oprofile 0.9.6

Copy in the rest of the oprofile 0.9.6 tree so we have a source
copy to match the prebuilt binaries that are checked into

Change-Id: Iaac327571d5d583594a4194973bf256569061048
diff --git a/pp/opreport_options.cpp b/pp/opreport_options.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95d219c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pp/opreport_options.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+ * @file opreport_options.cpp
+ * Options for opreport tool
+ *
+ * @remark Copyright 2003 OProfile authors
+ * @remark Read the file COPYING
+ *
+ * @author John Levon
+ * @author Philippe Elie
+ */
+#include <vector>
+#include <list>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <fstream>
+#include "profile_spec.h"
+#include "arrange_profiles.h"
+#include "opreport_options.h"
+#include "popt_options.h"
+#include "string_filter.h"
+#include "file_manip.h"
+#include "xml_output.h"
+#include "xml_utils.h"
+#include "cverb.h"
+using namespace std;
+profile_classes classes;
+profile_classes classes2;
+namespace options {
+	demangle_type demangle = dmt_normal;
+	bool symbols;
+	bool callgraph;
+	bool debug_info;
+	bool details;
+	bool exclude_dependent;
+	string_filter symbol_filter;
+	sort_options sort_by;
+	merge_option merge_by;
+	bool show_header = true;
+	bool long_filenames;
+	bool show_address;
+	bool accumulated;
+	bool reverse_sort;
+	bool global_percent;
+	bool xml;
+	string xml_options;
+namespace {
+string outfile;
+vector<string> mergespec;
+vector<string> sort;
+vector<string> exclude_symbols;
+vector<string> include_symbols;
+string demangle_option = "normal";
+popt::option options_array[] = {
+	popt::option(options::callgraph, "callgraph", 'c',
+	             "show call graph"),
+	popt::option(options::details, "details", 'd',
+		     "output detailed samples for each symbol"),
+	popt::option(options::symbols, "symbols", 'l',
+		     "list all symbols"),
+	popt::option(outfile, "output-file", 'o',
+	             "output to the given filename", "file"),
+	popt::option(sort, "sort", 's',
+		     "sort by", "sample,image,app-name,symbol,debug,vma"),
+	popt::option(options::reverse_sort, "reverse-sort", 'r',
+		     "use reverse sort"),
+	popt::option(mergespec, "merge", 'm',
+		     "comma separated list", "cpu,lib,tid,tgid,unitmask,all"),
+	popt::option(options::exclude_dependent, "exclude-dependent", 'x',
+		     "exclude libs, kernel, and module samples for applications"),
+	popt::option(exclude_symbols, "exclude-symbols", 'e',
+		     "exclude these comma separated symbols", "symbols"),
+	popt::option(include_symbols, "include-symbols", 'i',
+		     "include these comma separated symbols", "symbols"),
+	popt::option(options::threshold_opt, "threshold", 't',
+		     "minimum percentage needed to produce output",
+		     "percent"),
+	popt::option(demangle_option, "demangle", 'D',
+		     "demangle GNU C++ symbol names (default normal)",
+	             "none|normal|smart"),
+	// PP:5
+	popt::option(options::debug_info, "debug-info", 'g',
+		     "add source file and line number to output"),
+	popt::option(options::show_header, "no-header", 'n',
+		     "remove all headers from output"),
+	popt::option(options::show_address, "show-address", 'w',
+	             "show VMA address of each symbol"),
+	popt::option(options::long_filenames, "long-filenames", 'f',
+		     "show the full path of filenames"),
+	popt::option(options::accumulated, "accumulated", 'a',
+		     "percentage field show accumulated count"),
+	popt::option(options::global_percent, "global-percent", '%',
+		     "percentage are not relative to symbol count or image "
+		     "count but total sample count"),
+	popt::option(options::xml, "xml", 'X',
+		     "XML output"),
+void handle_sort_option()
+	if (options::xml && !sort.empty()) {
+		cerr << "warning: sort options ignored because they "
+		     << "are incompatible with --xml" << endl;
+		// don't allow any other sorting, except the default below,
+		// to mess up symbol traversal for XML
+		sort.clear();
+	}
+	if (sort.empty() || options::xml) {
+		// PP:5.14 sort default to sample
+		if (options::xml) {
+			// implicitly sort by app-name,image so that in the
+			// symbol traversal all library module symbols are
+			// grouped together with their application
+			sort.push_back("app-name");
+			sort.push_back("image");
+		} else
+			sort.push_back("sample");
+	}
+	vector<string>::const_iterator cit = sort.begin();
+	vector<string>::const_iterator end = sort.end();
+	for (; cit != end; ++cit)
+		options::sort_by.add_sort_option(*cit);
+void handle_output_file()
+	if (outfile.empty())
+		return;
+	static ofstream os(outfile.c_str());
+	if (!os) {
+		cerr << "Couldn't open \"" << outfile
+		     << "\" for writing." << endl;
+		exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+	}
+	cout.rdbuf(os.rdbuf());
+///  Check incompatible or meaningless options.
