blob: 5c5348e62f95aa7d3a793c388d80b3675fa388f5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir)
# squashfs-tools depends on Linux Kernel specific headers (e.g. sysinfo.h).
ifeq ($(HOST_OS),linux)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
# The LOCAL_MODULE name is referenced by the code. Don't change it.
LOCAL_MODULE := mksquashfs
mksquashfs_files := mksquashfs.c squashfs_fs.h squashfs_swap.h mksquashfs.h \
sort.h pseudo.h compressor.h xattr.h action.h error.h progressbar.h \
info.h caches-queues-lists.h read_fs.h restore.h process_fragments.h
read_fs_files := read_fs.c squashfs_fs.h squashfs_swap.h compressor.h xattr.h \
error.h mksquashfs.h
sort_files := sort.c squashfs_fs.h mksquashfs.h sort.h error.h progressbar.h
swap_files := swap.c
pseudo_files := pseudo.c pseudo.h error.h progressbar.h
compressor_files := compressor.c compressor.h squashfs_fs.h
xattr_files := xattr.c squashfs_fs.h squashfs_swap.h mksquashfs.h xattr.h error.h \
read_xattrs_files := read_xattrs.c squashfs_fs.h squashfs_swap.h xattr.h error.h
action_files := action.c squashfs_fs.h mksquashfs.h action.h error.h
progressbar_files := progressbar.c error.h
read_file_files := read_file.c error.h
info_files := info.c squashfs_fs.h mksquashfs.h error.h progressbar.h \
restore_files := restore.c caches-queues-lists.h squashfs_fs.h mksquashfs.h error.h \
progressbar.h info.h
process_fragments_files := process_fragments.c process_fragments.h
caches_queues_lists_files := caches-queues-lists.c error.h caches-queues-lists.h
gzip_wrapper_files := gzip_wrapper.c squashfs_fs.h gzip_wrapper.h compressor.h
# TODO: Uncomment and include when lz4 source is running.
# lz4_wrapper_files := lz4_wrapper.c squashfs_fs.h lz4_wrapper.h compressor.h
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(mksquashfs_files) $(read_fs_files) $(action_files) $(swap_files) \
$(pseudo_files) $(compressor_files) $(sort_files) $(progressbar_files) \
$(read_file_files) $(info_files) $(restore_files) \
$(process_fragments_files) $(caches_queues_lists_files) $(xattr_files) \
$(read_xattrs_files) $(gzip_wrapper_files)
# TODO: Replace gzip with lz4 support once lz4 lib is running.
LOCAL_LDLIBS := -lpthread -lm -lz