oprofile 0.9.6

Copy in the rest of the oprofile 0.9.6 tree so we have a source
copy to match the prebuilt binaries that are checked into

Change-Id: Iaac327571d5d583594a4194973bf256569061048
diff --git a/gui/oprof_start.cpp b/gui/oprof_start.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0387136
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gui/oprof_start.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1071 @@
+ * @file oprof_start.cpp
+ * The GUI start main class
+ *
+ * @remark Copyright 2002 OProfile authors
+ * @remark Read the file COPYING
+ *
+ * @author Philippe Elie
+ * @author John Levon
+ */
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <ctime>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <qlineedit.h>
+#include <qlistview.h>
+#include <qcombobox.h>
+#include <qlistbox.h>
+#include <qfiledialog.h>
+#include <qbuttongroup.h>
+#include <qcheckbox.h>
+#include <qtabwidget.h>
+#include <qmessagebox.h>
+#include <qvalidator.h>
+#include <qlabel.h>
+#include <qpushbutton.h>
+#include <qheader.h>
+#include "config.h"
+#include "oprof_start.h"
+#include "op_config.h"
+#include "op_config_24.h"
+#include "string_manip.h"
+#include "op_cpufreq.h"
+#include "op_alloc_counter.h"
+#include "oprof_start_util.h"
+#include "file_manip.h"
+#include "op_hw_config.h"
+using namespace std;
+static char const * green_xpm[] = {
+"16 16 2 1",
+" 	c None",
+".	c #00FF00",
+"    .......     ",
+"  ...........   ",
+" .............  ",
+" .............  ",
+"............... ",
+"............... ",
+"............... ",
+"............... ",
+"............... ",
+"............... ",
+"............... ",
+" .............  ",
+" .............  ",
+"  ...........   ",
+"    .......     ",
+"                " };
+static char const * red_xpm[] = {
+"16 16 2 1",
+" 	c None",
+".	c #FF0000",
+"    .......     ",
+"  ...........   ",
+" .............  ",
+" .............  ",
+"............... ",
+"............... ",
+"............... ",
+"............... ",
+"............... ",
+"............... ",
+"............... ",
+" .............  ",
+" .............  ",
+"  ...........   ",
+"    .......     ",
+"                " };
+static QPixmap * green_pixmap;
+static QPixmap * red_pixmap;
+	:
+	counter_mask(0),
+	val(0),
+	unit(0),
+	min_count(0)
+	:
+	oprof_start_base(0, 0, false, 0),
+	event_count_validator(new QIntValidator(event_count_edit)),
+	current_event(0),
+	cpu_speed(op_cpu_frequency()),
+	total_nr_interrupts(0)
+	green_pixmap = new QPixmap(green_xpm);
+	red_pixmap = new QPixmap(red_xpm);
+	vector<string> args;
+	args.push_back("--init");
+	if (do_exec_command(OP_BINDIR "/opcontrol", args))
+		exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+	cpu_type = op_get_cpu_type();
+	op_nr_counters = op_get_nr_counters(cpu_type);
+	if (cpu_type == CPU_TIMER_INT) {
+		setup_config_tab->removePage(counter_setup_page);
+	} else {
+		fill_events();
+	}
+	op_interface interface = op_get_interface();
+	if (interface == OP_INTERFACE_NO_GOOD) {
+		QMessageBox::warning(this, 0, "Couldn't determine kernel"
+		                     " interface version");
+		exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+	}
+	bool is_26 = interface == OP_INTERFACE_26;
+	if (is_26) {
+		note_table_size_edit->hide();
+		note_table_size_label->hide();
+		if (!op_file_readable("/dev/oprofile/backtrace_depth")) {
+			callgraph_depth_label->hide();
+			callgraph_depth_edit->hide();
+		}
+	} else {
+		callgraph_depth_label->hide();
+		callgraph_depth_edit->hide();
+		buffer_watershed_label->hide();
+		buffer_watershed_edit->hide();
+		cpu_buffer_size_label->hide();
+		cpu_buffer_size_edit->hide();
+	}
+	// setup the configuration page.
