if ((arg2->type == XPATH_NODESET) && (arg1->type == XPATH_NODESET)) {
+	    ret = xmlXPathCompareNodeSets(ctxt, inf, strict, arg1, arg2);
+	} else {
+	    if (arg1->type == XPATH_NODESET) {
+		ret = xmlXPathCompareNodeSetValue(ctxt, inf, strict, arg1, arg2);
+	    } else {
+		ret = xmlXPathCompareNodeSetValue(ctxt, !inf, !strict, arg2, arg2);
+	    }
+	}
+	return(ret);
+    }
+    if (arg1->type != XPATH_NUMBER) {
+	valuePush(ctxt, arg1);
+	xmlXPathNumberFunction(ctxt, 1);
+	arg1 = valuePop(ctxt);
+    }
+    if (arg1->type != XPATH_NUMBER) {
+	xmlXPathFreeObject(arg1);
+	xmlXPathFreeObject(arg2);
+    }
+    if (arg2->type != XPATH_NUMBER) {
+	valuePush(ctxt, arg2);
+	xmlXPathNumberFunction(ctxt, 1);
+	arg2 = valuePop(ctxt);
+    }
+    if (arg2->type != XPATH_NUMBER) {
+	xmlXPathFreeObject(arg1);
+	xmlXPathFreeObject(arg2);
+    }
+    /*
+     * Add tests for infinity and nan
+     * => feedback on 3.4 for Inf and NaN
+     */
+    if (inf && strict) 
+        ret = (arg1->floatval < arg2->floatval);
+    else if (inf && !strict)
+        ret = (arg1->floatval <= arg2->floatval);
+    else if (!inf && strict)
+        ret = (arg1->floatval > arg2->floatval);
+    else if (!inf && !strict)
+        ret = (arg1->floatval >= arg2->floatval);
+    xmlXPathFreeObject(arg1);
+    xmlXPathFreeObject(arg2);
+    return(ret);
+ * xmlXPathValueFlipSign:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ *
+ * Implement the unary - operation on an XPath object
+ * The numeric operators convert their operands to numbers as if
+ * by calling the number function.
+ */
+xmlXPathValueFlipSign(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt) {
+    xmlXPathObjectPtr arg;
+    arg->floatval = -arg->floatval;
+    valuePush(ctxt, arg);
+ * xmlXPathAddValues:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ *
+ * Implement the add operation on XPath objects:
+ * The numeric operators convert their operands to numbers as if
+ * by calling the number function.
+ */
+xmlXPathAddValues(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt) {
+    xmlXPathObjectPtr arg;
+    double val;
+    val = arg->floatval;
+    xmlXPathFreeObject(arg);
+    arg->floatval += val;
+    valuePush(ctxt, arg);
+ * xmlXPathSubValues:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ *
+ * Implement the substraction operation on XPath objects:
+ * The numeric operators convert their operands to numbers as if
+ * by calling the number function.
+ */
+xmlXPathSubValues(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt) {
+    xmlXPathObjectPtr arg;
+    double val;
+    val = arg->floatval;
+    xmlXPathFreeObject(arg);
+    arg->floatval -= val;
+    valuePush(ctxt, arg);
+ * xmlXPathMultValues:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ *
+ * Implement the multiply operation on XPath objects:
+ * The numeric operators convert their operands to numbers as if
+ * by calling the number function.
+ */
+xmlXPathMultValues(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt) {
+    xmlXPathObjectPtr arg;
+    double val;
+    val = arg->floatval;
+    xmlXPathFreeObject(arg);
+    arg->floatval *= val;
+    valuePush(ctxt, arg);
+ * xmlXPathDivValues:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ *
+ * Implement the div operation on XPath objects @arg1 / @arg2:
+ * The numeric operators convert their operands to numbers as if
+ * by calling the number function.
+ */
+xmlXPathDivValues(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt) {
+    xmlXPathObjectPtr arg;
+    double val;
+    val = arg->floatval;
+    xmlXPathFreeObject(arg);
+    arg->floatval /= val;
+    valuePush(ctxt, arg);
+ * xmlXPathModValues:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ *
+ * Implement the mod operation on XPath objects: @arg1 / @arg2
+ * The numeric operators convert their operands to numbers as if
+ * by calling the number function.
+ */
+xmlXPathModValues(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt) {
+    xmlXPathObjectPtr arg;
+    int arg1, arg2;
+    arg2 = (int) arg->floatval;
+    xmlXPathFreeObject(arg);
+    arg1 = (int) arg->floatval;
+    arg->floatval = arg1 % arg2;
+    valuePush(ctxt, arg);
+ *									*
+ *		The traversal functions					*
+ *									*
+ ************************************************************************/
+typedef enum {
+} xmlXPathAxisVal;
+ * A traversal function enumerates nodes along an axis.
+ * Initially it must be called with NULL, and it indicates
+ * termination on the axis by returning NULL.
+ */
+typedef xmlNodePtr (*xmlXPathTraversalFunction)
+                    (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, xmlNodePtr cur);
+ * xmlXPathNextSelf:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ * @cur:  the current node in the traversal
+ *
+ * Traversal function for the "self" direction
+ * The self axis contains just the context node itself
+ *
+ * Returns the next element following that axis
+ */
+xmlXPathNextSelf(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, xmlNodePtr cur) {
+    if (cur == NULL)
+        return(ctxt->context->node);
+    return(NULL);
+ * xmlXPathNextChild:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ * @cur:  the current node in the traversal
+ *
+ * Traversal function for the "child" direction
+ * The child axis contains the children of the context node in document order.
+ *
+ * Returns the next element following that axis
+ */
+xmlXPathNextChild(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, xmlNodePtr cur) {
+    if (cur == NULL) {
+	if (ctxt->context->node == NULL) return(NULL);
+	switch (ctxt->context->node->type) {
+            case XML_ELEMENT_NODE:
+            case XML_TEXT_NODE:
+            case XML_CDATA_SECTION_NODE:
+            case XML_ENTITY_REF_NODE:
+            case XML_ENTITY_NODE:
+            case XML_PI_NODE:
+            case XML_COMMENT_NODE:
+            case XML_NOTATION_NODE:
+            case XML_DTD_NODE:
+		return(ctxt->context->node->children);
+            case XML_DOCUMENT_NODE:
+            case XML_DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE:
+            case XML_DOCUMENT_FRAG_NODE:
+            case XML_HTML_DOCUMENT_NODE:
+		return(((xmlDocPtr) ctxt->context->node)->children);
+	    case XML_ELEMENT_DECL:
+	    case XML_ENTITY_DECL:
+            case XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE:
+	    case XML_XINCLUDE_END:
+		return(NULL);
+	}
+	return(NULL);
+    }
+    if ((cur->type == XML_DOCUMENT_NODE) ||
+        (cur->type == XML_HTML_DOCUMENT_NODE))
+	return(NULL);
+    return(cur->next);
+ * xmlXPathNextDescendant:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ * @cur:  the current node in the traversal
+ *
+ * Traversal function for the "descendant" direction
+ * the descendant axis contains the descendants of the context node in document
+ * order; a descendant is a child or a child of a child and so on.
+ *
+ * Returns the next element following that axis
+ */
+xmlXPathNextDescendant(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, xmlNodePtr cur) {
+    if (cur == NULL) {
+	if (ctxt->context->node == NULL)
+	    return(NULL);
+	if ((ctxt->context->node->type == XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE) ||
+	    (ctxt->context->node->type == XML_NAMESPACE_DECL))
+	    return(NULL);
+        if (ctxt->context->node == (xmlNodePtr) ctxt->context->doc)
+	    return(ctxt->context->doc->children);
+        return(ctxt->context->node->children);
+    }
+    if (cur->children != NULL)
+    	{
+    	if (cur->children->type != XML_ENTITY_DECL)
+		   	return(cur->children);
+    	}
+    if (cur->next != NULL) return(cur->next);
+    do {
+        cur = cur->parent;
+	if (cur == NULL) return(NULL);
+	if (cur == ctxt->context->node) return(NULL);
+	if (cur->next != NULL) {
+	    cur = cur->next;
+	    return(cur);
+	}
+    } while (cur != NULL);
+    return(cur);
+ * xmlXPathNextDescendantOrSelf:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ * @cur:  the current node in the traversal
+ *
+ * Traversal function for the "descendant-or-self" direction
+ * the descendant-or-self axis contains the context node and the descendants
+ * of the context node in document order; thus the context node is the first
+ * node on the axis, and the first child of the context node is the second node
+ * on the axis
+ *
+ * Returns the next element following that axis
+ */
+xmlXPathNextDescendantOrSelf(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, xmlNodePtr cur) {
+    if (cur == NULL) {
+	if (ctxt->context->node == NULL)
+	    return(NULL);
+	if ((ctxt->context->node->type == XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE) ||
+	    (ctxt->context->node->type == XML_NAMESPACE_DECL))
+	    return(NULL);
+        return(ctxt->context->node);
+    }
+    return(xmlXPathNextDescendant(ctxt, cur));
+ * xmlXPathNextParent:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ * @cur:  the current node in the traversal
+ *
+ * Traversal function for the "parent" direction
+ * The parent axis contains the parent of the context node, if there is one.
+ *
+ * Returns the next element following that axis
+ */
+xmlXPathNextParent(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, xmlNodePtr cur) {
+    /*
+     * the parent of an attribute or namespace node is the element
+     * to which the attribute or namespace node is attached
+     * Namespace handling !!!
+     */
+    if (cur == NULL) {
+	if (ctxt->context->node == NULL) return(NULL);
+	switch (ctxt->context->node->type) {
+            case XML_ELEMENT_NODE:
+            case XML_TEXT_NODE:
+            case XML_CDATA_SECTION_NODE:
+            case XML_ENTITY_REF_NODE:
+            case XML_ENTITY_NODE:
+            case XML_PI_NODE:
+            case XML_COMMENT_NODE:
+            case XML_NOTATION_NODE:
+            case XML_DTD_NODE:
+	    case XML_ELEMENT_DECL:
+	    case XML_XINCLUDE_END:
+	    case XML_ENTITY_DECL:
+		if (ctxt->context->node->parent == NULL)
+		    return((xmlNodePtr) ctxt->context->doc);
+		return(ctxt->context->node->parent);
+            case XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE: {
+		xmlAttrPtr att = (xmlAttrPtr) ctxt->context->node;
+		return(att->parent);
+	    }
+            case XML_DOCUMENT_NODE:
+            case XML_DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE:
+            case XML_DOCUMENT_FRAG_NODE:
+            case XML_HTML_DOCUMENT_NODE:
+                return(NULL);
+		/*
+		 * TODO !!! may require extending struct _xmlNs with
+		 * parent field
+		 * C.f. Infoset case...
+		 */
+                return(NULL);
+	}
+    }
+    return(NULL);
+ * xmlXPathNextAncestor:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ * @cur:  the current node in the traversal
+ *
+ * Traversal function for the "ancestor" direction
+ * the ancestor axis contains the ancestors of the context node; the ancestors
+ * of the context node consist of the parent of context node and the parent's
+ * parent and so on; the nodes are ordered in reverse document order; thus the
+ * parent is the first node on the axis, and the parent's parent is the second
+ * node on the axis
+ *
+ * Returns the next element following that axis
+ */
+xmlXPathNextAncestor(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, xmlNodePtr cur) {
+    /*
+     * the parent of an attribute or namespace node is the element
+     * to which the attribute or namespace node is attached
+     * !!!!!!!!!!!!!
+     */
+    if (cur == NULL) {
+	if (ctxt->context->node == NULL) return(NULL);
+	switch (ctxt->context->node->type) {
+            case XML_ELEMENT_NODE:
+            case XML_TEXT_NODE:
+            case XML_CDATA_SECTION_NODE:
+            case XML_ENTITY_REF_NODE:
+            case XML_ENTITY_NODE:
+            case XML_PI_NODE:
+            case XML_COMMENT_NODE:
+	    case XML_DTD_NODE:
+	    case XML_ELEMENT_DECL:
+	    case XML_ENTITY_DECL:
+            case XML_NOTATION_NODE:
+	    case XML_XINCLUDE_END:
+		if (ctxt->context->node->parent == NULL)
+		    return((xmlNodePtr) ctxt->context->doc);
+		return(ctxt->context->node->parent);
+            case XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE: {
+		xmlAttrPtr cur = (xmlAttrPtr) ctxt->context->node;
+		return(cur->parent);
+	    }
+            case XML_DOCUMENT_NODE:
+            case XML_DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE:
+            case XML_DOCUMENT_FRAG_NODE:
+            case XML_HTML_DOCUMENT_NODE:
+                return(NULL);
+		/*
+		 * TODO !!! may require extending struct _xmlNs with
+		 * parent field
+		 * C.f. Infoset case...
+		 */
+                return(NULL);
+	}
+	return(NULL);
+    }
+    if (cur == ctxt->context->doc->children)
+	return((xmlNodePtr) ctxt->context->doc);
+    if (cur == (xmlNodePtr) ctxt->context->doc)
+	return(NULL);
+    switch (cur->type) {
+	case XML_PI_NODE:
+	case XML_DTD_NODE:
+        case XML_ELEMENT_DECL:
+        case XML_ATTRIBUTE_DECL:
+        case XML_ENTITY_DECL:
+	    return(cur->parent);
+	    xmlAttrPtr att = (xmlAttrPtr) ctxt->context->node;
+	    return(att->parent);
+	}
+	    return(NULL);
+	    /*
+	     * TODO !!! may require extending struct _xmlNs with
+	     * parent field
+	     * C.f. Infoset case...
+	     */
+	    return(NULL);
+    }
+    return(NULL);
+ * xmlXPathNextAncestorOrSelf:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ * @cur:  the current node in the traversal
+ *
+ * Traversal function for the "ancestor-or-self" direction
+ * he ancestor-or-self axis contains the context node and ancestors of
+ * the context node in reverse document order; thus the context node is
+ * the first node on the axis, and the context node's parent the second;
+ * parent here is defined the same as with the parent axis.
+ *
+ * Returns the next element following that axis
+ */
+xmlXPathNextAncestorOrSelf(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, xmlNodePtr cur) {
+    if (cur == NULL)
+        return(ctxt->context->node);
+    return(xmlXPathNextAncestor(ctxt, cur));
+ * xmlXPathNextFollowingSibling:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ * @cur:  the current node in the traversal
+ *
+ * Traversal function for the "following-sibling" direction
+ * The following-sibling axis contains the following siblings of the context
+ * node in document order.
