oprofile 0.9.6

Copy in the rest of the oprofile 0.9.6 tree so we have a source
copy to match the prebuilt binaries that are checked into

Change-Id: Iaac327571d5d583594a4194973bf256569061048
diff --git a/m4/typedef.m4 b/m4/typedef.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2807d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/m4/typedef.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+dnl AX_CHECK_TYPEDEF(typedef_name, type, action-if-true, action-if-false)
+dnl exec action-if-true if typedef_name is a typedef to type else exec 
+dnl action-if-false
+dnl currently work only with type typedef'ed in stddef.h
+dnl AC_LANG_PUSH(C) not in autoconf 2.13
+  [
+  #include <stddef.h>
+  ],
+  [
+  typedef void (*fct1)($1);
+  typedef void (*fct2)($2);
+  fct1 f1 = 0;
+  fct2 f2 = 0;
+  if (f1 == f2) {}
+  ],
+dnl AX_TYPEDEFED_NAME(typedef_name, candidate_list, var_name)
+dnl set var_name to the typedef name of $1 which must be in canditate_list
+dnl else produce a fatal error
+	AC_MSG_CHECKING([type of $1])
+	for f in $2; do
+		AX_CHECK_TYPEDEF($1, $f, $3="$f", $3="")
+		if test -n "${$3}"; then
+			break
+		fi
+	done
+	if test -n "${$3}"; then
+		AC_MSG_RESULT([${$3}])
+	else
+		AC_MSG_ERROR([not found])
+	fi