auto import from //depot/cupcake/@135843
diff --git a/tinyxml.h b/tinyxml.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18cf94f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyxml.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1511 @@
+Original code (2.0 and earlier )copyright (c) 2000-2002 Lee Thomason (
+This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
+warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
+damages arising from the use of this software.
+Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
+purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
+redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must
+not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this
+software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation
+would be appreciated but is not required.
+2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and
+must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
+3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning( push )
+#pragma warning( disable : 4530 )
+#pragma warning( disable : 4786 )
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+// Help out windows:
+#if defined( _DEBUG ) && !defined( DEBUG )
+#define DEBUG
+#if defined( DEBUG ) && defined( _MSC_VER )
+#include <windows.h>
+#define TIXML_LOG OutputDebugString
+#define TIXML_LOG printf
+	#include <string>
+ 	#include <iostream>
+	#define TIXML_STRING	std::string
+	#define TIXML_ISTREAM	std::istream
+	#define TIXML_OSTREAM	std::ostream
+	#include "tinystr.h"
+	#define TIXML_STRING	TiXmlString
+	#define TIXML_OSTREAM	TiXmlOutStream
+// Deprecated library function hell. Compilers want to use the
+// new safe versions. This probably doesn't fully address the problem,
+// but it gets closer. There are too many compilers for me to fully
+// test. If you get compilation troubles, undefine TIXML_SAFE
+#define TIXML_SAFE		// TinyXml isn't fully buffer overrun protected, safe code. This is work in progress.
+#ifdef TIXML_SAFE
+	#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200 )
+		// Microsoft visual studio, version 6 and higher.
+		//#pragma message( "Using _sn* functions." )
+		#define TIXML_SNPRINTF _snprintf
+		#define TIXML_SNSCANF  _snscanf
+	#elif defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 3 )
+		// GCC version 3 and higher.s
+		//#warning( "Using sn* functions." )
+		#define TIXML_SNPRINTF snprintf
+		#define TIXML_SNSCANF  snscanf
+	#endif
+class TiXmlDocument;
+class TiXmlElement;
+class TiXmlComment;
+class TiXmlUnknown;
+class TiXmlAttribute;
+class TiXmlText;
+class TiXmlDeclaration;
+class TiXmlParsingData;
+const int TIXML_MAJOR_VERSION = 2;
+const int TIXML_MINOR_VERSION = 4;
+const int TIXML_PATCH_VERSION = 0;
+/*	Internal structure for tracking location of items 
+	in the XML file.
+struct TiXmlCursor
+	TiXmlCursor()		{ Clear(); }
+	void Clear()		{ row = col = -1; }
+	int row;	// 0 based.
+	int col;	// 0 based.
+// Only used by Attribute::Query functions
+// Used by the parsing routines.
+enum TiXmlEncoding
+/** TiXmlBase is a base class for every class in TinyXml.
+	It does little except to establish that TinyXml classes
+	can be printed and provide some utility functions.
+	In XML, the document and elements can contain
+	other elements and other types of nodes.
+	@verbatim
+	A Document can contain:	Element	(container or leaf)
+							Comment (leaf)
+							Unknown (leaf)
+							Declaration( leaf )
+	An Element can contain:	Element (container or leaf)
+							Text	(leaf)
+							Attributes (not on tree)
+							Comment (leaf)
+							Unknown (leaf)
+	A Decleration contains: Attributes (not on tree)
+	@endverbatim
+class TiXmlBase
+	friend class TiXmlNode;
+	friend class TiXmlElement;
+	friend class TiXmlDocument;
+	TiXmlBase()	:	userData(0) {}
+	virtual ~TiXmlBase()					{}
+	/**	All TinyXml classes can print themselves to a filestream.
+		This is a formatted print, and will insert tabs and newlines.
+		(For an unformatted stream, use the << operator.)
+	*/
+	virtual void Print( FILE* cfile, int depth ) const = 0;
+	/**	The world does not agree on whether white space should be kept or
+		not. In order to make everyone happy, these global, static functions
+		are provided to set whether or not TinyXml will condense all white space
+		into a single space or not. The default is to condense. Note changing this
+		values is not thread safe.
+	*/
+	static void SetCondenseWhiteSpace( bool condense )		{ condenseWhiteSpace = condense; }
+	/// Return the current white space setting.
+	static bool IsWhiteSpaceCondensed()						{ return condenseWhiteSpace; }
+	/** Return the position, in the original source file, of this node or attribute.
+		The row and column are 1-based. (That is the first row and first column is
+		1,1). If the returns values are 0 or less, then the parser does not have
+		a row and column value.
+		Generally, the row and column value will be set when the TiXmlDocument::Load(),
+		TiXmlDocument::LoadFile(), or any TiXmlNode::Parse() is called. It will NOT be set
+		when the DOM was created from operator>>.
+		The values reflect the initial load. Once the DOM is modified programmatically
+		(by adding or changing nodes and attributes) the new values will NOT update to
+		reflect changes in the document.
+		There is a minor performance cost to computing the row and column. Computation
+		can be disabled if TiXmlDocument::SetTabSize() is called with 0 as the value.
+		@sa TiXmlDocument::SetTabSize()
+	*/
+	int Row() const			{ return location.row + 1; }
+	int Column() const		{ return location.col + 1; }	///< See Row()
+	void  SetUserData( void* user )			{ userData = user; }
+	void* GetUserData()						{ return userData; }
+	// Table that returs, for a given lead byte, the total number of bytes
+	// in the UTF-8 sequence.
+	static const int utf8ByteTable[256];
+	virtual const char* Parse(	const char* p, 
+								TiXmlParsingData* data, 
+								TiXmlEncoding encoding /*= TIXML_ENCODING_UNKNOWN */ ) = 0;
+	enum
+	{
+	};
+	// Utility class to overcome a bug.
+	class StringToBuffer
+	{
+	  public:
+		StringToBuffer( const TIXML_STRING& str );
+		~StringToBuffer();
+		char* buffer;
+	};
+	static const char*	SkipWhiteSpace( const char*, TiXmlEncoding encoding );
+	inline static bool	IsWhiteSpace( char c )		
+	{ 
+		return ( isspace( (unsigned char) c ) || c == '\n' || c == '\r' ); 
+	}
+	virtual void StreamOut (TIXML_OSTREAM *) const = 0;
+	#ifdef TIXML_USE_STL
+	    static bool	StreamWhiteSpace( TIXML_ISTREAM * in, TIXML_STRING * tag );
+	    static bool StreamTo( TIXML_ISTREAM * in, int character, TIXML_STRING * tag );
+	#endif
+	/*	Reads an XML name into the string provided. Returns
+		a pointer just past the last character of the name,
+		or 0 if the function has an error.
+	*/
+	static const char* ReadName( const char* p, TIXML_STRING* name, TiXmlEncoding encoding );
+	/*	Reads text. Returns a pointer past the given end tag.
+		Wickedly complex options, but it keeps the (sensitive) code in one place.
