t-base-300: First Release of t-base-300 Daemon and RootPA.

Signed-off-by: Oana Medvesan <medvesan.oana@gmail.com>
diff --git a/README.android b/README.android
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+MobiCore Daemon in Android
+Command line
+The MobiCore Daemon supports 4 command line options. It also displays them with the help option:
+# ./mcDriverDaemon -h
+usage: ./mcDriverDaemon [-mdsbh]
+Start MobiCore Daemon
+-h              show this help
+-b              fork to background
+-m IMAGE        load mobicore from IMAGE to DDR
+-s              disable daemon scheduler(default enabled)
+-r DRIVER       load dyamic driver
+-b Forks the daemon to background
+# ./mcDriverDaemon -b
+Makes the daemon run in background and returns immediate control to the shell. No need to use shell forking with &
+-m Loads a mobicore image to DDR
+# ./mcDriverDaemon -m /data/app/mobicore.img
+Loads the mobicore.img to DDR and starts executing it.
+-s Disables NQ IRQ scheduler
+# ./mcDriverDaemon -s
+-r Loads dynamic driver at startup. The full path of the driver binary must be given, eg. /data/app/driver.drbin
+# ./mcDriverDaemon -r /data/app/driver.drbin
+Custom registry locations
+Registry fallback
+In case of a Device wipe in Android the /data/app/mcRegistry folder will be deleted with all it's contents. To overcome
+this the daemon supports a fallback location(eg /system/app/mcRegistry): it first tries to load the trustlet
+from /data/app/mcRegistry/[uuid].tlbin and if it fails then it tries to read the trustlet from /system/app/mcRegistry/[uuid].tlb
+Both paths are completely configurable for the Daemon using 2 environment variables:MC_REGISTRY_PATH and MC_REGISTRY_FALLBACK_PATH
+For example if you want to use /data/app/mcRegistry as the default path and /system/app/mcRegistry as the fallback path:
+$ export MC_REGISTRY_PATH=/data/app/mcRegistry
+$ export MC_REGISTRY_FALLBACK_PATH=/system/app/mcRegistry
+$ /data/app/mcDriverDaemon
+Custom authtoken path
+The authtoken file is created at provisioning and is by default located in /data/app/mcRegistry/00000.authtoken
+Because a device wipe could delete this file and make MobiCore unusable a new environment variable has been added to change the
+default behaviour: MC_AUTH_TOKEN_PATH
+$ export MC_AUTH_TOKEN_PATH=/efs
+$ /data/app/mcDriverDaemon
+This would change the location of the authtoken file to /efs