Fixed compilation error with new x86_64-w64-mingw32 compiler

Fixed the following for the new compiler
1. android/camera/camera-capture-windows.c:
   Added "#include <windows.h>"
2. SetClassLong() is deprecated. GCL_HICON doesn't exist in _WIN64.
   Replacted it with SetClassLongPtr(h, GCLP_HICON, icon)
3. [v]asprintf now actually exisit in libray.  Changed the prototype
   to match the standard ones but will remove them later for GCC 4.5 and up.
4. Renamed _set_errno to set_errno because it exists in stdlib.h.
   Renamed _fix_errno to fix_errno for consistency.
5. EAI_NODATA and EAI_NONAME become the same things.
6. ddk/*h don't exisit.  tap-win32.c actually only needs winioctl.h which
   provide constants.  I have make sure they got the same constants in
   both old and new mingw compilers
7. #undef DELETE before redefining it for KEY_CODE in hw-events.h because
   DELETE is defined to be a constant in standard header.

The above don't break the old one (ie. /usr/bin/i586-mingw32msvc-*)

Change-Id: Ic7d13fd0fd237d433f923ee01c6ce50f5c02f095
diff --git a/tap-win32.c b/tap-win32.c
index ba93355..ce30a50 100644
--- a/tap-win32.c
+++ b/tap-win32.c
@@ -31,13 +31,7 @@
 #include "sysemu.h"
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <windows.h>
-/* NOTE: PCIBus is redefined in winddk.h */
-#define PCIBus _PCIBus
-#include <ddk/ntapi.h>
-#include <ddk/winddk.h>
-#include <ddk/ntddk.h>
-#undef PCIBus
+#include <winioctl.h>