+	*/
+	static const char* ReadText(	const char* in,				// where to start
+									TIXML_STRING* text,			// the string read
+									bool ignoreWhiteSpace,		// whether to keep the white space
+									const char* endTag,			// what ends this text
+									bool ignoreCase,			// whether to ignore case in the end tag
+									TiXmlEncoding encoding );	// the current encoding
+	// If an entity has been found, transform it into a character.
+	static const char* GetEntity( const char* in, char* value, int* length, TiXmlEncoding encoding );
+	// Get a character, while interpreting entities.
+	// The length can be from 0 to 4 bytes.
+	inline static const char* GetChar( const char* p, char* _value, int* length, TiXmlEncoding encoding )
+	{
+		assert( p );
+		if ( encoding == TIXML_ENCODING_UTF8 )
+		{
+			*length = utf8ByteTable[ *((unsigned char*)p) ];
+			assert( *length >= 0 && *length < 5 );
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			*length = 1;
+		}
+		if ( *length == 1 )
+		{
+			if ( *p == '&' )
+				return GetEntity( p, _value, length, encoding );
+			*_value = *p;
+			return p+1;
+		}
+		else if ( *length )
+		{
+			//strncpy( _value, p, *length );	// lots of compilers don't like this function (unsafe),
+												// and the null terminator isn't needed
+			for( int i=0; p[i] && i<*length; ++i ) {
+				_value[i] = p[i];
+			}
+			return p + (*length);
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			// Not valid text.
+			return 0;
+		}
+	}
+	// Puts a string to a stream, expanding entities as it goes.
+	// Note this should not contian the '<', '>', etc, or they will be transformed into entities!
+	static void PutString( const TIXML_STRING& str, TIXML_OSTREAM* out );
+	static void PutString( const TIXML_STRING& str, TIXML_STRING* out );
+	// Return true if the next characters in the stream are any of the endTag sequences.
+	// Ignore case only works for english, and should only be relied on when comparing
+	// to English words: StringEqual( p, "version", true ) is fine.
+	static bool StringEqual(	const char* p,
+								const char* endTag,
+								bool ignoreCase,
+								TiXmlEncoding encoding );
+	static const char* errorString[ TIXML_ERROR_STRING_COUNT ];
+	TiXmlCursor location;
+    /// Field containing a generic user pointer
+	void*			userData;
+	// None of these methods are reliable for any language except English.
+	// Good for approximation, not great for accuracy.
+	static int IsAlpha( unsigned char anyByte, TiXmlEncoding encoding );
+	static int IsAlphaNum( unsigned char anyByte, TiXmlEncoding encoding );
+	inline static int ToLower( int v, TiXmlEncoding encoding )
+	{
+		if ( encoding == TIXML_ENCODING_UTF8 )
+		{
+			if ( v < 128 ) return tolower( v );
+			return v;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			return tolower( v );
+		}
+	}
+	static void ConvertUTF32ToUTF8( unsigned long input, char* output, int* length );
+	TiXmlBase( const TiXmlBase& );				// not implemented.
+	void operator=( const TiXmlBase& base );	// not allowed.
+	struct Entity
+	{
+		const char*     str;
+		unsigned int	strLength;
+		char		    chr;
+	};
+	enum
+	{
+		NUM_ENTITY = 5,
+	};
+	static Entity entity[ NUM_ENTITY ];
+	static bool condenseWhiteSpace;
+/** The parent class for everything in the Document Object Model.
+	(Except for attributes).
+	Nodes have siblings, a parent, and children. A node can be
+	in a document, or stand on its own. The type of a TiXmlNode
+	can be queried, and it can be cast to its more defined type.
+class TiXmlNode : public TiXmlBase
+	friend class TiXmlDocument;
+	friend class TiXmlElement;
+	#ifdef TIXML_USE_STL	
+	    /** An input stream operator, for every class. Tolerant of newlines and
+		    formatting, but doesn't expect them.
+	    */
+	    friend std::istream& operator >> (std::istream& in, TiXmlNode& base);
+	    /** An output stream operator, for every class. Note that this outputs
+		    without any newlines or formatting, as opposed to Print(), which
+		    includes tabs and new lines.
+		    The operator<< and operator>> are not completely symmetric. Writing
+		    a node to a stream is very well defined. You'll get a nice stream
+		    of output, without any extra whitespace or newlines.
+		    But reading is not as well defined. (As it always is.) If you create
+		    a TiXmlElement (for example) and read that from an input stream,
+		    the text needs to define an element or junk will result. This is
+		    true of all input streams, but it's worth keeping in mind.
+		    A TiXmlDocument will read nodes until it reads a root element, and
+			all the children of that root element.
+	    */	
+	    friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& out, const TiXmlNode& base);
+		/// Appends the XML node or attribute to a std::string.
+		friend std::string& operator<< (std::string& out, const TiXmlNode& base );
+	#else
+	    // Used internally, not part of the public API.
+	    friend TIXML_OSTREAM& operator<< (TIXML_OSTREAM& out, const TiXmlNode& base);
+	#endif
+	/** The types of XML nodes supported by TinyXml. (All the
+			unsupported types are picked up by UNKNOWN.)
+	*/
+	enum NodeType
+	{
+		TEXT,
+	};
+	virtual ~TiXmlNode();
+	/** The meaning of 'value' changes for the specific type of
+		TiXmlNode.
+		@verbatim
+		Document:	filename of the xml file
+		Element:	name of the element
+		Comment:	the comment text
+		Unknown:	the tag contents
+		Text:		the text string
+		@endverbatim
+		The subclasses will wrap this function.
+	*/
+	const char *Value() const { return value.c_str (); }
+    #ifdef TIXML_USE_STL
+	/** Return Value() as a std::string. If you only use STL,
+	    this is more efficient than calling Value().
+		Only available in STL mode.
+	*/
+	const std::string& ValueStr() const { return value; }
+	#endif
+	/** Changes the value of the node. Defined as:
+		@verbatim
+		Document:	filename of the xml file
+		Element:	name of the element
+		Comment:	the comment text
+		Unknown:	the tag contents
+		Text:		the text string
+		@endverbatim
+	*/
+	void SetValue(const char * _value) { value = _value;}
+    #ifdef TIXML_USE_STL
+	/// STL std::string form.
+	void SetValue( const std::string& _value )    
+	{	  
+		StringToBuffer buf( _value );
+		SetValue( buf.buffer ? buf.buffer : "" );    	
+	}	
+	#endif
+	/// Delete all the children of this node. Does not affect 'this'.
+	void Clear();
+	/// One step up the DOM.
+	TiXmlNode* Parent()							{ return parent; }
+	const TiXmlNode* Parent() const				{ return parent; }
+	const TiXmlNode* FirstChild()	const	{ return firstChild; }		///< The first child of this node. Will be null if there are no children.
+	TiXmlNode* FirstChild()					{ return firstChild; }
+	const TiXmlNode* FirstChild( const char * value ) const;			///< The first child of this node with the matching 'value'. Will be null if none found.