+ *
+ * Returns the next element following that axis
+ */
+xmlXPathNextFollowingSibling(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, xmlNodePtr cur) {
+    if ((ctxt->context->node->type == XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE) ||
+	(ctxt->context->node->type == XML_NAMESPACE_DECL))
+	return(NULL);
+    if (cur == (xmlNodePtr) ctxt->context->doc)
+        return(NULL);
+    if (cur == NULL)
+        return(ctxt->context->node->next);
+    return(cur->next);
+ * xmlXPathNextPrecedingSibling:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ * @cur:  the current node in the traversal
+ *
+ * Traversal function for the "preceding-sibling" direction
+ * The preceding-sibling axis contains the preceding siblings of the context
+ * node in reverse document order; the first preceding sibling is first on the
+ * axis; the sibling preceding that node is the second on the axis and so on.
+ *
+ * Returns the next element following that axis
+ */
+xmlXPathNextPrecedingSibling(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, xmlNodePtr cur) {
+    if ((ctxt->context->node->type == XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE) ||
+	(ctxt->context->node->type == XML_NAMESPACE_DECL))
+	return(NULL);
+    if (cur == (xmlNodePtr) ctxt->context->doc)
+        return(NULL);
+    if (cur == NULL)
+        return(ctxt->context->node->prev);
+    return(cur->prev);
+ * xmlXPathNextFollowing:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ * @cur:  the current node in the traversal
+ *
+ * Traversal function for the "following" direction
+ * The following axis contains all nodes in the same document as the context
+ * node that are after the context node in document order, excluding any
+ * descendants and excluding attribute nodes and namespace nodes; the nodes
+ * are ordered in document order
+ *
+ * Returns the next element following that axis
+ */
+xmlXPathNextFollowing(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, xmlNodePtr cur) {
+    if (cur != NULL && cur->children != NULL)
+        return cur->children ;
+    if (cur == NULL) cur = ctxt->context->node;
+    if (cur == NULL) return(NULL) ; /* ERROR */
+    if (cur->next != NULL) return(cur->next) ;
+    do {
+        cur = cur->parent;
+        if (cur == NULL) return(NULL);
+        if (cur == (xmlNodePtr) ctxt->context->doc) return(NULL);
+        if (cur->next != NULL) return(cur->next);
+    } while (cur != NULL);
+    return(cur);
+ * xmlXPathIsAncestor:
+ * @ancestor:  the ancestor node
+ * @node:  the current node
+ *
+ * Check that @ancestor is a @node's ancestor
+ *
+ * returns 1 if @ancestor is a @node's ancestor, 0 otherwise.
+ */
+static int
+xmlXPathIsAncestor(xmlNodePtr ancestor, xmlNodePtr node) {
+    if ((ancestor == NULL) || (node == NULL)) return(0);
+    /* nodes need to be in the same document */
+    if (ancestor->doc != node->doc) return(0);
+    /* avoid searching if ancestor or node is the root node */
+    if (ancestor == (xmlNodePtr) node->doc) return(1);
+    if (node == (xmlNodePtr) ancestor->doc) return(0);
+    while (node->parent != NULL) {
+        if (node->parent == ancestor)
+            return(1);
+	node = node->parent;
+    }
+    return(0);
+ * xmlXPathNextPreceding:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ * @cur:  the current node in the traversal
+ *
+ * Traversal function for the "preceding" direction
+ * the preceding axis contains all nodes in the same document as the context
+ * node that are before the context node in document order, excluding any
+ * ancestors and excluding attribute nodes and namespace nodes; the nodes are
+ * ordered in reverse document order
+ *
+ * Returns the next element following that axis
+ */
+xmlXPathNextPreceding(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, xmlNodePtr cur) {
+    if (cur == NULL)
+        cur = ctxt->context->node ;
+    do {
+        if (cur->prev != NULL) {
+            for (cur = cur->prev ; cur->last != NULL ; cur = cur->last)
+                ;
+            return(cur) ;
+        }
+        cur = cur->parent;
+        if (cur == NULL) return(NULL);
+        if (cur == ctxt->context->doc->children) return(NULL);
+    } while (xmlXPathIsAncestor(cur, ctxt->context->node));
+    return(cur);
+ * xmlXPathNextNamespace:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ * @cur:  the current attribute in the traversal
+ *
+ * Traversal function for the "namespace" direction
+ * the namespace axis contains the namespace nodes of the context node;
+ * the order of nodes on this axis is implementation-defined; the axis will
+ * be empty unless the context node is an element
+ *
+ * Returns the next element following that axis
+ */
+xmlXPathNextNamespace(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, xmlNodePtr cur) {
+    if (ctxt->context->node->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) return(NULL);
+    if ((cur == NULL) || (ctxt->context->namespaces == NULL)) {
+        if (ctxt->context->namespaces != NULL)
+	    xmlFree(ctxt->context->namespaces);
+	ctxt->context->namespaces = 
+	    xmlGetNsList(ctxt->context->doc, ctxt->context->node);
+	if (ctxt->context->namespaces == NULL) return(NULL);
+	ctxt->context->nsNr = 0;
+    }
+    return((xmlNodePtr)ctxt->context->namespaces[ctxt->context->nsNr++]);
+ * xmlXPathNextAttribute:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ * @cur:  the current attribute in the traversal
+ *
+ * Traversal function for the "attribute" direction
+ * TODO: support DTD inherited default attributes
+ *
+ * Returns the next element following that axis
+ */
+xmlXPathNextAttribute(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, xmlNodePtr cur) {
+    if (ctxt->context->node->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) return(NULL);
+    if (cur == NULL) {
+        if (ctxt->context->node == (xmlNodePtr) ctxt->context->doc)
+	    return(NULL);
+        return((xmlNodePtr)ctxt->context->node->properties);
+    }
+    return((xmlNodePtr)cur->next);
+ *									*
+ *		NodeTest Functions					*
+ *									*
+ ************************************************************************/
+typedef enum {
+    NODE_TEST_NONE = 0,
+    NODE_TEST_TYPE = 1,
+    NODE_TEST_PI = 2,
+    NODE_TEST_ALL = 3,
+    NODE_TEST_NS = 4,
+} xmlXPathTestVal;
+typedef enum {
+    NODE_TYPE_NODE = 0,
+} xmlXPathTypeVal;
+#define IS_FUNCTION			200
+ * xmlXPathNodeCollectAndTest:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ * @axis:  the XPath axis
+ * @test:  the XPath test
+ * @type:  the XPath type
+ * @prefix:  the namesapce prefix if any
+ * @name:  the name used in the search if any
+ *
+ * This is the function implementing a step: based on the current list
+ * of nodes, it builds up a new list, looking at all nodes under that
+ * axis and selecting them.
+ *
+ * Returns the new NodeSet resulting from the search.
+ */
+xmlXPathNodeCollectAndTest(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, xmlXPathAxisVal axis,
+                           xmlXPathTestVal test, xmlXPathTypeVal type,
+			   const xmlChar *prefix, const xmlChar *name) {
+#ifdef DEBUG_STEP
+    int n = 0, t = 0;
+    int i;
+    xmlNodeSetPtr ret;
+    xmlXPathTraversalFunction next = NULL;
+    void (*addNode)(xmlNodeSetPtr, xmlNodePtr);
+    xmlNodePtr cur = NULL;
+    xmlXPathObjectPtr obj;
+    xmlNodeSetPtr nodelist;
+    obj = valuePop(ctxt);
+    addNode = xmlXPathNodeSetAdd;
+#ifdef DEBUG_STEP
+    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+	    "new step : ");
+    switch (axis) {
+        case AXIS_ANCESTOR:
+#ifdef DEBUG_STEP
+	    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+		    "axis 'ancestors' ");
+	    next = xmlXPathNextAncestor; break;
+        case AXIS_ANCESTOR_OR_SELF:
+#ifdef DEBUG_STEP
+	    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+		    "axis 'ancestors-or-self' ");
+	    next = xmlXPathNextAncestorOrSelf; break;
+        case AXIS_ATTRIBUTE:
+#ifdef DEBUG_STEP
+	    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+		    "axis 'attributes' ");
+	    next = xmlXPathNextAttribute; break;
+	    break;
+        case AXIS_CHILD:
+#ifdef DEBUG_STEP
+	    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+		    "axis 'child' ");
+	    next = xmlXPathNextChild; break;
+        case AXIS_DESCENDANT:
+#ifdef DEBUG_STEP
+	    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+		    "axis 'descendant' ");
+	    next = xmlXPathNextDescendant; break;
+#ifdef DEBUG_STEP
+	    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+		    "axis 'descendant-or-self' ");
+	    next = xmlXPathNextDescendantOrSelf; break;
+        case AXIS_FOLLOWING:
+#ifdef DEBUG_STEP
+	    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+		    "axis 'following' ");
+	    next = xmlXPathNextFollowing; break;
+#ifdef DEBUG_STEP
+	    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+		    "axis 'following-siblings' ");
+	    next = xmlXPathNextFollowingSibling; break;
+        case AXIS_NAMESPACE:
+#ifdef DEBUG_STEP
+	    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+		    "axis 'namespace' ");
+	    next = (xmlXPathTraversalFunction) xmlXPathNextNamespace; break;
+	    break;
+        case AXIS_PARENT:
+#ifdef DEBUG_STEP
+	    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+		    "axis 'parent' ");
+	    next = xmlXPathNextParent; break;
+        case AXIS_PRECEDING:
+#ifdef DEBUG_STEP
+	    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+		    "axis 'preceding' ");
+	    next = xmlXPathNextPreceding; break;
+#ifdef DEBUG_STEP
+	    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+		    "axis 'preceding-sibling' ");
+	    next = xmlXPathNextPrecedingSibling; break;
+        case AXIS_SELF:
+#ifdef DEBUG_STEP
+	    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+		    "axis 'self' ");
+	    next = xmlXPathNextSelf; break;
+    }
+    if (next == NULL)
+	return;
+    nodelist = obj->nodesetval;
+    if ((nodelist != NULL) &&
+	(nodelist->nodeNr <= 1))
+	addNode = xmlXPathNodeSetAddUnique;
+    else
+	addNode = xmlXPathNodeSetAdd;
+    ret = xmlXPathNodeSetCreate(NULL);
+#ifdef DEBUG_STEP
+    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+	    " context contains %d nodes\n",
+            nodelist->nodeNr);
+    switch (test) {
+	    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+		    "           searching all nodes\n");
+	    break;
+	    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+		    "           searching for none !!!\n");
+	    break;
+	    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+		    "           searching for type %d\n", type);
+	    break;
+	case NODE_TEST_PI:
+	    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+		    "           searching for PI !!!\n");
+	    break;
+	    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+		    "           searching for *\n");
+	    break;
+	case NODE_TEST_NS:
+	    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+		    "           searching for namespace %s\n",
+	            prefix);
+	    break;
+	    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+		    "           searching for name %s\n", name);
+	    if (prefix != NULL)
+		xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+			"           with namespace %s\n",
+		        prefix);
+	    break;
+    }
+    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, "Testing : ");
+    /*
+     * 2.3 Node Tests
+     *  - For the attribute axis, the principal node type is attribute. 
+     *  - For the namespace axis, the principal node type is namespace. 
+     *  - For other axes, the principal node type is element. 
+     *
+     * A node test * is true for any node of the
+     * principal node type. For example, child::* willi
+     * select all element children of the context node
+     */
+    for (i = 0;i < nodelist->nodeNr; i++) {
+        ctxt->context->node = nodelist->nodeTab[i];
+	cur = NULL;
+	do {
+	    cur = next(ctxt, cur);
+	    if (cur == NULL) break;
+#ifdef DEBUG_STEP
+            t++;
+            xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, " %s", cur->name);
+	    switch (test) {
+                case NODE_TEST_NONE:
+		    STRANGE
+		    return;
+                case NODE_TEST_TYPE:
+		    if ((cur->type == type) ||
+		        ((type == NODE_TYPE_NODE) && 
+			 ((cur->type == XML_DOCUMENT_NODE) ||
+			  (cur->type == XML_HTML_DOCUMENT_NODE) ||
+			  (cur->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) ||
+			  (cur->type == XML_PI_NODE) ||
+			  (cur->type == XML_COMMENT_NODE) ||
+			  (cur->type == XML_CDATA_SECTION_NODE) ||
+			  (cur->type == XML_TEXT_NODE)))) {
+#ifdef DEBUG_STEP
+                        n++;
+		        addNode(ret, cur);
+		    }
+		    break;
+                case NODE_TEST_PI:
+		    if (cur->type == XML_PI_NODE) {
+		        if ((name != NULL) &&
+			    (!xmlStrEqual(name, cur->name)))
+			    break;
+#ifdef DEBUG_STEP
+			n++;
+			addNode(ret, cur);
+		    }
+		    break;
+                case NODE_TEST_ALL:
+		    if (axis == AXIS_ATTRIBUTE) {
+			if (cur->type == XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE) {
+#ifdef DEBUG_STEP
+			    n++;
+			    addNode(ret, cur);
+			}
+		    } else if (axis == AXIS_NAMESPACE) {
+			if (cur->type == XML_NAMESPACE_DECL) {
+#ifdef DEBUG_STEP
+			    n++;
+			    addNode(ret, cur);
+			}
+		    } else {
+			if ((cur->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) ||
+			    (cur->type == XML_DOCUMENT_NODE) ||
+			    (cur->type == XML_HTML_DOCUMENT_NODE)) {
+			    if (prefix == NULL) {
+#ifdef DEBUG_STEP
+				n++;
+				addNode(ret, cur);
+			    } else if ((cur->ns != NULL) && 
+				(xmlStrEqual(prefix,
+					     cur->ns->href))) {
+#ifdef DEBUG_STEP
+				n++;
+				addNode(ret, cur);
+			    }
+			}
+		    }
+		    break;
+                case NODE_TEST_NS: {
+		    TODO;
+		    break;
+		}
+                case NODE_TEST_NAME:
+		    switch (cur->type) {
+		        case XML_ELEMENT_NODE:
+			    if (xmlStrEqual(name, cur->name)) {
+				if (prefix == NULL) {
+				    if ((cur->ns == NULL) ||
+					(cur->ns->prefix == NULL)) {
+#ifdef DEBUG_STEP
+					n++;
+					addNode(ret, cur);
+				    }
+				} else {
+				    if ((cur->ns != NULL) && 
+				        (xmlStrEqual(prefix,
+						     cur->ns->href))) {
+#ifdef DEBUG_STEP
+					n++;
+					addNode(ret, cur);
+				    }
+				}
+			    }
+			    break;
+		        case XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE: {
+			    xmlAttrPtr attr = (xmlAttrPtr) cur;
+			    if (xmlStrEqual(name, attr->name)) {
+				if (prefix == NULL) {
+				    if ((attr->ns == NULL) ||
+					(attr->ns->prefix == NULL)) {
+#ifdef DEBUG_STEP
+					n++;
+					addNode(ret, (xmlNodePtr) attr);
+				    }
+				} else {
+				    if ((attr->ns != NULL) && 
+				        (xmlStrEqual(prefix,
+						     attr->ns->href))) {
+#ifdef DEBUG_STEP
+					n++;
+					addNode(ret, (xmlNodePtr) attr);
+				    }
+				}
+			    }
+			    break;
+			}
+			    TODO;
+			    break;
+			}
+			default:
+			    break;
+		    }
+	            break;
+	    }
+	} while (cur != NULL);
+    }
+#ifdef DEBUG_STEP
+    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+            "\nExamined %d nodes, found %d nodes at that step\n", t, n);
+    xmlXPathFreeObject(obj);
+    valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathWrapNodeSet(ret));
+ *									*
+ *		Implicit tree core function library			*
+ *									*
+ ************************************************************************/
+ * xmlXPathRoot:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ *
+ * Initialize the context to the root of the document
+ */
+xmlXPathRoot(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt) {
+    ctxt->context->node = (xmlNodePtr) ctxt->context->doc;
+    valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewNodeSet(ctxt->context->node));
+ *									*
+ *		The explicit core function library			*
+ *	*
+ *									*
+ ************************************************************************/
+ * xmlXPathLastFunction:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ * @nargs:  the number of arguments
+ *
+ * Implement the last() XPath function
+ *    number last()
+ * The last function returns the number of nodes in the context node list.
