Tremolo (an ARM optimised version of the Tremor library for doing Ogg Vorbis decompression)
diff --git a/Tremolo/mdct.c b/Tremolo/mdct.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..450819b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tremolo/mdct.c
@@ -0,0 +1,562 @@
+ *                                                                  *
+ *                                                                  *
+ *                                                                  *
+ * THE OggVorbis 'TREMOR' SOURCE CODE IS (C) COPYRIGHT 1994-2003    *
+ * BY THE Xiph.Org FOUNDATION                  *
+ *                                                                  *
+ ********************************************************************
+ function: normalized modified discrete cosine transform
+           power of two length transform only [64 <= n ]
+ last mod: $Id: mdct.c,v 2003/04/29 04:03:27 xiphmont Exp $
+ Original algorithm adapted long ago from _The use of multirate filter
+ banks for coding of high quality digital audio_, by T. Sporer,
+ K. Brandenburg and B. Edler, collection of the European Signal
+ Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Amsterdam, June 1992, Vol.1, pp
+ 211-214
+ The below code implements an algorithm that no longer looks much like
+ that presented in the paper, but the basic structure remains if you
+ dig deep enough to see it.
+ This module DOES NOT INCLUDE code to generate/apply the window
+ function.  Everybody has their own weird favorite including me... I
+ happen to like the properties of y=sin(.5PI*sin^2(x)), but others may
+ vehemently disagree.
+ ********************************************************************/
+#include "ivorbiscodec.h"
+#include "os.h"
+#include "misc.h"
+#include "mdct.h"
+#include "mdct_lookup.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#if defined(ONLY_C)
+STIN void presymmetry(DATA_TYPE *in,int n2,int step){
+  int n4=n2>>1;
+  aX            = in+n2-3;
+  T             = sincos_lookup0;
+  do{
+    REG_TYPE  s0= aX[0];
+    REG_TYPE  s2= aX[2];
+    XPROD31( s0, s2, T[0], T[1], &aX[0], &aX[2] ); T+=step;
+    aX-=4;
+  }while(aX>=in+n4);
+  do{
+    REG_TYPE  s0= aX[0];
+    REG_TYPE  s2= aX[2];
+    XPROD31( s0, s2, T[1], T[0], &aX[0], &aX[2] ); T-=step;
+    aX-=4;
+  }while(aX>=in);
+  aX            = in+n2-4;
+  bX            = in;
+  T             = sincos_lookup0;
+  do{
+    REG_TYPE  ri0= aX[0];
+    REG_TYPE  ri2= aX[2];
+    REG_TYPE  ro0= bX[0];
+    REG_TYPE  ro2= bX[2];
+    XNPROD31( ro2, ro0, T[1], T[0], &aX[0], &aX[2] ); T+=step;
+    XNPROD31( ri2, ri0, T[0], T[1], &bX[0], &bX[2] );
+    aX-=4;
+    bX+=4;
+  }while(aX>=bX);
+/* 8 point butterfly (in place) */
+STIN void mdct_butterfly_8(DATA_TYPE *x){
+  REG_TYPE s0   = x[0] + x[1];
+  REG_TYPE s1   = x[0] - x[1];
+  REG_TYPE s2   = x[2] + x[3];
+  REG_TYPE s3   = x[2] - x[3];
+  REG_TYPE s4   = x[4] + x[5];
+  REG_TYPE s5   = x[4] - x[5];
+  REG_TYPE s6   = x[6] + x[7];