+	TiXmlNode* FirstChild( const char * value );						///< The first child of this node with the matching 'value'. Will be null if none found.
+	const TiXmlNode* LastChild() const	{ return lastChild; }		/// The last child of this node. Will be null if there are no children.
+	TiXmlNode* LastChild()	{ return lastChild; }
+	const TiXmlNode* LastChild( const char * value ) const;			/// The last child of this node matching 'value'. Will be null if there are no children.
+	TiXmlNode* LastChild( const char * value );	
+    #ifdef TIXML_USE_STL
+	const TiXmlNode* FirstChild( const std::string& _value ) const	{	return FirstChild (_value.c_str ());	}	///< STL std::string form.
+	TiXmlNode* FirstChild( const std::string& _value )				{	return FirstChild (_value.c_str ());	}	///< STL std::string form.
+	const TiXmlNode* LastChild( const std::string& _value ) const	{	return LastChild (_value.c_str ());	}	///< STL std::string form.
+	TiXmlNode* LastChild( const std::string& _value )				{	return LastChild (_value.c_str ());	}	///< STL std::string form.
+	#endif
+	/** An alternate way to walk the children of a node.
+		One way to iterate over nodes is:
+		@verbatim
+			for( child = parent->FirstChild(); child; child = child->NextSibling() )
+		@endverbatim
+		IterateChildren does the same thing with the syntax:
+		@verbatim
+			child = 0;
+			while( child = parent->IterateChildren( child ) )
+		@endverbatim
+		IterateChildren takes the previous child as input and finds
+		the next one. If the previous child is null, it returns the
+		first. IterateChildren will return null when done.
+	*/
+	const TiXmlNode* IterateChildren( const TiXmlNode* previous ) const;
+	TiXmlNode* IterateChildren( TiXmlNode* previous );
+	/// This flavor of IterateChildren searches for children with a particular 'value'
+	const TiXmlNode* IterateChildren( const char * value, const TiXmlNode* previous ) const;
+	TiXmlNode* IterateChildren( const char * value, TiXmlNode* previous );
+    #ifdef TIXML_USE_STL
+	const TiXmlNode* IterateChildren( const std::string& _value, const TiXmlNode* previous ) const	{	return IterateChildren (_value.c_str (), previous);	}	///< STL std::string form.
+	TiXmlNode* IterateChildren( const std::string& _value, TiXmlNode* previous ) {	return IterateChildren (_value.c_str (), previous);	}	///< STL std::string form.
+	#endif
+	/** Add a new node related to this. Adds a child past the LastChild.
+		Returns a pointer to the new object or NULL if an error occured.
+	*/
+	TiXmlNode* InsertEndChild( const TiXmlNode& addThis );
+	/** Add a new node related to this. Adds a child past the LastChild.
+		NOTE: the node to be added is passed by pointer, and will be
+		henceforth owned (and deleted) by tinyXml. This method is efficient
+		and avoids an extra copy, but should be used with care as it
+		uses a different memory model than the other insert functions.
+		@sa InsertEndChild
+	*/
+	TiXmlNode* LinkEndChild( TiXmlNode* addThis );
+	/** Add a new node related to this. Adds a child before the specified child.
+		Returns a pointer to the new object or NULL if an error occured.
+	*/
+	TiXmlNode* InsertBeforeChild( TiXmlNode* beforeThis, const TiXmlNode& addThis );
+	/** Add a new node related to this. Adds a child after the specified child.
+		Returns a pointer to the new object or NULL if an error occured.
+	*/
+	TiXmlNode* InsertAfterChild(  TiXmlNode* afterThis, const TiXmlNode& addThis );
+	/** Replace a child of this node.
+		Returns a pointer to the new object or NULL if an error occured.
+	*/
+	TiXmlNode* ReplaceChild( TiXmlNode* replaceThis, const TiXmlNode& withThis );
+	/// Delete a child of this node.
+	bool RemoveChild( TiXmlNode* removeThis );
+	/// Navigate to a sibling node.
+	const TiXmlNode* PreviousSibling() const			{ return prev; }
+	TiXmlNode* PreviousSibling()						{ return prev; }
+	/// Navigate to a sibling node.
+	const TiXmlNode* PreviousSibling( const char * ) const;
+	TiXmlNode* PreviousSibling( const char * );
+    #ifdef TIXML_USE_STL
+	const TiXmlNode* PreviousSibling( const std::string& _value ) const	{	return PreviousSibling (_value.c_str ());	}	///< STL std::string form.
+	TiXmlNode* PreviousSibling( const std::string& _value ) 			{	return PreviousSibling (_value.c_str ());	}	///< STL std::string form.
+	const TiXmlNode* NextSibling( const std::string& _value) const		{	return NextSibling (_value.c_str ());	}	///< STL std::string form.
+	TiXmlNode* NextSibling( const std::string& _value) 					{	return NextSibling (_value.c_str ());	}	///< STL std::string form.
+	#endif
+	/// Navigate to a sibling node.
+	const TiXmlNode* NextSibling() const				{ return next; }
+	TiXmlNode* NextSibling()							{ return next; }
+	/// Navigate to a sibling node with the given 'value'.
+	const TiXmlNode* NextSibling( const char * ) const;
+	TiXmlNode* NextSibling( const char * );
+	/** Convenience function to get through elements.
+		Calls NextSibling and ToElement. Will skip all non-Element
+		nodes. Returns 0 if there is not another element.
+	*/
+	const TiXmlElement* NextSiblingElement() const;
+	TiXmlElement* NextSiblingElement();
+	/** Convenience function to get through elements.
+		Calls NextSibling and ToElement. Will skip all non-Element
+		nodes. Returns 0 if there is not another element.
+	*/
+	const TiXmlElement* NextSiblingElement( const char * ) const;
+	TiXmlElement* NextSiblingElement( const char * );
+    #ifdef TIXML_USE_STL
+	const TiXmlElement* NextSiblingElement( const std::string& _value) const	{	return NextSiblingElement (_value.c_str ());	}	///< STL std::string form.
+	TiXmlElement* NextSiblingElement( const std::string& _value)				{	return NextSiblingElement (_value.c_str ());	}	///< STL std::string form.
+	#endif
+	/// Convenience function to get through elements.
+	const TiXmlElement* FirstChildElement()	const;
+	TiXmlElement* FirstChildElement();
+	/// Convenience function to get through elements.
+	const TiXmlElement* FirstChildElement( const char * value ) const;
+	TiXmlElement* FirstChildElement( const char * value );
+    #ifdef TIXML_USE_STL
+	const TiXmlElement* FirstChildElement( const std::string& _value ) const	{	return FirstChildElement (_value.c_str ());	}	///< STL std::string form.
+	TiXmlElement* FirstChildElement( const std::string& _value )				{	return FirstChildElement (_value.c_str ());	}	///< STL std::string form.
+	#endif
+	/** Query the type (as an enumerated value, above) of this node.
