merged the current state of XML Schemas implementation, it is not

* TODO_SCHEMAS testAutomata.c
 testRegexp.c testSchemas.c xmlregexp.c xmlschemas.c xmlschemastypes.c
 xmlunicode.c include/libxml/
 include/libxml/schemasInternals.h include/libxml/xmlautomata.h
 include/libxml/xmlregexp.h include/libxml/xmlschemas.h
 include/libxml/xmlschemastypes.h include/libxml/xmlunicode.h
 include/libxml/ : merged the current state of
 XML Schemas implementation, it is not configured in by default,
 a specific --schemas configure option has been added.
* test/automata test/regexp test/schemas
  result/automata result/regexp result/schemas:
  merged automata/regexp/schemas regression tests
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index 3df5ee4..92bf6f5 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,18 @@
+Tue Apr 16 17:46:43 CEST 2002 Daniel Veillard <>
+	* TODO_SCHEMAS testAutomata.c
+	 testRegexp.c testSchemas.c xmlregexp.c xmlschemas.c xmlschemastypes.c
+	 xmlunicode.c include/libxml/
+	 include/libxml/schemasInternals.h include/libxml/xmlautomata.h
+	 include/libxml/xmlregexp.h include/libxml/xmlschemas.h
+	 include/libxml/xmlschemastypes.h include/libxml/xmlunicode.h
+	 include/libxml/ : merged the current state of
+	 XML Schemas implementation, it is not configured in by default,
+	 a specific --schemas configure option has been added.
+	* test/automata test/regexp test/schemas
+	  result/automata result/regexp result/schemas:
+	  merged automata/regexp/schemas regression tests
 Tue Apr 16 09:48:44 CEST 2002 Daniel Veillard <>
 	* xpath.c: Gary found a compile time problem, fixes #78823
diff --git a/ b/
index 0755576..3d90f4d 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 ## Process this file with automake to produce
-#AUTOMAKE_ OPTIONS=no-dependencies
+# AUTOMAKE_ OPTIONS=no-dependencies
 SUBDIRS = include . doc example python
 INCLUDES = -I@srcdir@/include -I$(top_builddir)/include @THREAD_CFLAGS@ @Z_CFLAGS@ 
 noinst_PROGRAMS=testSAX testHTML testXPath testURI testDocbook testThreads \
-                testC14N
+                testC14N testAutomata testSchemas testRegexp
 bin_PROGRAMS = xmllint xmlcatalog
@@ -22,15 +22,16 @@
 		parser.c tree.c hash.c list.c xmlIO.c xmlmemory.c uri.c  \
 		valid.c xlink.c HTMLparser.c HTMLtree.c debugXML.c xpath.c  \
 		xpointer.c xinclude.c nanohttp.c nanoftp.c DOCBparser.c \
-		catalog.c globals.c threads.c c14n.c triostr.c trio.c
+		catalog.c globals.c threads.c c14n.c \
+		xmlregexp.c xmlschemas.c schemastypes.c xmlunicode.c \
+		triostr.c trio.c
 libxml2_la_SOURCES = SAX.c entities.c encoding.c error.c parserInternals.c  \
 		parser.c tree.c hash.c list.c xmlIO.c xmlmemory.c uri.c  \
 		valid.c xlink.c HTMLparser.c HTMLtree.c debugXML.c xpath.c  \
 		xpointer.c xinclude.c nanohttp.c nanoftp.c DOCBparser.c \
-		catalog.c globals.c threads.c c14n.c
+		catalog.c globals.c threads.c c14n.c \
+		xmlregexp.c xmlschemas.c xmlschemastypes.c xmlunicode.c
 DEPS = $(top_builddir)/
@@ -86,11 +87,26 @@
+testRegexp_LDFLAGS = 
+testRegexp_DEPENDENCIES = $(DEPS)
+testRegexp_LDADD= $(LDADDS)
+testAutomata_LDFLAGS = 
+testAutomata_DEPENDENCIES = $(DEPS)
+testAutomata_LDADD= $(LDADDS)
+testSchemas_LDFLAGS = 
+testSchemas_DEPENDENCIES = $(DEPS)
+testSchemas_LDADD= $(LDADDS)
 check-local: tests
 testall : tests SVGtests SAXtests
-tests: XMLtests XMLenttests HTMLtests Validtests URItests XPathtests XPtrtests XIncludetests Scripttests Catatests @TEST_THREADS@
+tests: XMLtests XMLenttests HTMLtests Validtests URItests XPathtests XPtrtests XIncludetests Scripttests Catatests @TEST_SCHEMAS@ @TEST_THREADS@
 	@(cd python ; $(MAKE) tests)
@@ -557,6 +573,67 @@
 	      rm result.$$name error.$$name ; \
 	  fi ; fi ; done)
+Regexptests: testRegexp$(EXEEXT)
+	@(echo > .memdump)
+	@echo "##"
+	@echo "## Regexp regression tests"
+	@echo "##"
+	-@(for i in $(srcdir)/test/regexp/* ; do \
+	  name=`basename $$i`; \
+	  if [ ! -d $$i ] ; then \
+	  if [ ! -f $(srcdir)/result/regexp/$$name ] ; then \
+	      echo New test file $$name ; \
+	      $(CHECKER) $(top_builddir)/testRegexp -i $$i > $(srcdir)/result/regexp/$$name; \
+	  else \
+	      echo Testing $$name ; \
+	      $(CHECKER) $(top_builddir)/testRegexp -i $$i > result.$$name ; \
+	      grep "MORY ALLO" .memdump  | grep -v "MEMORY ALLOCATED : 0";\
+	      diff $(srcdir)/result/regexp/$$name result.$$name ; \
+	      rm result.$$name ; \
+	  fi ; fi ; done)
+Automatatests: testAutomata$(EXEEXT)
+	@(echo > .memdump)
+	@echo "##"
+	@echo "## Automata regression tests"
+	@echo "##"
+	-@(for i in $(srcdir)/test/automata/* ; do \
+	  name=`basename $$i`; \
+	  if [ ! -d $$i ] ; then \
+	  if [ ! -f $(srcdir)/result/automata/$$name ] ; then \
+	      echo New test file $$name ; \
+	      $(CHECKER) $(top_builddir)/testAutomata $$i > $(srcdir)/result/automata/$$name; \
+	  else \
+	      echo Testing $$name ; \
+	      $(CHECKER) $(top_builddir)/testAutomata $$i > result.$$name ; \
+	      grep "MORY ALLO" .memdump  | grep -v "MEMORY ALLOCATED : 0";\
+	      diff $(srcdir)/result/automata/$$name result.$$name ; \
+	      rm result.$$name ; \
+	  fi ; fi ; done)
+Schemastests: testSchemas$(EXEEXT)
+	@(echo > .memdump)
+	@echo "##"
+	@echo "## Schemas regression tests"
+	@echo "##"
+	-@(for i in $(srcdir)/test/schemas/*.xml ; do \
+	  name=`basename $$i .xml`; \
+	  if [ ! -f $(srcdir)/test/schemas/$$name.xsd ] ; then continue ; fi ; \
+	  schemas="$(srcdir)/test/schemas/$$name.xsd" ; \
+	  if [ ! -d $$i ] ; then \
+	  if [ ! -f $(srcdir)/result/schemas/$$name ] ; then \
+	      echo New test file $$name ; \
+	      $(CHECKER) $(top_builddir)/testSchemas $$schemas $$i > $(srcdir)/result/schemas/$$name; \
+	  else \
+	      echo Testing $$name ; \
+	      $(CHECKER) $(top_builddir)/testSchemas $$schemas $$i > result.$$name ; \
+	      grep "MORY ALLO" .memdump  | grep -v "MEMORY ALLOCATED : 0";\
+	      diff $(srcdir)/result/schemas/$$name result.$$name ; \
+	      rm result.$$name ; \
+	  fi ; fi ; done)
 dist-hook: libxml.spec
 	-cp libxml.spec $(distdir)
 	(cd $(srcdir) ; tar -cf - --exclude CVS win32 macos vms test result SAXresult ) | (cd $(distdir); tar xf -)
@@ -582,7 +659,7 @@
 	     $(man_MANS) \
 	     trionan.c trionan.h triostr.c triostr.h trio.c trio.h \
 	     triop.h triodef.h libxml.h \
-	     testThreadsWin32.c
+	     testThreadsWin32.c
 pkgconfigdir = $(libdir)/pkgconfig
 pkgconfig_DATA = libxml-2.0.pc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..145a4ed
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+- implement counted transitions at the automata level
+- Unicode:
+  + upgrade to 3.2
+  + improve the python script to generate better test
+    expressions to check the list of ranges.
+- Implement the interface at the SAX level
+- Implement the missing parts in the Structure part
+   + all content model
+   + enumerations
+   + countless others c.f. the TODO scattered in the code
+- Complete the Built-In datatype collections and Facets implementations
+- Regression tests based on
+  + the primer:
+  + the Schemas Test Collection:
+  + archives of the schemas-dev list
+- Integrity constraints:
+  + what's that ? How need to read about it
+- "formal" checking, i.e. go through the full Structure spec and
+  bind code and associated parts of the Schemas spec
+- go though the erratas
diff --git a/ b/
index e673893..b478f5b 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -274,6 +274,9 @@
     if test "${with_xptr}" = "" ; then
+    if test "${with_schemas}" = "" ; then
+        with_schemas="yes"
+    fi
     CFLAGS="-g -O -pedantic -W -Wunused -Wimplicit -Wreturn-type -Wswitch -Wcomment -Wtrigraphs -Wformat -Wchar-subscripts -Wuninitialized -Wparentheses -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-align -Wwrite-strings -Waggregate-return -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wnested-externs -Winline -Wredundant-decls "
 dnl -Wcast-qual -ansi
@@ -513,6 +516,18 @@
+AC_ARG_WITH(schemas, [  --with-schemas              Add experimental Schemas support (off)])
+if test "$with_schemas" = "yes" ; then
+    echo Enabling Schemas support
+    TEST_SCHEMAS="Regexptests Automatatests Schemastests"
 AC_ARG_WITH(debug, [  --with-debug            Add the debugging module (on)])
 if test "$with_debug" = "no" ; then
     echo Disabling DEBUG support
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c5668fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+#!/usr/bin/python -u
+import sys
+import string
+import time
+sources = "Blocks-4.txt UnicodeData-3.1.0.txt"
+    blocks = open("Blocks-4.txt", "r")
+    print "Missing Blocks-4.txt, aborting ..."
+    sys.exit(1)
+BlockNames = {}
+for line in blocks.readlines():
+    if line[0] == '#':
+        continue
+    line = string.strip(line)
+    if line == '':
+	continue
+    try:
+	fields = string.split(line, ';')
+	range = string.strip(fields[0])
+	(start, end) = string.split(range, "..")
+	name = string.strip(fields[1])
+	name = string.replace(name, ' ', '')
+    except:
+        print "Failed to process line: %s" % (line)
+	continue
+    BlockNames[name] = ("0x"+start, "0x"+end)
+print "Parsed %d blocks descriptions" % (len(BlockNames.keys()))
+    data = open("UnicodeData-3.1.0.txt", "r")
+    print "Missing UnicodeData-3.1.0.txt, aborting ..."
+    sys.exit(1)
+nbchar = 0;
+Categories = {}
+for line in data.readlines():
+    if line[0] == '#':
+        continue
+    line = string.strip(line)
+    if line == '':
+	continue
+    try:
+	fields = string.split(line, ';')
+	point = string.strip(fields[0])
+	value = 0
+	while point != '':
+	    value = value * 16
+	    if point[0] >= '0' and point[0] <= '9':
+	        value = value + ord(point[0]) - ord('0')
+	    elif point[0] >= 'A' and point[0] <= 'F':
+	        value = value + 10 + ord(point[0]) - ord('A')
+	    elif point[0] >= 'a' and point[0] <= 'f':
+	        value = value + 10 + ord(point[0]) - ord('a')
+	    point = point[1:]
+	name = fields[2]
+    except:
+        print "Failed to process line: %s" % (line)
+	continue
+    nbchar = nbchar + 1
+    try:
+	Categories[name].append(value)
+    except:
+        try:
+	    Categories[name] = [value]
+	except:
+	    print "Failed to process line: %s" % (line)
+    try:
+	Categories[name[0]].append(value)
+    except:
+        try:
+	    Categories[name[0]] = [value]
+	except:
+	    print "Failed to process line: %s" % (line)
+print "Parsed %d char generating %d categories" % (nbchar, len(Categories.keys()))
+#reduce the number list into ranges
+for cat in Categories.keys():
+    list = Categories[cat]
+    start = -1
+    prev = -1
+    end = -1
+    ranges = []
+    for val in list:
+        if start == -1:
+	    start = val
+	    prev = val
+	    continue
+	elif val == prev + 1:
+	    prev = val
+	    continue
+	elif prev == start:
+	    ranges.append((prev, prev))
+	    start = val
+	    prev = val
+	    continue
+	else:
+	    ranges.append((start, prev))
+	    start = val
+	    prev = val
+	    continue
+    if prev == start:
+        ranges.append((prev, prev))
+    else:
+        ranges.append((start, prev))
+    Categories[cat] = ranges
+# Generate the resulting files
+    header = open("xmlunicode.h", "w")
+    print "Failed to open xmlunicode.h"
+    sys.exit(1)
+    output = open("xmlunicode.c", "w")
+    print "Failed to open xmlunicode.c"
+    sys.exit(1)
+date = time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time()))
+ * xmlunicode.h: this header exports interfaces for the Unicode character APIs
+ *
+ * This file is automatically generated from the
+ * UCS description files of the Unicode Character Database
+ *
+ * using the Python script.
+ *
+ * Generation date: %s
+ * Sources: %s
+ * Daniel Veillard <>
+ */
+#ifndef __XML_UNICODE_H__
+#define __XML_UNICODE_H__
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+""" % (date, sources));
+ * xmlunicode.c: this module implements the Unicode character APIs
+ *
+ * This file is automatically generated from the
+ * UCS description files of the Unicode Character Database
+ *
+ * using the Python script.
+ *
+ * Generation date: %s
+ * Sources: %s
+ * Daniel Veillard <>
+ */
+#define IN_LIBXML
+#include "libxml.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include <libxml/xmlversion.h>
+#include <libxml/xmlunicode.h>
+""" % (date, sources));
+keys = BlockNames.keys()
+for block in keys:
+    (start, end) = BlockNames[block]
+    name = string.replace(block, '-', '')
+    header.write("int\txmlUCSIs%s\t(int code);\n" % name)
+    output.write("/**\n * xmlUCSIs%s:\n * @code: UCS code point\n" % (name))
+    output.write(" *\n * Check whether the character is part of %s UCS Block\n"%
+                 (block))
+    output.write(" *\n * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise\n */\n");
+    output.write("int\nxmlUCSIs%s(int code) {\n" % name)
+    output.write("    return((code >= %s) && (code <= %s));\n" % (start, end))
+    output.write("}\n\n")
+header.write("\nint\txmlUCSIsBlock\t(int code,\n\t\t\t const char *block);\n\n")
+output.write("/**\n * xmlUCSIsBlock:\n * @code: UCS code point\n")
+output.write(" * @block: UCS block name\n")
+output.write(" *\n * Check whether the caracter is part of the UCS Block\n")
+output.write(" *\n * Returns 1 if true, 0 if false and -1 on unknown block\n */\n");
+output.write("int\nxmlUCSIsBlock(int code, const char *block) {\n")
+keys = BlockNames.keys()
+for block in keys:
+    name = string.replace(block, '-', '')
+    output.write("    if (!strcmp(block, \"%s\"))\n        return(xmlUCSIs%s(code));\n" %
+                 (block, name));
+output.write("    return(-1);\n}\n\n")
+keys = Categories.keys()
+for name in keys:
+    ranges = Categories[name]
+    header.write("int\txmlUCSIsCat%s\t(int code);\n" % name)
+    output.write("/**\n * xmlUCSIsCat%s:\n * @code: UCS code point\n" % (name))
+    output.write(" *\n * Check whether the character is part of %s UCS Category\n"%
+                 (name))
+    output.write(" *\n * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise\n */\n");
+    output.write("int\nxmlUCSIsCat%s(int code) {\n" % name)
+    start = 1
+    for range in ranges:
+        (begin, end) = range;
+	if start:
+	    output.write("    return(");
+	    start = 0
+	else:
+	    output.write(" ||\n           ");
+	if (begin == end):
+	    output.write("(code == %s)" % (hex(begin)))
+	else:
+	    output.write("((code >= %s) && (code <= %s))" % (
+	                 hex(begin), hex(end)))
+    output.write(");\n}\n\n")
+header.write("\nint\txmlUCSIsCat\t(int code,\n\t\t\t const char *cat);\n")
+output.write("/**\n * xmlUCSIsCat:\n * @code: UCS code point\n")
+output.write(" * @cat: UCS Category name\n")
+output.write(" *\n * Check whether the caracter is part of the UCS Category\n")
+output.write(" *\n * Returns 1 if true, 0 if false and -1 on unknown category\n */\n");
+output.write("int\nxmlUCSIsCat(int code, const char *cat) {\n")
+keys = Categories.keys()
+for name in keys:
+    output.write("    if (!strcmp(cat, \"%s\"))\n        return(xmlUCSIsCat%s(code));\n" %
+                 (name, name));
+output.write("    return(-1);\n}\n\n")
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __XML_UNICODE_H__ */
diff --git a/include/libxml/ b/include/libxml/
index e460c88..8d8a3d7 100644
--- a/include/libxml/
+++ b/include/libxml/
@@ -32,7 +32,13 @@
 		catalog.h \
 		threads.h \
 		globals.h \
-		c14n.h
+		c14n.h \
+		xmlautomata.h \
+		xmlregexp.h \
+		xmlschemas.h \
+		schemasInternals.h \
+		xmlschemastypes.h \
+		xmlunicode.h
 	$(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(xmlincdir)
diff --git a/include/libxml/schemasInternals.h b/include/libxml/schemasInternals.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1322c4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/libxml/schemasInternals.h
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+ * schemasInternals.h : internal interfaces for the XML Schemas handling
+ *                      and schema validity checking
+ *
+ * See Copyright for the status of this software.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#if defined(WIN32) && defined(_MSC_VER)
+#include <libxml/xmlwin32version.h>
+#include <libxml/xmlversion.h>
+#include <libxml/xmlregexp.h>
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+ * XML Schemas defines multiple type of types.
+ */
+typedef enum {
+} xmlSchemaTypeType;
+typedef enum {
+} xmlSchemaContentType;
+typedef struct _xmlSchemaVal xmlSchemaVal;
+typedef xmlSchemaVal *xmlSchemaValPtr;
+typedef struct _xmlSchemaType xmlSchemaType;
+typedef xmlSchemaType *xmlSchemaTypePtr;
+typedef struct _xmlSchemaFacet xmlSchemaFacet;
+typedef xmlSchemaFacet *xmlSchemaFacetPtr;
+ * Annotation
+ */
+typedef struct _xmlSchemaAnnot xmlSchemaAnnot;
+typedef xmlSchemaAnnot *xmlSchemaAnnotPtr;
+struct _xmlSchemaAnnot {
+    struct _xmlSchemaAnnot *next;
+    xmlNodePtr content;         /* the annotation */
+ * An attribute definition.
+ */
+typedef struct _xmlSchemaAttribute xmlSchemaAttribute;
+typedef xmlSchemaAttribute *xmlSchemaAttributePtr;
+struct _xmlSchemaAttribute {
+    xmlSchemaTypeType type;	/* The kind of type */
+    struct _xmlSchemaAttribute *next;/* the next attribute if in a group ... */
+    xmlChar *name;
+    xmlChar *id;
+    xmlChar *ref;
+    xmlChar *refNs;
+    xmlChar *typeName;
+    xmlChar *typeNs;
+    xmlSchemaAnnotPtr annot;
+    xmlSchemaTypePtr base;
+    int occurs;
+    xmlChar *defValue;
+    xmlSchemaTypePtr subtypes;
+ * An attribute group definition.
+ *
+ * xmlSchemaAttribute and xmlSchemaAttributeGroup start of structures
+ * must be kept similar
+ */
+typedef struct _xmlSchemaAttributeGroup xmlSchemaAttributeGroup;
+typedef xmlSchemaAttributeGroup *xmlSchemaAttributeGroupPtr;
+struct _xmlSchemaAttributeGroup {
+    xmlSchemaTypeType type;	/* The kind of type */
+    struct _xmlSchemaAttribute *next;/* the next attribute if in a group ... */
+    xmlChar *name;
+    xmlChar *id;
+    xmlChar *ref;
+    xmlChar *refNs;
+    xmlSchemaAnnotPtr annot;
+    xmlSchemaAttributePtr attributes;
+ * Schemas type definition.
+ */
+#define XML_SCHEMAS_TYPE_MIXED		1 << 0
+struct _xmlSchemaType {
+    xmlSchemaTypeType type;	/* The kind of type */
+    struct _xmlSchemaType *next;/* the next type if in a sequence ... */
+    xmlChar *name;
+    xmlChar *id;
+    xmlChar *ref;
+    xmlChar *refNs;
+    xmlSchemaAnnotPtr annot;
+    xmlSchemaTypePtr subtypes;
+    xmlSchemaAttributePtr attributes;
+    xmlNodePtr node;
+    int minOccurs;
+    int maxOccurs;
+    int flags;
+    xmlSchemaContentType contentType;
+    xmlChar *base;
+    xmlChar *baseNs;
+    xmlSchemaTypePtr baseType;
+    xmlSchemaFacetPtr facets;
+ * An element definition.
+ *
+ * xmlSchemaType, xmlSchemaFacet and xmlSchemaElement start of
+ * structures must be kept similar
+ */
+#define XML_SCHEMAS_ELEM_GLOBAL		1 << 1
+#define XML_SCHEMAS_ELEM_FIXED		1 << 3
+#define XML_SCHEMAS_ELEM_REF		1 << 6
+typedef struct _xmlSchemaElement xmlSchemaElement;
+typedef xmlSchemaElement *xmlSchemaElementPtr;
+struct _xmlSchemaElement {
+    xmlSchemaTypeType type;	/* The kind of type */
+    struct _xmlSchemaType *next;/* the next type if in a sequence ... */
+    xmlChar *name;
+    xmlChar *id;
+    xmlChar *ref;
+    xmlChar *refNs;
+    xmlSchemaAnnotPtr annot;
+    xmlSchemaTypePtr subtypes;
+    xmlSchemaAttributePtr attributes;
+    xmlNodePtr node;
+    int minOccurs;
+    int maxOccurs;
+    int flags;
+    xmlChar *targetNamespace;
+    xmlChar *namedType;
+    xmlChar *namedTypeNs;
+    xmlChar *substGroup;
+    xmlChar *substGroupNs;
+    xmlChar *scope;
+    xmlChar *value;
+    struct _xmlSchemaElement *refDecl;
+    xmlRegexpPtr contModel;
+ * An facet definition.
+ *
+ */
+struct _xmlSchemaFacet {
+    xmlSchemaTypeType type;	/* The kind of type */
+    struct _xmlSchemaFacet *next;/* the next type if in a sequence ... */
+    xmlChar *value;
+    xmlChar *id;
+    xmlSchemaAnnotPtr annot;
+    xmlNodePtr node;
+    int fixed;
+    int whitespace;
+    xmlSchemaValPtr val;
+    xmlRegexpPtr    regexp;
+ * A notation definition.
+ */
+typedef struct _xmlSchemaNotation xmlSchemaNotation;
+typedef xmlSchemaNotation *xmlSchemaNotationPtr;
+struct _xmlSchemaNotation {
+    xmlSchemaTypeType type;	/* The kind of type */
+    xmlChar *name;
+    xmlSchemaAnnotPtr annot;
+    xmlChar *identifier;
+ * A Schemas definition
+ */
+#define XML_SCHEMAS_QUALIF_ELEM		1 << 0
+#define XML_SCHEMAS_QUALIF_ATTR		1 << 1
+struct _xmlSchema {
+    xmlChar *name;        /* schema name */
+    xmlChar *targetNamespace;     /* the target namespace */
+    xmlChar *version;
+    xmlChar *id;
+    xmlDocPtr doc;
+    xmlSchemaAnnotPtr annot;
+    int flags;
+    xmlHashTablePtr typeDecl;
+    xmlHashTablePtr attrDecl;
+    xmlHashTablePtr attrgrpDecl;
+    xmlHashTablePtr elemDecl;
+    xmlHashTablePtr notaDecl;
+void	xmlSchemaFreeType	(xmlSchemaTypePtr type);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __XML_SCHEMA_INTERNALS_H__ */
diff --git a/include/libxml/xmlautomata.h b/include/libxml/xmlautomata.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad3acf7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/libxml/xmlautomata.h
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+ * automata.h : description of the API to build regexp automats
+ *
+ * See Copyright for the status of this software.
+ *
+ * Daniel Veillard <>
+ */
+#ifndef __XML_AUTOMATA_H__
+#define __XML_AUTOMATA_H__
+#if defined(WIN32) && defined(_MSC_VER)
+#include <libxml/xmlwin32version.h>
+#include <libxml/xmlversion.h>
+#include <libxml/xmlregexp.h>
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+ * xmlAutomataPtr:
+ *
+ * A libxml automata description, It can be compiled into a regexp
+ */
+typedef struct _xmlAutomata xmlAutomata;
+typedef xmlAutomata *xmlAutomataPtr;
+ * xmlAutomataStatePtr:
+ *
+ * A state int the automata description,
+ */
+typedef struct _xmlAutomataState xmlAutomataState;
+typedef xmlAutomataState *xmlAutomataStatePtr;
+ * Building API
+ */
+xmlAutomataPtr		xmlNewAutomata		(void);
+void			xmlFreeAutomata		(xmlAutomataPtr am);
+xmlAutomataStatePtr	xmlAutomataGetInitState	(xmlAutomataPtr am);
+int			xmlAutomataSetFinalState(xmlAutomataPtr am,
+						 xmlAutomataStatePtr state);
+xmlAutomataStatePtr	xmlAutomataNewState	(xmlAutomataPtr am);
+xmlAutomataStatePtr	xmlAutomataNewTransition(xmlAutomataPtr am,
+						 xmlAutomataStatePtr from,
+						 xmlAutomataStatePtr to,
+						 const xmlChar *token,
+						 void *data);
+xmlAutomataStatePtr	xmlAutomataNewCountTrans(xmlAutomataPtr am,
+						 xmlAutomataStatePtr from,
+						 xmlAutomataStatePtr to,
+						 const xmlChar *token,
+						 int min,
+						 int max,
+						 void *data);
+xmlAutomataStatePtr	xmlAutomataNewEpsilon	(xmlAutomataPtr am,
+						 xmlAutomataStatePtr from,
+						 xmlAutomataStatePtr to);
+int			xmlAutomataNewCounter	(xmlAutomataPtr am);
+xmlRegexpPtr		xmlAutomataCompile	(xmlAutomataPtr am);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __XML_AUTOMATA_H__ */
diff --git a/include/libxml/xmlregexp.h b/include/libxml/xmlregexp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4b9afe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/libxml/xmlregexp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+ * regexp.h : describes the basic API for libxml regular expressions handling
+ *
+ * See Copyright for the status of this software.
+ *
+ * Daniel Veillard <>
+ */
+#ifndef __XML_REGEXP_H__
+#define __XML_REGEXP_H__
+#if defined(WIN32) && defined(_MSC_VER)
+#include <libxml/xmlwin32version.h>
+#include <libxml/xmlversion.h>
+#include <libxml/tree.h>
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+ * xmlRegexpPtr:
+ *
+ * A libxml regular expression, they can actually be far more complex
+ * thank the POSIX regex expressions.
+ */
+typedef struct _xmlRegexp xmlRegexp;
+typedef xmlRegexp *xmlRegexpPtr;
+ * xmlRegExecCtxtPtr:
+ *
+ * A libxml progressive regular expression evaluation context
+ */
+typedef struct _xmlRegExecCtxt xmlRegExecCtxt;
+typedef xmlRegExecCtxt *xmlRegExecCtxtPtr;
+ * The POSIX like API
+ */
+xmlRegexpPtr		xmlRegexpCompile(const xmlChar *regexp);
+void			xmlRegFreeRegexp(xmlRegexpPtr regexp);
+int			xmlRegexpExec	(xmlRegexpPtr comp,
+					 const xmlChar *value);
+void			xmlRegexpPrint	(FILE *output,
+					 xmlRegexpPtr regexp);
+ * Callback function when doing a transition in the automata
+ */
+typedef void (*xmlRegExecCallbacks) (xmlRegExecCtxtPtr exec,
+	                             const xmlChar *token,
+				     void *transdata,
+				     void *inputdata);
+ * The progressive API
+ */
+xmlRegExecCtxtPtr	xmlRegNewExecCtxt	(xmlRegexpPtr comp,
+						 xmlRegExecCallbacks callback,
+						 void *data);
+void			xmlRegFreeExecCtxt	(xmlRegExecCtxtPtr exec);
+int			xmlRegExecPushString	(xmlRegExecCtxtPtr exec,
+						 const xmlChar *value,
+						 void *data);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /*__XML_REGEXP_H__ */
diff --git a/include/libxml/xmlschemas.h b/include/libxml/xmlschemas.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58bf645
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/libxml/xmlschemas.h
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+ * schemas.h : interface to the XML Schemas handling and schema validity
+ *             checking
+ *
+ * See Copyright for the status of this software.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef __XML_SCHEMA_H__
+#define __XML_SCHEMA_H__
+#if defined(WIN32) && defined(_MSC_VER)
+#include <libxml/xmlwin32version.h>
+#include <libxml/xmlversion.h>
+#include <libxml/tree.h>
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+typedef enum {
+} xmlSchemaValidError;
+ * The schemas related types are kept internal
+ */
+typedef struct _xmlSchema xmlSchema;
+typedef xmlSchema *xmlSchemaPtr;
+ * A schemas validation context
+ */
+typedef void (*xmlSchemaValidityErrorFunc) (void *ctx, const char *msg, ...);
+typedef void (*xmlSchemaValidityWarningFunc) (void *ctx, const char *msg, ...);
+typedef struct _xmlSchemaParserCtxt xmlSchemaParserCtxt;
+typedef xmlSchemaParserCtxt *xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr;
+typedef struct _xmlSchemaValidCtxt xmlSchemaValidCtxt;
+typedef xmlSchemaValidCtxt *xmlSchemaValidCtxtPtr;
+ * Interfaces for parsing.
+ */
+xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr xmlSchemaNewParserCtxt(const char *URL);
+void		xmlSchemaFreeParserCtxt	(xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt);
+void		xmlSchemaSetParserErrors(xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt,
+					 xmlSchemaValidityErrorFunc err,
+					 xmlSchemaValidityWarningFunc warn,
+					 void *ctx);
+xmlSchemaPtr	xmlSchemaParse		(xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt);
+void		xmlSchemaFree		(xmlSchemaPtr schema);
+void		xmlSchemaDump		(FILE *output,
+					 xmlSchemaPtr schema);
+ * Interfaces for validating
+ */
+void		xmlSchemaSetValidErrors	(xmlSchemaValidCtxtPtr ctxt,
+					 xmlSchemaValidityErrorFunc err,
+					 xmlSchemaValidityWarningFunc warn,
+					 void *ctx);
+xmlSchemaValidCtxtPtr	xmlSchemaNewValidCtxt	(xmlSchemaPtr schema);
+void			xmlSchemaFreeValidCtxt	(xmlSchemaValidCtxtPtr ctxt);
+int			xmlSchemaValidateDoc	(xmlSchemaValidCtxtPtr ctxt,
+					 	 xmlDocPtr instance);
+int			xmlSchemaValidateStream	(xmlSchemaValidCtxtPtr ctxt,
+						 xmlParserInputBufferPtr input,
+						 xmlCharEncoding enc,
+					 	 xmlSAXHandlerPtr sax,
+						 void *user_data);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __XML_SCHEMA_H__ */
diff --git a/include/libxml/xmlschemastypes.h b/include/libxml/xmlschemastypes.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1788da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/libxml/xmlschemastypes.h
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+ * schemastypes.c : interface of the XML Schema Datatypes
+ *             definition and validity checking
+ *
+ * See Copyright for the status of this software.
+ *
+ * Daniel Veillard <>
+ */
+#ifndef __XML_SCHEMA_TYPES_H__
+#define __XML_SCHEMA_TYPES_H__
+#if defined(WIN32) && defined(_MSC_VER)
+#include <libxml/xmlwin32version.h>
+#include <libxml/xmlversion.h>
+#include <libxml/schemasInternals.h>
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+void		xmlSchemaInitTypes		(void);
+void		xmlSchemaCleanupTypes		(void);
+xmlSchemaTypePtr xmlSchemaGetPredefinedType	(const xmlChar *name,
+						 const xmlChar *ns);
+int		xmlSchemaValidatePredefinedType	(xmlSchemaTypePtr type,
+						 const xmlChar *value,
+						 xmlSchemaValPtr *val);
+int		xmlSchemaValidateFacet		(xmlSchemaTypePtr base,
+						 xmlSchemaFacetPtr facet,
+						 const xmlChar *value,
+						 xmlSchemaValPtr val);
+void		xmlSchemaFreeValue		(xmlSchemaValPtr val);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __XML_SCHEMA_TYPES_H__ */
diff --git a/include/libxml/xmlunicode.h b/include/libxml/xmlunicode.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0f1fe9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/libxml/xmlunicode.h
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+ * xmlunicode.h: this header exports interfaces for the Unicode character APIs
+ *
+ * This file is automatically generated from the
+ * UCS description files of the Unicode Character Database
+ *
+ * using the Python script.
+ *
+ * Generation date: Tue Apr 16 17:28:05 2002
+ * Sources: Blocks-4.txt UnicodeData-3.1.0.txt
+ * Daniel Veillard <>
+ */
+#ifndef __XML_UNICODE_H__
+#define __XML_UNICODE_H__
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+int	xmlUCSIsAlphabeticPresentationForms	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsArabic	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsArabicPresentationFormsA	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsArabicPresentationFormsB	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsArmenian	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsArrows	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsBasicLatin	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsBengali	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsBlockElements	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsBopomofo	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsBopomofoExtended	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsBoxDrawing	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsBraillePatterns	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsByzantineMusicalSymbols	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsCJKCompatibility	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsCJKCompatibilityForms	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsCJKCompatibilityIdeographs	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsCJKCompatibilityIdeographsSupplement	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsCJKRadicalsSupplement	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsCJKSymbolsandPunctuation	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsCJKUnifiedIdeographs	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionA	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionB	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsCherokee	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsCombiningDiacriticalMarks	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsCombiningHalfMarks	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsCombiningMarksforSymbols	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsControlPictures	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsCurrencySymbols	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsCyrillic	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsDeseret	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsDevanagari	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsDingbats	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsEnclosedAlphanumerics	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsEnclosedCJKLettersandMonths	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsEthiopic	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsGeneralPunctuation	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsGeometricShapes	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsGeorgian	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsGothic	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsGreek	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsGreekExtended	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsGujarati	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsGurmukhi	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsHalfwidthandFullwidthForms	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsHangulCompatibilityJamo	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsHangulJamo	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsHangulSyllables	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsHebrew	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsHighPrivateUseSurrogates	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsHighSurrogates	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsHiragana	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsIPAExtensions	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsIdeographicDescriptionCharacters	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsKanbun	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsKangxiRadicals	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsKannada	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsKatakana	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsKhmer	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsLao	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsLatin1Supplement	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsLatinExtendedA	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsLatinExtendedB	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsLatinExtendedAdditional	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsLetterlikeSymbols	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsLowSurrogates	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsMalayalam	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsMathematicalAlphanumericSymbols	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsMathematicalOperators	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsMiscellaneousSymbols	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsMiscellaneousTechnical	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsMongolian	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsMusicalSymbols	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsMyanmar	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsNumberForms	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsOgham	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsOldItalic	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsOpticalCharacterRecognition	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsOriya	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsPrivateUse	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsRunic	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsSinhala	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsSmallFormVariants	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsSpacingModifierLetters	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsSpecials	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsSuperscriptsandSubscripts	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsSyriac	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsTags	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsTamil	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsTelugu	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsThaana	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsThai	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsTibetan	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsUnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabics	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsYiRadicals	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsYiSyllables	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsBlock	(int code,
+			 const char *block);
+int	xmlUCSIsCatC	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsCatCc	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsCatCf	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsCatCo	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsCatCs	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsCatL	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsCatLl	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsCatLm	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsCatLo	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsCatLt	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsCatLu	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsCatM	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsCatMc	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsCatMe	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsCatMn	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsCatN	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsCatNd	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsCatNl	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsCatNo	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsCatP	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsCatPc	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsCatPd	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsCatPe	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsCatPf	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsCatPi	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsCatPo	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsCatPs	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsCatS	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsCatSc	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsCatSk	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsCatSm	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsCatSo	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsCatZ	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsCatZl	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsCatZp	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsCatZs	(int code);
+int	xmlUCSIsCat	(int code,
+			 const char *cat);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __XML_UNICODE_H__ */
diff --git a/include/libxml/ b/include/libxml/
index d99c58a..777e9f7 100644
--- a/include/libxml/
+++ b/include/libxml/
@@ -190,6 +190,42 @@
+ *
+ * Whether the Unicode related interfaces are compiled in
+ */
+ *
+ * Whether the regular expressions interfaces are compiled in
+ */
+ *
+ * Whether the automata interfaces are compiled in
+ */
+ *
+ * Whether the Schemas validation interfaces are compiled in
+ */
  * Used on Windows (MS C compiler only) to declare a variable as 
diff --git a/result/automata/a b/result/automata/a
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ece411
--- /dev/null
+++ b/result/automata/a
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+=> Passed
+=> Failed
+=> Failed
+=> Failed
diff --git a/result/automata/aba b/result/automata/aba
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..051b9bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/result/automata/aba
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+=> Passed
+=> Passed
+=> Passed
+=> Failed
+=> Failed
+=> Failed
diff --git a/result/automata/abaa b/result/automata/abaa
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c74769e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/result/automata/abaa
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+=> Passed
+=> Passed
+=> Passed
+=> Failed
+=> Failed
diff --git a/result/automata/abba b/result/automata/abba
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a60848
--- /dev/null
+++ b/result/automata/abba
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+=> Passed
+=> Passed
+=> Failed
+=> Failed
diff --git a/result/automata/po b/result/automata/po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fafcae5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/result/automata/po
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+=> Passed
+=> Passed
diff --git a/result/regexp/content b/result/regexp/content
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..220fd47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/result/regexp/content
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Regexp: ((a|b|c)def)
+adef: Ok
+bdef: Ok
+adefg: Fail
+aaef: Fail
+Regexp: ((a|b|c|d|e|f)?(g|h|i)+(k|l)*)
+g: Ok
+gi: Ok
+fil: Ok
+gikl: Ok
+cghhhiill: Ok
+ak: Fail
diff --git a/result/regexp/hard b/result/regexp/hard
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f348c08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/result/regexp/hard
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Regexp: ((a|b|\p{Nd}){1,2}|aaa|bbbb){1,2}
+bab: Ok
+aaca: Fail
+aaabbbb: Ok
+a0b: Ok
+aa0aaa: Fail
+b0aaa: Ok
diff --git a/result/regexp/ncname b/result/regexp/ncname
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f16d95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/result/regexp/ncname
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+Regexp: [\i-[:]][\c-[:]]*
+a: Ok
+abc: Ok
+abc1d: Ok
+1ac: Fail
+a1b:c: Fail
diff --git a/result/regexp/ranges b/result/regexp/ranges
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4cbf298
--- /dev/null
+++ b/result/regexp/ranges
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Regexp: a{2,3}
+a: Fail
+aa: Ok
+aaa: Ok
+aaaa: Fail
+Regexp: ba{2,3}c
+bac: Fail
+baac: Ok
+baaac: Ok
+baaaac: Fail
+Regexp: a(b|c){2,3}d
+abcd: Ok
+acccd: Ok
+abd: Fail
+accccd: Fail
diff --git a/result/regexp/xpath b/result/regexp/xpath
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f6b13c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/result/regexp/xpath
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+Regexp: (\.//)?(((child::)?((\i\c*:)?(\i\c*|\*)))|\.)(/(((child::)?((\i\c*:)?(\i\c*|\*)))|\.))*(\|(\.//)?(((child::)?((\i\c*:)?(\i\c*|\*)))|\.)(/(((child::)?((\i\c*:)?(\i\c*|\*)))|\.))*)*
+a: Ok
+a12/b312/b312/b312/b312/b312/b312/b312/b312/b312/b312/b312/b3: Ok
+*: Ok
+a|b: Ok
+.//a:b: Ok
+a/b/c: Ok
+a/*/b: Ok
+a:*/b:*/c:*: Ok
+child::a/child::b:*: Ok
+child::a/child::b:*|a/*/b|.//a:b: Ok
+1: Fail
+1ab: Fail
+a:1: Ok
+@a: Fail
+ancestor::a: Ok
+Regexp: (\.//)?(((child::)?(([\i-[:]][\c-[:]]*:)?([\i-[:]][\c-[:]]*|\*)))|\.)(/(((child::)?(([\i-[:]][\c-[:]]*:)?([\i-[:]][\c-[:]]*|\*)))|\.))*(\|(\.//)?(((child::)?(([\i-[:]][\c-[:]]*:)?([\i-[:]][\c-[:]]*|\*)))|\.)(/(((child::)?(([\i-[:]][\c-[:]]*:)?([\i-[:]][\c-[:]]*|\*)))|\.))*)*
+a: Ok
+a12/b312/b312/b312/b312/b312/b312/b312/b312/b312/b312/b312/b3: Ok
+*: Ok
+a|b: Ok
+.//a:b: Ok
+a/b/c: Ok
+a/*/b: Ok
+a:*/b:*/c:*: Ok
+child::a/child::b:*: Ok
+child::a/child::b:*|a/*/b|.//a:b: Ok
+1: Fail
+1ab: Fail
+a:1: Fail
+@a: Fail
+ancestor::a: Fail
diff --git a/result/schemas/po b/result/schemas/po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/result/schemas/po
diff --git a/test/automata/a b/test/automata/a
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1f3e91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/automata/a
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# tests just "a"
+t 0 1 a
+f 1
diff --git a/test/automata/aba b/test/automata/aba
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee9a873
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/automata/aba
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# Tests a[ab]*
+t 0 1 a
+t 1 1 a
+t 1 1 b
+f 1
diff --git a/test/automata/abaa b/test/automata/abaa
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7862ba2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/automata/abaa
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# Tests: a[ab]*a{2,3}
+t 0 1 a
+t 1 1 a
+t 1 1 b
+c 1 2 2 3 a
+f 2
+# Pass
+# Pass
+# Pass
+# Fail
+# Fail
diff --git a/test/automata/abba b/test/automata/abba
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86c08f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/automata/abba
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# Tests ab*a with an eliminated epsilon transition
+t 0 1 a
+t 1 2 b
+e 1 2
+t 2 2 b
+t 2 3 a
+f 3
+# Pass
+# Pass
+# Fail
+# Fail
diff --git a/test/automata/po b/test/automata/po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..592b8c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/automata/po
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# purchaseOrder
+t 0 1 shipTo
+t 1 2 billTo
+t 2 3 comment
+t 3 4 items
+e 2 3
+f 4
diff --git a/test/regexp/content b/test/regexp/content
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d01c8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/regexp/content
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
diff --git a/test/regexp/hard b/test/regexp/hard
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40c6d2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/regexp/hard
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
diff --git a/test/regexp/ncname b/test/regexp/ncname
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e452a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/regexp/ncname
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/test/regexp/ranges b/test/regexp/ranges
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb7c22f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/regexp/ranges
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
diff --git a/test/regexp/xpath b/test/regexp/xpath
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62c18c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/regexp/xpath
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# the previous regexp from the Schemas for Schemas was broken
+# here is the fixed one:
diff --git a/test/schemas/po.xml b/test/schemas/po.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..387232d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/schemas/po.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<purchaseOrder orderDate="1999-10-20">
+  <shipTo country="US">
+    <name>Alice Smith</name>
+    <street>123 Maple Street</street>
+    <city>Mill Valley</city>
+    <state>CA</state>
+    <zip>90952</zip>
+  </shipTo>
+  <billTo country="US">
+    <name>Robert Smith</name>
+    <street>8 Oak Avenue</street>
+    <city>Old Town</city>
+    <state>PA</state>
+    <zip>95819</zip>
+  </billTo>
+  <comment>Hurry, my lawn is going wild!</comment>
+  <items>
+    <item partNum="872-AA">
+      <productName>Lawnmower</productName>
+      <quantity>1</quantity>
+      <USPrice>148.95</USPrice>
+      <comment>Confirm this is electric</comment>
+    </item>
+    <item partNum="926-AA">
+      <productName>Baby Monitor</productName>
+      <quantity>1</quantity>
+      <USPrice>39.98</USPrice>
+      <shipDate>1999-05-21</shipDate>
+    </item>
+  </items>
diff --git a/test/schemas/po.xsd b/test/schemas/po.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a1e660
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/schemas/po.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="">
+  <xsd:annotation>
+    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
+Purchase order schema for
+   Copyright 2000 All rights reserved.
+    </xsd:documentation>
+  </xsd:annotation>
+  <xsd:element name="purchaseOrder" type="PurchaseOrderType"/>
+  <xsd:element name="comment" type="xsd:string"/>
+  <xsd:complexType name="PurchaseOrderType">
+    <xsd:sequence>
+      <xsd:element name="shipTo" type="USAddress"/>
+      <xsd:element name="billTo" type="USAddress"/>
+      <xsd:element ref="comment" minOccurs="0"/>
+      <xsd:element name="items" type="Items"/>
+    </xsd:sequence>
+    <xsd:attribute name="orderDate" type="xsd:date"/>
+  </xsd:complexType>
+  <xsd:complexType name="USAddress">
+    <xsd:sequence>
+      <xsd:element name="name" type="xsd:string"/>
+      <xsd:element name="street" type="xsd:string"/>
+      <xsd:element name="city" type="xsd:string"/>
+      <xsd:element name="state" type="xsd:string"/>
+      <xsd:element name="zip" type="xsd:decimal"/>
+    </xsd:sequence>
+    <xsd:attribute name="country" type="xsd:NMTOKEN" fixed="US"/>
+  </xsd:complexType>
+  <xsd:complexType name="Items">
+    <xsd:sequence>
+      <xsd:element name="item" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
+        <xsd:complexType>
+          <xsd:sequence>
+            <xsd:element name="productName" type="xsd:string"/>
+            <xsd:element name="quantity">
+              <xsd:simpleType>
+                <xsd:restriction base="xsd:positiveInteger">
+                  <xsd:maxExclusive value="100"/>
+                </xsd:restriction>
+              </xsd:simpleType>
+            </xsd:element>
+            <xsd:element name="USPrice" type="xsd:decimal"/>
+            <xsd:element ref="comment" minOccurs="0"/>
+            <xsd:element name="shipDate" type="xsd:date" minOccurs="0"/>
+          </xsd:sequence>
+          <xsd:attribute name="partNum" type="SKU" use="required"/>
+        </xsd:complexType>
+      </xsd:element>
+    </xsd:sequence>
+  </xsd:complexType>
+<!-- Stock Keeping Unit, a code for identifying products -->
+  <xsd:simpleType name="SKU">
+    <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
+      <xsd:pattern value="\d{3}-[A-Z]{2}"/>
+    </xsd:restriction>
+  </xsd:simpleType>
diff --git a/testAutomata.c b/testAutomata.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e65786
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testAutomata.c
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+ * testRegexp.c: simple module for testing regular expressions
+ *
+ * See Copyright for the status of this software.
+ *
+ * Daniel Veillard <>
+ */
+#include <string.h>
+#include "libxml.h"
+#include <libxml/xmlautomata.h>
+static int scanNumber(char **ptr) {
+    int ret = 0;
+    char *cur;
+    cur = *ptr;
+    while ((*cur >= '0') && (*cur <= '9')) {
+	ret = ret * 10 + (*cur - '0');
+	cur++;
+    }
+    *ptr = cur;
+    return(ret);
+static void
+testRegexpFile(const char *filename) {
+    FILE *input;
+    char exp[5000];
+    int len;
+    int ret;
+    int i;
+    xmlAutomataPtr am;
+    xmlAutomataStatePtr states[1000];
+    xmlRegexpPtr regexp = NULL;
+    xmlRegExecCtxtPtr exec;
+    for (i = 0;i<1000;i++)
+	states[i] = NULL;
+    input = fopen(filename, "r");
+    if (input == NULL) {
+        xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+		"Cannot open %s for reading\n", filename);
+	return;
+    }
+    am = xmlNewAutomata();
+    if (am == NULL) {
+        xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+		"Cannot create automata\n");
+	fclose(input);
+    }
+    states[0] = xmlAutomataGetInitState(am);
+    if (states[0] == NULL) {
+        xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+		"Cannot get start state\n");
+	xmlFreeAutomata(am);
+	fclose(input);
+    }
+    ret = 0;
+    while (fgets(exp, 4500, input) != NULL) {
+	if (exp[0] == '#')
+	    continue;
+	len = strlen(exp);
+	len--;
+	while ((len >= 0) && 
+	       ((exp[len] == '\n') || (exp[len] == '\t') ||
+		(exp[len] == '\r') || (exp[len] == ' '))) len--;
+	exp[len + 1] = 0;      
+	if (len >= 0) {
+	    if ((am != NULL) && (exp[0] == 't') && (exp[1] == ' ')) {
+		char *ptr = &exp[2];
+		int from, to;
+		from = scanNumber(&ptr);
+		if (*ptr != ' ') {
+		    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+			    "Bad line %s\n", exp);
+		    break;
+		}
+		if (states[from] == NULL)
+		    states[from] = xmlAutomataNewState(am);
+		ptr++;
+		to = scanNumber(&ptr);
+		if (*ptr != ' ') {
+		    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+			    "Bad line %s\n", exp);
+		    break;
+		}
+		if (states[to] == NULL)
+		    states[to] = xmlAutomataNewState(am);
+		ptr++;
+		xmlAutomataNewTransition(am, states[from], states[to],
+			                 BAD_CAST ptr, NULL);
+	    } else if ((am != NULL) && (exp[0] == 'e') && (exp[1] == ' ')) {
+		char *ptr = &exp[2];
+		int from, to;
+		from = scanNumber(&ptr);
+		if (*ptr != ' ') {
+		    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+			    "Bad line %s\n", exp);
+		    break;
+		}
+		if (states[from] == NULL)
+		    states[from] = xmlAutomataNewState(am);
+		ptr++;
+		to = scanNumber(&ptr);
+		if (states[to] == NULL)
+		    states[to] = xmlAutomataNewState(am);
+		xmlAutomataNewEpsilon(am, states[from], states[to]);
+	    } else if ((am != NULL) && (exp[0] == 'f') && (exp[1] == ' ')) {
+		char *ptr = &exp[2];
+		int state;
+		state = scanNumber(&ptr);
+		if (states[state] == NULL) {
+		    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+			    "Bad state %d : %s\n", state, exp);
+		    break;
+		}
+		xmlAutomataSetFinalState(am, states[state]);
+	    } else if ((am != NULL) && (exp[0] == 'c') && (exp[1] == ' ')) {
+		char *ptr = &exp[2];
+		int from, to;
+		int min, max;
+		from = scanNumber(&ptr);
+		if (*ptr != ' ') {
+		    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+			    "Bad line %s\n", exp);
+		    break;
+		}
+		if (states[from] == NULL)
+		    states[from] = xmlAutomataNewState(am);
+		ptr++;
+		to = scanNumber(&ptr);
+		if (*ptr != ' ') {
+		    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+			    "Bad line %s\n", exp);
+		    break;
+		}
+		if (states[to] == NULL)
+		    states[to] = xmlAutomataNewState(am);
+		ptr++;
+		min = scanNumber(&ptr);
+		if (*ptr != ' ') {
+		    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+			    "Bad line %s\n", exp);
+		    break;
+		}
+		ptr++;
+		max = scanNumber(&ptr);
+		if (*ptr != ' ') {
+		    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+			    "Bad line %s\n", exp);
+		    break;
+		}
+		ptr++;
+		xmlAutomataNewCountTrans(am, states[from], states[to],
+			                 BAD_CAST ptr, min, max, NULL);
+	    } else if ((am != NULL) && (exp[0] == '-') && (exp[1] == '-')) {
+		/* end of the automata */
+		regexp = xmlAutomataCompile(am);
+		xmlFreeAutomata(am);
+		am = NULL;
+		if (regexp == NULL) {
+		    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+			    "Failed to compile the automata");
+		    break;
+		}
+	    } else if ((exp[0] == '=') && (exp[1] == '>')) {
+		if (regexp == NULL) {
+		    printf("=> failed not compiled\n");
+		} else {
+		    if (exec == NULL)
+			exec = xmlRegNewExecCtxt(regexp, NULL, NULL);
+		    if (ret == 0) {
+			ret = xmlRegExecPushString(exec, NULL, NULL);
+		    }
+		    if (ret == 1)
+			printf("=> Passed\n");
+		    else if ((ret == 0) || (ret == -1))
+			printf("=> Failed\n");
+		    else if (ret < 0)
+			printf("=> Error\n");
+		    xmlRegFreeExecCtxt(exec);
+		    exec = NULL;
+		}
+		ret = 0;
+	    } else if (regexp != NULL) {
+		if (exec == NULL)
+		    exec = xmlRegNewExecCtxt(regexp, NULL, NULL);
+		ret = xmlRegExecPushString(exec, BAD_CAST exp, NULL);
+	    } else {
+		xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+			"Unexpected line %s\n", exp);
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    fclose(input);
+    if (regexp != NULL)
+	xmlRegFreeRegexp(regexp);
+    if (exec != NULL)
+	xmlRegFreeExecCtxt(exec);
+    if (am != NULL)
+	xmlFreeAutomata(am);
+int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+    xmlInitMemory();
+    if (argc == 1) {
+	int ret;
+	xmlAutomataPtr am;
+	xmlAutomataStatePtr start, cur;
+	xmlRegexpPtr regexp;
+	xmlRegExecCtxtPtr exec;
+	am = xmlNewAutomata();
+	start = xmlAutomataGetInitState(am);
+	/* generate a[ba]*a */
+	cur = xmlAutomataNewTransition(am, start, NULL, BAD_CAST"a", NULL);
+	xmlAutomataNewTransition(am, cur, cur, BAD_CAST"b", NULL);
+	xmlAutomataNewTransition(am, cur, cur, BAD_CAST"a", NULL);
+	cur = xmlAutomataNewCountTrans(am, cur, NULL, BAD_CAST"a", 2, 3, NULL);
+	xmlAutomataSetFinalState(am, cur);
+	/* compile it in a regexp and free the automata */
+	regexp = xmlAutomataCompile(am);
+	xmlFreeAutomata(am);
+	/* test the regexp */
+	xmlRegexpPrint(stdout, regexp);
+	exec = xmlRegNewExecCtxt(regexp, NULL, NULL);
+	ret = xmlRegExecPushString(exec, BAD_CAST"a", NULL);
+	if (ret == 1)
+	    printf("final\n");
+	else if (ret < 0)
+	    printf("error\n");
+	ret =xmlRegExecPushString(exec, BAD_CAST"a", NULL);
+	if (ret == 1)
+	    printf("final\n");
+	else if (ret < 0)
+	    printf("error\n");
+	ret =xmlRegExecPushString(exec, BAD_CAST"b", NULL);
+	if (ret == 1)
+	    printf("final\n");
+	else if (ret < 0)
+	    printf("error\n");
+	ret =xmlRegExecPushString(exec, BAD_CAST"a", NULL);
+	if (ret == 1)
+	    printf("final\n");
+	else if (ret < 0)
+	    printf("error\n");
+	ret =xmlRegExecPushString(exec, BAD_CAST"a", NULL);
+	if (ret == 1)
+	    printf("final\n");
+	else if (ret < 0)
+	    printf("error\n");
+	ret =xmlRegExecPushString(exec, BAD_CAST"a", NULL);
+	if (ret == 1)
+	    printf("final\n");
+	else if (ret < 0)
+	    printf("error\n");
+	ret =xmlRegExecPushString(exec, BAD_CAST"a", NULL);
+	if (ret == 1)
+	    printf("final\n");
+	else if (ret < 0)
+	    printf("error\n");
+	if (ret == 0) {
+	    ret = xmlRegExecPushString(exec, NULL, NULL);
+	    if (ret == 1)
+		printf("final\n");
+	    else if (ret < 0)
+		printf("error\n");
+	}
+	xmlRegFreeExecCtxt(exec);
+	/* free the regexp */
+	xmlRegFreeRegexp(regexp);
+    } else {
+	int i;
+	for (i = 1;i < argc;i++)
+	    testRegexpFile(argv[i]);
+    }
+    xmlCleanupParser();
+    xmlMemoryDump();
+    return(0);
+#include <stdio.h>
+int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+    printf("%s : Automata support not compiled in\n", argv[0]);
+    return(0);
diff --git a/testRegexp.c b/testRegexp.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1d0d27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testRegexp.c
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+ * testRegexp.c: simple module for testing regular expressions
+ *
+ * See Copyright for the status of this software.