+	kernel_filename_edit->setText(config.kernel_filename.c_str());
+	no_vmlinux->setChecked(config.no_kernel);
+	buffer_size_edit->setText(QString().setNum(config.buffer_size));
+	buffer_watershed_edit->setText(QString().setNum(config.buffer_watershed));
+	cpu_buffer_size_edit->setText(QString().setNum(config.cpu_buffer_size));
+	note_table_size_edit->setText(QString().setNum(config.note_table_size));
+	callgraph_depth_edit->setText(QString().setNum(config.callgraph_depth));
+	verbose->setChecked(config.verbose);
+	separate_lib_cb->setChecked(config.separate_lib);
+	separate_kernel_cb->setChecked(config.separate_kernel);
+	separate_cpu_cb->setChecked(config.separate_cpu);
+	separate_thread_cb->setChecked(config.separate_thread);
+	// the unit mask check boxes
+	hide_masks();
+	event_count_edit->setValidator(event_count_validator);
+	QIntValidator * iv;
+	iv = new QIntValidator(OP_MIN_BUF_SIZE, OP_MAX_BUF_SIZE, buffer_size_edit);
+	buffer_size_edit->setValidator(iv);
+	iv = new QIntValidator(OP_MIN_NOTE_TABLE_SIZE, OP_MAX_NOTE_TABLE_SIZE, note_table_size_edit);
+	note_table_size_edit->setValidator(iv);
+	iv = new QIntValidator(0, INT_MAX, callgraph_depth_edit);
+	callgraph_depth_edit->setValidator(iv);
+	iv = new QIntValidator(0, INT_MAX, buffer_watershed_edit);
+	buffer_watershed_edit->setValidator(iv);
+	iv = new QIntValidator(0, OP_MAX_CPU_BUF_SIZE, cpu_buffer_size_edit);
+	cpu_buffer_size_edit->setValidator(iv);
+	// daemon status timer
+	startTimer(5000);
+	timerEvent(0);
+	resize(minimumSizeHint());
+	// force the pixmap re-draw
+	event_selected();
+void oprof_start::fill_events()
+	// we need to build the event descr stuff before loading the
+	// configuration because we use locate_event to get an event descr
+	// from its name.
+	struct list_head * pos;
+	struct list_head * events = op_events(cpu_type);
+	list_for_each(pos, events) {
+		struct op_event * event = list_entry(pos, struct op_event, event_next);
+		op_event_descr descr;
+		descr.counter_mask = event->counter_mask;
+		descr.val = event->val;
+		if (event->unit->num) {
+			descr.unit = event->unit;
+		} else {
+			descr.unit = 0;
+		}
+		descr.name = event->name;
+		descr.help_str = event->desc;
+		descr.min_count = event->min_count;
+		for (uint ctr = 0; ctr < op_nr_counters; ++ctr) {
+			uint count;
+			if (!(descr.counter_mask & (1 << ctr)))
+				continue;
+			if (cpu_type == CPU_RTC) {
+				count = 1024;
+			} else {
+				/* setting to cpu Hz / 2000 gives a safe value for
+				 * all events, and a good one for most.
+				 */
+				if (cpu_speed)
+					count = int(cpu_speed * 500);
+				else
+					count = descr.min_count * 100;
+			}
+			event_cfgs[descr.name].count = count;
+			event_cfgs[descr.name].umask = 0;
+			if (descr.unit)
+				event_cfgs[descr.name].umask = descr.unit->default_mask;
+			event_cfgs[descr.name].os_ring_count = 1;
+			event_cfgs[descr.name].user_ring_count = 1;
+		}
+		v_events.push_back(descr);
+	}
+	events_list->header()->hide();
+	events_list->setSorting(-1);
+	fill_events_listbox();
+	read_set_events();
+	// FIXME: why this ?