+  REG_TYPE s7   = x[6] - x[7];
+	   x[0] = s5   + s3;
+	   x[1] = s7   - s1;
+	   x[2] = s5   - s3;
+	   x[3] = s7   + s1;
+           x[4] = s4   - s0;
+	   x[5] = s6   - s2;
+           x[6] = s4   + s0;
+	   x[7] = s6   + s2;
+	   MB();
+/* 16 point butterfly (in place, 4 register) */
+STIN void mdct_butterfly_16(DATA_TYPE *x){
+  REG_TYPE s0, s1, s2, s3;
+	   s0 = x[ 8] - x[ 9]; x[ 8] += x[ 9];
+	   s1 = x[10] - x[11]; x[10] += x[11];
+	   s2 = x[ 1] - x[ 0]; x[ 9]  = x[ 1] + x[0];
+	   s3 = x[ 3] - x[ 2]; x[11]  = x[ 3] + x[2];
+	   x[ 0] = MULT31((s0 - s1) , cPI2_8);
+	   x[ 1] = MULT31((s2 + s3) , cPI2_8);
+	   x[ 2] = MULT31((s0 + s1) , cPI2_8);
+	   x[ 3] = MULT31((s3 - s2) , cPI2_8);
+	   MB();
+	   s2 = x[12] - x[13]; x[12] += x[13];
+	   s3 = x[14] - x[15]; x[14] += x[15];
+	   s0 = x[ 4] - x[ 5]; x[13]  = x[ 5] + x[ 4];
+	   s1 = x[ 7] - x[ 6]; x[15]  = x[ 7] + x[ 6];
+	   x[ 4] = s2; x[ 5] = s1;
+	   x[ 6] = s3; x[ 7] = s0;
+	   MB();
+	   mdct_butterfly_8(x);
+	   mdct_butterfly_8(x+8);
+/* 32 point butterfly (in place, 4 register) */
+STIN void mdct_butterfly_32(DATA_TYPE *x){
+  REG_TYPE s0, s1, s2, s3;
+	   s0 = x[16] - x[17]; x[16] += x[17];
+	   s1 = x[18] - x[19]; x[18] += x[19];
+	   s2 = x[ 1] - x[ 0]; x[17]  = x[ 1] + x[ 0];
+	   s3 = x[ 3] - x[ 2]; x[19]  = x[ 3] + x[ 2];
+	   XNPROD31( s0, s1, cPI3_8, cPI1_8, &x[ 0], &x[ 2] );
+	   XPROD31 ( s2, s3, cPI1_8, cPI3_8, &x[ 1], &x[ 3] );
+	   MB();
+	   s0 = x[20] - x[21]; x[20] += x[21];
+	   s1 = x[22] - x[23]; x[22] += x[23];
+	   s2 = x[ 5] - x[ 4]; x[21]  = x[ 5] + x[ 4];
+	   s3 = x[ 7] - x[ 6]; x[23]  = x[ 7] + x[ 6];
+	   x[ 4] = MULT31((s0 - s1) , cPI2_8);
+	   x[ 5] = MULT31((s3 + s2) , cPI2_8);
+	   x[ 6] = MULT31((s0 + s1) , cPI2_8);
+	   x[ 7] = MULT31((s3 - s2) , cPI2_8);
+	   MB();
+	   s0 = x[24] - x[25]; x[24] += x[25];
+	   s1 = x[26] - x[27]; x[26] += x[27];
+	   s2 = x[ 9] - x[ 8]; x[25]  = x[ 9] + x[ 8];
+	   s3 = x[11] - x[10]; x[27]  = x[11] + x[10];
+	   XNPROD31( s0, s1, cPI1_8, cPI3_8, &x[ 8], &x[10] );
+	   XPROD31 ( s2, s3, cPI3_8, cPI1_8, &x[ 9], &x[11] );
+	   MB();
+	   s0 = x[28] - x[29]; x[28] += x[29];
+	   s1 = x[30] - x[31]; x[30] += x[31];
+	   s2 = x[12] - x[13]; x[29]  = x[13] + x[12];
+	   s3 = x[15] - x[14]; x[31]  = x[15] + x[14];
+	   x[12] = s0; x[13] = s3;
+	   x[14] = s1; x[15] = s2;
+	   MB();
+	   mdct_butterfly_16(x);
+	   mdct_butterfly_16(x+16);
+/* N/stage point generic N stage butterfly (in place, 2 register) */
+STIN void mdct_butterfly_generic(DATA_TYPE *x,int points,int step){
+  LOOKUP_T   *T  = sincos_lookup0;
+  DATA_TYPE *x1  = x + points - 4;
+  DATA_TYPE *x2  = x + (points>>1) - 4;
+  REG_TYPE   s0, s1, s2, s3;
+  do{
+    s0 = x1[0] - x1[1]; x1[0] += x1[1];
+    s1 = x1[3] - x1[2]; x1[2] += x1[3];
+    s2 = x2[1] - x2[0]; x1[1]  = x2[1] + x2[0];
+    s3 = x2[3] - x2[2]; x1[3]  = x2[3] + x2[2];
+    XPROD31( s1, s0, T[0], T[1], &x2[0], &x2[2] );
+    XPROD31( s2, s3, T[0], T[1], &x2[1], &x2[3] ); T+=step;