+ */
+xmlXPathLastFunction(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs) {
+    CHECK_ARITY(0);
+    if (ctxt->context->contextSize >= 0) {
+	valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewFloat((double) ctxt->context->contextSize));
+#ifdef DEBUG_EXPR
+	xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+		"last() : %d\n", ctxt->context->contextSize);
+    } else {
+    }
+ * xmlXPathPositionFunction:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ * @nargs:  the number of arguments
+ *
+ * Implement the position() XPath function
+ *    number position()
+ * The position function returns the position of the context node in the
+ * context node list. The first position is 1, and so the last positionr
+ * will be equal to last().
+ */
+xmlXPathPositionFunction(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs) {
+    CHECK_ARITY(0);
+    if (ctxt->context->proximityPosition >= 0) {
+	valuePush(ctxt,
+	      xmlXPathNewFloat((double) ctxt->context->proximityPosition));
+#ifdef DEBUG_EXPR
+	xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, "position() : %d\n",
+		ctxt->context->proximityPosition);
+    } else {
+    }
+ * xmlXPathCountFunction:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ * @nargs:  the number of arguments
+ *
+ * Implement the count() XPath function
+ *    number count(node-set)
+ */
+xmlXPathCountFunction(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs) {
+    xmlXPathObjectPtr cur;
+    CHECK_ARITY(1);
+    if ((ctxt->value == NULL) || 
+	((ctxt->value->type != XPATH_NODESET) &&
+	 (ctxt->value->type != XPATH_XSLT_TREE)))
+    cur = valuePop(ctxt);
+    valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewFloat((double) cur->nodesetval->nodeNr));
+    xmlXPathFreeObject(cur);
+ * xmlXPathIdFunction:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ * @nargs:  the number of arguments
+ *
+ * Implement the id() XPath function
+ *    node-set id(object)
+ * The id function selects elements by their unique ID
+ * (see [5.2.1 Unique IDs]). When the argument to id is of type node-set,
+ * then the result is the union of the result of applying id to the
+ * string value of each of the nodes in the argument node-set. When the
+ * argument to id is of any other type, the argument is converted to a
+ * string as if by a call to the string function; the string is split
+ * into a whitespace-separated list of tokens (whitespace is any sequence
+ * of characters matching the production S); the result is a node-set
+ * containing the elements in the same document as the context node that
+ * have a unique ID equal to any of the tokens in the list.
+ */
+xmlXPathIdFunction(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs) {
+    const xmlChar *tokens;
+    const xmlChar *cur;
+    xmlChar *ID;
+    xmlAttrPtr attr;
+    xmlNodePtr elem = NULL;
+    xmlXPathObjectPtr ret, obj;
+    CHECK_ARITY(1);
+    obj = valuePop(ctxt);
+    if (obj->type == XPATH_NODESET) {
+	xmlXPathObjectPtr newobj;
+	int i;
+	ret = xmlXPathNewNodeSet(NULL);
+	for (i = 0; i < obj->nodesetval->nodeNr; i++) {
+	    valuePush(ctxt,
+		      xmlXPathNewNodeSet(obj->nodesetval->nodeTab[i]));
+	    xmlXPathStringFunction(ctxt, 1);
+	    xmlXPathIdFunction(ctxt, 1);
+	    newobj = valuePop(ctxt);
+	    ret->nodesetval = xmlXPathNodeSetMerge(ret->nodesetval,
+						   newobj->nodesetval);
+	    xmlXPathFreeObject(newobj);
+	}
+	xmlXPathFreeObject(obj);
+	valuePush(ctxt, ret);
+	return;
+    }
+    if (obj->type != XPATH_STRING) {
+        valuePush(ctxt, obj);
+	xmlXPathStringFunction(ctxt, 1);
+	obj = valuePop(ctxt);
+	if (obj->type != XPATH_STRING) {
+	    xmlXPathFreeObject(obj);
+	    return;
+	}
+    }
+    tokens = obj->stringval;
+    ret = xmlXPathNewNodeSet(NULL);
+    valuePush(ctxt, ret);
+    if (tokens == NULL) {
+	xmlXPathFreeObject(obj);
+        return;
+    }
+    cur = tokens;
+    while (IS_BLANK(*cur)) cur++;
+    while (*cur != 0) {
+	while ((IS_LETTER(*cur)) || (IS_DIGIT(*cur)) ||
+	       (*cur == '.') || (*cur == '-') ||
+	       (*cur == '_') || (*cur == ':') || 
+	       (IS_COMBINING(*cur)) ||
+	       (IS_EXTENDER(*cur)))
+	       cur++;
+	if ((!IS_BLANK(*cur)) && (*cur != 0)) break;
+        ID = xmlStrndup(tokens, cur - tokens);
+	attr = xmlGetID(ctxt->context->doc, ID);
+	if (attr != NULL) {
+	    elem = attr->parent;
+            xmlXPathNodeSetAdd(ret->nodesetval, elem);
+        }
+	if (ID != NULL)
+	    xmlFree(ID);
+	while (IS_BLANK(*cur)) cur++;
+	tokens = cur;
+    }
+    xmlXPathFreeObject(obj);
+    return;
+ * xmlXPathLocalNameFunction:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ * @nargs:  the number of arguments
+ *
+ * Implement the local-name() XPath function
+ *    string local-name(node-set?)
+ * The local-name function returns a string containing the local part
+ * of the name of the node in the argument node-set that is first in
+ * document order. If the node-set is empty or the first node has no
+ * name, an empty string is returned. If the argument is omitted it
+ * defaults to the context node.
+ */
+xmlXPathLocalNameFunction(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs) {
+    xmlXPathObjectPtr cur;
+    if (nargs == 0) {
+	valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewNodeSet(ctxt->context->node));
+	nargs = 1;
+    }
+    CHECK_ARITY(1);
+    if ((ctxt->value == NULL) || 
+	((ctxt->value->type != XPATH_NODESET) &&
+	 (ctxt->value->type != XPATH_XSLT_TREE)))
+    cur = valuePop(ctxt);
+    if (cur->nodesetval->nodeNr == 0) {
+	valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewCString(""));
+    } else {
+	int i = 0; /* Should be first in document order !!!!! */
+	switch (cur->nodesetval->nodeTab[i]->type) {
+	case XML_PI_NODE:
+	    valuePush(ctxt,
+		      xmlXPathNewString(cur->nodesetval->nodeTab[i]->name));
+	    break;
+	    valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewString(
+			((xmlNsPtr)cur->nodesetval->nodeTab[i])->prefix));
+	    break;
+	default:
+	    valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewCString(""));
+	}
+    }
+    xmlXPathFreeObject(cur);
+ * xmlXPathNamespaceURIFunction:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ * @nargs:  the number of arguments
+ *
+ * Implement the namespace-uri() XPath function
+ *    string namespace-uri(node-set?)
+ * The namespace-uri function returns a string containing the
+ * namespace URI of the expanded name of the node in the argument
+ * node-set that is first in document order. If the node-set is empty,
+ * the first node has no name, or the expanded name has no namespace
+ * URI, an empty string is returned. If the argument is omitted it
+ * defaults to the context node.
+ */
+xmlXPathNamespaceURIFunction(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs) {
+    xmlXPathObjectPtr cur;
+    if (nargs == 0) {
+        valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewNodeSet(ctxt->context->node));
+	nargs = 1;
+    }
+    CHECK_ARITY(1);
+    if ((ctxt->value == NULL) || 
+	((ctxt->value->type != XPATH_NODESET) &&
+	 (ctxt->value->type != XPATH_XSLT_TREE)))
+    cur = valuePop(ctxt);
+    if (cur->nodesetval->nodeNr == 0) {
+	valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewCString(""));
+    } else {
+	int i = 0; /* Should be first in document order !!!!! */
+	switch (cur->nodesetval->nodeTab[i]->type) {
+	    if (cur->nodesetval->nodeTab[i]->ns == NULL)
+		valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewCString(""));
+	    else
+		valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewString(
+			  cur->nodesetval->nodeTab[i]->ns->href));
+	    break;
+	default:
+	    valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewCString(""));
+	}
+    }
+    xmlXPathFreeObject(cur);
+ * xmlXPathNameFunction:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ * @nargs:  the number of arguments
+ *
+ * Implement the name() XPath function
+ *    string name(node-set?)
+ * The name function returns a string containing a QName representing
+ * the name of the node in the argument node-set that is first in documenti
+ * order. The QName must represent the name with respect to the namespace
+ * declarations in effect on the node whose name is being represented.
+ * Typically, this will be the form in which the name occurred in the XML
+ * source. This need not be the case if there are namespace declarations
+ * in effect on the node that associate multiple prefixes with the same
+ * namespace. However, an implementation may include information about
+ * the original prefix in its representation of nodes; in this case, an
+ * implementation can ensure that the returned string is always the same
+ * as the QName used in the XML source. If the argument it omitted it
+ * defaults to the context node.
+ * Libxml keep the original prefix so the "real qualified name" used is
+ * returned.
+ */
+xmlXPathNameFunction(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs) {
+    xmlXPathObjectPtr cur;
+    if (nargs == 0) {
+	valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewNodeSet(ctxt->context->node));
+	nargs = 1;
+    }
+    CHECK_ARITY(1);
+    if ((ctxt->value == NULL) || 
+	((ctxt->value->type != XPATH_NODESET) &&
+	 (ctxt->value->type != XPATH_XSLT_TREE)))
+    cur = valuePop(ctxt);
+    if (cur->nodesetval->nodeNr == 0) {
+	valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewCString(""));
+    } else {
+	int i = 0; /* Should be first in document order !!!!! */
+	switch (cur->nodesetval->nodeTab[i]->type) {
+	    if (cur->nodesetval->nodeTab[i]->ns == NULL)
+		valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewString(
+			    cur->nodesetval->nodeTab[i]->name));
+	    else {
+		char name[2000];
+		snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s:%s", 
+			 (char *) cur->nodesetval->nodeTab[i]->ns->prefix,
+			 (char *) cur->nodesetval->nodeTab[i]->name);
+		sprintf(name, "%s:%s", 
+			(char *) cur->nodesetval->nodeTab[i]->ns->prefix,
+			(char *) cur->nodesetval->nodeTab[i]->name);
+		name[sizeof(name) - 1] = 0;
+		valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewCString(name));
+	    }
+	    break;
+	default:
+	    valuePush(ctxt,
+		      xmlXPathNewNodeSet(cur->nodesetval->nodeTab[i]));
+	    xmlXPathLocalNameFunction(ctxt, 1);
+	}
+    }
+    xmlXPathFreeObject(cur);
+ * xmlXPathStringFunction:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ * @nargs:  the number of arguments
+ *
+ * Implement the string() XPath function
+ *    string string(object?)
+ * he string function converts an object to a string as follows:
+ *    - A node-set is converted to a string by returning the value of
+ *      the node in the node-set that is first in document order.
+ *      If the node-set is empty, an empty string is returned.
+ *    - A number is converted to a string as follows
+ *      + NaN is converted to the string NaN 
+ *      + positive zero is converted to the string 0 
+ *      + negative zero is converted to the string 0 
+ *      + positive infinity is converted to the string Infinity 
+ *      + negative infinity is converted to the string -Infinity 
+ *      + if the number is an integer, the number is represented in
+ *        decimal form as a Number with no decimal point and no leading
+ *        zeros, preceded by a minus sign (-) if the number is negative
+ *      + otherwise, the number is represented in decimal form as a
+ *        Number including a decimal point with at least one digit
+ *        before the decimal point and at least one digit after the
+ *        decimal point, preceded by a minus sign (-) if the number
+ *        is negative; there must be no leading zeros before the decimal
+ *        point apart possibly from the one required digit immediatelyi
+ *        before the decimal point; beyond the one required digit
+ *        after the decimal point there must be as many, but only as
+ *        many, more digits as are needed to uniquely distinguish the
+ *        number from all other IEEE 754 numeric values.
+ *    - The boolean false value is converted to the string false.
+ *      The boolean true value is converted to the string true.
+ *
+ * If the argument is omitted, it defaults to a node-set with the
+ * context node as its only member.
+ */
+xmlXPathStringFunction(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs) {
+    xmlXPathObjectPtr cur;
+    if (nargs == 0) {
+	valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewNodeSet(ctxt->context->node));
+	nargs = 1;
+    }
+    CHECK_ARITY(1);
+    cur = valuePop(ctxt);
+    switch (cur->type) {
+#ifdef DEBUG_EXPR
+	    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, "String: undefined\n");
+	    valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewCString(""));
+	    break;
+        case XPATH_XSLT_TREE:
+        case XPATH_NODESET:
+	    if (cur->nodesetval == NULL)
+		valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewCString(""));
+	    else if (cur->nodesetval->nodeNr == 0) {
+		valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewCString(""));
+	    } else {
+		xmlChar *res;
+	        int i = 0; /* Should be first in document order !!!!! */
+		res = xmlNodeGetContent(cur->nodesetval->nodeTab[i]);
+		valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewString(res));
+		if (res != NULL)
+		    xmlFree(res);
+	    }
+	    xmlXPathFreeObject(cur);
+	    return;
+	    valuePush(ctxt, cur);
+	    return;
+        case XPATH_BOOLEAN:
+	    if (cur->boolval) valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewCString("true"));
+	    else valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewCString("false"));
+	    xmlXPathFreeObject(cur);
+	    return;
+	case XPATH_NUMBER: {
+	    char buf[100];
+	    if (isnan(cur->floatval))
+	        sprintf(buf, "NaN");
+	    else if (isinf(cur->floatval) > 0)
+	        sprintf(buf, "+Infinity");
+	    else if (isinf(cur->floatval) < 0)
+	        sprintf(buf, "-Infinity");
+	    else
+		sprintf(buf, "%0g", cur->floatval);
+	    valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewCString(buf));
+	    xmlXPathFreeObject(cur);
+	    return;
+	}
+	    TODO
+	    valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewCString(""));
+	    break;
+    }
+ * xmlXPathStringLengthFunction:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ * @nargs:  the number of arguments
+ *
+ * Implement the string-length() XPath function
+ *    number string-length(string?)