+ *
+ * Daniel Veillard <>
+ */
+#include <string.h>
+#include "libxml.h"
+#include <libxml/tree.h>
+#include <libxml/xmlregexp.h>
+int repeat = 0;
+int debug = 0;
+static void testRegexp(xmlRegexpPtr comp, const char *value) {
+    int ret;
+    ret = xmlRegexpExec(comp, (const xmlChar *) value);
+    if (ret == 1)
+	printf("%s: Ok\n", value);
+    else if (ret == 0)
+	printf("%s: Fail\n", value);
+    else
+	printf("%s: Error: %d\n", value, ret);
+    if (repeat) {
+	int j;
+	for (j = 0;j < 999999;j++)
+	    xmlRegexpExec(comp, (const xmlChar *) value);
+    }
+static void
+testRegexpFile(const char *filename) {
+    xmlRegexpPtr comp = NULL;
+    FILE *input;
+    char expression[5000];
+    int len;
+    input = fopen(filename, "r");
+    if (input == NULL) {
+        xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+		"Cannot open %s for reading\n", filename);
+	return;
+    }
+    while (fgets(expression, 4500, input) != NULL) {
+	len = strlen(expression);
+	len--;
+	while ((len >= 0) && 
+	       ((expression[len] == '\n') || (expression[len] == '\t') ||
+		(expression[len] == '\r') || (expression[len] == ' '))) len--;
+	expression[len + 1] = 0;      
+	if (len >= 0) {
+	    if (expression[0] == '#')
+		continue;
+	    if ((expression[0] == '=') && (expression[1] == '>')) {
+		char *pattern = &expression[2];
+		if (comp != NULL) {
+		    xmlRegFreeRegexp(comp);
+		    comp = NULL;
+		}
+		printf("Regexp: %s\n", pattern) ;
+		comp = xmlRegexpCompile((const xmlChar *) pattern);
+		if (comp == NULL) {
+		    printf("   failed to compile\n");
+		    break;
+		}
+	    } else if (comp == NULL) {
+		printf("Regexp: %s\n", expression) ;
+		comp = xmlRegexpCompile((const xmlChar *) expression);
+		if (comp == NULL) {
+		    printf("   failed to compile\n");
+		    break;
+		}
+	    } else if (comp != NULL) {
+		testRegexp(comp, expression);
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    fclose(input);
+    if (comp != NULL)
+	xmlRegFreeRegexp(comp);
+static void usage(const char *name) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s\n", name);
+int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+    xmlRegexpPtr comp = NULL;
+    const char *pattern = NULL;
+    char *filename = NULL;
+    int i;
+    xmlInitMemory();
+    if (argc <= 1) {
+	usage(argv[0]);
+	return(1);
+    }
+    for (i = 1; i < argc ; i++) {
+	if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-"))
+	    break;
+	if (argv[i][0] != '-')
+	    continue;
+	if ((!strcmp(argv[i], "-debug")) || (!strcmp(argv[i], "--debug"))) {
+	    debug++;
+	} else if ((!strcmp(argv[i], "-repeat")) ||
+	         (!strcmp(argv[i], "--repeat"))) {
+	    repeat++;
+	} else if ((!strcmp(argv[i], "-i")) || (!strcmp(argv[i], "--input")))
+	    filename = argv[++i];
+        else {
+	    fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option %s\n", argv[i]);
+	    usage(argv[0]);
+	}
+    }
+    if (filename != NULL) {
+	testRegexpFile(filename);
+    } else {
+	for (i = 1; i < argc ; i++) {
+	    if ((argv[i][0] != '-') || (strcmp(argv[i], "-") == 0)) {
+		if (pattern == NULL) {
+		    pattern = argv[i];
+		    printf("Testing %s:\n", pattern);
+		    comp = xmlRegexpCompile((const xmlChar *) pattern);
+		    if (comp == NULL) {
+			printf("   failed to compile\n");
+			break;
+		    }
+		    if (debug)
+			xmlRegexpPrint(stdout, comp);
+		} else {
+		    testRegexp(comp, argv[i]);
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+	if (comp != NULL)
+	    xmlRegFreeRegexp(comp);
+    }
+    xmlCleanupParser();
+    xmlMemoryDump();
+    return(0);
+#include <stdio.h>
+int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+    printf("%s : Regexp support not compiled in\n", argv[0]);
+    return(0);
diff --git a/testSchemas.c b/testSchemas.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3168167
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testSchemas.c
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+ * testSchemas.c : a small tester program for Schema validation
+ *
+ * See Copyright for the status of this software.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#include "libxml.h"
+#include <libxml/xmlversion.h>
+#include <libxml/parser.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#ifdef HAVE_FCNTL_H
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <libxml/xmlmemory.h>
+#include <libxml/debugXML.h>
+#include <libxml/xmlschemas.h>
+static int debug = 0;
+static int noout = 0;
+int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+    int i;
+    int files = 0;
+    xmlSchemaPtr schema = NULL;
+    for (i = 1; i < argc ; i++) {
+	if ((!strcmp(argv[i], "-debug")) || (!strcmp(argv[i], "--debug")))
+	    debug++;
+	else
+	if ((!strcmp(argv[i], "-noout")) || (!strcmp(argv[i], "--noout"))) {
+	    noout++;
+        }
+    }
+    xmlLineNumbersDefault(1);
+    for (i = 1; i < argc ; i++) {
+	if (argv[i][0] != '-') {
+	    if (schema == NULL) {
+		xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt;
+		ctxt = xmlSchemaNewParserCtxt(argv[i]);
+		xmlSchemaSetParserErrors(ctxt,
+			(xmlSchemaValidityErrorFunc) fprintf,
+			(xmlSchemaValidityWarningFunc) fprintf,
+			stderr);
+		schema = xmlSchemaParse(ctxt);
+		xmlSchemaFreeParserCtxt(ctxt);
+		if (debug)
+		    xmlSchemaDump(stdout, schema);
+	    } else {
+		xmlDocPtr doc;
+		doc = xmlParseFile(argv[i]);
+		if (doc == NULL) {
+		    fprintf(stderr, "Could not parse %s\n", argv[i]);
+		} else {
+		    xmlSchemaValidCtxtPtr ctxt;
+		    int ret;
+		    ctxt = xmlSchemaNewValidCtxt(schema);
+		    xmlSchemaSetValidErrors(ctxt,
+			    (xmlSchemaValidityErrorFunc) fprintf,
+			    (xmlSchemaValidityWarningFunc) fprintf,
+			    stderr);
+		    ret = xmlSchemaValidateDoc(ctxt, doc);
+		    xmlSchemaFreeValidCtxt(ctxt);
+		    xmlFreeDoc(doc);
+		}
+	    }
+	    files ++;
+	}
+    }
+    if (schema != NULL)
+	xmlSchemaFree(schema);
+    if (files == 0) {
+	printf("Usage : %s [--debug] [--noout] schemas XMLfiles ...\n",
+	       argv[0]);
+	printf("\tParse the HTML files and output the result of the parsing\n");
+	printf("\t--debug : dump a debug tree of the in-memory document\n");
+	printf("\t--noout : do not print the result\n");
+    }
+    xmlSchemaCleanupTypes();
+    xmlCleanupParser();
+    xmlMemoryDump();
+    return(0);
+#include <stdio.h>
+int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+    printf("%s : Schemas support not compiled in\n", argv[0]);
+    return(0);
diff --git a/xmlregexp.c b/xmlregexp.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1139e15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xmlregexp.c
@@ -0,0 +1,3470 @@
+ * regexp.c: generic and extensible Regular Expression engine
+ *
+ * Basically designed with the purpose of compiling regexps for 
+ * the variety of validation/shemas mechanisms now available in
+ * XML related specifications thise includes:
+ *    - XML-1.0 DTD validation
+ *    - XML Schemas structure part 1
+ *    - XML Schemas Datatypes part 2 especially Appendix F
+ *    - RELAX-NG/TREX i.e. the counter proposal
+ *
+ * See Copyright for the status of this software.
+ *
+ * Daniel Veillard <>
+ */
+#define IN_LIBXML
+#include "libxml.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <libxml/tree.h>
+#include <libxml/parserInternals.h>
+#include <libxml/xmlregexp.h>
+#include <libxml/xmlautomata.h>
+#include <libxml/xmlunicode.h>
+/* #define DEBUG_REGEXP_GRAPH  */
+/* #define DEBUG_REGEXP_EXEC */
+/* #define DEBUG_PUSH */
+#define ERROR(str) ctxt->error = 1;					\
+    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, "Regexp: %s: %s\n", str, ctxt->cur)
+#define NEXT ctxt->cur++
+#define CUR (*(ctxt->cur))
+#define NXT(index) (ctxt->cur[index])
+#define CUR_SCHAR(s, l) xmlStringCurrentChar(NULL, s, &l)
+#define NEXTL(l) ctxt->cur += l;
+ * 									*
+ * 			Datatypes and structures			*
+ * 									*
+ ************************************************************************/
+typedef enum {
+    XML_REGEXP_ANYCHAR, /* . */
+    XML_REGEXP_ANYSPACE, /* \s */
+    XML_REGEXP_INITNAME, /* \l */
+    XML_REGEXP_NAMECHAR, /* \c */
+    XML_REGEXP_DECIMAL, /* \d */
+    XML_REGEXP_REALCHAR, /* \w */
+} xmlRegAtomType;
+typedef enum {
+} xmlRegQuantType;
+typedef enum {
+} xmlRegStateType;
+typedef enum {
+} xmlRegMarkedType;
+typedef struct _xmlRegRange xmlRegRange;
+typedef xmlRegRange *xmlRegRangePtr;
+struct _xmlRegRange {
+    int neg;
+    xmlRegAtomType type;
+    int start;
+    int end;
+    xmlChar *blockName;
+typedef struct _xmlRegAtom xmlRegAtom;
+typedef xmlRegAtom *xmlRegAtomPtr;
+typedef struct _xmlAutomataState xmlRegState;
+typedef xmlRegState *xmlRegStatePtr;
+struct _xmlRegAtom {
+    int no;
+    xmlRegAtomType type;
+    xmlRegQuantType quant;
+    int min;
+    int max;
+    void *valuep;
+    int neg;
+    int codepoint;
+    xmlRegStatePtr start;
+    xmlRegStatePtr stop;
+    int maxRanges;
+    int nbRanges;
+    xmlRegRangePtr *ranges;
+    void *data;
+typedef struct _xmlRegCounter xmlRegCounter;
+typedef xmlRegCounter *xmlRegCounterPtr;
+struct _xmlRegCounter {
+    int min;
+    int max;
+typedef struct _xmlRegTrans xmlRegTrans;
+typedef xmlRegTrans *xmlRegTransPtr;
+struct _xmlRegTrans {
+    xmlRegAtomPtr atom;
+    int to;
+    int counter;
+    int count;
+struct _xmlAutomataState {
+    xmlRegStateType type;
+    xmlRegMarkedType mark;
+    int no;
+    int maxTrans;
+    int nbTrans;
+    xmlRegTrans *trans;
+typedef struct _xmlAutomata xmlRegParserCtxt;
+typedef xmlRegParserCtxt *xmlRegParserCtxtPtr;
+struct _xmlAutomata {
+    xmlChar *string;
+    xmlChar *cur;
+    int error;
+    int neg;
+    xmlRegStatePtr start;
+    xmlRegStatePtr end;
+    xmlRegStatePtr state;
+    xmlRegAtomPtr atom;
+    int maxAtoms;
+    int nbAtoms;
+    xmlRegAtomPtr *atoms;
+    int maxStates;
+    int nbStates;
+    xmlRegStatePtr *states;
+    int maxCounters;
+    int nbCounters;
+    xmlRegCounter *counters;
+struct _xmlRegexp {
+    xmlChar *string;
+    int nbStates;
+    xmlRegStatePtr *states;
+    int nbAtoms;
+    xmlRegAtomPtr *atoms;
+    int nbCounters;
+    xmlRegCounter *counters;
+typedef struct _xmlRegExecRollback xmlRegExecRollback;
+typedef xmlRegExecRollback *xmlRegExecRollbackPtr;
+struct _xmlRegExecRollback {
+    xmlRegStatePtr state;/* the current state */
+    int index;		/* the index in the input stack */
+    int nextbranch;	/* the next transition to explore in that state */
+    int *counts;	/* save the automate state if it has some */
+typedef struct _xmlRegInputToken xmlRegInputToken;
+typedef xmlRegInputToken *xmlRegInputTokenPtr;
+struct _xmlRegInputToken {
+    xmlChar *value;
+    void *data;
+struct _xmlRegExecCtxt {
+    int status;		/* execution status != 0 indicate an error */
+    int determinist;	/* did we found an inderterministic behaviour */
+    xmlRegexpPtr comp;	/* the compiled regexp */
+    xmlRegExecCallbacks callback;
+    void *data;
+    xmlRegStatePtr state;/* the current state */
+    int transno;	/* the current transition on that state */
+    int transcount;	/* the number of char in char counted transitions */
+    /*
+     * A stack of rollback states
+     */
+    int maxRollbacks;
+    int nbRollbacks;
+    xmlRegExecRollback *rollbacks;
+    /*
+     * The state of the automata if any
+     */
+    int *counts;
+    /*
+     * The input stack
+     */
+    int inputStackMax;
+    int inputStackNr;
+    int index;
+    int *charStack;
+    const xmlChar *inputString; /* when operating on characters */
+    xmlRegInputTokenPtr inputStack;/* when operating on strings */
+static void xmlFAParseRegExp(xmlRegParserCtxtPtr ctxt, int top);
+ * 									*
+ * 			Allocation/Deallocation				*
+ * 									*
+ ************************************************************************/
+ * xmlRegEpxFromParse:
+ * @ctxt:  the parser context used to build it
+ *
+ * Allocate a new regexp and fill it with the reult from the parser
+ *
+ * Returns the new regexp or NULL in case of error
+ */
+static xmlRegexpPtr
+xmlRegEpxFromParse(xmlRegParserCtxtPtr ctxt) {
+    xmlRegexpPtr ret;
+    ret = (xmlRegexpPtr) xmlMalloc(sizeof(xmlRegexp));
+    if (ret == NULL)
+	return(NULL);
+    memset(ret, 0, sizeof(xmlRegexp));
+    ret->string = ctxt->string;
+    ctxt->string = NULL;
+    ret->nbStates = ctxt->nbStates;
+    ctxt->nbStates = 0;
+    ret->states = ctxt->states;
+    ctxt->states = NULL;
+    ret->nbAtoms = ctxt->nbAtoms;
+    ctxt->nbAtoms = 0;
+    ret->atoms = ctxt->atoms;
+    ctxt->atoms = NULL;
+    ret->nbCounters = ctxt->nbCounters;
+    ctxt->nbCounters = 0;
+    ret->counters = ctxt->counters;
+    ctxt->counters = NULL;
+    return(ret);
+ * xmlRegNewParserCtxt:
+ * @string:  the string to parse
+ *
+ * Allocate a new regexp parser context
+ *
+ * Returns the new context or NULL in case of error
+ */
+static xmlRegParserCtxtPtr
+xmlRegNewParserCtxt(const xmlChar *string) {
+    xmlRegParserCtxtPtr ret;
+    ret = (xmlRegParserCtxtPtr) xmlMalloc(sizeof(xmlRegParserCtxt));
+    if (ret == NULL)
+	return(NULL);
+    memset(ret, 0, sizeof(xmlRegParserCtxt));
+    if (string != NULL)
+	ret->string = xmlStrdup(string);
+    ret->cur = ret->string;
+    ret->neg = 0;
+    ret->error = 0;
+    return(ret);
+ * xmlRegNewRange:
+ * @ctxt:  the regexp parser context
+ * @neg:  is that negative
+ * @type:  the type of range
+ * @start:  the start codepoint
+ * @end:  the end codepoint
+ *
+ * Allocate a new regexp range
+ *
+ * Returns the new range or NULL in case of error
+ */
+static xmlRegRangePtr
+xmlRegNewRange(xmlRegParserCtxtPtr ctxt,
+	       int neg, xmlRegAtomType type, int start, int end) {
+    xmlRegRangePtr ret;
+    ret = (xmlRegRangePtr) xmlMalloc(sizeof(xmlRegRange));
+    if (ret == NULL) {
+	ERROR("failed to allocate regexp range");
+	return(NULL);
+    }
+    ret->neg = neg;
+    ret->type = type;
+    ret->start = start;
+    ret->end = end;
+    return(ret);
+ * xmlRegFreeRange:
+ * @range:  the regexp range
+ *
+ * Free a regexp range
+ */
+static void
+xmlRegFreeRange(xmlRegRangePtr range) {
+    if (range == NULL)
+	return;
+    if (range->blockName != NULL)
+	xmlFree(range->blockName);
+    xmlFree(range);
+ * xmlRegNewAtom:
+ * @ctxt:  the regexp parser context
+ * @type:  the type of atom
+ *
+ * Allocate a new regexp range
+ *
+ * Returns the new atom or NULL in case of error
+ */
+static xmlRegAtomPtr
+xmlRegNewAtom(xmlRegParserCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlRegAtomType type) {
+    xmlRegAtomPtr ret;
+    ret = (xmlRegAtomPtr) xmlMalloc(sizeof(xmlRegAtom));
+    if (ret == NULL) {
+	ERROR("failed to allocate regexp atom");
+	return(NULL);
+    }
+    memset(ret, 0, sizeof(xmlRegAtom));
+    ret->type = type;
+    ret->quant = XML_REGEXP_QUANT_ONCE;
+    ret->min = 0;
+    ret->max = 0;
+    return(ret);
+ * xmlRegFreeAtom:
+ * @atom:  the regexp atom
+ *
+ * Free a regexp atom
+ */
+static void
+xmlRegFreeAtom(xmlRegAtomPtr atom) {
+    int i;
+    if (atom == NULL)
+	return;
+    for (i = 0;i < atom->nbRanges;i++)
+	xmlRegFreeRange(atom->ranges[i]);
+    if (atom->ranges != NULL)
+	xmlFree(atom->ranges);
+    if (atom->type == XML_REGEXP_STRING)
+	xmlFree(atom->valuep);
+    xmlFree(atom);
+static xmlRegStatePtr
+xmlRegNewState(xmlRegParserCtxtPtr ctxt) {
+    xmlRegStatePtr ret;
+    ret = (xmlRegStatePtr) xmlMalloc(sizeof(xmlRegState));
+    if (ret == NULL) {
+	ERROR("failed to allocate regexp state");
+	return(NULL);
+    }
+    memset(ret, 0, sizeof(xmlRegState));
+    ret->type = XML_REGEXP_TRANS_STATE;
+    ret->mark = XML_REGEXP_MARK_NORMAL;
+    return(ret);
+ * xmlRegFreeState:
+ * @state:  the regexp state
+ *
+ * Free a regexp state
+ */
+static void
+xmlRegFreeState(xmlRegStatePtr state) {
+    if (state == NULL)
+	return;
+    if (state->trans != NULL)
+	xmlFree(state->trans);
+    xmlFree(state);
+ * xmlRegFreeParserCtxt:
+ * @ctxt:  the regexp parser context
+ *
+ * Free a regexp parser context
+ */
+static void
+xmlRegFreeParserCtxt(xmlRegParserCtxtPtr ctxt) {
+    int i;
+    if (ctxt == NULL)
+	return;
+    if (ctxt->string != NULL)
+	xmlFree(ctxt->string);
+    if (ctxt->states != NULL) {
+	for (i = 0;i < ctxt->nbStates;i++)
+	    xmlRegFreeState(ctxt->states[i]);
+	xmlFree(ctxt->states);
+    }
+    if (ctxt->atoms != NULL) {
+	for (i = 0;i < ctxt->nbAtoms;i++)
+	    xmlRegFreeAtom(ctxt->atoms[i]);
+	xmlFree(ctxt->atoms);
+    }
+    if (ctxt->counters != NULL)
+	xmlFree(ctxt->counters);
+    xmlFree(ctxt);
+ * 									*
+ * 			Display of Data structures			*
+ * 									*
+ ************************************************************************/
+static void
+xmlRegPrintAtomType(FILE *output, xmlRegAtomType type) {
+    switch (type) {
+        case XML_REGEXP_EPSILON:
+	    fprintf(output, "epsilon "); break;
+        case XML_REGEXP_CHARVAL:
+	    fprintf(output, "charval "); break;
+        case XML_REGEXP_RANGES:
+	    fprintf(output, "ranges "); break;
+        case XML_REGEXP_SUBREG:
+	    fprintf(output, "subexpr "); break;
+        case XML_REGEXP_STRING:
+	    fprintf(output, "string "); break;
+        case XML_REGEXP_ANYCHAR:
+	    fprintf(output, "anychar "); break;
+        case XML_REGEXP_ANYSPACE:
+	    fprintf(output, "anyspace "); break;
+        case XML_REGEXP_NOTSPACE:
+	    fprintf(output, "notspace "); break;
+        case XML_REGEXP_INITNAME:
+	    fprintf(output, "initname "); break;
+	    fprintf(output, "notinitname "); break;
+        case XML_REGEXP_NAMECHAR:
+	    fprintf(output, "namechar "); break;
+	    fprintf(output, "notnamechar "); break;
+        case XML_REGEXP_DECIMAL:
+	    fprintf(output, "decimal "); break;
+	    fprintf(output, "notdecimal "); break;
+        case XML_REGEXP_REALCHAR:
+	    fprintf(output, "realchar "); break;
+	    fprintf(output, "notrealchar "); break;
+        case XML_REGEXP_LETTER:
+            fprintf(output, "LETTER "); break;
+            fprintf(output, "LETTER_UPPERCASE "); break;
+            fprintf(output, "LETTER_LOWERCASE "); break;
+            fprintf(output, "LETTER_TITLECASE "); break;
+            fprintf(output, "LETTER_MODIFIER "); break;
+            fprintf(output, "LETTER_OTHERS "); break;
+        case XML_REGEXP_MARK:
+            fprintf(output, "MARK "); break;
+            fprintf(output, "MARK_NONSPACING "); break;
+            fprintf(output, "MARK_SPACECOMBINING "); break;
+            fprintf(output, "MARK_ENCLOSING "); break;
+        case XML_REGEXP_NUMBER:
+            fprintf(output, "NUMBER "); break;
+            fprintf(output, "NUMBER_DECIMAL "); break;
+            fprintf(output, "NUMBER_LETTER "); break;
+            fprintf(output, "NUMBER_OTHERS "); break;
+        case XML_REGEXP_PUNCT:
+            fprintf(output, "PUNCT "); break;
+            fprintf(output, "PUNCT_CONNECTOR "); break;
+        case XML_REGEXP_PUNCT_DASH:
+            fprintf(output, "PUNCT_DASH "); break;
+        case XML_REGEXP_PUNCT_OPEN:
+            fprintf(output, "PUNCT_OPEN "); break;
+            fprintf(output, "PUNCT_CLOSE "); break;
+            fprintf(output, "PUNCT_INITQUOTE "); break;
+            fprintf(output, "PUNCT_FINQUOTE "); break;
+            fprintf(output, "PUNCT_OTHERS "); break;
+        case XML_REGEXP_SEPAR:
+            fprintf(output, "SEPAR "); break;
+            fprintf(output, "SEPAR_SPACE "); break;
+        case XML_REGEXP_SEPAR_LINE:
+            fprintf(output, "SEPAR_LINE "); break;
+        case XML_REGEXP_SEPAR_PARA:
+            fprintf(output, "SEPAR_PARA "); break;
+        case XML_REGEXP_SYMBOL:
+            fprintf(output, "SYMBOL "); break;
+            fprintf(output, "SYMBOL_MATH "); break;
+            fprintf(output, "SYMBOL_CURRENCY "); break;
+            fprintf(output, "SYMBOL_MODIFIER "); break;
+            fprintf(output, "SYMBOL_OTHERS "); break;
+        case XML_REGEXP_OTHER:
+            fprintf(output, "OTHER "); break;
+            fprintf(output, "OTHER_CONTROL "); break;
+            fprintf(output, "OTHER_FORMAT "); break;
+            fprintf(output, "OTHER_PRIVATE "); break;
+        case XML_REGEXP_OTHER_NA:
+            fprintf(output, "OTHER_NA "); break;
+        case XML_REGEXP_BLOCK_NAME:
+	    fprintf(output, "BLOCK "); break;
+    }
+static void
+xmlRegPrintQuantType(FILE *output, xmlRegQuantType type) {
+    switch (type) {
+	    fprintf(output, "epsilon "); break;
+        case XML_REGEXP_QUANT_ONCE:
+	    fprintf(output, "once "); break;
+        case XML_REGEXP_QUANT_OPT:
+	    fprintf(output, "? "); break;
+        case XML_REGEXP_QUANT_MULT:
+	    fprintf(output, "* "); break;
+        case XML_REGEXP_QUANT_PLUS:
+	    fprintf(output, "+ "); break;
+	    fprintf(output, "range "); break;
+    }
+static void
+xmlRegPrintRange(FILE *output, xmlRegRangePtr range) {
+    fprintf(output, "  range: ");
+    if (range->neg)
+	fprintf(output, "negative ");
+    xmlRegPrintAtomType(output, range->type);
+    fprintf(output, "%c - %c\n", range->start, range->end);
+static void
+xmlRegPrintAtom(FILE *output, xmlRegAtomPtr atom) {
+    fprintf(output, " atom: ");
+    if (atom == NULL) {
+	fprintf(output, "NULL\n");
+	return;
+    }
+    xmlRegPrintAtomType(output, atom->type);
+    xmlRegPrintQuantType(output, atom->quant);
+    if (atom->quant == XML_REGEXP_QUANT_RANGE)
+	fprintf(output, "%d-%d ", atom->min, atom->max);
+    if (atom->type == XML_REGEXP_STRING)
+	fprintf(output, "'%s' ", (char *) atom->valuep);
+    if (atom->type == XML_REGEXP_CHARVAL)
+	fprintf(output, "char %c\n", atom->codepoint);
+    else if (atom->type == XML_REGEXP_RANGES) {
+	int i;
+	fprintf(output, "%d entries\n", atom->nbRanges);
+	for (i = 0; i < atom->nbRanges;i++)
+	    xmlRegPrintRange(output, atom->ranges[i]);
+    } else if (atom->type == XML_REGEXP_SUBREG) {
+	fprintf(output, "start %d end %d\n", atom->start->no, atom->stop->no);
+    } else {
+	fprintf(output, "\n");
+    }
+static void
+xmlRegPrintTrans(FILE *output, xmlRegTransPtr trans) {
+    fprintf(output, "  trans: ");
+    if (trans == NULL) {
+	fprintf(output, "NULL\n");
+	return;
+    }
+    if (trans->to < 0) {
+	fprintf(output, "removed\n");
+	return;
+    }
+    if (trans->counter >= 0) {
+	fprintf(output, "counted %d, ", trans->counter);
+    }
+    if (trans->count >= 0) {
+	fprintf(output, "count based %d, ", trans->count);
+    }
+    if (trans->atom == NULL) {
+	fprintf(output, "epsilon to %d\n", trans->to);
+	return;
+    }
+    if (trans->atom->type == XML_REGEXP_CHARVAL)
+	fprintf(output, "char %c ", trans->atom->codepoint);
+    fprintf(output, "atom %d, to %d\n", trans->atom->no, trans->to);
+static void
+xmlRegPrintState(FILE *output, xmlRegStatePtr state) {
+    int i;
+    fprintf(output, " state: ");
+    if (state == NULL) {
+	fprintf(output, "NULL\n");
+	return;
+    }
+    if (state->type == XML_REGEXP_START_STATE)
+	fprintf(output, "START ");
+    if (state->type == XML_REGEXP_FINAL_STATE)
+	fprintf(output, "FINAL ");
+    fprintf(output, "%d, %d transitions:\n", state->no, state->nbTrans);
+    for (i = 0;i < state->nbTrans; i++) {
+	xmlRegPrintTrans(output, &(state->trans[i]));
+    }
+#if 0
+static void
+xmlRegPrintCtxt(FILE *output, xmlRegParserCtxtPtr ctxt) {
+    int i;
+    fprintf(output, " ctxt: ");
+    if (ctxt == NULL) {
+	fprintf(output, "NULL\n");
+	return;
+    }
+    fprintf(output, "'%s' ", ctxt->string);
+    if (ctxt->error)
+	fprintf(output, "error ");
+    if (ctxt->neg)
+	fprintf(output, "neg ");
+    fprintf(output, "\n");
+    fprintf(output, "%d atoms:\n", ctxt->nbAtoms);
+    for (i = 0;i < ctxt->nbAtoms; i++) {
+	fprintf(output, " %02d ", i);
+	xmlRegPrintAtom(output, ctxt->atoms[i]);
+    }
+    if (ctxt->atom != NULL) {
+	fprintf(output, "current atom:\n");
+	xmlRegPrintAtom(output, ctxt->atom);
+    }
+    fprintf(output, "%d states:", ctxt->nbStates);
+    if (ctxt->start != NULL)
+	fprintf(output, " start: %d", ctxt->start->no);
+    if (ctxt->end != NULL)
+	fprintf(output, " end: %d", ctxt->end->no);
+    fprintf(output, "\n");
+    for (i = 0;i < ctxt->nbStates; i++) {
+	xmlRegPrintState(output, ctxt->states[i]);
+    }
+    fprintf(output, "%d counters:\n", ctxt->nbCounters);
+    for (i = 0;i < ctxt->nbCounters; i++) {
+	fprintf(output, " %d: min %d max %d\n", i, ctxt->counters[i].min,
+		                                ctxt->counters[i].max);
+    }
+ * 									*
+ *		 Finite Automata structures manipulations		*
+ * 									*
+ ************************************************************************/
+static void 
+xmlRegAtomAddRange(xmlRegParserCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlRegAtomPtr atom,
+	           int neg, xmlRegAtomType type, int start, int end,
+		   xmlChar *blockName) {
+    xmlRegRangePtr range;
+    if (atom == NULL) {
+	ERROR("add range: atom is NULL");
+	return;
+    }
+    if (atom->type != XML_REGEXP_RANGES) {
+	ERROR("add range: atom is not ranges");
+	return;
+    }
+    if (atom->maxRanges == 0) {
+	atom->maxRanges = 4;
+	atom->ranges = (xmlRegRangePtr *) xmlMalloc(atom->maxRanges *
+		                             sizeof(xmlRegRangePtr));
+	if (atom->ranges == NULL) {
+	    ERROR("add range: allocation failed");
+	    atom->maxRanges = 0;
+	    return;
+	}
+    } else if (atom->nbRanges >= atom->maxRanges) {
+	xmlRegRangePtr *tmp;
+	atom->maxRanges *= 2;
+	tmp = (xmlRegRangePtr *) xmlRealloc(atom->ranges, atom->maxRanges *
+		                             sizeof(xmlRegRangePtr));
+	if (tmp == NULL) {
+	    ERROR("add range: allocation failed");
+	    atom->maxRanges /= 2;
+	    return;
+	}
+	atom->ranges = tmp;
+    }
+    range = xmlRegNewRange(ctxt, neg, type, start, end);
+    if (range == NULL)
+	return;
+    range->blockName = blockName;
+    atom->ranges[atom->nbRanges++] = range;
+static int
+xmlRegGetCounter(xmlRegParserCtxtPtr ctxt) {
+    if (ctxt->maxCounters == 0) {
+	ctxt->maxCounters = 4;
+	ctxt->counters = (xmlRegCounter *) xmlMalloc(ctxt->maxCounters *
+		                             sizeof(xmlRegCounter));
+	if (ctxt->counters == NULL) {
+	    ERROR("reg counter: allocation failed");
+	    ctxt->maxCounters = 0;
+	    return(-1);
+	}
+    } else if (ctxt->nbCounters >= ctxt->maxCounters) {
+	xmlRegCounter *tmp;
+	ctxt->maxCounters *= 2;
+	tmp = (xmlRegCounter *) xmlRealloc(ctxt->counters, ctxt->maxCounters *
+		                           sizeof(xmlRegCounter));
+	if (tmp == NULL) {
+	    ERROR("reg counter: allocation failed");
+	    ctxt->maxCounters /= 2;
+	    return(-1);
+	}
+	ctxt->counters = tmp;
+    }
+    ctxt->counters[ctxt->nbCounters].min = -1;
+    ctxt->counters[ctxt->nbCounters].max = -1;
+    return(ctxt->nbCounters++);
+static void 
+xmlRegAtomPush(xmlRegParserCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlRegAtomPtr atom) {
+    if (atom == NULL) {
+	ERROR("atom push: atom is NULL");
+	return;
+    }
+    if (ctxt->maxAtoms == 0) {
+	ctxt->maxAtoms = 4;
+	ctxt->atoms = (xmlRegAtomPtr *) xmlMalloc(ctxt->maxAtoms *
+		                             sizeof(xmlRegAtomPtr));
+	if (ctxt->atoms == NULL) {
+	    ERROR("atom push: allocation failed");
+	    ctxt->maxAtoms = 0;
+	    return;
+	}
+    } else if (ctxt->nbAtoms >= ctxt->maxAtoms) {
+	xmlRegAtomPtr *tmp;
+	ctxt->maxAtoms *= 2;
+	tmp = (xmlRegAtomPtr *) xmlRealloc(ctxt->atoms, ctxt->maxAtoms *
+		                             sizeof(xmlRegAtomPtr));
+	if (tmp == NULL) {
+	    ERROR("atom push: allocation failed");
+	    ctxt->maxAtoms /= 2;
+	    return;
+	}
+	ctxt->atoms = tmp;
+    }
+    atom->no = ctxt->nbAtoms;
+    ctxt->atoms[ctxt->nbAtoms++] = atom;
+static void 
+xmlRegStateAddTrans(xmlRegParserCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlRegStatePtr state,
+	            xmlRegAtomPtr atom, xmlRegStatePtr target,
+		    int counter, int count) {
+    if (state == NULL) {
+	ERROR("add state: state is NULL");
+	return;
+    }
+    if (target == NULL) {
+	ERROR("add state: target is NULL");
+	return;
+    }
+    if (state->maxTrans == 0) {
+	state->maxTrans = 4;
+	state->trans = (xmlRegTrans *) xmlMalloc(state->maxTrans *
+		                             sizeof(xmlRegTrans));
+	if (state->trans == NULL) {
+	    ERROR("add range: allocation failed");
+	    state->maxTrans = 0;
+	    return;
+	}
+    } else if (state->nbTrans >= state->maxTrans) {
+	xmlRegTrans *tmp;
+	state->maxTrans *= 2;
+	tmp = (xmlRegTrans *) xmlRealloc(state->trans, state->maxTrans *
+		                             sizeof(xmlRegTrans));
+	if (tmp == NULL) {
+	    ERROR("add range: allocation failed");
+	    state->maxTrans /= 2;
+	    return;
+	}
+	state->trans = tmp;
+    }
+    printf("Add trans from %d to %d ", state->no, target->no);
+    if (count >= 0)
+	printf("count based %d", count);
+    else if (counter >= 0)
+	printf("counted %d", counter);
+    else if (atom == NULL)
+	printf("epsilon transition");
+    printf("\n");
+    state->trans[state->nbTrans].atom = atom;
+    state->trans[state->nbTrans].to = target->no;
+    state->trans[state->nbTrans].counter = counter;
+    state->trans[state->nbTrans].count = count;
+    state->nbTrans++;
+static void 
+xmlRegStatePush(xmlRegParserCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlRegStatePtr state) {
+    if (ctxt->maxStates == 0) {
+	ctxt->maxStates = 4;
+	ctxt->states = (xmlRegStatePtr *) xmlMalloc(ctxt->maxStates *
+		                             sizeof(xmlRegStatePtr));
+	if (ctxt->states == NULL) {
+	    ERROR("add range: allocation failed");
+	    ctxt->maxStates = 0;
+	    return;
+	}
+    } else if (ctxt->nbStates >= ctxt->maxStates) {
+	xmlRegStatePtr *tmp;
+	ctxt->maxStates *= 2;
+	tmp = (xmlRegStatePtr *) xmlRealloc(ctxt->states, ctxt->maxStates *
+		                             sizeof(xmlRegStatePtr));
+	if (tmp == NULL) {
+	    ERROR("add range: allocation failed");
+	    ctxt->maxStates /= 2;
+	    return;
+	}
+	ctxt->states = tmp;
+    }
+    state->no = ctxt->nbStates;
+    ctxt->states[ctxt->nbStates++] = state;
+ * xmlFAGenerateEpsilonTransition:
+ * ctxt:  a regexp parser context
+ * from:  the from state
+ * to:  the target state or NULL for building a new one
+ *
+ */
+static void
+xmlFAGenerateEpsilonTransition(xmlRegParserCtxtPtr ctxt,
+			       xmlRegStatePtr from, xmlRegStatePtr to) {
+    if (to == NULL) {
+	to = xmlRegNewState(ctxt);
+	xmlRegStatePush(ctxt, to);
+	ctxt->state = to;
+    }
+    xmlRegStateAddTrans(ctxt, from, NULL, to, -1, -1);
+ * xmlFAGenerateCountedEpsilonTransition:
+ * ctxt:  a regexp parser context
+ * from:  the from state
+ * to:  the target state or NULL for building a new one
+ * counter:  the counter for that transition
+ *
+ */
+static void
+xmlFAGenerateCountedEpsilonTransition(xmlRegParserCtxtPtr ctxt,
+	    xmlRegStatePtr from, xmlRegStatePtr to, int counter) {
+    if (to == NULL) {
+	to = xmlRegNewState(ctxt);
+	xmlRegStatePush(ctxt, to);
+	ctxt->state = to;
+    }
+    xmlRegStateAddTrans(ctxt, from, NULL, to, counter, -1);
+ * xmlFAGenerateCountedTransition:
+ * ctxt:  a regexp parser context
+ * from:  the from state
+ * to:  the target state or NULL for building a new one
+ * counter:  the counter for that transition
+ *
+ */
+static void
+xmlFAGenerateCountedTransition(xmlRegParserCtxtPtr ctxt,
+	    xmlRegStatePtr from, xmlRegStatePtr to, int counter) {
+    if (to == NULL) {
+	to = xmlRegNewState(ctxt);
+	xmlRegStatePush(ctxt, to);
+	ctxt->state = to;
+    }
+    xmlRegStateAddTrans(ctxt, from, NULL, to, -1, counter);
+ * xmlFAGenerateTransitions:
+ * ctxt:  a regexp parser context
+ * from:  the from state
+ * to:  the target state or NULL for building a new one
+ * atom:  the atom generating the transition
+ *
+ */
+static void
+xmlFAGenerateTransitions(xmlRegParserCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlRegStatePtr from,
+	                 xmlRegStatePtr to, xmlRegAtomPtr atom) {
+    if (atom == NULL) {
+	ERROR("genrate transition: atom == NULL");
+	return;
+    }
+    if (atom->type == XML_REGEXP_SUBREG) {
+	/*
+	 * this is a subexpression handling one should not need to
+	 * create a new node excep for XML_REGEXP_QUANT_RANGE.
+	 */
+	xmlRegAtomPush(ctxt, atom);
+	if ((to != NULL) && (atom->stop != to) &&
+	    (atom->quant != XML_REGEXP_QUANT_RANGE)) {
+	    /*
+	     * Generate an epsilon transition to link to the target
+	     */
+	    xmlFAGenerateEpsilonTransition(ctxt, atom->stop, to);
+	}
+	switch (atom->quant) {
+		atom->quant = XML_REGEXP_QUANT_ONCE;
+		xmlFAGenerateEpsilonTransition(ctxt, atom->start, atom->stop);
+		break;
+		atom->quant = XML_REGEXP_QUANT_ONCE;
+		xmlFAGenerateEpsilonTransition(ctxt, atom->start, atom->stop);
+		xmlFAGenerateEpsilonTransition(ctxt, atom->stop, atom->start);
+		break;
+		atom->quant = XML_REGEXP_QUANT_ONCE;
+		xmlFAGenerateEpsilonTransition(ctxt, atom->stop, atom->start);
+		break;
+		int counter;
+		xmlRegStatePtr newstate;
+		/*
+		 * This one is nasty:
+		 *   1/ register a new counter
+		 *   2/ register an epsilon transition associated to
+		 *      this counter going from atom->stop to atom->start
+		 *   3/ create a new state
+		 *   4/ generate a counted transition from atom->stop to
+		 *      that state
+		 */
+		counter = xmlRegGetCounter(ctxt);
+		ctxt->counters[counter].min = atom->min - 1;
+		ctxt->counters[counter].max = atom->max - 1;
+		atom->min = 0;
+		atom->max = 0;
+		atom->quant = XML_REGEXP_QUANT_ONCE;
+		xmlFAGenerateCountedEpsilonTransition(ctxt, atom->stop,
+			                              atom->start, counter);
+		if (to != NULL) {
+		    newstate = to;
+		} else {
+		    newstate = xmlRegNewState(ctxt);
+		    xmlRegStatePush(ctxt, newstate);
+		    ctxt->state = newstate;
+		}
+		xmlFAGenerateCountedTransition(ctxt, atom->stop,
+			                       newstate, counter);
+	    }
+	    default:
+		break;
+	}
+	return;
+    } else {
+	if (to == NULL) {
+	    to = xmlRegNewState(ctxt);
+	    xmlRegStatePush(ctxt, to);
+	}
+	xmlRegStateAddTrans(ctxt, from, atom, to, -1, -1);
+	xmlRegAtomPush(ctxt, atom);
+	ctxt->state = to;
+    }
+    switch (atom->quant) {
+	    atom->quant = XML_REGEXP_QUANT_ONCE;
+	    xmlFAGenerateEpsilonTransition(ctxt, from, to);
+	    break;
+	    atom->quant = XML_REGEXP_QUANT_ONCE;
+	    xmlFAGenerateEpsilonTransition(ctxt, from, to);
+	    xmlRegStateAddTrans(ctxt, to, atom, to, -1, -1);
+	    break;
+	    atom->quant = XML_REGEXP_QUANT_ONCE;
+	    xmlRegStateAddTrans(ctxt, to, atom, to, -1, -1);
+	    break;
+	default:
+	    break;
+    }
+ * xmlFAReduceEpsilonTransitions:
+ * ctxt:  a regexp parser context
+ * @fromnr:  the from state
+ * @tonr:  the to state 
+ * @cpunter:  should that transition be associted to a counted
+ *
+ */
+static void
+xmlFAReduceEpsilonTransitions(xmlRegParserCtxtPtr ctxt, int fromnr,
+	                      int tonr, int counter) {
+    int transnr;
+    xmlRegStatePtr from;
+    xmlRegStatePtr to;
+    printf("xmlFAReduceEpsilonTransitions(%d, %d)\n", fromnr, tonr);
+    from = ctxt->states[fromnr];
+    if (from == NULL)
+	return;
+    to = ctxt->states[tonr];
+    if (to == NULL)
+	return;
+    if ((to->mark == XML_REGEXP_MARK_START) ||
+	(to->mark == XML_REGEXP_MARK_VISITED))
+	return;
+    to->mark = XML_REGEXP_MARK_VISITED;
+    if (to->type == XML_REGEXP_FINAL_STATE) {
+	printf("State %d is final, so %d becomes final\n", tonr, fromnr);
+	from->type = XML_REGEXP_FINAL_STATE;
+    }
+    for (transnr = 0;transnr < to->nbTrans;transnr++) {
+	if (to->trans[transnr].atom == NULL) {
+	    /*
+	     * Don't remove counted transitions
+	     * Don't loop either
+	     */
+	    if ((to->trans[transnr].count < 0) &&
+	        (to->trans[transnr].to != fromnr)) {
+		printf("Found epsilon trans %d from %d to %d\n",
+		       transnr, tonr, to->trans[transnr].to);
+		xmlFAReduceEpsilonTransitions(ctxt, fromnr,
+				      to->trans[transnr].to, counter);
+	    }
+	} else {
+	    int newto = to->trans[transnr].to;
+	    xmlRegStateAddTrans(ctxt, from, to->trans[transnr].atom, 
+		                ctxt->states[newto], counter, -1);
+	}
+    }
+    to->mark = XML_REGEXP_MARK_NORMAL;
+ * xmlFAEliminateEpsilonTransitions:
+ * ctxt:  a regexp parser context
+ *
+ */
+static void
+xmlFAEliminateEpsilonTransitions(xmlRegParserCtxtPtr ctxt) {
+    int statenr, transnr;
+    xmlRegStatePtr state;
+    /*
+     * build the completed transitions bypassing the epsilons
+     * Use a marking algorithm to avoid loops
+     */
+    for (statenr = 0;statenr < ctxt->nbStates;statenr++) {
+	state = ctxt->states[statenr];
+	if (state == NULL)
+	    continue;
+	for (transnr = 0;transnr < state->nbTrans;transnr++) {
+	    if ((state->trans[transnr].atom == NULL) &&
+		(state->trans[transnr].to >= 0)) {
+		if (state->trans[transnr].to == statenr) {
+		    state->trans[transnr].to = -1;
+		    printf("Removed loopback epsilon trans %d on %d\n",
+			   transnr, statenr);
+		} else if (state->trans[transnr].count < 0) {
+		    int newto = state->trans[transnr].to;
+		    printf("Found epsilon trans %d from %d to %d\n",
+			   transnr, statenr, newto);
+		    state->mark = XML_REGEXP_MARK_START;
+		    xmlFAReduceEpsilonTransitions(ctxt, statenr,
+				      newto, state->trans[transnr].counter);
+		    state->mark = XML_REGEXP_MARK_NORMAL;
+		} else {
+		    printf("Found counted transition %d on %d\n",
+			   transnr, statenr);
+	        }
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    /*
+     * Eliminate the epsilon transitions
+     */
+    for (statenr = 0;statenr < ctxt->nbStates;statenr++) {
+	state = ctxt->states[statenr];
+	if (state == NULL)
+	    continue;
+	for (transnr = 0;transnr < state->nbTrans;transnr++) {
+	    if ((state->trans[transnr].atom == NULL) &&
+		(state->trans[transnr].count < 0) &&
+		(state->trans[transnr].to >= 0)) {
+		state->trans[transnr].to = -1;
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+ * 									*
+ *	Routines to check input against transition atoms		*
+ * 									*
+ ************************************************************************/
+static int
+xmlRegCheckCharacterRange(xmlRegAtomType type, int codepoint, int neg,
+	                  int start, int end, const xmlChar *blockName) {
+    int ret = 0;
+    switch (type) {
+        case XML_REGEXP_STRING:
+        case XML_REGEXP_SUBREG:
+        case XML_REGEXP_RANGES:
+        case XML_REGEXP_EPSILON:
+	    return(-1);
+        case XML_REGEXP_ANYCHAR:
+	    ret = ((codepoint != '\n') && (codepoint != '\r'));
+	    break;
+        case XML_REGEXP_CHARVAL:
+	    ret = ((codepoint >= start) && (codepoint <= end));
+	    break;
+        case XML_REGEXP_NOTSPACE:
+	    neg = !neg;
+        case XML_REGEXP_ANYSPACE:
+	    ret = ((codepoint == '\n') || (codepoint == '\r') ||
+		   (codepoint == '\t') || (codepoint == ' '));
+	    break;
+	    neg = !neg;
+        case XML_REGEXP_INITNAME:
+	    ret = (xmlIsLetter(codepoint) || 
+		   (codepoint == '_') || (codepoint == ':'));
+	    break;
+	    neg = !neg;
+        case XML_REGEXP_NAMECHAR:
+	    ret = (xmlIsLetter(codepoint) || xmlIsDigit(codepoint) ||
+		   (codepoint == '.') || (codepoint == '-') ||
+		   (codepoint == '_') || (codepoint == ':') ||
+		   xmlIsCombining(codepoint) || xmlIsExtender(codepoint));
+	    break;
+	    neg = !neg;
+        case XML_REGEXP_DECIMAL:
+	    ret = xmlUCSIsCatNd(codepoint);
+	    break;
+        case XML_REGEXP_REALCHAR:
+	    neg = !neg;
+	    ret = xmlUCSIsCatP(codepoint);
+	    if (ret == 0)
+		ret = xmlUCSIsCatZ(codepoint);
+	    if (ret == 0)
+		ret = xmlUCSIsCatC(codepoint);
+	    break;
+        case XML_REGEXP_LETTER:
+	    ret = xmlUCSIsCatL(codepoint);
+	    break;
+	    ret = xmlUCSIsCatLu(codepoint);
+	    break;
+	    ret = xmlUCSIsCatLl(codepoint);
+	    break;
+	    ret = xmlUCSIsCatLt(codepoint);
+	    break;
+	    ret = xmlUCSIsCatLm(codepoint);
+	    break;
+	    ret = xmlUCSIsCatLo(codepoint);
+	    break;
+        case XML_REGEXP_MARK:
+	    ret = xmlUCSIsCatM(codepoint);
+	    break;
+	    ret = xmlUCSIsCatMn(codepoint);
+	    break;
+	    ret = xmlUCSIsCatMc(codepoint);
+	    break;
+	    ret = xmlUCSIsCatMe(codepoint);
+	    break;
+        case XML_REGEXP_NUMBER:
+	    ret = xmlUCSIsCatN(codepoint);
+	    break;
+	    ret = xmlUCSIsCatNd(codepoint);
+	    break;
+	    ret = xmlUCSIsCatNl(codepoint);
+	    break;
+	    ret = xmlUCSIsCatNo(codepoint);
+	    break;
+        case XML_REGEXP_PUNCT:
+	    ret = xmlUCSIsCatP(codepoint);
+	    break;
+	    ret = xmlUCSIsCatPc(codepoint);
+	    break;
+        case XML_REGEXP_PUNCT_DASH:
+	    ret = xmlUCSIsCatPd(codepoint);
+	    break;
+        case XML_REGEXP_PUNCT_OPEN:
+	    ret = xmlUCSIsCatPs(codepoint);
+	    break;
+	    ret = xmlUCSIsCatPe(codepoint);
+	    break;
+	    ret = xmlUCSIsCatPi(codepoint);
+	    break;
+	    ret = xmlUCSIsCatPf(codepoint);
+	    break;
+	    ret = xmlUCSIsCatPo(codepoint);
+	    break;
+        case XML_REGEXP_SEPAR:
+	    ret = xmlUCSIsCatZ(codepoint);
+	    break;
+	    ret = xmlUCSIsCatZs(codepoint);
+	    break;
+        case XML_REGEXP_SEPAR_LINE:
+	    ret = xmlUCSIsCatZl(codepoint);
+	    break;
+        case XML_REGEXP_SEPAR_PARA:
+	    ret = xmlUCSIsCatZp(codepoint);
+	    break;
+        case XML_REGEXP_SYMBOL:
+	    ret = xmlUCSIsCatS(codepoint);
+	    break;
+	    ret = xmlUCSIsCatSm(codepoint);
+	    break;
+	    ret = xmlUCSIsCatSc(codepoint);
+	    break;
+	    ret = xmlUCSIsCatSk(codepoint);
+	    break;
+	    ret = xmlUCSIsCatSo(codepoint);
+	    break;
+        case XML_REGEXP_OTHER:
+	    ret = xmlUCSIsCatC(codepoint);
+	    break;
+	    ret = xmlUCSIsCatCc(codepoint);
+	    break;
+	    ret = xmlUCSIsCatCf(codepoint);
+	    break;
+	    ret = xmlUCSIsCatCo(codepoint);
+	    break;
+        case XML_REGEXP_OTHER_NA:
+	    /* ret = xmlUCSIsCatCn(codepoint); */
+	    /* Seems it doesn't exist anymore in recent Unicode releases */
+	    ret = 0;
+	    break;
+        case XML_REGEXP_BLOCK_NAME:
+	    ret = xmlUCSIsBlock(codepoint, (const char *) blockName);
+	    break;
+    }
+    if (neg)
+	return(!ret);
+    return(ret);
+static int
+xmlRegCheckCharacter(xmlRegAtomPtr atom, int codepoint) {
+    int i, ret = 0;
+    xmlRegRangePtr range;
+    if ((atom == NULL) || (!xmlIsChar(codepoint)))
+	return(-1);
+    switch (atom->type) {
+        case XML_REGEXP_SUBREG:
+        case XML_REGEXP_EPSILON:
+	    return(-1);
+        case XML_REGEXP_CHARVAL:
+            return(codepoint == atom->codepoint);
+        case XML_REGEXP_RANGES: {
+	    int accept = 0;
+	    for (i = 0;i < atom->nbRanges;i++) {
+		range = atom->ranges[i];
+		if (range->neg) {
+		    ret = xmlRegCheckCharacterRange(range->type, codepoint,
+						0, range->start, range->end,
+						range->blockName);
+		    if (ret != 0)
+			return(0); /* excluded char */
+		} else {
+		    ret = xmlRegCheckCharacterRange(range->type, codepoint,
+						0, range->start, range->end,
+						range->blockName);
+		    if (ret != 0)
+			accept = 1; /* might still be excluded */
+		}
+	    }
+	    return(accept);
+	}
+        case XML_REGEXP_STRING:
+	    printf("TODO: XML_REGEXP_STRING\n");
+	    return(-1);
+        case XML_REGEXP_ANYCHAR:
+        case XML_REGEXP_ANYSPACE:
+        case XML_REGEXP_NOTSPACE:
+        case XML_REGEXP_INITNAME:
+        case XML_REGEXP_NAMECHAR:
+        case XML_REGEXP_DECIMAL:
+        case XML_REGEXP_REALCHAR:
+        case XML_REGEXP_LETTER:
+        case XML_REGEXP_MARK:
+        case XML_REGEXP_NUMBER:
+        case XML_REGEXP_PUNCT:
+        case XML_REGEXP_PUNCT_DASH:
+        case XML_REGEXP_PUNCT_OPEN:
+        case XML_REGEXP_SEPAR:
+        case XML_REGEXP_SEPAR_LINE:
+        case XML_REGEXP_SEPAR_PARA:
+        case XML_REGEXP_SYMBOL:
+        case XML_REGEXP_OTHER:
+        case XML_REGEXP_OTHER_NA:
+	    ret = xmlRegCheckCharacterRange(atom->type, codepoint, 0, 0, 0,
+		                            (const xmlChar *)atom->valuep);
+	    if (atom->neg)
+		ret = !ret;
+	    break;
+    }
+    return(ret);
+ * 									*
+ *	Saving an restoring state of an execution context		*
+ * 									*
+ ************************************************************************/
+static void
+xmlFARegDebugExec(xmlRegExecCtxtPtr exec) {
+    printf("state: %d:%d:idx %d", exec->state->no, exec->transno, exec->index);
+    if (exec->inputStack != NULL) {
+	int i;
+	printf(": ");
+	for (i = 0;(i < 3) && (i < exec->inputStackNr);i++)
+	    printf("%s ", exec->inputStack[exec->inputStackNr - (i + 1)]);
+    } else {
+	printf(": %s", &(exec->inputString[exec->index]));
+    }
+    printf("\n");
+static void
+xmlFARegExecSave(xmlRegExecCtxtPtr exec) {
+    printf("saving ");
+    exec->transno++;
+    xmlFARegDebugExec(exec);
+    exec->transno--;
+    if (exec->maxRollbacks == 0) {
+	exec->maxRollbacks = 4;
+	exec->rollbacks = (xmlRegExecRollback *) xmlMalloc(exec->maxRollbacks *
+		                             sizeof(xmlRegExecRollback));
+	if (exec->rollbacks == NULL) {
+	    fprintf(stderr, "exec save: allocation failed");
+	    exec->maxRollbacks = 0;
+	    return;
+	}
+	memset(exec->rollbacks, 0,
+	       exec->maxRollbacks * sizeof(xmlRegExecRollback));
+    } else if (exec->nbRollbacks >= exec->maxRollbacks) {
+	xmlRegExecRollback *tmp;
+	int len = exec->maxRollbacks;
+	exec->maxRollbacks *= 2;
+	tmp = (xmlRegExecRollback *) xmlRealloc(exec->rollbacks,
+			exec->maxRollbacks * sizeof(xmlRegExecRollback));
+	if (tmp == NULL) {
+	    fprintf(stderr, "exec save: allocation failed");
+	    exec->maxRollbacks /= 2;
+	    return;
+	}
+	exec->rollbacks = tmp;
+	tmp = &exec->rollbacks[len];
+	memset(tmp, 0, (exec->maxRollbacks - len) * sizeof(xmlRegExecRollback));
+    }
+    exec->rollbacks[exec->nbRollbacks].state = exec->state;
+    exec->rollbacks[exec->nbRollbacks].index = exec->index;
+    exec->rollbacks[exec->nbRollbacks].nextbranch = exec->transno + 1;
+    if (exec->comp->nbCounters > 0) {
+	if (exec->rollbacks[exec->nbRollbacks].counts == NULL) {
+	    exec->rollbacks[exec->nbRollbacks].counts = (int *)
+		xmlMalloc(exec->comp->nbCounters * sizeof(int));
+	    if (exec->rollbacks[exec->nbRollbacks].counts == NULL) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "exec save: allocation failed");
+		exec->status = -5;
+		return;
+	    }
+	}
+	memcpy(exec->rollbacks[exec->nbRollbacks].counts, exec->counts,
+	       exec->comp->nbCounters * sizeof(int));
+    }
+    exec->nbRollbacks++;
+static void
+xmlFARegExecRollBack(xmlRegExecCtxtPtr exec) {
+    if (exec->nbRollbacks <= 0) {
+	exec->status = -1;
+	printf("rollback failed on empty stack\n");
+	return;
+    }
+    exec->nbRollbacks--;
+    exec->state = exec->rollbacks[exec->nbRollbacks].state;
+    exec->index = exec->rollbacks[exec->nbRollbacks].index;
+    exec->transno = exec->rollbacks[exec->nbRollbacks].nextbranch;
+    if (exec->comp->nbCounters > 0) {
+	if (exec->rollbacks[exec->nbRollbacks].counts == NULL) {
+	    fprintf(stderr, "exec save: allocation failed");
+	    exec->status = -6;
+	    return;
+	}
+	memcpy(exec->counts, exec->rollbacks[exec->nbRollbacks].counts,
+	       exec->comp->nbCounters * sizeof(int));
+    }
+    printf("restored ");
+    xmlFARegDebugExec(exec);
+ * 									*
+ *	Verifyer, running an input against a compiled regexp		*
+ * 									*
+ ************************************************************************/
+static int
+xmlFARegExec(xmlRegexpPtr comp, const xmlChar *content) {
+    xmlRegExecCtxt execval;
+    xmlRegExecCtxtPtr exec = &execval;
+    int ret, codepoint, len;
+    exec->inputString = content;
+    exec->index = 0;
+    exec->determinist = 1;
+    exec->maxRollbacks = 0;
+    exec->nbRollbacks = 0;
+    exec->rollbacks = NULL;
+    exec->status = 0;
+    exec->comp = comp;
+    exec->state = comp->states[0];
+    exec->transno = 0;
+    exec->transcount = 0;
+    if (comp->nbCounters > 0) {
+	exec->counts = (int *) xmlMalloc(comp->nbCounters * sizeof(int));
+	if (exec->counts == NULL)
+	    return(-1);
+        memset(exec->counts, 0, comp->nbCounters * sizeof(int));
+    } else
+	exec->counts = NULL;
+    while ((exec->status == 0) &&
+	   ((exec->inputString[exec->index] != 0) ||
+	    (exec->state->type != XML_REGEXP_FINAL_STATE))) {
+	xmlRegTransPtr trans;
+	xmlRegAtomPtr atom;
+	/*
+	 * End of input on non-terminal state, rollback, however we may
+	 * still have epsilon like transition for counted transitions
+	 * on counters, in that case don't break too early.