+    x1-=4;
+    x2-=4;
+  }while(T<sincos_lookup0+1024);
+  x1 = x + (points>>1) + (points>>2) - 4;
+  x2 = x +               (points>>2) - 4;
+  T = sincos_lookup0+1024;
+  do{
+    s0 = x1[0] - x1[1]; x1[0] += x1[1];
+    s1 = x1[2] - x1[3]; x1[2] += x1[3];
+    s2 = x2[0] - x2[1]; x1[1]  = x2[1] + x2[0];
+    s3 = x2[3] - x2[2]; x1[3]  = x2[3] + x2[2];
+    XNPROD31( s0, s1, T[0], T[1], &x2[0], &x2[2] );
+    XNPROD31( s3, s2, T[0], T[1], &x2[1], &x2[3] ); T-=step;
+    x1-=4;
+    x2-=4;
+  }while(T>sincos_lookup0);
+STIN void mdct_butterflies(DATA_TYPE *x,int points,int shift){
+  int stages=7-shift;
+  int i,j;
+  for(i=0;--stages>=0;i++){
+    for(j=0;j<(1<<i);j++)
+    {
+        mdct_butterfly_generic(x+(points>>i)*j,points>>i,4<<(i+shift));
+    }
+  }
+  for(j=0;j<points;j+=32)
+    mdct_butterfly_32(x+j);
+static unsigned char bitrev[16]={0,8,4,12,2,10,6,14,1,9,5,13,3,11,7,15};
+STIN int bitrev12(int x){
+  return bitrev[x>>8]|(bitrev[(x&0x0f0)>>4]<<4)|(((int)bitrev[x&0x00f])<<8);
+STIN void mdct_bitreverse(DATA_TYPE *x,int n,int shift){
+  int          bit   = 0;
+  DATA_TYPE   *w     = x+(n>>1);
+  do{
+    DATA_TYPE  b     = bitrev12(bit++);
+    DATA_TYPE *xx    = x + (b>>shift);
+    REG_TYPE  r;
+               w    -= 2;
+	       if(w>xx){
+		 r      = xx[0];
+		 xx[0]  = w[0];
+		 w[0]   = r;
+		 r      = xx[1];
+		 xx[1]  = w[1];
+		 w[1]   = r;
+	       }
+  }while(w>x);
+STIN void mdct_step7(DATA_TYPE *x,int n,int step){
+  DATA_TYPE   *w0    = x;
+  DATA_TYPE   *w1    = x+(n>>1);
+  LOOKUP_T    *T = (step>=4)?(sincos_lookup0+(step>>1)):sincos_lookup1;
+  LOOKUP_T    *Ttop  = T+1024;
+  REG_TYPE     s0, s1, s2, s3;
+  do{
+	      w1    -= 2;
+              s0     = w0[0]  + w1[0];
+              s1     = w1[1]  - w0[1];
+	      s2     = MULT32(s0, T[1]) + MULT32(s1, T[0]);
+	      s3     = MULT32(s1, T[1]) - MULT32(s0, T[0]);
+	      T+=step;
+	      s0     = (w0[1] + w1[1])>>1;
+              s1     = (w0[0] - w1[0])>>1;
+	      w0[0]  = s0     + s2;
+	      w0[1]  = s1     + s3;
+	      w1[0]  = s0     - s2;
+	      w1[1]  = s3     - s1;
+	      w0    += 2;
+  }while(T<Ttop);
+  do{
+	      w1    -= 2;
+              s0     = w0[0]  + w1[0];
+              s1     = w1[1]  - w0[1];
+	      T-=step;
+	      s2     = MULT32(s0, T[0]) + MULT32(s1, T[1]);
+	      s3     = MULT32(s1, T[0]) - MULT32(s0, T[1]);
+	      s0     = (w0[1] + w1[1])>>1;
+              s1     = (w0[0] - w1[0])>>1;
+	      w0[0]  = s0     + s2;
+	      w0[1]  = s1     + s3;
+	      w1[0]  = s0     - s2;
+	      w1[1]  = s3     - s1;
+	      w0    += 2;
+  }while(w0<w1);
+STIN void mdct_step8(DATA_TYPE *x, int n, int step){
+  DATA_TYPE *iX =x+(n>>1);
+  switch(step) {
+#if defined(ONLY_C)
+  default:
+    T=(step>=4)?(sincos_lookup0+(step>>1)):sincos_lookup1;
+    do{
+      REG_TYPE     s0  =  x[0];
+      REG_TYPE     s1  = -x[1];
+                   XPROD31( s0, s1, T[0], T[1], x, x+1); T+=step;
+                   x  +=2;
+    }while(x<iX);