+		The possible types are: DOCUMENT, ELEMENT, COMMENT,
+	*/
+	virtual int Type() const	{ return type; }
+	/** Return a pointer to the Document this node lives in.
+		Returns null if not in a document.
+	*/
+	const TiXmlDocument* GetDocument() const;
+	TiXmlDocument* GetDocument();
+	/// Returns true if this node has no children.
+	bool NoChildren() const						{ return !firstChild; }
+	const TiXmlDocument* ToDocument()	const		{ return ( this && type == DOCUMENT ) ? (const TiXmlDocument*) this : 0; } ///< Cast to a more defined type. Will return null not of the requested type.
+	const TiXmlElement*  ToElement() const			{ return ( this && type == ELEMENT  ) ? (const TiXmlElement*)  this : 0; } ///< Cast to a more defined type. Will return null not of the requested type.
+	const TiXmlComment*  ToComment() const			{ return ( this && type == COMMENT  ) ? (const TiXmlComment*)  this : 0; } ///< Cast to a more defined type. Will return null not of the requested type.
+	const TiXmlUnknown*  ToUnknown() const			{ return ( this && type == UNKNOWN  ) ? (const TiXmlUnknown*)  this : 0; } ///< Cast to a more defined type. Will return null not of the requested type.
+	const TiXmlText*	   ToText()    const		{ return ( this && type == TEXT     ) ? (const TiXmlText*)     this : 0; } ///< Cast to a more defined type. Will return null not of the requested type.
+	const TiXmlDeclaration* ToDeclaration() const	{ return ( this && type == DECLARATION ) ? (const TiXmlDeclaration*) this : 0; } ///< Cast to a more defined type. Will return null not of the requested type.
+	TiXmlDocument* ToDocument()			{ return ( this && type == DOCUMENT ) ? (TiXmlDocument*) this : 0; } ///< Cast to a more defined type. Will return null not of the requested type.
+	TiXmlElement*  ToElement()			{ return ( this && type == ELEMENT  ) ? (TiXmlElement*)  this : 0; } ///< Cast to a more defined type. Will return null not of the requested type.
+	TiXmlComment*  ToComment()			{ return ( this && type == COMMENT  ) ? (TiXmlComment*)  this : 0; } ///< Cast to a more defined type. Will return null not of the requested type.
+	TiXmlUnknown*  ToUnknown()			{ return ( this && type == UNKNOWN  ) ? (TiXmlUnknown*)  this : 0; } ///< Cast to a more defined type. Will return null not of the requested type.
+	TiXmlText*	   ToText()   			{ return ( this && type == TEXT     ) ? (TiXmlText*)     this : 0; } ///< Cast to a more defined type. Will return null not of the requested type.
+	TiXmlDeclaration* ToDeclaration()	{ return ( this && type == DECLARATION ) ? (TiXmlDeclaration*) this : 0; } ///< Cast to a more defined type. Will return null not of the requested type.
+	/** Create an exact duplicate of this node and return it. The memory must be deleted
+		by the caller. 
+	*/
+	virtual TiXmlNode* Clone() const = 0;
+	TiXmlNode( NodeType _type );
+	// Copy to the allocated object. Shared functionality between Clone, Copy constructor,
+	// and the assignment operator.
+	void CopyTo( TiXmlNode* target ) const;
+	#ifdef TIXML_USE_STL
+	    // The real work of the input operator.
+	    virtual void StreamIn( TIXML_ISTREAM* in, TIXML_STRING* tag ) = 0;
+	#endif
+	// Figure out what is at *p, and parse it. Returns null if it is not an xml node.
+	TiXmlNode* Identify( const char* start, TiXmlEncoding encoding );
+	TiXmlNode*		parent;
+	NodeType		type;
+	TiXmlNode*		firstChild;
+	TiXmlNode*		lastChild;
+	TiXmlNode*		prev;
+	TiXmlNode*		next;
+	TiXmlNode( const TiXmlNode& );				// not implemented.
+	void operator=( const TiXmlNode& base );	// not allowed.
+/** An attribute is a name-value pair. Elements have an arbitrary
+	number of attributes, each with a unique name.
+	@note The attributes are not TiXmlNodes, since they are not
+		  part of the tinyXML document object model. There are other
+		  suggested ways to look at this problem.
+class TiXmlAttribute : public TiXmlBase
+	friend class TiXmlAttributeSet;
+	/// Construct an empty attribute.
+	TiXmlAttribute() : TiXmlBase()
+	{
+		document = 0;
+		prev = next = 0;
+	}
+	#ifdef TIXML_USE_STL
+	/// std::string constructor.
+	TiXmlAttribute( const std::string& _name, const std::string& _value )
+	{
+		name = _name;
+		value = _value;
+		document = 0;
+		prev = next = 0;
+	}
+	#endif
+	/// Construct an attribute with a name and value.
+	TiXmlAttribute( const char * _name, const char * _value )
+	{
+		name = _name;
+		value = _value;
+		document = 0;
+		prev = next = 0;
+	}
+	const char*		Name()  const		{ return name.c_str (); }		///< Return the name of this attribute.
+	const char*		Value() const		{ return value.c_str (); }		///< Return the value of this attribute.
+	int				IntValue() const;									///< Return the value of this attribute, converted to an integer.
+	double			DoubleValue() const;								///< Return the value of this attribute, converted to a double.
+	/** QueryIntValue examines the value string. It is an alternative to the
+		IntValue() method with richer error checking.
+		If the value is an integer, it is stored in 'value' and 
+		the call returns TIXML_SUCCESS. If it is not
+		an integer, it returns TIXML_WRONG_TYPE.
+		A specialized but useful call. Note that for success it returns 0,
+		which is the opposite of almost all other TinyXml calls.
+	*/
+	int QueryIntValue( int* _value ) const;
+	/// QueryDoubleValue examines the value string. See QueryIntValue().
+	int QueryDoubleValue( double* _value ) const;
+	void SetName( const char* _name )	{ name = _name; }				///< Set the name of this attribute.
+	void SetValue( const char* _value )	{ value = _value; }				///< Set the value.
+	void SetIntValue( int _value );										///< Set the value from an integer.
+	void SetDoubleValue( double _value );								///< Set the value from a double.
+    #ifdef TIXML_USE_STL
+	/// STL std::string form.
+	void SetName( const std::string& _name )	
+	{	
+		StringToBuffer buf( _name );
+		SetName ( buf.buffer ? buf.buffer : "error" );	
+	}
+	/// STL std::string form.	
+	void SetValue( const std::string& _value )	
+	{	
+		StringToBuffer buf( _value );
+		SetValue( buf.buffer ? buf.buffer : "error" );	
+	}
+	#endif
+	/// Get the next sibling attribute in the DOM. Returns null at end.
+	const TiXmlAttribute* Next() const;
+	TiXmlAttribute* Next();
+	/// Get the previous sibling attribute in the DOM. Returns null at beginning.