+	 */
+	if ((exec->inputString[exec->index] == 0) && (exec->counts == NULL))
+	    goto rollback;
+	exec->transcount = 0;
+	for (;exec->transno < exec->state->nbTrans;exec->transno++) {
+	    trans = &exec->state->trans[exec->transno];
+	    if (trans->to < 0)
+		continue;
+	    atom = trans->atom;
+	    ret = 0;
+	    if (trans->count >= 0) {
+		int count;
+		xmlRegCounterPtr counter;
+		/*
+		 * A counted transition.
+		 */
+		count = exec->counts[trans->count];
+		counter = &exec->comp->counters[trans->count];
+		printf("testing count %d: val %d, min %d, max %d\n",
+		       trans->count, count, counter->min,  counter->max);
+		ret = ((count >= counter->min) && (count <= counter->max));
+	    } else if (atom == NULL) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "epsilon transition left at runtime\n");
+		exec->status = -2;
+		break;
+	    } else if (exec->inputString[exec->index] != 0) {
+                codepoint = CUR_SCHAR(&(exec->inputString[exec->index]), len);
+		ret = xmlRegCheckCharacter(atom, codepoint);
+		if ((ret == 1) && (atom->min > 0) && (atom->max > 0)) {
+		    xmlRegStatePtr to = comp->states[trans->to];
+		    /*
+		     * this is a multiple input sequence
+		     */
+		    if (exec->state->nbTrans > exec->transno + 1) {
+			xmlFARegExecSave(exec);
+		    }
+		    exec->transcount = 1;
+		    do {
+			/*
+			 * Try to progress as much as possible on the input
+			 */
+			if (exec->transcount == atom->max) {
+			    break;
+			}
+			exec->index += len;
+			/*
+			 * End of input: stop here
+			 */
+			if (exec->inputString[exec->index] == 0) {
+			    exec->index -= len;
+			    break;
+			}
+			if (exec->transcount >= atom->min) {
+			    int transno = exec->transno;
+			    xmlRegStatePtr state = exec->state;
+			    /*
+			     * The transition is acceptable save it
+			     */
+			    exec->transno = -1; /* trick */
+			    exec->state = to;
+			    xmlFARegExecSave(exec);
+			    exec->transno = transno;
+			    exec->state = state;
+			}
+			codepoint = CUR_SCHAR(&(exec->inputString[exec->index]),
+				              len);
+			ret = xmlRegCheckCharacter(atom, codepoint);
+			exec->transcount++;
+		    } while (ret == 1);
+		    if (exec->transcount < atom->min)
+			ret = 0;
+		    /*
+		     * If the last check failed but one transition was found
+		     * possible, rollback
+		     */
+		    if (ret < 0)
+			ret = 0;
+		    if (ret == 0) {
+			goto rollback;
+		    }
+		}
+	    }
+	    if (ret == 1) {
+		if (exec->state->nbTrans > exec->transno + 1) {
+		    xmlFARegExecSave(exec);
+		}
+		if (trans->counter >= 0) {
+		    printf("Increasing count %d\n", trans->counter);
+		    exec->counts[trans->counter]++;
+		}
+		printf("entering state %d\n", trans->to);
+		exec->state = comp->states[trans->to];
+		exec->transno = 0;
+		if (trans->atom != NULL) {
+		    exec->index += len;
+		}
+		goto progress;
+	    } else if (ret < 0) {
+		exec->status = -4;
+		break;
+	    }
+	}
+	if ((exec->transno != 0) || (exec->state->nbTrans == 0)) {
+	    /*
+	     * Failed to find a way out
+	     */
+	    exec->determinist = 0;
+	    xmlFARegExecRollBack(exec);
+	}
+	continue;
+    }
+    if (exec->rollbacks != NULL) {
+	if (exec->counts != NULL) {
+	    int i;
+	    for (i = 0;i < exec->maxRollbacks;i++)
+		if (exec->rollbacks[i].counts != NULL)
+		    xmlFree(exec->rollbacks[i].counts);
+	}
+	xmlFree(exec->rollbacks);
+    }
+    if (exec->counts != NULL)
+	xmlFree(exec->counts);
+    if (exec->status == 0)
+	return(1);
+    if (exec->status == -1)
+	return(0);
+    return(exec->status);
+ * 									*
+ *	Progressive interface to the verifyer one atom at a time	*
+ * 									*
+ ************************************************************************/
+ * xmlRegExecCtxtPtr:
+ * @comp: a precompiled regular expression
+ * @callback: a callback function used for handling progresses in the
+ *            automata matching phase
+ * @data: the context data associated to the callback in this context
+ *
+ * Build a context used for progressive evaluation of a regexp.
+ */
+xmlRegNewExecCtxt(xmlRegexpPtr comp, xmlRegExecCallbacks callback, void *data) {
+    xmlRegExecCtxtPtr exec;
+    if (comp == NULL)
+	return(NULL);
+    exec = (xmlRegExecCtxtPtr) xmlMalloc(sizeof(xmlRegExecCtxt));
+    if (exec == NULL) {
+	return(NULL);
+    }
+    memset(exec, 0, sizeof(xmlRegExecCtxt));
+    exec->inputString = NULL;
+    exec->index = 0;
+    exec->determinist = 1;
+    exec->maxRollbacks = 0;
+    exec->nbRollbacks = 0;
+    exec->rollbacks = NULL;
+    exec->status = 0;
+    exec->comp = comp;
+    exec->state = comp->states[0];
+    exec->transno = 0;
+    exec->transcount = 0;
+    exec->callback = callback;
+    exec->data = data;
+    if (comp->nbCounters > 0) {
+	exec->counts = (int *) xmlMalloc(comp->nbCounters * sizeof(int));
+	if (exec->counts == NULL) {
+	    xmlFree(exec);
+	    return(NULL);
+	}
+        memset(exec->counts, 0, comp->nbCounters * sizeof(int));
+    } else
+	exec->counts = NULL;
+    exec->inputStackMax = 0;
+    exec->inputStackNr = 0;
+    exec->inputStack = NULL;
+    return(exec);
+ * xmlRegFreeExecCtxt:
+ * @exec: a regular expression evaulation context
+ *
+ * Free the structures associated to a regular expression evaulation context.
+ */
+xmlRegFreeExecCtxt(xmlRegExecCtxtPtr exec) {
+    if (exec == NULL)
+	return;
+    if (exec->rollbacks != NULL) {
+	if (exec->counts != NULL) {
+	    int i;
+	    for (i = 0;i < exec->maxRollbacks;i++)
+		if (exec->rollbacks[i].counts != NULL)
+		    xmlFree(exec->rollbacks[i].counts);
+	}
+	xmlFree(exec->rollbacks);
+    }
+    if (exec->counts != NULL)
+	xmlFree(exec->counts);
+    if (exec->inputStack != NULL) {
+	int i;
+	for (i = 0;i < exec->inputStackNr;i++)
+	    xmlFree(exec->inputStack[i].value);
+	xmlFree(exec->inputStack);
+    }
+    xmlFree(exec);
+static void
+xmlFARegExecSaveInputString(xmlRegExecCtxtPtr exec, const xmlChar *value,
+	                    void *data) {
+#ifdef DEBUG_PUSH
+    printf("saving value: %d:%s\n", exec->inputStackNr, value);
+    if (exec->inputStackMax == 0) {
+	exec->inputStackMax = 4;
+	exec->inputStack = (xmlRegInputTokenPtr) 
+	    xmlMalloc(exec->inputStackMax * sizeof(xmlRegInputToken));
+	if (exec->inputStack == NULL) {
+	    fprintf(stderr, "push input: allocation failed");
+	    exec->inputStackMax = 0;
+	    return;
+	}
+    } else if (exec->inputStackNr + 1 >= exec->inputStackMax) {
+	xmlRegInputTokenPtr tmp;
+	exec->inputStackMax *= 2;
+	tmp = (xmlRegInputTokenPtr) xmlRealloc(exec->inputStack,
+			exec->inputStackMax * sizeof(xmlRegInputToken));
+	if (tmp == NULL) {
+	    fprintf(stderr, "push input: allocation failed");
+	    exec->inputStackMax /= 2;
+	    return;
+	}
+	exec->inputStack = tmp;
+    }
+    exec->inputStack[exec->inputStackNr].value = xmlStrdup(value);
+    exec->inputStack[exec->inputStackNr].data = data;
+    exec->inputStackNr++;
+    exec->inputStack[exec->inputStackNr].value = NULL;
+    exec->inputStack[exec->inputStackNr].data = NULL;
+ * xmlRegExecPushString:
+ * @exec: a regexp execution context
+ * @value: a string token input
+ * @data: data associated to the token to reuse in callbacks
+ *
+ * Push one input token in the execution context
+ *
+ * Returns: 1 if the regexp reached a final state, 0 if non-final, and
+ *     a negative value in case of error.
+ */
+xmlRegExecPushString(xmlRegExecCtxtPtr exec, const xmlChar *value,
+	             void *data) {
+    xmlRegTransPtr trans;
+    xmlRegAtomPtr atom;
+    int ret;
+    int final = 0;
+    if (exec == NULL)
+	return(-1);
+    if (exec->status != 0)
+	return(exec->status);
+    if (value == NULL) {
+        if (exec->state->type == XML_REGEXP_FINAL_STATE)
+	    return(1);
+	final = 1;
+    }
+#ifdef DEBUG_PUSH
+    printf("value pushed: %s\n", value);
+    /*
+     * If we have an active rollback stack push the new value there
+     * and get back to where we were left
+     */
+    if ((value != NULL) && (exec->inputStackNr > 0)) {
+	xmlFARegExecSaveInputString(exec, value, data);
+	value = exec->inputStack[exec->index].value;
+	data = exec->inputStack[exec->index].data;
+#ifdef DEBUG_PUSH
+	printf("value loaded: %s\n", value);
+    }
+    while ((exec->status == 0) &&
+	   ((value != NULL) ||
+	    ((final == 1) &&
+	     (exec->state->type != XML_REGEXP_FINAL_STATE)))) {
+	/*
+	 * End of input on non-terminal state, rollback, however we may
+	 * still have epsilon like transition for counted transitions
+	 * on counters, in that case don't break too early.
+	 */
+	if (value == NULL)
+	    goto rollback;
+	exec->transcount = 0;
+	for (;exec->transno < exec->state->nbTrans;exec->transno++) {
+	    trans = &exec->state->trans[exec->transno];
+	    if (trans->to < 0)
+		continue;
+	    atom = trans->atom;
+	    ret = 0;
+	    if (trans->count >= 0) {
+		int count;
+		xmlRegCounterPtr counter;
+		/*
+		 * A counted transition.
+		 */
+		count = exec->counts[trans->count];
+		counter = &exec->comp->counters[trans->count];
+#ifdef DEBUG_PUSH
+		printf("testing count %d: val %d, min %d, max %d\n",
+		       trans->count, count, counter->min,  counter->max);
+		ret = ((count >= counter->min) && (count <= counter->max));
+	    } else if (atom == NULL) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "epsilon transition left at runtime\n");
+		exec->status = -2;
+		break;
+	    } else if (value != NULL) {
+		ret = xmlStrEqual(value, atom->valuep);
+		if ((ret == 1) && (atom->min > 0) && (atom->max > 0)) {
+		    xmlRegStatePtr to = exec->comp->states[trans->to];
+		    /*
+		     * this is a multiple input sequence
+		     */
+		    if (exec->state->nbTrans > exec->transno + 1) {
+			if (exec->inputStackNr <= 0) {
+			    xmlFARegExecSaveInputString(exec, value, data);
+			}
+			xmlFARegExecSave(exec);
+		    }
+		    exec->transcount = 1;
+		    do {
+			/*
+			 * Try to progress as much as possible on the input
+			 */
+			if (exec->transcount == atom->max) {
+			    break;
+			}
+			exec->index++;
+			value = exec->inputStack[exec->index].value;
+			data = exec->inputStack[exec->index].data;
+#ifdef DEBUG_PUSH
+			printf("value loaded: %s\n", value);
+			/*
+			 * End of input: stop here
+			 */
+			if (value == NULL) {
+			    exec->index --;
+			    break;
+			}
+			if (exec->transcount >= atom->min) {
+			    int transno = exec->transno;
+			    xmlRegStatePtr state = exec->state;
+			    /*
+			     * The transition is acceptable save it
+			     */
+			    exec->transno = -1; /* trick */
+			    exec->state = to;
+			    if (exec->inputStackNr <= 0) {
+				xmlFARegExecSaveInputString(exec, value, data);
+			    }
+			    xmlFARegExecSave(exec);
+			    exec->transno = transno;
+			    exec->state = state;
+			}
+			ret = xmlStrEqual(value, atom->valuep);
+			exec->transcount++;
+		    } while (ret == 1);
+		    if (exec->transcount < atom->min)
+			ret = 0;
+		    /*
+		     * If the last check failed but one transition was found
+		     * possible, rollback
+		     */
+		    if (ret < 0)
+			ret = 0;
+		    if (ret == 0) {
+			goto rollback;
+		    }
+		}
+	    }
+	    if (ret == 1) {
+		if ((exec->callback != NULL) && (atom != NULL)) {
+		    exec->callback(exec->data, atom->valuep,
+			           atom->data, data);
+		}
+		if (exec->state->nbTrans > exec->transno + 1) {
+		    if (exec->inputStackNr <= 0) {
+			xmlFARegExecSaveInputString(exec, value, data);
+		    }
+		    xmlFARegExecSave(exec);
+		}
+		if (trans->counter >= 0) {
+#ifdef DEBUG_PUSH
+		    printf("Increasing count %d\n", trans->counter);
+		    exec->counts[trans->counter]++;
+		}
+#ifdef DEBUG_PUSH
+		printf("entering state %d\n", trans->to);
+		exec->state = exec->comp->states[trans->to];
+		exec->transno = 0;
+		if (trans->atom != NULL) {
+		    if (exec->inputStack != NULL) {
+			exec->index++;
+			if (exec->index < exec->inputStackNr) {
+			    value = exec->inputStack[exec->index].value;
+			    data = exec->inputStack[exec->index].data;
+#ifdef DEBUG_PUSH
+			    printf("value loaded: %s\n", value);
+			} else {
+			    value = NULL;
+			    data = NULL;
+#ifdef DEBUG_PUSH
+			    printf("end of input\n");
+			}
+		    } else {
+			value = NULL;
+			data = NULL;
+#ifdef DEBUG_PUSH
+			printf("end of input\n");
+		    }
+		}
+		goto progress;
+	    } else if (ret < 0) {
+		exec->status = -4;
+		break;
+	    }
+	}
+	if ((exec->transno != 0) || (exec->state->nbTrans == 0)) {
+	    /*
+	     * Failed to find a way out
+	     */
+	    exec->determinist = 0;
+	    xmlFARegExecRollBack(exec);
+	    if (exec->status == 0) {
+		value = exec->inputStack[exec->index].value;
+		data = exec->inputStack[exec->index].data;
+#ifdef DEBUG_PUSH
+		printf("value loaded: %s\n", value);
+	    }
+	}
+	continue;
+    }
+    if (exec->status == 0) {
+        return(exec->state->type == XML_REGEXP_FINAL_STATE);
+    }
+    return(exec->status);
+#if 0
+static int
+xmlRegExecPushChar(xmlRegExecCtxtPtr exec, int UCS) {
+    xmlRegTransPtr trans;
+    xmlRegAtomPtr atom;
+    int ret;
+    int codepoint, len;
+    if (exec == NULL)
+	return(-1);
+    if (exec->status != 0)
+	return(exec->status);
+    while ((exec->status == 0) &&
+	   ((exec->inputString[exec->index] != 0) ||
+	    (exec->state->type != XML_REGEXP_FINAL_STATE))) {
+	/*
+	 * End of input on non-terminal state, rollback, however we may
+	 * still have epsilon like transition for counted transitions
+	 * on counters, in that case don't break too early.
+	 */
+	if ((exec->inputString[exec->index] == 0) && (exec->counts == NULL))
+	    goto rollback;
+	exec->transcount = 0;
+	for (;exec->transno < exec->state->nbTrans;exec->transno++) {
+	    trans = &exec->state->trans[exec->transno];
+	    if (trans->to < 0)
+		continue;
+	    atom = trans->atom;
+	    ret = 0;
+	    if (trans->count >= 0) {
+		int count;
+		xmlRegCounterPtr counter;
+		/*
+		 * A counted transition.
+		 */
+		count = exec->counts[trans->count];
+		counter = &exec->comp->counters[trans->count];
+		printf("testing count %d: val %d, min %d, max %d\n",
+		       trans->count, count, counter->min,  counter->max);
+		ret = ((count >= counter->min) && (count <= counter->max));
+	    } else if (atom == NULL) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "epsilon transition left at runtime\n");
+		exec->status = -2;
+		break;
+	    } else if (exec->inputString[exec->index] != 0) {
+                codepoint = CUR_SCHAR(&(exec->inputString[exec->index]), len);
+		ret = xmlRegCheckCharacter(atom, codepoint);
+		if ((ret == 1) && (atom->min > 0) && (atom->max > 0)) {
+		    xmlRegStatePtr to = exec->comp->states[trans->to];
+		    /*
+		     * this is a multiple input sequence
+		     */
+		    if (exec->state->nbTrans > exec->transno + 1) {
+			xmlFARegExecSave(exec);
+		    }
+		    exec->transcount = 1;
+		    do {
+			/*
+			 * Try to progress as much as possible on the input
+			 */
+			if (exec->transcount == atom->max) {
+			    break;
+			}
+			exec->index += len;
+			/*
+			 * End of input: stop here
+			 */
+			if (exec->inputString[exec->index] == 0) {
+			    exec->index -= len;
+			    break;
+			}
+			if (exec->transcount >= atom->min) {
+			    int transno = exec->transno;
+			    xmlRegStatePtr state = exec->state;
+			    /*
+			     * The transition is acceptable save it
+			     */
+			    exec->transno = -1; /* trick */
+			    exec->state = to;
+			    xmlFARegExecSave(exec);
+			    exec->transno = transno;
+			    exec->state = state;
+			}
+			codepoint = CUR_SCHAR(&(exec->inputString[exec->index]),
+				              len);
+			ret = xmlRegCheckCharacter(atom, codepoint);
+			exec->transcount++;
+		    } while (ret == 1);
+		    if (exec->transcount < atom->min)
+			ret = 0;
+		    /*
+		     * If the last check failed but one transition was found
+		     * possible, rollback
+		     */
+		    if (ret < 0)
+			ret = 0;
+		    if (ret == 0) {
+			goto rollback;
+		    }
+		}
+	    }
+	    if (ret == 1) {
+		if (exec->state->nbTrans > exec->transno + 1) {
+		    xmlFARegExecSave(exec);
+		}
+		if (trans->counter >= 0) {
+		    printf("Increasing count %d\n", trans->counter);
+		    exec->counts[trans->counter]++;
+		}
+		printf("entering state %d\n", trans->to);
+		exec->state = exec->comp->states[trans->to];
+		exec->transno = 0;
+		if (trans->atom != NULL) {
+		    exec->index += len;
+		}
+		goto progress;
+	    } else if (ret < 0) {
+		exec->status = -4;
+		break;
+	    }
+	}
+	if ((exec->transno != 0) || (exec->state->nbTrans == 0)) {
+	    /*
+	     * Failed to find a way out
+	     */
+	    exec->determinist = 0;
+	    xmlFARegExecRollBack(exec);
+	}
+	continue;
+    }
+ * 									*
+ *	Parser for the Shemas Datatype Regular Expressions		*
+ *	*
+ * 									*
+ ************************************************************************/
+ * xmlFAIsChar:
+ * ctxt:  a regexp parser context
+ *
+ * [10]   Char   ::=   [^.\?*+()|#x5B#x5D]
+ */
+static int
+xmlFAIsChar(xmlRegParserCtxtPtr ctxt) {
+    int cur;
+    int len;
+    cur = CUR_SCHAR(ctxt->cur, len);
+    if ((cur == '.') || (cur == '\\') || (cur == '?') ||
+	(cur == '*') || (cur == '+') || (cur == '(') ||
+	(cur == ')') || (cur == '|') || (cur == 0x5B) ||
+	(cur == 0x5D) || (cur == 0))
+	return(-1);
+    return(cur);
+ * xmlFAParseCharProp:
+ * ctxt:  a regexp parser context
+ *
+ * [27]   charProp   ::=   IsCategory | IsBlock
+ * [28]   IsCategory ::= Letters | Marks | Numbers | Punctuation |
+ *                       Separators | Symbols | Others 
+ * [29]   Letters   ::=   'L' [ultmo]?
+ * [30]   Marks   ::=   'M' [nce]?
+ * [31]   Numbers   ::=   'N' [dlo]?
+ * [32]   Punctuation   ::=   'P' [cdseifo]?
+ * [33]   Separators   ::=   'Z' [slp]?
+ * [34]   Symbols   ::=   'S' [mcko]?
+ * [35]   Others   ::=   'C' [cfon]?
+ * [36]   IsBlock   ::=   'Is' [a-zA-Z0-9#x2D]+
+ */
+static void
+xmlFAParseCharProp(xmlRegParserCtxtPtr ctxt) {
+    int cur;
+    xmlRegAtomType type = 0;
+    xmlChar *blockName = NULL;
+    cur = CUR;
+    if (cur == 'L') {
+	cur = CUR;
+	if (cur == 'u') {
+	    NEXT;
+	} else if (cur == 'l') {
+	    NEXT;
+	} else if (cur == 't') {
+	    NEXT;
+	} else if (cur == 'm') {
+	    NEXT;
+	} else if (cur == 'o') {
+	    NEXT;
+	} else {
+	    type = XML_REGEXP_LETTER;
+	}
+    } else if (cur == 'M') {
+	cur = CUR;
+	if (cur == 'n') {
+	    NEXT;
+	    /* nonspacing */
+	} else if (cur == 'c') {
+	    NEXT;
+	    /* spacing combining */
+	} else if (cur == 'e') {
+	    NEXT;
+	    /* enclosing */
+	} else {
+	    /* all marks */
+	    type = XML_REGEXP_MARK;
+	}
+    } else if (cur == 'N') {
+	cur = CUR;
+	if (cur == 'd') {
+	    NEXT;
+	    /* digital */
+	} else if (cur == 'l') {
+	    NEXT;
+	    /* letter */
+	} else if (cur == 'o') {
+	    NEXT;
+	    /* other */
+	} else {
+	    /* all numbers */
+	    type = XML_REGEXP_NUMBER;
+	}
+    } else if (cur == 'P') {
+	cur = CUR;
+	if (cur == 'c') {
+	    NEXT;
+	    /* connector */
+	} else if (cur == 'd') {
+	    NEXT;
+	    /* dash */
+	} else if (cur == 's') {
+	    NEXT;
+	    /* open */
+	} else if (cur == 'e') {
+	    NEXT;
+	    /* close */
+	} else if (cur == 'i') {
+	    NEXT;
+	    /* initial quote */
+	} else if (cur == 'f') {
+	    NEXT;
+	    /* final quote */
+	} else if (cur == 'o') {
+	    NEXT;
+	    /* other */
+	} else {
+	    /* all punctuation */
+	    type = XML_REGEXP_PUNCT;
+	}
+    } else if (cur == 'Z') {
+	cur = CUR;
+	if (cur == 's') {
+	    NEXT;
+	    /* space */
+	} else if (cur == 'l') {
+	    NEXT;
+	    /* line */
+	} else if (cur == 'p') {
+	    NEXT;
+	    /* paragraph */
+	} else {
+	    /* all separators */
+	    type = XML_REGEXP_SEPAR;
+	}
+    } else if (cur == 'S') {
+	cur = CUR;
+	if (cur == 'm') {
+	    NEXT;
+	    /* math */
+	} else if (cur == 'c') {
+	    NEXT;
+	    /* currency */
+	} else if (cur == 'k') {
+	    NEXT;
+	    /* modifiers */
+	} else if (cur == 'o') {
+	    NEXT;
+	    /* other */
+	} else {
+	    /* all symbols */
+	    type = XML_REGEXP_SYMBOL;
+	}
+    } else if (cur == 'C') {
+	cur = CUR;
+	if (cur == 'c') {
+	    NEXT;
+	    /* control */
+	} else if (cur == 'f') {
+	    NEXT;
+	    /* format */
+	} else if (cur == 'o') {
+	    NEXT;
+	    /* private use */
+	} else if (cur == 'n') {
+	    NEXT;
+	    /* not assigned */
+	    type = XML_REGEXP_OTHER_NA;
+	} else {
+	    /* all others */
+	    type = XML_REGEXP_OTHER;
+	}
+    } else if (cur == 'I') {
+	const xmlChar *start;
+	cur = CUR;
+	if (cur != 's') {
+	    ERROR("IsXXXX expected");
+	    return;
+	}
+	start = ctxt->cur;
+	cur = CUR;
+	if (((cur >= 'a') && (cur <= 'z')) || 
+	    ((cur >= 'A') && (cur <= 'Z')) || 
+	    ((cur >= '0') && (cur <= '9')) || 
+	    (cur == 0x2D)) {
+	    NEXT;
+	    cur = CUR;
+	    while (((cur >= 'a') && (cur <= 'z')) || 
+		((cur >= 'A') && (cur <= 'Z')) || 
+		((cur >= '0') && (cur <= '9')) || 
+		(cur == 0x2D)) {
+		NEXT;
+		cur = CUR;
+	    }
+	}
+	blockName = xmlStrndup(start, ctxt->cur - start);
+    } else {
+	ERROR("Unknown char property");
+	return;
+    }
+    if (ctxt->atom == NULL) {
+	ctxt->atom = xmlRegNewAtom(ctxt, type);
+	if (ctxt->atom != NULL)
+	    ctxt->atom->valuep = blockName;
+    } else if (ctxt->atom->type == XML_REGEXP_RANGES) {
+        xmlRegAtomAddRange(ctxt, ctxt->atom, ctxt->neg,
+		           type, 0, 0, blockName);
+    }
+ * xmlFAParseCharClassEsc:
+ * ctxt:  a regexp parser context
+ *
+ * [23] charClassEsc ::= ( SingleCharEsc | MultiCharEsc | catEsc | complEsc ) 
+ * [24] SingleCharEsc ::= '\' [nrt\|.?*+(){}#x2D#x5B#x5D#x5E]
+ * [25] catEsc   ::=   '\p{' charProp '}'
+ * [26] complEsc ::=   '\P{' charProp '}'
+ * [37] MultiCharEsc ::= '.' | ('\' [sSiIcCdDwW])
+ */
+static void
+xmlFAParseCharClassEsc(xmlRegParserCtxtPtr ctxt) {
+    int cur;
+    if (CUR == '.') {
+	if (ctxt->atom == NULL) {
+	    ctxt->atom = xmlRegNewAtom(ctxt, XML_REGEXP_ANYCHAR);
+	} else if (ctxt->atom->type == XML_REGEXP_RANGES) {
+	    xmlRegAtomAddRange(ctxt, ctxt->atom, ctxt->neg,
+			       XML_REGEXP_ANYCHAR, 0, 0, NULL);
+	}
+	return;
+    }
+    if (CUR != '\\') {
+	ERROR("Escaped sequence: expecting \\");
+	return;
+    }
+    NEXT;
+    cur = CUR;
+    if (cur == 'p') {
+	if (CUR != '{') {
+	    ERROR("Expecting '{'");
+	    return;
+	}
+	xmlFAParseCharProp(ctxt);
+	if (CUR != '}') {
+	    ERROR("Expecting '}'");
+	    return;
+	}
+    } else if (cur == 'P') {
+	if (CUR != '{') {
+	    ERROR("Expecting '{'");
+	    return;
+	}
+	xmlFAParseCharProp(ctxt);
+	ctxt->atom->neg = 1;
+	if (CUR != '}') {
+	    ERROR("Expecting '}'");
+	    return;
+	}
+    } else if ((cur == 'n') || (cur == 'r') || (cur == 't') || (cur == '\\') ||
+	(cur == '|') || (cur == '.') || (cur == '?') || (cur == '*') ||
+	(cur == '+') || (cur == '(') || (cur == ')') || (cur == '{') ||
+	(cur == '}') || (cur == 0x2D) || (cur == 0x5B) || (cur == 0x5D) ||
+	(cur == 0x5E)) {
+	if (ctxt->atom == NULL) {
+	    ctxt->atom = xmlRegNewAtom(ctxt, XML_REGEXP_CHARVAL);
+	    if (ctxt->atom != NULL)
+		ctxt->atom->codepoint = cur;
+	} else if (ctxt->atom->type == XML_REGEXP_RANGES) {
+	    xmlRegAtomAddRange(ctxt, ctxt->atom, ctxt->neg,
+			       XML_REGEXP_CHARVAL, cur, cur, NULL);
+	}
+    } else if ((cur == 's') || (cur == 'S') || (cur == 'i') || (cur == 'I') ||
+	(cur == 'c') || (cur == 'C') || (cur == 'd') || (cur == 'D') ||
+	(cur == 'w') || (cur == 'W')) {
+	xmlRegAtomType type;
+	switch (cur) {
+	    case 's': 
+		break;
+	    case 'S': 
+		break;
+	    case 'i': 
+		break;
+	    case 'I': 
+		break;
+	    case 'c': 
+		break;
+	    case 'C': 
+		break;
+	    case 'd': 
+		break;
+	    case 'D': 
+		break;
+	    case 'w': 
+		break;
+	    case 'W': 
+		break;
+	}
+	if (ctxt->atom == NULL) {
+	    ctxt->atom = xmlRegNewAtom(ctxt, type);
+	} else if (ctxt->atom->type == XML_REGEXP_RANGES) {
+	    xmlRegAtomAddRange(ctxt, ctxt->atom, ctxt->neg,
+			       type, 0, 0, NULL);
+	}
+    }
+ * xmlFAParseCharRef:
+ * ctxt:  a regexp parser context
+ *
+ * [19]   XmlCharRef   ::=   ( '&#' [0-9]+ ';' ) | (' &#x' [0-9a-fA-F]+ ';' )
+ */
+static int
+xmlFAParseCharRef(xmlRegParserCtxtPtr ctxt) {
+    int ret = 0, cur;
+    if ((CUR != '&') || (NXT(1) != '#'))
+	return(-1);
+    NEXT;
+    NEXT;
+    cur = CUR;
+    if (cur == 'x') {
+	cur = CUR;
+	if (((cur >= '0') && (cur <= '9')) ||
+	    ((cur >= 'a') && (cur <= 'f')) ||
+	    ((cur >= 'A') && (cur <= 'F'))) {
+	    while (((cur >= '0') && (cur <= '9')) ||
+		   ((cur >= 'A') && (cur <= 'F'))) {
+		if ((cur >= '0') && (cur <= '9'))
+		    ret = ret * 16 + cur - '0';
+		else if ((cur >= 'a') && (cur <= 'f'))
+		    ret = ret * 16 + 10 + (cur - 'a');
+		else
+		    ret = ret * 16 + 10 + (cur - 'A');
+		NEXT;
+		cur = CUR;
+	    }
+	} else {
+	    ERROR("Char ref: expecting [0-9A-F]");
+	    return(-1);
+	}
+    } else {
+	if ((cur >= '0') && (cur <= '9')) {
+	    while ((cur >= '0') && (cur <= '9')) {
+		ret = ret * 10 + cur - '0';
+		NEXT;
+		cur = CUR;
+	    }
+	} else {
+	    ERROR("Char ref: expecting [0-9]");
+	    return(-1);
+	}
+    }
+    if (cur != ';') {
+	ERROR("Char ref: expecting ';'");
+	return(-1);
+    } else {
+    }
+    return(ret);
+ * xmlFAParseCharRange:
+ * ctxt:  a regexp parser context
+ *
+ * [17]   charRange   ::=     seRange | XmlCharRef | XmlCharIncDash 
+ * [18]   seRange   ::=   charOrEsc '-' charOrEsc
+ * [20]   charOrEsc   ::=   XmlChar | SingleCharEsc
+ * [21]   XmlChar   ::=   [^\#x2D#x5B#x5D]
+ * [22]   XmlCharIncDash   ::=   [^\#x5B#x5D]
+ */
+static void
+xmlFAParseCharRange(xmlRegParserCtxtPtr ctxt) {
+    int cur;
+    int start = -1;
+    int end = -1;
+    if ((CUR == '&') && (NXT(1) == '#')) {
+	end = start = xmlFAParseCharRef(ctxt);
+        xmlRegAtomAddRange(ctxt, ctxt->atom, ctxt->neg,
+	                   XML_REGEXP_CHARVAL, start, end, NULL);
+	return;
+    }
+    cur = CUR;
+    if (cur == '\\') {
+	cur = CUR;
+	switch (cur) {
+	    case 'n': start = 0xA; break;
+	    case 'r': start = 0xD; break;
+	    case 't': start = 0x9; break;
+	    case '\\': case '|': case '.': case '-': case '^': case '?':
+	    case '*': case '+': case '{': case '}': case '(': case ')':
+	    case '[': case ']':
+		start = cur; break;
+	    default:
+		ERROR("Invalid escape value");
+		return;
+	}
+	end = start;
+    } else if ((cur != 0x5B) && (cur != 0x5D)) {
+	end = start = cur;
+    } else {
+	ERROR("Expecting a char range");
+	return;
+    }
+    NEXT;
+    if (start == '-') {
+	return;
+    }
+    cur = CUR;
+    if (cur != '-') {
+        xmlRegAtomAddRange(ctxt, ctxt->atom, ctxt->neg,
+		              XML_REGEXP_CHARVAL, start, end, NULL);
+	return;
+    }
+    NEXT;
+    cur = CUR;
+    if (cur == '\\') {
+	cur = CUR;
+	switch (cur) {
+	    case 'n': end = 0xA; break;
+	    case 'r': end = 0xD; break;
+	    case 't': end = 0x9; break;
+	    case '\\': case '|': case '.': case '-': case '^': case '?':
+	    case '*': case '+': case '{': case '}': case '(': case ')':
+	    case '[': case ']':
+		end = cur; break;
+	    default:
+		ERROR("Invalid escape value");
+		return;
+	}
+    } else if ((cur != 0x5B) && (cur != 0x5D)) {
+	end = cur;
+    } else {
+	ERROR("Expecting the end of a char range");
+	return;
+    }
+    NEXT;
+    /* TODO check that the values are acceptable character ranges for XML */
+    if (end < start) {
+	ERROR("End of range is before start of range");
+    } else {
+        xmlRegAtomAddRange(ctxt, ctxt->atom, ctxt->neg,
+		           XML_REGEXP_CHARVAL, start, end, NULL);
+    }
+    return;
+ * xmlFAParsePosCharGroup:
+ * ctxt:  a regexp parser context
+ *
+ * [14]   posCharGroup ::= ( charRange | charClassEsc  )+
+ */
+static void
+xmlFAParsePosCharGroup(xmlRegParserCtxtPtr ctxt) {
+    do {
+	if ((CUR == '\\') || (CUR == '.')) {
+	    xmlFAParseCharClassEsc(ctxt);
+	} else {
+	    xmlFAParseCharRange(ctxt);
+	}
+    } while ((CUR != ']') && (CUR != '^') && (CUR != '-') &&
+	     (ctxt->error == 0));
+ * xmlFAParseCharGroup:
+ * ctxt:  a regexp parser context
+ *
+ * [13]   charGroup    ::= posCharGroup | negCharGroup | charClassSub
+ * [15]   negCharGroup ::= '^' posCharGroup
+ * [16]   charClassSub ::= ( posCharGroup | negCharGroup ) '-' charClassExpr  
+ * [12]   charClassExpr ::= '[' charGroup ']'
+ */
+static void
+xmlFAParseCharGroup(xmlRegParserCtxtPtr ctxt) {
+    int n = ctxt->neg;
+    while ((CUR != ']') && (ctxt->error == 0)) {
+	if (CUR == '^') {
+	    int neg = ctxt->neg;
+	    NEXT;
+	    ctxt->neg = !ctxt->neg;
+	    xmlFAParsePosCharGroup(ctxt);
+	    ctxt->neg = neg;
+	} else if (CUR == '-') {
+	    NEXT;
+	    ctxt->neg = !ctxt->neg;
+	    if (CUR != '[') {
+		ERROR("charClassExpr: '[' expected");
+		break;
+	    }
+	    NEXT;
+	    xmlFAParseCharGroup(ctxt);
+	    if (CUR == ']') {
+		NEXT;
+	    } else {
+		ERROR("charClassExpr: ']' expected");
+		break;
+	    }
+	    break;
+	} else if (CUR != ']') {
+	    xmlFAParsePosCharGroup(ctxt);
+	}
+    }
+    ctxt->neg = n;
+ * xmlFAParseCharClass:
+ * ctxt:  a regexp parser context
+ *
+ * [11]   charClass   ::=     charClassEsc | charClassExpr
+ * [12]   charClassExpr   ::=   '[' charGroup ']'
+ */
+static void
+xmlFAParseCharClass(xmlRegParserCtxtPtr ctxt) {
+    if (CUR == '[') {
+	ctxt->atom = xmlRegNewAtom(ctxt, XML_REGEXP_RANGES);
+	if (ctxt->atom == NULL)
+	    return;
+	xmlFAParseCharGroup(ctxt);
+	if (CUR == ']') {
+	    NEXT;
+	} else {
+	    ERROR("xmlFAParseCharClass: ']' expected");
+	}
+    } else {
+	xmlFAParseCharClassEsc(ctxt);
+    }
+ * xmlFAParseQuantExact:
+ * ctxt:  a regexp parser context
+ *
+ * [8]   QuantExact   ::=   [0-9]+
+ */
+static int
+xmlFAParseQuantExact(xmlRegParserCtxtPtr ctxt) {
+    int ret = 0;
+    int ok = 0;
+    while ((CUR >= '0') && (CUR <= '9')) {
+	ret = ret * 10 + (CUR - '0');
+	ok = 1;
+    }
+    if (ok != 1) {
+	return(-1);
+    }
+    return(ret);
+ * xmlFAParseQuantifier:
+ * ctxt:  a regexp parser context
+ *
+ * [4]   quantifier   ::=   [?*+] | ( '{' quantity '}' )
+ * [5]   quantity   ::=   quantRange | quantMin | QuantExact
+ * [6]   quantRange   ::=   QuantExact ',' QuantExact
+ * [7]   quantMin   ::=   QuantExact ','
+ * [8]   QuantExact   ::=   [0-9]+
+ */
+static int
+xmlFAParseQuantifier(xmlRegParserCtxtPtr ctxt) {
+    int cur;
+    cur = CUR;
+    if ((cur == '?') || (cur == '*') || (cur == '+')) {
+	if (ctxt->atom != NULL) {
+	    if (cur == '?')
+		ctxt->atom->quant = XML_REGEXP_QUANT_OPT;
+	    else if (cur == '*')
+		ctxt->atom->quant = XML_REGEXP_QUANT_MULT;
+	    else if (cur == '+')
+		ctxt->atom->quant = XML_REGEXP_QUANT_PLUS;
+	}
+	return(1);
+    }
+    if (cur == '{') {
+	int min = 0, max = 0;
+	cur = xmlFAParseQuantExact(ctxt);
+	if (cur >= 0)
+	    min = cur;
+	if (CUR == ',') {
+	    NEXT;
+	    cur = xmlFAParseQuantExact(ctxt);
+	    if (cur >= 0)
+		max = cur;
+	}
+	if (CUR == '}') {
+	    NEXT;
+	} else {
+	    ERROR("Unterminated quantifier");
+	}
+	if (max == 0)
+	    max = min;
+	if (ctxt->atom != NULL) {
+	    ctxt->atom->quant = XML_REGEXP_QUANT_RANGE;
+	    ctxt->atom->min = min;
+	    ctxt->atom->max = max;
+	}
+	return(1);
+    }
+    return(0);
+ * xmlFAParseAtom:
+ * ctxt:  a regexp parser context
+ *
+ * [9]   atom   ::=   Char | charClass | ( '(' regExp ')' )
+ */
+static int
+xmlFAParseAtom(xmlRegParserCtxtPtr ctxt) {
+    int codepoint, len;
+    codepoint = xmlFAIsChar(ctxt);
+    if (codepoint > 0) {
+	ctxt->atom = xmlRegNewAtom(ctxt, XML_REGEXP_CHARVAL);
+	if (ctxt->atom == NULL)
+	    return(-1);
+	codepoint = CUR_SCHAR(ctxt->cur, len);
+	ctxt->atom->codepoint = codepoint;
+	NEXTL(len);
+	return(1);
+    } else if (CUR == '|') {
+	return(0);
+    } else if (CUR == 0) {
+	return(0);
+    } else if (CUR == ')') {
+	return(0);
+    } else if (CUR == '(') {
+	xmlRegStatePtr start, oldend;
+	xmlFAGenerateEpsilonTransition(ctxt, ctxt->state, NULL);
+	start = ctxt->state;
+	oldend = ctxt->end;
+	ctxt->end = NULL;
+	ctxt->atom = NULL;
+	xmlFAParseRegExp(ctxt, 0);
+	if (CUR == ')') {
+	    NEXT;
+	} else {
+	    ERROR("xmlFAParseAtom: expecting ')'");
+	}
+	ctxt->atom = xmlRegNewAtom(ctxt, XML_REGEXP_SUBREG);
+	if (ctxt->atom == NULL)
+	    return(-1);
+	ctxt->atom->start = start;
+	ctxt->atom->stop = ctxt->state;
+	ctxt->end = oldend;
+	return(1);
+    } else if ((CUR == '[') || (CUR == '\\') || (CUR == '.')) {
+	xmlFAParseCharClass(ctxt);
+	return(1);
+    }
+    return(0);
+ * xmlFAParsePiece:
+ * ctxt:  a regexp parser context
+ *
+ * [3]   piece   ::=   atom quantifier?
+ */
+static int
+xmlFAParsePiece(xmlRegParserCtxtPtr ctxt) {
+    int ret;
+    ctxt->atom = NULL;
+    ret = xmlFAParseAtom(ctxt);
+    if (ret == 0)
+	return(0);
+    if (ctxt->atom == NULL) {
+	ERROR("internal: no atom generated");
+    }
+    xmlFAParseQuantifier(ctxt);
+    return(1);
+ * xmlFAParseBranch:
+ * ctxt:  a regexp parser context
+ * first:  is taht the first
+ *
+ * [2]   branch   ::=   piece*
+ */
+static void
+xmlFAParseBranch(xmlRegParserCtxtPtr ctxt, int first) {
+    xmlRegStatePtr previous;
+    xmlRegAtomPtr prevatom = NULL;
+    int ret;
+    previous = ctxt->state;
+    ret = xmlFAParsePiece(ctxt);
+    if (ret != 0) {
+	if (first) {
+	    xmlFAGenerateTransitions(ctxt, previous, NULL, ctxt->atom);
+	    previous = ctxt->state;
+	} else {
+	    prevatom = ctxt->atom;
+	}
+	ctxt->atom = NULL;
+    }
+    while ((ret != 0) && (ctxt->error == 0)) {
+	ret = xmlFAParsePiece(ctxt);
+	if (ret != 0) {
+	    if (first) {
+		xmlFAGenerateTransitions(ctxt, previous, NULL, ctxt->atom);
+	    } else {
+		xmlFAGenerateTransitions(ctxt, previous, NULL, prevatom);
+		prevatom = ctxt->atom;
+	    }
+	    previous = ctxt->state;
+	    ctxt->atom = NULL;
+	}
+    }
+    if (!first) {
+	xmlFAGenerateTransitions(ctxt, previous, ctxt->end, prevatom);
+    }
+ * xmlFAParseRegExp:
+ * ctxt:  a regexp parser context
+ * top:  is that the top-level expressions ?
+ *
+ * [1]   regExp   ::=     branch  ( '|' branch )*
+ */
+static void
+xmlFAParseRegExp(xmlRegParserCtxtPtr ctxt, int top) {
+    xmlRegStatePtr start, end, oldend;
+    oldend = ctxt->end;
+    start = ctxt->state;
+    xmlFAParseBranch(ctxt, (ctxt->end == NULL));
+    if (CUR != '|') {
+	ctxt->end = ctxt->state;
+	return;
+    }
+    end = ctxt->state;
+    while ((CUR == '|') && (ctxt->error == 0)) {
+	ctxt->state = start;
+	ctxt->end = end;
+	xmlFAParseBranch(ctxt, 0);
+    }
+    if (!top)
+	ctxt->end = oldend;
+ * 									*
+ * 			The basic API					*
+ * 									*
+ ************************************************************************/
+ * xmlRegexpPrint:
+ * @output: the file for the output debug
+ * @regexp: the compiled regexp
+ *
+ * Print the content of the compiled regular expression
+ */
+xmlRegexpPrint(FILE *output, xmlRegexpPtr regexp) {
+    int i;
+    fprintf(output, " regexp: ");
+    if (regexp == NULL) {
+	fprintf(output, "NULL\n");
+	return;
+    }
+    fprintf(output, "'%s' ", regexp->string);
+    fprintf(output, "\n");
+    fprintf(output, "%d atoms:\n", regexp->nbAtoms);
+    for (i = 0;i < regexp->nbAtoms; i++) {
+	fprintf(output, " %02d ", i);
+	xmlRegPrintAtom(output, regexp->atoms[i]);
+    }
+    fprintf(output, "%d states:", regexp->nbStates);
+    fprintf(output, "\n");
+    for (i = 0;i < regexp->nbStates; i++) {
+	xmlRegPrintState(output, regexp->states[i]);
+    }
+    fprintf(output, "%d counters:\n", regexp->nbCounters);
+    for (i = 0;i < regexp->nbCounters; i++) {
+	fprintf(output, " %d: min %d max %d\n", i, regexp->counters[i].min,
+		                                regexp->counters[i].max);
+    }
+ * xmlRegexpCompile:
+ * @regexp:  a regular expression string
+ *
+ * Parses a regular expression conforming to XML Schemas Part 2 Datatype
+ * Appendix F and build an automata suitable for testing strings against
+ * that regular expression
+ *
+ * Returns the compiled expression or NULL in case of error
+ */
+xmlRegexpCompile(const xmlChar *regexp) {
+    xmlRegexpPtr ret;
+    xmlRegParserCtxtPtr ctxt;
+    ctxt = xmlRegNewParserCtxt(regexp);
+    if (ctxt == NULL)
+	return(NULL);
+    /* initialize the parser */
+    ctxt->end = NULL;
+    ctxt->start = ctxt->state = xmlRegNewState(ctxt);
+    xmlRegStatePush(ctxt, ctxt->start);
+    /* parse the expression building an automata */
+    xmlFAParseRegExp(ctxt, 1);
+    if (CUR != 0) {
+	ERROR("xmlFAParseRegExp: extra characters");
+    }
+    ctxt->end = ctxt->state;
+    ctxt->start->type = XML_REGEXP_START_STATE;
+    ctxt->end->type = XML_REGEXP_FINAL_STATE;
+    /* remove the Epsilon except for counted transitions */
+    xmlFAEliminateEpsilonTransitions(ctxt);
+    if (ctxt->error != 0) {
+	xmlRegFreeParserCtxt(ctxt);
+	return(NULL);
+    }
+    ret = xmlRegEpxFromParse(ctxt);
+    xmlRegFreeParserCtxt(ctxt);
+    return(ret);
+ * xmlRegexpExec:
+ * @comp:  the compiled regular expression
+ * @content:  the value to check against the regular expression
+ *
+ * Check if the regular expression generate the value
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if it matches, 0 if not and a negativa value in case of error
+ */
+xmlRegexpExec(xmlRegexpPtr comp, const xmlChar *content) {
+    if ((comp == NULL) || (content == NULL))
+	return(-1);
+    return(xmlFARegExec(comp, content));
+ * xmlRegFreeRegexp:
+ * @regexp:  the regexp
+ *
+ * Free a regexp
+ */
+xmlRegFreeRegexp(xmlRegexpPtr regexp) {
+    int i;
+    if (regexp == NULL)
+	return;
+    if (regexp->string != NULL)
+	xmlFree(regexp->string);
+    if (regexp->states != NULL) {
+	for (i = 0;i < regexp->nbStates;i++)
+	    xmlRegFreeState(regexp->states[i]);
+	xmlFree(regexp->states);
+    }
+    if (regexp->atoms != NULL) {
+	for (i = 0;i < regexp->nbAtoms;i++)
+	    xmlRegFreeAtom(regexp->atoms[i]);
+	xmlFree(regexp->atoms);
+    }
+    if (regexp->counters != NULL)
+	xmlFree(regexp->counters);
+    xmlFree(regexp);
+ * 									*
+ * 			The Automata interface				*
+ * 									*
+ ************************************************************************/
+ * xmlNewAutomata:
+ *
+ * Create a new automata
+ *
+ * Returns the new object or NULL in case of failure
+ */
+xmlNewAutomata(void) {
+    xmlAutomataPtr ctxt;
+    ctxt = xmlRegNewParserCtxt(NULL);
+    if (ctxt == NULL)
+	return(NULL);
+    /* initialize the parser */
+    ctxt->end = NULL;
+    ctxt->start = ctxt->state = xmlRegNewState(ctxt);
+    xmlRegStatePush(ctxt, ctxt->start);
+    return(ctxt);
+ * xmlFreeAutomata:
+ * @am: an automata
+ *
+ * Free an automata
+ */
+xmlFreeAutomata(xmlAutomataPtr am) {
+    if (am == NULL)
+	return;
+    xmlRegFreeParserCtxt(am);
+ * xmlAutomataGetInitState:
+ * @am: an automata
+ *
+ * Returns the initial state of the automata
+ */
+xmlAutomataGetInitState(xmlAutomataPtr am) {
+    if (am == NULL)
+	return(NULL);
+    return(am->start);
+ * xmlAutomataSetFinalState:
+ * @am: an automata
+ * @state: a state in this automata
+ *
+ * Makes that state a final state
+ *
+ * Returns 0 or -1 in case of error
+ */
+xmlAutomataSetFinalState(xmlAutomataPtr am, xmlAutomataStatePtr state) {
+    if ((am == NULL) || (state == NULL))
+	return(-1);
+    state->type = XML_REGEXP_FINAL_STATE;
+    return(0);
+ * xmlAutomataNewTransition:
+ * @am: an automata
+ * @from: the starting point of the transition
+ * @to: the target point of the transition or NULL
+ * @token: the input string associated to that transition
+ * @data: data passed to the callback function if the transition is activated
+ *
+ * If @to is NULL, this create first a new target state in the automata
+ * and then adds a transition from the @from state to the target state
+ * activated by the value of @token
+ *
+ * Returns the target state or NULL in case of error
+ */
+xmlAutomataNewTransition(xmlAutomataPtr am, xmlAutomataStatePtr from,
+			 xmlAutomataStatePtr to, const xmlChar *token,
+			 void *data) {
+    xmlRegAtomPtr atom;
+    if ((am == NULL) || (from == NULL) || (token == NULL))
+	return(NULL);
+    atom = xmlRegNewAtom(am, XML_REGEXP_STRING);
+    atom->data = data;
+    if (atom == NULL)
+	return(NULL);
+    atom->valuep = xmlStrdup(token);
+    xmlFAGenerateTransitions(am, from, to, atom);
+    if (to == NULL)
+	return(am->state);
+    return(to);
+ * xmlAutomataNewCountTrans:
+ * @am: an automata
+ * @from: the starting point of the transition
+ * @to: the target point of the transition or NULL
+ * @token: the input string associated to that transition
+ * @min:  the minimum successive occurences of token
+ * @min:  the maximum successive occurences of token
+ *
+ * If @to is NULL, this create first a new target state in the automata
+ * and then adds a transition from the @from state to the target state
+ * activated by a succession of input of value @token and whose number
+ * is between @min and @max
+ *
+ * Returns the target state or NULL in case of error
+ */
+xmlAutomataNewCountTrans(xmlAutomataPtr am, xmlAutomataStatePtr from,
+			 xmlAutomataStatePtr to, const xmlChar *token,
+			 int min, int max, void *data) {
+    xmlRegAtomPtr atom;
+    if ((am == NULL) || (from == NULL) || (token == NULL))
+	return(NULL);
+    if (min < 0)
+	return(NULL);
+    if ((max < min) || (max < 1))
+	return(NULL);
+    atom = xmlRegNewAtom(am, XML_REGEXP_STRING);
+    if (atom == NULL)
+	return(NULL);
+    atom->valuep = xmlStrdup(token);
+    atom->data = data;
+    if (min == 0)
+	atom->min = 1;
+    else
+	atom->min = min;
+    atom->max = max;
+    xmlFAGenerateTransitions(am, from, to, atom);
+    if (to == NULL)
+	to = am->state;
+    if (to == NULL)
+	return(NULL);
+    if (min == 0)
+	xmlFAGenerateEpsilonTransition(am, from, to);
+    return(to);
+ * xmlAutomataNewState:
+ * @am: an automata
+ *
+ * Create a new disconnected state in the automata
+ *
+ * Returns the new state or NULL in case of error
+ */
+xmlAutomataNewState(xmlAutomataPtr am) {
+    xmlAutomataStatePtr to; 
+    if (am == NULL)
+	return(NULL);
+    to = xmlRegNewState(am);
+    xmlRegStatePush(am, to);
+    return(to);
+ * xmlAutomataNewTransition:
+ * @am: an automata
+ * @from: the starting point of the transition
+ * @to: the target point of the transition or NULL
+ *
+ * If @to is NULL, this create first a new target state in the automata
+ * and then adds a an epsilon transition from the @from state to the
+ * target state
+ *
+ * Returns the target state or NULL in case of error
+ */
+xmlAutomataNewEpsilon(xmlAutomataPtr am, xmlAutomataStatePtr from,
+		      xmlAutomataStatePtr to) {
+    if ((am == NULL) || (from == NULL))
+	return(NULL);
+    xmlFAGenerateEpsilonTransition(am, from, to);
+    if (to == NULL)
+	return(am->state);
+    return(to);
+#if 0
+int			xmlAutomataNewCounter	(xmlAutomataPtr am);
+ * xmlAutomataCompile:
+ * @am: an automata
+ *
+ * Compile the automata into a Reg Exp ready for being executed.
+ * The automata should be free after this point.
+ *
+ * Returns the compiled regexp or NULL in case of error
+ */
+xmlAutomataCompile(xmlAutomataPtr am) {
+    xmlRegexpPtr ret;
+    xmlFAEliminateEpsilonTransitions(am);
+    ret = xmlRegEpxFromParse(am);
+    return(ret);
diff --git a/xmlschemas.c b/xmlschemas.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f211095
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xmlschemas.c
@@ -0,0 +1,4941 @@
+ * schemas.c : implementation of the XML Schema handling and
+ *             schema validity checking
+ *
+ * See Copyright for the status of this software.
