Allow BUILD_HOST_static to build statically-linked emulator

Statically linked emulator is easy to setup in sandboxed environment.

With this and BUILD_HOST_static in build/ (seperate CL), statically-linked
SDK tools can be built with the following command

BUILD_HOST_static=1 make PRODUCT-sdk-aapt adb aidl dexdump fastboot \
  llvm-rs-cc dmtracedump emulator emulator-arm emulator-x86 \
  etc1tool hprof-conv mksdcard sqlite3 zipalign

No need to build HW GL libraries (libOpenglRender, libGLES_CM_translator,
libGLES_V2_translator and libEGL_translator) because statically-linked
emulator doesn't support audio and graphics. (eg. -no-window)

Change-Id: I209287a00f66295b8b8135451025428f03776a1a
diff --git a/ b/
index f7122fa..0f22387 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@
 # Generate a completely static executable if needed.
 # Note that this means no sound and graphics on Linux.
+ifneq ($(strip $(CONFIG_STATIC_EXECUTABLE)$(BUILD_HOST_static)),)
     LOCAL_SRC_FILES += dynlink-static.c
     LOCAL_LDLIBS    += -static
@@ -409,7 +409,7 @@
 # Generate a completely static executable if needed.
 # Note that this means no sound and graphics on Linux.
+ifneq ($(strip $(CONFIG_STATIC_EXECUTABLE)$(BUILD_HOST_static)),)
     common_LOCAL_SRC_FILES += dynlink-static.c
     common_LOCAL_LDLIBS    += -static