This patch fixes the exception handling in libselinux-python bindings

On 09/16/2009 03:35 PM, Joshua Brindle wrote:
> Joshua Brindle wrote:
>> Daniel J Walsh wrote:
>>> What do you think of this one. Removed excess swig cruft,
>>> You need to run
>>> make swigify to generate those changes.
>> Ok, looking at this now. I don't completely get how it works. I'm trying
>> to reproduce what you are doing by hand but nothing comes out of gcc:
>> [root@localhost src]# echo '#include "../include/selinux/selinux.h"' >
>> temp.c
>> [root@localhost src]# gcc -c temp.c -aux-info temp.aux
>> [root@localhost src]# ls temp.*
>> temp.c temp.o
>> What is the purpose of the aux-info thing, and why doesn't it work on my
>> F11 machine?
>> also, I'm not sure if the best place for selinuxswig_exception.i is
>> swigify or pywrap. In the swigify case it shouldn't be in the clean
>> target because if you check out the repo and do make clean; make pywrap
>> you'll get an error. (I can make these fixes, I'm just trying to figure
>> out how it all works first).
> Oh, one more thing, should this be python specific? (E.g, should it be
> named selinuxswig_python_exception.i ?)
Changed name to selinux_python_exception.i

WOrks for me on F11 and F12

dwalsh@localhost$ echo '#include "../include/selinux/selinux.h"' > temp.c
dwalsh@localhost$ gcc -c temp.c -aux-info temp.aux
dwalsh@localhost$ ls temp.*
temp.aux  temp.c  temp.o

cat temp.aux
/* compiled from: . */
/* /usr/include/sys/select.h:109:NC */ extern int select (int, fd_set *, fd_set *, fd_set *, struct timeval *);
/* /usr/include/sys/select.h:121:NC */ extern int pselect (int, fd_set *, fd_set *, fd_set *, const struct timespec *, const __sigset_t *);
/* /usr/include/sys/sysmacros.h:31:NC */ extern unsigned int gnu_dev_major (long long unsigned int);
/* /usr/include/sys/sysmacros.h:34:NC */ extern unsigned int gnu_dev_minor (long long unsigned int);
/* /usr/include/sys/sysmacros.h:37:NC */ extern long long unsigned int gnu_dev_makedev (unsigned int, unsigned int);
/* ../include/selinux/selinux.h:12:NC */ extern int is_selinux_enabled (void);
/* ../include/selinux/selinux.h:14:NC */ extern int is_selinux_mls_enabled (void);
/* ../include/selinux/selinux.h:19:NC */ extern void freecon (security_context_t);
/* ../include/selinux/selinux.h:22:NC */ extern void freeconary (security_context_t *);

commit 38d98bd958f42ea18c9376e624d733795665ee22
Author: Dan Walsh <>
Date:   Wed Sep 16 16:51:14 2009 -0400

    Add exception code
5 files changed