fixed the serious CPU usage problem reported by Grant Goodale applied

* parser.c: fixed the serious CPU usage problem reported by
  Grant Goodale
* HTMLparser.c: applied patch from Oliver Kidman about a free
  missing in htmlSAXParseDoc
diff --git a/HTMLparser.c b/HTMLparser.c
index 2168bbd..8f9cfff 100644
--- a/HTMLparser.c
+++ b/HTMLparser.c
@@ -5322,6 +5322,7 @@
     ctxt = htmlCreateDocParserCtxt(cur, encoding);
     if (ctxt == NULL) return(NULL);
     if (sax != NULL) { 
+        if (ctxt->sax != NULL) xmlFree (ctxt->sax);
         ctxt->sax = sax;
         ctxt->userData = userData;