+	if (cpu_type == CPU_RTC)
+		events_list->setCurrentItem(events_list->firstChild());
+	load_config_file();
+namespace {
+/// find the first item with the given text in column 0 or return NULL
+QListViewItem * findItem(QListView * view, char const * name)
+	// Qt 2.3.1 does not have QListView::findItem()
+	QListViewItem * item = view->firstChild();
+	while (item && strcmp(item->text(0).latin1(), name))
+		item = item->nextSibling();
+	return item;
+void oprof_start::setup_default_event()
+	struct op_default_event_descr descr;
+	op_default_event(cpu_type, &descr);
+	event_cfgs[descr.name].umask = descr.um;
+	event_cfgs[descr.name].count = descr.count;
+	event_cfgs[descr.name].user_ring_count = 1;
+	event_cfgs[descr.name].os_ring_count = 1;
+	QListViewItem * item = findItem(events_list, descr.name);
+	if (item)
+		item->setSelected(true);
+void oprof_start::read_set_events()
+	string name = get_config_filename(".oprofile/daemonrc");
+	ifstream in(name.c_str());
+	if (!in) {
+		setup_default_event();
+		return;
+	}
+	string str;
+	bool one_enabled = false;
+	while (getline(in, str)) {
+		string const val = split(str, '=');
+		string const name = str;
+		if (!is_prefix(name, "CHOSEN_EVENTS_"))
+			continue;
+		one_enabled = true;
+		// CHOSEN_EVENTS_#nr=CPU_CLK_UNHALTED:10000:0:1:1
+		vector<string> parts = separate_token(val, ':');
+		if (parts.size() != 5 && parts.size() != 2) {
+			cerr << "invalid configuration file\n";
+			// FIXME
+			exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+		}
+		string ev_name = parts[0];
+		event_cfgs[ev_name].count =
+			op_lexical_cast<unsigned int>(parts[1]);
+		// CPU_CLK_UNHALTED:10000 is also valid
+		if (parts.size() == 5) {
+			event_cfgs[ev_name].umask =
+				op_lexical_cast<unsigned int>(parts[2]);
+			event_cfgs[ev_name].user_ring_count =
+				op_lexical_cast<unsigned int>(parts[3]);
+			event_cfgs[ev_name].os_ring_count =
+				op_lexical_cast<unsigned int>(parts[4]);
+		} else {
+			event_cfgs[ev_name].umask = 0;
+			event_cfgs[ev_name].user_ring_count = 1;
+			event_cfgs[ev_name].os_ring_count = 1;
+		}
+		QListViewItem * item = findItem(events_list, ev_name.c_str());
+		if (item)
+			item->setSelected(true);
+	}
+	// use default event if none set
+	if (!one_enabled)
+		setup_default_event();
+void oprof_start::load_config_file()
+	string name = get_config_filename(".oprofile/daemonrc");
+	ifstream in(name.c_str());
+	if (!in) {
+		if (!check_and_create_config_dir())
+			return;
+		ofstream out(name.c_str());
+		if (!out) {
+			QMessageBox::warning(this, 0, "Unable to open configuration "
+				"file ~/.oprofile/daemonrc");
+		}
+		return;
+	}
+	in >> config;
+// user request a "normal" exit so save the config file.
