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<h1>The XML C library for Gnome</h1>
<h2>Validation, or are you afraid of DTDs ?</h2>
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<p>Well what is validation and what is a DTD ?</p>
<p>Validation is the process of checking a document against a set of
construction rules; a <strong>DTD</strong> (Document Type Definition) is such
a set of rules.</p>
<p>The validation process and building DTDs are the two most difficult parts
of the XML life cycle. Briefly a DTD defines all the possibles element to be
found within your document, what is the formal shape of your document tree
(by defining the allowed content of an element, either text, a regular
expression for the allowed list of children, or mixed content i.e. both text
and children). The DTD also defines the allowed attributes for all elements
and the types of the attributes. For more detailed information, I suggest
that you read the related parts of the XML specification, the examples found
under gnome-xml/test/valid/dtd and any of the large number of books available
on XML. The dia example in gnome-xml/test/valid should be both simple and
complete enough to allow you to build your own.</p>
<p>A word of warning, building a good DTD which will fit the needs of your
application in the long-term is far from trivial; however, the extra level of
quality it can ensure is well worth the price for some sets of applications
or if you already have already a DTD defined for your application field.</p>
<p>The validation is not completely finished but in a (very IMHO) usable
state. Until a real validation interface is defined the way to do it is to
define and set the <strong>xmlDoValidityCheckingDefaultValue</strong>
external variable to 1, this will of course be changed at some point:</p>
<p>extern int xmlDoValidityCheckingDefaultValue;</p>
<p>xmlDoValidityCheckingDefaultValue = 1;</p>
<p>To handle external entities, use the function
<strong>xmlSetExternalEntityLoader</strong>(xmlExternalEntityLoader f); to
link in you HTTP/FTP/Entities database library to the standard libxml
<p><a href="">Daniel Veillard</a></p>