Fix a trivial typo in www/about.html.

Sticky shift key...
diff --git a/www/about.html b/www/about.html
index 887a8df..61c57a6 100755
--- a/www/about.html
+++ b/www/about.html
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
 <p>The <a href=>2015 toybox talk</a>
 starts with links to three previous talks on the history and motivation of
 the project: "Why Toybox", "Why Public Domain", and "Why did I do
-Aboriginal LInux (which led me here)?".</p>
+Aboriginal Linux (which led me here)?".</p>
 <b><h2><a name="toycans" />What's the toybox logo image?</h2></b>