Enable LARGEADDRESSAWARE for 32-bit emulator on Windows

Since emulator executables on Windows are still 32-bit binaries, avds with
large high density screens (Nexus 10, for example) hit the 2GB user-address
space limitation very quickly, which causes the Windows process to crash.
Setting this flag allows a 32-bit process on Windows to get more address space
(up to 4GB on 64bit Windows).

More info on LARGEADDRESSAWARE flag:
- http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa366778(v=vs.85).aspx

Change-Id: I08ed81f166c871c6dbe26f4f05a493df2f47873c
Signed-off-by: Hadi Muliawan <muliawan@amazon.com>
diff --git a/Makefile.android b/Makefile.android
index 78dad44..2e7ac74 100644
--- a/Makefile.android
+++ b/Makefile.android
@@ -55,6 +55,8 @@
   # we need Win32 features that are available since Windows 2000 Professional/Server (NT 5.0)
   MY_CFLAGS += -DWINVER=0x501
   MY_CFLAGS += -D_WIN32
+  # LARGEADDRESSAWARE gives more address space to 32-bit process
+  MY_LDLIBS += -Xlinker --large-address-aware
   ifneq ($(BUILD_HOST_64bit),)
     # Microsoft 64-bit compiler define both _WIN32 and _WIN64
     MY_CFLAGS += -D_WIN64