_mkflags_ had an issue for generating FLAG_xxxx macros for long options.

Only the first __long__ option, without any __short__ option had a proper
flag value, rest all were defined to ZERO. Becaus the _flist_ was not moved
to the next in this case.
diff --git a/scripts/mkflags.c b/scripts/mkflags.c
index 748e93d..001007e 100644
--- a/scripts/mkflags.c
+++ b/scripts/mkflags.c
@@ -117,7 +117,13 @@
           flist->lopt = flist->lopt->next;
         } else sprintf(out, "#define FLAG_%s 0\n", aflist->lopt->command);
         aflist->lopt = aflist->lopt->next;
-        if (!aflist->command) aflist = aflist->next;
+        if (!aflist->command) {
+          aflist = aflist->next;
+          if (flist) {
+            flist = flist->next;
+            bit++;
+          }
+        }
       } else if (aflist->command) {
         if (flist && (!aflist->command || *aflist->command == *flist->command))