+ *
+ * Daniel Veillard <>
+ */
+#define IN_LIBXML
+#include "libxml.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include <libxml/xmlmemory.h>
+#include <libxml/parser.h>
+#include <libxml/parserInternals.h>
+#include <libxml/hash.h>
+#include <libxml/xmlschemas.h>
+#include <libxml/schemasInternals.h>
+#include <libxml/xmlschemastypes.h>
+#include <libxml/xmlautomata.h>
+#include <libxml/xmlregexp.h>
+#define DEBUG 1                 /* very verobose output */
+/* #define DEBUG_CONTENT 1 */
+/* #define DEBUG_AUTOMATA 1 */
+#define UNBOUNDED (1 << 30)
+#define TODO 								\
+    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,				\
+	    "Unimplemented block at %s:%d\n",				\
+            __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ * The XML Schemas namespaces
+ */
+static const xmlChar *xmlSchemaNs = (const xmlChar *)
+    "";
+static const xmlChar *xmlSchemaInstanceNs = (const xmlChar *)
+    "";
+#define IS_SCHEMA(node, type)						\
+   ((node != NULL) && (node->ns != NULL) &&				\
+    (xmlStrEqual(node->name, (const xmlChar *) type)) &&		\
+    (xmlStrEqual(node->ns->href, xmlSchemaNs)))
+struct _xmlSchemaParserCtxt {
+    void *userData;			/* user specific data block */
+    xmlSchemaValidityErrorFunc error;	/* the callback in case of errors */
+    xmlSchemaValidityWarningFunc warning;/* the callback in case of warning */
+    xmlSchemaPtr       schema;        /* The schema in use */
+    xmlChar 	      *container;     /* the current element, group, ... */
+    int counter;
+    xmlChar	      *URL;
+    xmlDocPtr          doc;
+    /*
+     * Used to build complex element content models
+     */
+    xmlAutomataPtr     am;
+    xmlAutomataStatePtr start;
+    xmlAutomataStatePtr end;
+    xmlAutomataStatePtr state;
+typedef struct _xmlSchemaAttrState xmlSchemaAttrState;
+typedef xmlSchemaAttrState *xmlSchemaAttrStatePtr;
+struct _xmlSchemaAttrState {
+    xmlAttrPtr       attr;
+    int              state;
+ * xmlSchemaValidCtxt:
+ *
+ * A Schemas validation context
+ */
+struct _xmlSchemaValidCtxt {
+    void *userData;			/* user specific data block */
+    xmlSchemaValidityErrorFunc error;	/* the callback in case of errors */
+    xmlSchemaValidityWarningFunc warning;/* the callback in case of warning */
+    xmlSchemaPtr            schema;        /* The schema in use */
+    xmlDocPtr               doc;
+    xmlParserInputBufferPtr input;
+    xmlCharEncoding         enc;
+    xmlSAXHandlerPtr        sax;
+    void                   *user_data;
+    xmlDocPtr               myDoc;
+    int                     err;
+    xmlNodePtr              node;
+    xmlSchemaTypePtr        type;
+    xmlRegExecCtxtPtr       regexp;
+    xmlSchemaValPtr         value;
+    int                     attrNr;
+    int                     attrBase;
+    int                     attrMax;
+    xmlSchemaAttrStatePtr   attr;
+ * 									*
+ * 			Some predeclarations				*
+ * 									*
+ ************************************************************************/
+static int xmlSchemaValidateSimpleValue(xmlSchemaValidCtxtPtr ctxt, 
+			     xmlSchemaTypePtr type,
+	                     xmlChar *value);
+ * 									*
+ * 			Allocation functions				*
+ * 									*
+ ************************************************************************/
+ * xmlSchemaNewSchema:
+ * @ctxt:  a schema validation context (optional)
+ *
+ * Allocate a new Schema structure.
+ *
+ * Returns the newly allocated structure or NULL in case or error
+ */
+static xmlSchemaPtr
+xmlSchemaNewSchema(xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt)
+    xmlSchemaPtr ret;
+    ret = (xmlSchemaPtr) xmlMalloc(sizeof(xmlSchema));
+    if (ret == NULL) {
+        if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL))
+            ctxt->error(ctxt->userData, "Out of memory\n");
+        return (NULL);
+    }
+    memset(ret, 0, sizeof(xmlSchema));
+    return (ret);
+ * xmlSchemaNewFacet:
+ * @ctxt:  a schema validation context (optional)
+ *
+ * Allocate a new Facet structure.
+ *
+ * Returns the newly allocated structure or NULL in case or error
+ */
+static xmlSchemaFacetPtr
+xmlSchemaNewFacet(xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt)
+    xmlSchemaFacetPtr ret;
+    ret = (xmlSchemaFacetPtr) xmlMalloc(sizeof(xmlSchemaFacet));
+    if (ret == NULL) {
+        if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL))
+            ctxt->error(ctxt->userData, "Out of memory\n");
+        return (NULL);
+    }
+    memset(ret, 0, sizeof(xmlSchemaFacet));
+    return (ret);
+ * xmlSchemaNewAnnot:
+ * @ctxt:  a schema validation context (optional)
+ * @node:  a node
+ *
+ * Allocate a new annotation structure.
+ *
+ * Returns the newly allocated structure or NULL in case or error
+ */
+static xmlSchemaAnnotPtr
+xmlSchemaNewAnnot(xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlNodePtr node)
+    xmlSchemaAnnotPtr ret;
+    ret = (xmlSchemaAnnotPtr) xmlMalloc(sizeof(xmlSchemaAnnot));
+    if (ret == NULL) {
+        if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL))
+            ctxt->error(ctxt->userData, "Out of memory\n");
+        return (NULL);
+    }
+    memset(ret, 0, sizeof(xmlSchemaAnnot));
+    ret->content = node;
+    return (ret);
+ * xmlSchemaFreeNotation:
+ * @schema:  a schema notation structure
+ *
+ * Deallocate a Schema Notation structure.
+ */
+static void
+xmlSchemaFreeNotation(xmlSchemaNotationPtr nota)
+    if (nota == NULL)
+        return;
+    if (nota->name != NULL)
+        xmlFree((xmlChar *) nota->name);
+    xmlFree(nota);
+ * xmlSchemaFreeAttribute:
+ * @schema:  a schema attribute structure
+ *
+ * Deallocate a Schema Attribute structure.
+ */
+static void
+xmlSchemaFreeAttribute(xmlSchemaAttributePtr attr)
+    if (attr == NULL)
+        return;
+    if (attr->name != NULL)
+        xmlFree((xmlChar *) attr->name);
+    if (attr->ref != NULL)
+	xmlFree((xmlChar *) attr->ref);
+    if (attr->refNs != NULL)
+	xmlFree((xmlChar *) attr->refNs);
+    if (attr->typeName != NULL)
+	xmlFree((xmlChar *) attr->typeName);
+    if (attr->typeNs != NULL)
+	xmlFree((xmlChar *) attr->typeNs);
+    xmlFree(attr);
+ * xmlSchemaFreeAttributeGroup:
+ * @schema:  a schema attribute group structure
+ *
+ * Deallocate a Schema Attribute Group structure.
+ */
+static void
+xmlSchemaFreeAttributeGroup(xmlSchemaAttributeGroupPtr attr)
+    if (attr == NULL)
+        return;
+    if (attr->name != NULL)
+        xmlFree((xmlChar *) attr->name);
+    xmlFree(attr);
+ * xmlSchemaFreeElement:
+ * @schema:  a schema element structure
+ *
+ * Deallocate a Schema Element structure.
+ */
+static void
+xmlSchemaFreeElement(xmlSchemaElementPtr elem)
+    if (elem == NULL)
+        return;
+    if (elem->name != NULL)
+        xmlFree((xmlChar *) elem->name);
+    if (elem->namedType != NULL)
+        xmlFree((xmlChar *) elem->namedType);
+    if (elem->namedTypeNs != NULL)
+        xmlFree((xmlChar *) elem->namedTypeNs);
+    if (elem->ref != NULL)
+        xmlFree((xmlChar *) elem->ref);
+    if (elem->refNs != NULL)
+        xmlFree((xmlChar *) elem->refNs);
+    if (elem->contModel != NULL)
+	xmlRegFreeRegexp(elem->contModel);
+    xmlFree(elem);
+ * xmlSchemaFreeFacet:
+ * @facet:  a schema facet structure
+ *
+ * Deallocate a Schema Facet structure.
+ */
+static void
+xmlSchemaFreeFacet(xmlSchemaFacetPtr facet)
+    if (facet == NULL)
+        return;
+    if (facet->value != NULL)
+        xmlFree((xmlChar *) facet->value);
+    if (facet->id != NULL)
+        xmlFree((xmlChar *) facet->id);
+    if (facet->val != NULL)
+	xmlSchemaFreeValue(facet->val);
+    if (facet->regexp != NULL)
+	xmlRegFreeRegexp(facet->regexp);
+    xmlFree(facet);
+ * xmlSchemaFreeType:
+ * @type:  a schema type structure
+ *
+ * Deallocate a Schema Type structure.
+ */
+xmlSchemaFreeType(xmlSchemaTypePtr type)
+    if (type == NULL)
+        return;
+    if (type->name != NULL)
+        xmlFree((xmlChar *) type->name);
+    if (type->base != NULL)
+        xmlFree((xmlChar *) type->base);
+    if (type->baseNs != NULL)
+        xmlFree((xmlChar *) type->baseNs);
+    if (type->annot != NULL)
+        xmlFree((xmlChar *) type->annot);
+    if (type->facets != NULL) {
+	xmlSchemaFacetPtr facet, next;
+	facet = type->facets;
+	while (facet != NULL) {
+	    next = facet->next;
+	    xmlSchemaFreeFacet(facet);
+	    facet = next;
+	}
+    }
+    xmlFree(type);
+ * xmlSchemaFreeAnnot:
+ * @annot:  a schema type structure
+ *
+ * Deallocate a annotation structure
+ */
+static void
+xmlSchemaFreeAnnot(xmlSchemaAnnotPtr annot)
+    if (annot == NULL)
+        return;
+    xmlFree(annot);
+ * xmlSchemaFree:
+ * @schema:  a schema structure
+ *
+ * Deallocate a Schema structure.
+ */
+xmlSchemaFree(xmlSchemaPtr schema)
+    if (schema == NULL)
+        return;
+    if (schema->name != NULL)
+        xmlFree((xmlChar *) schema->name);
+    if (schema->notaDecl != NULL)
+        xmlHashFree(schema->notaDecl,
+                    (xmlHashDeallocator) xmlSchemaFreeNotation);
+    if (schema->attrDecl != NULL)
+        xmlHashFree(schema->attrDecl,
+                    (xmlHashDeallocator) xmlSchemaFreeAttribute);
+    if (schema->attrgrpDecl != NULL)
+        xmlHashFree(schema->attrgrpDecl,
+                    (xmlHashDeallocator) xmlSchemaFreeAttributeGroup);
+    if (schema->elemDecl != NULL)
+        xmlHashFree(schema->elemDecl,
+                    (xmlHashDeallocator) xmlSchemaFreeElement);
+    if (schema->typeDecl != NULL)
+        xmlHashFree(schema->typeDecl,
+                    (xmlHashDeallocator) xmlSchemaFreeType);
+    if (schema->annot != NULL)
+	xmlSchemaFreeAnnot(schema->annot);
+    if (schema->doc != NULL)
+	xmlFreeDoc(schema->doc);
+    xmlFree(schema);
+ * 									*
+ * 			Error functions					*
+ * 									*
+ ************************************************************************/
+ * xmlSchemaErrorContext:
+ * @ctxt:  the parsing context
+ * @schema:  the schema being built
+ * @node:  the node being processed
+ * @child:  the child being processed
+ *
+ * Dump a SchemaType structure
+ */
+static void
+xmlSchemaErrorContext(xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlSchemaPtr schema,
+                      xmlNodePtr node, xmlNodePtr child)
+    int line = 0;
+    const xmlChar *file = NULL;
+    const xmlChar *name = NULL;
+    const char *type = "error";
+    if ((ctxt == NULL) || (ctxt->error == NULL))
+	return;
+    if (child != NULL)
+	node = child;
+    if (node != NULL)  {
+	if ((node->type == XML_DOCUMENT_NODE) ||
+	    (node->type == XML_HTML_DOCUMENT_NODE)) {
+	    xmlDocPtr doc = (xmlDocPtr) node;
+	    file = doc->URL;
+	} else {
+	    /*
+	     * Try to find contextual informations to report
+	     */
+	    if (node->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
+		line = (int) node->content;
+	    } else if ((node->prev != NULL) &&
+		       (node->prev->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE)) {
+		line = (int) node->prev->content;
+	    } else if ((node->parent != NULL) &&
+		       (node->parent->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE)) {
+		line = (int) node->parent->content;
+	    }
+	    if ((node->doc != NULL) && (node->doc->URL != NULL))
+		file = node->doc->URL;
+	    if (node->name != NULL)
+		name = node->name;
+	}
+    } 
+    if (ctxt != NULL)
+	type = "compilation error";
+    else if (schema != NULL)
+	type = "runtime error";
+    if ((file != NULL) && (line != 0) && (name != NULL))
+	ctxt->error(ctxt->userData, "%s: file %s line %d element %s\n",
+		type, file, line, name);
+    else if ((file != NULL) && (name != NULL))
+	ctxt->error(ctxt->userData, "%s: file %s element %s\n",
+		type, file, name);
+    else if ((file != NULL) && (line != 0))
+	ctxt->error(ctxt->userData, "%s: file %s line %d\n", type, file, line);
+    else if (file != NULL)
+	ctxt->error(ctxt->userData, "%s: file %s\n", type, file);
+    else if (name != NULL)
+	ctxt->error(ctxt->userData, "%s: element %s\n", type, name);
+    else
+	ctxt->error(ctxt->userData, "%s\n", type);
+ * 									*
+ * 			Debug functions					*
+ * 									*
+ ************************************************************************/
+ * xmlSchemaElementDump:
+ * @elem:  an element
+ * @output:  the file output
+ *
+ * Dump the element
+ */
+static void
+xmlSchemaElementDump(xmlSchemaElementPtr elem, FILE * output,
+		     ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED const xmlChar *name,
+		     ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED const xmlChar *context,
+		     ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED const xmlChar *namespace)
+    if (elem == NULL)
+        return;
+    fprintf(output, "Element ");
+    if (elem->flags & XML_SCHEMAS_ELEM_TOPLEVEL)
+	fprintf(output, "toplevel ");
+    fprintf(output, ": %s ", elem->name);
+    if (namespace != NULL)
+	fprintf(output, "namespace '%s' ", namespace);
+    if (elem->flags & XML_SCHEMAS_ELEM_NILLABLE)
+	fprintf(output, "nillable ");
+    if (elem->flags & XML_SCHEMAS_ELEM_GLOBAL)
+	fprintf(output, "global ");
+    if (elem->flags & XML_SCHEMAS_ELEM_DEFAULT)
+	fprintf(output, "default ");
+    if (elem->flags & XML_SCHEMAS_ELEM_FIXED)
+	fprintf(output, "fixed ");
+    if (elem->flags & XML_SCHEMAS_ELEM_ABSTRACT)
+	fprintf(output, "abstract ");
+    if (elem->flags & XML_SCHEMAS_ELEM_REF)
+	fprintf(output, "ref '%s' ", elem->ref);
+    if (elem->id != NULL)
+	fprintf(output, "id '%s' ", elem->id);
+    fprintf(output, "\n");
+    if ((elem->minOccurs != 1) || (elem->maxOccurs != 1)) {
+	fprintf(output, "  ");
+	if (elem->minOccurs != 1)
+	    fprintf(output, "min: %d ", elem->minOccurs);
+	if (elem->maxOccurs >= UNBOUNDED)
+	    fprintf(output, "max: unbounded\n");
+	else if (elem->maxOccurs != 1)
+	    fprintf(output, "max: %d\n", elem->maxOccurs);
+	else
+	    fprintf(output, "\n");
+    }
+    if (elem->namedType != NULL) {
+	fprintf(output, "  type: %s", elem->namedType);
+	if (elem->namedTypeNs != NULL)
+	    fprintf(output, " ns %s\n", elem->namedTypeNs);
+	else
+	    fprintf(output, "\n");
+    }
+    if (elem->substGroup != NULL) {
+	fprintf(output, "  substitutionGroup: %s", elem->substGroup);
+	if (elem->substGroupNs != NULL)
+	    fprintf(output, " ns %s\n", elem->substGroupNs);
+	else
+	    fprintf(output, "\n");
+    }
+    if (elem->value != NULL)
+	fprintf(output, "  default: %s", elem->value);
+ * xmlSchemaAnnotDump:
+ * @output:  the file output
+ * @annot:  a annotation
+ *
+ * Dump the annotation
+ */
+static void
+xmlSchemaAnnotDump(FILE * output, xmlSchemaAnnotPtr annot)
+    xmlChar *content;
+    if (annot == NULL)
+        return;
+    content = xmlNodeGetContent(annot->content);
+    if (content != NULL) {
+        fprintf(output, "  Annot: %s\n", content);
+        xmlFree(content);
+    } else
+        fprintf(output, "  Annot: empty\n");
+ * xmlSchemaTypeDump:
+ * @output:  the file output
+ * @type:  a type structure
+ *
+ * Dump a SchemaType structure
+ */
+static void
+xmlSchemaTypeDump(xmlSchemaTypePtr type, FILE * output)
+    if (type == NULL) {
+        fprintf(output, "Type: NULL\n");
+        return;
+    }
+    fprintf(output, "Type: ");
+    if (type->name != NULL)
+        fprintf(output, "%s, ", type->name);
+    else
+        fprintf(output, "no name");
+    switch (type->type) {
+        case XML_SCHEMA_TYPE_BASIC:
+            fprintf(output, "basic ");
+            break;
+            fprintf(output, "simple ");
+            break;
+            fprintf(output, "complex ");
+            break;
+            fprintf(output, "sequence ");
+            break;
+            fprintf(output, "choice ");
+            break;
+        case XML_SCHEMA_TYPE_ALL:
+            fprintf(output, "all ");
+            break;
+        case XML_SCHEMA_TYPE_UR:
+            fprintf(output, "ur ");
+            break;
+            fprintf(output, "restriction ");
+            break;
+            fprintf(output, "extension ");
+            break;
+        default:
+            fprintf(output, "unknowntype%d ", type->type);
+            break;
+    }
+    if (type->base != NULL) {
+	fprintf(output, "base %s, ", type->base);
+    }
+    switch (type->contentType) {
+	    fprintf(output, "unknown ");
+	    break;
+	    fprintf(output, "empty ");
+	    break;
+	    fprintf(output, "element ");
+	    break;
+	    fprintf(output, "mixed ");
+	    break;
+	    fprintf(output, "mixed_or_elems ");
+	    break;
+	    fprintf(output, "basic ");
+	    break;
+	    fprintf(output, "simple ");
+	    break;
+    }
+    fprintf(output, "\n");
+    if ((type->minOccurs != 1) || (type->maxOccurs != 1)) {
+	fprintf(output, "  ");
+	if (type->minOccurs != 1)
+	    fprintf(output, "min: %d ", type->minOccurs);
+	if (type->maxOccurs >= UNBOUNDED)
+	    fprintf(output, "max: unbounded\n");
+	else if (type->maxOccurs != 1)
+	    fprintf(output, "max: %d\n", type->maxOccurs);
+	else
+	    fprintf(output, "\n");
+    }
+    if (type->annot != NULL)
+        xmlSchemaAnnotDump(output, type->annot);
+    if (type->subtypes != NULL) {
+	xmlSchemaTypePtr sub = type->subtypes;
+	fprintf(output, "  subtypes: ");
+	while (sub != NULL) {
+	    fprintf(output, "%s ", sub->name);
+	    sub = sub->next;
+	}
+	fprintf(output, "\n");
+    }
+ * xmlSchemaDump:
+ * @output:  the file output
+ * @schema:  a schema structure
+ *
+ * Dump a Schema structure.
+ */
+xmlSchemaDump(FILE * output, xmlSchemaPtr schema)
+    if (schema == NULL) {
+        fprintf(output, "Schemas: NULL\n");
+        return;
+    }
+    fprintf(output, "Schemas: ");
+    if (schema->name != NULL)
+        fprintf(output, "%s, ", schema->name);
+    else
+        fprintf(output, "no name, ");
+    if (schema->targetNamespace != NULL)
+        fprintf(output, "%s", schema->targetNamespace);
+    else
+        fprintf(output, "no target namespace");
+    fprintf(output, "\n");
+    if (schema->annot != NULL)
+        xmlSchemaAnnotDump(output, schema->annot);
+    xmlHashScan(schema->typeDecl, (xmlHashScanner) xmlSchemaTypeDump,
+                output);
+    xmlHashScanFull(schema->elemDecl,
+	            (xmlHashScannerFull) xmlSchemaElementDump, output);
+ * 									*
+ * 			Parsing functions				*
+ * 									*
+ ************************************************************************/
+ * xmlSchemaGetType:
+ * @schema:  the schemas context
+ * @name:  the type name
+ * @ns:  the type namespace
+ *
+ * Lookup a type in the schemas or the predefined types
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if the string is NULL or made of blanks chars, 0 otherwise
+ */
+static xmlSchemaTypePtr
+xmlSchemaGetType(xmlSchemaPtr schema, const xmlChar * name,
+	         const xmlChar * namespace) {
+    xmlSchemaTypePtr ret;
+    if (name == NULL)
+	return(NULL);
+    if (schema != NULL) {
+	ret = xmlHashLookup2(schema->typeDecl, name, namespace);
+	if (ret != NULL)
+	    return(ret);
+    }
+    ret = xmlSchemaGetPredefinedType(name, namespace);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    if (ret == NULL) {
+	if (namespace == NULL)
+	    fprintf(stderr, "Unable to lookup type %s", name);
+	else
+	    fprintf(stderr, "Unable to lookup type %s:%s", name, namespace);
+    }
+    return(ret);
+ * 									*
+ * 			Parsing functions				*
+ * 									*
+ ************************************************************************/
+#define IS_BLANK_NODE(n)						\
+    (((n)->type == XML_TEXT_NODE) && (xmlSchemaIsBlank((n)->content)))
+ * xmlSchemaIsBlank:
+ * @str:  a string
+ *
+ * Check if a string is ignorable
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if the string is NULL or made of blanks chars, 0 otherwise
+ */
+static int
+xmlSchemaIsBlank(xmlChar *str) {
+    if (str == NULL)
+	return(1);
+    while (*str != 0) {
+	if (!(IS_BLANK(*str))) return(0);
+	str++;
+    }
+    return(1);
+ * xmlSchemaAddNotation:
+ * @ctxt:  a schema validation context
+ * @schema:  the schema being built
+ * @name:  the item name
+ *
+ * Add an XML schema Attrribute declaration
+ * *WARNING* this interface is highly subject to change
+ *
+ * Returns the new struture or NULL in case of error
+ */
+static xmlSchemaNotationPtr
+xmlSchemaAddNotation(xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlSchemaPtr schema,
+                      const xmlChar * name)
+    xmlSchemaNotationPtr ret = NULL;
+    int val;
+    if ((ctxt == NULL) || (schema == NULL) || (name == NULL))
+        return (NULL);
+    if (schema->notaDecl == NULL)
+        schema->notaDecl = xmlHashCreate(10);
+    if (schema->notaDecl == NULL)
+        return (NULL);
+    ret = (xmlSchemaNotationPtr) xmlMalloc(sizeof(xmlSchemaNotation));
+    if (ret == NULL) {
+        if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL))
+            ctxt->error(ctxt->userData, "Out of memory\n");
+        return (NULL);
+    }
+    memset(ret, 0, sizeof(xmlSchemaNotation));
+    ret->name = xmlStrdup(name);
+    val = xmlHashAddEntry2(schema->notaDecl, name, schema->targetNamespace,
+                           ret);
+    if (val != 0) {
+        if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL))
+            ctxt->error(ctxt->userData, "Could not add notation %s\n",
+                        name);
+        xmlFree((char *) ret->name);
+        xmlFree(ret);
+        return (NULL);
+    }
+    return (ret);
+ * xmlSchemaAddAttribute:
+ * @ctxt:  a schema validation context
+ * @schema:  the schema being built
+ * @name:  the item name
+ * @container:  the container's name
+ *
+ * Add an XML schema Attrribute declaration
+ * *WARNING* this interface is highly subject to change
+ *
+ * Returns the new struture or NULL in case of error
+ */
+static xmlSchemaAttributePtr
+xmlSchemaAddAttribute(xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlSchemaPtr schema,
+                      const xmlChar * name)
+    xmlSchemaAttributePtr ret = NULL;
+    int val;
+    if ((ctxt == NULL) || (schema == NULL) || (name == NULL))
+        return (NULL);
+    if (schema->attrDecl == NULL)
+        schema->attrDecl = xmlHashCreate(10);
+    if (schema->attrDecl == NULL)
+        return (NULL);
+    ret = (xmlSchemaAttributePtr) xmlMalloc(sizeof(xmlSchemaAttribute));
+    if (ret == NULL) {
+        if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL))
+            ctxt->error(ctxt->userData, "Out of memory\n");
+        return (NULL);
+    }
+    memset(ret, 0, sizeof(xmlSchemaAttribute));
+    ret->name = xmlStrdup(name);
+    val = xmlHashAddEntry3(schema->attrDecl, name,
+	                   schema->targetNamespace, ctxt->container, ret);
+    if (val != 0) {
+        if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL))
+            ctxt->error(ctxt->userData, "Could not add attribute %s\n",
+                        name);
+        xmlFree((char *) ret->name);
+        xmlFree(ret);
+        return (NULL);
+    }
+    return (ret);
+ * xmlSchemaAddAttributeGroup:
+ * @ctxt:  a schema validation context
+ * @schema:  the schema being built
+ * @name:  the item name
+ *
+ * Add an XML schema Attrribute Group declaration
+ *
+ * Returns the new struture or NULL in case of error
+ */
+static xmlSchemaAttributeGroupPtr
+xmlSchemaAddAttributeGroup(xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlSchemaPtr schema,
+                           const xmlChar * name)
+    xmlSchemaAttributeGroupPtr ret = NULL;
+    int val;
+    if ((ctxt == NULL) || (schema == NULL) || (name == NULL))
+        return (NULL);
+    if (schema->attrgrpDecl == NULL)
+        schema->attrgrpDecl = xmlHashCreate(10);
+    if (schema->attrgrpDecl == NULL)
+        return (NULL);
+    ret = (xmlSchemaAttributeGroupPtr) xmlMalloc(sizeof(xmlSchemaAttributeGroup));
+    if (ret == NULL) {
+        if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL))
+            ctxt->error(ctxt->userData, "Out of memory\n");
+        return (NULL);
+    }
+    memset(ret, 0, sizeof(xmlSchemaAttributeGroup));
+    ret->name = xmlStrdup(name);
+    val = xmlHashAddEntry3(schema->attrgrpDecl, name,
+	                   schema->targetNamespace, ctxt->container, ret);
+    if (val != 0) {
+        if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL))
+            ctxt->error(ctxt->userData, "Could not add attribute group %s\n",
+                        name);
+        xmlFree((char *) ret->name);
+        xmlFree(ret);
+        return (NULL);
+    }
+    return (ret);
+ * xmlSchemaAddElement:
+ * @ctxt:  a schema validation context
+ * @schema:  the schema being built
+ * @name:  the type name
+ * @namespace:  the type namespace
+ *
+ * Add an XML schema Element declaration
+ * *WARNING* this interface is highly subject to change
+ *
+ * Returns the new struture or NULL in case of error
+ */
+static xmlSchemaElementPtr
+xmlSchemaAddElement(xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlSchemaPtr schema,
+                    const xmlChar * name, const xmlChar * namespace)
+    xmlSchemaElementPtr ret = NULL;
+    int val;
+    if ((ctxt == NULL) || (schema == NULL) || (name == NULL))
+        return (NULL);
+    if (schema->elemDecl == NULL)
+        schema->elemDecl = xmlHashCreate(10);
+    if (schema->elemDecl == NULL)
+        return (NULL);
+    ret = (xmlSchemaElementPtr) xmlMalloc(sizeof(xmlSchemaElement));
+    if (ret == NULL) {
+        if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL))
+            ctxt->error(ctxt->userData, "Out of memory\n");
+        return (NULL);
+    }
+    memset(ret, 0, sizeof(xmlSchemaElement));
+    ret->name = xmlStrdup(name);
+    val = xmlHashAddEntry3(schema->elemDecl, name,
+	                   namespace, ctxt->container, ret);
+    if (val != 0) {
+	char buf[100];
+	snprintf(buf, 99, "privatieelem%d", ctxt->counter++ + 1);
+	val = xmlHashAddEntry3(schema->elemDecl, name, (xmlChar *) buf,
+			       namespace, ret);
+	if (val != 0) {
+	    if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL))
+		ctxt->error(ctxt->userData, "Could not add element %s\n",
+			    name);
+	    xmlFree((char *) ret->name);
+	    xmlFree(ret);
+	    return (NULL);
+	}
+    }
+    return (ret);
+ * xmlSchemaAddType:
+ * @ctxt:  a schema validation context
+ * @schema:  the schema being built
+ * @name:  the item name
+ *
+ * Add an XML schema Simple Type definition
+ * *WARNING* this interface is highly subject to change
+ *
+ * Returns the new struture or NULL in case of error
+ */
+static xmlSchemaTypePtr
+xmlSchemaAddType(xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlSchemaPtr schema,
+                 const xmlChar * name)
+    xmlSchemaTypePtr ret = NULL;
+    int val;
+    if ((ctxt == NULL) || (schema == NULL) || (name == NULL))
+        return (NULL);
+    if (schema->typeDecl == NULL)
+        schema->typeDecl = xmlHashCreate(10);
+    if (schema->typeDecl == NULL)
+        return (NULL);
+    ret = (xmlSchemaTypePtr) xmlMalloc(sizeof(xmlSchemaType));
+    if (ret == NULL) {
+        if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL))
+            ctxt->error(ctxt->userData, "Out of memory\n");
+        return (NULL);
+    }
+    memset(ret, 0, sizeof(xmlSchemaType));
+    ret->name = xmlStrdup(name);
+    val = xmlHashAddEntry2(schema->typeDecl, name, schema->targetNamespace,
+                           ret);
+    if (val != 0) {
+        if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL))
+            ctxt->error(ctxt->userData, "Could not add type %s\n", name);
+        xmlFree((char *) ret->name);
+        xmlFree(ret);
+        return (NULL);
+    }
+    ret->minOccurs = 1;
+    ret->maxOccurs = 1;
+    return (ret);
+ * 									*
+ *		Utilities for parsing					*
+ * 									*
+ ************************************************************************/
+ * xmlGetQNameProp:
+ * @ctxt:  a schema validation context
+ * @node:  a subtree containing XML Schema informations
+ * @name:  the attribute name
+ * @namespace:  the result namespace if any
+ *
+ * Extract a QName Attribute value
+ *
+ * Returns the NCName or NULL if not found, and also update @namespace
+ *    with the namespace URI
+ */
+static xmlChar *
+xmlGetQNameProp(xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlNodePtr node,
+	        const char *name,
+		xmlChar **namespace) {
+    xmlChar *val, *ret, *prefix;
+    xmlNsPtr ns;
+    if (namespace != NULL)
+	*namespace = NULL;
+    val = xmlGetProp(node, (const xmlChar *) name);
+    if (val == NULL)
+	return(NULL);
+    ret = xmlSplitQName2(val, &prefix);
+    if (ret == NULL)
+	return(val);
+    xmlFree(val);
+    ns = xmlSearchNs(node->doc, node, prefix);
+    if (ns == NULL) {
+	xmlSchemaErrorContext(ctxt, NULL, node, NULL);
+        if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL))
+            ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+		    "Attribute %s: the QName prefix %s is undefined\n",
+		        name, prefix);
+    } else {
+	*namespace = xmlStrdup(ns->href);
+    }
+    xmlFree(prefix);
+    return(ret);
+ * xmlGetMaxOccurs:
+ * @ctxt:  a schema validation context
+ * @node:  a subtree containing XML Schema informations
+ *
+ * Get the maxOccurs property
+ *
+ * Returns the default if not found, or the value
+ */
+static int
+xmlGetMaxOccurs(xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlNodePtr node) {
+    xmlChar *val, *cur;
+    int ret = 0;
+    val = xmlGetProp(node, (const xmlChar *) "maxOccurs");
+    if (val == NULL)
+	return(1);
+    if (xmlStrEqual(val, (const xmlChar *) "unbounded")) {
+	xmlFree(val);
+	return(UNBOUNDED); /* encoding it with -1 might be another option */
+    }
+    cur = val;
+    while (IS_BLANK(*cur)) cur++;
+    while ((*cur >= '0') && (*cur <= '9')) {
+	ret = ret * 10 + (*cur - '0');
+	cur++;
+    }
+    while (IS_BLANK(*cur)) cur++;
+    if (*cur != 0) {
+	xmlSchemaErrorContext(ctxt, NULL, node, NULL);
+        if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL))
+            ctxt->error(ctxt->userData, "invalid value for minOccurs: %s\n",
+		        val);
+	xmlFree(val);
+	return(1);
+    }
+    xmlFree(val);
+    return(ret);
+ * xmlGetMinOccurs:
+ * @ctxt:  a schema validation context
+ * @node:  a subtree containing XML Schema informations
+ *
+ * Get the minOccurs property
+ *
+ * Returns the default if not found, or the value
+ */
+static int
+xmlGetMinOccurs(xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlNodePtr node) {
+    xmlChar *val, *cur;
+    int ret = 0;
+    val = xmlGetProp(node, (const xmlChar *) "minOccurs");
+    if (val == NULL)
+	return(1);
+    cur = val;
+    while (IS_BLANK(*cur)) cur++;
+    while ((*cur >= '0') && (*cur <= '9')) {
+	ret = ret * 10 + (*cur - '0');
+	cur++;
+    }
+    while (IS_BLANK(*cur)) cur++;
+    if (*cur != 0) {
+	xmlSchemaErrorContext(ctxt, NULL, node, NULL);
+        if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL))
+            ctxt->error(ctxt->userData, "invalid value for minOccurs: %s\n",
+		        val);
+	xmlFree(val);
+	return(1);
+    }
+    xmlFree(val);
+    return(ret);
+ * xmlGetBooleanProp:
+ * @ctxt:  a schema validation context
+ * @node:  a subtree containing XML Schema informations
+ * @name:  the attribute name
+ * @def:  the default value
+ *
+ * Get is a bolean property is set
+ *
+ * Returns the default if not found, 0 if found to be false,
+ *         1 if found to be true
+ */
+static int
+xmlGetBooleanProp(xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlNodePtr node,
+	          const char *name, int def) {
+    xmlChar *val;
+    val = xmlGetProp(node, (const xmlChar *) name);
+    if (val == NULL)
+	return(def);
+    if (xmlStrEqual(val, BAD_CAST"true"))
+	def = 1;
+    else if (xmlStrEqual(val, BAD_CAST"false"))
+	def = 0;
+    else {
+	xmlSchemaErrorContext(ctxt, NULL, node, NULL);
+        if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL))
+            ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+		    "Attribute %s: the value %s is not boolean\n",
+		        name, val);
+    }
+    xmlFree(val);
+    return(def);
+ * 									*
+ *		Shema extraction from an Infoset			*
+ * 									*
+ ************************************************************************/
+static xmlSchemaTypePtr xmlSchemaParseSimpleType(xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr
+                                                 ctxt, xmlSchemaPtr schema,
+                                                 xmlNodePtr node);
+static xmlSchemaTypePtr xmlSchemaParseComplexType(xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt,
+                                                  xmlSchemaPtr schema,
+                                                  xmlNodePtr node);
+static xmlSchemaTypePtr xmlSchemaParseRestriction(xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt,
+                                                  xmlSchemaPtr schema,
+                                                  xmlNodePtr node,
+						  int simple);
+static xmlSchemaTypePtr xmlSchemaParseSequence(xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt,
+                                               xmlSchemaPtr schema,
+                                               xmlNodePtr node);
+static xmlSchemaTypePtr xmlSchemaParseAll(xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt,
+                                          xmlSchemaPtr schema,
+                                          xmlNodePtr node);
+static xmlSchemaAttributePtr xmlSchemaParseAttribute(xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr
+                                                     ctxt,
+                                                     xmlSchemaPtr schema,
+                                                     xmlNodePtr node);
+static xmlSchemaAttributeGroupPtr
+xmlSchemaParseAttributeGroup(xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt,
+                             xmlSchemaPtr schema, xmlNodePtr node);
+static xmlSchemaTypePtr xmlSchemaParseChoice(xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt,
+                                             xmlSchemaPtr schema,
+                                             xmlNodePtr node);
+static xmlSchemaTypePtr xmlSchemaParseList(xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt,
+                                           xmlSchemaPtr schema,
+                                           xmlNodePtr node);
+static xmlSchemaAttributePtr
+xmlSchemaParseAnyAttribute(xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlSchemaPtr schema,
+                           xmlNodePtr node);
+ * xmlSchemaParseAttrDecls:
+ * @ctxt:  a schema validation context
+ * @schema:  the schema being built
+ * @node:  a subtree containing XML Schema informations
+ * @type:  the hosting type
+ *
+ * parse a XML schema attrDecls declaration corresponding to
+ * <!ENTITY % attrDecls  
+ *       '((%attribute;| %attributeGroup;)*,(%anyAttribute;)?)'>
+ */
+static xmlNodePtr
+xmlSchemaParseAttrDecls(xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlSchemaPtr schema,
+                        xmlNodePtr child, xmlSchemaTypePtr type)
+    xmlSchemaAttributePtr lastattr, attr;
+    lastattr = NULL;
+    while ((IS_SCHEMA(child, "attribute")) ||
+	   (IS_SCHEMA(child, "attributeGroup"))) {
+	attr = NULL;
+	if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "attribute")) {
+	    attr = xmlSchemaParseAttribute(ctxt, schema, child);
+	} else if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "attributeGroup")) {
+	    attr = (xmlSchemaAttributePtr)
+		xmlSchemaParseAttributeGroup(ctxt, schema, child);
+	}
+	if (attr != NULL) {
+	    if (lastattr == NULL) {
+		type->attributes = attr;
+		lastattr = attr
+		          ;
+	    } else {
+		lastattr->next = attr;
+		lastattr = attr;
+	    }
+	}
+	child = child->next;
+    }
+    if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "anyAttribute")) {
+	attr = xmlSchemaParseAnyAttribute(ctxt, schema, child);
+	if (attr != NULL) {
+	    if (lastattr == NULL) {
+		type->attributes = attr;
+		lastattr = attr
+		          ;
+	    } else {
+		lastattr->next = attr;
+		lastattr = attr;
+	    }
+	}
+	child = child->next;
+    }
+    return(child);
+ * xmlSchemaParseAnnotation:
+ * @ctxt:  a schema validation context
+ * @schema:  the schema being built
+ * @node:  a subtree containing XML Schema informations
+ *
+ * parse a XML schema Attrribute declaration
+ * *WARNING* this interface is highly subject to change
+ *
+ * Returns -1 in case of error, 0 if the declaration is inproper and
+ *         1 in case of success.
+ */
+static xmlSchemaAnnotPtr
+xmlSchemaParseAnnotation(xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlSchemaPtr schema,
+                         xmlNodePtr node)
+    xmlSchemaAnnotPtr ret;
+    if ((ctxt == NULL) || (schema == NULL) || (node == NULL))
+        return (NULL);
+    ret = xmlSchemaNewAnnot(ctxt, node);
+    return (ret);
+ * xmlSchemaParseFacet:
+ * @ctxt:  a schema validation context
+ * @schema:  the schema being built
+ * @node:  a subtree containing XML Schema informations
+ *
+ * parse a XML schema Facet declaration
+ * *WARNING* this interface is highly subject to change
+ *
+ * Returns the new type structure or NULL in case of error
+ */
+static xmlSchemaFacetPtr
+xmlSchemaParseFacet(xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlSchemaPtr schema,
+                  xmlNodePtr node)
+    xmlSchemaFacetPtr facet;
+    xmlNodePtr child = NULL;
+    xmlChar *value;
+    if ((ctxt == NULL) || (schema == NULL) || (node == NULL))
+        return (NULL);
+    facet = xmlSchemaNewFacet(ctxt);
+    if (facet == NULL)
+	return (NULL);
+    facet->node = node;
+    value = xmlGetProp(node, (const xmlChar *) "value");
+    if (value == NULL) {
+	xmlSchemaErrorContext(ctxt, schema, node, child);
+        if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL))
+            ctxt->error(ctxt->userData, "Facet %s has no value\n", node->name);
+	xmlSchemaFreeFacet(facet);
+        return (NULL);
+    }
+    if (IS_SCHEMA(node, "minInclusive"))  {
+        facet->type = XML_SCHEMA_FACET_MININCLUSIVE;
+    } else if (IS_SCHEMA(node, "minExclusive"))  {
+        facet->type = XML_SCHEMA_FACET_MINEXCLUSIVE;
+    } else if (IS_SCHEMA(node, "maxInclusive"))  {
+        facet->type = XML_SCHEMA_FACET_MAXINCLUSIVE;
+    } else if (IS_SCHEMA(node, "maxExclusive"))  {
+        facet->type = XML_SCHEMA_FACET_MAXEXCLUSIVE;
+    } else if (IS_SCHEMA(node, "totalDigits"))  {
+        facet->type = XML_SCHEMA_FACET_TOTALDIGITS;
+    } else if (IS_SCHEMA(node, "fractionDigits"))  {
+    } else if (IS_SCHEMA(node, "pattern"))  {
+        facet->type = XML_SCHEMA_FACET_PATTERN;
+    } else if (IS_SCHEMA(node, "enumeration"))  {
+        facet->type = XML_SCHEMA_FACET_ENUMERATION;
+    } else if (IS_SCHEMA(node, "whiteSpace"))  {
+        facet->type = XML_SCHEMA_FACET_WHITESPACE;
+    } else if (IS_SCHEMA(node, "length"))  {
+        facet->type = XML_SCHEMA_FACET_LENGTH;
+    } else if (IS_SCHEMA(node, "maxLength"))  {
+        facet->type = XML_SCHEMA_FACET_MAXLENGTH;
+    } else if (IS_SCHEMA(node, "minLength")) {
+        facet->type = XML_SCHEMA_FACET_MINLENGTH;
+    } else {
+	xmlSchemaErrorContext(ctxt, schema, node, child);
+        if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL))
+            ctxt->error(ctxt->userData, "Unknown facet type %s\n", node->name);
+	xmlSchemaFreeFacet(facet);
+	return(NULL);
+    }
+    facet->id = xmlGetProp(node, (const xmlChar *) "id");
+    facet->value = value;
+    child = node->children;
+    if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "annotation")) {
+	facet->annot = xmlSchemaParseAnnotation(ctxt, schema, child);
+	child = child->next;
+    }
+    if (child != NULL) {
+	xmlSchemaErrorContext(ctxt, schema, node, child);
+	if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL))
+	    ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+			"Facet %s has unexpected child content\n",
+			node->name);
+    }
+    return (facet);
+ * xmlSchemaParseAny:
+ * @ctxt:  a schema validation context
+ * @schema:  the schema being built
+ * @node:  a subtree containing XML Schema informations
+ *
+ * parse a XML schema Any declaration
+ * *WARNING* this interface is highly subject to change
+ *
+ * Returns the new type structure or NULL in case of error
+ */
+static xmlSchemaTypePtr
+xmlSchemaParseAny(xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlSchemaPtr schema,
+                  xmlNodePtr node)
+    xmlSchemaTypePtr type;
+    xmlNodePtr child = NULL;
+    xmlChar name[30];
+    if ((ctxt == NULL) || (schema == NULL) || (node == NULL))
+        return (NULL);
+    snprintf((char *)name, 30, "any %d", ctxt->counter++ + 1);
+    type = xmlSchemaAddType(ctxt, schema, name);
+    if (type == NULL)
+	return (NULL);
+    type->node = node;
+    type->type = XML_SCHEMA_TYPE_ANY;
+    child = node->children;
+    type->minOccurs = xmlGetMinOccurs(ctxt, node);
+    type->maxOccurs = xmlGetMaxOccurs(ctxt, node);
+    if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "annotation")) {
+	type->annot = xmlSchemaParseAnnotation(ctxt, schema, child);
+	child = child->next;
+    }
+    if (child != NULL) {
+	xmlSchemaErrorContext(ctxt, schema, node, child);
+	if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL))
+	    ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+			"Sequence %s has unexpected content\n",
+			type->name);
+    }
+    return (type);
+ * xmlSchemaParseNotation:
+ * @ctxt:  a schema validation context
+ * @schema:  the schema being built
+ * @node:  a subtree containing XML Schema informations
+ *
+ * parse a XML schema Notation declaration
+ *
+ * Returns the new structure or NULL in case of error
+ */
+static xmlSchemaNotationPtr
+xmlSchemaParseNotation(xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlSchemaPtr schema,
+                        xmlNodePtr node)
+    xmlChar *name;
+    xmlSchemaNotationPtr ret;
+    xmlNodePtr child = NULL;
+    if ((ctxt == NULL) || (schema == NULL) || (node == NULL))
+        return (NULL);
+    name = xmlGetProp(node, (const xmlChar *) "name");
+    if (name == NULL) {
+	xmlSchemaErrorContext(ctxt, schema, node, child);
+        if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL))
+            ctxt->error(ctxt->userData, "Notation has no name\n");
+        return (NULL);
+    }
+    ret = xmlSchemaAddNotation(ctxt, schema, name);
+    if (ret == NULL) {
+        xmlFree(name);
+        return (NULL);
+    }
+    child = node->children;
+    if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "annotation")) {
+	ret->annot = xmlSchemaParseAnnotation(ctxt, schema, child);
+	child = child->next;
+    }
+    if (child != NULL) {
+	xmlSchemaErrorContext(ctxt, schema, node, child);
+	if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL))
+	    ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+			"notation %s has unexpected content\n",
+			name);
+    }
+    return (ret);
+ * xmlSchemaParseAnyAttribute:
+ * @ctxt:  a schema validation context
+ * @schema:  the schema being built
+ * @node:  a subtree containing XML Schema informations
+ *
+ * parse a XML schema AnyAttrribute declaration
+ * *WARNING* this interface is highly subject to change
+ *
+ * Returns an attribute def structure or NULL
+ */
+static xmlSchemaAttributePtr
+xmlSchemaParseAnyAttribute(xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlSchemaPtr schema,
+                        xmlNodePtr node)
+    xmlChar *processContents;
+    xmlSchemaAttributePtr ret;
+    xmlNodePtr child = NULL;
+    char name[100];
+    if ((ctxt == NULL) || (schema == NULL) || (node == NULL))
+        return (NULL);
+    snprintf(name, 99, "anyattr %d", ctxt->counter++ + 1);
+    ret = xmlSchemaAddAttribute(ctxt, schema, (xmlChar *)name);
+    if (ret == NULL) {
+        return (NULL);
+    }
+    ret->id = xmlGetProp(node, (const xmlChar *) "id");
+    processContents = xmlGetProp(node, (const xmlChar *) "processContents");
+    if ((processContents == NULL) ||
+	(xmlStrEqual(processContents, (const xmlChar *)"strict"))) {
+    } else if (xmlStrEqual(processContents, (const xmlChar *)"skip")) {
+    } else if (xmlStrEqual(processContents, (const xmlChar *)"lax")) {
+	ret->occurs = XML_SCHEMAS_ANYATTR_LAX;
+    } else {
+	xmlSchemaErrorContext(ctxt, schema, node, child);
+	if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL))
+	    ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+	    "anyAttribute has unexpected content for processContents: %s\n",
+			processContents);
+    }
+    if (processContents != NULL)
+	xmlFree(processContents);
+    child = node->children;
+    if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "annotation")) {
+	ret->annot = xmlSchemaParseAnnotation(ctxt, schema, child);
+	child = child->next;
+    }
+    if (child != NULL) {
+	xmlSchemaErrorContext(ctxt, schema, node, child);
+	if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL))
+	    ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+			"anyAttribute %s has unexpected content\n",
+			name);
+    }
+    return (ret);
+ * xmlSchemaParseAttribute:
+ * @ctxt:  a schema validation context
+ * @schema:  the schema being built
+ * @node:  a subtree containing XML Schema informations
+ *
+ * parse a XML schema Attrribute declaration
+ * *WARNING* this interface is highly subject to change
+ *
+ * Returns -1 in case of error, 0 if the declaration is inproper and
+ *         1 in case of success.
+ */
+static xmlSchemaAttributePtr
+xmlSchemaParseAttribute(xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlSchemaPtr schema,
+                        xmlNodePtr node)
+    xmlChar *name, *refNs = NULL, *ref = NULL;
+    xmlSchemaAttributePtr ret;
+    xmlNodePtr child = NULL;
+    if ((ctxt == NULL) || (schema == NULL) || (node == NULL))
+        return (NULL);
+    name = xmlGetProp(node, (const xmlChar *) "name");
+    if (name == NULL) {
+	char buf[100];
+	ref = xmlGetQNameProp(ctxt, node, "ref", &refNs);
+	if (ref == NULL) {
+	    xmlSchemaErrorContext(ctxt, schema, node, child);
+	    if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL))
+		ctxt->error(ctxt->userData, "Attribute has no name nor ref\n");
+	    return (NULL);
+	}
+	snprintf(buf, 99, "anonattr%d", ctxt->counter++ + 1);
+	name = xmlStrdup((xmlChar *) buf);
+    }
+    ret = xmlSchemaAddAttribute(ctxt, schema, name);
+    if (ret == NULL) {
+        xmlFree(name);
+	if (ref != NULL)
+	    xmlFree(ref);
+        return (NULL);
+    }
+    xmlFree(name);
+    ret->ref = ref;
+    ret->refNs = refNs;
+    ret->typeName = xmlGetQNameProp(ctxt, node, "type", &(ret->typeNs));
+    child = node->children;
+    if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "annotation")) {
+	ret->annot = xmlSchemaParseAnnotation(ctxt, schema, child);
+	child = child->next;
+    }
+    if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "simpleType")) {
+	ret->base = xmlSchemaParseSimpleType(ctxt, schema, child);
+	child = child->next;
+    }
+    if (child != NULL) {
+	xmlSchemaErrorContext(ctxt, schema, node, child);
+	if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL))
+	    ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+			"attribute %s has unexpected content\n",
+			name);
+    }
+    return (ret);
+ * xmlSchemaParseAttributeGroup:
+ * @ctxt:  a schema validation context
+ * @schema:  the schema being built
+ * @node:  a subtree containing XML Schema informations
+ *
+ * parse a XML schema Attribute Group declaration
+ * *WARNING* this interface is highly subject to change
+ *
+ * Returns the attribute group or NULL in case of error.
+ */
+static xmlSchemaAttributeGroupPtr
+xmlSchemaParseAttributeGroup(xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlSchemaPtr schema,
+                             xmlNodePtr node)
+    xmlChar *name, *refNs = NULL, *ref = NULL;
+    xmlSchemaAttributeGroupPtr ret;
+    xmlSchemaAttributePtr last = NULL, attr;
+    xmlNodePtr child = NULL;
+    xmlChar *oldcontainer;
+    if ((ctxt == NULL) || (schema == NULL) || (node == NULL))
+        return (NULL);
+    oldcontainer = ctxt->container;
+    name = xmlGetProp(node, (const xmlChar *) "name");
+    if (name == NULL) {
+	char buf[100];
+	ref = xmlGetQNameProp(ctxt, node, "ref", &refNs);
+	if (ref == NULL) {
+	    xmlSchemaErrorContext(ctxt, schema, node, child);
+	    if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL))
+		ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+			"AttributeGroup has no name nor ref\n");
+	    return (NULL);
+	}
+	snprintf(buf, 99, "anonattrgroup%d", ctxt->counter++ + 1);
+	name = xmlStrdup((xmlChar *) buf);
+    }
+    ret = xmlSchemaAddAttributeGroup(ctxt, schema, name);
+    if (ret == NULL) {
+        xmlFree(name);
+	if (ref != NULL)
+	    xmlFree(ref);
+        return (NULL);
+    }
+    ret->ref = ref;
+    ret->refNs = refNs;
+    child = node->children;
+    ctxt->container = name;
+    if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "annotation")) {
+	ret->annot = xmlSchemaParseAnnotation(ctxt, schema, child);
+	child = child->next;
+    }
+    while ((IS_SCHEMA(child, "attribute")) ||
+	   (IS_SCHEMA(child, "attributeGroup"))) {
+	attr = NULL;
+	if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "attribute")) {
+	    attr = xmlSchemaParseAttribute(ctxt, schema, child);
+	} else if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "attributeGroup")) {
+	    attr = (xmlSchemaAttributePtr)
+		xmlSchemaParseAttributeGroup(ctxt, schema, child);
+	}
+	if (attr != NULL) {
+	    if (last == NULL) {
+		ret->attributes = attr;
+		last = attr;
+	    } else {
+		last->next = attr;
+		last = attr;
+	    }
+	}
+	child = child->next;
+    }
+    if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "anyAttribute")) {
+	child = child->next;
+    }
+    if (child != NULL) {
+	xmlSchemaErrorContext(ctxt, schema, node, child);
+	if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL))
+	    ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+			"attribute group %s has unexpected content\n",
+			name);
+    }
+    ctxt->container = oldcontainer;
+    return (ret);
+ * xmlSchemaParseElement:
+ * @ctxt:  a schema validation context
+ * @schema:  the schema being built
+ * @node:  a subtree containing XML Schema informations
+ *
+ * parse a XML schema Element declaration
+ * *WARNING* this interface is highly subject to change
+ *
+ * Returns -1 in case of error, 0 if the declaration is inproper and
+ *         1 in case of success.
+ */
+static xmlSchemaElementPtr
+xmlSchemaParseElement(xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlSchemaPtr schema,
+                      xmlNodePtr node, int toplevel)
+    xmlChar *name, *refNs = NULL, *ref = NULL, *namespace, *fixed;
+    xmlSchemaElementPtr ret;
+    xmlNodePtr child = NULL;
+    xmlChar *oldcontainer;
+    if ((ctxt == NULL) || (schema == NULL) || (node == NULL))
+        return (NULL);
+    oldcontainer = ctxt->container;
+    name = xmlGetProp(node, (const xmlChar *) "name");
+    if (name == NULL) {
+	char buf[100];
+	ref = xmlGetQNameProp(ctxt, node, "ref", &refNs);
+	if (ref == NULL) {
+	    xmlSchemaErrorContext(ctxt, schema, node, child);
+	    if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL))
+		ctxt->error(ctxt->userData, "Element has no name nor ref\n");
+	    return (NULL);
+	}
+	snprintf(buf, 99, "anonelem%d", ctxt->counter++ + 1);
+	name = xmlStrdup((xmlChar *) buf);
+    }
+    namespace = xmlGetProp(node, (const xmlChar *) "targetNamespace");
+    if (namespace == NULL)
+        ret =
+            xmlSchemaAddElement(ctxt, schema, name,
+                                schema->targetNamespace);
+    else
+        ret = xmlSchemaAddElement(ctxt, schema, name, namespace);
+    if (namespace != NULL)
+        xmlFree(namespace);
+    if (ret == NULL) {
+	xmlFree(name);
+	if (ref != NULL)
+	    xmlFree(ref);
+        return (NULL);
+    }
+    ret->type = XML_SCHEMA_TYPE_ELEMENT;
+    ret->ref = ref;
+    ret->refNs = refNs;
+    if (ref != NULL)
+        ret->flags |= XML_SCHEMAS_ELEM_REF;
+    if (toplevel)
+        ret->flags |= XML_SCHEMAS_ELEM_TOPLEVEL;
+    if (xmlGetBooleanProp(ctxt, node, "nillable", 0))
+        ret->flags |= XML_SCHEMAS_ELEM_NILLABLE;
+    if (xmlGetBooleanProp(ctxt, node, "abstract", 0))
+        ret->flags |= XML_SCHEMAS_ELEM_NILLABLE;
+    ctxt->container = name;
+    ret->id = xmlGetProp(node, BAD_CAST "id");
+    ret->namedType = xmlGetQNameProp(ctxt, node, "type", &(ret->namedTypeNs));
+    ret->substGroup = xmlGetQNameProp(ctxt, node, "substitutionGroup",
+	                              &(ret->substGroupNs));
+    fixed = xmlGetProp(node, BAD_CAST "fixed");
+    ret->minOccurs = xmlGetMinOccurs(ctxt, node);
+    ret->maxOccurs = xmlGetMaxOccurs(ctxt, node);
+    ret->value = xmlGetProp(node, BAD_CAST "default");
+    if ((ret->value != NULL) && (fixed != NULL)) {
+	xmlSchemaErrorContext(ctxt, schema, node, child);
+	ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+		    "Element %s has both default and fixed\n",
+		    ret->name);
+	xmlFree(fixed);
+    } else if (fixed != NULL) {
+        ret->flags |= XML_SCHEMAS_ELEM_FIXED;
+	ret->value = fixed;
+    }
+    child = node->children;
+    if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "annotation")) {
+	ret->annot = xmlSchemaParseAnnotation(ctxt, schema, child);
+	child = child->next;
+    }
+    if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "complexType")) {
+	ret->subtypes = xmlSchemaParseComplexType(ctxt, schema, child);
+        child = child->next;
+    } else if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "simpleType")) {
+	ret->subtypes = xmlSchemaParseSimpleType(ctxt, schema, child);
+        child = child->next;
+    }
+    while ((IS_SCHEMA(child, "unique")) ||
+	   (IS_SCHEMA(child, "key")) ||
+	   (IS_SCHEMA(child, "keyref"))) {
+	child = child->next;
+    }
+    if (child != NULL) {
+	xmlSchemaErrorContext(ctxt, schema, node, child);
+	if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL))
+	    ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+			"element %s has unexpected content\n",
+			name);
+    }
+    ctxt->container = oldcontainer;
+    xmlFree(name);
+    return (ret);
+ * xmlSchemaParseUnion:
+ * @ctxt:  a schema validation context
+ * @schema:  the schema being built
+ * @node:  a subtree containing XML Schema informations
+ *
+ * parse a XML schema Union definition
+ * *WARNING* this interface is highly subject to change
+ *
+ * Returns -1 in case of error, 0 if the declaration is inproper and
+ *         1 in case of success.