+	const TiXmlAttribute* Previous() const;
+	TiXmlAttribute* Previous();
+	bool operator==( const TiXmlAttribute& rhs ) const { return == name; }
+	bool operator<( const TiXmlAttribute& rhs )	 const { return name <; }
+	bool operator>( const TiXmlAttribute& rhs )  const { return name >; }
+	/*	Attribute parsing starts: first letter of the name
+						 returns: the next char after the value end quote
+	*/
+	virtual const char* Parse( const char* p, TiXmlParsingData* data, TiXmlEncoding encoding );
+	// Prints this Attribute to a FILE stream.
+	virtual void Print( FILE* cfile, int depth ) const;
+	virtual void StreamOut( TIXML_OSTREAM * out ) const;
+	// [internal use]
+	// Set the document pointer so the attribute can report errors.
+	void SetDocument( TiXmlDocument* doc )	{ document = doc; }
+	TiXmlAttribute( const TiXmlAttribute& );				// not implemented.
+	void operator=( const TiXmlAttribute& base );	// not allowed.
+	TiXmlDocument*	document;	// A pointer back to a document, for error reporting.
+	TiXmlAttribute*	prev;
+	TiXmlAttribute*	next;
+/*	A class used to manage a group of attributes.
+	It is only used internally, both by the ELEMENT and the DECLARATION.
+	The set can be changed transparent to the Element and Declaration
+	classes that use it, but NOT transparent to the Attribute
+	which has to implement a next() and previous() method. Which makes
+	it a bit problematic and prevents the use of STL.
+	This version is implemented with circular lists because:
+		- I like circular lists
+		- it demonstrates some independence from the (typical) doubly linked list.
+class TiXmlAttributeSet
+	TiXmlAttributeSet();
+	~TiXmlAttributeSet();
+	void Add( TiXmlAttribute* attribute );
+	void Remove( TiXmlAttribute* attribute );
+	const TiXmlAttribute* First()	const	{ return ( == &sentinel ) ? 0 :; }
+	TiXmlAttribute* First()					{ return ( == &sentinel ) ? 0 :; }
+	const TiXmlAttribute* Last() const		{ return ( sentinel.prev == &sentinel ) ? 0 : sentinel.prev; }
+	TiXmlAttribute* Last()					{ return ( sentinel.prev == &sentinel ) ? 0 : sentinel.prev; }
+	const TiXmlAttribute*	Find( const char * name ) const;
+	TiXmlAttribute*	Find( const char * name );
+	//*ME:	Because of hidden/disabled copy-construktor in TiXmlAttribute (sentinel-element),
+	//*ME:	this class must be also use a hidden/disabled copy-constructor !!!
+	TiXmlAttributeSet( const TiXmlAttributeSet& );	// not allowed
+	void operator=( const TiXmlAttributeSet& );	// not allowed (as TiXmlAttribute)
+	TiXmlAttribute sentinel;
+/** The element is a container class. It has a value, the element name,
+	and can contain other elements, text, comments, and unknowns.
+	Elements also contain an arbitrary number of attributes.
+class TiXmlElement : public TiXmlNode
+	/// Construct an element.
+	TiXmlElement (const char * in_value);
+	#ifdef TIXML_USE_STL
+	/// std::string constructor.
+	TiXmlElement( const std::string& _value );
+	#endif
+	TiXmlElement( const TiXmlElement& );
+	void operator=( const TiXmlElement& base );
+	virtual ~TiXmlElement();
+	/** Given an attribute name, Attribute() returns the value
+		for the attribute of that name, or null if none exists.
+	*/
+	const char* Attribute( const char* name ) const;
+	/** Given an attribute name, Attribute() returns the value
+		for the attribute of that name, or null if none exists.
+		If the attribute exists and can be converted to an integer,
+		the integer value will be put in the return 'i', if 'i'
+		is non-null.
+	*/
+	const char* Attribute( const char* name, int* i ) const;
+	/** Given an attribute name, Attribute() returns the value
+		for the attribute of that name, or null if none exists.
+		If the attribute exists and can be converted to an double,
+		the double value will be put in the return 'd', if 'd'
+		is non-null.
+	*/
+	const char* Attribute( const char* name, double* d ) const;
+	/** QueryIntAttribute examines the attribute - it is an alternative to the
+		Attribute() method with richer error checking.
+		If the attribute is an integer, it is stored in 'value' and 
+		the call returns TIXML_SUCCESS. If it is not
+		an integer, it returns TIXML_WRONG_TYPE. If the attribute
+		does not exist, then TIXML_NO_ATTRIBUTE is returned.
+	*/	
+	int QueryIntAttribute( const char* name, int* _value ) const;
+	/// QueryDoubleAttribute examines the attribute - see QueryIntAttribute().
+	int QueryDoubleAttribute( const char* name, double* _value ) const;
+	/// QueryFloatAttribute examines the attribute - see QueryIntAttribute().
+	int QueryFloatAttribute( const char* name, float* _value ) const {
+		double d;
+		int result = QueryDoubleAttribute( name, &d );
+		if ( result == TIXML_SUCCESS ) {
+			*_value = (float)d;
+		}
+		return result;
+	}
+	/** Sets an attribute of name to a given value. The attribute
+		will be created if it does not exist, or changed if it does.
+	*/
+	void SetAttribute( const char* name, const char * _value );
+    #ifdef TIXML_USE_STL
+	const char* Attribute( const std::string& name ) const				{ return Attribute( name.c_str() ); }
+	const char* Attribute( const std::string& name, int* i ) const		{ return Attribute( name.c_str(), i ); }
+	const char* Attribute( const std::string& name, double* d ) const	{ return Attribute( name.c_str(), d ); }
+	int QueryIntAttribute( const std::string& name, int* _value ) const	{ return QueryIntAttribute( name.c_str(), _value ); }
+	int QueryDoubleAttribute( const std::string& name, double* _value ) const { return QueryDoubleAttribute( name.c_str(), _value ); }
+	/// STL std::string form.
+	void SetAttribute( const std::string& name, const std::string& _value )	
+	{	
+		StringToBuffer n( name );
+		StringToBuffer v( _value );
+		if ( n.buffer && v.buffer )
+			SetAttribute (n.buffer, v.buffer );	
+	}	
+	///< STL std::string form.
+	void SetAttribute( const std::string& name, int _value )	
+	{	
+		StringToBuffer n( name );
+		if ( n.buffer )
+			SetAttribute (n.buffer, _value);	
+	}	
+	#endif
+	/** Sets an attribute of name to a given value. The attribute
+		will be created if it does not exist, or changed if it does.
+	*/
+	void SetAttribute( const char * name, int value );
+	/** Sets an attribute of name to a given value. The attribute
+		will be created if it does not exist, or changed if it does.
+	*/
+	void SetDoubleAttribute( const char * name, double value );
+	/** Deletes an attribute with the given name.
+	*/
+	void RemoveAttribute( const char * name );
+    #ifdef TIXML_USE_STL
+	void RemoveAttribute( const std::string& name )	{	RemoveAttribute (name.c_str ());	}	///< STL std::string form.