+ * The string-length returns the number of characters in the string
+ * (see [3.6 Strings]). If the argument is omitted, it defaults to
+ * the context node converted to a string, in other words the value
+ * of the context node.
+ */
+xmlXPathStringLengthFunction(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs) {
+    xmlXPathObjectPtr cur;
+    if (nargs == 0) {
+	if (ctxt->context->node == NULL) {
+	    valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewFloat(0));
+	} else {
+	    xmlChar *content;
+	    content = xmlNodeGetContent(ctxt->context->node);
+	    valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewFloat(xmlStrlen(content)));
+	    xmlFree(content);
+	}
+	return;
+    }
+    CHECK_ARITY(1);
+    cur = valuePop(ctxt);
+    valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewFloat(xmlStrlen(cur->stringval)));
+    xmlXPathFreeObject(cur);
+ * xmlXPathConcatFunction:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ * @nargs:  the number of arguments
+ *
+ * Implement the concat() XPath function
+ *    string concat(string, string, string*)
+ * The concat function returns the concatenation of its arguments.
+ */
+xmlXPathConcatFunction(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs) {
+    xmlXPathObjectPtr cur, newobj;
+    xmlChar *tmp;
+    if (nargs < 2) {
+    }
+    cur = valuePop(ctxt);
+    if ((cur == NULL) || (cur->type != XPATH_STRING)) {
+        xmlXPathFreeObject(cur);
+	return;
+    }
+    nargs--;
+    while (nargs > 0) {
+	newobj = valuePop(ctxt);
+	if ((newobj == NULL) || (newobj->type != XPATH_STRING)) {
+	    xmlXPathFreeObject(newobj);
+	    xmlXPathFreeObject(cur);
+	}
+	tmp = xmlStrcat(newobj->stringval, cur->stringval);
+	newobj->stringval = cur->stringval;
+	cur->stringval = tmp;
+	xmlXPathFreeObject(newobj);
+	nargs--;
+    }
+    valuePush(ctxt, cur);
+ * xmlXPathContainsFunction:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ * @nargs:  the number of arguments
+ *
+ * Implement the contains() XPath function
+ *    boolean contains(string, string)
+ * The contains function returns true if the first argument string
+ * contains the second argument string, and otherwise returns false.
+ */
+xmlXPathContainsFunction(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs) {
+    xmlXPathObjectPtr hay, needle;
+    CHECK_ARITY(2);
+    needle = valuePop(ctxt);
+    hay = valuePop(ctxt);
+    if ((hay == NULL) || (hay->type != XPATH_STRING)) {
+        xmlXPathFreeObject(hay);
+        xmlXPathFreeObject(needle);
+    }
+    if (xmlStrstr(hay->stringval, needle->stringval))
+        valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewBoolean(1));
+    else
+        valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewBoolean(0));
+    xmlXPathFreeObject(hay);
+    xmlXPathFreeObject(needle);
+ * xmlXPathStartsWithFunction:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ * @nargs:  the number of arguments
+ *
+ * Implement the starts-with() XPath function
+ *    boolean starts-with(string, string)
+ * The starts-with function returns true if the first argument string
+ * starts with the second argument string, and otherwise returns false.
+ */
+xmlXPathStartsWithFunction(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs) {
+    xmlXPathObjectPtr hay, needle;
+    int n;
+    CHECK_ARITY(2);
+    needle = valuePop(ctxt);
+    hay = valuePop(ctxt);
+    if ((hay == NULL) || (hay->type != XPATH_STRING)) {
+        xmlXPathFreeObject(hay);
+        xmlXPathFreeObject(needle);
+    }
+    n = xmlStrlen(needle->stringval);
+    if (xmlStrncmp(hay->stringval, needle->stringval, n))
+        valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewBoolean(0));
+    else
+        valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewBoolean(1));
+    xmlXPathFreeObject(hay);
+    xmlXPathFreeObject(needle);
+ * xmlXPathSubstringFunction:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ * @nargs:  the number of arguments
+ *
+ * Implement the substring() XPath function
+ *    string substring(string, number, number?)
+ * The substring function returns the substring of the first argument
+ * starting at the position specified in the second argument with
+ * length specified in the third argument. For example,
+ * substring("12345",2,3) returns "234". If the third argument is not
+ * specified, it returns the substring starting at the position specified
+ * in the second argument and continuing to the end of the string. For
+ * example, substring("12345",2) returns "2345".  More precisely, each
+ * character in the string (see [3.6 Strings]) is considered to have a
+ * numeric position: the position of the first character is 1, the position
+ * of the second character is 2 and so on. The returned substring contains
+ * those characters for which the position of the character is greater than
+ * or equal to the second argument and, if the third argument is specified,
+ * less than the sum of the second and third arguments; the comparisons
+ * and addition used for the above follow the standard IEEE 754 rules. Thus:
+ *  - substring("12345", 1.5, 2.6) returns "234" 
+ *  - substring("12345", 0, 3) returns "12" 
+ *  - substring("12345", 0 div 0, 3) returns "" 
+ *  - substring("12345", 1, 0 div 0) returns "" 
+ *  - substring("12345", -42, 1 div 0) returns "12345" 
+ *  - substring("12345", -1 div 0, 1 div 0) returns "" 
+ */
+xmlXPathSubstringFunction(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs) {
+    xmlXPathObjectPtr str, start, len;
+    double le, in;
+    int i, l;
+    xmlChar *ret;
+    /* 
+     * Conformance needs to be checked !!!!!
+     */
+    if (nargs < 2) {
+    }
+    if (nargs > 3) {
+    }
+    if (nargs == 3) {
+	len = valuePop(ctxt);
+	le = len->floatval;
+        xmlXPathFreeObject(len);
+    } else {
+	le = 2000000000;
+    }
+    start = valuePop(ctxt);
+    in = start->floatval;
+    xmlXPathFreeObject(start);
+    str = valuePop(ctxt);
+    le += in;
+    /* integer index of the first char */
+    i = (int) in;
+    if (((double)i) != in) i++;
+    /* integer index of the last char */
+    l = (int) le;
+    if (((double)l) != le) l++;
+    /* back to a zero based len */
+    i--;
+    l--;
+    /* check against the string len */
+    if (l > 1024) {
+        l = xmlStrlen(str->stringval);
+    }
+    if (i < 0) {
+        i = 0;
+    }
+    /* number of chars to copy */
+    l -= i;
+    ret = xmlStrsub(str->stringval, i, l);
+    if (ret == NULL)
+	valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewCString(""));
+    else {
+	valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewString(ret));
+	xmlFree(ret);
+    }
+    xmlXPathFreeObject(str);
+ * xmlXPathSubstringBeforeFunction:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ * @nargs:  the number of arguments
+ *
+ * Implement the substring-before() XPath function
+ *    string substring-before(string, string)
+ * The substring-before function returns the substring of the first
+ * argument string that precedes the first occurrence of the second
+ * argument string in the first argument string, or the empty string
+ * if the first argument string does not contain the second argument
+ * string. For example, substring-before("1999/04/01","/") returns 1999.
+ */
+xmlXPathSubstringBeforeFunction(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs) {
+  xmlXPathObjectPtr str;
+  xmlXPathObjectPtr find;
+  xmlBufferPtr target;
+  const xmlChar *point;
+  int offset;
+  find = valuePop(ctxt);
+  str = valuePop(ctxt);
+  target = xmlBufferCreate();
+  if (target) {
+    point = xmlStrstr(str->stringval, find->stringval);
+    if (point) {
+      offset = (int)(point - str->stringval);
+      xmlBufferAdd(target, str->stringval, offset);
+    }
+    valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewString(xmlBufferContent(target)));
+    xmlBufferFree(target);
+  }
+  xmlXPathFreeObject(str);
+  xmlXPathFreeObject(find);
+ * xmlXPathSubstringAfterFunction:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ * @nargs:  the number of arguments
+ *
+ * Implement the substring-after() XPath function
+ *    string substring-after(string, string)
+ * The substring-after function returns the substring of the first
+ * argument string that follows the first occurrence of the second
+ * argument string in the first argument string, or the empty stringi
+ * if the first argument string does not contain the second argument
+ * string. For example, substring-after("1999/04/01","/") returns 04/01,
+ * and substring-after("1999/04/01","19") returns 99/04/01.
+ */
+xmlXPathSubstringAfterFunction(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs) {
+  xmlXPathObjectPtr str;
+  xmlXPathObjectPtr find;
+  xmlBufferPtr target;
+  const xmlChar *point;
+  int offset;
+  find = valuePop(ctxt);
+  str = valuePop(ctxt);
+  target = xmlBufferCreate();
+  if (target) {
+    point = xmlStrstr(str->stringval, find->stringval);
+    if (point) {
+      offset = (int)(point - str->stringval) + xmlStrlen(find->stringval);
+      xmlBufferAdd(target, &str->stringval[offset],
+		   xmlStrlen(str->stringval) - offset);
+    }
+    valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewString(xmlBufferContent(target)));
+    xmlBufferFree(target);
+  }
+  xmlXPathFreeObject(str);
+  xmlXPathFreeObject(find);
+ * xmlXPathNormalizeFunction:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ * @nargs:  the number of arguments
+ *
+ * Implement the normalize-space() XPath function
+ *    string normalize-space(string?)
+ * The normalize-space function returns the argument string with white
+ * space normalized by stripping leading and trailing whitespace
+ * and replacing sequences of whitespace characters by a single
+ * space. Whitespace characters are the same allowed by the S production
+ * in XML. If the argument is omitted, it defaults to the context
+ * node converted to a string, in other words the value of the context node.
+ */
+xmlXPathNormalizeFunction(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs) {
+  xmlXPathObjectPtr obj = NULL;
+  xmlChar *source = NULL;
+  xmlBufferPtr target;
+  xmlChar blank;
+  if (nargs == 0) {
+    /* Use current context node */
+    valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewNodeSet(ctxt->context->node));
+    xmlXPathStringFunction(ctxt, 1);
+    nargs = 1;
+  }
+  obj = valuePop(ctxt);
+  source = obj->stringval;
+  target = xmlBufferCreate();
+  if (target && source) {
+    /* Skip leading whitespaces */
+    while (IS_BLANK(*source))
+      source++;
+    /* Collapse intermediate whitespaces, and skip trailing whitespaces */
+    blank = 0;
+    while (*source) {
+      if (IS_BLANK(*source)) {
+	blank = *source;
+      } else {
+	if (blank) {
+	  xmlBufferAdd(target, &blank, 1);
+	  blank = 0;
+	}
+	xmlBufferAdd(target, source, 1);
+      }
+      source++;
+    }
+    valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewString(xmlBufferContent(target)));
+    xmlBufferFree(target);
+  }
+  xmlXPathFreeObject(obj);
+ * xmlXPathTranslateFunction:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ * @nargs:  the number of arguments
+ *
+ * Implement the translate() XPath function
+ *    string translate(string, string, string)
+ * The translate function returns the first argument string with
+ * occurrences of characters in the second argument string replaced
+ * by the character at the corresponding position in the third argument
+ * string. For example, translate("bar","abc","ABC") returns the string
+ * BAr. If there is a character in the second argument string with no
+ * character at a corresponding position in the third argument string
+ * (because the second argument string is longer than the third argument
+ * string), then occurrences of that character in the first argument
+ * string are removed. For example, translate("--aaa--","abc-","ABC")
+ * returns "AAA". If a character occurs more than once in second
+ * argument string, then the first occurrence determines the replacement
+ * character. If the third argument string is longer than the second
+ * argument string, then excess characters are ignored.
+ */
+xmlXPathTranslateFunction(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs) {
+  xmlXPathObjectPtr str;
+  xmlXPathObjectPtr from;
+  xmlXPathObjectPtr to;
+  xmlBufferPtr target;
+  int i, offset, max;
+  xmlChar ch;
+  const xmlChar *point;
+  to = valuePop(ctxt);
+  from = valuePop(ctxt);
+  str = valuePop(ctxt);
+  target = xmlBufferCreate();
+  if (target) {
+    max = xmlStrlen(to->stringval);
+    for (i = 0; (ch = str->stringval[i]); i++) {
+      point = xmlStrchr(from->stringval, ch);
+      if (point) {
+	/* Warning: This may not work with UTF-8 */
+	offset = (int)(point - from->stringval);
+	if (offset < max)
+	  xmlBufferAdd(target, &to->stringval[offset], 1);
+      } else
+	xmlBufferAdd(target, &ch, 1);
+    }
+  }
+  valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewString(xmlBufferContent(target)));
+  xmlBufferFree(target);
+  xmlXPathFreeObject(str);
+  xmlXPathFreeObject(from);
+  xmlXPathFreeObject(to);
+ * xmlXPathBooleanFunction:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ * @nargs:  the number of arguments
+ *
+ * Implement the boolean() XPath function
+ *    boolean boolean(object)
+ * he boolean function converts its argument to a boolean as follows:
+ *    - a number is true if and only if it is neither positive or
+ *      negative zero nor NaN
+ *    - a node-set is true if and only if it is non-empty
+ *    - a string is true if and only if its length is non-zero
+ */
+xmlXPathBooleanFunction(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs) {
+    xmlXPathObjectPtr cur;
+    int res = 0;
+    CHECK_ARITY(1);
+    cur = valuePop(ctxt);
+    switch (cur->type) {
+        case XPATH_NODESET:
+        case XPATH_XSLT_TREE:
+	    if ((cur->nodesetval == NULL) ||
+	        (cur->nodesetval->nodeNr == 0)) res = 0;
+	    else 
+	        res = 1;
+	    break;
+	    if ((cur->stringval == NULL) ||
+	        (cur->stringval[0] == 0)) res = 0;
+	    else 
+	        res = 1;
+	    break;
+        case XPATH_BOOLEAN:
+	    valuePush(ctxt, cur);
+	    return;
+	    if (cur->floatval) res = 1;
+	    break;
+	default:
+    }
+    xmlXPathFreeObject(cur);
+    valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewBoolean(res));
+ * xmlXPathNotFunction:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ * @nargs:  the number of arguments
+ *
+ * Implement the not() XPath function
+ *    boolean not(boolean)
+ * The not function returns true if its argument is false,
+ * and false otherwise.