+void oprof_start::accept()
+	// record the previous settings
+	record_selected_event_config();
+	save_config();
+	QDialog::accept();
+void oprof_start::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *)
+	accept();
+void oprof_start::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *)
+	static time_t last = time(0);
+	daemon_status dstat;
+	flush_profiler_data_btn->setEnabled(dstat.running);
+	stop_profiler_btn->setEnabled(dstat.running);
+	start_profiler_btn->setEnabled(!dstat.running);
+	reset_sample_files_btn->setEnabled(!dstat.running);
+	if (!dstat.running) {
+		daemon_label->setText("Profiler is not running.");
+		return;
+	}
+	ostringstream ss;
+	ss << "Profiler running:";
+	time_t curr = time(0);
+	total_nr_interrupts += dstat.nr_interrupts;
+	if (curr - last)
+		ss << " (" << dstat.nr_interrupts / (curr - last) << " interrupts / second, total " << total_nr_interrupts << ")";
+	daemon_label->setText(ss.str().c_str());
+	last = curr;
+void oprof_start::fill_events_listbox()
+	setUpdatesEnabled(false);
+	for (vector<op_event_descr>::reverse_iterator cit = v_events.rbegin();
+	     cit != v_events.rend(); ++cit) {
+		new QListViewItem(events_list, cit->name.c_str());
+	}
+	setUpdatesEnabled(true);
+	update();
+void oprof_start::display_event(op_event_descr const & descr)
+	setUpdatesEnabled(false);
+	setup_unit_masks(descr);
+	os_ring_count_cb->setEnabled(true);
+	user_ring_count_cb->setEnabled(true);
+	event_count_edit->setEnabled(true);
+	event_setting & cfg = event_cfgs[descr.name];
+	os_ring_count_cb->setChecked(cfg.os_ring_count);
+	user_ring_count_cb->setChecked(cfg.user_ring_count);
+	QString count_text;
+	count_text.setNum(cfg.count);
+	event_count_edit->setText(count_text);
+	event_count_validator->setRange(descr.min_count, max_perf_count());
+	setUpdatesEnabled(true);
+	update();
+bool oprof_start::is_selectable_event(QListViewItem * item)
+	if (item->isSelected())
+		return true;
+	selected_events.insert(item);
+	bool ret = false;
+	if (alloc_selected_events())
+		ret = true;
+	selected_events.erase(item);
+	return ret;
+void oprof_start::draw_event_list()
+	QListViewItem * cur;
+	for (cur = events_list->firstChild(); cur; cur = cur->nextSibling()) {
+		if (is_selectable_event(cur))
+			cur->setPixmap(0, *green_pixmap);
+		else
+			cur->setPixmap(0, *red_pixmap);
+	}
+bool oprof_start::alloc_selected_events() const
+	vector<op_event const *> events;
+	set<QListViewItem *>::const_iterator it;
+	for (it = selected_events.begin(); it != selected_events.end(); ++it)
+		events.push_back(find_event_by_name((*it)->text(0).latin1(),0,0));
+	size_t * map =
+		map_event_to_counter(&events[0], events.size(), cpu_type);
+	if (!map)
+		return false;
+	free(map);
+	return true;
+void oprof_start::event_selected()
+	// The deal is simple: QT lack of a way to know what item was the last
+	// (de)selected item so we record a set of selected items and diff
+	// it in the appropriate way with the previous list of selected items.
+	set<QListViewItem *> current_selection;
+	QListViewItem * cur;
+	for (cur = events_list->firstChild(); cur; cur = cur->nextSibling()) {
+		if (cur->isSelected())
+			current_selection.insert(cur);
+	}
+	// First remove the deselected item.