+	#endif
+	const TiXmlAttribute* FirstAttribute() const	{ return attributeSet.First(); }		///< Access the first attribute in this element.
+	TiXmlAttribute* FirstAttribute() 				{ return attributeSet.First(); }
+	const TiXmlAttribute* LastAttribute()	const 	{ return attributeSet.Last(); }		///< Access the last attribute in this element.
+	TiXmlAttribute* LastAttribute()					{ return attributeSet.Last(); }
+	/** Convenience function for easy access to the text inside an element. Although easy
+		and concise, GetText() is limited compared to getting the TiXmlText child
+		and accessing it directly.
+		If the first child of 'this' is a TiXmlText, the GetText()
+		returs the character string of the Text node, else null is returned.
+		This is a convenient method for getting the text of simple contained text:
+		@verbatim
+		<foo>This is text</foo>
+		const char* str = fooElement->GetText();
+		@endverbatim
+		'str' will be a pointer to "This is text". 
+		Note that this function can be misleading. If the element foo was created from
+		this XML:
+		@verbatim
+		<foo><b>This is text</b></foo> 
+		@endverbatim
+		then the value of str would be null. The first child node isn't a text node, it is
+		another element. From this XML:
+		@verbatim
+		<foo>This is <b>text</b></foo> 
+		@endverbatim
+		GetText() will return "This is ".
+		WARNING: GetText() accesses a child node - don't become confused with the 
+				 similarly named TiXmlHandle::Text() and TiXmlNode::ToText() which are 
+				 safe type casts on the referenced node.
+	*/
+	const char* GetText() const;
+	/// Creates a new Element and returns it - the returned element is a copy.
+	virtual TiXmlNode* Clone() const;
+	// Print the Element to a FILE stream.
+	virtual void Print( FILE* cfile, int depth ) const;
+	/*	Attribtue parsing starts: next char past '<'
+						 returns: next char past '>'
+	*/
+	virtual const char* Parse( const char* p, TiXmlParsingData* data, TiXmlEncoding encoding );
+	void CopyTo( TiXmlElement* target ) const;
+	void ClearThis();	// like clear, but initializes 'this' object as well
+	// Used to be public [internal use]
+	#ifdef TIXML_USE_STL
+	    virtual void StreamIn( TIXML_ISTREAM * in, TIXML_STRING * tag );
+	#endif
+	virtual void StreamOut( TIXML_OSTREAM * out ) const;
+	/*	[internal use]
+		Reads the "value" of the element -- another element, or text.
+		This should terminate with the current end tag.
+	*/
+	const char* ReadValue( const char* in, TiXmlParsingData* prevData, TiXmlEncoding encoding );
+	TiXmlAttributeSet attributeSet;
+/**	An XML comment.
+class TiXmlComment : public TiXmlNode
+	/// Constructs an empty comment.
+	TiXmlComment() : TiXmlNode( TiXmlNode::COMMENT ) {}
+	TiXmlComment( const TiXmlComment& );
+	void operator=( const TiXmlComment& base );
+	virtual ~TiXmlComment()	{}
+	/// Returns a copy of this Comment.
+	virtual TiXmlNode* Clone() const;
+	/// Write this Comment to a FILE stream.
+	virtual void Print( FILE* cfile, int depth ) const;
+	/*	Attribtue parsing starts: at the ! of the !--
+						 returns: next char past '>'
+	*/
+	virtual const char* Parse( const char* p, TiXmlParsingData* data, TiXmlEncoding encoding );
+	void CopyTo( TiXmlComment* target ) const;
+	// used to be public
+	#ifdef TIXML_USE_STL
+	    virtual void StreamIn( TIXML_ISTREAM * in, TIXML_STRING * tag );
+	#endif
+	virtual void StreamOut( TIXML_OSTREAM * out ) const;
+/** XML text. A text node can have 2 ways to output the next. "normal" output 
+	and CDATA. It will default to the mode it was parsed from the XML file and
+	you generally want to leave it alone, but you can change the output mode with 
+	SetCDATA() and query it with CDATA().
+class TiXmlText : public TiXmlNode
+	friend class TiXmlElement;
+	/** Constructor for text element. By default, it is treated as 
+		normal, encoded text. If you want it be output as a CDATA text
+		element, set the parameter _cdata to 'true'
+	*/
+	TiXmlText (const char * initValue ) : TiXmlNode (TiXmlNode::TEXT)
+	{
+		SetValue( initValue );
+		cdata = false;
+	}
+	virtual ~TiXmlText() {}
+	#ifdef TIXML_USE_STL
+	/// Constructor.
+	TiXmlText( const std::string& initValue ) : TiXmlNode (TiXmlNode::TEXT)
+	{
+		SetValue( initValue );
+		cdata = false;
+	}
+	#endif
+	TiXmlText( const TiXmlText& copy ) : TiXmlNode( TiXmlNode::TEXT )	{ copy.CopyTo( this ); }
+	void operator=( const TiXmlText& base )							 	{ base.CopyTo( this ); }
+	/// Write this text object to a FILE stream.
+	virtual void Print( FILE* cfile, int depth ) const;
+	/// Queries whether this represents text using a CDATA section.
+	bool CDATA()					{ return cdata; }
+	/// Turns on or off a CDATA representation of text.
+	void SetCDATA( bool _cdata )	{ cdata = _cdata; }
+	virtual const char* Parse( const char* p, TiXmlParsingData* data, TiXmlEncoding encoding );
+protected :
+	///  [internal use] Creates a new Element and returns it.
+	virtual TiXmlNode* Clone() const;
+	void CopyTo( TiXmlText* target ) const;
+	virtual void StreamOut ( TIXML_OSTREAM * out ) const;
+	bool Blank() const;	// returns true if all white space and new lines
+	// [internal use]
+	#ifdef TIXML_USE_STL
+	    virtual void StreamIn( TIXML_ISTREAM * in, TIXML_STRING * tag );
+	#endif
+	bool cdata;			// true if this should be input and output as a CDATA style text element
+/** In correct XML the declaration is the first entry in the file.
+	@verbatim
+		<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
+	@endverbatim
+	TinyXml will happily read or write files without a declaration,
+	however. There are 3 possible attributes to the declaration:
+	version, encoding, and standalone.
+	Note: In this version of the code, the attributes are
+	handled as special cases, not generic attributes, simply
+	because there can only be at most 3 and they are always the same.
+class TiXmlDeclaration : public TiXmlNode
+	/// Construct an empty declaration.
+	TiXmlDeclaration()   : TiXmlNode( TiXmlNode::DECLARATION ) {}
+	/// Constructor.
+	TiXmlDeclaration(	const std::string& _version,
+						const std::string& _encoding,
+						const std::string& _standalone );
+	/// Construct.
+	TiXmlDeclaration(	const char* _version,
+						const char* _encoding,
+						const char* _standalone );
+	TiXmlDeclaration( const TiXmlDeclaration& copy );
+	void operator=( const TiXmlDeclaration& copy );
+	virtual ~TiXmlDeclaration()	{}
+	/// Version. Will return an empty string if none was found.
