blob: b9d7eccc04c3c05ac5a2d1d0df68c9716c6f9e84 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Configure script for libxml, specific for Windows with Scripting Host.
* This script will configure the libxml build process and create necessary files.
* Run it with an 'help', or an invalid option and it will tell you what options
* it accepts.
* March 2002, Igor Zlatkovic <>
/* The source directory, relative to the one where this file resides. */
var srcDirXml = "..";
var srcDirUtils = "..";
/* The directory where we put the binaries after compilation. */
var binDir = "binaries";
/* Base name of what we are building. */
var baseName = "libxml2";
/* Configure file which contains the version and the output file where
we can store our build configuration. */
var configFile = srcDirXml + "\\";
var versionFile = ".\\config.msvc";
/* Input and output files regarding the libxml features. The second
output file is there for the compatibility reasons, otherwise it
is identical to the first. */
var optsFileIn = srcDirXml + "\\include\\libxml\\";
var optsFile = srcDirXml + "\\include\\libxml\\xmlversion.h";
/* Version strings for the binary distribution. Will be filled later
in the code. */
var verMajor;
var verMinor;
var verMicro;
/* Libxml features. */
var withTrio = false;
var withThreads = "no";
var withFtp = true;
var withHttp = true;
var withHtml = true;
var withC14n = true;
var withCatalog = true;
var withDocb = true;
var withXpath = true;
var withXptr = true;
var withXinclude = true;
var withIconv = true;
var withZlib = false;
var withDebug = true;
var withMemDebug = false;
var withSchemas = true;
var withRegExps = true;
/* Win32 build options. */
var compiler = "msvc";
var buildDebug = 0;
var buildStatic = 0;
var buildPrefix = ".";
var buildBinPrefix = "$(PREFIX)\\bin";
var buildIncPrefix = "$(PREFIX)\\include";
var buildLibPrefix = "$(PREFIX)\\lib";
var buildSoPrefix = "$(PREFIX)\\lib";
var buildInclude = ".";
var buildLib = ".";
/* Local stuff */
var error = 0;
/* Helper function, transforms the option variable into the 'Enabled'
or 'Disabled' string. */
function boolToStr(opt)
if (opt == false)
return "no";
else if (opt == true)
return "yes";
error = 1;
return "*** undefined ***";
/* Helper function, transforms the argument string into a boolean
value. */
function strToBool(opt)
if (opt == 0 || opt == "no")
return false;
else if (opt == 1 || opt == "yes")
return true;
error = 1;
return false;
/* Displays the details about how to use this script. */
function usage()
var txt;
txt = "Usage:\n";
txt += " cscript " + WScript.ScriptName + " <options>\n";
txt += " cscript " + WScript.ScriptName + " help\n\n";
txt += "Options can be specified in the form <option>=<value>, where the value is\n";
txt += "either 'yes' or 'no', if not stated otherwise.\n\n";
txt += "\nXML processor options, default value given in parentheses:\n\n";
txt += " trio: Enable TRIO string manipulator (" + (withTrio? "yes" : "no") + ")\n";
txt += " threads: Enable thread safety [no|ctls|native|posix] (" + (withThreads) + ") \n";
txt += " ftp: Enable FTP client (" + (withFtp? "yes" : "no") + ")\n";
txt += " http: Enable HTTP client (" + (withHttp? "yes" : "no") + ")\n";
txt += " html: Enable HTML processor (" + (withHtml? "yes" : "no") + ")\n";
txt += " c14n: Enable C14N support (" + (withC14n? "yes" : "no") + ")\n";
txt += " catalog: Enable catalog support (" + (withCatalog? "yes" : "no") + ")\n";
txt += " docb: Enable DocBook support (" + (withDocb? "yes" : "no") + ")\n";
txt += " xpath: Enable XPath support (" + (withXpath? "yes" : "no") + ")\n";
txt += " xptr: Enable XPointer support (" + (withXptr? "yes" : "no") + ")\n";
txt += " xinclude: Enable XInclude support (" + (withXinclude? "yes" : "no") + ")\n";