+ */
+static xmlSchemaTypePtr
+xmlSchemaParseUnion(xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlSchemaPtr schema,
+                         xmlNodePtr node)
+    xmlSchemaTypePtr type, subtype, last = NULL;
+    xmlNodePtr child = NULL;
+    xmlChar name[30];
+    if ((ctxt == NULL) || (schema == NULL) || (node == NULL))
+        return (NULL);
+    snprintf((char *)name, 30, "union %d", ctxt->counter++ + 1);
+    type = xmlSchemaAddType(ctxt, schema, name);
+    if (type == NULL)
+        return (NULL);
+    type->node = node;
+    type->type = XML_SCHEMA_TYPE_LIST;
+    type->id = xmlGetProp(node, BAD_CAST "id");
+    type->ref = xmlGetProp(node, BAD_CAST "memberTypes");
+    child = node->children;
+    if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "annotation")) {
+	type->annot = xmlSchemaParseAnnotation(ctxt, schema, child);
+	child = child->next;
+    }
+    while (IS_SCHEMA(child, "simpleType")) {
+	subtype = (xmlSchemaTypePtr) 
+	      xmlSchemaParseSimpleType(ctxt, schema, child);
+	if (subtype != NULL) {
+	    if (last == NULL) {
+		type->subtypes = subtype;
+		last = subtype;
+	    } else {
+		last->next = subtype;
+		last = subtype;
+	    }
+	    last->next = NULL;
+	}
+	child = child->next;
+    }
+    if (child != NULL) {
+	xmlSchemaErrorContext(ctxt, schema, node, child);
+	if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL))
+	    ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+			"Union %s has unexpected content\n",
+			type->name);
+    }
+    return (type);
+ * xmlSchemaParseList:
+ * @ctxt:  a schema validation context
+ * @schema:  the schema being built
+ * @node:  a subtree containing XML Schema informations
+ *
+ * parse a XML schema List definition
+ * *WARNING* this interface is highly subject to change
+ *
+ * Returns -1 in case of error, 0 if the declaration is inproper and
+ *         1 in case of success.
+ */
+static xmlSchemaTypePtr
+xmlSchemaParseList(xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlSchemaPtr schema,
+                         xmlNodePtr node)
+    xmlSchemaTypePtr type, subtype;
+    xmlNodePtr child = NULL;
+    xmlChar name[30];
+    if ((ctxt == NULL) || (schema == NULL) || (node == NULL))
+        return (NULL);
+    snprintf((char *)name, 30, "list %d", ctxt->counter++ + 1);
+    type = xmlSchemaAddType(ctxt, schema, name);
+    if (type == NULL)
+        return (NULL);
+    type->node = node;
+    type->type = XML_SCHEMA_TYPE_LIST;
+    type->id = xmlGetProp(node, BAD_CAST "id");
+    type->ref = xmlGetQNameProp(ctxt, node, "ref", &(type->refNs));
+    child = node->children;
+    if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "annotation")) {
+	type->annot = xmlSchemaParseAnnotation(ctxt, schema, child);
+	child = child->next;
+    }
+    subtype = NULL;
+    if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "simpleType")) {
+	subtype = (xmlSchemaTypePtr) 
+	      xmlSchemaParseSimpleType(ctxt, schema, child);
+	child = child->next;
+	type->subtypes = subtype;
+    }
+    if (child != NULL) {
+	xmlSchemaErrorContext(ctxt, schema, node, child);
+	if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL))
+	    ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+			"List %s has unexpected content\n",
+			type->name);
+    }
+    return (type);
+ * xmlSchemaParseSimpleType:
+ * @ctxt:  a schema validation context
+ * @schema:  the schema being built
+ * @node:  a subtree containing XML Schema informations
+ *
+ * parse a XML schema Simple Type definition
+ * *WARNING* this interface is highly subject to change
+ *
+ * Returns -1 in case of error, 0 if the declaration is inproper and
+ *         1 in case of success.
+ */
+static xmlSchemaTypePtr
+xmlSchemaParseSimpleType(xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlSchemaPtr schema,
+                         xmlNodePtr node)
+    xmlSchemaTypePtr type, subtype;
+    xmlNodePtr child = NULL;
+    xmlChar *name;
+    if ((ctxt == NULL) || (schema == NULL) || (node == NULL))
+        return (NULL);
+    name = xmlGetProp(node, (const xmlChar *) "name");
+    if (name == NULL) {
+	char buf[100];
+	snprintf(buf, 99, "simpletype%d", ctxt->counter++ + 1);
+	name = xmlStrdup((xmlChar *) buf);
+    }
+    if (name == NULL) {
+	xmlSchemaErrorContext(ctxt, schema, node, child);
+        if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL))
+            ctxt->error(ctxt->userData, "simpleType has no name\n");
+        return (NULL);
+    }
+    type = xmlSchemaAddType(ctxt, schema, name);
+    xmlFree(name);
+    if (type == NULL)
+        return (NULL);
+    type->node = node;
+    type->type = XML_SCHEMA_TYPE_SIMPLE;
+    type->id = xmlGetProp(node, BAD_CAST "id");
+    child = node->children;
+    if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "annotation")) {
+	type->annot = xmlSchemaParseAnnotation(ctxt, schema, child);
+	child = child->next;
+    }
+    subtype = NULL;
+    if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "restriction")) {
+	subtype = (xmlSchemaTypePtr) 
+	      xmlSchemaParseRestriction(ctxt, schema, child, 1);
+	child = child->next;
+    } else if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "list")) {
+	subtype = (xmlSchemaTypePtr) 
+	      xmlSchemaParseList(ctxt, schema, child);
+	child = child->next;
+    } else if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "union")) {
+	subtype = (xmlSchemaTypePtr) 
+	      xmlSchemaParseUnion(ctxt, schema, child);
+	child = child->next;
+    }
+    type->subtypes = subtype;
+    if (child != NULL) {
+	xmlSchemaErrorContext(ctxt, schema, node, child);
+	if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL))
+	    ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+			"SimpleType %s has unexpected content\n",
+			type->name);
+    }
+    return (type);
+ * xmlSchemaParseGroup:
+ * @ctxt:  a schema validation context
+ * @schema:  the schema being built
+ * @node:  a subtree containing XML Schema informations
+ *
+ * parse a XML schema Group definition
+ * *WARNING* this interface is highly subject to change
+ *
+ * Returns -1 in case of error, 0 if the declaration is inproper and
+ *         1 in case of success.
+ */
+static xmlSchemaTypePtr
+xmlSchemaParseGroup(xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlSchemaPtr schema,
+                          xmlNodePtr node)
+    xmlSchemaTypePtr type, subtype;
+    xmlNodePtr child = NULL;
+    xmlChar *name, *ref = NULL, *refNs = NULL;
+    if ((ctxt == NULL) || (schema == NULL) || (node == NULL))
+        return (NULL);
+    name = xmlGetProp(node, (const xmlChar *) "name");
+    if (name == NULL) {
+	char buf[100];
+	ref = xmlGetQNameProp(ctxt, node, "ref", &refNs);
+	if (ref == NULL) {
+	    xmlSchemaErrorContext(ctxt, schema, node, child);
+	    if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL))
+		ctxt->error(ctxt->userData, "Group has no name nor ref\n");
+	    return (NULL);
+	}
+	snprintf(buf, 99, "anongroup%d", ctxt->counter++ + 1);
+	name = xmlStrdup((xmlChar *) buf);
+    }
+    type = xmlSchemaAddType(ctxt, schema, name);
+    if (type == NULL)
+        return (NULL);
+    type->node = node;
+    type->type = XML_SCHEMA_TYPE_GROUP;
+    type->id = xmlGetProp(node, BAD_CAST "id");
+    type->ref = ref;
+    type->refNs = refNs;
+    type->minOccurs = xmlGetMinOccurs(ctxt, node);
+    type->maxOccurs = xmlGetMaxOccurs(ctxt, node);
+    child = node->children;
+    if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "annotation")) {
+	type->annot = xmlSchemaParseAnnotation(ctxt, schema, child);
+	child = child->next;
+    }
+    subtype = NULL;
+    if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "all")) {
+	subtype = (xmlSchemaTypePtr) 
+	      xmlSchemaParseAll(ctxt, schema, child);
+	child = child->next;
+    } else if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "choice")) {
+	subtype = xmlSchemaParseChoice(ctxt, schema, child);
+	child = child->next;
+    } else if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "sequence")) {
+	subtype = (xmlSchemaTypePtr)
+	      xmlSchemaParseSequence(ctxt, schema, child);
+	child = child->next;
+    }
+    if (subtype != NULL)
+	type->subtypes = subtype;
+    if (child != NULL) {
+	xmlSchemaErrorContext(ctxt, schema, node, child);
+	if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL))
+	    ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+			"Group %s has unexpected content\n",
+			type->name);
+    }
+    return (type);
+ * xmlSchemaParseAll:
+ * @ctxt:  a schema validation context
+ * @schema:  the schema being built
+ * @node:  a subtree containing XML Schema informations
+ *
+ * parse a XML schema All definition
+ * *WARNING* this interface is highly subject to change
+ *
+ * Returns -1 in case of error, 0 if the declaration is inproper and
+ *         1 in case of success.
+ */
+static xmlSchemaTypePtr
+xmlSchemaParseAll(xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlSchemaPtr schema,
+                          xmlNodePtr node)
+    xmlSchemaTypePtr type, subtype, last = NULL;
+    xmlNodePtr child = NULL;
+    xmlChar name[30];
+    if ((ctxt == NULL) || (schema == NULL) || (node == NULL))
+        return (NULL);
+    snprintf((char *)name, 30, "all%d", ctxt->counter++ + 1);
+    type = xmlSchemaAddType(ctxt, schema, name);
+    if (type == NULL)
+        return (NULL);
+    type->node = node;
+    type->type = XML_SCHEMA_TYPE_SEQUENCE;
+    type->id = xmlGetProp(node, BAD_CAST "id");
+    type->minOccurs = xmlGetMinOccurs(ctxt, node);
+    type->maxOccurs = xmlGetMaxOccurs(ctxt, node);
+    child = node->children;
+    if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "annotation")) {
+	type->annot = xmlSchemaParseAnnotation(ctxt, schema, child);
+	child = child->next;
+    }
+    while (IS_SCHEMA(child, "element")) {
+	subtype = (xmlSchemaTypePtr) 
+	      xmlSchemaParseElement(ctxt, schema, child, 0);
+	if (subtype != NULL) {
+	    if (last == NULL) {
+		type->subtypes = subtype;
+		last = subtype;
+	    } else {
+		last->next = subtype;
+		last = subtype;
+	    }
+	    last->next = NULL;
+	}
+	child = child->next;
+    }
+    if (child != NULL) {
+	xmlSchemaErrorContext(ctxt, schema, node, child);
+	if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL))
+	    ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+			"All %s has unexpected content\n",
+			type->name);
+    }
+    return (type);
+ * xmlSchemaParseChoice:
+ * @ctxt:  a schema validation context
+ * @schema:  the schema being built
+ * @node:  a subtree containing XML Schema informations
+ *
+ * parse a XML schema Choice definition
+ * *WARNING* this interface is highly subject to change
+ *
+ * Returns -1 in case of error, 0 if the declaration is inproper and
+ *         1 in case of success.
+ */
+static xmlSchemaTypePtr
+xmlSchemaParseChoice(xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlSchemaPtr schema,
+                          xmlNodePtr node)
+    xmlSchemaTypePtr type, subtype, last = NULL;
+    xmlNodePtr child = NULL;
+    xmlChar name[30];
+    if ((ctxt == NULL) || (schema == NULL) || (node == NULL))
+        return (NULL);
+    snprintf((char *)name, 30, "choice %d", ctxt->counter++ + 1);
+    type = xmlSchemaAddType(ctxt, schema, name);
+    if (type == NULL)
+        return (NULL);
+    type->node = node;
+    type->type = XML_SCHEMA_TYPE_CHOICE;
+    type->id = xmlGetProp(node, BAD_CAST "id");
+    type->minOccurs = xmlGetMinOccurs(ctxt, node);
+    type->maxOccurs = xmlGetMaxOccurs(ctxt, node);
+    child = node->children;
+    if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "annotation")) {
+	type->annot = xmlSchemaParseAnnotation(ctxt, schema, child);
+	child = child->next;
+    }
+    while ((IS_SCHEMA(child, "element")) ||
+	   (IS_SCHEMA(child, "group")) ||
+	   (IS_SCHEMA(child, "any")) ||
+	   (IS_SCHEMA(child, "choice")) ||
+	   (IS_SCHEMA(child, "sequence"))) {
+	subtype = NULL;
+	if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "element")) {
+	    subtype = (xmlSchemaTypePtr) 
+		  xmlSchemaParseElement(ctxt, schema, child, 0);
+	} else if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "group")) {
+	    subtype = xmlSchemaParseGroup(ctxt, schema, child);
+	} else if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "any")) {
+	    subtype = xmlSchemaParseAny(ctxt, schema, child);
+	} else if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "sequence")) {
+	    subtype = xmlSchemaParseSequence(ctxt, schema, child);
+	} else if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "choice")) {
+	    subtype = xmlSchemaParseChoice(ctxt, schema, child);
+	}
+	if (subtype != NULL) {
+	    if (last == NULL) {
+		type->subtypes = subtype;
+		last = subtype;
+	    } else {
+		last->next = subtype;
+		last = subtype;
+	    }
+	    last->next = NULL;
+	}
+	child = child->next;
+    }
+    if (child != NULL) {
+	xmlSchemaErrorContext(ctxt, schema, node, child);
+	if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL))
+	    ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+			"Choice %s has unexpected content\n",
+			type->name);
+    }
+    return (type);
+ * xmlSchemaParseSequence:
+ * @ctxt:  a schema validation context
+ * @schema:  the schema being built
+ * @node:  a subtree containing XML Schema informations
+ *
+ * parse a XML schema Sequence definition
+ * *WARNING* this interface is highly subject to change
+ *
+ * Returns -1 in case of error, 0 if the declaration is inproper and
+ *         1 in case of success.
+ */
+static xmlSchemaTypePtr
+xmlSchemaParseSequence(xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlSchemaPtr schema,
+                          xmlNodePtr node)
+    xmlSchemaTypePtr type, subtype, last = NULL;
+    xmlNodePtr child = NULL;
+    xmlChar name[30];
+    if ((ctxt == NULL) || (schema == NULL) || (node == NULL))
+        return (NULL);
+    snprintf((char *)name, 30, "sequence %d", ctxt->counter++ + 1);
+    type = xmlSchemaAddType(ctxt, schema, name);
+    if (type == NULL)
+        return (NULL);
+    type->node = node;
+    type->type = XML_SCHEMA_TYPE_SEQUENCE;
+    type->id = xmlGetProp(node, BAD_CAST "id");
+    type->minOccurs = xmlGetMinOccurs(ctxt, node);
+    type->maxOccurs = xmlGetMaxOccurs(ctxt, node);
+    child = node->children;
+    if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "annotation")) {
+	type->annot = xmlSchemaParseAnnotation(ctxt, schema, child);
+	child = child->next;
+    }
+    while ((IS_SCHEMA(child, "element")) ||
+	   (IS_SCHEMA(child, "group")) ||
+	   (IS_SCHEMA(child, "any")) ||
+	   (IS_SCHEMA(child, "choice")) ||
+	   (IS_SCHEMA(child, "sequence"))) {
+	subtype = NULL;
+	if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "element")) {
+	    subtype = (xmlSchemaTypePtr) 
+		  xmlSchemaParseElement(ctxt, schema, child, 0);
+	} else if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "group")) {
+	    subtype = xmlSchemaParseGroup(ctxt, schema, child);
+	} else if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "any")) {
+	    subtype = xmlSchemaParseAny(ctxt, schema, child);
+	} else if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "choice")) {
+	    subtype = xmlSchemaParseChoice(ctxt, schema, child);
+	} else if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "sequence")) {
+	    subtype = xmlSchemaParseSequence(ctxt, schema, child);
+	}
+	if (subtype != NULL) {
+	    if (last == NULL) {
+		type->subtypes = subtype;
+		last = subtype;
+	    } else {
+		last->next = subtype;
+		last = subtype;
+	    }
+	    last->next = NULL;
+	}
+	child = child->next;
+    }
+    if (child != NULL) {
+	xmlSchemaErrorContext(ctxt, schema, node, child);
+	if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL))
+	    ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+			"Sequence %s has unexpected content\n",
+			type->name);
+    }
+    return (type);
+ * xmlSchemaParseRestriction:
+ * @ctxt:  a schema validation context
+ * @schema:  the schema being built
+ * @node:  a subtree containing XML Schema informations
+ * @simple:  is that part of a simple type.
+ *
+ * parse a XML schema Restriction definition
+ * *WARNING* this interface is highly subject to change
+ *
+ * Returns the type definition or NULL in case of error
+ */
+static xmlSchemaTypePtr
+xmlSchemaParseRestriction(xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlSchemaPtr schema,
+                          xmlNodePtr node, int simple)
+    xmlSchemaTypePtr type, subtype;
+    xmlSchemaFacetPtr facet, lastfacet = NULL;
+    xmlNodePtr child = NULL;
+    xmlChar name[30];
+    xmlChar *oldcontainer;
+    if ((ctxt == NULL) || (schema == NULL) || (node == NULL))
+        return (NULL);
+    oldcontainer = ctxt->container;
+    snprintf((char *)name, 30, "restriction %d", ctxt->counter++ + 1);
+    type = xmlSchemaAddType(ctxt, schema, name);
+    if (type == NULL)
+        return (NULL);
+    type->node = node;
+    type->id = xmlGetProp(node, BAD_CAST "id");
+    type->base = xmlGetQNameProp(ctxt, node, "base", &(type->baseNs));
+    if ((!simple) && (type->base == NULL)) {
+	xmlSchemaErrorContext(ctxt, schema, node, child);
+	if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL))
+	    ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+			"Restriction %s has no base\n",
+			type->name);
+    }
+    ctxt->container = name;
+    child = node->children;
+    if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "annotation")) {
+	type->annot = xmlSchemaParseAnnotation(ctxt, schema, child);
+	child = child->next;
+    }
+    subtype = NULL;
+    if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "all")) {
+	subtype = (xmlSchemaTypePtr) 
+	      xmlSchemaParseAll(ctxt, schema, child);
+	child = child->next;
+	type->subtypes = subtype;
+    } else if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "choice")) {
+	subtype = xmlSchemaParseChoice(ctxt, schema, child);
+	child = child->next;
+	type->subtypes = subtype;
+    } else if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "sequence")) {
+	subtype = (xmlSchemaTypePtr) 
+	      xmlSchemaParseSequence(ctxt, schema, child);
+	child = child->next;
+	type->subtypes = subtype;
+    } else if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "group")) {
+	subtype = (xmlSchemaTypePtr) 
+	      xmlSchemaParseGroup(ctxt, schema, child);
+	child = child->next;
+	type->subtypes = subtype;
+    } else {
+	if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "simpleType")) {
+	    subtype = (xmlSchemaTypePtr) 
+		  xmlSchemaParseSimpleType(ctxt, schema, child);
+	    child = child->next;
+	    type->baseType = subtype;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Facets
+	 */
+        while ((IS_SCHEMA(child, "minInclusive")) ||
+	       (IS_SCHEMA(child, "minExclusive")) ||
+	       (IS_SCHEMA(child, "maxInclusive")) ||
+	       (IS_SCHEMA(child, "maxExclusive")) ||
+	       (IS_SCHEMA(child, "totalDigits")) ||
+	       (IS_SCHEMA(child, "fractionDigits")) ||
+	       (IS_SCHEMA(child, "pattern")) ||
+	       (IS_SCHEMA(child, "enumeration")) ||
+	       (IS_SCHEMA(child, "whiteSpace")) ||
+	       (IS_SCHEMA(child, "length")) ||
+	       (IS_SCHEMA(child, "maxLength")) ||
+	       (IS_SCHEMA(child, "minLength"))) {
+	    facet = xmlSchemaParseFacet(ctxt, schema, child);
+	    if (facet != NULL) {
+		if (lastfacet == NULL) {
+		    type->facets = facet;
+		    lastfacet = facet;
+		} else {
+		    lastfacet->next = facet;
+		    lastfacet = facet;
+		}
+		lastfacet->next = NULL;
+	    }
+	    child = child->next;
+	}
+    }
+    child = xmlSchemaParseAttrDecls(ctxt, schema, child, type);
+    if (child != NULL) {
+	xmlSchemaErrorContext(ctxt, schema, node, child);
+	if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL))
+	    ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+			"Restriction %s has unexpected content\n",
+			type->name);
+    }
+    ctxt->container = oldcontainer;
+    return (type);
+ * xmlSchemaParseExtension:
+ * @ctxt:  a schema validation context
+ * @schema:  the schema being built
+ * @node:  a subtree containing XML Schema informations
+ *
+ * parse a XML schema Extension definition
+ * *WARNING* this interface is highly subject to change
+ *
+ * Returns the type definition or NULL in case of error
+ */
+static xmlSchemaTypePtr
+xmlSchemaParseExtension(xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlSchemaPtr schema,
+                          xmlNodePtr node)
+    xmlSchemaTypePtr type, subtype;
+    xmlNodePtr child = NULL;
+    xmlChar name[30];
+    xmlChar *oldcontainer;
+    if ((ctxt == NULL) || (schema == NULL) || (node == NULL))
+        return (NULL);
+    oldcontainer = ctxt->container;
+    snprintf((char *)name, 30, "extension %d", ctxt->counter++ + 1);
+    type = xmlSchemaAddType(ctxt, schema, name);
+    if (type == NULL)
+        return (NULL);
+    type->node = node;
+    type->type = XML_SCHEMA_TYPE_EXTENSION;
+    type->id = xmlGetProp(node, BAD_CAST "id");
+    ctxt->container = name;
+    type->base = xmlGetQNameProp(ctxt, node, "base", &(type->baseNs));
+    if (type->base == NULL) {
+	xmlSchemaErrorContext(ctxt, schema, node, child);
+	if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL))
+	    ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+			"Extension %s has no base\n",
+			type->name);
+    }
+    child = node->children;
+    if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "annotation")) {
+	type->annot = xmlSchemaParseAnnotation(ctxt, schema, child);
+	child = child->next;
+    }
+    subtype = NULL;
+    if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "all")) {
+	subtype = xmlSchemaParseAll(ctxt, schema, child);
+	child = child->next;
+    } else if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "choice")) {
+	subtype = xmlSchemaParseChoice(ctxt, schema, child);
+	child = child->next;
+    } else if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "sequence")) {
+	subtype = xmlSchemaParseSequence(ctxt, schema, child);
+	child = child->next;
+    } else if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "group")) {
+	subtype = xmlSchemaParseGroup(ctxt, schema, child);
+	child = child->next;
+    }
+    if (subtype != NULL)
+	type->subtypes = subtype;
+    child = xmlSchemaParseAttrDecls(ctxt, schema, child, type);
+    if (child != NULL) {
+	xmlSchemaErrorContext(ctxt, schema, node, child);
+	if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL))
+	    ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+			"Extension %s has unexpected content\n",
+			type->name);
+    }
+    ctxt->container = oldcontainer;
+    return (type);
+ * xmlSchemaParseSimpleContent:
+ * @ctxt:  a schema validation context
+ * @schema:  the schema being built
+ * @node:  a subtree containing XML Schema informations
+ *
+ * parse a XML schema SimpleContent definition
+ * *WARNING* this interface is highly subject to change
+ *
+ * Returns the type definition or NULL in case of error
+ */
+static xmlSchemaTypePtr
+xmlSchemaParseSimpleContent(xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlSchemaPtr schema,
+                          xmlNodePtr node)
+    xmlSchemaTypePtr type, subtype;
+    xmlNodePtr child = NULL;
+    xmlChar name[30];
+    if ((ctxt == NULL) || (schema == NULL) || (node == NULL))
+        return (NULL);
+    snprintf((char *)name, 30, "complexContent %d", ctxt->counter++ + 1);
+    type = xmlSchemaAddType(ctxt, schema, name);
+    if (type == NULL)
+        return (NULL);
+    type->node = node;
+    type->id = xmlGetProp(node, BAD_CAST "id");
+    child = node->children;
+    if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "annotation")) {
+	type->annot = xmlSchemaParseAnnotation(ctxt, schema, child);
+	child = child->next;
+    }
+    subtype = NULL;
+    if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "restriction")) {
+	subtype = (xmlSchemaTypePtr) 
+	      xmlSchemaParseRestriction(ctxt, schema, child, 0);
+	child = child->next;
+    } else if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "extension")) {
+	subtype = (xmlSchemaTypePtr) 
+	      xmlSchemaParseExtension(ctxt, schema, child);
+	child = child->next;
+    }
+    type->subtypes = subtype;
+    if (child != NULL) {
+	xmlSchemaErrorContext(ctxt, schema, node, child);
+	if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL))
+	    ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+			"SimpleContent %s has unexpected content\n",
+			type->name);
+    }
+    return (type);
+ * xmlSchemaParseComplexContent:
+ * @ctxt:  a schema validation context
+ * @schema:  the schema being built
+ * @node:  a subtree containing XML Schema informations
+ *
+ * parse a XML schema ComplexContent definition
+ * *WARNING* this interface is highly subject to change
+ *
+ * Returns the type definition or NULL in case of error
+ */
+static xmlSchemaTypePtr
+xmlSchemaParseComplexContent(xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlSchemaPtr schema,
+                          xmlNodePtr node)
+    xmlSchemaTypePtr type, subtype;
+    xmlNodePtr child = NULL;
+    xmlChar name[30];
+    if ((ctxt == NULL) || (schema == NULL) || (node == NULL))
+        return (NULL);
+    snprintf((char *)name, 30, "complexContent %d", ctxt->counter++ + 1);
+    type = xmlSchemaAddType(ctxt, schema, name);
+    if (type == NULL)
+        return (NULL);
+    type->node = node;
+    type->id = xmlGetProp(node, BAD_CAST "id");
+    child = node->children;
+    if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "annotation")) {
+	type->annot = xmlSchemaParseAnnotation(ctxt, schema, child);
+	child = child->next;
+    }
+    subtype = NULL;
+    if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "restriction")) {
+	subtype = (xmlSchemaTypePtr) 
+	      xmlSchemaParseRestriction(ctxt, schema, child, 0);
+	child = child->next;
+    } else if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "extension")) {
+	subtype = (xmlSchemaTypePtr) 
+	      xmlSchemaParseExtension(ctxt, schema, child);
+	child = child->next;
+    }
+    type->subtypes = subtype;
+    if (child != NULL) {
+	xmlSchemaErrorContext(ctxt, schema, node, child);
+	if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL))
+	    ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+			"ComplexContent %s has unexpected content\n",
+			type->name);
+    }
+    return (type);
+ * xmlSchemaParseComplexType:
+ * @ctxt:  a schema validation context
+ * @schema:  the schema being built
+ * @node:  a subtree containing XML Schema informations
+ *
+ * parse a XML schema Complex Type definition
+ * *WARNING* this interface is highly subject to change
+ *
+ * Returns the type definition or NULL in case of error
+ */
+static xmlSchemaTypePtr
+xmlSchemaParseComplexType(xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlSchemaPtr schema,
+                          xmlNodePtr node)
+    xmlSchemaTypePtr type, subtype;
+    xmlNodePtr child = NULL;
+    xmlChar *name;
+    xmlChar *oldcontainer;
+    if ((ctxt == NULL) || (schema == NULL) || (node == NULL))
+        return (NULL);
+    oldcontainer = ctxt->container;
+    name = xmlGetProp(node, (const xmlChar *) "name");
+    if (name == NULL) {
+	char buf[100];
+	snprintf(buf, 99, "anontype%d", ctxt->counter++ + 1);
+	name = xmlStrdup((xmlChar *) buf);
+    }
+    if (name == NULL) {
+	xmlSchemaErrorContext(ctxt, schema, node, child);
+        if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL))
+            ctxt->error(ctxt->userData, "complexType has no name\n");
+        return (NULL);
+    }
+    type = xmlSchemaAddType(ctxt, schema, name);
+    if (type == NULL) {
+	xmlFree(name);
+        return (NULL);
+    }
+    type->node = node;
+    type->type = XML_SCHEMA_TYPE_COMPLEX;
+    type->id = xmlGetProp(node, BAD_CAST "id");
+    ctxt->container = name;
+    child = node->children;
+    if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "annotation")) {
+	type->annot = xmlSchemaParseAnnotation(ctxt, schema, child);
+	child = child->next;
+    }
+    if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "simpleContent")) {
+	subtype = xmlSchemaParseSimpleContent(ctxt, schema, child);
+	child = child->next;
+    } else if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "complexContent")) {
+	type->subtypes = xmlSchemaParseComplexContent(ctxt, schema, child);
+	child = child->next;
+    } else {
+	subtype = NULL;
+	if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "all")) {
+	    subtype = xmlSchemaParseAll(ctxt, schema, child);
+	    child = child->next;
+	} else if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "choice")) {
+	    subtype = xmlSchemaParseChoice(ctxt, schema, child);
+	    child = child->next;
+	} else if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "sequence")) {
+	    subtype = xmlSchemaParseSequence(ctxt, schema, child);
+	    child = child->next;
+	} else if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "group")) {
+	    subtype = xmlSchemaParseGroup(ctxt, schema, child);
+	    child = child->next;
+	}
+	if (subtype != NULL)
+	    type->subtypes = subtype;
+	child = xmlSchemaParseAttrDecls(ctxt, schema, child, type);
+    }
+    if (child != NULL) {
+	xmlSchemaErrorContext(ctxt, schema, node, child);
+	if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL))
+	    ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+			"ComplexType %s has unexpected content\n",
+			type->name);
+    }
+    ctxt->container = oldcontainer;
+    xmlFree(name);
+    return (type);
+ * xmlSchemaParseSchema:
+ * @ctxt:  a schema validation context
+ * @node:  a subtree containing XML Schema informations
+ *
+ * parse a XML schema definition from a node set
+ * *WARNING* this interface is highly subject to change
+ *
+ * Returns the internal XML Schema structure built from the resource or
+ *         NULL in case of error
+ */
+static xmlSchemaPtr
+xmlSchemaParseSchema(xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlNodePtr node)
+    xmlSchemaPtr schema = NULL;
+    xmlSchemaAnnotPtr annot;
+    xmlNodePtr child = NULL;
+    xmlChar *val;
+    if ((ctxt == NULL) || (node == NULL))
+        return (NULL);
+    if (IS_SCHEMA(node, "schema")) {
+        schema = xmlSchemaNewSchema(ctxt);
+	if (schema == NULL)
+	    return(NULL);
+	schema->targetNamespace = xmlGetProp(node, BAD_CAST "targetNamespace");
+	schema->id = xmlGetProp(node, BAD_CAST "id");
+	schema->version = xmlGetProp(node, BAD_CAST "version");
+	val = xmlGetProp(node, BAD_CAST "elementFormDefault");
+	if (val != NULL) {
+	    if (xmlStrEqual(val, BAD_CAST "qualified"))
+		schema->flags |= XML_SCHEMAS_QUALIF_ELEM;
+	    else if (!xmlStrEqual(val, BAD_CAST "unqualified")) {
+		xmlSchemaErrorContext(ctxt, schema, node, child);
+		if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL)) {
+		    ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+				"Invalid value %s for elementFormDefault\n",
+				val);
+		}
+	    }
+	    xmlFree(val);
+	}
+	val = xmlGetProp(node, BAD_CAST "attributeFormDefault");
+	if (val != NULL) {
+	    if (xmlStrEqual(val, BAD_CAST "qualified"))
+		schema->flags |= XML_SCHEMAS_QUALIF_ATTR;
+	    else if (!xmlStrEqual(val, BAD_CAST "unqualified")) {
+		xmlSchemaErrorContext(ctxt, schema, node, child);
+		if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL)) {
+		    ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+				"Invalid value %s for elementFormDefault\n",
+				val);
+		}
+	    }
+	    xmlFree(val);
+	}
+        child = node->children;
+	while ((IS_SCHEMA(child, "include")) ||
+	       (IS_SCHEMA(child, "import")) ||
+	       (IS_SCHEMA(child, "redefine")) ||
+	       (IS_SCHEMA(child, "annotation"))) {
+	    if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "annotation")) {
+		annot = xmlSchemaParseAnnotation(ctxt, schema, child);
+		if (schema->annot == NULL)
+		    schema->annot = annot;
+		else
+		    xmlSchemaFreeAnnot(annot);
+	    } else if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "include")) {
+	    } else if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "import")) {
+	    } else if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "redefine")) {
+	    }
+	    child = child->next;
+	}
+	while (child != NULL) {
+	    if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "complexType")) {
+                xmlSchemaParseComplexType(ctxt, schema, child);
+		child = child->next;
+	    } else if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "simpleType")) {
+                xmlSchemaParseSimpleType(ctxt, schema, child);
+		child = child->next;
+	    } else if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "element")) {
+                xmlSchemaParseElement(ctxt, schema, child, 1);
+		child = child->next;
+	    } else if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "attribute")) {
+                xmlSchemaParseAttribute(ctxt, schema, child);
+		child = child->next;
+	    } else if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "attributeGroup")) {
+                xmlSchemaParseAttributeGroup(ctxt, schema, child);
+		child = child->next;
+	    } else if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "group")) {
+		xmlSchemaParseGroup(ctxt, schema, child);
+		child = child->next;
+	    } else if (IS_SCHEMA(child, "notation")) {
+		xmlSchemaParseNotation(ctxt, schema, child);
+		child = child->next;
+	    } else {
+		xmlSchemaErrorContext(ctxt, schema, node, child);
+		if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL))
+		    ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+				"Schemas: unexpected element %s here \n",
+				child->name);
+		child = child->next;
+	    }
+	    while (IS_SCHEMA(child, "annotation")) {
+		annot = xmlSchemaParseAnnotation(ctxt, schema, child);
+		if (schema->annot == NULL)
+		    schema->annot = annot;
+		else
+		    xmlSchemaFreeAnnot(annot);
+		child = child->next;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    if (schema == NULL)
+        xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+                        "xmlSchemaParse() failed\n");
+    return (schema);
+ * 									*
+ * 			Validating using Schemas			*
+ * 									*
+ ************************************************************************/
+ * 									*
+ * 			Reading/Writing Schemas				*
+ * 									*
+ ************************************************************************/
+ * xmlSchemaNewParserCtxt:
+ * @URL:  the location of the schema
+ *
+ * Create an XML Schemas parse context for that file/resource expected
+ * to contain an XML Schemas file.
+ *
+ * Returns the parser context or NULL in case of error
+ */
+xmlSchemaNewParserCtxt(const char *URL) {
+    xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ret;
+    if (URL == NULL)
+	return(NULL);
+    ret = (xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr) xmlMalloc(sizeof(xmlSchemaParserCtxt));
+    if (ret == NULL) {
+	xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+		"Failed to allocate new schama parser context for %s\n", URL);
+        return (NULL);
+    }
+    memset(ret, 0, sizeof(xmlSchemaParserCtxt));
+    ret->URL = xmlStrdup((const xmlChar *)URL);
+    return (ret);
+ * xmlSchemaFreeParserCtxt:
+ * @ctxt:  the schema parser context
+ *
+ * Free the resources associated to the schema parser context
+ */
+xmlSchemaFreeParserCtxt(xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt) {
+    if (ctxt == NULL)
+	return;
+    if (ctxt->URL != NULL)
+	xmlFree(ctxt->URL);
+    xmlFree(ctxt);
+ *									*
+ *			Building the content models			*
+ *									*
+ ************************************************************************/
+ * xmlSchemaBuildAContentModel:
+ * @type:  the schema type definition
+ * @ctxt:  the schema parser context
+ * @name:  the element name whose content is being built
+ *
+ * Generate the automata sequence needed for that type
+ */
+static void
+xmlSchemaBuildAContentModel(xmlSchemaTypePtr type,
+		           xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt,
+		           const xmlChar *name) {
+    if (type == NULL) {
+	xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+		"Found unexpected type = NULL in %s content model\n",
+			name);
+	return;
+    }
+    switch (type->type) {
+	    /* TODO : handle the namespace too */
+	    /* TODO : make that a specific transition type */
+	    TODO
+	    ctxt->state = xmlAutomataNewTransition(ctxt->am, ctxt->state,
+		                NULL, BAD_CAST "*", NULL);
+	    break;
+	    xmlSchemaElementPtr elem = (xmlSchemaElementPtr) type;
+	    /* TODO : handle the namespace too */
+	    xmlAutomataStatePtr oldstate = ctxt->state;
+	    if (elem->maxOccurs >= UNBOUNDED) {
+		if (elem->refDecl != NULL) {
+		    xmlSchemaBuildAContentModel(
+			    (xmlSchemaTypePtr) elem->refDecl,
+			    ctxt, elem->refDecl->name);
+		} else {
+		    ctxt->state = xmlAutomataNewTransition(ctxt->am,
+			    ctxt->state, NULL, elem->name, type);
+		}
+		xmlAutomataNewEpsilon(ctxt->am, ctxt->state, oldstate);
+		if (elem->minOccurs == 0) {
+		    /* basically an elem* */
+		    xmlAutomataNewEpsilon(ctxt->am, oldstate, ctxt->state);
+		}
+	    } else if (elem->maxOccurs > 1) {
+		if (elem->refDecl != NULL) {
+		    TODO
+		    xmlSchemaBuildAContentModel(
+			    (xmlSchemaTypePtr) elem->refDecl,
+			    ctxt, elem->refDecl->name);
+		} else {
+		    ctxt->state = xmlAutomataNewCountTrans(ctxt->am,
+			    ctxt->state, NULL, elem->name,
+			    elem->minOccurs, elem->maxOccurs, type);
+		}
+	    } else {
+		if (elem->refDecl != NULL) {
+		    xmlSchemaBuildAContentModel(
+			    (xmlSchemaTypePtr) elem->refDecl,
+			    ctxt, elem->refDecl->name);
+		} else {
+		    ctxt->state = xmlAutomataNewTransition(ctxt->am,
+			    ctxt->state, NULL, elem->name, type);
+		}
+		if (elem->minOccurs == 0) {
+		    /* basically an elem? */
+		    xmlAutomataNewEpsilon(ctxt->am, oldstate, ctxt->state);
+		}
+	    }
+	    break;
+	}
+	    xmlSchemaTypePtr subtypes;
+	    /*
+	     * Simply iterate over the subtypes
+	     */
+	    subtypes = type->subtypes;
+	    while (subtypes != NULL) {
+		xmlSchemaBuildAContentModel(subtypes, ctxt, name);
+		subtypes = subtypes->next;
+	    }
+	    break;
+	}
+	    xmlSchemaTypePtr subtypes;
+	    xmlAutomataStatePtr start, end;
+	    start = ctxt->state;
+	    end = xmlAutomataNewState(ctxt->am);
+	    /*
+	     * iterate over the subtypes and remerge the end with an
+	     * epsilon transition
+	     */
+	    subtypes = type->subtypes;
+	    while (subtypes != NULL) {
+		ctxt->state = start;
+		xmlSchemaBuildAContentModel(subtypes, ctxt, name);
+		xmlAutomataNewEpsilon(ctxt->am, ctxt->state, end);
+		subtypes = subtypes->next;
+	    }
+	    ctxt->state = end;
+	    break;
+	}
+	    TODO
+	    break;
+	}
+	    if (type->subtypes != NULL)
+		xmlSchemaBuildAContentModel(type->subtypes, ctxt, name);
+	    break;
+	default:
+	    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+		    "Found unexpected type %d in %s content model\n",
+		            type->type, name);
+	    return;
+    }
+ * xmlSchemaBuildContentModel:
+ * @typeDecl:  the schema type definition
+ * @ctxt:  the schema parser context
+ *
+ * Fixes the content model of the element.
+ */
+static void
+xmlSchemaBuildContentModel(xmlSchemaElementPtr elem,
+		           xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt,
+		           const xmlChar *name) {
+    xmlAutomataStatePtr start;
+    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+	    "Building content model for %s\n", name);
+    if (elem->contModel != NULL)
+	return;
+    if (elem->subtypes == NULL)
+	return;
+    if (elem->subtypes->type != XML_SCHEMA_TYPE_COMPLEX)
+	return;
+    ctxt->am = xmlNewAutomata();
+    if (ctxt->am == NULL) {
+	xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+		"Cannot create automata for elem %s\n", name);
+	return;
+    }
+    start = ctxt->state = xmlAutomataGetInitState(ctxt->am);
+    xmlSchemaBuildAContentModel(elem->subtypes, ctxt, name);
+    xmlAutomataSetFinalState(ctxt->am, ctxt->state);
+    elem->contModel = xmlAutomataCompile(ctxt->am);
+    printf("Content model of %s:\n", name);
+    xmlRegexpPrint(stdout, elem->contModel);
+    ctxt->state = NULL;
+    xmlFreeAutomata(ctxt->am);
+    ctxt->am = NULL;
+ * xmlSchemaRefFixupCallback:
+ * @elem:  the schema element context
+ * @ctxt:  the schema parser context
+ *
+ * Free the resources associated to the schema parser context
+ */
+static void
+xmlSchemaRefFixupCallback(xmlSchemaElementPtr elem,
+		     xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt,
+		     const xmlChar *name,
+		     ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED const xmlChar *context,
+		     ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED const xmlChar *namespace)
+    if ((ctxt == NULL) || (elem == NULL))
+	return;
+    if (elem->ref != NULL) {
+	xmlSchemaElementPtr elemDecl;
+	if (elem->subtypes != NULL) {
+	    xmlSchemaErrorContext(ctxt, NULL, elem->node, NULL);
+	    if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL))
+		ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+			    "Schemas: element %s have both ref and subtype\n",
+			    name);
+	    return;
+	}
+	elemDecl = xmlHashLookup2(ctxt->schema->elemDecl,
+				  elem->ref, elem->refNs);
+        if (elemDecl == NULL) {
+	    if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL))
+		ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+			    "Schemas: element %s ref to %s not found\n",
+			    name, elem->ref);
+	    return;
+	}
+	elem->refDecl = elemDecl;
+    } else if (elem->namedType != NULL) {
+	xmlSchemaTypePtr typeDecl;
+	if (elem->subtypes != NULL) {
+	    xmlSchemaErrorContext(ctxt, NULL, elem->node, NULL);
+	    if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL))
+		ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+			    "Schemas: element %s have both type and subtype\n",
+			    name);
+	    return;
+	}
+	typeDecl = xmlSchemaGetType(ctxt->schema, elem->namedType,
+		                    elem->namedTypeNs);
+        if (typeDecl == NULL) {
+	    if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL))
+		ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+			    "Schemas: element %s type %s not found\n",
+			    name, elem->namedType);
+	    return;
+	}
+	elem->subtypes = typeDecl;
+    }
+ * xmlSchemaTypeFixup:
+ * @typeDecl:  the schema type definition
+ * @ctxt:  the schema parser context
+ *
+ * Fixes the content model of the type.
+ */
+static void
+xmlSchemaTypeFixup(xmlSchemaTypePtr typeDecl,
+		   xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt,
+		   const xmlChar *name)
+    if (name == NULL)
+	name = typeDecl->name;
+    if (typeDecl->contentType == XML_SCHEMA_CONTENT_UNKNOWN) {
+	switch (typeDecl->type) {
+		xmlSchemaTypeFixup(typeDecl->subtypes, ctxt, NULL);
+		typeDecl->contentType = typeDecl->subtypes->contentType;
+		break;
+	    }
+		if (typeDecl->subtypes != NULL)
+		    xmlSchemaTypeFixup(typeDecl->subtypes, ctxt, NULL);
+		if (typeDecl->base != NULL) {
+		    xmlSchemaTypePtr baseType;
+		    baseType = xmlSchemaGetType(ctxt->schema, typeDecl->base,
+						typeDecl->baseNs);
+		    if (baseType == NULL) {
+			if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL))
+			    ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+				"Schemas: type %s base type %s not found\n",
+					name, typeDecl->base);
+		    }
+		    typeDecl->baseType = baseType;
+		}
+		if (typeDecl->subtypes == NULL)
+		    /* 1.1.1 */
+		    typeDecl->contentType = XML_SCHEMA_CONTENT_EMPTY;
+		else if ((typeDecl->subtypes->subtypes == NULL) &&
+		    ((typeDecl->subtypes->type == XML_SCHEMA_TYPE_ALL) ||
+		     (typeDecl->subtypes->type == XML_SCHEMA_TYPE_SEQUENCE)))
+		    /* 1.1.2 */
+		    typeDecl->contentType = XML_SCHEMA_CONTENT_EMPTY;
+		else if ((typeDecl->subtypes->type == XML_SCHEMA_TYPE_CHOICE) &&
+		    (typeDecl->subtypes->subtypes == NULL))
+		    /* 1.1.3 */
+		    typeDecl->contentType = XML_SCHEMA_CONTENT_EMPTY;
+		else {
+		    /* 1.2 and 2.X are applied at the other layer */
+		    typeDecl->contentType = XML_SCHEMA_CONTENT_ELEMENTS;
+		}
+		break;
+	    }
+		xmlSchemaContentType explicitContentType;
+		xmlSchemaTypePtr base;
+		if (typeDecl->base != NULL) {
+		    xmlSchemaTypePtr baseType;
+		    baseType = xmlSchemaGetType(ctxt->schema, typeDecl->base,
+						typeDecl->baseNs);
+		    if (baseType == NULL) {
+			if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL))
+			    ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+				"Schemas: type %s base type %s not found\n",
+					name, typeDecl->base);
+		    }
+		    typeDecl->baseType = baseType;
+		}
+		if (typeDecl->subtypes != NULL)
+		    xmlSchemaTypeFixup(typeDecl->subtypes, ctxt, NULL);
+		if (typeDecl->subtypes == NULL)
+		    /* 1.1.1 */
+		    explicitContentType = XML_SCHEMA_CONTENT_EMPTY;
+		else if ((typeDecl->subtypes->subtypes == NULL) &&
+		    ((typeDecl->subtypes->type == XML_SCHEMA_TYPE_ALL) ||
+		     (typeDecl->subtypes->type == XML_SCHEMA_TYPE_SEQUENCE)))
+		    /* 1.1.2 */
+		    explicitContentType = XML_SCHEMA_CONTENT_EMPTY;
+		else if ((typeDecl->subtypes->type == XML_SCHEMA_TYPE_CHOICE) &&
+		    (typeDecl->subtypes->subtypes == NULL))
+		    /* 1.1.3 */
+		    explicitContentType = XML_SCHEMA_CONTENT_EMPTY;
+		base = xmlSchemaGetType(ctxt->schema, typeDecl->base,
+					typeDecl->baseNs);
+		if (base == NULL) {
+		    xmlSchemaErrorContext(ctxt, NULL, typeDecl->node, NULL);
+		    if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL))
+			ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+			"Schemas: base type %s of type %s not found\n",
+				    typeDecl->base, name);
+		    return;
+		}
+		xmlSchemaTypeFixup(base, ctxt, NULL);
+		if (explicitContentType == XML_SCHEMA_CONTENT_EMPTY) {
+		    /* 2.1 */
+		    typeDecl->contentType = base->contentType;
+		} else if (base->contentType == XML_SCHEMA_CONTENT_EMPTY) {
+		    /* 2.2 imbitable ! */
+		    typeDecl->contentType = XML_SCHEMA_CONTENT_ELEMENTS;
+		} else {
+		    /* 2.3 imbitable pareil ! */
+		    typeDecl->contentType = XML_SCHEMA_CONTENT_ELEMENTS;
+		}
+		break;
+	    }
+		if (typeDecl->subtypes == NULL) {
+		    typeDecl->contentType = XML_SCHEMA_CONTENT_EMPTY;
+		} else {
+		    if (typeDecl->flags & XML_SCHEMAS_TYPE_MIXED)
+			typeDecl->contentType = XML_SCHEMA_CONTENT_MIXED;
+		    else {
+			xmlSchemaTypeFixup(typeDecl->subtypes, ctxt, NULL);
+			typeDecl->contentType = typeDecl->subtypes->contentType;
+		    }
+		}
+		break;
+	    }
+		if (typeDecl->subtypes == NULL) {
+		    typeDecl->contentType = XML_SCHEMA_CONTENT_EMPTY;
+		} else {
+		    if (typeDecl->flags & XML_SCHEMAS_TYPE_MIXED)
+			typeDecl->contentType = XML_SCHEMA_CONTENT_MIXED;
+		    else {
+			xmlSchemaTypeFixup(typeDecl->subtypes, ctxt, NULL);
+			typeDecl->contentType = typeDecl->subtypes->contentType;
+		    }
+		}
+		break;
+	    }
+		typeDecl->contentType = XML_SCHEMA_CONTENT_ELEMENTS;
+		break;
+	    case XML_SCHEMA_TYPE_UR:
+		typeDecl->contentType = XML_SCHEMA_CONTENT_SIMPLE;
+		break;
+	}
+    } 
+ * xmlSchemaCheckDefaults:
+ * @typeDecl:  the schema type definition
+ * @ctxt:  the schema parser context
+ *
+ * Checks the default values types, especially for facets 
+ */
+static void
+xmlSchemaCheckDefaults(xmlSchemaTypePtr typeDecl,
+		   xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt,
+		   const xmlChar *name)
+    static xmlSchemaTypePtr nonNegativeIntegerType = NULL;
+    if (name == NULL)
+	name = typeDecl->name;
+    if (nonNegativeIntegerType == NULL) {
+	nonNegativeIntegerType = xmlSchemaGetPredefinedType(
+		BAD_CAST "nonNegativeInteger", xmlSchemaNs);
+    }
+    if (typeDecl->type == XML_SCHEMA_TYPE_RESTRICTION) {
+	if (typeDecl->facets != NULL) {
+	    xmlSchemaFacetPtr facet = typeDecl->facets;
+	    while (facet != NULL) {
+		switch (facet->type) {
+			/*
+			 * Okay we need to validate the value
+			 * at that point.
+			 */
+			xmlSchemaValidCtxtPtr vctxt;
+			vctxt = xmlSchemaNewValidCtxt(NULL);
+			if (vctxt == NULL)
+			    break;
+			xmlSchemaValidateSimpleValue(vctxt, typeDecl,
+						     facet->value);
+			facet->val = vctxt->value;
+			vctxt->value = NULL;
+			if (facet->val == NULL) {
+			    /* error code */
+			    xmlSchemaErrorContext(ctxt, NULL,
+				    facet->node, NULL);
+			    ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+			    "Schemas: type %s facet value %s invalid\n",
+					name, facet->value);
+			}
+			xmlSchemaFreeValidCtxt(vctxt);
+			break;
+		    }
+			/*
+			 * Okay we need to validate the value
+			 * at that point.
+			 */
+			xmlSchemaValidCtxtPtr vctxt;
+			int ret;
+			vctxt = xmlSchemaNewValidCtxt(NULL);
+			if (vctxt == NULL)
+			    break;
+			ret = xmlSchemaValidateSimpleValue(vctxt, typeDecl,
+						     facet->value);
+			if (ret != 0) {
+			    xmlSchemaErrorContext(ctxt, NULL,
+				    facet->node, NULL);
+			    ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+			    "Schemas: type %s enumeration value %s invalid\n",
+					name, facet->value);
+			}
+			xmlSchemaFreeValidCtxt(vctxt);
+			break;
+		    }
+			facet->regexp = xmlRegexpCompile(facet->value);
+			if (facet->regexp == NULL) {
+			    /* error code */
+			    ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+			"Schemas: type %s facet regexp %s invalid\n",
+					name, facet->value);
+			}
+			break;
+			int ret;
+			ret = xmlSchemaValidatePredefinedType(
+				     nonNegativeIntegerType, facet->value,
+				     &facet->val);
+			if (ret != 0) {
+			    /* error code */
+			    xmlSchemaErrorContext(ctxt, NULL,
+				    facet->node, NULL);
+			    ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+			    "Schemas: type %s facet value %s invalid\n",
+					name, facet->value);
+			}
+			break;
+		    }
+			if (xmlStrEqual(facet->value, BAD_CAST"preserve")) {
+			    facet->whitespace = XML_SCHEMAS_FACET_PRESERVE;
+			} else if (xmlStrEqual(facet->value,
+				    BAD_CAST"replace")) {
+			    facet->whitespace = XML_SCHEMAS_FACET_REPLACE;
+			} else if (xmlStrEqual(facet->value,
+				    BAD_CAST"collapse")) {
+			    facet->whitespace = XML_SCHEMAS_FACET_COLLAPSE;
+			} else {
+			    xmlSchemaErrorContext(ctxt, NULL,
+				    facet->node, NULL);
+			    ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+			    "Schemas: type %s whiteSpace value %s invalid\n",
+					name, facet->value);
+			}
+		    }
+		    default:
+			break;
+		}
+		facet = facet->next;
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+ * xmlSchemaAttrFixup:
+ * @attrDecl:  the schema attribute definition
+ * @ctxt:  the schema parser context
+ * @name:  the attribute name
+ *
+ * Fixes finish doing the computations on the attributes definitions
+ */
+static void
+xmlSchemaAttrFixup(xmlSchemaAttributePtr attrDecl,
+		   xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt,
+		   const xmlChar *name)
+    if (name == NULL)
+	name = attrDecl->name;
+    if (attrDecl->subtypes != NULL)
+	return;
+    if (attrDecl->typeName != NULL) {
+	xmlSchemaTypePtr type;
+	type = xmlSchemaGetType(ctxt->schema, attrDecl->typeName,
+				    attrDecl->typeNs);
+	if (type == NULL) {
+	    if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL))
+		ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+		    "Schemas: attribute %s type %s not found\n",
+			    name, attrDecl->typeName);
+	}
+	attrDecl->subtypes = type;
+    } else if (attrDecl->ref != NULL) {
+	xmlSchemaAttributePtr ref;
+	ref = xmlHashLookup2(ctxt->schema->attrDecl, attrDecl->ref,
+		             attrDecl->refNs);
+	if (ref == NULL) {
+	    if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL))
+		ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+		    "Schemas: attribute %s reference %s not found\n",
+			    name, attrDecl->ref);
+	    return;
+	}
+	xmlSchemaAttrFixup(ref, ctxt, NULL);
+	attrDecl->subtypes = ref->subtypes;
+    } else {
+	if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->error != NULL))
+	    ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+		"Schemas: attribute %s has no type nor reference\n",
+			name);
+    }
+ * xmlSchemaParse:
+ * @ctxt:  a schema validation context
+ * @URL:  the location of the schema
+ *
+ * Load, XML parse a schema definition resource and build an internal
+ * XML Shema struture which can be used to validate instances.
+ * *WARNING* this interface is highly subject to change
+ *
+ * Returns the internal XML Schema structure built from the resource or
+ *         NULL in case of error
+ */
+xmlSchemaParse(xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt)
+    xmlSchemaPtr ret = NULL;
+    xmlDocPtr doc;
+    xmlNodePtr root, cur, delete;
+    xmlSchemaInitTypes();
+    if ((ctxt == NULL) || (ctxt->URL == NULL))
+        return (NULL);
+    ctxt->counter = 0;
+    ctxt->container = NULL;
+    /*
+     * First step is to parse the input document into an DOM/Infoset
+     */
+    doc = xmlParseFile((const char *) ctxt->URL);
+    if (doc == NULL) {
+        if (ctxt->error != NULL)
+            ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+                        "xmlSchemaParse: could not load %s\n", ctxt->URL);
+        return (NULL);
+    }
+    /*
+     * Then extract the root and Schema parse it
+     */
+    root = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc);
+    if (root == NULL) {
+        if (ctxt->error != NULL)
+            ctxt->error(ctxt->userData, "xmlSchemaParse: %s is empty\n",
+                        ctxt->URL);
+        return (NULL);
+    }
+    /*
+     * Remove all the blank text nodes
+     */
+    delete = NULL;
+    cur = root;
+    while (cur != NULL) {
+	if (delete != NULL) {
+	    xmlUnlinkNode(delete);
+	    xmlFreeNode(delete);
+	    delete = NULL;
+	}
+	if (cur->type == XML_TEXT_NODE) {
+	    if (IS_BLANK_NODE(cur)) {
+		if (xmlNodeGetSpacePreserve(cur) != 1) {
+		    delete = cur;
+		}
+	    }
+	} else if ((cur->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) &&
+		   (cur->type != XML_CDATA_SECTION_NODE)) {
+	    delete = cur;
+	    goto skip_children;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Skip to next node
+	 */
+	if (cur->children != NULL) {
+	    if ((cur->children->type != XML_ENTITY_DECL) &&
+		(cur->children->type != XML_ENTITY_REF_NODE) &&
+		(cur->children->type != XML_ENTITY_NODE)) {
+		cur = cur->children;
+		continue;
+	    }
+	}
+	if (cur->next != NULL) {
+	    cur = cur->next;
+	    continue;
+	}
+	do {
+	    cur = cur->parent;
+	    if (cur == NULL)
+		break;
+	    if (cur == root) {
+		cur = NULL;
+		break;
+	    }
+	    if (cur->next != NULL) {
+		cur = cur->next;
+		break;
+	    }
+	} while (cur != NULL);
+    }
+    if (delete != NULL) {
+	xmlUnlinkNode(delete);
+	xmlFreeNode(delete);
+	delete = NULL;
+    }
+    /*
+     * Then do the parsing for good
+     */
+    ret = xmlSchemaParseSchema(ctxt, root);
+    ret->doc = doc;
+    /*
+     * Then fix all the references.
+     */
+    ctxt->schema = ret;
+    xmlHashScanFull(ret->elemDecl,
+	            (xmlHashScannerFull) xmlSchemaRefFixupCallback, ctxt);
+    /*
+     * Then fixup all types properties
+     */
+    xmlHashScan(ret->typeDecl, (xmlHashScanner) xmlSchemaTypeFixup, ctxt);
+    /*
+     * Then build the content model for all elements
+     */
+    xmlHashScan(ret->elemDecl,
+	            (xmlHashScanner) xmlSchemaBuildContentModel, ctxt);
+    /*
+     * Then check the defaults part of the type like facets values
+     */
+    xmlHashScan(ret->typeDecl, (xmlHashScanner) xmlSchemaCheckDefaults, ctxt);
+    /*
+     * Then fixup all attributes declarations
+     */
+    xmlHashScan(ret->attrDecl, (xmlHashScanner) xmlSchemaAttrFixup, ctxt);
+    return (ret);
+ * xmlSchemaParse:
+ * @ctxt:  a schema validation context
+ * @URL:  the location of the schema
+ *
+ * Load, XML parse a schema definition resource and build an internal
+ * XML Shema struture which can be used to validate instances.