+	const char *Version() const			{ return version.c_str (); }
+	/// Encoding. Will return an empty string if none was found.
+	const char *Encoding() const		{ return encoding.c_str (); }
+	/// Is this a standalone document?
+	const char *Standalone() const		{ return standalone.c_str (); }
+	/// Creates a copy of this Declaration and returns it.
+	virtual TiXmlNode* Clone() const;
+	/// Print this declaration to a FILE stream.
+	virtual void Print( FILE* cfile, int depth ) const;
+	virtual const char* Parse( const char* p, TiXmlParsingData* data, TiXmlEncoding encoding );
+	void CopyTo( TiXmlDeclaration* target ) const;
+	// used to be public
+	#ifdef TIXML_USE_STL
+	    virtual void StreamIn( TIXML_ISTREAM * in, TIXML_STRING * tag );
+	#endif
+	virtual void StreamOut ( TIXML_OSTREAM * out) const;
+	TIXML_STRING version;
+	TIXML_STRING encoding;
+	TIXML_STRING standalone;
+/** Any tag that tinyXml doesn't recognize is saved as an
+	unknown. It is a tag of text, but should not be modified.
+	It will be written back to the XML, unchanged, when the file
+	is saved.
+	DTD tags get thrown into TiXmlUnknowns.
+class TiXmlUnknown : public TiXmlNode
+	TiXmlUnknown() : TiXmlNode( TiXmlNode::UNKNOWN )	{}
+	virtual ~TiXmlUnknown() {}
+	TiXmlUnknown( const TiXmlUnknown& copy ) : TiXmlNode( TiXmlNode::UNKNOWN )		{ copy.CopyTo( this ); }
+	void operator=( const TiXmlUnknown& copy )										{ copy.CopyTo( this ); }
+	/// Creates a copy of this Unknown and returns it.
+	virtual TiXmlNode* Clone() const;
+	/// Print this Unknown to a FILE stream.
+	virtual void Print( FILE* cfile, int depth ) const;
+	virtual const char* Parse( const char* p, TiXmlParsingData* data, TiXmlEncoding encoding );
+	void CopyTo( TiXmlUnknown* target ) const;
+	#ifdef TIXML_USE_STL
+	    virtual void StreamIn( TIXML_ISTREAM * in, TIXML_STRING * tag );
+	#endif
+	virtual void StreamOut ( TIXML_OSTREAM * out ) const;
+/** Always the top level node. A document binds together all the
+	XML pieces. It can be saved, loaded, and printed to the screen.
+	The 'value' of a document node is the xml file name.
+class TiXmlDocument : public TiXmlNode
+	/// Create an empty document, that has no name.
+	TiXmlDocument();
+	/// Create a document with a name. The name of the document is also the filename of the xml.
+	TiXmlDocument( const char * documentName );
+	#ifdef TIXML_USE_STL
+	/// Constructor.
+	TiXmlDocument( const std::string& documentName );
+	#endif
+	TiXmlDocument( const TiXmlDocument& copy );
+	void operator=( const TiXmlDocument& copy );
+	virtual ~TiXmlDocument() {}
+	/** Load a file using the current document value.
+		Returns true if successful. Will delete any existing
+		document data before loading.
+	*/
+	bool LoadFile( TiXmlEncoding encoding = TIXML_DEFAULT_ENCODING );
+	/// Save a file using the current document value. Returns true if successful.
+	bool SaveFile() const;
+	/// Load a file using the given filename. Returns true if successful.
+	bool LoadFile( const char * filename, TiXmlEncoding encoding = TIXML_DEFAULT_ENCODING );
+	/// Save a file using the given filename. Returns true if successful.
+	bool SaveFile( const char * filename ) const;
+	#ifdef TIXML_USE_STL
+	bool LoadFile( const std::string& filename, TiXmlEncoding encoding = TIXML_DEFAULT_ENCODING )			///< STL std::string version.
+	{
+		StringToBuffer f( filename );
+		return ( f.buffer && LoadFile( f.buffer, encoding ));
+	}
+	bool SaveFile( const std::string& filename ) const		///< STL std::string version.
+	{
+		StringToBuffer f( filename );
+		return ( f.buffer && SaveFile( f.buffer ));
+	}
+	#endif
+	/** Parse the given null terminated block of xml data. Passing in an encoding to this
+		method (either TIXML_ENCODING_LEGACY or TIXML_ENCODING_UTF8 will force TinyXml
+		to use that encoding, regardless of what TinyXml might otherwise try to detect.
+	*/
+	virtual const char* Parse( const char* p, TiXmlParsingData* data = 0, TiXmlEncoding encoding = TIXML_DEFAULT_ENCODING );
+	/** Get the root element -- the only top level element -- of the document.
+		In well formed XML, there should only be one. TinyXml is tolerant of
+		multiple elements at the document level.
+	*/
+	const TiXmlElement* RootElement() const		{ return FirstChildElement(); }
+	TiXmlElement* RootElement()					{ return FirstChildElement(); }
+	/** If an error occurs, Error will be set to true. Also,
+		- The ErrorId() will contain the integer identifier of the error (not generally useful)
+		- The ErrorDesc() method will return the name of the error. (very useful)
+		- The ErrorRow() and ErrorCol() will return the location of the error (if known)
+	*/	
+	bool Error() const						{ return error; }
+	/// Contains a textual (english) description of the error if one occurs.
+	const char * ErrorDesc() const	{ return errorDesc.c_str (); }
+	/** Generally, you probably want the error string ( ErrorDesc() ). But if you
+		prefer the ErrorId, this function will fetch it.
+	*/
+	int ErrorId()	const				{ return errorId; }
+	/** Returns the location (if known) of the error. The first column is column 1, 
+		and the first row is row 1. A value of 0 means the row and column wasn't applicable
+		(memory errors, for example, have no row/column) or the parser lost the error. (An
+		error in the error reporting, in that case.)
+		@sa SetTabSize, Row, Column
+	*/
+	int ErrorRow()	{ return errorLocation.row+1; }
+	int ErrorCol()	{ return errorLocation.col+1; }	///< The column where the error occured. See ErrorRow()
+	/** SetTabSize() allows the error reporting functions (ErrorRow() and ErrorCol())
+		to report the correct values for row and column. It does not change the output
+		or input in any way.
+		By calling this method, with a tab size
+		greater than 0, the row and column of each node and attribute is stored
+		when the file is loaded. Very useful for tracking the DOM back in to
+		the source file.
+		The tab size is required for calculating the location of nodes. If not
+		set, the default of 4 is used. The tabsize is set per document. Setting
+		the tabsize to 0 disables row/column tracking.
+		Note that row and column tracking is not supported when using operator>>.