txt += " iconv: Enable iconv support (" + (withIconv? "yes" : "no") + ")\n";
txt += " zlib: Enable zlib support (" + (withZlib? "yes" : "no") + ")\n";
txt += " xml_debug: Enable XML debbugging module (" + (withDebug? "yes" : "no") + ")\n";
txt += " mem_debug: Enable memory debugger (" + (withMemDebug? "yes" : "no") + ")\n";
txt += " regexps: Enable regular expressions (" + (withRegExps? "yes" : "no") + ")\n";
txt += " schemas: Enable XML Schema support (" + (withSchemas? "yes" : "no") + ")\n";
txt += "\nWin32 build options, default value given in parentheses:\n\n";
txt += " compiler: Compiler to be used [msvc|mingw] (" + compiler + ")\n";
txt += " debug: Build unoptimised debug executables (" + (buildDebug? "yes" : "no") + ")\n";
txt += " static: Link xmllint statically to libxml2 (" + (buildStatic? "yes" : "no") + ")\n";
txt += " prefix: Base directory for the installation (" + buildPrefix + ")\n";
txt += " bindir: Directory where xmllint and friends should be installed\n";
txt += " (" + buildBinPrefix + ")\n";
txt += " incdir: Directory where headers should be installed\n";
txt += " (" + buildIncPrefix + ")\n";
txt += " libdir: Directory where static and import libraries should be\n";
txt += " installed (" + buildLibPrefix + ")\n";
txt += " sodir: Directory where shared libraries should be installed\n";
txt += " (" + buildSoPrefix + ")\n";
txt += " include: Additional search path for the compiler, particularily\n";
txt += " where iconv headers can be found (" + buildInclude + ")\n";
txt += " lib: Additional search path for the linker, particularily\n";
txt += " where iconv library can be found (" + buildLib + ")\n";
/* Discovers the version we are working with by reading the apropriate
configuration file. Despite its name, this also writes the configuration
file included by our makefile. */
function discoverVersion()
var fso, cf, vf, ln, s;
fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
cf = fso.OpenTextFile(configFile, 1);
if (compiler == "msvc")
versionFile = ".\\config.msvc";
else if (compiler == "mingw")
versionFile = ".\\config.mingw";
vf = fso.CreateTextFile(versionFile, true);
vf.WriteLine("# " + versionFile);
vf.WriteLine("# This file is generated automatically by " + WScript.ScriptName + ".");
while (cf.AtEndOfStream != true) {
ln = cf.ReadLine();
s = new String(ln);
if (^LIBXML_MAJOR_VERSION/) != -1) {
verMajor = s.substring(s.indexOf("=") + 1, s.length)
} else if(^LIBXML_MINOR_VERSION/) != -1) {
verMinor = s.substring(s.indexOf("=") + 1, s.length)
} else if(^LIBXML_MICRO_VERSION/) != -1) {
verMicro = s.substring(s.indexOf("=") + 1, s.length)
vf.WriteLine("XML_SRCDIR=" + srcDirXml);
vf.WriteLine("UTILS_SRCDIR=" + srcDirUtils);
vf.WriteLine("BINDIR=" + binDir);
vf.WriteLine("WITH_TRIO=" + (withTrio? "1" : "0"));
vf.WriteLine("WITH_THREADS=" + withThreads);
vf.WriteLine("WITH_FTP=" + (withFtp? "1" : "0"));
vf.WriteLine("WITH_HTTP=" + (withHttp? "1" : "0"));
vf.WriteLine("WITH_HTML=" + (withHtml? "1" : "0"));
vf.WriteLine("WITH_C14N=" + (withC14n? "1" : "0"));
vf.WriteLine("WITH_CATALOG=" + (withCatalog? "1" : "0"));
vf.WriteLine("WITH_DOCB=" + (withDocb? "1" : "0"));
vf.WriteLine("WITH_XPATH=" + (withXpath? "1" : "0"));
vf.WriteLine("WITH_XPTR=" + (withXptr? "1" : "0"));
vf.WriteLine("WITH_XINCLUDE=" + (withXinclude? "1" : "0"));
vf.WriteLine("WITH_ICONV=" + (withIconv? "1" : "0"));
vf.WriteLine("WITH_ZLIB=" + (withZlib? "1" : "0"));
vf.WriteLine("WITH_DEBUG=" + (withDebug? "1" : "0"));
vf.WriteLine("WITH_MEM_DEBUG=" + (withMemDebug? "1" : "0"));
vf.WriteLine("WITH_SCHEMAS=" + (withSchemas? "1" : "0"));
vf.WriteLine("WITH_REGEXPS=" + (withRegExps? "1" : "0"));
vf.WriteLine("DEBUG=" + (buildDebug? "1" : "0"));
vf.WriteLine("STATIC=" + (buildStatic? "1" : "0"));