+	vector<QListViewItem *> new_deselected;
+	set_difference(selected_events.begin(), selected_events.end(),
+		       current_selection.begin(), current_selection.end(),
+		       back_inserter(new_deselected));
+	vector<QListViewItem *>::const_iterator it;
+	for (it = new_deselected.begin(); it != new_deselected.end(); ++it)
+		selected_events.erase(*it);
+	// Now try to add the newly selected item if enough HW resource exists
+	vector<QListViewItem *> new_selected;
+	set_difference(current_selection.begin(), current_selection.end(),
+		       selected_events.begin(), selected_events.end(),
+		       back_inserter(new_selected));
+	for (it = new_selected.begin(); it != new_selected.end(); ++it) {
+		selected_events.insert(*it);
+		if (!alloc_selected_events()) {
+			(*it)->setSelected(false);
+			selected_events.erase(*it);
+		} else {
+			current_event = *it;
+		}
+	}
+	draw_event_list();
+	if (current_event)
+		display_event(locate_event(current_event->text(0).latin1()));
+void oprof_start::event_over(QListViewItem * item)
+	op_event_descr const & descr = locate_event(item->text(0).latin1());
+	string help_str = descr.help_str.c_str();
+	if (!is_selectable_event(item)) {
+		help_str += " conflicts with:";
+		set<QListViewItem *>::const_iterator it;
+		for (it = selected_events.begin(); 
+		     it != selected_events.end(); ) {
+			QListViewItem * temp = *it;
+			selected_events.erase(it++);
+			if (is_selectable_event(item)) {
+				help_str += " ";
+				help_str += temp->text(0).latin1();
+			}
+			selected_events.insert(temp);
+		}
+	}
+	event_help_label->setText(help_str.c_str());
+/// select the kernel image filename
+void oprof_start::choose_kernel_filename()
+	string name = kernel_filename_edit->text().latin1();
+	string result = do_open_file_or_dir(name, false);
+	if (!result.empty())
+		kernel_filename_edit->setText(result.c_str());
+// this record the current selected event setting in the event_cfg[] stuff.
+// FIXME: need validation?
+void oprof_start::record_selected_event_config()
+	if (!current_event)
+		return;
+	string name(current_event->text(0).latin1());
+	event_setting & cfg = event_cfgs[name];
+	op_event_descr const & curr = locate_event(name);
+	cfg.count = event_count_edit->text().toUInt();
+	cfg.os_ring_count = os_ring_count_cb->isChecked();
+	cfg.user_ring_count = user_ring_count_cb->isChecked();
+	cfg.umask = get_unit_mask(curr);
+// validate and save the configuration (The qt validator installed
+// are not sufficient to do the validation)
+bool oprof_start::record_config()
+	config.kernel_filename = kernel_filename_edit->text().latin1();
+	config.no_kernel = no_vmlinux->isChecked();
+	uint temp = buffer_size_edit->text().toUInt();
+	if (temp < OP_MIN_BUF_SIZE || temp > OP_MAX_BUF_SIZE) {
+		ostringstream error;
+		error << "buffer size out of range: " << temp
+		      << " valid range is [" << OP_MIN_BUF_SIZE << ", "
+		      << OP_MAX_BUF_SIZE << "]";
+		QMessageBox::warning(this, 0, error.str().c_str());
+		return false;
+	}
+	config.buffer_size = temp;
+	temp = buffer_watershed_edit->text().toUInt();
+	// watershed above half of buffer size make little sense.
+	if (temp > config.buffer_size / 2) {
+		ostringstream error;
+		error << "buffer watershed out of range: " << temp
+		      << " valid range is [0 (use default), buffer size/2] "
+		      << "generally 0.25 * buffer size is fine";
+		QMessageBox::warning(this, 0, error.str().c_str());
+		return false;
+	}
+	config.buffer_watershed = temp;
+	temp = cpu_buffer_size_edit->text().toUInt();
+	if ((temp != 0 && temp < OP_MIN_CPU_BUF_SIZE) ||
+	    temp > OP_MAX_CPU_BUF_SIZE) {
+		ostringstream error;
+		error << "cpu buffer size out of range: " << temp
+		      << " valid range is [" << OP_MIN_CPU_BUF_SIZE << ", "
+		      << OP_MAX_CPU_BUF_SIZE << "] (size = 0: use default)";
+		QMessageBox::warning(this, 0, error.str().c_str());
+		return false;
+	}
+	config.cpu_buffer_size = temp;
+	temp = note_table_size_edit->text().toUInt();
+		ostringstream error;
+		error << "note table size out of range: " << temp
+		      << " valid range is [" << OP_MIN_NOTE_TABLE_SIZE << ", "
+		      << OP_MAX_NOTE_TABLE_SIZE << "]";
+		QMessageBox::warning(this, 0, error.str().c_str());
+		return false;
+	}
+	config.note_table_size = temp;