+ */
+xmlXPathNotFunction(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs) {
+    CHECK_ARITY(1);
+    ctxt->value->boolval = ! ctxt->value->boolval;
+ * xmlXPathTrueFunction:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ * @nargs:  the number of arguments
+ *
+ * Implement the true() XPath function
+ *    boolean true()
+ */
+xmlXPathTrueFunction(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs) {
+    CHECK_ARITY(0);
+    valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewBoolean(1));
+ * xmlXPathFalseFunction:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ * @nargs:  the number of arguments
+ *
+ * Implement the false() XPath function
+ *    boolean false()
+ */
+xmlXPathFalseFunction(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs) {
+    CHECK_ARITY(0);
+    valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewBoolean(0));
+ * xmlXPathLangFunction:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ * @nargs:  the number of arguments
+ *
+ * Implement the lang() XPath function
+ *    boolean lang(string)
+ * The lang function returns true or false depending on whether the
+ * language of the context node as specified by xml:lang attributes
+ * is the same as or is a sublanguage of the language specified by
+ * the argument string. The language of the context node is determined
+ * by the value of the xml:lang attribute on the context node, or, if
+ * the context node has no xml:lang attribute, by the value of the
+ * xml:lang attribute on the nearest ancestor of the context node that
+ * has an xml:lang attribute. If there is no such attribute, then lang
+ * returns false. If there is such an attribute, then lang returns
+ * true if the attribute value is equal to the argument ignoring case,
+ * or if there is some suffix starting with - such that the attribute
+ * value is equal to the argument ignoring that suffix of the attribute
+ * value and ignoring case.
+ */
+xmlXPathLangFunction(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs) {
+    xmlXPathObjectPtr val;
+    const xmlChar *theLang;
+    const xmlChar *lang;
+    int ret = 0;
+    int i;
+    CHECK_ARITY(1);
+    val = valuePop(ctxt);
+    lang = val->stringval;
+    theLang = xmlNodeGetLang(ctxt->context->node);
+    if ((theLang != NULL) && (lang != NULL)) {
+        for (i = 0;lang[i] != 0;i++)
+	    if (toupper(lang[i]) != toupper(theLang[i]))
+	        goto not_equal;
+        ret = 1;
+    }
+    xmlXPathFreeObject(val);
+    valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewBoolean(ret));
+ * xmlXPathNumberFunction:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ * @nargs:  the number of arguments
+ *
+ * Implement the number() XPath function
+ *    number number(object?)
+ */
+xmlXPathNumberFunction(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs) {
+    xmlXPathObjectPtr cur;
+    double res;
+    if (nargs == 0) {
+	if (ctxt->context->node == NULL) {
+	    valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewFloat(0.0));
+	} else {
+	    xmlChar* content = xmlNodeGetContent(ctxt->context->node);
+	    res = xmlXPathStringEvalNumber(content);
+	    valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewFloat(res));
+	    xmlFree(content);
+	}
+	return;
+    }
+    CHECK_ARITY(1);
+    cur = valuePop(ctxt);
+    switch (cur->type) {
+#ifdef DEBUG_EXPR
+	    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, "NUMBER: undefined\n");
+	    valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewFloat(0.0));
+	    break;
+        case XPATH_XSLT_TREE:
+        case XPATH_NODESET:
+	    valuePush(ctxt, cur);
+	    xmlXPathStringFunction(ctxt, 1);
+	    cur = valuePop(ctxt);
+	    res = xmlXPathStringEvalNumber(cur->stringval);
+	    valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewFloat(res));
+	    xmlXPathFreeObject(cur);
+	    return;
+        case XPATH_BOOLEAN:
+	    if (cur->boolval) valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewFloat(1.0));
+	    else valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewFloat(0.0));
+	    xmlXPathFreeObject(cur);
+	    return;
+	    valuePush(ctxt, cur);
+	    return;
+	    TODO
+	    valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewFloat(0.0));
+	    break;
+    }
+ * xmlXPathSumFunction:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ * @nargs:  the number of arguments
+ *
+ * Implement the sum() XPath function
+ *    number sum(node-set)
+ * The sum function returns the sum of the values of the nodes in
+ * the argument node-set.
+ */
+xmlXPathSumFunction(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs) {
+    xmlXPathObjectPtr cur;
+    int i;
+    CHECK_ARITY(1);
+    if ((ctxt->value == NULL) || 
+	((ctxt->value->type != XPATH_NODESET) &&
+	 (ctxt->value->type != XPATH_XSLT_TREE)))
+    cur = valuePop(ctxt);
+    if (cur->nodesetval->nodeNr == 0) {
+	valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewFloat(0.0));
+    } else {
+	valuePush(ctxt,
+		  xmlXPathNewNodeSet(cur->nodesetval->nodeTab[0]));
+	xmlXPathNumberFunction(ctxt, 1);
+	for (i = 1; i < cur->nodesetval->nodeNr; i++) {
+	    valuePush(ctxt,
+		      xmlXPathNewNodeSet(cur->nodesetval->nodeTab[i]));
+	    xmlXPathAddValues(ctxt);
+	}
+    }
+    xmlXPathFreeObject(cur);
+ * xmlXPathFloorFunction:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ * @nargs:  the number of arguments
+ *
+ * Implement the floor() XPath function
+ *    number floor(number)
+ * The floor function returns the largest (closest to positive infinity)
+ * number that is not greater than the argument and that is an integer.
+ */
+xmlXPathFloorFunction(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs) {
+    CHECK_ARITY(1);
+#if 0
+    ctxt->value->floatval = floor(ctxt->value->floatval);
+    /* floor(0.999999999999) => 1.0 !!!!!!!!!!! */
+    ctxt->value->floatval = (double)((int) ctxt->value->floatval);
+ * xmlXPathCeilingFunction:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ * @nargs:  the number of arguments
+ *
+ * Implement the ceiling() XPath function
+ *    number ceiling(number)
+ * The ceiling function returns the smallest (closest to negative infinity)
+ * number that is not less than the argument and that is an integer.
+ */
+xmlXPathCeilingFunction(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs) {
+    double f;
+    CHECK_ARITY(1);
+#if 0
+    ctxt->value->floatval = ceil(ctxt->value->floatval);
+    f = (double)((int) ctxt->value->floatval);
+    if (f != ctxt->value->floatval)
+	ctxt->value->floatval = f + 1;
+ * xmlXPathRoundFunction:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ * @nargs:  the number of arguments
+ *
+ * Implement the round() XPath function
+ *    number round(number)
+ * The round function returns the number that is closest to the
+ * argument and that is an integer. If there are two such numbers,
+ * then the one that is even is returned.
+ */
+xmlXPathRoundFunction(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs) {
+    double f;
+    CHECK_ARITY(1);
+    if ((ctxt->value->floatval == xmlXPathNAN) ||
+	(ctxt->value->floatval == xmlXPathPINF) ||
+	(ctxt->value->floatval == xmlXPathNINF) ||
+	(ctxt->value->floatval == 0.0))
+	return;
+#if 0
+    f = floor(ctxt->value->floatval);
+    f = (double)((int) ctxt->value->floatval);
+    if (ctxt->value->floatval < f + 0.5)
+        ctxt->value->floatval = f;
+    else 
+        ctxt->value->floatval = f + 1;
+ *									*
+ *			The Parser					*
+ *									*
+ ************************************************************************/
+ * a couple of forward declarations since we use a recursive call based
+ * implementation.
+ */
+void xmlXPathEvalExpr(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt);
+void xmlXPathEvalPredicate(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt);
+void xmlXPathEvalLocationPath(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt);
+#ifdef VMS
+void xmlXPathEvalRelLocationPath(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt);
+#define xmlXPathEvalRelativeLocationPath xmlXPathEvalRelLocationPath 
+void xmlXPathEvalRelativeLocationPath(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt);
+ * xmlXPathParseNCName:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ *
+ * parse an XML namespace non qualified name.
+ *
+ * [NS 3] NCName ::= (Letter | '_') (NCNameChar)*
+ *
+ * [NS 4] NCNameChar ::= Letter | Digit | '.' | '-' | '_' |
+ *                       CombiningChar | Extender
+ *
+ * Returns the namespace name or NULL
+ */
+xmlChar *
+xmlXPathParseNCName(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt) {
+    const xmlChar *q;
+    xmlChar *ret = NULL;
+    if (!IS_LETTER(CUR) && (CUR != '_')) return(NULL);
+    q = NEXT;
+    while ((IS_LETTER(CUR)) || (IS_DIGIT(CUR)) ||
+           (CUR == '.') || (CUR == '-') ||
+	   (CUR == '_') ||
+    ret = xmlStrndup(q, CUR_PTR - q);
+    return(ret);
+ * xmlXPathParseQName:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ * @prefix:  a xmlChar ** 
+ *
+ * parse an XML qualified name
+ *
+ * [NS 5] QName ::= (Prefix ':')? LocalPart
+ *
+ * [NS 6] Prefix ::= NCName
+ *
+ * [NS 7] LocalPart ::= NCName
+ *
+ * Returns the function returns the local part, and prefix is updated
+ *   to get the Prefix if any.
+ */
+xmlChar *
+xmlXPathParseQName(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, xmlChar **prefix) {
+    xmlChar *ret = NULL;
+    *prefix = NULL;
+    ret = xmlXPathParseNCName(ctxt);
+    if (CUR == ':') {
+        *prefix = ret;
+	ret = xmlXPathParseNCName(ctxt);
+    }
+    return(ret);
+ * xmlXPathParseName:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ *
+ * parse an XML name
+ *
+ * [4] NameChar ::= Letter | Digit | '.' | '-' | '_' | ':' |
+ *                  CombiningChar | Extender
+ *
+ * [5] Name ::= (Letter | '_' | ':') (NameChar)*
+ *
+ * Returns the namespace name or NULL
+ */
+xmlChar *
+xmlXPathParseName(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt) {
+    const xmlChar *q;
+    xmlChar *ret = NULL;
+    if (!IS_LETTER(CUR) && (CUR != '_')) return(NULL);
+    q = NEXT;
+    /* TODO Make this UTF8 compliant !!! */
+    while ((IS_LETTER(CUR)) || (IS_DIGIT(CUR)) ||
+           (CUR == '.') || (CUR == '-') ||
+	   (CUR == '_') || (CUR == ':') ||
+    ret = xmlStrndup(q, CUR_PTR - q);
+    return(ret);
+ * xmlXPathStringEvalNumber:
+ * @str:  A string to scan
+ *
+ *  [30]   Number ::=   Digits ('.' Digits?)?
+ *                    | '.' Digits 
+ *  [31]   Digits ::=   [0-9]+
+ *
+ * Parse and evaluate a Number in the string
+ * In complement of the Number expression, this function also handles
+ * negative values : '-' Number.
+ *
+ * Returns the double value.
+ */
+xmlXPathStringEvalNumber(const xmlChar *str) {
+    const xmlChar *cur = str;
+    double ret = 0.0;
+    double mult = 1;
+    int ok = 0;
+    int isneg = 0;
+    while (IS_BLANK(*cur)) cur++;
+    if ((*cur != '.') && ((*cur < '0') || (*cur > '9')) && (*cur != '-')) {
+        return(xmlXPathNAN);
+    }
+    if (*cur == '-') {
+	isneg = 1;
+	cur++;
+    }
+    while ((*cur >= '0') && (*cur <= '9')) {
+        ret = ret * 10 + (*cur - '0');
+	ok = 1;
+	cur++;
+    }
+    if (*cur == '.') {
+        cur++;
+	if (((*cur < '0') || (*cur > '9')) && (!ok)) {
+	    return(xmlXPathNAN);
+	}
+	while ((*cur >= '0') && (*cur <= '9')) {
+	    mult /= 10;
+	    ret = ret  + (*cur - '0') * mult;
+	    cur++;
+	}
+    }
+    while (IS_BLANK(*cur)) cur++;
+    if (*cur != 0) return(xmlXPathNAN);
+    if (isneg) ret = -ret;
+    return(ret);
+ * xmlXPathEvalNumber:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ *
+ *  [30]   Number ::=   Digits ('.' Digits?)?
+ *                    | '.' Digits 
+ *  [31]   Digits ::=   [0-9]+
+ *
+ * Parse and evaluate a Number, then push it on the stack
+ *
+ */
+xmlXPathEvalNumber(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt) {
+    double ret = 0.0;
+    double mult = 1;
+    int ok = 0;
+    if ((CUR != '.') && ((CUR < '0') || (CUR > '9'))) {
+    }
+    while ((CUR >= '0') && (CUR <= '9')) {
+        ret = ret * 10 + (CUR - '0');
+	ok = 1;
+    }
+    if (CUR == '.') {
+        NEXT;
+	if (((CUR < '0') || (CUR > '9')) && (!ok)) {
+	}
+	while ((CUR >= '0') && (CUR <= '9')) {
+	    mult /= 10;
+	    ret = ret  + (CUR - '0') * mult;
+	    NEXT;
+	}
+    }
+    valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewFloat(ret));
+ * xmlXPathEvalLiteral:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ *
+ * Parse a Literal and push it on the stack.
+ *
+ *  [29]   Literal ::=   '"' [^"]* '"'
+ *                    | "'" [^']* "'"
+ *
+ * TODO: xmlXPathEvalLiteral memory allocation could be improved.
+ */
+xmlXPathEvalLiteral(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt) {
+    const xmlChar *q;
+    xmlChar *ret = NULL;
+    if (CUR == '"') {
+        NEXT;
+	q = CUR_PTR;
+	while ((IS_CHAR(CUR)) && (CUR != '"'))
+	    NEXT;
+	if (!IS_CHAR(CUR)) {
+	} else {
+	    ret = xmlStrndup(q, CUR_PTR - q);
+	    NEXT;
+        }
+    } else if (CUR == '\'') {
+        NEXT;
+	q = CUR_PTR;
+	while ((IS_CHAR(CUR)) && (CUR != '\''))
+	    NEXT;
+	if (!IS_CHAR(CUR)) {
+	} else {
+	    ret = xmlStrndup(q, CUR_PTR - q);
+	    NEXT;
+        }
+    } else {
+    }
+    if (ret == NULL) return;
+    valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewString(ret));
+    xmlFree(ret);
+ * xmlXPathEvalVariableReference:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ *
+ * Parse a VariableReference, evaluate it and push it on the stack.
+ *
+ * The variable bindings consist of a mapping from variable names
+ * to variable values. The value of a variable is an object, which
+ * of any of the types that are possible for the value of an expression,
+ * and may also be of additional types not specified here.
+ *
+ * Early evaluation is possible since:
+ * The variable bindings [...] used to evaluate a subexpression are
+ * always the same as those used to evaluate the containing expression. 