+		The tab size needs to be enabled before the parse or load. Correct usage:
+		@verbatim
+		TiXmlDocument doc;
+		doc.SetTabSize( 8 );
+		doc.Load( "myfile.xml" );
+		@endverbatim
+		@sa Row, Column
+	*/
+	void SetTabSize( int _tabsize )		{ tabsize = _tabsize; }
+	int TabSize() const	{ return tabsize; }
+	/** If you have handled the error, it can be reset with this call. The error
+		state is automatically cleared if you Parse a new XML block.
+	*/
+	void ClearError()						{	error = false; 
+												errorId = 0; 
+												errorDesc = ""; 
+												errorLocation.row = errorLocation.col = 0; 
+												//errorLocation.last = 0; 
+											}
+	/** Dump the document to standard out. */
+	void Print() const						{ Print( stdout, 0 ); }
+	/// Print this Document to a FILE stream.
+	virtual void Print( FILE* cfile, int depth = 0 ) const;
+	// [internal use]
+	void SetError( int err, const char* errorLocation, TiXmlParsingData* prevData, TiXmlEncoding encoding );
+protected :
+	virtual void StreamOut ( TIXML_OSTREAM * out) const;
+	// [internal use]
+	virtual TiXmlNode* Clone() const;
+	#ifdef TIXML_USE_STL
+	    virtual void StreamIn( TIXML_ISTREAM * in, TIXML_STRING * tag );
+	#endif
+	void CopyTo( TiXmlDocument* target ) const;
+	bool error;
+	int  errorId;
+	TIXML_STRING errorDesc;
+	int tabsize;
+	TiXmlCursor errorLocation;
+	bool useMicrosoftBOM;		// the UTF-8 BOM were found when read. Note this, and try to write.
+	A TiXmlHandle is a class that wraps a node pointer with null checks; this is
+	an incredibly useful thing. Note that TiXmlHandle is not part of the TinyXml
+	DOM structure. It is a separate utility class.
+	Take an example:
+	@verbatim
+	<Document>
+		<Element attributeA = "valueA">
+			<Child attributeB = "value1" />
+			<Child attributeB = "value2" />
+		</Element>
+	<Document>
+	@endverbatim
+	Assuming you want the value of "attributeB" in the 2nd "Child" element, it's very 
+	easy to write a *lot* of code that looks like:
+	@verbatim
+	TiXmlElement* root = document.FirstChildElement( "Document" );
+	if ( root )
+	{
+		TiXmlElement* element = root->FirstChildElement( "Element" );
+		if ( element )
+		{
+			TiXmlElement* child = element->FirstChildElement( "Child" );
+			if ( child )
+			{
+				TiXmlElement* child2 = child->NextSiblingElement( "Child" );
+				if ( child2 )
+				{
+					// Finally do something useful.
+	@endverbatim
+	And that doesn't even cover "else" cases. TiXmlHandle addresses the verbosity
+	of such code. A TiXmlHandle checks for null	pointers so it is perfectly safe 
+	and correct to use:
+	@verbatim
+	TiXmlHandle docHandle( &document );
+	TiXmlElement* child2 = docHandle.FirstChild( "Document" ).FirstChild( "Element" ).Child( "Child", 1 ).Element();
+	if ( child2 )
+	{
+		// do something useful
+	@endverbatim
+	Which is MUCH more concise and useful.
+	It is also safe to copy handles - internally they are nothing more than node pointers.
+	@verbatim
+	TiXmlHandle handleCopy = handle;
+	@endverbatim
+	What they should not be used for is iteration:
+	@verbatim
+	int i=0; 
+	while ( true )
+	{
+		TiXmlElement* child = docHandle.FirstChild( "Document" ).FirstChild( "Element" ).Child( "Child", i ).Element();
+		if ( !child )
+			break;
+		// do something
+		++i;
+	}
+	@endverbatim
+	It seems reasonable, but it is in fact two embedded while loops. The Child method is 
+	a linear walk to find the element, so this code would iterate much more than it needs 
+	to. Instead, prefer:
+	@verbatim
+	TiXmlElement* child = docHandle.FirstChild( "Document" ).FirstChild( "Element" ).FirstChild( "Child" ).Element();
+	for( child; child; child=child->NextSiblingElement() )
+	{
+		// do something
+	}
+	@endverbatim
+class TiXmlHandle
+	/// Create a handle from any node (at any depth of the tree.) This can be a null pointer.
+	TiXmlHandle( TiXmlNode* _node )					{ this->node = _node; }
+	/// Copy constructor
+	TiXmlHandle( const TiXmlHandle& ref )			{ this->node = ref.node; }
+	TiXmlHandle operator=( const TiXmlHandle& ref ) { this->node = ref.node; return *this; }
+	/// Return a handle to the first child node.
+	TiXmlHandle FirstChild() const;
+	/// Return a handle to the first child node with the given name.
+	TiXmlHandle FirstChild( const char * value ) const;
+	/// Return a handle to the first child element.
+	TiXmlHandle FirstChildElement() const;
+	/// Return a handle to the first child element with the given name.
+	TiXmlHandle FirstChildElement( const char * value ) const;
+	/** Return a handle to the "index" child with the given name. 
+		The first child is 0, the second 1, etc.
+	*/
+	TiXmlHandle Child( const char* value, int index ) const;
+	/** Return a handle to the "index" child. 
+		The first child is 0, the second 1, etc.
+	*/
+	TiXmlHandle Child( int index ) const;
+	/** Return a handle to the "index" child element with the given name. 
+		The first child element is 0, the second 1, etc. Note that only TiXmlElements
+		are indexed: other types are not counted.
+	*/
+	TiXmlHandle ChildElement( const char* value, int index ) const;
+	/** Return a handle to the "index" child element. 
+		The first child element is 0, the second 1, etc. Note that only TiXmlElements
+		are indexed: other types are not counted.
+	*/
+	TiXmlHandle ChildElement( int index ) const;
+	#ifdef TIXML_USE_STL
+	TiXmlHandle FirstChild( const std::string& _value ) const				{ return FirstChild( _value.c_str() ); }
+	TiXmlHandle FirstChildElement( const std::string& _value ) const		{ return FirstChildElement( _value.c_str() ); }
+	TiXmlHandle Child( const std::string& _value, int index ) const			{ return Child( _value.c_str(), index ); }
+	TiXmlHandle ChildElement( const std::string& _value, int index ) const	{ return ChildElement( _value.c_str(), index ); }
+	#endif
+	/// Return the handle as a TiXmlNode. This may return null.
+	TiXmlNode* Node() const			{ return node; } 
+	/// Return the handle as a TiXmlElement. This may return null.
+	TiXmlElement* Element() const	{ return ( ( node && node->ToElement() ) ? node->ToElement() : 0 ); }
+	/// Return the handle as a TiXmlText. This may return null.
+	TiXmlText* Text() const			{ return ( ( node && node->ToText() ) ? node->ToText() : 0 ); }
+	/// Return the handle as a TiXmlUnknown. This may return null;
+	TiXmlUnknown* Unknown() const			{ return ( ( node && node->ToUnknown() ) ? node->ToUnknown() : 0 ); }
+	TiXmlNode* node;
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning( pop )