+	temp = callgraph_depth_edit->text().toUInt();
+	if (temp > INT_MAX) {
+		ostringstream error;
+		error << "callgraph depth  out of range: " << temp
+		      << " valid range is [" << 0 << ", "
+		      << INT_MAX << "]";
+		QMessageBox::warning(this, 0, error.str().c_str());
+		return false;
+	}
+	config.callgraph_depth = temp;
+	config.verbose = verbose->isChecked();
+	config.separate_lib = separate_lib_cb->isChecked();
+	config.separate_kernel = separate_kernel_cb->isChecked();
+	config.separate_cpu = separate_cpu_cb->isChecked();
+	config.separate_thread = separate_thread_cb->isChecked();
+	return true;
+void oprof_start::get_unit_mask_part(op_event_descr const & descr, uint num,
+                                     bool selected, uint & mask)
+	if (!selected)
+		return;
+	if  (num >= descr.unit->num)
+		return;
+	if (descr.unit->unit_type_mask == utm_bitmask)
+		mask |= descr.unit->um[num].value;
+	else
+		mask = descr.unit->um[num].value;
+// return the unit mask selected through the unit mask check box
+uint oprof_start::get_unit_mask(op_event_descr const & descr)
+	uint mask = 0;
+	if (!descr.unit)
+		return 0;
+	// mandatory mask is transparent for user.
+	if (descr.unit->unit_type_mask == utm_mandatory) {
+		mask = descr.unit->default_mask;
+		return mask;
+	}
+	get_unit_mask_part(descr, 0, check0->isChecked(), mask);
+	get_unit_mask_part(descr, 1, check1->isChecked(), mask);
+	get_unit_mask_part(descr, 2, check2->isChecked(), mask);
+	get_unit_mask_part(descr, 3, check3->isChecked(), mask);
+	get_unit_mask_part(descr, 4, check4->isChecked(), mask);
+	get_unit_mask_part(descr, 5, check5->isChecked(), mask);
+	get_unit_mask_part(descr, 6, check6->isChecked(), mask);
+	get_unit_mask_part(descr, 7, check7->isChecked(), mask);
+	get_unit_mask_part(descr, 8, check8->isChecked(), mask);
+	get_unit_mask_part(descr, 9, check9->isChecked(), mask);
+	get_unit_mask_part(descr, 10, check10->isChecked(), mask);
+	get_unit_mask_part(descr, 11, check11->isChecked(), mask);
+	get_unit_mask_part(descr, 12, check12->isChecked(), mask);
+	get_unit_mask_part(descr, 13, check13->isChecked(), mask);
+	get_unit_mask_part(descr, 14, check14->isChecked(), mask);
+	get_unit_mask_part(descr, 15, check15->isChecked(), mask);
+	return mask;
+void oprof_start::hide_masks()
+	check0->hide();
+	check1->hide();
+	check2->hide();
+	check3->hide();
+	check4->hide();
+	check5->hide();
+	check6->hide();
+	check7->hide();
+	check8->hide();
+	check9->hide();
+	check10->hide();
+	check11->hide();
+	check12->hide();
+	check13->hide();
+	check14->hide();
+	check15->hide();
+void oprof_start::setup_unit_masks(op_event_descr const & descr)
+	op_unit_mask const * um = descr.unit;
+	hide_masks();
+	if (!um || um->unit_type_mask == utm_mandatory)
+		return;
+	event_setting & cfg = event_cfgs[descr.name];
+	unit_mask_group->setExclusive(um->unit_type_mask == utm_exclusive);
+	for (size_t i = 0; i < um->num ; ++i) {
+		QCheckBox * check = 0;
+		switch (i) {
+			case 0: check = check0; break;
+			case 1: check = check1; break;
+			case 2: check = check2; break;
+			case 3: check = check3; break;
+			case 4: check = check4; break;
+			case 5: check = check5; break;
+			case 6: check = check6; break;
+			case 7: check = check7; break;
+			case 8: check = check8; break;
+			case 9: check = check9; break;
+			case 10: check = check10; break;
+			case 11: check = check11; break;
+			case 12: check = check12; break;
+			case 13: check = check13; break;
+			case 14: check = check14; break;
+			case 15: check = check15; break;
+		}
+		check->setText(um->um[i].desc);
+		if (um->unit_type_mask == utm_exclusive)
+			check->setChecked(cfg.umask == um->um[i].value);
+		else
+			check->setChecked(cfg.umask & um->um[i].value);
+		check->show();
+	}
+	unit_mask_group->setMinimumSize(unit_mask_group->sizeHint());
+	setup_config_tab->setMinimumSize(setup_config_tab->sizeHint());
+uint oprof_start::max_perf_count() const
+	return cpu_type == CPU_RTC ? OP_MAX_RTC_COUNT : OP_MAX_PERF_COUNT;
+void oprof_start::on_flush_profiler_data()
+	vector<string> args;
+	args.push_back("--dump");
+	if (daemon_status().running)
+		do_exec_command(OP_BINDIR "/opcontrol", args);
+	else
+		QMessageBox::warning(this, 0, "The profiler is not started.");
+// user is happy of its setting.