+ *
+ *  [36]   VariableReference ::=   '$' QName 
+ */
+xmlXPathEvalVariableReference(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt) {
+    xmlChar *name;
+    xmlChar *prefix;
+    xmlXPathObjectPtr value;
+    if (CUR != '$') {
+    }
+    NEXT;
+    name = xmlXPathParseQName(ctxt, &prefix);
+    if (name == NULL) {
+    }
+    if (prefix == NULL) {
+	value = xmlXPathVariableLookup(ctxt->context, name);
+    } else {
+	value = NULL;
+    }
+    xmlFree(name);
+    if (prefix != NULL) xmlFree(prefix);
+    if (value == NULL) {
+    }
+    valuePush(ctxt, value);
+ * xmlXPathIsNodeType:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ * @name:  a name string
+ *
+ * Is the name given a NodeType one.
+ *
+ *  [38]   NodeType ::=   'comment'
+ *                    | 'text'
+ *                    | 'processing-instruction'
+ *                    | 'node'
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlXPathIsNodeType(const xmlChar *name) {
+    if (name == NULL)
+	return(0);
+    if (xmlStrEqual(name, BAD_CAST "comment"))
+	return(1);
+    if (xmlStrEqual(name, BAD_CAST "text"))
+	return(1);
+    if (xmlStrEqual(name, BAD_CAST "processing-instruction"))
+	return(1);
+    if (xmlStrEqual(name, BAD_CAST "node"))
+	return(1);
+    return(0);
+ * xmlXPathEvalFunctionCall:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ *
+ *  [16]   FunctionCall ::=   FunctionName '(' ( Argument ( ',' Argument)*)? ')'
+ *  [17]   Argument ::=   Expr 
+ *
+ * Parse and evaluate a function call, the evaluation of all arguments are
+ * pushed on the stack
+ */
+xmlXPathEvalFunctionCall(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt) {
+    xmlChar *name;
+    xmlChar *prefix;
+    xmlXPathFunction func;
+    int nbargs = 0;
+    name = xmlXPathParseQName(ctxt, &prefix);
+    if (name == NULL) {
+    }
+    if (prefix == NULL) {
+	func = xmlXPathFunctionLookup(ctxt->context, name);
+    } else {
+	func = NULL;
+    }
+    if (func == NULL) {
+        xmlFree(name);
+	if (prefix != NULL) xmlFree(prefix);
+    }
+#ifdef DEBUG_EXPR
+    if (prefix == NULL)
+	xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, "Calling function %s\n",
+			name);
+    else
+	xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, "Calling function %s:%s\n",
+			prefix, name);
+    xmlFree(name);
+    if (prefix != NULL) xmlFree(prefix);
+    if (CUR != '(') {
+    }
+    NEXT;
+    while (CUR != ')') {
+        xmlXPathEvalExpr(ctxt);
+	nbargs++;
+	if (CUR == ')') break;
+	if (CUR != ',') {
+	}
+    }
+    NEXT;
+    func(ctxt, nbargs);
+ * xmlXPathEvalPrimaryExpr:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ *
+ *  [15]   PrimaryExpr ::=   VariableReference 
+ *                | '(' Expr ')'
+ *                | Literal 
+ *                | Number 
+ *                | FunctionCall 
+ *
+ * Parse and evaluate a primary expression, then push the result on the stack
+ */
+xmlXPathEvalPrimaryExpr(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt) {
+    if (CUR == '$') xmlXPathEvalVariableReference(ctxt);
+    else if (CUR == '(') {
+	xmlXPathEvalExpr(ctxt);
+	if (CUR != ')') {
+	}
+    } else if (IS_DIGIT(CUR)) {
+	xmlXPathEvalNumber(ctxt);
+    } else if ((CUR == '\'') || (CUR == '"')) {
+	xmlXPathEvalLiteral(ctxt);
+    } else {
+	xmlXPathEvalFunctionCall(ctxt);
+    }
+ * xmlXPathEvalFilterExpr:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ *
+ *  [20]   FilterExpr ::=   PrimaryExpr 
+ *               | FilterExpr Predicate 
+ *
+ * Parse and evaluate a filter expression, then push the result on the stack
+ * Square brackets are used to filter expressions in the same way that
+ * they are used in location paths. It is an error if the expression to
+ * be filtered does not evaluate to a node-set. The context node list
+ * used for evaluating the expression in square brackets is the node-set
+ * to be filtered listed in document order.
+ */
+xmlXPathEvalFilterExpr(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt) {
+    xmlXPathEvalPrimaryExpr(ctxt);
+    while (CUR == '[') {
+	if ((ctxt->value == NULL) || 
+	    ((ctxt->value->type != XPATH_NODESET) &&
+	     (ctxt->value->type != XPATH_LOCATIONSET)))
+	if (ctxt->value->type == XPATH_NODESET)
+	    xmlXPathEvalPredicate(ctxt);
+        else
+	    xmlXPtrEvalRangePredicate(ctxt);
+    }
+ * xmlXPathScanName:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ *
+ * Trickery: parse an XML name but without consuming the input flow
+ * Needed to avoid insanity in the parser state.
+ *
+ * [4] NameChar ::= Letter | Digit | '.' | '-' | '_' | ':' |
+ *                  CombiningChar | Extender
+ *
+ * [5] Name ::= (Letter | '_' | ':') (NameChar)*
+ *
+ * [6] Names ::= Name (S Name)*
+ *
+ * Returns the Name parsed or NULL
+ */
+xmlChar *
+xmlXPathScanName(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt) {
+    xmlChar buf[XML_MAX_NAMELEN];
+    int len = 0;
+    if (!IS_LETTER(CUR) && (CUR != '_') &&
+        (CUR != ':')) {
+	return(NULL);
+    }
+    while ((IS_LETTER(NXT(len))) || (IS_DIGIT(NXT(len))) ||
+           (NXT(len) == '.') || (NXT(len) == '-') ||
+	   (NXT(len) == '_') || (NXT(len) == ':') || 
+	   (IS_COMBINING(NXT(len))) ||
+	   (IS_EXTENDER(NXT(len)))) {
+	buf[len] = NXT(len);
+	len++;
+	if (len >= XML_MAX_NAMELEN) {
+	    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, 
+	       "xmlScanName: reached XML_MAX_NAMELEN limit\n");
+	    while ((IS_LETTER(NXT(len))) || (IS_DIGIT(NXT(len))) ||
+		   (NXT(len) == '.') || (NXT(len) == '-') ||
+		   (NXT(len) == '_') || (NXT(len) == ':') || 
+		   (IS_COMBINING(NXT(len))) ||
+		   (IS_EXTENDER(NXT(len))))
+		 len++;
+	    break;
+	}
+    }
+    return(xmlStrndup(buf, len));
+ * xmlXPathEvalPathExpr:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ *
+ *  [19]   PathExpr ::=   LocationPath 
+ *               | FilterExpr 
+ *               | FilterExpr '/' RelativeLocationPath 
+ *               | FilterExpr '//' RelativeLocationPath 
+ *
+ * Parse and evaluate a path expression, then push the result on the stack
+ * The / operator and // operators combine an arbitrary expression
+ * and a relative location path. It is an error if the expression
+ * does not evaluate to a node-set.
+ * The / operator does composition in the same way as when / is
+ * used in a location path. As in location paths, // is short for
+ * /descendant-or-self::node()/.
+ */
+xmlXPathEvalPathExpr(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt) {
+    int lc = 1;           /* Should we branch to LocationPath ?         */
+    xmlChar *name = NULL; /* we may have to preparse a name to find out */
+    if ((CUR == '$') || (CUR == '(') || (IS_DIGIT(CUR)) ||
+        (CUR == '\'') || (CUR == '"')) {
+	lc = 0;
+    } else if (CUR == '*') {
+	/* relative or absolute location path */
+	lc = 1;
+    } else if (CUR == '/') {
+	/* relative or absolute location path */
+	lc = 1;
+    } else if (CUR == '@') {
+	/* relative abbreviated attribute location path */
+	lc = 1;
+    } else if (CUR == '.') {
+	/* relative abbreviated attribute location path */
+	lc = 1;
+    } else {
+	/*
+	 * Problem is finding if we have a name here whether it's:
+	 *   - a nodetype
+	 *   - a function call in which case it's followed by '('
+	 *   - an axis in which case it's followed by ':'
+	 *   - a element name
+	 * We do an a priori analysis here rather than having to
+	 * maintain parsed token content through the recursive function
+	 * calls. This looks uglier but makes the code quite easier to
+	 * read/write/debug.
+	 */
+	name = xmlXPathScanName(ctxt);
+	if ((name != NULL) && (xmlStrstr(name, (xmlChar *) "::") != NULL)) {
+#ifdef DEBUG_STEP
+	    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+		    "PathExpr: Axis\n");
+	    lc = 1;
+	    xmlFree(name);
+	} else if (name != NULL) {
+	    int len =xmlStrlen(name);
+	    int blank = 0;
+	    while (NXT(len) != 0) {
+		if (NXT(len) == '/') {
+		    /* element name */
+#ifdef DEBUG_STEP
+		    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+			    "PathExpr: AbbrRelLocation\n");
+		    lc = 1;
+		    break;
+		} else if (IS_BLANK(NXT(len))) {
+		    /* skip to next */
+		    blank = 1;
+		} else if (NXT(len) == ':') {
+#ifdef DEBUG_STEP
+		    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+			    "PathExpr: AbbrRelLocation\n");
+		    lc = 1;
+		    break;
+		} else if ((NXT(len) == '(')) {
+		    /* Note Type or Function */
+		    if (xmlXPathIsNodeType(name)) {
+#ifdef DEBUG_STEP
+		        xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+				"PathExpr: Type search\n");
+			lc = 1;
+		    } else {
+#ifdef DEBUG_STEP
+		        xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+				"PathExpr: function call\n");
+			lc = 0;
+		    }
+                    break;
+		} else if ((NXT(len) == '[')) {
+		    /* element name */
+#ifdef DEBUG_STEP
+		    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+			    "PathExpr: AbbrRelLocation\n");
+		    lc = 1;
+		    break;
+		} else if ((NXT(len) == '<') || (NXT(len) == '>') ||
+			   (NXT(len) == '=')) {
+		    lc = 1;
+		    break;
+		} else {
+		    lc = 1;
+		    break;
+		}
+		len++;
+	    }
+	    if (NXT(len) == 0) {
+#ifdef DEBUG_STEP
+		xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+			"PathExpr: AbbrRelLocation\n");
+		/* element name */
+		lc = 1;
+	    }
+	    xmlFree(name);
+	} else {
+	    /* make sure all cases are covered explicitely */
+	}
+    } 
+    if (lc) {
+	if (CUR == '/')
+	    xmlXPathRoot(ctxt);
+	else {
+	    /* TAG:9999 */
+	    valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewNodeSet(ctxt->context->node));
+	}
+	xmlXPathEvalLocationPath(ctxt);
+    } else {
+	xmlXPathEvalFilterExpr(ctxt);
+	if ((CUR == '/') && (NXT(1) == '/')) {
+	    SKIP(2);
+	    xmlXPathNodeCollectAndTest(ctxt, AXIS_DESCENDANT_OR_SELF,
+	    ctxt->context->node = NULL;
+	    xmlXPathEvalRelativeLocationPath(ctxt);
+	} else if (CUR == '/') {
+	    xmlXPathEvalRelativeLocationPath(ctxt);
+	}
+    }
+ * xmlXPathEvalUnionExpr:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ *
+ *  [18]   UnionExpr ::=   PathExpr 
+ *               | UnionExpr '|' PathExpr 
+ *
+ * Parse and evaluate an union expression, then push the result on the stack
+ */
+xmlXPathEvalUnionExpr(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt) {
+    int sort = 0;
+    xmlXPathEvalPathExpr(ctxt);
+    while (CUR == '|') {
+	xmlXPathObjectPtr obj1,obj2, tmp;
+	sort = 1;
+	obj1 = valuePop(ctxt);
+	tmp = xmlXPathNewNodeSet(ctxt->context->node);
+	valuePush(ctxt, tmp);
+	xmlXPathEvalPathExpr(ctxt);
+	obj2 = valuePop(ctxt);
+	obj1->nodesetval = xmlXPathNodeSetMerge(obj1->nodesetval,
+		                                obj2->nodesetval);
+	if (ctxt->value == tmp) {
+	    tmp = valuePop(ctxt);
+	    xmlXPathFreeObject(tmp);
+	}
+	valuePush(ctxt, obj1);
+	xmlXPathFreeObject(obj2);
+    }
+    if (sort) {
+    }
+ * xmlXPathEvalUnaryExpr:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ *
+ *  [27]   UnaryExpr ::=   UnionExpr 
+ *                   | '-' UnaryExpr 
+ *
+ * Parse and evaluate an unary expression, then push the result on the stack
+ */
+xmlXPathEvalUnaryExpr(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt) {
+    int minus = 0;
+    if (CUR == '-') {
+        minus = 1;
+    }
+    xmlXPathEvalUnionExpr(ctxt);
+    if (minus) {
+        xmlXPathValueFlipSign(ctxt);
+    }
+ * xmlXPathEvalMultiplicativeExpr:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ *
+ *  [26]   MultiplicativeExpr ::=   UnaryExpr 
+ *                   | MultiplicativeExpr MultiplyOperator UnaryExpr 
+ *                   | MultiplicativeExpr 'div' UnaryExpr 
+ *                   | MultiplicativeExpr 'mod' UnaryExpr 
+ *  [34]   MultiplyOperator ::=   '*'
+ *
+ * Parse and evaluate an Additive expression, then push the result on the stack
+ */
+xmlXPathEvalMultiplicativeExpr(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt) {
+    xmlXPathEvalUnaryExpr(ctxt);
+    while ((CUR == '*') || 
+           ((CUR == 'd') && (NXT(1) == 'i') && (NXT(2) == 'v')) ||
+           ((CUR == 'm') && (NXT(1) == 'o') && (NXT(2) == 'd'))) {
+	int op = -1;
+        if (CUR == '*') {
+	    op = 0;
+	    NEXT;
+	} else if (CUR == 'd') {
+	    op = 1;
+	    SKIP(3);
+	} else if (CUR == 'm') {
+	    op = 2;
+	    SKIP(3);
+	}
+        xmlXPathEvalUnaryExpr(ctxt);
+	switch (op) {
+	    case 0:
+	        xmlXPathMultValues(ctxt);
+		break;
+	    case 1:
+	        xmlXPathDivValues(ctxt);
+		break;
+	    case 2:
+	        xmlXPathModValues(ctxt);
+		break;
+	}
+    }
+ * xmlXPathEvalAdditiveExpr:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ *
+ *  [25]   AdditiveExpr ::=   MultiplicativeExpr 
+ *                   | AdditiveExpr '+' MultiplicativeExpr 
+ *                   | AdditiveExpr '-' MultiplicativeExpr 
+ *
+ * Parse and evaluate an Additive expression, then push the result on the stack
+ */
+xmlXPathEvalAdditiveExpr(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt) {
+    xmlXPathEvalMultiplicativeExpr(ctxt);
+    while ((CUR == '+') || (CUR == '-')) {
+	int plus;
+        if (CUR == '+') plus = 1;
+	else plus = 0;
+        xmlXPathEvalMultiplicativeExpr(ctxt);
+	if (plus) xmlXPathAddValues(ctxt);
+	else xmlXPathSubValues(ctxt);
+    }
+ * xmlXPathEvalRelationalExpr:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ *
+ *  [24]   RelationalExpr ::=   AdditiveExpr 
+ *                 | RelationalExpr '<' AdditiveExpr 
+ *                 | RelationalExpr '>' AdditiveExpr 
+ *                 | RelationalExpr '<=' AdditiveExpr 
+ *                 | RelationalExpr '>=' AdditiveExpr 
+ *
+ *  A <= B > C is allowed ? Answer from James, yes with
+ *  (AdditiveExpr <= AdditiveExpr) > AdditiveExpr
+ *  which is basically what got implemented.