vf.WriteLine("PREFIX=" + buildPrefix);
vf.WriteLine("BINPREFIX=" + buildBinPrefix);
vf.WriteLine("INCPREFIX=" + buildIncPrefix);
vf.WriteLine("LIBPREFIX=" + buildLibPrefix);
vf.WriteLine("SOPREFIX=" + buildSoPrefix);
if (compiler == "msvc") {
vf.WriteLine("INCLUDE=$(INCLUDE);" + buildInclude);
vf.WriteLine("LIB=$(LIB);" + buildLib);
} else if (compiler == "mingw") {
vf.WriteLine("INCLUDE+=;" + buildInclude);
vf.WriteLine("LIB+=;" + buildLib);
/* Configures libxml. This one will generate xmlversion.h from
taking what the user passed on the command line into account. */
function configureLibxml()
var fso, ofi, of, ln, s;
fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
ofi = fso.OpenTextFile(optsFileIn, 1);
of = fso.CreateTextFile(optsFile, true);
while (ofi.AtEndOfStream != true) {
ln = ofi.ReadLine();
s = new String(ln);
if (\@VERSION\@/) != -1) {
verMajor + "." + verMinor + "." + verMicro));
} else if (\@LIBXML_VERSION_NUMBER\@/) != -1) {
verMajor*10000 + verMinor*100 + verMicro*1));
} else if (\@WITH_TRIO\@/) != -1) {
of.WriteLine(s.replace(/\@WITH_TRIO\@/, withTrio? "1" : "0"));
} else if (\@WITH_THREADS\@/) != -1) {
of.WriteLine(s.replace(/\@WITH_THREADS\@/, withThreads == "no"? "0" : "1"));
} else if (\@WITH_FTP\@/) != -1) {
of.WriteLine(s.replace(/\@WITH_FTP\@/, withFtp? "1" : "0"));
} else if (\@WITH_HTTP\@/) != -1) {
of.WriteLine(s.replace(/\@WITH_HTTP\@/, withHttp? "1" : "0"));
} else if (\@WITH_HTML\@/) != -1) {
of.WriteLine(s.replace(/\@WITH_HTML\@/, withHtml? "1" : "0"));
} else if (\@WITH_C14N\@/) != -1) {
of.WriteLine(s.replace(/\@WITH_C14N\@/, withC14n? "1" : "0"));
} else if (\@WITH_CATALOG\@/) != -1) {
of.WriteLine(s.replace(/\@WITH_CATALOG\@/, withCatalog? "1" : "0"));
} else if (\@WITH_DOCB\@/) != -1) {
of.WriteLine(s.replace(/\@WITH_DOCB\@/, withDocb? "1" : "0"));
} else if (\@WITH_XPATH\@/) != -1) {
of.WriteLine(s.replace(/\@WITH_XPATH\@/, withXpath? "1" : "0"));
} else if (\@WITH_XPTR\@/) != -1) {
of.WriteLine(s.replace(/\@WITH_XPTR\@/, withXptr? "1" : "0"));
} else if (\@WITH_XINCLUDE\@/) != -1) {
of.WriteLine(s.replace(/\@WITH_XINCLUDE\@/, withXinclude? "1" : "0"));
} else if (\@WITH_ICONV\@/) != -1) {
of.WriteLine(s.replace(/\@WITH_ICONV\@/, withIconv? "1" : "0"));
} else if (\@WITH_ZLIB\@/) != -1) {
of.WriteLine(s.replace(/\@WITH_ZLIB\@/, withZlib? "1" : "0"));
} else if (\@WITH_DEBUG\@/) != -1) {
of.WriteLine(s.replace(/\@WITH_DEBUG\@/, withDebug? "1" : "0"));
} else if (\@WITH_MEM_DEBUG\@/) != -1) {
of.WriteLine(s.replace(/\@WITH_MEM_DEBUG\@/, withMemDebug? "1" : "0"));
} else if (\@WITH_SCHEMAS\@/) != -1) {
of.WriteLine(s.replace(/\@WITH_SCHEMAS\@/, withSchemas? "1" : "0"));
} else if (\@WITH_REGEXPS\@/) != -1) {
of.WriteLine(s.replace(/\@WITH_REGEXPS\@/, withRegExps? "1" : "0"));
} else
/* Creates the readme file for the binary distribution of 'bname', for the
version 'ver' in the file 'file'. This one is called from the Makefile when
generating a binary distribution. The parameters are passed by make. */
function genReadme(bname, ver, file)
var fso, f;
fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
f = fso.CreateTextFile(file, true);
f.WriteLine(" " + bname + " " + ver);
f.WriteLine(" --------------");
f.WriteLine(" This is " + bname + ", version " + ver + ", binary package for the native Win32/IA32");
f.WriteLine(" The directory named 'include' contains the header files. Place its");
f.WriteLine("contents somewhere where it can be found by the compiler.");
f.WriteLine(" The directory which answers to the name 'lib' contains the static and");
f.WriteLine("dynamic libraries. Place them somewhere where they can be found by the");
f.WriteLine("linker. The files whose names end with '_a.lib' are aimed for static");
f.WriteLine("linking, the other files are lib/dll pairs.");