+    break;
+  case 1:
+    {
+      /* linear interpolation between table values: offset=0.5, step=1 */
+      REG_TYPE    t0,t1,v0,v1,s0,s1;
+      T         = sincos_lookup0;
+      V         = sincos_lookup1;
+      t0        = (*T++)>>1;
+      t1        = (*T++)>>1;
+      do{
+	    s0  =  x[0];
+	    s1  = -x[1];
+	    t0 += (v0 = (*V++)>>1);
+	    t1 += (v1 = (*V++)>>1);
+	    XPROD31( s0, s1, t0, t1, x, x+1 );
+	    s0  =  x[2];
+	    s1  = -x[3];
+	    v0 += (t0 = (*T++)>>1);
+	    v1 += (t1 = (*T++)>>1);
+	    XPROD31( s0, s1, v0, v1, x+2, x+3 );
+	    x += 4;
+      }while(x<iX);
+      break;
+    }
+  case 0:
+    {
+      /* linear interpolation between table values: offset=0.25, step=0.5 */
+      REG_TYPE    t0,t1,v0,v1,q0,q1,s0,s1;
+      T         = sincos_lookup0;
+      V         = sincos_lookup1;
+      t0        = *T++;
+      t1        = *T++;
+      do{
+	v0  = *V++;
+	v1  = *V++;
+	t0 +=  (q0 = (v0-t0)>>2);
+	t1 +=  (q1 = (v1-t1)>>2);
+	s0  =  x[0];
+	s1  = -x[1];
+	XPROD31( s0, s1, t0, t1, x, x+1 );
+	t0  = v0-q0;
+	t1  = v1-q1;
+	s0  =  x[2];
+	s1  = -x[3];
+	XPROD31( s0, s1, t0, t1, x+2, x+3 );
+	t0  = *T++;
+	t1  = *T++;
+	v0 += (q0 = (t0-v0)>>2);
+	v1 += (q1 = (t1-v1)>>2);
+	s0  =  x[4];
+	s1  = -x[5];
+	XPROD31( s0, s1, v0, v1, x+4, x+5 );
+	v0  = t0-q0;
+	v1  = t1-q1;
+	s0  =  x[6];
+	s1  = -x[7];
+	XPROD31( s0, s1, v0, v1, x+5, x+6 );
+	x+=8;
+      }while(x<iX);
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+extern int mdct_backwardARM(int n, DATA_TYPE *in);
+/* partial; doesn't perform last-step deinterleave/unrolling.  That
+   can be done more efficiently during pcm output */
+void mdct_backward(int n, DATA_TYPE *in){
+  int step;
+#if defined(ONLY_C)
+  int shift;
+  for (shift=4;!(n&(1<<shift));shift++);
+  shift=13-shift;
+  step=2<<shift;
+  presymmetry(in,n>>1,step);
+  mdct_butterflies(in,n>>1,shift);
+  mdct_bitreverse(in,n,shift);
+  mdct_step7(in,n,step);
+  mdct_step8(in,n,step>>2);
+  step = mdct_backwardARM(n, in);
+  if (step < 1)
+    mdct_step8(in,n,step);
+#if defined(ONLY_C)
+void mdct_shift_right(int n, DATA_TYPE *in, DATA_TYPE *right){
+  int i;
+  n>>=2;
+  in+=1;
+  for(i=0;i<n;i++)
+    right[i]=in[i<<1];
+extern ogg_int16_t *mdct_unroll_prelap(ogg_int16_t *out,
+                                       DATA_TYPE   *post,
+                                       DATA_TYPE   *l,
+                                       int          step);
+extern ogg_int16_t *mdct_unroll_part2(ogg_int16_t *out,
+                                      DATA_TYPE   *post,
+                                      DATA_TYPE   *l,
+                                      DATA_TYPE   *r,
+                                      int          step,
+                                      LOOKUP_T    *wL,
+                                      LOOKUP_T    *wR);
+extern ogg_int16_t *mdct_unroll_part3(ogg_int16_t *out,
+                                      DATA_TYPE   *post,
+                                      DATA_TYPE   *l,