+ *
+ * Parse and evaluate a Relational expression, then push the result
+ * on the stack
+ */
+xmlXPathEvalRelationalExpr(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt) {
+    xmlXPathEvalAdditiveExpr(ctxt);
+    while ((CUR == '<') ||
+           (CUR == '>') ||
+           ((CUR == '<') && (NXT(1) == '=')) ||
+           ((CUR == '>') && (NXT(1) == '='))) {
+	int inf, strict, ret;
+        if (CUR == '<') inf = 1;
+	else inf = 0;
+	if (NXT(1) == '=') strict = 0;
+	else strict = 1;
+	if (!strict) NEXT;
+        xmlXPathEvalAdditiveExpr(ctxt);
+	ret = xmlXPathCompareValues(ctxt, inf, strict);
+	valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewBoolean(ret));
+    }
+ * xmlXPathEvalEqualityExpr:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ *
+ *  [23]   EqualityExpr ::=   RelationalExpr 
+ *                 | EqualityExpr '=' RelationalExpr 
+ *                 | EqualityExpr '!=' RelationalExpr 
+ *
+ *  A != B != C is allowed ? Answer from James, yes with
+ *  (RelationalExpr = RelationalExpr) = RelationalExpr
+ *  (RelationalExpr != RelationalExpr) != RelationalExpr
+ *  which is basically what got implemented.
+ *
+ * Parse and evaluate an Equality expression, then push the result on the stack
+ *
+ */
+xmlXPathEvalEqualityExpr(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt) {
+    xmlXPathEvalRelationalExpr(ctxt);
+    while ((CUR == '=') || ((CUR == '!') && (NXT(1) == '='))) {
+	xmlXPathObjectPtr res;
+	int eq, equal;
+        if (CUR == '=') eq = 1;
+	else eq = 0;
+	if (!eq) NEXT;
+        xmlXPathEvalRelationalExpr(ctxt);
+	equal = xmlXPathEqualValues(ctxt);
+	if (eq) res = xmlXPathNewBoolean(equal);
+	else res = xmlXPathNewBoolean(!equal);
+	valuePush(ctxt, res);
+    }
+ * xmlXPathEvalAndExpr:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ *
+ *  [22]   AndExpr ::=   EqualityExpr 
+ *                 | AndExpr 'and' EqualityExpr 
+ *
+ * Parse and evaluate an AND expression, then push the result on the stack
+ *
+ */
+xmlXPathEvalAndExpr(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt) {
+    xmlXPathEvalEqualityExpr(ctxt);
+    while ((CUR == 'a') && (NXT(1) == 'n') && (NXT(2) == 'd')) {
+	xmlXPathObjectPtr arg1, arg2;
+        SKIP(3);
+        xmlXPathEvalEqualityExpr(ctxt);
+	xmlXPathBooleanFunction(ctxt, 1);
+	arg2 = valuePop(ctxt);
+	xmlXPathBooleanFunction(ctxt, 1);
+	arg1 = valuePop(ctxt);
+	arg1->boolval &= arg2->boolval;
+	valuePush(ctxt, arg1);
+	xmlXPathFreeObject(arg2);
+    }
+ * xmlXPathEvalExpr:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ *
+ *  [14]   Expr ::=   OrExpr 
+ *  [21]   OrExpr ::=   AndExpr 
+ *                 | OrExpr 'or' AndExpr 
+ *
+ * Parse and evaluate an expression, then push the result on the stack
+ *
+ */
+xmlXPathEvalExpr(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt) {
+    xmlXPathEvalAndExpr(ctxt);
+    while ((CUR == 'o') && (NXT(1) == 'r')) {
+	xmlXPathObjectPtr arg1, arg2;
+        SKIP(2);
+        xmlXPathEvalAndExpr(ctxt);
+	xmlXPathBooleanFunction(ctxt, 1);
+	arg2 = valuePop(ctxt);
+	xmlXPathBooleanFunction(ctxt, 1);
+	arg1 = valuePop(ctxt);
+	arg1->boolval |= arg2->boolval;
+	valuePush(ctxt, arg1);
+	xmlXPathFreeObject(arg2);
+    }
+    if ((ctxt->value != NULL) && (ctxt->value->type == XPATH_NODESET) &&
+	(ctxt->value->nodesetval != NULL))
+	xmlXPathNodeSetSort(ctxt->value->nodesetval);
+ * xmlXPathEvaluatePredicateResult:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ * @res:  the Predicate Expression evaluation result
+ *
+ * Evaluate a predicate result for the current node.
+ * A PredicateExpr is evaluated by evaluating the Expr and converting
+ * the result to a boolean. If the result is a number, the result will
+ * be converted to true if the number is equal to the position of the
+ * context node in the context node list (as returned by the position
+ * function) and will be converted to false otherwise; if the result
+ * is not a number, then the result will be converted as if by a call
+ * to the boolean function. 
+ *
+ * Return 1 if predicate is true, 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlXPathEvaluatePredicateResult(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
+                                xmlXPathObjectPtr res) {
+    if (res == NULL) return(0);
+    switch (res->type) {
+        case XPATH_BOOLEAN:
+	    return(res->boolval);
+        case XPATH_NUMBER:
+	    return(res->floatval == ctxt->context->proximityPosition);
+        case XPATH_NODESET:
+        case XPATH_XSLT_TREE:
+	    return(res->nodesetval->nodeNr != 0);
+        case XPATH_STRING:
+	    return((res->stringval != NULL) &&
+	           (xmlStrlen(res->stringval) != 0));
+        default:
+    }
+    return(0);
+ * xmlXPathEvalPredicate:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ *
+ *  [8]   Predicate ::=   '[' PredicateExpr ']'
+ *  [9]   PredicateExpr ::=   Expr 
+ *
+ * ---------------------
+ * For each node in the node-set to be filtered, the PredicateExpr is
+ * evaluated with that node as the context node, with the number of nodes
+ * in the node-set as the context size, and with the proximity position
+ * of the node in the node-set with respect to the axis as the context
+ * position; if PredicateExpr evaluates to true for that node, the node
+ * is included in the new node-set; otherwise, it is not included.
+ * ---------------------
+ *
+ * Parse and evaluate a predicate for all the elements of the
+ * current node list. Then refine the list by removing all
+ * nodes where the predicate is false.
+ */
+xmlXPathEvalPredicate(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt) {
+    const xmlChar *cur;
+    xmlXPathObjectPtr res;
+    xmlXPathObjectPtr obj, tmp;
+    xmlNodeSetPtr newset = NULL;
+    xmlNodeSetPtr oldset;
+    xmlNodePtr oldnode;
+    int i;
+    if (CUR != '[') {
+    }
+    NEXT;
+    /*
+     * Extract the old set, and then evaluate the result of the
+     * expression for all the element in the set. use it to grow
+     * up a new set.
+     */
+    obj = valuePop(ctxt);
+    oldset = obj->nodesetval;
+    oldnode = ctxt->context->node;
+    ctxt->context->node = NULL;
+    if ((oldset == NULL) || (oldset->nodeNr == 0)) {
+	ctxt->context->contextSize = 0;
+	ctxt->context->proximityPosition = 0;
+	xmlXPathEvalExpr(ctxt);
+	res = valuePop(ctxt);
+	if (res != NULL)
+	    xmlXPathFreeObject(res);
+	valuePush(ctxt, obj);
+    } else {
+	/*
+	 * Save the expression pointer since we will have to evaluate
+	 * it multiple times. Initialize the new set.
+	 */
+        cur = ctxt->cur;
+	newset = xmlXPathNodeSetCreate(NULL);
+        for (i = 0; i < oldset->nodeNr; i++) {
+	    ctxt->cur = cur;
+	    /*
+	     * Run the evaluation with a node list made of a single item
+	     * in the nodeset.
+	     */
+	    ctxt->context->node = oldset->nodeTab[i];
+	    tmp = xmlXPathNewNodeSet(ctxt->context->node);
+	    valuePush(ctxt, tmp);
+	    ctxt->context->contextSize = oldset->nodeNr;
+	    ctxt->context->proximityPosition = i + 1;
+	    xmlXPathEvalExpr(ctxt);
+	    /*
+	     * The result of the evaluation need to be tested to
+	     * decided whether the filter succeeded or not
+	     */
+	    res = valuePop(ctxt);
+	    if (xmlXPathEvaluatePredicateResult(ctxt, res)) {
+	        xmlXPathNodeSetAdd(newset, oldset->nodeTab[i]);
+	    }
+	    /*
+	     * Cleanup
+	     */
+	    if (res != NULL)
+		xmlXPathFreeObject(res);
+	    if (ctxt->value == tmp) {
+		res = valuePop(ctxt);
+		xmlXPathFreeObject(res);
+	    }
+	    ctxt->context->node = NULL;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * The result is used as the new evaluation set.
+	 */
+	xmlXPathFreeObject(obj);
+	ctxt->context->node = NULL;
+	ctxt->context->contextSize = -1;
+	ctxt->context->proximityPosition = -1;
+	valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathWrapNodeSet(newset));
+    }
+    if (CUR != ']') {
+    }
+    NEXT;
+#ifdef DEBUG_STEP
+    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, "After predicate : ");
+    xmlGenericErrorContextNodeSet(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+	    ctxt->value->nodesetval);
+    ctxt->context->node = oldnode;
+ * xmlXPathEvalNodeTest:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ * @test:  pointer to a xmlXPathTestVal
+ * @type:  pointer to a xmlXPathTypeVal
+ * @prefix:  placeholder for a possible name prefix
+ *
+ * [7] NodeTest ::=   NameTest
+ *		    | NodeType '(' ')'
+ *		    | 'processing-instruction' '(' Literal ')'
+ *
+ * [37] NameTest ::=  '*'
+ *		    | NCName ':' '*'
+ *		    | QName
+ * [38] NodeType ::= 'comment'
+ *		   | 'text'
+ *		   | 'processing-instruction'
+ *		   | 'node'
+ *
+ * Returns the name found and update @test, @type and @prefix appropriately
+ */
+xmlChar *
+xmlXPathEvalNodeTest(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, xmlXPathTestVal *test,
+	             xmlXPathTypeVal *type, const xmlChar **prefix, xmlChar *name) {
+    int blanks;
+    if ((test == NULL) || (type == NULL) || (prefix == NULL)) {
+	return(NULL);
+    }
+    *type = 0;
+    *test = 0;
+    *prefix = NULL;
+    if ((name == NULL) && (CUR == '*')) {
+	/*
+	 * All elements
+	 */
+	*test = NODE_TEST_ALL;
+	return(NULL);
+    }
+    if (name == NULL)
+	name = xmlXPathParseNCName(ctxt);
+    if (name == NULL) {
+    }
+    blanks = IS_BLANK(CUR);
+    if (CUR == '(') {
+	/*
+	 * NodeType or PI search
+	 */
+	if (xmlStrEqual(name, BAD_CAST "comment"))
+	    *type = NODE_TYPE_COMMENT;
+	else if (xmlStrEqual(name, BAD_CAST "node"))
+	    *type = NODE_TYPE_NODE;
+	else if (xmlStrEqual(name, BAD_CAST "processing-instruction"))
+	    *type = NODE_TYPE_PI;
+	else if (xmlStrEqual(name, BAD_CAST "text"))
+	    *type = NODE_TYPE_TEXT;
+	else {
+	    if (name != NULL)
+		xmlFree(name);
+	}
+	*test = NODE_TEST_TYPE;
+	if (*type == NODE_TYPE_PI) {
+	    /*
+	     * Specific case: search a PI by name.
+	     */
+	    xmlXPathObjectPtr cur;
+	    if (name != NULL)
+		xmlFree(name);
+	    xmlXPathEvalLiteral(ctxt);
+	    CHECK_ERROR 0;
+	    xmlXPathStringFunction(ctxt, 1);
+	    cur = valuePop(ctxt);
+	    name = xmlStrdup(cur->stringval);
+	    xmlXPathFreeObject(cur);
+	}
+	if (CUR != ')') {
+	    if (name != NULL)
+		xmlFree(name);
+	}
+	return(name);
+    }
+    *test = NODE_TEST_NAME;
+    if ((!blanks) && (CUR == ':')) {
+	/*
+	 * get the namespace name for this prefix
+	 */
+	*prefix = xmlXPathNsLookup(ctxt->context, name);
+	if (name != NULL)
+	    xmlFree(name);
+	if (*prefix == NULL) {
+	}
+	if (CUR == '*') {
+	    /*
+	     * All elements
+	     */
+	    NEXT;
+	    *test = NODE_TEST_ALL;
+	    return(NULL);
+	}
+	name = xmlXPathParseNCName(ctxt);
+	if (name == NULL) {
+	}
+    }
+    return(name);
+ * xmlXPathIsAxisName:
+ * @name:  a preparsed name token
+ *
+ * [6] AxisName ::=   'ancestor'
+ *                  | 'ancestor-or-self'
+ *                  | 'attribute'
+ *                  | 'child'
+ *                  | 'descendant'
+ *                  | 'descendant-or-self'
+ *                  | 'following'
+ *                  | 'following-sibling'
+ *                  | 'namespace'
+ *                  | 'parent'
+ *                  | 'preceding'
+ *                  | 'preceding-sibling'
+ *                  | 'self'
+ *
+ * Returns the axis or 0
+ */
+xmlXPathIsAxisName(const xmlChar *name) {
+    xmlXPathAxisVal ret = 0;
+    switch (name[0]) {
+	case 'a':
+	    if (xmlStrEqual(name, BAD_CAST "ancestor"))
+	    if (xmlStrEqual(name, BAD_CAST "ancestor-or-self"))
+	    if (xmlStrEqual(name, BAD_CAST "attribute"))
+	    break;
+	case 'c':
+	    if (xmlStrEqual(name, BAD_CAST "child"))
+		ret = AXIS_CHILD;
+	    break;
+	case 'd':
+	    if (xmlStrEqual(name, BAD_CAST "descendant"))
+	    if (xmlStrEqual(name, BAD_CAST "descendant-or-self"))
+	    break;
+	case 'f':
+	    if (xmlStrEqual(name, BAD_CAST "following"))
+	    if (xmlStrEqual(name, BAD_CAST "following-sibling"))
+	    break;
+	case 'n':
+	    if (xmlStrEqual(name, BAD_CAST "namespace"))
+	    break;
+	case 'p':
+	    if (xmlStrEqual(name, BAD_CAST "parent"))
+		ret = AXIS_PARENT;
+	    if (xmlStrEqual(name, BAD_CAST "preceding"))
+	    if (xmlStrEqual(name, BAD_CAST "preceding-sibling"))
+	    break;
+	case 's':
+	    if (xmlStrEqual(name, BAD_CAST "self"))
+		ret = AXIS_SELF;
+	    break;
+    }
+    return(ret);
+ * xmlXPathEvalAxisSpecifier:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ *
+ *
+ * Returns the axis found
+ */
+xmlXPathEvalAxisSpecifier(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt) {
+    xmlXPathAxisVal ret = AXIS_CHILD;
+    int blank = 0;
+    xmlChar *name;
+    if (CUR == '@') {
+    } else {
+	name = xmlXPathParseNCName(ctxt);
+	if (name == NULL) {
+	}
+	if (IS_BLANK(CUR))
+	    blank = 1;
+	if ((CUR == ':') && (NXT(1) == ':')) {
+	    ret = xmlXPathIsAxisName(name);
+	} else if ((blank) && (CUR == ':'))
+	xmlFree(name);
+    }
+    return(ret);
+ * xmlXPathEvalStep:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ *
+ * [4] Step ::=   AxisSpecifier NodeTest Predicate*
+ *                  | AbbreviatedStep 
+ *
+ * [12] AbbreviatedStep ::=   '.' | '..'