f.WriteLine(" The directory called 'util' contains various programs which count as a");
f.WriteLine("part of " + bname + ".");
f.WriteLine(" If you plan to develop your own programme, in C, which uses " + bname + ", then");
f.WriteLine("you should know what to do with the files in the binary package. If you don't,");
f.WriteLine("know this, then please, please do some research on how to use a");
f.WriteLine("third-party library in a C programme. The topic belongs to the very basics");
f.WriteLine("and you will not be able to do much without that knowledge.");
f.WriteLine(" If you wish to use " + bname + " solely through the supplied utilities, such as");
f.WriteLine("xmllint or xsltproc, then all you need to do is place the");
f.WriteLine("contents of the 'lib' and 'util' directories from the binary package in a");
f.WriteLine("directory on your disc which is mentioned in your PATH environment");
f.WriteLine("variable. You can use an existing directory which is allready in the");
f.WriteLine("path, such as 'C:\WINDOWS', or 'C:\WINNT'. You can also create a new");
f.WriteLine("directory for " + bname + " and place the files there, but be sure to modify");
f.WriteLine("the PATH environment variable and add that new directory to its list.");
f.WriteLine(" If you use other software which needs " + bname + ", such as Apache");
f.WriteLine("Web Server in certain configurations, then please consult the");
f.WriteLine("documentation of that software and see if it mentions something about");
f.WriteLine("how it uses " + bname + " and how it expects it to be installed. If you find");
f.WriteLine("nothing, then the default installation, as described in the previous");
f.WriteLine("paragraph, should be suficient.");
f.WriteLine(" If there is something you cannot keep for yourself, such as a problem,");
f.WriteLine("a cheer of joy, a comment or a suggestion, feel free to contact me using");
f.WriteLine("the address below.");
f.WriteLine(" Igor Zlatkovic (");
* main(),
* Execution begins here.
// Parse the command-line arguments.
for (i = 0; (i < WScript.Arguments.length) && (error == 0); i++) {
var arg, opt;
arg = WScript.Arguments(i);
opt = arg.substring(0, arg.indexOf("="));
if (opt.length == 0)
opt = arg.substring(0, arg.indexOf(":"));
if (opt.length > 0) {
if (opt == "trio")
withTrio = strToBool(arg.substring(opt.length + 1, arg.length));
else if (opt == "threads")
withThreads = arg.substring(opt.length + 1, arg.length);
else if (opt == "ftp")
withFtp = strToBool(arg.substring(opt.length + 1, arg.length));
else if (opt == "http")
withHttp = strToBool(arg.substring(opt.length + 1, arg.length));
else if (opt == "html")
withHtml = strToBool(arg.substring(opt.length + 1, arg.length));
else if (opt == "c14n")
withC14n = strToBool(arg.substring(opt.length + 1, arg.length));
else if (opt == "catalog")
withCatalog = strToBool(arg.substring(opt.length + 1, arg.length));
else if (opt == "docb")
withDocb = strToBool(arg.substring(opt.length + 1, arg.length));
else if (opt == "xpath")
withXpath = strToBool(arg.substring(opt.length + 1, arg.length));
else if (opt == "xptr")
withXptr = strToBool(arg.substring(opt.length + 1, arg.length));
else if (opt == "xinclude")
withXinclude = strToBool(arg.substring(opt.length + 1, arg.length));
else if (opt == "iconv")
withIconv = strToBool(arg.substring(opt.length + 1, arg.length));
else if (opt == "zlib")
withZlib = strToBool(arg.substring(opt.length + 1, arg.length));
else if (opt == "xml_debug")
withDebug = strToBool(arg.substring(opt.length + 1, arg.length));
else if (opt == "mem_debug")
withMemDebug = strToBool(arg.substring(opt.length + 1, arg.length));
else if (opt == "schemas")
withSchemas = strToBool(arg.substring(opt.length + 1, arg.length));