+ * *WARNING* this interface is highly subject to change
+ *
+ * Returns the internal XML Schema structure built from the resource or
+ *         NULL in case of error
+ */
+xmlSchemaSetParserErrors(xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt,
+	xmlSchemaValidityErrorFunc err,
+	xmlSchemaValidityWarningFunc warn, void *ctx) {
+    if (ctxt == NULL)
+	return;
+    ctxt->error = err;
+    ctxt->warning = warn;
+    ctxt->userData = ctx;
+ * 									*
+ * 			Simple type validation				*
+ * 									*
+ ************************************************************************/
+ * xmlSchemaValidateSimpleValue:
+ * @ctxt:  a schema validation context
+ * @type:  the type declaration
+ * @value:  the value to validate
+ *
+ * Validate a value against a simple type
+ *
+ * Returns 0 if the value is valid, a positive error code
+ *     number otherwise and -1 in case of internal or API error.
+ */
+static int
+xmlSchemaValidateSimpleValue(xmlSchemaValidCtxtPtr ctxt, 
+			     xmlSchemaTypePtr type,
+	                     xmlChar *value) {
+    int ret = 0;
+    /*
+     * First normalize the value accordingly to Schema Datatype
+     * 4.3.6 whiteSpace definition of the whiteSpace facet of type
+     */
+    /*
+     * Then check the normalized value against the lexical space of the
+     * type.
+     */
+    if (type->type == XML_SCHEMA_TYPE_BASIC) {
+	if (ctxt->value != NULL) {
+	    xmlSchemaFreeValue(ctxt->value);
+	    ctxt->value = NULL;
+	}
+	ret = xmlSchemaValidatePredefinedType(type, value, &(ctxt->value));
+    } else if (type->type == XML_SCHEMA_TYPE_RESTRICTION) {
+	xmlSchemaTypePtr base;
+	xmlSchemaFacetPtr facet;
+	int tmp;
+	base = type->baseType;
+	if (base != NULL) {
+	    ret = xmlSchemaValidateSimpleValue(ctxt, base, value);
+	} else if (type->subtypes != NULL) {
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Do not validate facets when working on building the Schemas
+	 */
+	if (ctxt->schema != NULL) {
+	    if (ret == 0) {
+		facet = type->facets;
+		while (facet != NULL) {
+		    tmp = xmlSchemaValidateFacet(base, facet, value,
+						 ctxt->value);
+		    if (tmp != 0)
+			ret = tmp;
+		    facet = facet->next;
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+    } else if (type->type == XML_SCHEMA_TYPE_SIMPLE) {
+	xmlSchemaTypePtr base;
+	base = type->subtypes;
+	if (base != NULL) {
+	    ret = xmlSchemaValidateSimpleValue(ctxt, base, value);
+	} else {
+	    TODO
+	}
+    } else if (type->type == XML_SCHEMA_TYPE_LIST) {
+	xmlSchemaTypePtr base;
+	xmlChar *cur, *end, tmp;
+	int ret2;
+	base = type->subtypes;
+	if (base == NULL) {
+	    ctxt->err = XML_SCHEMAS_ERR_INTERNAL;
+	    if (ctxt->error != NULL) {
+		xmlSchemaErrorContext(NULL, ctxt->schema, type->node, NULL);
+		ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+		"Internal: List type %s has no base type\n",
+			    type->name);
+	    }
+	    return(-1);
+	}
+	cur = value;
+	do {
+	    while (IS_BLANK(*cur)) cur++;
+	    end = cur;
+	    while ((*end != 0) && (!(IS_BLANK(*end)))) end++;
+	    if (end == cur)
+		break;
+	    tmp = *end;
+	    *end = 0;
+	    ret2 = xmlSchemaValidateSimpleValue(ctxt, base, cur);
+	    if (ret2 != 0)
+		ret = 1;
+	    *end = tmp;
+	    cur = end;
+	} while (*cur != 0);
+    } else {
+    }
+    return(ret);
+ * 									*
+ * 			DOM Validation code				*
+ * 									*
+ ************************************************************************/
+static int xmlSchemaValidateContent(xmlSchemaValidCtxtPtr ctxt,
+	                            xmlNodePtr node);
+static int xmlSchemaValidateAttributes(xmlSchemaValidCtxtPtr ctxt,
+	xmlNodePtr elem, xmlSchemaAttributePtr attributes);
+static int xmlSchemaValidateType(xmlSchemaValidCtxtPtr ctxt,
+	xmlNodePtr elem, xmlSchemaElementPtr elemDecl, xmlSchemaTypePtr type);
+ * xmlSchemaRegisterAttributes:
+ * @ctxt:  a schema validation context
+ * @attrs:  a list of attributes
+ *
+ * Register the list of attributes as the set to be validated on that element
+ *
+ * Returns -1 in case of error, 0 otherwise
+ */
+static int
+xmlSchemaRegisterAttributes(xmlSchemaValidCtxtPtr ctxt,
+	                    xmlAttrPtr attrs) {
+    while (attrs != NULL) {
+	if (ctxt->attrNr >= ctxt->attrMax) {
+	    xmlSchemaAttrStatePtr tmp;
+	    ctxt->attrMax *= 2;
+	    tmp = (xmlSchemaAttrStatePtr)
+		          xmlRealloc(ctxt->attr, ctxt->attrMax *
+				     sizeof(xmlSchemaAttrState));
+	    if (tmp == NULL) {
+		ctxt->attrMax /= 2;
+		return(-1);
+	    }
+	    ctxt->attr = tmp;
+	}
+	ctxt->attr[ctxt->attrNr].attr = attrs;
+	ctxt->attr[ctxt->attrNr].state = XML_SCHEMAS_ATTR_UNKNOWN;
+	ctxt->attrNr++;
+	attrs = attrs->next;
+    }
+    return(0);
+ * xmlSchemaCheckAttributes:
+ * @ctxt:  a schema validation context
+ * @node:  the node carrying it.
+ *
+ * Check that the registered set of attributes on the current node
+ * has been properly validated.
+ *
+ * Returns 0 if validity constraints are met, 1 otherwise.
+ */
+static int
+xmlSchemaCheckAttributes(xmlSchemaValidCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlNodePtr node) {
+    int ret = 0;
+    int i;
+    for (i = ctxt->attrBase;i < ctxt->attrNr;i++) {
+	if (ctxt->attr[i].attr == NULL)
+	    break;
+	if (ctxt->attr[i].state == XML_SCHEMAS_ATTR_UNKNOWN) {
+	    ret = 1;
+	    if (ctxt->error != NULL)
+		ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+		"Attribute %s on %s is unknown\n",
+			    ctxt->attr[i].attr->name,
+			    node->name);
+	}
+    }
+    return(ret);
+ * xmlSchemaValidateSimpleContent:
+ * @ctxt:  a schema validation context
+ * @elem:  an element
+ * @type:  the type declaration
+ *
+ * Validate the content of an element expected to be a simple type
+ *
+ * Returns 0 if the element is schemas valid, a positive error code
+ *     number otherwise and -1 in case of internal or API error.
+ */
+static int
+xmlSchemaValidateSimpleContent(xmlSchemaValidCtxtPtr ctxt,
+	                       ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED xmlNodePtr node) {
+    xmlNodePtr child;
+    xmlSchemaTypePtr type, base;
+    xmlChar *value;
+    int ret = 0, tmp;
+    child = ctxt->node;
+    type = ctxt->type;
+    /*
+     * Validation Rule: Element Locally Valid (Type): 3.1.3
+     */
+    value = xmlNodeGetContent(child);
+    /* xmlSchemaValidateSimpleValue(ctxt, type, value); */
+    switch (type->type) {
+	    xmlSchemaFacetPtr facet;
+	    base = type->baseType;
+	    if (base != NULL) {
+		ret = xmlSchemaValidateSimpleValue(ctxt, base, value);
+	    } else {
+	    }
+	    if (ret == 0) {
+		facet = type->facets;
+		while (facet != NULL) {
+		    tmp = xmlSchemaValidateFacet(base, facet, value,
+			                         ctxt->value);
+		    if (tmp != 0)
+			ret = tmp;
+		    facet = facet->next;
+		}
+	    }
+	    break;
+	}
+	default:
+	    TODO
+    }
+    if (value != NULL)
+	xmlFree(value);
+    return(ret);
+ * xmlSchemaValidateCheckNodeList
+ * @nodelist: the list of nodes
+ *
+ * Check the node list is only made of text nodes and entities pointing
+ * to text nodes
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true, 0 if false and -1 in case of error
+ */
+static int
+xmlSchemaValidateCheckNodeList(xmlNodePtr nodelist) {
+    while (nodelist != NULL) {
+	if (nodelist->type == XML_ENTITY_REF_NODE) {
+	    TODO /* implement recursion in the entity content */
+	}
+	if ((nodelist->type != XML_TEXT_NODE) &&
+	    (nodelist->type != XML_COMMENT_NODE) &&
+	    (nodelist->type != XML_PI_NODE) &&
+	    (nodelist->type != XML_PI_NODE)) {
+	    return(0);
+	}
+	nodelist = nodelist->next;
+    }
+    return(1);
+ * xmlSchemaSkipIgnored:
+ * @ctxt:  a schema validation context
+ * @type:  the current type context
+ * @node:  the top node.
+ *
+ * Skip ignorable nodes in that context
+ *
+ * Returns the new sibling
+ *     number otherwise and -1 in case of internal or API error.
+ */
+static xmlNodePtr
+xmlSchemaSkipIgnored(ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED xmlSchemaValidCtxtPtr ctxt,
+	             xmlSchemaTypePtr type,
+	             xmlNodePtr node) {
+    int mixed = 0;
+    /*
+     * TODO complete and handle entities
+     */
+    mixed = ((type->contentType == XML_SCHEMA_CONTENT_MIXED) ||
+	     (type->contentType == XML_SCHEMA_CONTENT_MIXED_OR_ELEMENTS));
+    while ((node != NULL) &&
+	   ((node->type == XML_COMMENT_NODE) ||
+	    ((mixed == 1) && (node->type == XML_TEXT_NODE)) ||
+	    (((type->contentType == XML_SCHEMA_CONTENT_ELEMENTS) &&
+	     (node->type == XML_TEXT_NODE) &&
+	     (IS_BLANK_NODE(node)))))) {
+	node = node->next;
+    }
+    return(node);
+ * xmlSchemaValidateCallback:
+ * @ctxt:  a schema validation context
+ * @name:  the name of the element detected (might be NULL)
+ * @type:  the type
+ *
+ * A transition has been made in the automata associated to an element
+ * content model
+ */
+static void
+xmlSchemaValidateCallback(xmlSchemaValidCtxtPtr ctxt,
+	                  ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED const xmlChar *name,
+			  xmlSchemaTypePtr type,
+			  xmlNodePtr node) {
+    xmlSchemaTypePtr oldtype = ctxt->type;
+    xmlNodePtr oldnode = ctxt->node;
+    printf("xmlSchemaValidateCallback: %s, %s, %s\n",
+	   name, type->name, node->name);
+    ctxt->type = type;
+    ctxt->node = node;
+    xmlSchemaValidateContent(ctxt, node);
+    ctxt->type = oldtype;
+    ctxt->node = oldnode;
+#if 0
+ * xmlSchemaValidateSimpleRestrictionType:
+ * @ctxt:  a schema validation context
+ * @node:  the top node.
+ *
+ * Validate the content of a restriction type.
+ *
+ * Returns 0 if the element is schemas valid, a positive error code
+ *     number otherwise and -1 in case of internal or API error.
+ */
+static int
+xmlSchemaValidateSimpleRestrictionType(xmlSchemaValidCtxtPtr ctxt,
+                                       xmlNodePtr node)
+    xmlNodePtr child;
+    xmlSchemaTypePtr type;
+    int ret;
+    child = ctxt->node;
+    type = ctxt->type;
+    if ((ctxt == NULL) || (type == NULL)) {
+        ctxt->err = XML_SCHEMAS_ERR_INTERNAL;
+        if (ctxt->error != NULL)
+            ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+	    "Internal error: xmlSchemaValidateSimpleRestrictionType %s\n",
+                        node->name);
+        return (-1);
+    }
+    /*
+     * Only text and text based entities references shall be found there
+     */
+    ret = xmlSchemaValidateCheckNodeList(child);
+    if (ret < 0) {
+        ctxt->err = XML_SCHEMAS_ERR_INTERNAL;
+        if (ctxt->error != NULL)
+            ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+		"Internal error: xmlSchemaValidateSimpleType %s content\n",
+                        node->name);
+        return (-1);
+    } else if (ret == 0) {
+        ctxt->err = XML_SCHEMAS_ERR_NOTSIMPLE;
+        if (ctxt->error != NULL)
+            ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+                        "Element %s content is not a simple type\n",
+                        node->name);
+        return (-1);
+    }
+    ctxt->type = type->subtypes;
+    xmlSchemaValidateContent(ctxt, node);
+    ctxt->type = type;
+    return (ret);
+ * xmlSchemaValidateSimpleType:
+ * @ctxt:  a schema validation context
+ * @node:  the top node.
+ *
+ * Validate the content of an simple type.
+ *
+ * Returns 0 if the element is schemas valid, a positive error code
+ *     number otherwise and -1 in case of internal or API error.
+ */
+static int
+xmlSchemaValidateSimpleType(xmlSchemaValidCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlNodePtr node) {
+    xmlNodePtr child;
+    xmlSchemaTypePtr type;
+    xmlAttrPtr attr;
+    int ret;
+    child = ctxt->node;
+    type = ctxt->type;
+    if ((ctxt == NULL) || (type == NULL)) {
+	if (ctxt->error != NULL)
+	    ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+		    "Internal error: xmlSchemaValidateSimpleType %s\n",
+			node->name);
+	return(-1);
+    }
+    /*
+     * Only text and text based entities references shall be found there
+     */
+    ret = xmlSchemaValidateCheckNodeList(child);
+    if (ret < 0) {
+	if (ctxt->error != NULL)
+	    ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+		    "Internal error: xmlSchemaValidateSimpleType %s content\n",
+			node->name);
+	return(-1);
+    } else if (ret == 0) {
+	if (ctxt->error != NULL)
+	    ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+		    "Element %s content is not a simple type\n",
+			node->name);
+	return(-1);
+    }
+    /*
+     * Validation Rule: Element Locally Valid (Type): 3.1.1
+     */
+    attr = node->properties;
+    while (attr != NULL) {
+	if ((attr->ns == NULL) ||
+	    (!xmlStrEqual(attr->ns->href, xmlSchemaInstanceNs)) ||
+	    ((!xmlStrEqual(attr->name, BAD_CAST"type")) &&
+	     (!xmlStrEqual(attr->name, BAD_CAST"nil")) &&
+	     (!xmlStrEqual(attr->name, BAD_CAST"schemasLocation")) &&
+	     (!xmlStrEqual(attr->name, BAD_CAST"noNamespaceSchemaLocation")))) {
+	    if (ctxt->error != NULL)
+		ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+			"Element %s: attribute %s should not be present\n",
+			    child->name, attr->name);
+	    return(ctxt->err);
+	}
+    }
+    ctxt->type = type->subtypes;
+    ret = xmlSchemaValidateSimpleContent(ctxt, node);
+    ctxt->type = type;
+    return(ret);
+ * xmlSchemaValidateElementType:
+ * @ctxt:  a schema validation context
+ * @node:  the top node.
+ *
+ * Validate the content of an element type.
+ * Validation Rule: Element Locally Valid (Complex Type)
+ *
+ * Returns 0 if the element is schemas valid, a positive error code
+ *     number otherwise and -1 in case of internal or API error.
+ */
+static int
+xmlSchemaValidateElementType(xmlSchemaValidCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlNodePtr node) {
+    xmlNodePtr child;
+    xmlSchemaTypePtr type;
+    xmlRegExecCtxtPtr oldregexp; /* cont model of the parent */
+    xmlSchemaElementPtr decl;
+    int ret, attrBase;
+    oldregexp = ctxt->regexp;
+    child = ctxt->node;
+    type = ctxt->type;
+    if ((ctxt == NULL) || (type == NULL)) {
+	if (ctxt->error != NULL)
+	    ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+		    "Internal error: xmlSchemaValidateElementType\n",
+			node->name);
+	return(-1);
+    }
+    if (child == NULL) {
+	if (type->minOccurs > 0) {
+	    ctxt->err = XML_SCHEMAS_ERR_MISSING;
+	    if (ctxt->error != NULL)
+		ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+			"Element %s: missing child %s\n",
+			    node->name, type->name);
+	}
+	return(ctxt->err);
+    }
+    /*
+     * Verify the element matches
+     */
+    if (!xmlStrEqual(child->name, type->name)) {
+	if (ctxt->error != NULL)
+	    ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+		    "Element %s: missing child %s found %s\n",
+			node->name, type->name, child->name);
+        return(ctxt->err);
+    }
+    /*
+     * Verify the attributes
+     */
+    attrBase = ctxt->attrBase;
+    ctxt->attrBase = ctxt->attrNr;
+    xmlSchemaRegisterAttributes(ctxt, child->properties);
+    xmlSchemaValidateAttributes(ctxt, child, type->attributes);
+    /*
+     * Verify the element content recursively
+     */
+    decl = (xmlSchemaElementPtr) type;
+    oldregexp = ctxt->regexp;
+    if (decl->contModel != NULL) {
+	ctxt->regexp = xmlRegNewExecCtxt(decl->contModel,
+			     (xmlRegExecCallbacks) xmlSchemaValidateCallback,
+			     ctxt);
+	xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+		"====> %s\n", node->name);
+    }
+    xmlSchemaValidateType(ctxt, child, (xmlSchemaElementPtr)type,
+	                  type->subtypes);
+    if (decl->contModel != NULL) {
+	ret = xmlRegExecPushString(ctxt->regexp, NULL, NULL);
+	xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+		"====> %s : %d\n", node->name, ret);
+	if (ret == 0) {
+	    if (ctxt->error != NULL)
+		ctxt->error(ctxt->userData, "Element %s content check failed\n",
+			    node->name);
+	} else if (ret < 0) {
+	    if (ctxt->error != NULL)
+		ctxt->error(ctxt->userData, "Element %s content check failure\n",
+			    node->name);
+	} else {
+	    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+			    "Element %s content check succeeded\n", node->name);
+	}
+	xmlRegFreeExecCtxt(ctxt->regexp);
+    }
+    /*
+     * Verify that all attributes were Schemas-validated
+     */
+    xmlSchemaCheckAttributes(ctxt, node);
+    ctxt->attrNr = ctxt->attrBase;
+    ctxt->attrBase = attrBase;
+    ctxt->regexp = oldregexp;
+    ctxt->node = child;
+    ctxt->type = type;
+    return(ctxt->err);
+ * xmlSchemaValidateBasicType:
+ * @ctxt:  a schema validation context
+ * @node:  the top node.
+ *
+ * Validate the content of an element expected to be a basic type type
+ *
+ * Returns 0 if the element is schemas valid, a positive error code
+ *     number otherwise and -1 in case of internal or API error.
+ */
+static int
+xmlSchemaValidateBasicType(xmlSchemaValidCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlNodePtr node) {
+    int ret;
+    xmlNodePtr child, cur;
+    xmlSchemaTypePtr type;
+    xmlChar *value;     /* lexical representation */
+    child = ctxt->node;
+    type = ctxt->type;
+    if ((ctxt == NULL) || (type == NULL)) {
+	if (ctxt->error != NULL)
+	    ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+		    "Internal error: xmlSchemaValidateBasicType\n",
+			node->name);
+	return(-1);
+    }
+    /*
+     * First check the content model of the node.
+     */
+    cur = child;
+    while (cur != NULL) {
+	switch (cur->type) {
+	    case XML_TEXT_NODE:
+	    case XML_PI_NODE:
+	    case XML_COMMENT_NODE:
+	    case XML_XINCLUDE_END:
+	        break;
+	    case XML_ENTITY_NODE:
+	        TODO
+		break;
+	    case XML_ELEMENT_NODE:
+		if (ctxt->error != NULL)
+		    ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+			    "Element %s: child %s should not be present\n",
+				node->name, cur->name);
+		return(ctxt->err);
+            case XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE:
+            case XML_DOCUMENT_NODE:
+            case XML_DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE:
+            case XML_DOCUMENT_FRAG_NODE:
+            case XML_NOTATION_NODE:
+            case XML_HTML_DOCUMENT_NODE:
+            case XML_DTD_NODE:
+            case XML_ELEMENT_DECL:
+            case XML_ATTRIBUTE_DECL:
+            case XML_ENTITY_DECL:
+            case XML_NAMESPACE_DECL:
+            case XML_DOCB_DOCUMENT_NODE:
+		if (ctxt->error != NULL)
+		    ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+			    "Element %s: node type %d unexpected here\n",
+				node->name, cur->type);
+		return(ctxt->err);
+	}
+	cur = cur->next;
+    }
+    if (child == NULL)
+	value = NULL;
+    else
+	value = xmlNodeGetContent(child->parent);
+    if (ctxt->value != NULL) {
+	xmlSchemaFreeValue(ctxt->value);
+	ctxt->value = NULL;
+    }
+    ret = xmlSchemaValidatePredefinedType(type, value, &(ctxt->value));
+    if (value != NULL)
+	xmlFree(value);
+    if (ret != 0) {
+	ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+		"Element %s: failed to validate basic type %s\n",
+		    node->name, type->name);
+    }
+    return(ret);
+ * xmlSchemaValidateComplexType:
+ * @ctxt:  a schema validation context
+ * @node:  the top node.
+ *
+ * Validate the content of an element expected to be a complex type type
+ * xmlschema-1.html#cvc-complex-type
+ * Validation Rule: Element Locally Valid (Complex Type)
+ *
+ * Returns 0 if the element is schemas valid, a positive error code
+ *     number otherwise and -1 in case of internal or API error.
+ */
+static int
+xmlSchemaValidateComplexType(xmlSchemaValidCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlNodePtr node) {
+    xmlNodePtr child;
+    xmlSchemaTypePtr type, subtype, model;
+    int ret;
+    child = ctxt->node;
+    type = ctxt->type;
+    /* 3.4.4 1 was verified on the caller */
+    switch (type->contentType) {
+	    if (child != NULL) {
+		if (ctxt->error != NULL)
+		    ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+			    "Element %s is supposed to be empty\n",
+			        node->name);
+	    }
+	    break;
+	    /*
+	     * Skip ignorable nodes in that context
+	     */
+	    child = xmlSchemaSkipIgnored(ctxt, type, child);
+	    subtype = type->subtypes;
+	    ctxt->type = model;
+	    while (child != NULL) {
+		if (child->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
+		    ret = xmlRegExecPushString(ctxt->regexp,
+					       child->name, child);
+		    if (ret < 0)
+			xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+				"  --> %s Error\n", child->name);
+		    else
+			xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+				"  --> %s\n", child->name);
+		}
+		child = child->next;
+		/*
+		 * Skip ignorable nodes in that context
+		 */
+		child = xmlSchemaSkipIgnored(ctxt, type, child);
+	    }
+	    break;
+	default:
+	    TODO
+	    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+		    "unimplemented content type %d\n",
+		            type->contentType);
+    }
+    return(ctxt->err);
+ * xmlSchemaValidateContent:
+ * @ctxt:  a schema validation context
+ * @elem:  an element
+ * @type:  the type declaration
+ *
+ * Validate the content of an element against the type.
+ *
+ * Returns 0 if the element is schemas valid, a positive error code
+ *     number otherwise and -1 in case of internal or API error.
+ */
+static int
+xmlSchemaValidateContent(xmlSchemaValidCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlNodePtr node) {
+    xmlNodePtr child;
+    xmlSchemaTypePtr type;
+    child = ctxt->node;
+    type = ctxt->type;
+    switch (type->type) {
+	    /* Any type will do it, fine */
+	    TODO /* handle recursivity */
+	    break;
+	    xmlSchemaValidateComplexType(ctxt, node);
+	    break;
+	    xmlSchemaElementPtr decl = (xmlSchemaElementPtr) type;
+	    /*
+	     * Handle element reference here
+	     */
+	    if (decl->ref != NULL) {
+		if (decl->refDecl == NULL) {
+		    ctxt->err = XML_SCHEMAS_ERR_INTERNAL;
+		    if (ctxt->error != NULL)
+			ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+		    "Internal error: element reference %s not resolved\n",
+				    decl->ref);
+		    return(-1);
+		}
+		ctxt->type = (xmlSchemaTypePtr) decl->refDecl;
+		decl = decl->refDecl;
+	    }
+	    xmlSchemaValidateElementType(ctxt, node);
+	    ctxt->type = type;
+	    break;
+	}
+	    xmlSchemaValidateBasicType(ctxt, node);
+	    break;
+	    TODO
+	    break;
+	    xmlSchemaValidateSimpleType(ctxt, node);
+	    break;
+	    TODO
+	    break;
+	    TODO
+	    break;
+	    TODO
+	    break;
+	    TODO
+	    break;
+	    TODO
+	    break;
+	    TODO
+	    break;
+	    /*xmlSchemaValidateRestrictionType(ctxt, node); */
+	    TODO
+	    break;
+	    TODO
+	    break;
+	    TODO
+	    break;
+	    TODO
+	    break;
+	    TODO
+	    break;
+	    TODO
+	    break;
+	    TODO
+	    break;
+	    TODO
+	    break;
+	    TODO
+	    break;
+	    TODO
+	    break;
+	    TODO
+	    break;
+	    TODO
+	    break;
+	    TODO
+	    break;
+	    TODO
+	    break;
+	    TODO
+	    break;
+	    TODO
+	    break;
+	    TODO
+	    break;
+	    TODO
+	    break;
+	    TODO
+	    break;
+    }
+    xmlSchemaValidateAttributes(ctxt, node, type->attributes);
+    if (ctxt->node == NULL)
+	return(ctxt->err);
+    ctxt->node = ctxt->node->next;
+    ctxt->type = type->next;
+    return(ctxt->err);
+ * xmlSchemaValidateType:
+ * @ctxt:  a schema validation context
+ * @elem:  an element
+ * @type:  the list of type declarations
+ *
+ * Validate the content of an element against the types.
+ *
+ * Returns 0 if the element is schemas valid, a positive error code
+ *     number otherwise and -1 in case of internal or API error.
+ */
+static int
+xmlSchemaValidateType(xmlSchemaValidCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlNodePtr elem,
+	                  xmlSchemaElementPtr elemDecl,
+			  xmlSchemaTypePtr type) {
+    xmlChar *nil;
+    if ((elem->content == NULL) || (type == NULL) || (elemDecl == NULL))
+	return(0);
+    /*
+     * 3.3.4 : 2
+     */
+    if (elemDecl->flags & XML_SCHEMAS_ELEM_ABSTRACT) {
+        if (ctxt->error != NULL)
+            ctxt->error(ctxt->userData, "Element %s is abstract\n", elem->name);
+	return(ctxt->err);
+    }
+    /*
+     * 3.3.4: 3
+     */
+    nil = xmlGetNsProp(elem, BAD_CAST "nil", xmlSchemaInstanceNs);
+    if (elemDecl->flags & XML_SCHEMAS_ELEM_NILLABLE) {
+	/* 3.3.4: 3.2 */
+	if (xmlStrEqual(nil, BAD_CAST "true")) {
+	    if (elem->children != NULL) {
+		if (ctxt->error != NULL)
+		    ctxt->error(ctxt->userData, "Element %s is not empty\n",
+			        elem->name);
+		return(ctxt->err);
+	    }
+	    if ((elemDecl->flags & XML_SCHEMAS_ELEM_FIXED) &&
+		(elemDecl->value != NULL)) {
+		if (ctxt->error != NULL)
+		    ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+			    "Empty element %s cannot get a fixed value\n",
+			        elem->name);
+		return(ctxt->err);
+	    }
+	}
+    } else {
+	/* 3.3.4: 3.1 */
+	if (nil != NULL) {
+	    if (ctxt->error != NULL)
+		ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+			"Element %s with xs:nil but not nillable\n",
+			    elem->name);
+	    xmlFree(nil);
+	    return(ctxt->err);
+	}
+    }
+    /* TODO 3.3.4: 4 if the element carries xs:type*/
+    ctxt->type = elemDecl->subtypes;
+    ctxt->node = elem->children;
+    xmlSchemaValidateContent(ctxt, elem);
+    xmlSchemaValidateAttributes(ctxt, elem, elemDecl->attributes);
+    return(ctxt->err);
+ * xmlSchemaValidateAttributes:
+ * @ctxt:  a schema validation context
+ * @elem:  an element
+ * @attributes:  the list of attribute declarations
+ *
+ * Validate the attributes of an element.
+ *
+ * Returns 0 if the element is schemas valid, a positive error code
+ *     number otherwise and -1 in case of internal or API error.
+ */
+static int
+xmlSchemaValidateAttributes(xmlSchemaValidCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlNodePtr elem,
+	                    xmlSchemaAttributePtr attributes) {
+    int i, ret;
+    xmlAttrPtr attr;
+    xmlChar *value;
+    if (attributes == NULL)
+	return(0);
+    while (attributes != NULL) {
+	for (i = ctxt->attrBase;i < ctxt->attrNr;i++) {
+	    attr = ctxt->attr[i].attr;
+	    if (attr == NULL)
+		continue;
+	    if (!xmlStrEqual(attr->name, attributes->name))
+		continue;
+	    /*
+	     * TODO: handle the mess about namespaces here.
+	     */
+	    if ((attr->ns != NULL) /* || (attributes->ns != NULL) */) {
+	    }
+	    if (attributes->subtypes == NULL) {
+		if (ctxt->error != NULL)
+		    ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+		"Internal error: attribute %s type not resolved\n",
+				attr->name);
+		continue;
+	    }
+	    value = xmlNodeListGetString(elem->doc, attr->children, 1);
+	    ret = xmlSchemaValidateSimpleValue(ctxt, attributes->subtypes,
+		                               value);
+	    if (ret != 0) {
+		if (ctxt->error != NULL)
+		    ctxt->error(ctxt->userData,
+		"attribute %s on %s does not match type\n",
+				attr->name, elem->name);
+	    } else {
+		ctxt->attr[i].state = XML_SCHEMAS_ATTR_CHECKED;
+	    }
+	    if (value != NULL) {
+		xmlFree(value);
+	    }
+	}
+	attributes = attributes->next;
+    }
+    return(ctxt->err);
+ * xmlSchemaValidateElement:
+ * @ctxt:  a schema validation context
+ * @elem:  an element
+ *
+ * Validate an element in a tree
+ *
+ * Returns 0 if the element is schemas valid, a positive error code
+ *     number otherwise and -1 in case of internal or API error.
+ */
+static int
+xmlSchemaValidateElement(xmlSchemaValidCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlNodePtr elem) {
+    xmlSchemaElementPtr elemDecl;
+    int ret, attrBase;
+    if (elem->ns != NULL)
+	elemDecl = xmlHashLookup3(ctxt->schema->elemDecl,
+		elem->name, elem->ns->href, NULL);
+    else
+	elemDecl = xmlHashLookup3(ctxt->schema->elemDecl,
+		elem->name, NULL, NULL);
+    /*
+     * 3.3.4 : 1
+     */
+    if (elemDecl == NULL) {
+        if (ctxt->error != NULL)
+            ctxt->error(ctxt->userData, "Element %s not declared\n",
+                        elem->name);
+	return(ctxt->err);
+    }
+    if (elemDecl->subtypes == NULL) {
+        if (ctxt->error != NULL)
+            ctxt->error(ctxt->userData, "Element %s has no type\n",
+                        elem->name);
+	return(ctxt->err);
+    }
+    /*
+     * Verify the attributes
+     */
+    attrBase = ctxt->attrBase;
+    ctxt->attrBase = ctxt->attrNr;
+    xmlSchemaRegisterAttributes(ctxt, elem->properties);
+    xmlSchemaValidateAttributes(ctxt, elem, elemDecl->attributes);
+    /*
+     * Verify the element content recursively
+     */
+    if (elemDecl->contModel != NULL) {
+	ctxt->regexp = xmlRegNewExecCtxt(elemDecl->contModel,
+			     (xmlRegExecCallbacks) xmlSchemaValidateCallback,
+			     ctxt);
+	xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+		"====> %s\n", elem->name);
+    }
+    xmlSchemaValidateType(ctxt, elem, elemDecl, elemDecl->subtypes);
+    ret = xmlRegExecPushString(ctxt->regexp, NULL, NULL);
+    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+	    "====> %s : %d\n", elem->name, ret);
+    if (ret == 0) {
+        if (ctxt->error != NULL)
+            ctxt->error(ctxt->userData, "Element %s content check failed\n",
+                        elem->name);
+    } else if (ret < 0) {
+        if (ctxt->error != NULL)
+            ctxt->error(ctxt->userData, "Element %s content check failed\n",
+                        elem->name);
+    } else {
+	xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+                        "Element %s content check succeeded\n", elem->name);
+    }
+    if (elemDecl->contModel != NULL) {
+	xmlRegFreeExecCtxt(ctxt->regexp);
+    }
+    /*
+     * Verify that all attributes were Schemas-validated
+     */
+    xmlSchemaCheckAttributes(ctxt, elem);
+    ctxt->attrNr = ctxt->attrBase;
+    ctxt->attrBase = attrBase;
+    return(ctxt->err);
+ * xmlSchemaValidateDocument:
+ * @ctxt:  a schema validation context
+ * @doc:  a parsed document tree
+ *
+ * Validate a document tree in memory.
+ *
+ * Returns 0 if the document is schemas valid, a positive error code
+ *     number otherwise and -1 in case of internal or API error.
+ */
+static int
+xmlSchemaValidateDocument(xmlSchemaValidCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlDocPtr doc) {
+    xmlNodePtr root;
+    xmlSchemaElementPtr elemDecl;
+    root = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc);
+    if (root == NULL) {
+        if (ctxt->error != NULL)
+            ctxt->error(ctxt->userData, "document has no root\n");
+        return(ctxt->err);
+    }
+    if (root->ns != NULL)
+	elemDecl = xmlHashLookup3(ctxt->schema->elemDecl,
+		root->name, root->ns->href, NULL);
+    else
+	elemDecl = xmlHashLookup3(ctxt->schema->elemDecl,
+		root->name, NULL, NULL);
+    if (elemDecl == NULL) {
+        if (ctxt->error != NULL)
+            ctxt->error(ctxt->userData, "Element %s not declared\n",
+                        root->name);
+    }
+    if ((elemDecl->flags & XML_SCHEMAS_ELEM_TOPLEVEL) == 0) {
+        if (ctxt->error != NULL)
+            ctxt->error(ctxt->userData, "Root element %s not toplevel\n",
+                        root->name);
+    }
+    /*
+     * Okay, start the recursive validation
+     */
+    xmlSchemaValidateElement(ctxt, root);
+    return(ctxt->err);
+ * 									*
+ * 			SAX Validation code				*
+ * 									*
+ ************************************************************************/
+ * 									*
+ * 			Validation interfaces				*
+ * 									*
+ ************************************************************************/
+ * xmlSchemaNewValidCtxt:
+ * @schema:  a precompiled XML Schemas
+ *
+ * Create an XML Schemas validation context based on the given schema
+ *
+ * Returns the validation context or NULL in case of error
+ */
+xmlSchemaNewValidCtxt(xmlSchemaPtr schema) {
+    xmlSchemaValidCtxtPtr ret;
+    ret = (xmlSchemaValidCtxtPtr) xmlMalloc(sizeof(xmlSchemaValidCtxt));
+    if (ret == NULL) {
+	xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+		"Failed to allocate new schama validation context\n");
+        return (NULL);
+    }
+    memset(ret, 0, sizeof(xmlSchemaValidCtxt));
+    ret->schema = schema;
+    ret->attrNr = 0;
+    ret->attrMax = 10;
+    ret->attr = (xmlSchemaAttrStatePtr) xmlMalloc(ret->attrMax *
+						  sizeof(xmlSchemaAttrState));
+    if (ret->attr == NULL) {
+	free(ret);
+	return(NULL);
+    }
+    memset(ret->attr, 0, ret->attrMax * sizeof(xmlSchemaAttrState));
+    return (ret);
+ * xmlSchemaFreeValidCtxt:
+ * @ctxt:  the schema validation context
+ *
+ * Free the resources associated to the schema validation context
+ */
+xmlSchemaFreeValidCtxt(xmlSchemaValidCtxtPtr ctxt) {
+    if (ctxt == NULL)
+	return;
+    if (ctxt->attr != NULL)
+	xmlFree(ctxt->attr);
+    xmlFree(ctxt);
+ * xmlSchemaSetValidErrors:
+ * @ctxt:  a schema validation context
+ * @err:  the error function
+ * @warn: the warning function
+ * @ctxt: the functions context
+ *
+ * Set the error and warning callback informations
+ */
+xmlSchemaSetValidErrors(xmlSchemaValidCtxtPtr ctxt,
+	xmlSchemaValidityErrorFunc err,
+	xmlSchemaValidityWarningFunc warn, void *ctx) {
+    if (ctxt == NULL)
+	return;
+    ctxt->error = err;
+    ctxt->warning = warn;
+    ctxt->userData = ctx;
+ * xmlSchemaValidateDoc:
+ * @ctxt:  a schema validation context
+ * @doc:  a parsed document tree
+ *
+ * Validate a document tree in memory.
+ *
+ * Returns 0 if the document is schemas valid, a positive error code
+ *     number otherwise and -1 in case of internal or API error.
+ */
+xmlSchemaValidateDoc(xmlSchemaValidCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlDocPtr doc) {
+    int ret;
+    if ((ctxt == NULL) || (doc == NULL))
+	return(-1);
+    ctxt->doc = doc;
+    ret = xmlSchemaValidateDocument(ctxt, doc);
+    return(ret);
+ * xmlSchemaValidateStream:
+ * @ctxt:  a schema validation context
+ * @input:  the input to use for reading the data
+ * @enc:  an optional encoding information
+ * @sax:  a SAX handler for the resulting events
+ * @user_data:  the context to provide to the SAX handler.
+ *
+ * Validate a document tree in memory.
+ *
+ * Returns 0 if the document is schemas valid, a positive error code
+ *     number otherwise and -1 in case of internal or API error.
+ */
+xmlSchemaValidateStream(xmlSchemaValidCtxtPtr ctxt,
+	xmlParserInputBufferPtr input, xmlCharEncoding enc,
+	xmlSAXHandlerPtr sax, void *user_data) {
+    if ((ctxt == NULL) || (input == NULL))
+	return(-1);
+    ctxt->input = input;
+    ctxt->enc = enc;
+    ctxt->sax = sax;
+    ctxt->user_data = user_data;
+    TODO
+    return(0);
diff --git a/xmlschemastypes.c b/xmlschemastypes.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c8d420
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xmlschemastypes.c
@@ -0,0 +1,490 @@
+ * schemastypes.c : implementation of the XML Schema Datatypes
+ *             definition and validity checking
+ *
+ * See Copyright for the status of this software.
+ *
+ * Daniel Veillard <>
+ */
+#define IN_LIBXML
+#include "libxml.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include <libxml/xmlmemory.h>
+#include <libxml/parser.h>
+#include <libxml/parserInternals.h>
+#include <libxml/hash.h>
+#include <libxml/valid.h>
+#include <libxml/xmlschemas.h>
+#include <libxml/schemasInternals.h>
+#include <libxml/xmlschemastypes.h>
+#define DEBUG
+#define TODO 								\
+    xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,				\
+	    "Unimplemented block at %s:%d\n",				\
+            __FILE__, __LINE__);
+    (const xmlChar *)""
+typedef enum {
+} xmlSchemaValType;
+unsigned long powten[10] = {
+    1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000L,
+    100000000L, 1000000000L
+typedef struct _xmlSchemaValDecimal xmlSchemaValDecimal;
+typedef xmlSchemaValDecimal *xmlSchemaValDecimalPtr;
+struct _xmlSchemaValDecimal {
+    /* would use long long but not portable */
+    unsigned long base;
+    unsigned int extra;
+    int sign:1;
+    int frac:7;
+    int total:8;
+struct _xmlSchemaVal {
+    xmlSchemaValType type;
+    union {
+	xmlSchemaValDecimal decimal;
+    } value;
+static int xmlSchemaTypesInitialized = 0;
+static xmlHashTablePtr xmlSchemaTypesBank = NULL;
+static xmlSchemaTypePtr xmlSchemaTypeStringDef = NULL;
+static xmlSchemaTypePtr xmlSchemaTypeAnyTypeDef = NULL;
+static xmlSchemaTypePtr xmlSchemaTypeAnySimpleTypeDef = NULL;
+static xmlSchemaTypePtr xmlSchemaTypeDecimalDef = NULL;
+static xmlSchemaTypePtr xmlSchemaTypeDateDef = NULL;
+static xmlSchemaTypePtr xmlSchemaTypePositiveIntegerDef = NULL;
+static xmlSchemaTypePtr xmlSchemaTypeNonNegativeIntegerDef = NULL;
+static xmlSchemaTypePtr xmlSchemaTypeNmtoken = NULL;
+ * xmlSchemaInitBasicType:
+ * @name:  the type name
+ *
+ * Initialize one default type
+ */
+static xmlSchemaTypePtr
+xmlSchemaInitBasicType(const char *name) {
+    xmlSchemaTypePtr ret;
+    ret = (xmlSchemaTypePtr) xmlMalloc(sizeof(xmlSchemaType));
+    if (ret == NULL) {
+	xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+		"Could not initilize type %s: out of memory\n", name);
+	return(NULL);
+    }
+    memset(ret, 0, sizeof(xmlSchemaType));
+    ret->name = xmlStrdup((const xmlChar *)name);
+    ret->type = XML_SCHEMA_TYPE_BASIC;
+    ret->contentType = XML_SCHEMA_CONTENT_BASIC;
+    xmlHashAddEntry2(xmlSchemaTypesBank, ret->name,
+	             XML_SCHEMAS_NAMESPACE_NAME, ret);
+    return(ret);
+ * xmlSchemaInitTypes:
+ *
+ * Initialize the default XML Schemas type library
+ */
+xmlSchemaInitTypes(void) {
+    if (xmlSchemaTypesInitialized != 0)
+	return;
+    xmlSchemaTypesBank = xmlHashCreate(40);
+    xmlSchemaTypeStringDef = xmlSchemaInitBasicType("string");
+    xmlSchemaTypeAnyTypeDef = xmlSchemaInitBasicType("anyType");
+    xmlSchemaTypeAnySimpleTypeDef = xmlSchemaInitBasicType("anySimpleType");
+    xmlSchemaTypeDecimalDef = xmlSchemaInitBasicType("decimal");
+    xmlSchemaTypeDateDef = xmlSchemaInitBasicType("date");
+    xmlSchemaTypePositiveIntegerDef = xmlSchemaInitBasicType("positiveInteger");
+    xmlSchemaTypeNonNegativeIntegerDef =
+	xmlSchemaInitBasicType("nonNegativeInteger");
+    xmlSchemaTypeNmtoken = xmlSchemaInitBasicType("NMTOKEN");
+    xmlSchemaTypesInitialized = 1;
+ * xmlSchemaCleanupTypes:
+ *
+ * Cleanup the default XML Schemas type library
+ */
+xmlSchemaCleanupTypes(void) {
+    if (xmlSchemaTypesInitialized == 0)
+	return;
+    xmlHashFree(xmlSchemaTypesBank, (xmlHashDeallocator) xmlSchemaFreeType);
+    xmlSchemaTypesInitialized = 0;
+ * xmlSchemaNewValue:
+ * @type:  the value type
+ *
+ * Allocate a new simple type value
+ *
+ * Returns a pointer to the new value or NULL in case of error
+ */
+static xmlSchemaValPtr
+xmlSchemaNewValue(xmlSchemaValType type) {
+    xmlSchemaValPtr value;
+    value = (xmlSchemaValPtr) xmlMalloc(sizeof(xmlSchemaVal));
+    if (value == NULL) {
+	return(NULL);
+    }
+    memset(value, 0, sizeof(xmlSchemaVal));
+    value->type = type;
+    return(value);
+ * xmlSchemaFreeValue:
+ * @value:  the value to free
+ *
+ * Cleanup the default XML Schemas type library
+ */
+xmlSchemaFreeValue(xmlSchemaValPtr value) {
+    if (value == NULL)
+	return;
+    xmlFree(value);
+ * xmlSchemaGetPredefinedType:
+ * @name: the type name
+ * @ns:  the URI of the namespace usually ""
+ *
+ * Lookup a type in the default XML Schemas type library
+ *
+ * Returns the type if found, NULL otherwise
+ */
+xmlSchemaGetPredefinedType(const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar *ns) {
+    if (xmlSchemaTypesInitialized == 0)
+	xmlSchemaInitTypes();
+    if (name == NULL)
+	return(NULL);
+    return((xmlSchemaTypePtr) xmlHashLookup2(xmlSchemaTypesBank, name, ns));
+ * xmlSchemaValidatePredefinedType:
+ * @type: the predefined type
+ * @value: the value to check
+ * @val:  the return computed value
+ *
+ * Check that a value conforms to the lexical space of the predefined type.
+ * if true a value is computed and returned in @val.
+ *
+ * Returns 0 if this validates, a positive error code number otherwise
+ *         and -1 in case of internal or API error.
+ */
+xmlSchemaValidatePredefinedType(xmlSchemaTypePtr type, const xmlChar *value,
+	                        xmlSchemaValPtr *val) {
+    xmlSchemaValPtr v;
+    if (xmlSchemaTypesInitialized == 0)
+	return(-1);
+    if (type == NULL)
+	return(-1);
+    if (val != NULL)
+	*val = NULL;
+    if (type == xmlSchemaTypeStringDef) { 
+	return(0);
+    } else if (type == xmlSchemaTypeAnyTypeDef) {
+	return(0);
+    } else if (type == xmlSchemaTypeAnySimpleTypeDef) {
+	return(0);
+    } else if (type == xmlSchemaTypeNmtoken) {
+	if (xmlValidateNmtokenValue(value))
+	    return(0);
+	return(1);
+    } else if (type == xmlSchemaTypeDecimalDef) {
+	const xmlChar *cur = value, *tmp;
+	int frac = 0, main, neg = 0;
+	unsigned long base = 0;
+	if (cur == NULL)
+	    return(1);
+	if (*cur == '+')
+	    cur++;
+	else if (*cur == '-') {
+	    neg = 1;
+	    cur++;
+	}
+	tmp = cur;
+	while ((*cur >= '0') && (*cur <= '9')) {
+	    base = base * 10 + (*cur - '0');
+	    cur++;
+	}
+	main = cur - tmp;
+	if (*cur == '.') {
+	    cur++;
+	    tmp = cur;
+	    while ((*cur >= '0') && (*cur <= '9')) {
+		base = base * 10 + (*cur - '0');
+		cur++;
+	    }
+	    frac = cur - tmp;
+	}
+	if (*cur != 0)
+	    return(1);
+	if (val != NULL) {
+	    v = xmlSchemaNewValue(XML_SCHEMAS_DECIMAL);
+	    if (v != NULL) {
+		v->value.decimal.base = base;
+		v->value.decimal.sign = neg;
+		v->value.decimal.frac = frac;
+		v-> = frac + main;
+		*val = v;
+	    }
+	}
+	return(0);
+    } else if (type == xmlSchemaTypeDateDef) {
+	const xmlChar *cur = value;
+	if (cur == NULL)
+	    return(1);
+	if (*cur == '-')
+	    cur++;
+	if ((*cur < '0') || (*cur > '9'))
+	    return(1);
+	if ((*cur < '0') || (*cur > '9'))
+	    return(1);
+	if ((*cur < '0') || (*cur > '9'))
+	    return(1);
+	if ((*cur < '0') || (*cur > '9'))
+	    return(1);
+	while ((*cur >= '0') && (*cur <= '9'))
+	    cur++;
+	if (*cur != '-')
+	    return(1);
+	cur++;
+	if ((*cur != '0') && (*cur != '1'))
+	    return(1);
+	if ((*cur == '0') && (cur[1] == '0'))
+	    return(1);
+	if ((*cur == '1') && ((cur[1] < '0') || (cur[1] > '2')))
+	    return(1);
+	cur += 2;
+	if (*cur != '-')
+	    return(1);
+	cur++;
+	if ((*cur < '0') || (*cur > '3'))
+	    return(1);
+	if ((*cur == '0') && (cur[1] == '0'))
+	    return(1);
+	if ((*cur == '3') && ((cur[1] < '0') || (cur[1] > '1')))
+	    return(1);
+	cur += 2;
+	if (*cur != 0)
+	    return(1);
+	return(0);
+    } else if (type == xmlSchemaTypePositiveIntegerDef) {
+	const xmlChar *cur = value;
+	unsigned long base = 0;
+	int total = 0;
+	if (cur == NULL)
+	    return(1);
+	if (*cur == '+')
+	    cur++;
+	while ((*cur >= '0') && (*cur <= '9')) {
+	    base = base * 10 + (*cur - '0');
+	    total++;
+	    cur++;
+	}
+	if (*cur != 0)
+	    return(1);
+	if (val != NULL) {
+	    v = xmlSchemaNewValue(XML_SCHEMAS_DECIMAL);
+	    if (v != NULL) {
+		v->value.decimal.base = base;
+		v->value.decimal.sign = 0;
+		v->value.decimal.frac = 0;
+		v-> = total;
+		*val = v;
+	    }
+	}
+	return(0);
+    } else if (type == xmlSchemaTypeNonNegativeIntegerDef) {
+	const xmlChar *cur = value;
+	unsigned long base = 0;
+	int total = 0;
+	int sign = 0;
+	if (cur == NULL)
+	    return(1);
+	if (*cur == '-') {
+	    sign = 1;
+	    cur++;
+	} else if (*cur == '+')
+	    cur++;
+	while ((*cur >= '0') && (*cur <= '9')) {
+	    base = base * 10 + (*cur - '0');
+	    total++;
+	    cur++;
+	}
+	if (*cur != 0)
+	    return(1);
+	if ((sign == 1) && (base != 0))
+	    return(1);
+	if (val != NULL) {
+	    v = xmlSchemaNewValue(XML_SCHEMAS_DECIMAL);
+	    if (v != NULL) {
+		v->value.decimal.base = base;
+		v->value.decimal.sign = 0;
+		v->value.decimal.frac = 0;
+		v-> = total;
+		*val = v;
+	    }
+	}
+	return(0);
+    } else {
+	return(0);
+    }
+ * xmlSchemaCompareDecimals:
+ * @x:  a first decimal value
+ * @y:  a second decimal value
+ *
+ * Compare 2 decimals
+ *
+ * Returns -1 if x < y, 0 if x == y, 1 if x > y and -2 in case of error
+ */
+static int
+xmlSchemaCompareDecimals(xmlSchemaValPtr x, xmlSchemaValPtr y)
+    xmlSchemaValPtr swp;
+    int order = 1;
+    unsigned long tmp;
+    if ((x->value.decimal.sign) && (x->value.decimal.sign))
+        order = -1;
+    else if (x->value.decimal.sign)
+        return (-1);
+    else if (y->value.decimal.sign)
+        return (1);
+    if (x->value.decimal.frac == y->value.decimal.frac) {
+        if (x->value.decimal.base < y->value.decimal.base)
+            return (-1);
+        return (x->value.decimal.base > y->value.decimal.base);
+    }
+    if (y->value.decimal.frac > x->value.decimal.frac) {
+        swp = y;
+        y = x;
+        x = swp;
+        order = -order;
+    }
+    tmp =
+        x->value.decimal.base / powten[x->value.decimal.frac -
+                                       y->value.decimal.frac];
+    if (tmp > y->value.decimal.base)
+        return (order);
+    if (tmp < y->value.decimal.base)
+        return (-order);
+    tmp =
+        y->value.decimal.base * powten[x->value.decimal.frac -
+                                       y->value.decimal.frac];
+    if (x->value.decimal.base < tmp)
+        return (-order);
+    if (x->value.decimal.base == tmp)
+        return (0);
+    return (order);
+ * xmlSchemaCompareValues:
+ * @x:  a first value
+ * @y:  a second value
+ *
+ * Compare 2 values
+ *
+ * Returns -1 if x < y, 0 if x == y, 1 if x > y and -2 in case of error
+ */
+xmlSchemaCompareValues(xmlSchemaValPtr x, xmlSchemaValPtr y) {
+    if ((x == NULL) || (y == NULL))
+	return(-2);
+    switch (x->type) {
+	    TODO
+	    if (y->type == XML_SCHEMAS_DECIMAL)
+		return(xmlSchemaCompareDecimals(x, y));
+	    else
+		return(-2);
+	default:
+	    TODO
+    }
+ * xmlSchemaValidateFacet:
+ * @type:  the type declaration
+ * @facet:  the facet to check
+ * @value:  the lexical repr of the value to validate
+ * @val:  the precomputed value
+ *
+ * Check a value against a facet condition
+ *
+ * Returns 0 if the element is schemas valid, a positive error code
+ *     number otherwise and -1 in case of internal or API error.
+ */
+xmlSchemaValidateFacet(xmlSchemaTypePtr base, xmlSchemaFacetPtr facet,
+	               const xmlChar *value, xmlSchemaValPtr val)
+    int ret;
+    switch (facet->type) {
+	    ret = xmlRegexpExec(facet->regexp, value);
+	    if (ret == 1)
+		return(0);
+	    if (ret == 0) {
+		TODO /* error code */
+		return(1);
+	    }
+	    return(ret);
+	    ret = xmlSchemaCompareValues(val, facet->val);
+	    if (ret == -2) {
+		TODO /* error code */
+		return(-1);
+	    }
+	    if (ret == -1)
+		return(0);
+	    TODO /* error code */
+	    return(1);
+	default:
+	    TODO
+    }
+    return(0);
diff --git a/xmlunicode.c b/xmlunicode.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8baf8d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xmlunicode.c
@@ -0,0 +1,4290 @@
+ * xmlunicode.c: this module implements the Unicode character APIs
+ *
+ * This file is automatically generated from the
+ * UCS description files of the Unicode Character Database
+ *
+ * using the Python script.