+void oprof_start::on_start_profiler()
+	// save the current settings
+	record_selected_event_config();
+	bool one_enable = false;
+	QListViewItem * cur;
+	for (cur = events_list->firstChild(); cur; cur = cur->nextSibling()) {
+		if (!cur->isSelected())
+			continue;
+		// the missing reference is intended: gcc 2.91.66 can compile
+		// "op_event_descr const & descr = ..." w/o a warning
+		op_event_descr const descr =
+			locate_event(cur->text(0).latin1());
+		event_setting & cfg = event_cfgs[cur->text(0).latin1()];
+		one_enable = true;
+		if (!cfg.os_ring_count && !cfg.user_ring_count) {
+			QMessageBox::warning(this, 0, "You must select to "
+					 "profile at least one of user binaries/kernel");
+			return;
+		}
+		if (cfg.count < descr.min_count || 
+		    cfg.count > max_perf_count()) {
+			ostringstream out;
+			out << "event " << descr.name << " count of range: "
+			    << cfg.count << " must be in [ "
+			    << descr.min_count << ", "
+			    << max_perf_count()
+			    << "]";
+			QMessageBox::warning(this, 0, out.str().c_str());
+			return;
+		}
+		if (descr.unit &&
+		    descr.unit->unit_type_mask == utm_bitmask &&
+		    cfg.umask == 0) {
+			ostringstream out;
+			out << "event " << descr.name << " invalid unit mask: "
+			    << cfg.umask << endl;
+			QMessageBox::warning(this, 0, out.str().c_str());
+			return;
+		}
+	}
+	if (one_enable == false && cpu_type != CPU_TIMER_INT) {
+		QMessageBox::warning(this, 0, "No counters enabled.\n");
+		return;
+	}
+	if (daemon_status().running) {
+		// gcc 2.91 work around
+		int user_choice = 0;
+		user_choice =
+			QMessageBox::warning(this, 0,
+					     "Profiler already started:\n\n"
+					     "stop and restart it?",
+					     "&Restart", "&Cancel", 0, 0, 1);
+		if (user_choice == 1)
+			return;
+		// this flush profiler data also.
