gallium: beginnings of draw module vertex rework

Trying to put a structure in place that we can actually optimize.
Initially just implementing a passthrough mode, this will fairly soon
replace all the vertex_cache/prim_queue/shader_queue stuff that's so
hard to understand...

Split the vertex processing into a couple of distinct stages:
- Frontend
    - Prepares two lists of elements (fetch and draw) to be processed
      by the next stage.  This stage doesn't fetch or draw vertices, but
      makes the decision which to draw.  Multiple implementations of this
      will implement different strategies, currently just a vcache
- MiddleEnd
    - Takes the list of fetch elements, fetches them, runs the vertex
      shader, cliptest, viewport transform on them to produce a
      linear array of vertex_header vertices.
    - Passes that list of vertices, plus the draw_elements (which index
      into that list) onto the backend
- Backend
    - Either the existing primitive/clipping pipeline, or the vbuf_render
      hardware backend provided by the driver.

Currently, the middle-end is the old passthrough code, and it build hardware
vertices, not vertex_header vertices as above.  It may be that passthrough
is a special case in this respect.
11 files changed