fixed XML Base computation which was broken added a base function to the

* tree.c: fixed XML Base computation which was broken
* debugXML.c: added a base function to the shell
* result/scripts/* test/scripts/*: added scripts
  based regression tests, and adding 2 XML Base tests
diff --git a/ b/
index 5c98219..202b2c9 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
 testall : tests SVGtests SAXtests
-tests: XMLtests XMLenttests HTMLtests Validtests URItests XPathtests XPtrtests XIncludetests
+tests: XMLtests XMLenttests HTMLtests Validtests URItests XPathtests XPtrtests XIncludetests Scripttests
 HTMLtests : testHTML
 	@(echo > .memdump)
@@ -365,6 +365,27 @@
 	      rm result.$$name ; \
 	  fi ; fi ; done)
+Scripttests : xmllint
+	@(echo > .memdump)
+	@echo "##"
+	@echo "## Scripts regression tests"
+	@echo "## Some of the base computations may be different if srcdir != ."
+	@echo "##"
+	@(for i in $(srcdir)/test/scripts/*.script ; do \
+	  name=`basename $$i .script`; \
+	  xml=$(srcdir)/test/scripts/`basename $$i .script`.xml; \
+	  if [ -f $$xml ] ; then \
+	  if [ ! -f $(srcdir)/result/scripts/$$name ] ; then \
+	      echo New test file $$name ; \
+	      $(top_builddir)/xmllint --shell $$xml < $$i > $(srcdir)/result/scripts/$$name ; \
+	  else \
+	      echo Testing $$name ; \
+	      $(top_builddir)/xmllint --shell $$xml < $$i > result.$$name ; \
+	      grep "MORY ALLO" .memdump  | grep -v "MEMORY ALLOCATED : 0";\
+	      diff $(srcdir)/result/scripts/$$name result.$$name ; \
+	      rm result.$$name ; \
+	  fi ; fi ; done)
 SVGtests : xmllint
 	@echo "##"
 	@echo "## SVG parsing regression tests"