More work, bugfixes for problems detected by XSLT, and addition of
a new specific type for XSLT:
- xpathInternals.h xpath.[ch] debugXML.c: added the XPATH_XSLT_TREE
  type correponding to an XSLT result tree fragment. Share most
  of the data format with node set, as well as operators.
- HTMLtree.c: added a newline at the end of the doctype output
  whe this one is not present initially.
- tree.c: make sure taht the parent and doc pointers are properly
  set when copying attributes (lists).
diff --git a/xpathInternals.h b/xpathInternals.h
index e277ad0..110e5ad 100644
--- a/xpathInternals.h
+++ b/xpathInternals.h
@@ -136,6 +136,7 @@
 xmlXPathObjectPtr xmlXPathNewFloat		(double val);
 xmlXPathObjectPtr xmlXPathNewBoolean		(int val);
 xmlXPathObjectPtr xmlXPathNewNodeSet		(xmlNodePtr val);
+xmlXPathObjectPtr xmlXPathNewValueTree		(xmlNodePtr val);
 void		  xmlXPathNodeSetAdd		(xmlNodeSetPtr cur,
 						 xmlNodePtr val);