+ *
+ * Generation date: Tue Apr 16 17:28:05 2002
+ * Sources: Blocks-4.txt UnicodeData-3.1.0.txt
+ * Daniel Veillard <>
+ */
+#define IN_LIBXML
+#include "libxml.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include <libxml/xmlversion.h>
+#include <libxml/xmlunicode.h>
+ * xmlUCSIsAlphabeticPresentationForms:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of AlphabeticPresentationForms UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsAlphabeticPresentationForms(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0xFB00) && (code <= 0xFB4F));
+ * xmlUCSIsArabic:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Arabic UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsArabic(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x0600) && (code <= 0x06FF));
+ * xmlUCSIsArabicPresentationFormsA:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of ArabicPresentationForms-A UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsArabicPresentationFormsA(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0xFB50) && (code <= 0xFDFF));
+ * xmlUCSIsArabicPresentationFormsB:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of ArabicPresentationForms-B UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsArabicPresentationFormsB(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0xFE70) && (code <= 0xFEFE));
+ * xmlUCSIsArmenian:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Armenian UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsArmenian(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x0530) && (code <= 0x058F));
+ * xmlUCSIsArrows:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Arrows UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsArrows(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x2190) && (code <= 0x21FF));
+ * xmlUCSIsBasicLatin:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of BasicLatin UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsBasicLatin(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x0000) && (code <= 0x007F));
+ * xmlUCSIsBengali:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Bengali UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsBengali(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x0980) && (code <= 0x09FF));
+ * xmlUCSIsBlockElements:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of BlockElements UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsBlockElements(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x2580) && (code <= 0x259F));
+ * xmlUCSIsBopomofo:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Bopomofo UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsBopomofo(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x3100) && (code <= 0x312F));
+ * xmlUCSIsBopomofoExtended:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of BopomofoExtended UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsBopomofoExtended(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x31A0) && (code <= 0x31BF));
+ * xmlUCSIsBoxDrawing:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of BoxDrawing UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsBoxDrawing(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x2500) && (code <= 0x257F));
+ * xmlUCSIsBraillePatterns:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of BraillePatterns UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsBraillePatterns(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x2800) && (code <= 0x28FF));
+ * xmlUCSIsByzantineMusicalSymbols:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of ByzantineMusicalSymbols UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsByzantineMusicalSymbols(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x1D000) && (code <= 0x1D0FF));
+ * xmlUCSIsCJKCompatibility:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of CJKCompatibility UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsCJKCompatibility(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x3300) && (code <= 0x33FF));
+ * xmlUCSIsCJKCompatibilityForms:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of CJKCompatibilityForms UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsCJKCompatibilityForms(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0xFE30) && (code <= 0xFE4F));
+ * xmlUCSIsCJKCompatibilityIdeographs:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of CJKCompatibilityIdeographs UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsCJKCompatibilityIdeographs(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0xF900) && (code <= 0xFAFF));
+ * xmlUCSIsCJKCompatibilityIdeographsSupplement:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of CJKCompatibilityIdeographsSupplement UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsCJKCompatibilityIdeographsSupplement(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x2F800) && (code <= 0x2FA1F));
+ * xmlUCSIsCJKRadicalsSupplement:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of CJKRadicalsSupplement UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsCJKRadicalsSupplement(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x2E80) && (code <= 0x2EFF));
+ * xmlUCSIsCJKSymbolsandPunctuation:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of CJKSymbolsandPunctuation UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsCJKSymbolsandPunctuation(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x3000) && (code <= 0x303F));
+ * xmlUCSIsCJKUnifiedIdeographs:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of CJKUnifiedIdeographs UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsCJKUnifiedIdeographs(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x4E00) && (code <= 0x9FFF));
+ * xmlUCSIsCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionA:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of CJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionA UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionA(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x3400) && (code <= 0x4DB5));
+ * xmlUCSIsCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionB:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of CJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionB UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionB(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x20000) && (code <= 0x2A6D6));
+ * xmlUCSIsCherokee:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Cherokee UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsCherokee(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x13A0) && (code <= 0x13FF));
+ * xmlUCSIsCombiningDiacriticalMarks:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of CombiningDiacriticalMarks UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsCombiningDiacriticalMarks(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x0300) && (code <= 0x036F));
+ * xmlUCSIsCombiningHalfMarks:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of CombiningHalfMarks UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsCombiningHalfMarks(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0xFE20) && (code <= 0xFE2F));
+ * xmlUCSIsCombiningMarksforSymbols:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of CombiningMarksforSymbols UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsCombiningMarksforSymbols(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x20D0) && (code <= 0x20FF));
+ * xmlUCSIsControlPictures:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of ControlPictures UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsControlPictures(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x2400) && (code <= 0x243F));
+ * xmlUCSIsCurrencySymbols:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of CurrencySymbols UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsCurrencySymbols(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x20A0) && (code <= 0x20CF));
+ * xmlUCSIsCyrillic:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Cyrillic UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsCyrillic(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x0400) && (code <= 0x04FF));
+ * xmlUCSIsDeseret:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Deseret UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsDeseret(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x10400) && (code <= 0x1044F));
+ * xmlUCSIsDevanagari:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Devanagari UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsDevanagari(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x0900) && (code <= 0x097F));
+ * xmlUCSIsDingbats:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Dingbats UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsDingbats(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x2700) && (code <= 0x27BF));
+ * xmlUCSIsEnclosedAlphanumerics:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of EnclosedAlphanumerics UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsEnclosedAlphanumerics(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x2460) && (code <= 0x24FF));
+ * xmlUCSIsEnclosedCJKLettersandMonths:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of EnclosedCJKLettersandMonths UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsEnclosedCJKLettersandMonths(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x3200) && (code <= 0x32FF));
+ * xmlUCSIsEthiopic:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Ethiopic UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsEthiopic(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x1200) && (code <= 0x137F));
+ * xmlUCSIsGeneralPunctuation:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of GeneralPunctuation UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsGeneralPunctuation(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x2000) && (code <= 0x206F));
+ * xmlUCSIsGeometricShapes:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of GeometricShapes UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsGeometricShapes(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x25A0) && (code <= 0x25FF));
+ * xmlUCSIsGeorgian:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Georgian UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsGeorgian(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x10A0) && (code <= 0x10FF));
+ * xmlUCSIsGothic:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Gothic UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsGothic(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x10330) && (code <= 0x1034F));
+ * xmlUCSIsGreek:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Greek UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsGreek(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x0370) && (code <= 0x03FF));
+ * xmlUCSIsGreekExtended:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of GreekExtended UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsGreekExtended(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x1F00) && (code <= 0x1FFF));
+ * xmlUCSIsGujarati:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Gujarati UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsGujarati(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x0A80) && (code <= 0x0AFF));
+ * xmlUCSIsGurmukhi:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Gurmukhi UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsGurmukhi(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x0A00) && (code <= 0x0A7F));
+ * xmlUCSIsHalfwidthandFullwidthForms:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of HalfwidthandFullwidthForms UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsHalfwidthandFullwidthForms(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0xFF00) && (code <= 0xFFEF));
+ * xmlUCSIsHangulCompatibilityJamo:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of HangulCompatibilityJamo UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsHangulCompatibilityJamo(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x3130) && (code <= 0x318F));
+ * xmlUCSIsHangulJamo:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of HangulJamo UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsHangulJamo(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x1100) && (code <= 0x11FF));
+ * xmlUCSIsHangulSyllables:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of HangulSyllables UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsHangulSyllables(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0xAC00) && (code <= 0xD7A3));
+ * xmlUCSIsHebrew:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Hebrew UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsHebrew(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x0590) && (code <= 0x05FF));
+ * xmlUCSIsHighPrivateUseSurrogates:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of HighPrivateUseSurrogates UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsHighPrivateUseSurrogates(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0xDB80) && (code <= 0xDBFF));
+ * xmlUCSIsHighSurrogates:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of HighSurrogates UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsHighSurrogates(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0xD800) && (code <= 0xDB7F));
+ * xmlUCSIsHiragana:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Hiragana UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsHiragana(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x3040) && (code <= 0x309F));
+ * xmlUCSIsIPAExtensions:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of IPAExtensions UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsIPAExtensions(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x0250) && (code <= 0x02AF));
+ * xmlUCSIsIdeographicDescriptionCharacters:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of IdeographicDescriptionCharacters UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsIdeographicDescriptionCharacters(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x2FF0) && (code <= 0x2FFF));
+ * xmlUCSIsKanbun:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Kanbun UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsKanbun(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x3190) && (code <= 0x319F));
+ * xmlUCSIsKangxiRadicals:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of KangxiRadicals UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsKangxiRadicals(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x2F00) && (code <= 0x2FDF));
+ * xmlUCSIsKannada:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Kannada UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsKannada(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x0C80) && (code <= 0x0CFF));
+ * xmlUCSIsKatakana:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Katakana UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsKatakana(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x30A0) && (code <= 0x30FF));
+ * xmlUCSIsKhmer:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Khmer UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsKhmer(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x1780) && (code <= 0x17FF));
+ * xmlUCSIsLao:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Lao UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsLao(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x0E80) && (code <= 0x0EFF));
+ * xmlUCSIsLatin1Supplement:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Latin-1Supplement UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsLatin1Supplement(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x0080) && (code <= 0x00FF));
+ * xmlUCSIsLatinExtendedA:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of LatinExtended-A UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsLatinExtendedA(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x0100) && (code <= 0x017F));
+ * xmlUCSIsLatinExtendedB:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of LatinExtended-B UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsLatinExtendedB(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x0180) && (code <= 0x024F));
+ * xmlUCSIsLatinExtendedAdditional:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of LatinExtendedAdditional UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsLatinExtendedAdditional(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x1E00) && (code <= 0x1EFF));
+ * xmlUCSIsLetterlikeSymbols:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of LetterlikeSymbols UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsLetterlikeSymbols(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x2100) && (code <= 0x214F));
+ * xmlUCSIsLowSurrogates:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of LowSurrogates UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsLowSurrogates(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0xDC00) && (code <= 0xDFFF));
+ * xmlUCSIsMalayalam:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Malayalam UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsMalayalam(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x0D00) && (code <= 0x0D7F));
+ * xmlUCSIsMathematicalAlphanumericSymbols:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of MathematicalAlphanumericSymbols UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsMathematicalAlphanumericSymbols(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x1D400) && (code <= 0x1D7FF));
+ * xmlUCSIsMathematicalOperators:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of MathematicalOperators UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsMathematicalOperators(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x2200) && (code <= 0x22FF));
+ * xmlUCSIsMiscellaneousSymbols:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of MiscellaneousSymbols UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsMiscellaneousSymbols(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x2600) && (code <= 0x26FF));
+ * xmlUCSIsMiscellaneousTechnical:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of MiscellaneousTechnical UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsMiscellaneousTechnical(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x2300) && (code <= 0x23FF));
+ * xmlUCSIsMongolian:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Mongolian UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsMongolian(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x1800) && (code <= 0x18AF));
+ * xmlUCSIsMusicalSymbols:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of MusicalSymbols UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsMusicalSymbols(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x1D100) && (code <= 0x1D1FF));
+ * xmlUCSIsMyanmar:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Myanmar UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsMyanmar(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x1000) && (code <= 0x109F));
+ * xmlUCSIsNumberForms:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of NumberForms UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsNumberForms(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x2150) && (code <= 0x218F));
+ * xmlUCSIsOgham:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Ogham UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsOgham(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x1680) && (code <= 0x169F));
+ * xmlUCSIsOldItalic:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of OldItalic UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsOldItalic(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x10300) && (code <= 0x1032F));
+ * xmlUCSIsOpticalCharacterRecognition:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of OpticalCharacterRecognition UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsOpticalCharacterRecognition(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x2440) && (code <= 0x245F));
+ * xmlUCSIsOriya:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Oriya UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsOriya(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x0B00) && (code <= 0x0B7F));
+ * xmlUCSIsPrivateUse:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of PrivateUse UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsPrivateUse(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x100000) && (code <= 0x10FFFD));
+ * xmlUCSIsRunic:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Runic UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsRunic(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x16A0) && (code <= 0x16FF));
+ * xmlUCSIsSinhala:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Sinhala UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsSinhala(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x0D80) && (code <= 0x0DFF));
+ * xmlUCSIsSmallFormVariants:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of SmallFormVariants UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsSmallFormVariants(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0xFE50) && (code <= 0xFE6F));
+ * xmlUCSIsSpacingModifierLetters:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of SpacingModifierLetters UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsSpacingModifierLetters(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x02B0) && (code <= 0x02FF));
+ * xmlUCSIsSpecials:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Specials UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsSpecials(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0xFFF0) && (code <= 0xFFFD));
+ * xmlUCSIsSuperscriptsandSubscripts:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of SuperscriptsandSubscripts UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsSuperscriptsandSubscripts(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x2070) && (code <= 0x209F));
+ * xmlUCSIsSyriac:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Syriac UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsSyriac(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x0700) && (code <= 0x074F));
+ * xmlUCSIsTags:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Tags UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsTags(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0xE0000) && (code <= 0xE007F));
+ * xmlUCSIsTamil:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Tamil UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsTamil(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x0B80) && (code <= 0x0BFF));
+ * xmlUCSIsTelugu:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Telugu UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsTelugu(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x0C00) && (code <= 0x0C7F));
+ * xmlUCSIsThaana:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Thaana UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsThaana(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x0780) && (code <= 0x07BF));
+ * xmlUCSIsThai:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Thai UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsThai(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x0E00) && (code <= 0x0E7F));
+ * xmlUCSIsTibetan:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Tibetan UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsTibetan(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x0F00) && (code <= 0x0FFF));
+ * xmlUCSIsUnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabics:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of UnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabics UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsUnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabics(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0x1400) && (code <= 0x167F));
+ * xmlUCSIsYiRadicals:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of YiRadicals UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsYiRadicals(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0xA490) && (code <= 0xA4CF));
+ * xmlUCSIsYiSyllables:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of YiSyllables UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsYiSyllables(int code) {
+    return((code >= 0xA000) && (code <= 0xA48F));
+ * xmlUCSIsBlock:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ * @block: UCS block name
+ *
+ * Check whether the caracter is part of the UCS Block
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true, 0 if false and -1 on unknown block
+ */
+xmlUCSIsBlock(int code, const char *block) {
+    if (!strcmp(block, "AlphabeticPresentationForms"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsAlphabeticPresentationForms(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "Arabic"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsArabic(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "ArabicPresentationForms-A"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsArabicPresentationFormsA(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "ArabicPresentationForms-B"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsArabicPresentationFormsB(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "Armenian"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsArmenian(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "Arrows"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsArrows(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "BasicLatin"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsBasicLatin(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "Bengali"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsBengali(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "BlockElements"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsBlockElements(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "Bopomofo"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsBopomofo(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "BopomofoExtended"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsBopomofoExtended(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "BoxDrawing"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsBoxDrawing(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "BraillePatterns"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsBraillePatterns(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "ByzantineMusicalSymbols"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsByzantineMusicalSymbols(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "CJKCompatibility"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsCJKCompatibility(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "CJKCompatibilityForms"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsCJKCompatibilityForms(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "CJKCompatibilityIdeographs"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsCJKCompatibilityIdeographs(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "CJKCompatibilityIdeographsSupplement"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsCJKCompatibilityIdeographsSupplement(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "CJKRadicalsSupplement"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsCJKRadicalsSupplement(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "CJKSymbolsandPunctuation"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsCJKSymbolsandPunctuation(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "CJKUnifiedIdeographs"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsCJKUnifiedIdeographs(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "CJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionA"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionA(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "CJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionB"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionB(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "Cherokee"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsCherokee(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "CombiningDiacriticalMarks"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsCombiningDiacriticalMarks(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "CombiningHalfMarks"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsCombiningHalfMarks(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "CombiningMarksforSymbols"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsCombiningMarksforSymbols(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "ControlPictures"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsControlPictures(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "CurrencySymbols"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsCurrencySymbols(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "Cyrillic"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsCyrillic(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "Deseret"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsDeseret(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "Devanagari"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsDevanagari(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "Dingbats"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsDingbats(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "EnclosedAlphanumerics"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsEnclosedAlphanumerics(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "EnclosedCJKLettersandMonths"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsEnclosedCJKLettersandMonths(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "Ethiopic"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsEthiopic(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "GeneralPunctuation"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsGeneralPunctuation(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "GeometricShapes"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsGeometricShapes(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "Georgian"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsGeorgian(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "Gothic"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsGothic(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "Greek"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsGreek(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "GreekExtended"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsGreekExtended(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "Gujarati"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsGujarati(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "Gurmukhi"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsGurmukhi(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "HalfwidthandFullwidthForms"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsHalfwidthandFullwidthForms(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "HangulCompatibilityJamo"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsHangulCompatibilityJamo(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "HangulJamo"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsHangulJamo(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "HangulSyllables"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsHangulSyllables(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "Hebrew"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsHebrew(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "HighPrivateUseSurrogates"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsHighPrivateUseSurrogates(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "HighSurrogates"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsHighSurrogates(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "Hiragana"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsHiragana(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "IPAExtensions"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsIPAExtensions(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "IdeographicDescriptionCharacters"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsIdeographicDescriptionCharacters(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "Kanbun"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsKanbun(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "KangxiRadicals"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsKangxiRadicals(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "Kannada"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsKannada(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "Katakana"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsKatakana(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "Khmer"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsKhmer(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "Lao"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsLao(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "Latin-1Supplement"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsLatin1Supplement(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "LatinExtended-A"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsLatinExtendedA(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "LatinExtended-B"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsLatinExtendedB(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "LatinExtendedAdditional"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsLatinExtendedAdditional(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "LetterlikeSymbols"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsLetterlikeSymbols(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "LowSurrogates"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsLowSurrogates(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "Malayalam"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsMalayalam(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "MathematicalAlphanumericSymbols"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsMathematicalAlphanumericSymbols(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "MathematicalOperators"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsMathematicalOperators(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "MiscellaneousSymbols"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsMiscellaneousSymbols(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "MiscellaneousTechnical"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsMiscellaneousTechnical(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "Mongolian"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsMongolian(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "MusicalSymbols"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsMusicalSymbols(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "Myanmar"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsMyanmar(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "NumberForms"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsNumberForms(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "Ogham"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsOgham(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "OldItalic"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsOldItalic(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "OpticalCharacterRecognition"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsOpticalCharacterRecognition(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "Oriya"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsOriya(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "PrivateUse"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsPrivateUse(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "Runic"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsRunic(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "Sinhala"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsSinhala(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "SmallFormVariants"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsSmallFormVariants(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "SpacingModifierLetters"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsSpacingModifierLetters(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "Specials"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsSpecials(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "SuperscriptsandSubscripts"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsSuperscriptsandSubscripts(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "Syriac"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsSyriac(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "Tags"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsTags(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "Tamil"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsTamil(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "Telugu"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsTelugu(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "Thaana"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsThaana(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "Thai"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsThai(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "Tibetan"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsTibetan(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "UnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabics"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsUnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabics(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "YiRadicals"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsYiRadicals(code));
+    if (!strcmp(block, "YiSyllables"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsYiSyllables(code));
+    return(-1);
+ * xmlUCSIsCatC:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of C UCS Category
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsCatC(int code) {
+    return(((code >= 0x0) && (code <= 0x1f)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x7f) && (code <= 0x9f)) ||
+           (code == 0x70f) ||
+           ((code >= 0x180b) && (code <= 0x180e)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x200c) && (code <= 0x200f)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x202a) && (code <= 0x202e)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x206a) && (code <= 0x206f)) ||
+           (code == 0xd800) ||
+           ((code >= 0xdb7f) && (code <= 0xdb80)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xdbff) && (code <= 0xdc00)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xdfff) && (code <= 0xe000)) ||
+           (code == 0xf8ff) ||
+           (code == 0xfeff) ||
+           ((code >= 0xfff9) && (code <= 0xfffb)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d173) && (code <= 0x1d17a)) ||
+           (code == 0xe0001) ||
+           ((code >= 0xe0020) && (code <= 0xe007f)) ||
+           (code == 0xf0000) ||
+           (code == 0xffffd) ||
+           (code == 0x100000) ||
+           (code == 0x10fffd));
+ * xmlUCSIsCatCc:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Cc UCS Category
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsCatCc(int code) {
+    return(((code >= 0x0) && (code <= 0x1f)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x7f) && (code <= 0x9f)));
+ * xmlUCSIsCatCf:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Cf UCS Category
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsCatCf(int code) {
+    return((code == 0x70f) ||
+           ((code >= 0x180b) && (code <= 0x180e)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x200c) && (code <= 0x200f)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x202a) && (code <= 0x202e)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x206a) && (code <= 0x206f)) ||
+           (code == 0xfeff) ||
+           ((code >= 0xfff9) && (code <= 0xfffb)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d173) && (code <= 0x1d17a)) ||
+           (code == 0xe0001) ||
+           ((code >= 0xe0020) && (code <= 0xe007f)));
+ * xmlUCSIsCatCo:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Co UCS Category
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsCatCo(int code) {
+    return((code == 0xe000) ||
+           (code == 0xf8ff) ||
+           (code == 0xf0000) ||
+           (code == 0xffffd) ||
+           (code == 0x100000) ||
+           (code == 0x10fffd));
+ * xmlUCSIsCatCs:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Cs UCS Category
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsCatCs(int code) {
+    return((code == 0xd800) ||
+           ((code >= 0xdb7f) && (code <= 0xdb80)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xdbff) && (code <= 0xdc00)) ||
+           (code == 0xdfff));
+ * xmlUCSIsCatL:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of L UCS Category
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsCatL(int code) {
+    return(((code >= 0x41) && (code <= 0x5a)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x61) && (code <= 0x7a)) ||
+           (code == 0xaa) ||
+           (code == 0xb5) ||
+           (code == 0xba) ||
+           ((code >= 0xc0) && (code <= 0xd6)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xd8) && (code <= 0xf6)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xf8) && (code <= 0x21f)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x222) && (code <= 0x233)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x250) && (code <= 0x2ad)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2b0) && (code <= 0x2b8)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2bb) && (code <= 0x2c1)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2d0) && (code <= 0x2d1)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2e0) && (code <= 0x2e4)) ||
+           (code == 0x2ee) ||
+           (code == 0x37a) ||
+           (code == 0x386) ||
+           ((code >= 0x388) && (code <= 0x38a)) ||
+           (code == 0x38c) ||
+           ((code >= 0x38e) && (code <= 0x3a1)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x3a3) && (code <= 0x3ce)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x3d0) && (code <= 0x3d7)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x3da) && (code <= 0x3f5)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x400) && (code <= 0x481)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x48c) && (code <= 0x4c4)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x4c7) && (code <= 0x4c8)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x4cb) && (code <= 0x4cc)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x4d0) && (code <= 0x4f5)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x4f8) && (code <= 0x4f9)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x531) && (code <= 0x556)) ||
+           (code == 0x559) ||
+           ((code >= 0x561) && (code <= 0x587)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x5d0) && (code <= 0x5ea)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x5f0) && (code <= 0x5f2)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x621) && (code <= 0x63a)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x640) && (code <= 0x64a)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x671) && (code <= 0x6d3)) ||
+           (code == 0x6d5) ||
+           ((code >= 0x6e5) && (code <= 0x6e6)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x6fa) && (code <= 0x6fc)) ||
+           (code == 0x710) ||
+           ((code >= 0x712) && (code <= 0x72c)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x780) && (code <= 0x7a5)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x905) && (code <= 0x939)) ||
+           (code == 0x93d) ||
+           (code == 0x950) ||
+           ((code >= 0x958) && (code <= 0x961)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x985) && (code <= 0x98c)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x98f) && (code <= 0x990)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x993) && (code <= 0x9a8)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x9aa) && (code <= 0x9b0)) ||
+           (code == 0x9b2) ||
+           ((code >= 0x9b6) && (code <= 0x9b9)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x9dc) && (code <= 0x9dd)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x9df) && (code <= 0x9e1)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x9f0) && (code <= 0x9f1)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xa05) && (code <= 0xa0a)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xa0f) && (code <= 0xa10)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xa13) && (code <= 0xa28)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xa2a) && (code <= 0xa30)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xa32) && (code <= 0xa33)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xa35) && (code <= 0xa36)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xa38) && (code <= 0xa39)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xa59) && (code <= 0xa5c)) ||
+           (code == 0xa5e) ||
+           ((code >= 0xa72) && (code <= 0xa74)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xa85) && (code <= 0xa8b)) ||
+           (code == 0xa8d) ||
+           ((code >= 0xa8f) && (code <= 0xa91)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xa93) && (code <= 0xaa8)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xaaa) && (code <= 0xab0)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xab2) && (code <= 0xab3)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xab5) && (code <= 0xab9)) ||
+           (code == 0xabd) ||
+           (code == 0xad0) ||
+           (code == 0xae0) ||
+           ((code >= 0xb05) && (code <= 0xb0c)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xb0f) && (code <= 0xb10)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xb13) && (code <= 0xb28)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xb2a) && (code <= 0xb30)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xb32) && (code <= 0xb33)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xb36) && (code <= 0xb39)) ||
+           (code == 0xb3d) ||
+           ((code >= 0xb5c) && (code <= 0xb5d)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xb5f) && (code <= 0xb61)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xb85) && (code <= 0xb8a)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xb8e) && (code <= 0xb90)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xb92) && (code <= 0xb95)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xb99) && (code <= 0xb9a)) ||
+           (code == 0xb9c) ||
+           ((code >= 0xb9e) && (code <= 0xb9f)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xba3) && (code <= 0xba4)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xba8) && (code <= 0xbaa)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xbae) && (code <= 0xbb5)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xbb7) && (code <= 0xbb9)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xc05) && (code <= 0xc0c)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xc0e) && (code <= 0xc10)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xc12) && (code <= 0xc28)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xc2a) && (code <= 0xc33)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xc35) && (code <= 0xc39)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xc60) && (code <= 0xc61)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xc85) && (code <= 0xc8c)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xc8e) && (code <= 0xc90)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xc92) && (code <= 0xca8)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xcaa) && (code <= 0xcb3)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xcb5) && (code <= 0xcb9)) ||
+           (code == 0xcde) ||
+           ((code >= 0xce0) && (code <= 0xce1)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xd05) && (code <= 0xd0c)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xd0e) && (code <= 0xd10)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xd12) && (code <= 0xd28)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xd2a) && (code <= 0xd39)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xd60) && (code <= 0xd61)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xd85) && (code <= 0xd96)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xd9a) && (code <= 0xdb1)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xdb3) && (code <= 0xdbb)) ||
+           (code == 0xdbd) ||
+           ((code >= 0xdc0) && (code <= 0xdc6)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xe01) && (code <= 0xe30)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xe32) && (code <= 0xe33)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xe40) && (code <= 0xe46)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xe81) && (code <= 0xe82)) ||
+           (code == 0xe84) ||
+           ((code >= 0xe87) && (code <= 0xe88)) ||
+           (code == 0xe8a) ||
+           (code == 0xe8d) ||
+           ((code >= 0xe94) && (code <= 0xe97)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xe99) && (code <= 0xe9f)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xea1) && (code <= 0xea3)) ||
+           (code == 0xea5) ||
+           (code == 0xea7) ||
+           ((code >= 0xeaa) && (code <= 0xeab)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xead) && (code <= 0xeb0)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xeb2) && (code <= 0xeb3)) ||
+           (code == 0xebd) ||
+           ((code >= 0xec0) && (code <= 0xec4)) ||
+           (code == 0xec6) ||
+           ((code >= 0xedc) && (code <= 0xedd)) ||
+           (code == 0xf00) ||
+           ((code >= 0xf40) && (code <= 0xf47)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xf49) && (code <= 0xf6a)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xf88) && (code <= 0xf8b)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1000) && (code <= 0x1021)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1023) && (code <= 0x1027)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1029) && (code <= 0x102a)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1050) && (code <= 0x1055)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x10a0) && (code <= 0x10c5)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x10d0) && (code <= 0x10f6)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1100) && (code <= 0x1159)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x115f) && (code <= 0x11a2)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x11a8) && (code <= 0x11f9)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1200) && (code <= 0x1206)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1208) && (code <= 0x1246)) ||
+           (code == 0x1248) ||
+           ((code >= 0x124a) && (code <= 0x124d)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1250) && (code <= 0x1256)) ||
+           (code == 0x1258) ||
+           ((code >= 0x125a) && (code <= 0x125d)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1260) && (code <= 0x1286)) ||
+           (code == 0x1288) ||
+           ((code >= 0x128a) && (code <= 0x128d)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1290) && (code <= 0x12ae)) ||
+           (code == 0x12b0) ||
+           ((code >= 0x12b2) && (code <= 0x12b5)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x12b8) && (code <= 0x12be)) ||
+           (code == 0x12c0) ||
+           ((code >= 0x12c2) && (code <= 0x12c5)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x12c8) && (code <= 0x12ce)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x12d0) && (code <= 0x12d6)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x12d8) && (code <= 0x12ee)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x12f0) && (code <= 0x130e)) ||
+           (code == 0x1310) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1312) && (code <= 0x1315)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1318) && (code <= 0x131e)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1320) && (code <= 0x1346)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1348) && (code <= 0x135a)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x13a0) && (code <= 0x13f4)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1401) && (code <= 0x166c)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x166f) && (code <= 0x1676)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1681) && (code <= 0x169a)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x16a0) && (code <= 0x16ea)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1780) && (code <= 0x17b3)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1820) && (code <= 0x1877)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1880) && (code <= 0x18a8)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1e00) && (code <= 0x1e9b)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1ea0) && (code <= 0x1ef9)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1f00) && (code <= 0x1f15)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1f18) && (code <= 0x1f1d)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1f20) && (code <= 0x1f45)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1f48) && (code <= 0x1f4d)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1f50) && (code <= 0x1f57)) ||
+           (code == 0x1f59) ||
+           (code == 0x1f5b) ||
+           (code == 0x1f5d) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1f5f) && (code <= 0x1f7d)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1f80) && (code <= 0x1fb4)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1fb6) && (code <= 0x1fbc)) ||
+           (code == 0x1fbe) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1fc2) && (code <= 0x1fc4)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1fc6) && (code <= 0x1fcc)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1fd0) && (code <= 0x1fd3)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1fd6) && (code <= 0x1fdb)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1fe0) && (code <= 0x1fec)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1ff2) && (code <= 0x1ff4)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1ff6) && (code <= 0x1ffc)) ||
+           (code == 0x207f) ||
+           (code == 0x2102) ||
+           (code == 0x2107) ||
+           ((code >= 0x210a) && (code <= 0x2113)) ||
+           (code == 0x2115) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2119) && (code <= 0x211d)) ||
+           (code == 0x2124) ||
+           (code == 0x2126) ||
+           (code == 0x2128) ||
+           ((code >= 0x212a) && (code <= 0x212d)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x212f) && (code <= 0x2131)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2133) && (code <= 0x2139)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x3005) && (code <= 0x3006)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x3031) && (code <= 0x3035)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x3041) && (code <= 0x3094)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x309d) && (code <= 0x309e)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x30a1) && (code <= 0x30fa)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x30fc) && (code <= 0x30fe)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x3105) && (code <= 0x312c)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x3131) && (code <= 0x318e)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x31a0) && (code <= 0x31b7)) ||
+           (code == 0x3400) ||
+           (code == 0x4db5) ||
+           (code == 0x4e00) ||
+           (code == 0x9fa5) ||
+           ((code >= 0xa000) && (code <= 0xa48c)) ||
+           (code == 0xac00) ||
+           (code == 0xd7a3) ||
+           ((code >= 0xf900) && (code <= 0xfa2d)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xfb00) && (code <= 0xfb06)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xfb13) && (code <= 0xfb17)) ||
+           (code == 0xfb1d) ||
+           ((code >= 0xfb1f) && (code <= 0xfb28)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xfb2a) && (code <= 0xfb36)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xfb38) && (code <= 0xfb3c)) ||
+           (code == 0xfb3e) ||
+           ((code >= 0xfb40) && (code <= 0xfb41)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xfb43) && (code <= 0xfb44)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xfb46) && (code <= 0xfbb1)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xfbd3) && (code <= 0xfd3d)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xfd50) && (code <= 0xfd8f)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xfd92) && (code <= 0xfdc7)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xfdf0) && (code <= 0xfdfb)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xfe70) && (code <= 0xfe72)) ||
+           (code == 0xfe74) ||
+           ((code >= 0xfe76) && (code <= 0xfefc)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xff21) && (code <= 0xff3a)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xff41) && (code <= 0xff5a)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xff66) && (code <= 0xffbe)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xffc2) && (code <= 0xffc7)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xffca) && (code <= 0xffcf)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xffd2) && (code <= 0xffd7)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xffda) && (code <= 0xffdc)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x10300) && (code <= 0x1031e)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x10330) && (code <= 0x10349)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x10400) && (code <= 0x10425)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x10428) && (code <= 0x1044d)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d400) && (code <= 0x1d454)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d456) && (code <= 0x1d49c)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d49e) && (code <= 0x1d49f)) ||
+           (code == 0x1d4a2) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d4a5) && (code <= 0x1d4a6)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d4a9) && (code <= 0x1d4ac)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d4ae) && (code <= 0x1d4b9)) ||
+           (code == 0x1d4bb) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d4bd) && (code <= 0x1d4c0)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d4c2) && (code <= 0x1d4c3)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d4c5) && (code <= 0x1d505)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d507) && (code <= 0x1d50a)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d50d) && (code <= 0x1d514)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d516) && (code <= 0x1d51c)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d51e) && (code <= 0x1d539)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d53b) && (code <= 0x1d53e)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d540) && (code <= 0x1d544)) ||
+           (code == 0x1d546) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d54a) && (code <= 0x1d550)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d552) && (code <= 0x1d6a3)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d6a8) && (code <= 0x1d6c0)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d6c2) && (code <= 0x1d6da)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d6dc) && (code <= 0x1d6fa)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d6fc) && (code <= 0x1d714)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d716) && (code <= 0x1d734)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d736) && (code <= 0x1d74e)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d750) && (code <= 0x1d76e)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d770) && (code <= 0x1d788)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d78a) && (code <= 0x1d7a8)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d7aa) && (code <= 0x1d7c2)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d7c4) && (code <= 0x1d7c9)) ||
+           (code == 0x20000) ||
+           (code == 0x2a6d6) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2f800) && (code <= 0x2fa1d)));
+ * xmlUCSIsCatLl:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Ll UCS Category
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsCatLl(int code) {
+    return(((code >= 0x61) && (code <= 0x7a)) ||
+           (code == 0xaa) ||
+           (code == 0xb5) ||
+           (code == 0xba) ||
+           ((code >= 0xdf) && (code <= 0xf6)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xf8) && (code <= 0xff)) ||
+           (code == 0x101) ||
+           (code == 0x103) ||
+           (code == 0x105) ||
+           (code == 0x107) ||
+           (code == 0x109) ||
+           (code == 0x10b) ||
+           (code == 0x10d) ||
+           (code == 0x10f) ||
+           (code == 0x111) ||
+           (code == 0x113) ||
+           (code == 0x115) ||
+           (code == 0x117) ||
+           (code == 0x119) ||
+           (code == 0x11b) ||
+           (code == 0x11d) ||
+           (code == 0x11f) ||
+           (code == 0x121) ||
+           (code == 0x123) ||
+           (code == 0x125) ||
+           (code == 0x127) ||
+           (code == 0x129) ||
+           (code == 0x12b) ||
+           (code == 0x12d) ||
+           (code == 0x12f) ||
+           (code == 0x131) ||
+           (code == 0x133) ||
+           (code == 0x135) ||
+           ((code >= 0x137) && (code <= 0x138)) ||
+           (code == 0x13a) ||
+           (code == 0x13c) ||
+           (code == 0x13e) ||
+           (code == 0x140) ||
+           (code == 0x142) ||
+           (code == 0x144) ||
+           (code == 0x146) ||
+           ((code >= 0x148) && (code <= 0x149)) ||
+           (code == 0x14b) ||
+           (code == 0x14d) ||
+           (code == 0x14f) ||
+           (code == 0x151) ||
+           (code == 0x153) ||
+           (code == 0x155) ||
+           (code == 0x157) ||
+           (code == 0x159) ||
+           (code == 0x15b) ||
+           (code == 0x15d) ||
+           (code == 0x15f) ||
+           (code == 0x161) ||
+           (code == 0x163) ||
+           (code == 0x165) ||
+           (code == 0x167) ||
+           (code == 0x169) ||
+           (code == 0x16b) ||
+           (code == 0x16d) ||
+           (code == 0x16f) ||
+           (code == 0x171) ||
+           (code == 0x173) ||
+           (code == 0x175) ||
+           (code == 0x177) ||
+           (code == 0x17a) ||
+           (code == 0x17c) ||
+           ((code >= 0x17e) && (code <= 0x180)) ||
+           (code == 0x183) ||
+           (code == 0x185) ||
+           (code == 0x188) ||
+           ((code >= 0x18c) && (code <= 0x18d)) ||
+           (code == 0x192) ||
+           (code == 0x195) ||
+           ((code >= 0x199) && (code <= 0x19b)) ||
+           (code == 0x19e) ||
+           (code == 0x1a1) ||
+           (code == 0x1a3) ||
+           (code == 0x1a5) ||
+           (code == 0x1a8) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1aa) && (code <= 0x1ab)) ||
+           (code == 0x1ad) ||
+           (code == 0x1b0) ||
+           (code == 0x1b4) ||
+           (code == 0x1b6) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1b9) && (code <= 0x1ba)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1bd) && (code <= 0x1bf)) ||
+           (code == 0x1c6) ||
+           (code == 0x1c9) ||
+           (code == 0x1cc) ||
+           (code == 0x1ce) ||
+           (code == 0x1d0) ||
+           (code == 0x1d2) ||
+           (code == 0x1d4) ||
+           (code == 0x1d6) ||
+           (code == 0x1d8) ||
+           (code == 0x1da) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1dc) && (code <= 0x1dd)) ||
+           (code == 0x1df) ||
+           (code == 0x1e1) ||
+           (code == 0x1e3) ||
+           (code == 0x1e5) ||
+           (code == 0x1e7) ||
+           (code == 0x1e9) ||
+           (code == 0x1eb) ||
+           (code == 0x1ed) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1ef) && (code <= 0x1f0)) ||
+           (code == 0x1f3) ||
+           (code == 0x1f5) ||
+           (code == 0x1f9) ||
+           (code == 0x1fb) ||
+           (code == 0x1fd) ||
+           (code == 0x1ff) ||
+           (code == 0x201) ||
+           (code == 0x203) ||
+           (code == 0x205) ||
+           (code == 0x207) ||
+           (code == 0x209) ||
+           (code == 0x20b) ||
+           (code == 0x20d) ||
+           (code == 0x20f) ||
+           (code == 0x211) ||
+           (code == 0x213) ||
+           (code == 0x215) ||
+           (code == 0x217) ||
+           (code == 0x219) ||
+           (code == 0x21b) ||
+           (code == 0x21d) ||
+           (code == 0x21f) ||
+           (code == 0x223) ||
+           (code == 0x225) ||
+           (code == 0x227) ||
+           (code == 0x229) ||
+           (code == 0x22b) ||
+           (code == 0x22d) ||
+           (code == 0x22f) ||
+           (code == 0x231) ||
+           (code == 0x233) ||
+           ((code >= 0x250) && (code <= 0x2ad)) ||
+           (code == 0x390) ||
+           ((code >= 0x3ac) && (code <= 0x3ce)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x3d0) && (code <= 0x3d1)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x3d5) && (code <= 0x3d7)) ||
+           (code == 0x3db) ||
+           (code == 0x3dd) ||
+           (code == 0x3df) ||
+           (code == 0x3e1) ||
+           (code == 0x3e3) ||
+           (code == 0x3e5) ||
+           (code == 0x3e7) ||
+           (code == 0x3e9) ||
+           (code == 0x3eb) ||
+           (code == 0x3ed) ||
+           ((code >= 0x3ef) && (code <= 0x3f3)) ||
+           (code == 0x3f5) ||
+           ((code >= 0x430) && (code <= 0x45f)) ||
+           (code == 0x461) ||
+           (code == 0x463) ||
+           (code == 0x465) ||
+           (code == 0x467) ||
+           (code == 0x469) ||
+           (code == 0x46b) ||
+           (code == 0x46d) ||
+           (code == 0x46f) ||
+           (code == 0x471) ||
+           (code == 0x473) ||
+           (code == 0x475) ||
+           (code == 0x477) ||
+           (code == 0x479) ||
+           (code == 0x47b) ||
+           (code == 0x47d) ||
+           (code == 0x47f) ||
+           (code == 0x481) ||
+           (code == 0x48d) ||
+           (code == 0x48f) ||
+           (code == 0x491) ||
+           (code == 0x493) ||
+           (code == 0x495) ||
+           (code == 0x497) ||
+           (code == 0x499) ||
+           (code == 0x49b) ||
+           (code == 0x49d) ||
+           (code == 0x49f) ||
+           (code == 0x4a1) ||
+           (code == 0x4a3) ||
+           (code == 0x4a5) ||
+           (code == 0x4a7) ||
+           (code == 0x4a9) ||
+           (code == 0x4ab) ||
+           (code == 0x4ad) ||
+           (code == 0x4af) ||
+           (code == 0x4b1) ||
+           (code == 0x4b3) ||
+           (code == 0x4b5) ||
+           (code == 0x4b7) ||
+           (code == 0x4b9) ||
+           (code == 0x4bb) ||
+           (code == 0x4bd) ||
+           (code == 0x4bf) ||
+           (code == 0x4c2) ||
+           (code == 0x4c4) ||
+           (code == 0x4c8) ||
+           (code == 0x4cc) ||
+           (code == 0x4d1) ||
+           (code == 0x4d3) ||
+           (code == 0x4d5) ||
+           (code == 0x4d7) ||
+           (code == 0x4d9) ||
+           (code == 0x4db) ||
+           (code == 0x4dd) ||
+           (code == 0x4df) ||
+           (code == 0x4e1) ||
+           (code == 0x4e3) ||
+           (code == 0x4e5) ||
+           (code == 0x4e7) ||
+           (code == 0x4e9) ||
+           (code == 0x4eb) ||
+           (code == 0x4ed) ||
+           (code == 0x4ef) ||
+           (code == 0x4f1) ||
+           (code == 0x4f3) ||
+           (code == 0x4f5) ||
+           (code == 0x4f9) ||
+           ((code >= 0x561) && (code <= 0x587)) ||
+           (code == 0x1e01) ||
+           (code == 0x1e03) ||
+           (code == 0x1e05) ||
+           (code == 0x1e07) ||
+           (code == 0x1e09) ||
+           (code == 0x1e0b) ||
+           (code == 0x1e0d) ||
+           (code == 0x1e0f) ||
+           (code == 0x1e11) ||
+           (code == 0x1e13) ||
+           (code == 0x1e15) ||
+           (code == 0x1e17) ||
+           (code == 0x1e19) ||
+           (code == 0x1e1b) ||
+           (code == 0x1e1d) ||
+           (code == 0x1e1f) ||
+           (code == 0x1e21) ||
+           (code == 0x1e23) ||
+           (code == 0x1e25) ||
+           (code == 0x1e27) ||
+           (code == 0x1e29) ||
+           (code == 0x1e2b) ||
+           (code == 0x1e2d) ||
+           (code == 0x1e2f) ||
+           (code == 0x1e31) ||
+           (code == 0x1e33) ||
+           (code == 0x1e35) ||
+           (code == 0x1e37) ||
+           (code == 0x1e39) ||
+           (code == 0x1e3b) ||
+           (code == 0x1e3d) ||
+           (code == 0x1e3f) ||
+           (code == 0x1e41) ||
+           (code == 0x1e43) ||
+           (code == 0x1e45) ||
+           (code == 0x1e47) ||
+           (code == 0x1e49) ||
+           (code == 0x1e4b) ||
+           (code == 0x1e4d) ||
+           (code == 0x1e4f) ||
+           (code == 0x1e51) ||
+           (code == 0x1e53) ||
+           (code == 0x1e55) ||
+           (code == 0x1e57) ||
+           (code == 0x1e59) ||
+           (code == 0x1e5b) ||
+           (code == 0x1e5d) ||
+           (code == 0x1e5f) ||
+           (code == 0x1e61) ||
+           (code == 0x1e63) ||
+           (code == 0x1e65) ||
+           (code == 0x1e67) ||
+           (code == 0x1e69) ||
+           (code == 0x1e6b) ||
+           (code == 0x1e6d) ||
+           (code == 0x1e6f) ||
+           (code == 0x1e71) ||
+           (code == 0x1e73) ||
+           (code == 0x1e75) ||
+           (code == 0x1e77) ||
+           (code == 0x1e79) ||
+           (code == 0x1e7b) ||
+           (code == 0x1e7d) ||
+           (code == 0x1e7f) ||
+           (code == 0x1e81) ||
+           (code == 0x1e83) ||
+           (code == 0x1e85) ||
+           (code == 0x1e87) ||
+           (code == 0x1e89) ||
+           (code == 0x1e8b) ||
+           (code == 0x1e8d) ||
+           (code == 0x1e8f) ||
+           (code == 0x1e91) ||
+           (code == 0x1e93) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1e95) && (code <= 0x1e9b)) ||
+           (code == 0x1ea1) ||
+           (code == 0x1ea3) ||
+           (code == 0x1ea5) ||
+           (code == 0x1ea7) ||
+           (code == 0x1ea9) ||
+           (code == 0x1eab) ||
+           (code == 0x1ead) ||
+           (code == 0x1eaf) ||
+           (code == 0x1eb1) ||
+           (code == 0x1eb3) ||
+           (code == 0x1eb5) ||
+           (code == 0x1eb7) ||
+           (code == 0x1eb9) ||
+           (code == 0x1ebb) ||
+           (code == 0x1ebd) ||
+           (code == 0x1ebf) ||
+           (code == 0x1ec1) ||
+           (code == 0x1ec3) ||
+           (code == 0x1ec5) ||
+           (code == 0x1ec7) ||
+           (code == 0x1ec9) ||
+           (code == 0x1ecb) ||
+           (code == 0x1ecd) ||
+           (code == 0x1ecf) ||
+           (code == 0x1ed1) ||
+           (code == 0x1ed3) ||
+           (code == 0x1ed5) ||
+           (code == 0x1ed7) ||
+           (code == 0x1ed9) ||
+           (code == 0x1edb) ||
+           (code == 0x1edd) ||
+           (code == 0x1edf) ||
+           (code == 0x1ee1) ||
+           (code == 0x1ee3) ||
+           (code == 0x1ee5) ||
+           (code == 0x1ee7) ||
+           (code == 0x1ee9) ||
+           (code == 0x1eeb) ||
+           (code == 0x1eed) ||
+           (code == 0x1eef) ||
+           (code == 0x1ef1) ||
+           (code == 0x1ef3) ||
+           (code == 0x1ef5) ||
+           (code == 0x1ef7) ||
+           (code == 0x1ef9) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1f00) && (code <= 0x1f07)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1f10) && (code <= 0x1f15)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1f20) && (code <= 0x1f27)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1f30) && (code <= 0x1f37)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1f40) && (code <= 0x1f45)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1f50) && (code <= 0x1f57)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1f60) && (code <= 0x1f67)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1f70) && (code <= 0x1f7d)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1f80) && (code <= 0x1f87)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1f90) && (code <= 0x1f97)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1fa0) && (code <= 0x1fa7)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1fb0) && (code <= 0x1fb4)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1fb6) && (code <= 0x1fb7)) ||
+           (code == 0x1fbe) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1fc2) && (code <= 0x1fc4)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1fc6) && (code <= 0x1fc7)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1fd0) && (code <= 0x1fd3)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1fd6) && (code <= 0x1fd7)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1fe0) && (code <= 0x1fe7)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1ff2) && (code <= 0x1ff4)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1ff6) && (code <= 0x1ff7)) ||
+           (code == 0x207f) ||
+           (code == 0x210a) ||
+           ((code >= 0x210e) && (code <= 0x210f)) ||
+           (code == 0x2113) ||
+           (code == 0x212f) ||
+           (code == 0x2134) ||
+           (code == 0x2139) ||
+           ((code >= 0xfb00) && (code <= 0xfb06)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xfb13) && (code <= 0xfb17)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xff41) && (code <= 0xff5a)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x10428) && (code <= 0x1044d)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d41a) && (code <= 0x1d433)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d44e) && (code <= 0x1d454)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d456) && (code <= 0x1d467)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d482) && (code <= 0x1d49b)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d4b6) && (code <= 0x1d4b9)) ||
+           (code == 0x1d4bb) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d4bd) && (code <= 0x1d4c0)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d4c2) && (code <= 0x1d4c3)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d4c5) && (code <= 0x1d4cf)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d4ea) && (code <= 0x1d503)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d51e) && (code <= 0x1d537)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d552) && (code <= 0x1d56b)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d586) && (code <= 0x1d59f)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d5ba) && (code <= 0x1d5d3)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d5ee) && (code <= 0x1d607)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d622) && (code <= 0x1d63b)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d656) && (code <= 0x1d66f)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d68a) && (code <= 0x1d6a3)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d6c2) && (code <= 0x1d6da)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d6dc) && (code <= 0x1d6e1)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d6fc) && (code <= 0x1d714)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d716) && (code <= 0x1d71b)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d736) && (code <= 0x1d74e)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d750) && (code <= 0x1d755)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d770) && (code <= 0x1d788)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d78a) && (code <= 0x1d78f)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d7aa) && (code <= 0x1d7c2)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d7c4) && (code <= 0x1d7c9)));
+ * xmlUCSIsCatLm:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Lm UCS Category
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsCatLm(int code) {
+    return(((code >= 0x2b0) && (code <= 0x2b8)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2bb) && (code <= 0x2c1)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2d0) && (code <= 0x2d1)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2e0) && (code <= 0x2e4)) ||
+           (code == 0x2ee) ||
+           (code == 0x37a) ||
+           (code == 0x559) ||
+           (code == 0x640) ||
+           ((code >= 0x6e5) && (code <= 0x6e6)) ||
+           (code == 0xe46) ||
+           (code == 0xec6) ||
+           (code == 0x1843) ||
+           (code == 0x3005) ||
+           ((code >= 0x3031) && (code <= 0x3035)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x309d) && (code <= 0x309e)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x30fc) && (code <= 0x30fe)) ||
+           (code == 0xff70) ||
+           ((code >= 0xff9e) && (code <= 0xff9f)));
+ * xmlUCSIsCatLo:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Lo UCS Category
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsCatLo(int code) {
+    return((code == 0x1bb) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1c0) && (code <= 0x1c3)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x5d0) && (code <= 0x5ea)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x5f0) && (code <= 0x5f2)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x621) && (code <= 0x63a)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x641) && (code <= 0x64a)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x671) && (code <= 0x6d3)) ||
+           (code == 0x6d5) ||
+           ((code >= 0x6fa) && (code <= 0x6fc)) ||
+           (code == 0x710) ||
+           ((code >= 0x712) && (code <= 0x72c)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x780) && (code <= 0x7a5)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x905) && (code <= 0x939)) ||
+           (code == 0x93d) ||
+           (code == 0x950) ||
+           ((code >= 0x958) && (code <= 0x961)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x985) && (code <= 0x98c)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x98f) && (code <= 0x990)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x993) && (code <= 0x9a8)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x9aa) && (code <= 0x9b0)) ||
+           (code == 0x9b2) ||
+           ((code >= 0x9b6) && (code <= 0x9b9)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x9dc) && (code <= 0x9dd)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x9df) && (code <= 0x9e1)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x9f0) && (code <= 0x9f1)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xa05) && (code <= 0xa0a)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xa0f) && (code <= 0xa10)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xa13) && (code <= 0xa28)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xa2a) && (code <= 0xa30)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xa32) && (code <= 0xa33)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xa35) && (code <= 0xa36)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xa38) && (code <= 0xa39)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xa59) && (code <= 0xa5c)) ||
+           (code == 0xa5e) ||
+           ((code >= 0xa72) && (code <= 0xa74)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xa85) && (code <= 0xa8b)) ||
+           (code == 0xa8d) ||
+           ((code >= 0xa8f) && (code <= 0xa91)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xa93) && (code <= 0xaa8)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xaaa) && (code <= 0xab0)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xab2) && (code <= 0xab3)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xab5) && (code <= 0xab9)) ||
+           (code == 0xabd) ||
+           (code == 0xad0) ||
+           (code == 0xae0) ||
+           ((code >= 0xb05) && (code <= 0xb0c)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xb0f) && (code <= 0xb10)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xb13) && (code <= 0xb28)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xb2a) && (code <= 0xb30)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xb32) && (code <= 0xb33)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xb36) && (code <= 0xb39)) ||
+           (code == 0xb3d) ||
+           ((code >= 0xb5c) && (code <= 0xb5d)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xb5f) && (code <= 0xb61)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xb85) && (code <= 0xb8a)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xb8e) && (code <= 0xb90)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xb92) && (code <= 0xb95)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xb99) && (code <= 0xb9a)) ||
+           (code == 0xb9c) ||
+           ((code >= 0xb9e) && (code <= 0xb9f)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xba3) && (code <= 0xba4)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xba8) && (code <= 0xbaa)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xbae) && (code <= 0xbb5)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xbb7) && (code <= 0xbb9)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xc05) && (code <= 0xc0c)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xc0e) && (code <= 0xc10)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xc12) && (code <= 0xc28)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xc2a) && (code <= 0xc33)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xc35) && (code <= 0xc39)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xc60) && (code <= 0xc61)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xc85) && (code <= 0xc8c)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xc8e) && (code <= 0xc90)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xc92) && (code <= 0xca8)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xcaa) && (code <= 0xcb3)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xcb5) && (code <= 0xcb9)) ||
+           (code == 0xcde) ||
