starting work on reusing the parser dictionary for the element and

* SAX2.c include/libxml/parser.h: starting work on reusing the
  parser dictionary for the element and attribute tag names.
  Add pools for Element and Attributes in the parser context,
  which should help speeding up the reader.
* result/*.rdr : adding non-python reader regression
diff --git a/ b/
index e5386d1..05bb587 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
 testall : tests SVGtests SAXtests
-tests: XMLtests XMLenttests NStests SAXtests HTMLtests Validtests URItests XPathtests XPtrtests XIncludetests C14Ntests Scripttests Catatests @TEST_REGEXPS@ @TEST_SCHEMAS@ @TEST_THREADS@
+tests: XMLtests XMLenttests NStests Readertests SAXtests HTMLtests Validtests URItests XPathtests XPtrtests XIncludetests C14Ntests Scripttests Catatests @TEST_REGEXPS@ @TEST_SCHEMAS@ @TEST_THREADS@
 	@(if [ "@PYTHON_SUBDIR@" != "" ] ; then cd python ; $(MAKE) tests ; fi)
@@ -569,6 +569,27 @@
 	-@($(CHECKER) $(top_builddir)/testThreads ; \
 	   grep "MORY ALLO" .memdump  | grep -v "MEMORY ALLOCATED : 0";)
+Readertests : testReader$(EXEEXT)
+	@(echo > .memdump)
+	@echo "##"
+	@echo "## Reader regression tests"
+	@echo "##"
+	-@(for i in $(srcdir)/test/* ; do \
+	  name=`basename $$i`; \
+	  if [ ! -d $$i ] ; then \
+	  if [ ! -f $(srcdir)/result/$$name.rdr ] ; then \
+	      echo New test file $$name ; \
+	      $(CHECKER) $(top_builddir)/xmllint --nonet --debug --stream $$i > $(srcdir)/result/$$name.rdr 2>/dev/null ; \
+	      grep "MORY ALLO" .memdump  | grep -v "MEMORY ALLOCATED : 0";\
+	  else \
+	      echo Testing $$name ; \
+	      $(CHECKER) $(top_builddir)/xmllint --nonet --debug --stream $$i > result.$$name 2>/dev/null ; \
+	      grep "MORY ALLO" .memdump  | grep -v "MEMORY ALLOCATED : 0";\
+	      diff $(srcdir)/result/$$name.rdr result.$$name ; \
+	      rm result.$$name ; \
+	  fi ; fi ; done)
 SAXtests : testSAX$(EXEEXT)
 	@(echo > .memdump)
 	@echo "##"