else if (opt == "regexps")
withRegExps = strToBool(arg.substring(opt.length + 1, arg.length));
else if (opt == "compiler")
compiler = arg.substring(opt.length + 1, arg.length);
else if (opt == "debug")
buildDebug = strToBool(arg.substring(opt.length + 1, arg.length));
else if (opt == "static")
buildStatic = strToBool(arg.substring(opt.length + 1, arg.length));
else if (opt == "prefix")
buildPrefix = arg.substring(opt.length + 1, arg.length);
else if (opt == "incdir")
buildIncPrefix = arg.substring(opt.length + 1, arg.length);
else if (opt == "bindir")
buildBinPrefix = arg.substring(opt.length + 1, arg.length);
else if (opt == "libdir")
buildLibPrefix = arg.substring(opt.length + 1, arg.length);
else if (opt == "sodir")
buildSoPrefix = arg.substring(opt.length + 1, arg.length);
else if (opt == "incdir")
buildIncPrefix = arg.substring(opt.length + 1, arg.length);
else if (opt == "include")
buildInclude = arg.substring(opt.length + 1, arg.length);
else if (opt == "lib")
buildLib = arg.substring(opt.length + 1, arg.length);
error = 1;
} else if (i == 0) {
if (arg == "genreadme") {
// This command comes from the Makefile and will not be checked
// for errors, because Makefile will always supply right the parameters.
genReadme(WScript.Arguments(1), WScript.Arguments(2), WScript.Arguments(3));
} else if (arg == "help") {
} else
error = 1;
// If we fail here, it is because the user supplied an unrecognised argument.
if (error != 0) {
// Discover the version.
if (error != 0) {
WScript.Echo("Version discovery failed, aborting.");
WScript.Echo(baseName + " version: " + verMajor + "." + verMinor + "." + verMicro);
// Configure libxml.
if (error != 0) {
WScript.Echo("Configuration failed, aborting.");
// Create the makefile.
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var makefile = ".\\Makefile.msvc";
if (compiler == "mingw")
makefile = ".\\Makefile.mingw";
fso.CopyFile(makefile, ".\\Makefile", true);
WScript.Echo("Created Makefile.");
// Display the final configuration.
var txtOut = "\nXML processor configuration\n";
txtOut += "---------------------------\n";
txtOut += " Trio: " + boolToStr(withTrio) + "\n";
txtOut += " Thread safety: " + withThreads + "\n";
txtOut += " FTP client: " + boolToStr(withFtp) + "\n";
txtOut += " HTTP client: " + boolToStr(withHttp) + "\n";
txtOut += " HTML processor: " + boolToStr(withHtml) + "\n";
txtOut += " C14N support: " + boolToStr(withC14n) + "\n";
txtOut += " Catalog support: " + boolToStr(withCatalog) + "\n";
txtOut += " DocBook support: " + boolToStr(withDocb) + "\n";
txtOut += " XPath support: " + boolToStr(withXpath) + "\n";
txtOut += " XPointer support: " + boolToStr(withXptr) + "\n";
txtOut += " XInclude support: " + boolToStr(withXinclude) + "\n";
txtOut += " iconv support: " + boolToStr(withIconv) + "\n";
txtOut += " zlib support: " + boolToStr(withZlib) + "\n";
txtOut += " Debugging module: " + boolToStr(withDebug) + "\n";
txtOut += " Memory debugging: " + boolToStr(withMemDebug) + "\n";
txtOut += " Regexp support: " + boolToStr(withRegExps) + "\n";
txtOut += "XML Schema support: " + boolToStr(withSchemas) + "\n";
txtOut += "\n";
txtOut += "Win32 build configuration\n";
txtOut += "-------------------------\n";
txtOut += " Compiler: " + compiler + "\n";
txtOut += " Debug symbols: " + boolToStr(buildDebug) + "\n";
txtOut += " Static xmllint: " + boolToStr(buildStatic) + "\n";
txtOut += " Install prefix: " + buildPrefix + "\n";
txtOut += " Put tools in: " + buildBinPrefix + "\n";
txtOut += " Put headers in: " + buildIncPrefix + "\n";
txtOut += "Put static libs in: " + buildLibPrefix + "\n";
txtOut += "Put shared libs in: " + buildSoPrefix + "\n";
txtOut += " Include path: " + buildInclude + "\n";
txtOut += " Lib path: " + buildLib + "\n";
// Done.