+		on_stop_profiler();
+	}
+	vector<string> args;
+	// save_config validate and setup the config
+	if (save_config()) {
+		// now actually start
+		args.push_back("--start");
+		if (config.verbose)
+			args.push_back("--verbose");
+		do_exec_command(OP_BINDIR "/opcontrol", args);
+	}
+	total_nr_interrupts = 0;
+	timerEvent(0);
+bool oprof_start::save_config()
+	if (!record_config())
+		return false;
+	vector<string> args;
+	// saving config is done by running opcontrol --setup with appropriate
+	// setted parameters so we use the same config file as command line
+	// tools
+	args.push_back("--setup");
+	bool one_enabled = false;
+	vector<string> tmpargs;
+	tmpargs.push_back("--setup");
+	QListViewItem * cur;
+	for (cur = events_list->firstChild(); cur; cur = cur->nextSibling()) {
+		if (!cur->isSelected())
+			continue;
+		event_setting & cfg = event_cfgs[cur->text(0).latin1()];
+		op_event_descr const & descr =
+			locate_event(cur->text(0).latin1());
+		one_enabled = true;
+		string arg = "--event=" + descr.name;
+		arg += ":" + op_lexical_cast<string>(cfg.count);
+		arg += ":" + op_lexical_cast<string>(cfg.umask);
+		arg += ":" + op_lexical_cast<string>(cfg.os_ring_count);
+		arg += ":" + op_lexical_cast<string>(cfg.user_ring_count);
+		tmpargs.push_back(arg);
+	}
+	// only set counters if at least one is enabled
+	if (one_enabled)
+		args = tmpargs;
+	if (config.no_kernel) {
+		args.push_back("--no-vmlinux");
+	} else {
+		args.push_back("--vmlinux=" + config.kernel_filename);
+	}
+	args.push_back("--buffer-size=" +
+	       op_lexical_cast<string>(config.buffer_size));
+	if (op_get_interface() == OP_INTERFACE_24) {
+		args.push_back("--note-table-size=" +
+		       op_lexical_cast<string>(config.note_table_size));
+	} else {
+		args.push_back("--buffer-watershed=" +
+		       op_lexical_cast<string>(config.buffer_watershed));
+		args.push_back("--cpu-buffer-size=" +
+		       op_lexical_cast<string>(config.cpu_buffer_size));
+		if (op_file_readable("/dev/oprofile/backtrace_depth")) {
+			args.push_back("--callgraph=" +
+		              op_lexical_cast<string>(config.callgraph_depth));
+		}
+	}
+	string sep = "--separate=";
+	if (config.separate_lib)
+		sep += "library,";
+	if (config.separate_kernel)
+		sep += "kernel,";
+	if (config.separate_cpu)
+		sep += "cpu,";
+	if (config.separate_thread)
+		sep += "thread,";
+	if (sep == "--separate=")
+		sep += "none";
+	args.push_back(sep);
+	// 2.95 work-around, it didn't like return !do_exec_command() 
+	bool ret = !do_exec_command(OP_BINDIR "/opcontrol", args);
+	return ret;
+// flush and stop the profiler if it was started.
+void oprof_start::on_stop_profiler()
+	vector<string> args;
+	args.push_back("--shutdown");
+	if (daemon_status().running)
+		do_exec_command(OP_BINDIR "/opcontrol", args);
+	else
+		QMessageBox::warning(this, 0, "The profiler is already stopped.");
+	timerEvent(0);
+void oprof_start::on_separate_kernel_cb_changed(int state)
+	if (state == 2)
+		separate_lib_cb->setChecked(true);
+void oprof_start::on_reset_sample_files()
+	int ret = QMessageBox::warning(this, 0, "Are you sure you want to "
+	       "reset your last profile session ?", "Yes", "No", 0, 0, 1);
+	if (!ret) {
+		vector<string> args;
+		args.push_back("--reset");
+		if (!do_exec_command(OP_BINDIR "/opcontrol", args))
+			// the next timer event will overwrite the message
+			daemon_label->setText("Last profile session reseted.");
+		else
+			QMessageBox::warning(this, 0,
+			     "Can't reset profiling session.");
+	}
+/// function object for matching against name
+class event_name_eq {
+	string name_;
+	explicit event_name_eq(string const & s) : name_(s) {}
+	bool operator()(op_event_descr const & d) const {
+		return d.name == name_;
+	}
+// helper to retrieve an event descr through its name.
+op_event_descr const & oprof_start::locate_event(string const & name) const
+	return *(find_if(v_events.begin(), v_events.end(), event_name_eq(name)));