+                                      DATA_TYPE   *r,
+                                      int          step,
+                                      LOOKUP_T    *wL,
+                                      LOOKUP_T    *wR);
+extern ogg_int16_t *mdct_unroll_postlap(ogg_int16_t *out,
+                                        DATA_TYPE   *post,
+                                        DATA_TYPE   *l,
+                                        int          step);
+void mdct_unroll_lap(int n0,int n1,
+		     int lW,int W,
+		     DATA_TYPE *in,
+		     DATA_TYPE *right,
+		     LOOKUP_T *w0,
+		     LOOKUP_T *w1,
+		     ogg_int16_t *out,
+		     int step,
+		     int start, /* samples, this frame */
+		     int end    /* samples, this frame */){
+  DATA_TYPE *l=in+(W&&lW ? n1>>1 : n0>>1);
+  DATA_TYPE *r=right+(lW ? n1>>2 : n0>>2);
+  DATA_TYPE *post;
+  LOOKUP_T *wR=(W && lW ? w1+(n1>>1) : w0+(n0>>1));
+  LOOKUP_T *wL=(W && lW ? w1         : w0        );
+  int preLap=(lW && !W ? (n1>>2)-(n0>>2) : 0 );
+  int halfLap=(lW && W ? (n1>>2) : (n0>>2) );
+  int postLap=(!lW && W ? (n1>>2)-(n0>>2) : 0 );
+  int n,off;
+  /* preceeding direct-copy lapping from previous frame, if any */
+  if(preLap){
+    n      = (end<preLap?end:preLap);
+    off    = (start<preLap?start:preLap);
+    post   = r-n;
+    r     -= off;
+    start -= off;
+    end   -= n;
+#if defined(ONLY_C)
+    while(r>post){
+      *out = CLIP_TO_15((*--r)>>9);
+      out+=step;
+    }
+    out = mdct_unroll_prelap(out,post,r,step);
+    n -= off;
+    if (n < 0)
+      n = 0;
+    r -= n;
+  }
+  /* cross-lap; two halves due to wrap-around */
+  n      = (end<halfLap?end:halfLap);
+  off    = (start<halfLap?start:halfLap);
+  post   = r-n;
+  r     -= off;
+  l     -= off*2;
+  start -= off;
+  wR    -= off;
+  wL    += off;
+  end   -= n;
+#if defined(ONLY_C)
+  while(r>post){
+    l-=2;
+    *out = CLIP_TO_15((MULT31(*--r,*--wR) + MULT31(*l,*wL++))>>9);
+    out+=step;
+  }
+  out = mdct_unroll_part2(out, post, l, r, step, wL, wR);
+  n -= off;
+  if (n < 0)
+      n = 0;
+  l -= 2*n;
+  r -= n;
+  wR -= n;
+  wL += n;
+  n      = (end<halfLap?end:halfLap);
+  off    = (start<halfLap?start:halfLap);
+  post   = r+n;
+  r     += off;
+  l     += off*2;
+  start -= off;
+  end   -= n;
+  wR    -= off;
+  wL    += off;
+#if defined(ONLY_C)
+  while(r<post){
+    *out = CLIP_TO_15((MULT31(*r++,*--wR) - MULT31(*l,*wL++))>>9);
+    out+=step;
+    l+=2;
+  }
+  out = mdct_unroll_part3(out, post, l, r, step, wL, wR);
+  n -= off;
+  if (n < 0)
+      n = 0;
+  l += 2*n;
+  r += n;
+  wR -= n;
+  wL += n;
+  /* preceeding direct-copy lapping from previous frame, if any */
+  if(postLap){
+    n      = (end<postLap?end:postLap);
+    off    = (start<postLap?start:postLap);
+    post   = l+n*2;
+    l     += off*2;
+#if defined(ONLY_C)
+    while(l<post){
+      *out = CLIP_TO_15((-*l)>>9);
+      out+=step;
+      l+=2;
+    }
+    out = mdct_unroll_postlap(out,post,l,step);
+  }