+           ((code >= 0xce0) && (code <= 0xce1)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xd05) && (code <= 0xd0c)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xd0e) && (code <= 0xd10)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xd12) && (code <= 0xd28)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xd2a) && (code <= 0xd39)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xd60) && (code <= 0xd61)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xd85) && (code <= 0xd96)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xd9a) && (code <= 0xdb1)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xdb3) && (code <= 0xdbb)) ||
+           (code == 0xdbd) ||
+           ((code >= 0xdc0) && (code <= 0xdc6)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xe01) && (code <= 0xe30)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xe32) && (code <= 0xe33)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xe40) && (code <= 0xe45)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xe81) && (code <= 0xe82)) ||
+           (code == 0xe84) ||
+           ((code >= 0xe87) && (code <= 0xe88)) ||
+           (code == 0xe8a) ||
+           (code == 0xe8d) ||
+           ((code >= 0xe94) && (code <= 0xe97)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xe99) && (code <= 0xe9f)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xea1) && (code <= 0xea3)) ||
+           (code == 0xea5) ||
+           (code == 0xea7) ||
+           ((code >= 0xeaa) && (code <= 0xeab)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xead) && (code <= 0xeb0)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xeb2) && (code <= 0xeb3)) ||
+           (code == 0xebd) ||
+           ((code >= 0xec0) && (code <= 0xec4)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xedc) && (code <= 0xedd)) ||
+           (code == 0xf00) ||
+           ((code >= 0xf40) && (code <= 0xf47)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xf49) && (code <= 0xf6a)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xf88) && (code <= 0xf8b)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1000) && (code <= 0x1021)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1023) && (code <= 0x1027)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1029) && (code <= 0x102a)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1050) && (code <= 0x1055)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x10d0) && (code <= 0x10f6)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1100) && (code <= 0x1159)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x115f) && (code <= 0x11a2)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x11a8) && (code <= 0x11f9)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1200) && (code <= 0x1206)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1208) && (code <= 0x1246)) ||
+           (code == 0x1248) ||
+           ((code >= 0x124a) && (code <= 0x124d)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1250) && (code <= 0x1256)) ||
+           (code == 0x1258) ||
+           ((code >= 0x125a) && (code <= 0x125d)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1260) && (code <= 0x1286)) ||
+           (code == 0x1288) ||
+           ((code >= 0x128a) && (code <= 0x128d)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1290) && (code <= 0x12ae)) ||
+           (code == 0x12b0) ||
+           ((code >= 0x12b2) && (code <= 0x12b5)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x12b8) && (code <= 0x12be)) ||
+           (code == 0x12c0) ||
+           ((code >= 0x12c2) && (code <= 0x12c5)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x12c8) && (code <= 0x12ce)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x12d0) && (code <= 0x12d6)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x12d8) && (code <= 0x12ee)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x12f0) && (code <= 0x130e)) ||
+           (code == 0x1310) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1312) && (code <= 0x1315)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1318) && (code <= 0x131e)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1320) && (code <= 0x1346)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1348) && (code <= 0x135a)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x13a0) && (code <= 0x13f4)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1401) && (code <= 0x166c)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x166f) && (code <= 0x1676)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1681) && (code <= 0x169a)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x16a0) && (code <= 0x16ea)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1780) && (code <= 0x17b3)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1820) && (code <= 0x1842)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1844) && (code <= 0x1877)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1880) && (code <= 0x18a8)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2135) && (code <= 0x2138)) ||
+           (code == 0x3006) ||
+           ((code >= 0x3041) && (code <= 0x3094)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x30a1) && (code <= 0x30fa)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x3105) && (code <= 0x312c)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x3131) && (code <= 0x318e)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x31a0) && (code <= 0x31b7)) ||
+           (code == 0x3400) ||
+           (code == 0x4db5) ||
+           (code == 0x4e00) ||
+           (code == 0x9fa5) ||
+           ((code >= 0xa000) && (code <= 0xa48c)) ||
+           (code == 0xac00) ||
+           (code == 0xd7a3) ||
+           ((code >= 0xf900) && (code <= 0xfa2d)) ||
+           (code == 0xfb1d) ||
+           ((code >= 0xfb1f) && (code <= 0xfb28)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xfb2a) && (code <= 0xfb36)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xfb38) && (code <= 0xfb3c)) ||
+           (code == 0xfb3e) ||
+           ((code >= 0xfb40) && (code <= 0xfb41)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xfb43) && (code <= 0xfb44)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xfb46) && (code <= 0xfbb1)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xfbd3) && (code <= 0xfd3d)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xfd50) && (code <= 0xfd8f)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xfd92) && (code <= 0xfdc7)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xfdf0) && (code <= 0xfdfb)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xfe70) && (code <= 0xfe72)) ||
+           (code == 0xfe74) ||
+           ((code >= 0xfe76) && (code <= 0xfefc)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xff66) && (code <= 0xff6f)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xff71) && (code <= 0xff9d)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xffa0) && (code <= 0xffbe)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xffc2) && (code <= 0xffc7)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xffca) && (code <= 0xffcf)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xffd2) && (code <= 0xffd7)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xffda) && (code <= 0xffdc)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x10300) && (code <= 0x1031e)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x10330) && (code <= 0x10349)) ||
+           (code == 0x20000) ||
+           (code == 0x2a6d6) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2f800) && (code <= 0x2fa1d)));
+ * xmlUCSIsCatLt:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Lt UCS Category
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsCatLt(int code) {
+    return((code == 0x1c5) ||
+           (code == 0x1c8) ||
+           (code == 0x1cb) ||
+           (code == 0x1f2) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1f88) && (code <= 0x1f8f)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1f98) && (code <= 0x1f9f)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1fa8) && (code <= 0x1faf)) ||
+           (code == 0x1fbc) ||
+           (code == 0x1fcc) ||
+           (code == 0x1ffc));
+ * xmlUCSIsCatLu:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Lu UCS Category
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsCatLu(int code) {
+    return(((code >= 0x41) && (code <= 0x5a)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xc0) && (code <= 0xd6)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xd8) && (code <= 0xde)) ||
+           (code == 0x100) ||
+           (code == 0x102) ||
+           (code == 0x104) ||
+           (code == 0x106) ||
+           (code == 0x108) ||
+           (code == 0x10a) ||
+           (code == 0x10c) ||
+           (code == 0x10e) ||
+           (code == 0x110) ||
+           (code == 0x112) ||
+           (code == 0x114) ||
+           (code == 0x116) ||
+           (code == 0x118) ||
+           (code == 0x11a) ||
+           (code == 0x11c) ||
+           (code == 0x11e) ||
+           (code == 0x120) ||
+           (code == 0x122) ||
+           (code == 0x124) ||
+           (code == 0x126) ||
+           (code == 0x128) ||
+           (code == 0x12a) ||
+           (code == 0x12c) ||
+           (code == 0x12e) ||
+           (code == 0x130) ||
+           (code == 0x132) ||
+           (code == 0x134) ||
+           (code == 0x136) ||
+           (code == 0x139) ||
+           (code == 0x13b) ||
+           (code == 0x13d) ||
+           (code == 0x13f) ||
+           (code == 0x141) ||
+           (code == 0x143) ||
+           (code == 0x145) ||
+           (code == 0x147) ||
+           (code == 0x14a) ||
+           (code == 0x14c) ||
+           (code == 0x14e) ||
+           (code == 0x150) ||
+           (code == 0x152) ||
+           (code == 0x154) ||
+           (code == 0x156) ||
+           (code == 0x158) ||
+           (code == 0x15a) ||
+           (code == 0x15c) ||
+           (code == 0x15e) ||
+           (code == 0x160) ||
+           (code == 0x162) ||
+           (code == 0x164) ||
+           (code == 0x166) ||
+           (code == 0x168) ||
+           (code == 0x16a) ||
+           (code == 0x16c) ||
+           (code == 0x16e) ||
+           (code == 0x170) ||
+           (code == 0x172) ||
+           (code == 0x174) ||
+           (code == 0x176) ||
+           ((code >= 0x178) && (code <= 0x179)) ||
+           (code == 0x17b) ||
+           (code == 0x17d) ||
+           ((code >= 0x181) && (code <= 0x182)) ||
+           (code == 0x184) ||
+           ((code >= 0x186) && (code <= 0x187)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x189) && (code <= 0x18b)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x18e) && (code <= 0x191)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x193) && (code <= 0x194)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x196) && (code <= 0x198)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x19c) && (code <= 0x19d)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x19f) && (code <= 0x1a0)) ||
+           (code == 0x1a2) ||
+           (code == 0x1a4) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1a6) && (code <= 0x1a7)) ||
+           (code == 0x1a9) ||
+           (code == 0x1ac) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1ae) && (code <= 0x1af)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1b1) && (code <= 0x1b3)) ||
+           (code == 0x1b5) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1b7) && (code <= 0x1b8)) ||
+           (code == 0x1bc) ||
+           (code == 0x1c4) ||
+           (code == 0x1c7) ||
+           (code == 0x1ca) ||
+           (code == 0x1cd) ||
+           (code == 0x1cf) ||
+           (code == 0x1d1) ||
+           (code == 0x1d3) ||
+           (code == 0x1d5) ||
+           (code == 0x1d7) ||
+           (code == 0x1d9) ||
+           (code == 0x1db) ||
+           (code == 0x1de) ||
+           (code == 0x1e0) ||
+           (code == 0x1e2) ||
+           (code == 0x1e4) ||
+           (code == 0x1e6) ||
+           (code == 0x1e8) ||
+           (code == 0x1ea) ||
+           (code == 0x1ec) ||
+           (code == 0x1ee) ||
+           (code == 0x1f1) ||
+           (code == 0x1f4) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1f6) && (code <= 0x1f8)) ||
+           (code == 0x1fa) ||
+           (code == 0x1fc) ||
+           (code == 0x1fe) ||
+           (code == 0x200) ||
+           (code == 0x202) ||
+           (code == 0x204) ||
+           (code == 0x206) ||
+           (code == 0x208) ||
+           (code == 0x20a) ||
+           (code == 0x20c) ||
+           (code == 0x20e) ||
+           (code == 0x210) ||
+           (code == 0x212) ||
+           (code == 0x214) ||
+           (code == 0x216) ||
+           (code == 0x218) ||
+           (code == 0x21a) ||
+           (code == 0x21c) ||
+           (code == 0x21e) ||
+           (code == 0x222) ||
+           (code == 0x224) ||
+           (code == 0x226) ||
+           (code == 0x228) ||
+           (code == 0x22a) ||
+           (code == 0x22c) ||
+           (code == 0x22e) ||
+           (code == 0x230) ||
+           (code == 0x232) ||
+           (code == 0x386) ||
+           ((code >= 0x388) && (code <= 0x38a)) ||
+           (code == 0x38c) ||
+           ((code >= 0x38e) && (code <= 0x38f)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x391) && (code <= 0x3a1)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x3a3) && (code <= 0x3ab)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x3d2) && (code <= 0x3d4)) ||
+           (code == 0x3da) ||
+           (code == 0x3dc) ||
+           (code == 0x3de) ||
+           (code == 0x3e0) ||
+           (code == 0x3e2) ||
+           (code == 0x3e4) ||
+           (code == 0x3e6) ||
+           (code == 0x3e8) ||
+           (code == 0x3ea) ||
+           (code == 0x3ec) ||
+           (code == 0x3ee) ||
+           (code == 0x3f4) ||
+           ((code >= 0x400) && (code <= 0x42f)) ||
+           (code == 0x460) ||
+           (code == 0x462) ||
+           (code == 0x464) ||
+           (code == 0x466) ||
+           (code == 0x468) ||
+           (code == 0x46a) ||
+           (code == 0x46c) ||
+           (code == 0x46e) ||
+           (code == 0x470) ||
+           (code == 0x472) ||
+           (code == 0x474) ||
+           (code == 0x476) ||
+           (code == 0x478) ||
+           (code == 0x47a) ||
+           (code == 0x47c) ||
+           (code == 0x47e) ||
+           (code == 0x480) ||
+           (code == 0x48c) ||
+           (code == 0x48e) ||
+           (code == 0x490) ||
+           (code == 0x492) ||
+           (code == 0x494) ||
+           (code == 0x496) ||
+           (code == 0x498) ||
+           (code == 0x49a) ||
+           (code == 0x49c) ||
+           (code == 0x49e) ||
+           (code == 0x4a0) ||
+           (code == 0x4a2) ||
+           (code == 0x4a4) ||
+           (code == 0x4a6) ||
+           (code == 0x4a8) ||
+           (code == 0x4aa) ||
+           (code == 0x4ac) ||
+           (code == 0x4ae) ||
+           (code == 0x4b0) ||
+           (code == 0x4b2) ||
+           (code == 0x4b4) ||
+           (code == 0x4b6) ||
+           (code == 0x4b8) ||
+           (code == 0x4ba) ||
+           (code == 0x4bc) ||
+           (code == 0x4be) ||
+           ((code >= 0x4c0) && (code <= 0x4c1)) ||
+           (code == 0x4c3) ||
+           (code == 0x4c7) ||
+           (code == 0x4cb) ||
+           (code == 0x4d0) ||
+           (code == 0x4d2) ||
+           (code == 0x4d4) ||
+           (code == 0x4d6) ||
+           (code == 0x4d8) ||
+           (code == 0x4da) ||
+           (code == 0x4dc) ||
+           (code == 0x4de) ||
+           (code == 0x4e0) ||
+           (code == 0x4e2) ||
+           (code == 0x4e4) ||
+           (code == 0x4e6) ||
+           (code == 0x4e8) ||
+           (code == 0x4ea) ||
+           (code == 0x4ec) ||
+           (code == 0x4ee) ||
+           (code == 0x4f0) ||
+           (code == 0x4f2) ||
+           (code == 0x4f4) ||
+           (code == 0x4f8) ||
+           ((code >= 0x531) && (code <= 0x556)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x10a0) && (code <= 0x10c5)) ||
+           (code == 0x1e00) ||
+           (code == 0x1e02) ||
+           (code == 0x1e04) ||
+           (code == 0x1e06) ||
+           (code == 0x1e08) ||
+           (code == 0x1e0a) ||
+           (code == 0x1e0c) ||
+           (code == 0x1e0e) ||
+           (code == 0x1e10) ||
+           (code == 0x1e12) ||
+           (code == 0x1e14) ||
+           (code == 0x1e16) ||
+           (code == 0x1e18) ||
+           (code == 0x1e1a) ||
+           (code == 0x1e1c) ||
+           (code == 0x1e1e) ||
+           (code == 0x1e20) ||
+           (code == 0x1e22) ||
+           (code == 0x1e24) ||
+           (code == 0x1e26) ||
+           (code == 0x1e28) ||
+           (code == 0x1e2a) ||
+           (code == 0x1e2c) ||
+           (code == 0x1e2e) ||
+           (code == 0x1e30) ||
+           (code == 0x1e32) ||
+           (code == 0x1e34) ||
+           (code == 0x1e36) ||
+           (code == 0x1e38) ||
+           (code == 0x1e3a) ||
+           (code == 0x1e3c) ||
+           (code == 0x1e3e) ||
+           (code == 0x1e40) ||
+           (code == 0x1e42) ||
+           (code == 0x1e44) ||
+           (code == 0x1e46) ||
+           (code == 0x1e48) ||
+           (code == 0x1e4a) ||
+           (code == 0x1e4c) ||
+           (code == 0x1e4e) ||
+           (code == 0x1e50) ||
+           (code == 0x1e52) ||
+           (code == 0x1e54) ||
+           (code == 0x1e56) ||
+           (code == 0x1e58) ||
+           (code == 0x1e5a) ||
+           (code == 0x1e5c) ||
+           (code == 0x1e5e) ||
+           (code == 0x1e60) ||
+           (code == 0x1e62) ||
+           (code == 0x1e64) ||
+           (code == 0x1e66) ||
+           (code == 0x1e68) ||
+           (code == 0x1e6a) ||
+           (code == 0x1e6c) ||
+           (code == 0x1e6e) ||
+           (code == 0x1e70) ||
+           (code == 0x1e72) ||
+           (code == 0x1e74) ||
+           (code == 0x1e76) ||
+           (code == 0x1e78) ||
+           (code == 0x1e7a) ||
+           (code == 0x1e7c) ||
+           (code == 0x1e7e) ||
+           (code == 0x1e80) ||
+           (code == 0x1e82) ||
+           (code == 0x1e84) ||
+           (code == 0x1e86) ||
+           (code == 0x1e88) ||
+           (code == 0x1e8a) ||
+           (code == 0x1e8c) ||
+           (code == 0x1e8e) ||
+           (code == 0x1e90) ||
+           (code == 0x1e92) ||
+           (code == 0x1e94) ||
+           (code == 0x1ea0) ||
+           (code == 0x1ea2) ||
+           (code == 0x1ea4) ||
+           (code == 0x1ea6) ||
+           (code == 0x1ea8) ||
+           (code == 0x1eaa) ||
+           (code == 0x1eac) ||
+           (code == 0x1eae) ||
+           (code == 0x1eb0) ||
+           (code == 0x1eb2) ||
+           (code == 0x1eb4) ||
+           (code == 0x1eb6) ||
+           (code == 0x1eb8) ||
+           (code == 0x1eba) ||
+           (code == 0x1ebc) ||
+           (code == 0x1ebe) ||
+           (code == 0x1ec0) ||
+           (code == 0x1ec2) ||
+           (code == 0x1ec4) ||
+           (code == 0x1ec6) ||
+           (code == 0x1ec8) ||
+           (code == 0x1eca) ||
+           (code == 0x1ecc) ||
+           (code == 0x1ece) ||
+           (code == 0x1ed0) ||
+           (code == 0x1ed2) ||
+           (code == 0x1ed4) ||
+           (code == 0x1ed6) ||
+           (code == 0x1ed8) ||
+           (code == 0x1eda) ||
+           (code == 0x1edc) ||
+           (code == 0x1ede) ||
+           (code == 0x1ee0) ||
+           (code == 0x1ee2) ||
+           (code == 0x1ee4) ||
+           (code == 0x1ee6) ||
+           (code == 0x1ee8) ||
+           (code == 0x1eea) ||
+           (code == 0x1eec) ||
+           (code == 0x1eee) ||
+           (code == 0x1ef0) ||
+           (code == 0x1ef2) ||
+           (code == 0x1ef4) ||
+           (code == 0x1ef6) ||
+           (code == 0x1ef8) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1f08) && (code <= 0x1f0f)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1f18) && (code <= 0x1f1d)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1f28) && (code <= 0x1f2f)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1f38) && (code <= 0x1f3f)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1f48) && (code <= 0x1f4d)) ||
+           (code == 0x1f59) ||
+           (code == 0x1f5b) ||
+           (code == 0x1f5d) ||
+           (code == 0x1f5f) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1f68) && (code <= 0x1f6f)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1fb8) && (code <= 0x1fbb)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1fc8) && (code <= 0x1fcb)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1fd8) && (code <= 0x1fdb)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1fe8) && (code <= 0x1fec)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1ff8) && (code <= 0x1ffb)) ||
+           (code == 0x2102) ||
+           (code == 0x2107) ||
+           ((code >= 0x210b) && (code <= 0x210d)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2110) && (code <= 0x2112)) ||
+           (code == 0x2115) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2119) && (code <= 0x211d)) ||
+           (code == 0x2124) ||
+           (code == 0x2126) ||
+           (code == 0x2128) ||
+           ((code >= 0x212a) && (code <= 0x212d)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2130) && (code <= 0x2131)) ||
+           (code == 0x2133) ||
+           ((code >= 0xff21) && (code <= 0xff3a)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x10400) && (code <= 0x10425)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d400) && (code <= 0x1d419)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d434) && (code <= 0x1d44d)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d468) && (code <= 0x1d481)) ||
+           (code == 0x1d49c) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d49e) && (code <= 0x1d49f)) ||
+           (code == 0x1d4a2) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d4a5) && (code <= 0x1d4a6)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d4a9) && (code <= 0x1d4ac)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d4ae) && (code <= 0x1d4b5)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d4d0) && (code <= 0x1d4e9)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d504) && (code <= 0x1d505)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d507) && (code <= 0x1d50a)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d50d) && (code <= 0x1d514)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d516) && (code <= 0x1d51c)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d538) && (code <= 0x1d539)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d53b) && (code <= 0x1d53e)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d540) && (code <= 0x1d544)) ||
+           (code == 0x1d546) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d54a) && (code <= 0x1d550)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d56c) && (code <= 0x1d585)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d5a0) && (code <= 0x1d5b9)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d5d4) && (code <= 0x1d5ed)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d608) && (code <= 0x1d621)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d63c) && (code <= 0x1d655)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d670) && (code <= 0x1d689)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d6a8) && (code <= 0x1d6c0)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d6e2) && (code <= 0x1d6fa)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d71c) && (code <= 0x1d734)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d756) && (code <= 0x1d76e)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d790) && (code <= 0x1d7a8)));
+ * xmlUCSIsCatM:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of M UCS Category
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsCatM(int code) {
+    return(((code >= 0x300) && (code <= 0x34e)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x360) && (code <= 0x362)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x483) && (code <= 0x486)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x488) && (code <= 0x489)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x591) && (code <= 0x5a1)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x5a3) && (code <= 0x5b9)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x5bb) && (code <= 0x5bd)) ||
+           (code == 0x5bf) ||
+           ((code >= 0x5c1) && (code <= 0x5c2)) ||
+           (code == 0x5c4) ||
+           ((code >= 0x64b) && (code <= 0x655)) ||
+           (code == 0x670) ||
+           ((code >= 0x6d6) && (code <= 0x6e4)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x6e7) && (code <= 0x6e8)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x6ea) && (code <= 0x6ed)) ||
+           (code == 0x711) ||
+           ((code >= 0x730) && (code <= 0x74a)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x7a6) && (code <= 0x7b0)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x901) && (code <= 0x903)) ||
+           (code == 0x93c) ||
+           ((code >= 0x93e) && (code <= 0x94d)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x951) && (code <= 0x954)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x962) && (code <= 0x963)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x981) && (code <= 0x983)) ||
+           (code == 0x9bc) ||
+           ((code >= 0x9be) && (code <= 0x9c4)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x9c7) && (code <= 0x9c8)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x9cb) && (code <= 0x9cd)) ||
+           (code == 0x9d7) ||
+           ((code >= 0x9e2) && (code <= 0x9e3)) ||
+           (code == 0xa02) ||
+           (code == 0xa3c) ||
+           ((code >= 0xa3e) && (code <= 0xa42)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xa47) && (code <= 0xa48)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xa4b) && (code <= 0xa4d)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xa70) && (code <= 0xa71)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xa81) && (code <= 0xa83)) ||
+           (code == 0xabc) ||
+           ((code >= 0xabe) && (code <= 0xac5)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xac7) && (code <= 0xac9)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xacb) && (code <= 0xacd)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xb01) && (code <= 0xb03)) ||
+           (code == 0xb3c) ||
+           ((code >= 0xb3e) && (code <= 0xb43)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xb47) && (code <= 0xb48)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xb4b) && (code <= 0xb4d)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xb56) && (code <= 0xb57)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xb82) && (code <= 0xb83)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xbbe) && (code <= 0xbc2)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xbc6) && (code <= 0xbc8)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xbca) && (code <= 0xbcd)) ||
+           (code == 0xbd7) ||
+           ((code >= 0xc01) && (code <= 0xc03)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xc3e) && (code <= 0xc44)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xc46) && (code <= 0xc48)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xc4a) && (code <= 0xc4d)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xc55) && (code <= 0xc56)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xc82) && (code <= 0xc83)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xcbe) && (code <= 0xcc4)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xcc6) && (code <= 0xcc8)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xcca) && (code <= 0xccd)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xcd5) && (code <= 0xcd6)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xd02) && (code <= 0xd03)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xd3e) && (code <= 0xd43)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xd46) && (code <= 0xd48)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xd4a) && (code <= 0xd4d)) ||
+           (code == 0xd57) ||
+           ((code >= 0xd82) && (code <= 0xd83)) ||
+           (code == 0xdca) ||
+           ((code >= 0xdcf) && (code <= 0xdd4)) ||
+           (code == 0xdd6) ||
+           ((code >= 0xdd8) && (code <= 0xddf)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xdf2) && (code <= 0xdf3)) ||
+           (code == 0xe31) ||
+           ((code >= 0xe34) && (code <= 0xe3a)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xe47) && (code <= 0xe4e)) ||
+           (code == 0xeb1) ||
+           ((code >= 0xeb4) && (code <= 0xeb9)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xebb) && (code <= 0xebc)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xec8) && (code <= 0xecd)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xf18) && (code <= 0xf19)) ||
+           (code == 0xf35) ||
+           (code == 0xf37) ||
+           (code == 0xf39) ||
+           ((code >= 0xf3e) && (code <= 0xf3f)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xf71) && (code <= 0xf84)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xf86) && (code <= 0xf87)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xf90) && (code <= 0xf97)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xf99) && (code <= 0xfbc)) ||
+           (code == 0xfc6) ||
+           ((code >= 0x102c) && (code <= 0x1032)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1036) && (code <= 0x1039)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1056) && (code <= 0x1059)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x17b4) && (code <= 0x17d3)) ||
+           (code == 0x18a9) ||
+           ((code >= 0x20d0) && (code <= 0x20e3)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x302a) && (code <= 0x302f)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x3099) && (code <= 0x309a)) ||
+           (code == 0xfb1e) ||
+           ((code >= 0xfe20) && (code <= 0xfe23)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d165) && (code <= 0x1d169)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d16d) && (code <= 0x1d172)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d17b) && (code <= 0x1d182)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d185) && (code <= 0x1d18b)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d1aa) && (code <= 0x1d1ad)));
+ * xmlUCSIsCatMc:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Mc UCS Category
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsCatMc(int code) {
+    return((code == 0x903) ||
+           ((code >= 0x93e) && (code <= 0x940)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x949) && (code <= 0x94c)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x982) && (code <= 0x983)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x9be) && (code <= 0x9c0)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x9c7) && (code <= 0x9c8)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x9cb) && (code <= 0x9cc)) ||
+           (code == 0x9d7) ||
+           ((code >= 0xa3e) && (code <= 0xa40)) ||
+           (code == 0xa83) ||
+           ((code >= 0xabe) && (code <= 0xac0)) ||
+           (code == 0xac9) ||
+           ((code >= 0xacb) && (code <= 0xacc)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xb02) && (code <= 0xb03)) ||
+           (code == 0xb3e) ||
+           (code == 0xb40) ||
+           ((code >= 0xb47) && (code <= 0xb48)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xb4b) && (code <= 0xb4c)) ||
+           (code == 0xb57) ||
+           (code == 0xb83) ||
+           ((code >= 0xbbe) && (code <= 0xbbf)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xbc1) && (code <= 0xbc2)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xbc6) && (code <= 0xbc8)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xbca) && (code <= 0xbcc)) ||
+           (code == 0xbd7) ||
+           ((code >= 0xc01) && (code <= 0xc03)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xc41) && (code <= 0xc44)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xc82) && (code <= 0xc83)) ||
+           (code == 0xcbe) ||
+           ((code >= 0xcc0) && (code <= 0xcc4)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xcc7) && (code <= 0xcc8)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xcca) && (code <= 0xccb)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xcd5) && (code <= 0xcd6)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xd02) && (code <= 0xd03)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xd3e) && (code <= 0xd40)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xd46) && (code <= 0xd48)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xd4a) && (code <= 0xd4c)) ||
+           (code == 0xd57) ||
+           ((code >= 0xd82) && (code <= 0xd83)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xdcf) && (code <= 0xdd1)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xdd8) && (code <= 0xddf)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xdf2) && (code <= 0xdf3)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xf3e) && (code <= 0xf3f)) ||
+           (code == 0xf7f) ||
+           (code == 0x102c) ||
+           (code == 0x1031) ||
+           (code == 0x1038) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1056) && (code <= 0x1057)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x17b4) && (code <= 0x17b6)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x17be) && (code <= 0x17c5)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x17c7) && (code <= 0x17c8)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d165) && (code <= 0x1d166)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d16d) && (code <= 0x1d172)));
+ * xmlUCSIsCatMe:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Me UCS Category
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsCatMe(int code) {
+    return(((code >= 0x488) && (code <= 0x489)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x6dd) && (code <= 0x6de)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x20dd) && (code <= 0x20e0)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x20e2) && (code <= 0x20e3)));
+ * xmlUCSIsCatMn:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Mn UCS Category
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsCatMn(int code) {
+    return(((code >= 0x300) && (code <= 0x34e)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x360) && (code <= 0x362)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x483) && (code <= 0x486)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x591) && (code <= 0x5a1)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x5a3) && (code <= 0x5b9)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x5bb) && (code <= 0x5bd)) ||
+           (code == 0x5bf) ||
+           ((code >= 0x5c1) && (code <= 0x5c2)) ||
+           (code == 0x5c4) ||
+           ((code >= 0x64b) && (code <= 0x655)) ||
+           (code == 0x670) ||
+           ((code >= 0x6d6) && (code <= 0x6dc)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x6df) && (code <= 0x6e4)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x6e7) && (code <= 0x6e8)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x6ea) && (code <= 0x6ed)) ||
+           (code == 0x711) ||
+           ((code >= 0x730) && (code <= 0x74a)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x7a6) && (code <= 0x7b0)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x901) && (code <= 0x902)) ||
+           (code == 0x93c) ||
+           ((code >= 0x941) && (code <= 0x948)) ||
+           (code == 0x94d) ||
+           ((code >= 0x951) && (code <= 0x954)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x962) && (code <= 0x963)) ||
+           (code == 0x981) ||
+           (code == 0x9bc) ||
+           ((code >= 0x9c1) && (code <= 0x9c4)) ||
+           (code == 0x9cd) ||
+           ((code >= 0x9e2) && (code <= 0x9e3)) ||
+           (code == 0xa02) ||
+           (code == 0xa3c) ||
+           ((code >= 0xa41) && (code <= 0xa42)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xa47) && (code <= 0xa48)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xa4b) && (code <= 0xa4d)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xa70) && (code <= 0xa71)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xa81) && (code <= 0xa82)) ||
+           (code == 0xabc) ||
+           ((code >= 0xac1) && (code <= 0xac5)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xac7) && (code <= 0xac8)) ||
+           (code == 0xacd) ||
+           (code == 0xb01) ||
+           (code == 0xb3c) ||
+           (code == 0xb3f) ||
+           ((code >= 0xb41) && (code <= 0xb43)) ||
+           (code == 0xb4d) ||
+           (code == 0xb56) ||
+           (code == 0xb82) ||
+           (code == 0xbc0) ||
+           (code == 0xbcd) ||
+           ((code >= 0xc3e) && (code <= 0xc40)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xc46) && (code <= 0xc48)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xc4a) && (code <= 0xc4d)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xc55) && (code <= 0xc56)) ||
+           (code == 0xcbf) ||
+           (code == 0xcc6) ||
+           ((code >= 0xccc) && (code <= 0xccd)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xd41) && (code <= 0xd43)) ||
+           (code == 0xd4d) ||
+           (code == 0xdca) ||
+           ((code >= 0xdd2) && (code <= 0xdd4)) ||
+           (code == 0xdd6) ||
+           (code == 0xe31) ||
+           ((code >= 0xe34) && (code <= 0xe3a)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xe47) && (code <= 0xe4e)) ||
+           (code == 0xeb1) ||
+           ((code >= 0xeb4) && (code <= 0xeb9)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xebb) && (code <= 0xebc)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xec8) && (code <= 0xecd)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xf18) && (code <= 0xf19)) ||
+           (code == 0xf35) ||
+           (code == 0xf37) ||
+           (code == 0xf39) ||
+           ((code >= 0xf71) && (code <= 0xf7e)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xf80) && (code <= 0xf84)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xf86) && (code <= 0xf87)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xf90) && (code <= 0xf97)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xf99) && (code <= 0xfbc)) ||
+           (code == 0xfc6) ||
+           ((code >= 0x102d) && (code <= 0x1030)) ||
+           (code == 0x1032) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1036) && (code <= 0x1037)) ||
+           (code == 0x1039) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1058) && (code <= 0x1059)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x17b7) && (code <= 0x17bd)) ||
+           (code == 0x17c6) ||
+           ((code >= 0x17c9) && (code <= 0x17d3)) ||
+           (code == 0x18a9) ||
+           ((code >= 0x20d0) && (code <= 0x20dc)) ||
+           (code == 0x20e1) ||
+           ((code >= 0x302a) && (code <= 0x302f)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x3099) && (code <= 0x309a)) ||
+           (code == 0xfb1e) ||
+           ((code >= 0xfe20) && (code <= 0xfe23)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d167) && (code <= 0x1d169)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d17b) && (code <= 0x1d182)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d185) && (code <= 0x1d18b)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d1aa) && (code <= 0x1d1ad)));
+ * xmlUCSIsCatN:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of N UCS Category
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsCatN(int code) {
+    return(((code >= 0x30) && (code <= 0x39)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xb2) && (code <= 0xb3)) ||
+           (code == 0xb9) ||
+           ((code >= 0xbc) && (code <= 0xbe)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x660) && (code <= 0x669)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x6f0) && (code <= 0x6f9)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x966) && (code <= 0x96f)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x9e6) && (code <= 0x9ef)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x9f4) && (code <= 0x9f9)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xa66) && (code <= 0xa6f)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xae6) && (code <= 0xaef)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xb66) && (code <= 0xb6f)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xbe7) && (code <= 0xbf2)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xc66) && (code <= 0xc6f)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xce6) && (code <= 0xcef)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xd66) && (code <= 0xd6f)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xe50) && (code <= 0xe59)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xed0) && (code <= 0xed9)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xf20) && (code <= 0xf33)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1040) && (code <= 0x1049)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1369) && (code <= 0x137c)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x16ee) && (code <= 0x16f0)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x17e0) && (code <= 0x17e9)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1810) && (code <= 0x1819)) ||
+           (code == 0x2070) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2074) && (code <= 0x2079)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2080) && (code <= 0x2089)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2153) && (code <= 0x2183)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2460) && (code <= 0x249b)) ||
+           (code == 0x24ea) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2776) && (code <= 0x2793)) ||
+           (code == 0x3007) ||
+           ((code >= 0x3021) && (code <= 0x3029)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x3038) && (code <= 0x303a)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x3192) && (code <= 0x3195)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x3220) && (code <= 0x3229)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x3280) && (code <= 0x3289)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xff10) && (code <= 0xff19)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x10320) && (code <= 0x10323)) ||
+           (code == 0x1034a) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d7ce) && (code <= 0x1d7ff)));
+ * xmlUCSIsCatNd:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Nd UCS Category
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsCatNd(int code) {
+    return(((code >= 0x30) && (code <= 0x39)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x660) && (code <= 0x669)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x6f0) && (code <= 0x6f9)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x966) && (code <= 0x96f)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x9e6) && (code <= 0x9ef)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xa66) && (code <= 0xa6f)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xae6) && (code <= 0xaef)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xb66) && (code <= 0xb6f)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xbe7) && (code <= 0xbef)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xc66) && (code <= 0xc6f)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xce6) && (code <= 0xcef)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xd66) && (code <= 0xd6f)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xe50) && (code <= 0xe59)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xed0) && (code <= 0xed9)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xf20) && (code <= 0xf29)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1040) && (code <= 0x1049)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1369) && (code <= 0x1371)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x17e0) && (code <= 0x17e9)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1810) && (code <= 0x1819)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xff10) && (code <= 0xff19)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d7ce) && (code <= 0x1d7ff)));
+ * xmlUCSIsCatNl:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Nl UCS Category
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsCatNl(int code) {
+    return(((code >= 0x16ee) && (code <= 0x16f0)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2160) && (code <= 0x2183)) ||
+           (code == 0x3007) ||
+           ((code >= 0x3021) && (code <= 0x3029)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x3038) && (code <= 0x303a)) ||
+           (code == 0x1034a));
+ * xmlUCSIsCatNo:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of No UCS Category
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsCatNo(int code) {
+    return(((code >= 0xb2) && (code <= 0xb3)) ||
+           (code == 0xb9) ||
+           ((code >= 0xbc) && (code <= 0xbe)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x9f4) && (code <= 0x9f9)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xbf0) && (code <= 0xbf2)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xf2a) && (code <= 0xf33)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1372) && (code <= 0x137c)) ||
+           (code == 0x2070) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2074) && (code <= 0x2079)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2080) && (code <= 0x2089)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2153) && (code <= 0x215f)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2460) && (code <= 0x249b)) ||
+           (code == 0x24ea) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2776) && (code <= 0x2793)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x3192) && (code <= 0x3195)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x3220) && (code <= 0x3229)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x3280) && (code <= 0x3289)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x10320) && (code <= 0x10323)));
+ * xmlUCSIsCatP:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of P UCS Category
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsCatP(int code) {
+    return(((code >= 0x21) && (code <= 0x23)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x25) && (code <= 0x2a)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2c) && (code <= 0x2f)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x3a) && (code <= 0x3b)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x3f) && (code <= 0x40)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x5b) && (code <= 0x5d)) ||
+           (code == 0x5f) ||
+           (code == 0x7b) ||
+           (code == 0x7d) ||
+           (code == 0xa1) ||
+           (code == 0xab) ||
+           (code == 0xad) ||
+           (code == 0xb7) ||
+           (code == 0xbb) ||
+           (code == 0xbf) ||
+           (code == 0x37e) ||
+           (code == 0x387) ||
+           ((code >= 0x55a) && (code <= 0x55f)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x589) && (code <= 0x58a)) ||
+           (code == 0x5be) ||
+           (code == 0x5c0) ||
+           (code == 0x5c3) ||
+           ((code >= 0x5f3) && (code <= 0x5f4)) ||
+           (code == 0x60c) ||
+           (code == 0x61b) ||
+           (code == 0x61f) ||
+           ((code >= 0x66a) && (code <= 0x66d)) ||
+           (code == 0x6d4) ||
+           ((code >= 0x700) && (code <= 0x70d)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x964) && (code <= 0x965)) ||
+           (code == 0x970) ||
+           (code == 0xdf4) ||
+           (code == 0xe4f) ||
+           ((code >= 0xe5a) && (code <= 0xe5b)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xf04) && (code <= 0xf12)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xf3a) && (code <= 0xf3d)) ||
+           (code == 0xf85) ||
+           ((code >= 0x104a) && (code <= 0x104f)) ||
+           (code == 0x10fb) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1361) && (code <= 0x1368)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x166d) && (code <= 0x166e)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x169b) && (code <= 0x169c)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x16eb) && (code <= 0x16ed)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x17d4) && (code <= 0x17da)) ||
+           (code == 0x17dc) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1800) && (code <= 0x180a)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2010) && (code <= 0x2027)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2030) && (code <= 0x2043)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2045) && (code <= 0x2046)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2048) && (code <= 0x204d)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x207d) && (code <= 0x207e)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x208d) && (code <= 0x208e)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2329) && (code <= 0x232a)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x3001) && (code <= 0x3003)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x3008) && (code <= 0x3011)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x3014) && (code <= 0x301f)) ||
+           (code == 0x3030) ||
+           (code == 0x30fb) ||
+           ((code >= 0xfd3e) && (code <= 0xfd3f)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xfe30) && (code <= 0xfe44)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xfe49) && (code <= 0xfe52)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xfe54) && (code <= 0xfe61)) ||
+           (code == 0xfe63) ||
+           (code == 0xfe68) ||
+           ((code >= 0xfe6a) && (code <= 0xfe6b)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xff01) && (code <= 0xff03)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xff05) && (code <= 0xff0a)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xff0c) && (code <= 0xff0f)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xff1a) && (code <= 0xff1b)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xff1f) && (code <= 0xff20)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xff3b) && (code <= 0xff3d)) ||
+           (code == 0xff3f) ||
+           (code == 0xff5b) ||
+           (code == 0xff5d) ||
+           ((code >= 0xff61) && (code <= 0xff65)));
+ * xmlUCSIsCatPc:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Pc UCS Category
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsCatPc(int code) {
+    return((code == 0x5f) ||
+           ((code >= 0x203f) && (code <= 0x2040)) ||
+           (code == 0x30fb) ||
+           ((code >= 0xfe33) && (code <= 0xfe34)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xfe4d) && (code <= 0xfe4f)) ||
+           (code == 0xff3f) ||
+           (code == 0xff65));
+ * xmlUCSIsCatPd:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Pd UCS Category
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsCatPd(int code) {
+    return((code == 0x2d) ||
+           (code == 0xad) ||
+           (code == 0x58a) ||
+           (code == 0x1806) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2010) && (code <= 0x2015)) ||
+           (code == 0x301c) ||
+           (code == 0x3030) ||
+           ((code >= 0xfe31) && (code <= 0xfe32)) ||
+           (code == 0xfe58) ||
+           (code == 0xfe63) ||
+           (code == 0xff0d));
+ * xmlUCSIsCatPe:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Pe UCS Category
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsCatPe(int code) {
+    return((code == 0x29) ||
+           (code == 0x5d) ||
+           (code == 0x7d) ||
+           (code == 0xf3b) ||
+           (code == 0xf3d) ||
+           (code == 0x169c) ||
+           (code == 0x2046) ||
+           (code == 0x207e) ||
+           (code == 0x208e) ||
+           (code == 0x232a) ||
+           (code == 0x3009) ||
+           (code == 0x300b) ||
+           (code == 0x300d) ||
+           (code == 0x300f) ||
+           (code == 0x3011) ||
+           (code == 0x3015) ||
+           (code == 0x3017) ||
+           (code == 0x3019) ||
+           (code == 0x301b) ||
+           ((code >= 0x301e) && (code <= 0x301f)) ||
+           (code == 0xfd3f) ||
+           (code == 0xfe36) ||
+           (code == 0xfe38) ||
+           (code == 0xfe3a) ||
+           (code == 0xfe3c) ||
+           (code == 0xfe3e) ||
+           (code == 0xfe40) ||
+           (code == 0xfe42) ||
+           (code == 0xfe44) ||
+           (code == 0xfe5a) ||
+           (code == 0xfe5c) ||
+           (code == 0xfe5e) ||
+           (code == 0xff09) ||
+           (code == 0xff3d) ||
+           (code == 0xff5d) ||
+           (code == 0xff63));
+ * xmlUCSIsCatPf:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Pf UCS Category
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsCatPf(int code) {
+    return((code == 0xbb) ||
+           (code == 0x2019) ||
+           (code == 0x201d) ||
+           (code == 0x203a));
+ * xmlUCSIsCatPi:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Pi UCS Category
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsCatPi(int code) {
+    return((code == 0xab) ||
+           (code == 0x2018) ||
+           ((code >= 0x201b) && (code <= 0x201c)) ||
+           (code == 0x201f) ||
+           (code == 0x2039));
+ * xmlUCSIsCatPo:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Po UCS Category
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsCatPo(int code) {
+    return(((code >= 0x21) && (code <= 0x23)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x25) && (code <= 0x27)) ||
+           (code == 0x2a) ||
+           (code == 0x2c) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2e) && (code <= 0x2f)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x3a) && (code <= 0x3b)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x3f) && (code <= 0x40)) ||
+           (code == 0x5c) ||
+           (code == 0xa1) ||
+           (code == 0xb7) ||
+           (code == 0xbf) ||
+           (code == 0x37e) ||
+           (code == 0x387) ||
+           ((code >= 0x55a) && (code <= 0x55f)) ||
+           (code == 0x589) ||
+           (code == 0x5be) ||
+           (code == 0x5c0) ||
+           (code == 0x5c3) ||
+           ((code >= 0x5f3) && (code <= 0x5f4)) ||
+           (code == 0x60c) ||
+           (code == 0x61b) ||
+           (code == 0x61f) ||
+           ((code >= 0x66a) && (code <= 0x66d)) ||
+           (code == 0x6d4) ||
+           ((code >= 0x700) && (code <= 0x70d)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x964) && (code <= 0x965)) ||
+           (code == 0x970) ||
+           (code == 0xdf4) ||
+           (code == 0xe4f) ||
+           ((code >= 0xe5a) && (code <= 0xe5b)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xf04) && (code <= 0xf12)) ||
+           (code == 0xf85) ||
+           ((code >= 0x104a) && (code <= 0x104f)) ||
+           (code == 0x10fb) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1361) && (code <= 0x1368)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x166d) && (code <= 0x166e)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x16eb) && (code <= 0x16ed)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x17d4) && (code <= 0x17da)) ||
+           (code == 0x17dc) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1800) && (code <= 0x1805)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1807) && (code <= 0x180a)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2016) && (code <= 0x2017)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2020) && (code <= 0x2027)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2030) && (code <= 0x2038)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x203b) && (code <= 0x203e)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2041) && (code <= 0x2043)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2048) && (code <= 0x204d)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x3001) && (code <= 0x3003)) ||
+           (code == 0xfe30) ||
+           ((code >= 0xfe49) && (code <= 0xfe4c)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xfe50) && (code <= 0xfe52)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xfe54) && (code <= 0xfe57)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xfe5f) && (code <= 0xfe61)) ||
+           (code == 0xfe68) ||
+           ((code >= 0xfe6a) && (code <= 0xfe6b)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xff01) && (code <= 0xff03)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xff05) && (code <= 0xff07)) ||
+           (code == 0xff0a) ||
+           (code == 0xff0c) ||
+           ((code >= 0xff0e) && (code <= 0xff0f)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xff1a) && (code <= 0xff1b)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xff1f) && (code <= 0xff20)) ||
+           (code == 0xff3c) ||
+           (code == 0xff61) ||
+           (code == 0xff64));
+ * xmlUCSIsCatPs:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Ps UCS Category
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsCatPs(int code) {
+    return((code == 0x28) ||
+           (code == 0x5b) ||
+           (code == 0x7b) ||
+           (code == 0xf3a) ||
+           (code == 0xf3c) ||
+           (code == 0x169b) ||
+           (code == 0x201a) ||
+           (code == 0x201e) ||
+           (code == 0x2045) ||
+           (code == 0x207d) ||
+           (code == 0x208d) ||
+           (code == 0x2329) ||
+           (code == 0x3008) ||
+           (code == 0x300a) ||
+           (code == 0x300c) ||
+           (code == 0x300e) ||
+           (code == 0x3010) ||
+           (code == 0x3014) ||
+           (code == 0x3016) ||
+           (code == 0x3018) ||
+           (code == 0x301a) ||
+           (code == 0x301d) ||
+           (code == 0xfd3e) ||
+           (code == 0xfe35) ||
+           (code == 0xfe37) ||
+           (code == 0xfe39) ||
+           (code == 0xfe3b) ||
+           (code == 0xfe3d) ||
+           (code == 0xfe3f) ||
+           (code == 0xfe41) ||
+           (code == 0xfe43) ||
+           (code == 0xfe59) ||
+           (code == 0xfe5b) ||
+           (code == 0xfe5d) ||
+           (code == 0xff08) ||
+           (code == 0xff3b) ||
+           (code == 0xff5b) ||
+           (code == 0xff62));
+ * xmlUCSIsCatS:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of S UCS Category
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsCatS(int code) {
+    return((code == 0x24) ||
+           (code == 0x2b) ||
+           ((code >= 0x3c) && (code <= 0x3e)) ||
+           (code == 0x5e) ||
+           (code == 0x60) ||
+           (code == 0x7c) ||
+           (code == 0x7e) ||
+           ((code >= 0xa2) && (code <= 0xa9)) ||
+           (code == 0xac) ||
+           ((code >= 0xae) && (code <= 0xb1)) ||
+           (code == 0xb4) ||
+           (code == 0xb6) ||
+           (code == 0xb8) ||
+           (code == 0xd7) ||
+           (code == 0xf7) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2b9) && (code <= 0x2ba)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2c2) && (code <= 0x2cf)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2d2) && (code <= 0x2df)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2e5) && (code <= 0x2ed)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x374) && (code <= 0x375)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x384) && (code <= 0x385)) ||
+           (code == 0x482) ||
+           (code == 0x6e9) ||
+           ((code >= 0x6fd) && (code <= 0x6fe)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x9f2) && (code <= 0x9f3)) ||
+           (code == 0x9fa) ||
+           (code == 0xb70) ||
+           (code == 0xe3f) ||
+           ((code >= 0xf01) && (code <= 0xf03)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xf13) && (code <= 0xf17)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xf1a) && (code <= 0xf1f)) ||
+           (code == 0xf34) ||
+           (code == 0xf36) ||
+           (code == 0xf38) ||
+           ((code >= 0xfbe) && (code <= 0xfc5)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xfc7) && (code <= 0xfcc)) ||
+           (code == 0xfcf) ||
+           (code == 0x17db) ||
+           (code == 0x1fbd) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1fbf) && (code <= 0x1fc1)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1fcd) && (code <= 0x1fcf)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1fdd) && (code <= 0x1fdf)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1fed) && (code <= 0x1fef)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1ffd) && (code <= 0x1ffe)) ||
+           (code == 0x2044) ||
+           ((code >= 0x207a) && (code <= 0x207c)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x208a) && (code <= 0x208c)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x20a0) && (code <= 0x20af)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2100) && (code <= 0x2101)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2103) && (code <= 0x2106)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2108) && (code <= 0x2109)) ||
+           (code == 0x2114) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2116) && (code <= 0x2118)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x211e) && (code <= 0x2123)) ||
+           (code == 0x2125) ||
+           (code == 0x2127) ||
+           (code == 0x2129) ||
+           (code == 0x212e) ||
+           (code == 0x2132) ||
+           (code == 0x213a) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2190) && (code <= 0x21f3)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2200) && (code <= 0x22f1)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2300) && (code <= 0x2328)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x232b) && (code <= 0x237b)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x237d) && (code <= 0x239a)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2400) && (code <= 0x2426)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2440) && (code <= 0x244a)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x249c) && (code <= 0x24e9)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2500) && (code <= 0x2595)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x25a0) && (code <= 0x25f7)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2600) && (code <= 0x2613)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2619) && (code <= 0x2671)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2701) && (code <= 0x2704)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2706) && (code <= 0x2709)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x270c) && (code <= 0x2727)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2729) && (code <= 0x274b)) ||
+           (code == 0x274d) ||
+           ((code >= 0x274f) && (code <= 0x2752)) ||
+           (code == 0x2756) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2758) && (code <= 0x275e)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2761) && (code <= 0x2767)) ||
+           (code == 0x2794) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2798) && (code <= 0x27af)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x27b1) && (code <= 0x27be)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2800) && (code <= 0x28ff)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2e80) && (code <= 0x2e99)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2e9b) && (code <= 0x2ef3)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2f00) && (code <= 0x2fd5)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2ff0) && (code <= 0x2ffb)) ||
+           (code == 0x3004) ||
+           ((code >= 0x3012) && (code <= 0x3013)) ||
+           (code == 0x3020) ||
+           ((code >= 0x3036) && (code <= 0x3037)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x303e) && (code <= 0x303f)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x309b) && (code <= 0x309c)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x3190) && (code <= 0x3191)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x3196) && (code <= 0x319f)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x3200) && (code <= 0x321c)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x322a) && (code <= 0x3243)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x3260) && (code <= 0x327b)) ||
+           (code == 0x327f) ||
+           ((code >= 0x328a) && (code <= 0x32b0)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x32c0) && (code <= 0x32cb)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x32d0) && (code <= 0x32fe)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x3300) && (code <= 0x3376)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x337b) && (code <= 0x33dd)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x33e0) && (code <= 0x33fe)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xa490) && (code <= 0xa4a1)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xa4a4) && (code <= 0xa4b3)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xa4b5) && (code <= 0xa4c0)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xa4c2) && (code <= 0xa4c4)) ||
+           (code == 0xa4c6) ||
+           (code == 0xfb29) ||
+           (code == 0xfe62) ||
+           ((code >= 0xfe64) && (code <= 0xfe66)) ||
+           (code == 0xfe69) ||
+           (code == 0xff04) ||
+           (code == 0xff0b) ||
+           ((code >= 0xff1c) && (code <= 0xff1e)) ||
+           (code == 0xff3e) ||
+           (code == 0xff40) ||
+           (code == 0xff5c) ||
+           (code == 0xff5e) ||
+           ((code >= 0xffe0) && (code <= 0xffe6)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xffe8) && (code <= 0xffee)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xfffc) && (code <= 0xfffd)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d000) && (code <= 0x1d0f5)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d100) && (code <= 0x1d126)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d12a) && (code <= 0x1d164)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d16a) && (code <= 0x1d16c)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d183) && (code <= 0x1d184)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d18c) && (code <= 0x1d1a9)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d1ae) && (code <= 0x1d1dd)) ||
+           (code == 0x1d6c1) ||
+           (code == 0x1d6db) ||
+           (code == 0x1d6fb) ||
+           (code == 0x1d715) ||
+           (code == 0x1d735) ||
+           (code == 0x1d74f) ||
+           (code == 0x1d76f) ||
+           (code == 0x1d789) ||
+           (code == 0x1d7a9) ||
+           (code == 0x1d7c3));
+ * xmlUCSIsCatSc:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Sc UCS Category
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsCatSc(int code) {
+    return((code == 0x24) ||
+           ((code >= 0xa2) && (code <= 0xa5)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x9f2) && (code <= 0x9f3)) ||
+           (code == 0xe3f) ||
+           (code == 0x17db) ||
+           ((code >= 0x20a0) && (code <= 0x20af)) ||
+           (code == 0xfe69) ||
+           (code == 0xff04) ||
+           ((code >= 0xffe0) && (code <= 0xffe1)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xffe5) && (code <= 0xffe6)));
+ * xmlUCSIsCatSk:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Sk UCS Category
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsCatSk(int code) {
+    return((code == 0x5e) ||
+           (code == 0x60) ||
+           (code == 0xa8) ||
+           (code == 0xaf) ||
+           (code == 0xb4) ||
+           (code == 0xb8) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2b9) && (code <= 0x2ba)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2c2) && (code <= 0x2cf)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2d2) && (code <= 0x2df)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2e5) && (code <= 0x2ed)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x374) && (code <= 0x375)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x384) && (code <= 0x385)) ||
+           (code == 0x1fbd) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1fbf) && (code <= 0x1fc1)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1fcd) && (code <= 0x1fcf)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1fdd) && (code <= 0x1fdf)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1fed) && (code <= 0x1fef)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1ffd) && (code <= 0x1ffe)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x309b) && (code <= 0x309c)) ||
+           (code == 0xff3e) ||
+           (code == 0xff40) ||
+           (code == 0xffe3));
+ * xmlUCSIsCatSm:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Sm UCS Category
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsCatSm(int code) {
+    return((code == 0x2b) ||
+           ((code >= 0x3c) && (code <= 0x3e)) ||
+           (code == 0x7c) ||
+           (code == 0x7e) ||
+           (code == 0xac) ||
+           (code == 0xb1) ||
+           (code == 0xd7) ||
+           (code == 0xf7) ||
+           (code == 0x2044) ||
+           ((code >= 0x207a) && (code <= 0x207c)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x208a) && (code <= 0x208c)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2190) && (code <= 0x2194)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x219a) && (code <= 0x219b)) ||
+           (code == 0x21a0) ||
+           (code == 0x21a3) ||
+           (code == 0x21a6) ||
+           (code == 0x21ae) ||
+           ((code >= 0x21ce) && (code <= 0x21cf)) ||
+           (code == 0x21d2) ||
+           (code == 0x21d4) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2200) && (code <= 0x22f1)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2308) && (code <= 0x230b)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2320) && (code <= 0x2321)) ||
+           (code == 0x25b7) ||
+           (code == 0x25c1) ||
+           (code == 0x266f) ||
+           (code == 0xfb29) ||
+           (code == 0xfe62) ||
+           ((code >= 0xfe64) && (code <= 0xfe66)) ||
+           (code == 0xff0b) ||
+           ((code >= 0xff1c) && (code <= 0xff1e)) ||
+           (code == 0xff5c) ||
+           (code == 0xff5e) ||
+           (code == 0xffe2) ||
+           ((code >= 0xffe9) && (code <= 0xffec)) ||
+           (code == 0x1d6c1) ||
+           (code == 0x1d6db) ||
+           (code == 0x1d6fb) ||
+           (code == 0x1d715) ||
+           (code == 0x1d735) ||
+           (code == 0x1d74f) ||
+           (code == 0x1d76f) ||
+           (code == 0x1d789) ||
+           (code == 0x1d7a9) ||
+           (code == 0x1d7c3));
+ * xmlUCSIsCatSo:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of So UCS Category
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsCatSo(int code) {
+    return(((code >= 0xa6) && (code <= 0xa7)) ||
+           (code == 0xa9) ||
+           (code == 0xae) ||
+           (code == 0xb0) ||
+           (code == 0xb6) ||
+           (code == 0x482) ||
+           (code == 0x6e9) ||
+           ((code >= 0x6fd) && (code <= 0x6fe)) ||
+           (code == 0x9fa) ||
+           (code == 0xb70) ||
+           ((code >= 0xf01) && (code <= 0xf03)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xf13) && (code <= 0xf17)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xf1a) && (code <= 0xf1f)) ||
+           (code == 0xf34) ||
+           (code == 0xf36) ||
+           (code == 0xf38) ||
+           ((code >= 0xfbe) && (code <= 0xfc5)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xfc7) && (code <= 0xfcc)) ||
+           (code == 0xfcf) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2100) && (code <= 0x2101)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2103) && (code <= 0x2106)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2108) && (code <= 0x2109)) ||
+           (code == 0x2114) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2116) && (code <= 0x2118)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x211e) && (code <= 0x2123)) ||
+           (code == 0x2125) ||
+           (code == 0x2127) ||
+           (code == 0x2129) ||
+           (code == 0x212e) ||
+           (code == 0x2132) ||
+           (code == 0x213a) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2195) && (code <= 0x2199)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x219c) && (code <= 0x219f)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x21a1) && (code <= 0x21a2)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x21a4) && (code <= 0x21a5)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x21a7) && (code <= 0x21ad)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x21af) && (code <= 0x21cd)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x21d0) && (code <= 0x21d1)) ||
+           (code == 0x21d3) ||
+           ((code >= 0x21d5) && (code <= 0x21f3)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2300) && (code <= 0x2307)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x230c) && (code <= 0x231f)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2322) && (code <= 0x2328)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x232b) && (code <= 0x237b)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x237d) && (code <= 0x239a)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2400) && (code <= 0x2426)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2440) && (code <= 0x244a)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x249c) && (code <= 0x24e9)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2500) && (code <= 0x2595)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x25a0) && (code <= 0x25b6)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x25b8) && (code <= 0x25c0)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x25c2) && (code <= 0x25f7)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2600) && (code <= 0x2613)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2619) && (code <= 0x266e)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2670) && (code <= 0x2671)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2701) && (code <= 0x2704)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2706) && (code <= 0x2709)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x270c) && (code <= 0x2727)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2729) && (code <= 0x274b)) ||
+           (code == 0x274d) ||
+           ((code >= 0x274f) && (code <= 0x2752)) ||
+           (code == 0x2756) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2758) && (code <= 0x275e)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2761) && (code <= 0x2767)) ||
+           (code == 0x2794) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2798) && (code <= 0x27af)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x27b1) && (code <= 0x27be)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2800) && (code <= 0x28ff)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2e80) && (code <= 0x2e99)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2e9b) && (code <= 0x2ef3)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2f00) && (code <= 0x2fd5)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2ff0) && (code <= 0x2ffb)) ||
+           (code == 0x3004) ||
+           ((code >= 0x3012) && (code <= 0x3013)) ||
+           (code == 0x3020) ||
+           ((code >= 0x3036) && (code <= 0x3037)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x303e) && (code <= 0x303f)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x3190) && (code <= 0x3191)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x3196) && (code <= 0x319f)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x3200) && (code <= 0x321c)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x322a) && (code <= 0x3243)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x3260) && (code <= 0x327b)) ||
+           (code == 0x327f) ||
+           ((code >= 0x328a) && (code <= 0x32b0)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x32c0) && (code <= 0x32cb)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x32d0) && (code <= 0x32fe)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x3300) && (code <= 0x3376)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x337b) && (code <= 0x33dd)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x33e0) && (code <= 0x33fe)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xa490) && (code <= 0xa4a1)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xa4a4) && (code <= 0xa4b3)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xa4b5) && (code <= 0xa4c0)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xa4c2) && (code <= 0xa4c4)) ||
+           (code == 0xa4c6) ||
+           (code == 0xffe4) ||
+           (code == 0xffe8) ||
+           ((code >= 0xffed) && (code <= 0xffee)) ||
+           ((code >= 0xfffc) && (code <= 0xfffd)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d000) && (code <= 0x1d0f5)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d100) && (code <= 0x1d126)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d12a) && (code <= 0x1d164)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d16a) && (code <= 0x1d16c)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d183) && (code <= 0x1d184)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d18c) && (code <= 0x1d1a9)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x1d1ae) && (code <= 0x1d1dd)));
+ * xmlUCSIsCatZ:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Z UCS Category
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsCatZ(int code) {
+    return((code == 0x20) ||
+           (code == 0xa0) ||
+           (code == 0x1680) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2000) && (code <= 0x200b)) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2028) && (code <= 0x2029)) ||
+           (code == 0x202f) ||
+           (code == 0x3000));
+ * xmlUCSIsCatZl:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Zl UCS Category
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsCatZl(int code) {
+    return((code == 0x2028));
+ * xmlUCSIsCatZp:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Zp UCS Category
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsCatZp(int code) {
+    return((code == 0x2029));
+ * xmlUCSIsCatZs:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ *
+ * Check whether the character is part of Zs UCS Category
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true 0 otherwise
+ */
+xmlUCSIsCatZs(int code) {
+    return((code == 0x20) ||
+           (code == 0xa0) ||
+           (code == 0x1680) ||
+           ((code >= 0x2000) && (code <= 0x200b)) ||
+           (code == 0x202f) ||
+           (code == 0x3000));
+ * xmlUCSIsCat:
+ * @code: UCS code point
+ * @cat: UCS Category name
+ *
+ * Check whether the caracter is part of the UCS Category
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if true, 0 if false and -1 on unknown category
+ */
+xmlUCSIsCat(int code, const char *cat) {
+    if (!strcmp(cat, "C"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsCatC(code));
+    if (!strcmp(cat, "Cc"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsCatCc(code));
+    if (!strcmp(cat, "Cf"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsCatCf(code));
+    if (!strcmp(cat, "Co"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsCatCo(code));
+    if (!strcmp(cat, "Cs"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsCatCs(code));
+    if (!strcmp(cat, "L"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsCatL(code));
+    if (!strcmp(cat, "Ll"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsCatLl(code));
+    if (!strcmp(cat, "Lm"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsCatLm(code));
+    if (!strcmp(cat, "Lo"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsCatLo(code));
+    if (!strcmp(cat, "Lt"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsCatLt(code));
+    if (!strcmp(cat, "Lu"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsCatLu(code));
+    if (!strcmp(cat, "M"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsCatM(code));
+    if (!strcmp(cat, "Mc"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsCatMc(code));
+    if (!strcmp(cat, "Me"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsCatMe(code));
+    if (!strcmp(cat, "Mn"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsCatMn(code));
+    if (!strcmp(cat, "N"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsCatN(code));
+    if (!strcmp(cat, "Nd"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsCatNd(code));
+    if (!strcmp(cat, "Nl"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsCatNl(code));
+    if (!strcmp(cat, "No"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsCatNo(code));
+    if (!strcmp(cat, "P"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsCatP(code));
+    if (!strcmp(cat, "Pc"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsCatPc(code));
+    if (!strcmp(cat, "Pd"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsCatPd(code));
+    if (!strcmp(cat, "Pe"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsCatPe(code));
+    if (!strcmp(cat, "Pf"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsCatPf(code));
+    if (!strcmp(cat, "Pi"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsCatPi(code));
+    if (!strcmp(cat, "Po"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsCatPo(code));
+    if (!strcmp(cat, "Ps"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsCatPs(code));
+    if (!strcmp(cat, "S"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsCatS(code));
+    if (!strcmp(cat, "Sc"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsCatSc(code));
+    if (!strcmp(cat, "Sk"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsCatSk(code));
+    if (!strcmp(cat, "Sm"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsCatSm(code));
+    if (!strcmp(cat, "So"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsCatSo(code));
+    if (!strcmp(cat, "Z"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsCatZ(code));
+    if (!strcmp(cat, "Zl"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsCatZl(code));
+    if (!strcmp(cat, "Zp"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsCatZp(code));
+    if (!strcmp(cat, "Zs"))
+        return(xmlUCSIsCatZs(code));
+    return(-1);