+void check_options(bool diff)
+	using namespace options;
+	bool do_exit = false;
+	if (callgraph) {
+		symbols = true;
+		if (details) {
+			cerr << "--callgraph is incompatible with --details" << endl;
+			do_exit = true;
+		}
+		if (diff) {
+			cerr << "differential profiles are incompatible with --callgraph" << endl;
+			do_exit = true;
+		}
+	}
+	if (xml) {
+		if (accumulated) {
+			cerr << "--accumulated is incompatible with --xml" << endl;
+			do_exit = true;
+		}
+		if (global_percent) {
+			cerr << "--global_percent is incompatible with --xml" << endl;
+			do_exit = true;
+		}
+	}
+	if (details && diff) {
+		cerr << "differential profiles are incompatible with --details" << endl;
+		do_exit = true;
+	}
+	if (!symbols) {
+		if (diff) {
+			cerr << "different profiles are meaningless "
+				"without --symbols" << endl;
+			do_exit = true;
+		}
+		if (show_address) {
+			cerr << "--show-address is meaningless "
+				"without --symbols" << endl;
+			do_exit = true;
+		}
+		if (debug_info || accumulated) {
+			cerr << "--debug-info and --accumulated are "
+			     << "meaningless without --symbols" << endl;
+			do_exit = true;
+		}
+		if (!exclude_symbols.empty() || !include_symbols.empty()) {
+			cerr << "--exclude-symbols and --include-symbols are "
+			     << "meaningless without --symbols" << endl;
+			do_exit = true;
+		}
+		if (find(sort_by.options.begin(), sort_by.options.end(), 
+			 sort_options::vma) != sort_by.options.end()) {
+			cerr << "--sort=vma is "
+			     << "meaningless without --symbols" << endl;
+			do_exit = true;
+		}
+	}
+	if (global_percent && symbols && !(details || callgraph)) {
+		cerr << "--global-percent is meaningless with --symbols "
+		        "and without --details or --callgraph" << endl;
+		do_exit = true;
+	}
+	if (do_exit)
+		exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+/// process a spec into classes
+void process_spec(profile_classes & classes, list<string> const & spec)
+	using namespace options;
+	copy(spec.begin(), spec.end(),
+	     ostream_iterator<string>(cverb << vsfile, " "));
+	cverb << vsfile << "\n\n";
+	profile_spec const pspec =
+		profile_spec::create(spec, options::image_path,
+				     options::root_path);
+	list<string> sample_files = pspec.generate_file_list(exclude_dependent,
+	                                                     !options::callgraph);
+	cverb << vsfile << "Archive: " << pspec.get_archive_path() << endl;
+	cverb << vsfile << "Matched sample files: " << sample_files.size()
+	      << endl;
+	copy(sample_files.begin(), sample_files.end(),
+	     ostream_iterator<string>(cverb << vsfile, "\n"));
+	classes = arrange_profiles(sample_files, merge_by,
+				   pspec.extra_found_images);
+	cverb << vsfile << "profile_classes:\n" << classes << endl;
+	if (classes.v.empty()) {
+		cerr << "error: no sample files found: profile specification "
+		     "too strict ?" << endl;
+		exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+	}
+} // namespace anon
+void handle_options(options::spec const & spec)
+	using namespace options;
+	if (details) {
+		symbols = true;
+		show_address = true;
+	}
+	if (options::xml) {
+		if (spec.common.size() != 0)
+			xml_utils::add_option(SESSION, spec.common);
+		if (debug_info)
+			xml_utils::add_option(DEBUG_INFO, true);
+		if (details)
+			xml_utils::add_option(DETAILS, true);
+		if (!image_path.empty())
+			xml_utils::add_option(IMAGE_PATH, image_path);
+		if (!mergespec.empty())
+			xml_utils::add_option(MERGE, mergespec);
+		if (exclude_dependent)
+			xml_utils::add_option(EXCLUDE_DEPENDENT, true);
+		if (!exclude_symbols.empty())
+			xml_utils::add_option(EXCLUDE_SYMBOLS, exclude_symbols);
+		if (!include_symbols.empty())
+			xml_utils::add_option(INCLUDE_SYMBOLS, include_symbols);
+	}
+	handle_sort_option();
+	merge_by = handle_merge_option(mergespec, true, exclude_dependent);
+	handle_output_file();
+	demangle = handle_demangle_option(demangle_option);
+	check_options(spec.first.size());
+	symbol_filter = string_filter(include_symbols, exclude_symbols);
+	if (!spec.first.size()) {
+		process_spec(classes, spec.common);
+	} else {
+		if (options::xml) {
+			cerr << "differential profiles are incompatible with --xml" << endl;
+			exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+		}
+		cverb << vsfile << "profile spec 1:" << endl;
+		process_spec(classes, spec.first);
+		cverb << vsfile << "profile spec 2:" << endl;
+		process_spec(classes2, spec.second);
+		if (!classes.matches(classes2)) {
+			cerr << "profile classes are incompatible" << endl;
+			exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+		}
+	}