+ *
+ * [5] AxisSpecifier ::= AxisName '::'
+ *                  | AbbreviatedAxisSpecifier
+ *
+ * [13] AbbreviatedAxisSpecifier ::= '@'?
+ *
+ * Modified for XPtr range support as:
+ *
+ *  [4xptr] Step ::= AxisSpecifier NodeTest Predicate*
+ *                     | AbbreviatedStep
+ *                     | 'range-to' '(' Expr ')' Predicate*
+ *
+ * Evaluate one step in a Location Path
+ * A location step of . is short for self::node(). This is
+ * particularly useful in conjunction with //. For example, the
+ * location path .//para is short for
+ * self::node()/descendant-or-self::node()/child::para
+ * and so will select all para descendant elements of the context
+ * node.
+ * Similarly, a location step of .. is short for parent::node().
+ * For example, ../title is short for parent::node()/child::title
+ * and so will select the title children of the parent of the context
+ * node.
+ */
+xmlXPathEvalStep(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt) {
+    if ((CUR == '.') && (NXT(1) == '.')) {
+	SKIP(2);
+	xmlXPathNodeCollectAndTest(ctxt, AXIS_PARENT,
+    } else if (CUR == '.') {
+    } else {
+	xmlChar *name = NULL;
+	const xmlChar *prefix = NULL;
+	xmlXPathTestVal test;
+	xmlXPathAxisVal axis;
+	xmlXPathTypeVal type;
+	/*
+	 * The modification needed for XPointer change to the production
+	 */
+	if (ctxt->context->xptr) {
+	    name = xmlXPathParseNCName(ctxt);
+	    if ((name != NULL) && (xmlStrEqual(name, BAD_CAST "range-to"))) {
+		xmlFree(name);
+		if (CUR != '(') {
+		}
+		NEXT;
+		xmlXPtrRangeToFunction(ctxt, 1);
+		if (CUR != ')') {
+		}
+		NEXT;
+		goto eval_predicates;
+	    }
+	}
+	if (name == NULL)
+	    name = xmlXPathParseNCName(ctxt);
+	if (name != NULL) {
+	    axis = xmlXPathIsAxisName(name);
+	    if (axis != 0) {
+		if ((CUR == ':') && (NXT(1) == ':')) {
+		    SKIP(2);
+		    xmlFree(name);
+		    name = NULL;
+		} else {
+		    /* an element name can conflict with an axis one :-\ */
+		    axis = AXIS_CHILD;
+		}
+	    } else {
+	        axis = AXIS_CHILD;
+	    }
+	} else if (CUR == '@') {
+	    NEXT;
+	    axis = AXIS_ATTRIBUTE;
+	} else {
+	    axis = AXIS_CHILD;
+	}
+	name = xmlXPathEvalNodeTest(ctxt, &test, &type, &prefix, name);
+	if (test == 0)
+	    return;
+#ifdef DEBUG_STEP
+	xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+		"Basis : computing new set\n");
+	xmlXPathNodeCollectAndTest(ctxt, axis, test, type, prefix, name);
+#ifdef DEBUG_STEP
+	xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, "Basis : ");
+	xmlGenericErrorContextNodeSet(stdout, ctxt->value->nodesetval);
+	if (name != NULL)
+	    xmlFree(name);
+	while (CUR == '[') {
+	    xmlXPathEvalPredicate(ctxt);
+	}
+    }
+#ifdef DEBUG_STEP
+    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, "Step : ");
+    xmlGenericErrorContextNodeSet(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+	    ctxt->value->nodesetval);
+ * xmlXPathEvalRelativeLocationPath:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ *
+ *  [3]   RelativeLocationPath ::=   Step 
+ *                     | RelativeLocationPath '/' Step 
+ *                     | AbbreviatedRelativeLocationPath 
+ *  [11]  AbbreviatedRelativeLocationPath ::=   RelativeLocationPath '//' Step 
+ *
+ */
+#ifdef VMS
+(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt) {
+    if ((CUR == '/') && (NXT(1) == '/')) {
+	SKIP(2);
+	xmlXPathNodeCollectAndTest(ctxt, AXIS_DESCENDANT_OR_SELF,
+    } else if (CUR == '/') {
+	    NEXT;
+    }
+    xmlXPathEvalStep(ctxt);
+    while (CUR == '/') {
+	if ((CUR == '/') && (NXT(1) == '/')) {
+	    SKIP(2);
+	    xmlXPathNodeCollectAndTest(ctxt, AXIS_DESCENDANT_OR_SELF,
+	    xmlXPathEvalStep(ctxt);
+	} else if (CUR == '/') {
+	    NEXT;
+	    xmlXPathEvalStep(ctxt);
+	}
+    }
+ * xmlXPathEvalLocationPath:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
+ *
+ *  [1]   LocationPath ::=   RelativeLocationPath 
+ *                     | AbsoluteLocationPath 
+ *  [2]   AbsoluteLocationPath ::=   '/' RelativeLocationPath?
+ *                     | AbbreviatedAbsoluteLocationPath 
+ *  [10]   AbbreviatedAbsoluteLocationPath ::=   
+ *                           '//' RelativeLocationPath 
+ *
+ * // is short for /descendant-or-self::node()/. For example,
+ * //para is short for /descendant-or-self::node()/child::para and
+ * so will select any para element in the document (even a para element
+ * that is a document element will be selected by //para since the
+ * document element node is a child of the root node); div//para is
+ * short for div/descendant-or-self::node()/child::para and so will
+ * select all para descendants of div children.
+ */
+xmlXPathEvalLocationPath(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt) {
+    if (CUR != '/') {
+        xmlXPathEvalRelativeLocationPath(ctxt);
+    } else {
+	while (CUR == '/') {
+	    if ((CUR == '/') && (NXT(1) == '/')) {
+		SKIP(2);
+		xmlXPathNodeCollectAndTest(ctxt,
+		xmlXPathEvalRelativeLocationPath(ctxt);
+	    } else if (CUR == '/') {
+		NEXT;
+		if (CUR != 0)
+		    xmlXPathEvalRelativeLocationPath(ctxt);
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+ * xmlXPathEval:
+ * @str:  the XPath expression
+ * @ctx:  the XPath context
+ *
+ * Evaluate the XPath Location Path in the given context.
+ *
+ * Returns the xmlXPathObjectPtr resulting from the eveluation or NULL.
+ *         the caller has to free the object.
+ */
+xmlXPathEval(const xmlChar *str, xmlXPathContextPtr ctx) {
+    xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt;
+    xmlXPathObjectPtr res, tmp, init = NULL;
+    int stack = 0;
+    xmlXPathInit();
+    ctxt = xmlXPathNewParserContext(str, ctx);
+    /**** TAG:9999
+    if (ctx->node != NULL) {
+	init = xmlXPathNewNodeSet(ctx->node);
+	valuePush(ctxt, init);
+    }
+     ****/
+    xmlXPathEvalExpr(ctxt);
+    if (ctxt->value == NULL) {
+	xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+		"xmlXPathEval: evaluation failed\n");
+	res = NULL;
+    } else if (*ctxt->cur != 0) {
+	xmlXPatherror(ctxt, __FILE__, __LINE__, XPATH_EXPR_ERROR);
+	res = NULL;
+    } else {
+	res = valuePop(ctxt);
+    }
+    do {
+        tmp = valuePop(ctxt);
+	if (tmp != NULL) {
+	    if (tmp != init)
+		stack++;    
+	    xmlXPathFreeObject(tmp);
+        }
+    } while (tmp != NULL);
+    if ((stack != 0) && (res != NULL)) {
+	xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+		"xmlXPathEval: %d object left on the stack\n",
+	        stack);
+    }
+    if (ctxt->error != XPATH_EXPRESSION_OK) {
+	xmlXPathFreeObject(res);
+	res = NULL;
+    }
+    xmlXPathFreeParserContext(ctxt);
+    return(res);
+ * xmlXPathEvalExpression:
+ * @str:  the XPath expression
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath context
+ *
+ * Evaluate the XPath expression in the given context.
+ *
+ * Returns the xmlXPathObjectPtr resulting from the evaluation or NULL.
+ *         the caller has to free the object.
+ */
+xmlXPathEvalExpression(const xmlChar *str, xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt) {
+    xmlXPathParserContextPtr pctxt;
+    xmlXPathObjectPtr res, tmp;
+    int stack = 0;
+    xmlXPathInit();
+    CHECK_CONTEXT(ctxt)
+    pctxt = xmlXPathNewParserContext(str, ctxt);
+    xmlXPathEvalExpr(pctxt);
+    if (*pctxt->cur != 0) {
+	xmlXPatherror(pctxt, __FILE__, __LINE__, XPATH_EXPR_ERROR);
+	res = NULL;
+    } else {
+	res = valuePop(pctxt);
+    }
+    do {
+        tmp = valuePop(pctxt);
+	if (tmp != NULL) {
+	    xmlXPathFreeObject(tmp);
+	    stack++;
+	}
+    } while (tmp != NULL);
+    if ((stack != 0) && (res != NULL)) {
+	xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+		"xmlXPathEvalExpression: %d object left on the stack\n",
+	        stack);
+    }
+    xmlXPathFreeParserContext(pctxt);
+    return(res);
+ * xmlXPathRegisterAllFunctions:
+ * @ctxt:  the XPath context
+ *
+ * Registers all default XPath functions in this context
+ */
+xmlXPathRegisterAllFunctions(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt)
+    xmlXPathRegisterFunc(ctxt, (const xmlChar *)"boolean",
+                         xmlXPathBooleanFunction);
+    xmlXPathRegisterFunc(ctxt, (const xmlChar *)"ceiling",
+                         xmlXPathCeilingFunction);
+    xmlXPathRegisterFunc(ctxt, (const xmlChar *)"count",
+                         xmlXPathCountFunction);
+    xmlXPathRegisterFunc(ctxt, (const xmlChar *)"concat",
+                         xmlXPathConcatFunction);
+    xmlXPathRegisterFunc(ctxt, (const xmlChar *)"contains",
+                         xmlXPathContainsFunction);
+    xmlXPathRegisterFunc(ctxt, (const xmlChar *)"id",
+                         xmlXPathIdFunction);
+    xmlXPathRegisterFunc(ctxt, (const xmlChar *)"false",
+                         xmlXPathFalseFunction);
+    xmlXPathRegisterFunc(ctxt, (const xmlChar *)"floor",
+                         xmlXPathFloorFunction);
+    xmlXPathRegisterFunc(ctxt, (const xmlChar *)"last",
+                         xmlXPathLastFunction);
+    xmlXPathRegisterFunc(ctxt, (const xmlChar *)"lang",
+                         xmlXPathLangFunction);
+    xmlXPathRegisterFunc(ctxt, (const xmlChar *)"local-name",
+                         xmlXPathLocalNameFunction);
+    xmlXPathRegisterFunc(ctxt, (const xmlChar *)"not",
+                         xmlXPathNotFunction);
+    xmlXPathRegisterFunc(ctxt, (const xmlChar *)"name",
+                         xmlXPathNameFunction);
+    xmlXPathRegisterFunc(ctxt, (const xmlChar *)"namespace-uri",
+                         xmlXPathNamespaceURIFunction);
+    xmlXPathRegisterFunc(ctxt, (const xmlChar *)"normalize-space",
+                         xmlXPathNormalizeFunction);
+    xmlXPathRegisterFunc(ctxt, (const xmlChar *)"number",
+                         xmlXPathNumberFunction);
+    xmlXPathRegisterFunc(ctxt, (const xmlChar *)"position",
+                         xmlXPathPositionFunction);
+    xmlXPathRegisterFunc(ctxt, (const xmlChar *)"round",
+                         xmlXPathRoundFunction);
+    xmlXPathRegisterFunc(ctxt, (const xmlChar *)"string",
+                         xmlXPathStringFunction);
+    xmlXPathRegisterFunc(ctxt, (const xmlChar *)"string-length",
+                         xmlXPathStringLengthFunction);
+    xmlXPathRegisterFunc(ctxt, (const xmlChar *)"starts-with",
+                         xmlXPathStartsWithFunction);
+    xmlXPathRegisterFunc(ctxt, (const xmlChar *)"substring",
+                         xmlXPathSubstringFunction);
+    xmlXPathRegisterFunc(ctxt, (const xmlChar *)"substring-before",
+                         xmlXPathSubstringBeforeFunction);
+    xmlXPathRegisterFunc(ctxt, (const xmlChar *)"substring-after",
+                         xmlXPathSubstringAfterFunction);
+    xmlXPathRegisterFunc(ctxt, (const xmlChar *)"sum",
+                         xmlXPathSumFunction);
+    xmlXPathRegisterFunc(ctxt, (const xmlChar *)"true",
+                         xmlXPathTrueFunction);
+    xmlXPathRegisterFunc(ctxt, (const xmlChar *)"translate",
+                         xmlXPathTranslateFunction);