Revert "Revert "Upgrade to"" DO NOT MERGE

This reverts commit f2e3994fa5148cc3d9946666f0b0596290192b0e,
and updates the x64 makefile properly so it doesn't break that


Change-Id: Ib83e35bfbae6af627451c926a9650ec57c045605
(cherry picked from commit 109988c7ccb6f3fd1a58574fa3dfb88beaef6632)
diff --git a/build/java_apk.gypi b/build/java_apk.gypi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1c5bbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/java_apk.gypi
@@ -0,0 +1,1250 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+# This file is meant to be included into a target to provide a rule
+# to build Android APKs in a consistent manner.
+# To use this, create a gyp target with the following form:
+# {
+#   'target_name': 'my_package_apk',
+#   'type': 'none',
+#   'variables': {
+#     'apk_name': 'MyPackage',
+#     'java_in_dir': 'path/to/package/root',
+#     'resource_dir': 'path/to/package/root/res',
+#   },
+#   'includes': ['path/to/this/gypi/file'],
+# }
+# Required variables:
+#  apk_name - The final apk will be named <apk_name>.apk
+#  java_in_dir - The top-level java directory. The src should be in
+#    <(java_in_dir)/src.
+# Optional/automatic variables:
+#  additional_input_paths - These paths will be included in the 'inputs' list to
+#    ensure that this target is rebuilt when one of these paths changes.
+#  additional_res_packages - Package names of files generated in addition
+#    to the default package name defined in AndroidManifest.xml.
+#  additional_src_dirs - Additional directories with .java files to be compiled
+#    and included in the output of this target.
+#  additional_bundled_libs - Additional libraries what will be stripped and
+#    bundled in the apk.
+#  asset_location - The directory where assets are located.
+#  create_abi_split - Whether to create abi-based spilts. Splits
+#    are supported only for minSdkVersion >= 21.
+#  create_density_splits - Whether to create density-based apk splits.
+#  language_splits - List of languages to create apk splits for.
+#  generated_src_dirs - Same as additional_src_dirs except used for .java files
+#    that are generated at build time. This should be set automatically by a
+#    target's dependencies. The .java files in these directories are not
+#    included in the 'inputs' list (unlike additional_src_dirs).
+#  library_jars_paths - The path to library jars to be included in the classpath.
+#    These will not be included into the final apk.
+#  input_jars_paths - The path to jars to be included in the classpath. This
+#    should be filled automatically by depending on the appropriate targets.
+#  is_test_apk - Set to 1 if building a test apk.  This prevents resources from
+#    dependencies from being re-included.
+#  native_lib_target - The target_name of the target which generates the final
+#    shared library to be included in this apk. A stripped copy of the
+#    library will be included in the apk.
+#  resource_dir - The directory for resources.
+#  shared_resources - Make a resource package that can be loaded by a different
+#    application at runtime to access the package's resources.
+#  app_as_shared_library - Make a resource package that can be loaded as shared
+#    library.
+#  R_package - A custom Java package to generate the resource file in.
+#    By default, the package given in AndroidManifest.xml will be used.
+#  include_all_resources - Set to 1 to include all resource IDs in all generated
+# files.
+#  use_chromium_linker - Enable the content dynamic linker that allows sharing the
+#    RELRO section of the native libraries between the different processes.
+#  load_library_from_zip - When using the dynamic linker, load the library
+#    directly out of the zip file.
+#  use_relocation_packer - Enable relocation packing. Relies on the chromium
+#    linker, so use_chromium_linker must also be enabled.
+#  enable_chromium_linker_tests - Enable the content dynamic linker test support
+#    code. This allows a test APK to inject a Linker.TestRunner instance at
+#    runtime. Should only be used by the chromium_linker_test_apk target!!
+#  never_lint - Set to 1 to not run lint on this target.
+#  java_in_dir_suffix - To override the /src suffix on java_in_dir.
+#  app_manifest_version_name - set the apps 'human readable' version number.
+#  app_manifest_version_code - set the apps version number.
+#  dependencies_locale_zip_alternative_paths - a list of paths that used to
+#    replace dependencies_locale_zip_paths of all_dependent_settings.
+  'variables': {
+    'tested_apk_obfuscated_jar_path%': '/',
+    'tested_apk_dex_path%': '/',
+    'tested_apk_is_multidex%': 0,
+    'tested_apk_generated_multidex_config%': 0,
+    'additional_input_paths': [],
+    'additional_locale_input_paths': [],
+    'create_density_splits%': 0,
+    'language_splits': [],
+    'library_jars_paths': [],
+    'input_jars_paths': [],
+    'library_dexed_jars_paths': [],
+    'additional_src_dirs': [],
+    'generated_src_dirs': [],
+    'app_manifest_version_name%': '<(android_app_version_name)',
+    'app_manifest_version_code%': '<(android_app_version_code)',
+    # aapt generates this proguard.txt.
+    'generated_proguard_file': '<(intermediate_dir)/proguard.txt',
+    'proguard_enabled%': 'false',
+    'debug_build_proguard_enabled%': 'false',
+    'proguard_flags_paths': ['<(generated_proguard_file)'],
+    'jar_name': 'chromium_apk_<(_target_name).jar',
+    'resource_dir%':'<(DEPTH)/build/android/ant/empty/res',
+    'R_package%':'',
+    'include_all_resources%': 0,
+    'additional_R_text_files': [],
+    'dependencies_locale_zip_alternative_paths%': [],
+    'dependencies_locale_zip_paths': [],
+    'dependencies_res_zip_paths': [],
+    'additional_res_packages': [],
+    'additional_bundled_libs%': [],
+    'is_test_apk%': 0,
+    # Allow icu data, v8 snapshots, and pak files to be loaded directly from the .apk.
+    # Note: These are actually suffix matches, not necessarily extensions.
+    'extensions_to_not_compress%': '.dat,.bin,.pak',
+    'resource_input_paths': [],
+    'intermediate_dir': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/<(_target_name)',
+    'asset_location%': '<(intermediate_dir)/assets',
+    'codegen_stamp': '<(intermediate_dir)/codegen.stamp',
+    'package_input_paths': [],
+    'ordered_libraries_file': '<(intermediate_dir)/native_libraries.json',
+    'additional_ordered_libraries_file': '<(intermediate_dir)/additional_native_libraries.json',
+    'native_libraries_template': '<(DEPTH)/base/android/java/templates/NativeLibraries.template',
+    'native_libraries_java_dir': '<(intermediate_dir)/native_libraries_java/',
+    'native_libraries_java_file': '<(native_libraries_java_dir)/',
+    'native_libraries_java_stamp': '<(intermediate_dir)/native_libraries_java.stamp',
+    'native_libraries_template_data_dir': '<(intermediate_dir)/native_libraries/',
+    'native_libraries_template_data_file': '<(native_libraries_template_data_dir)/native_libraries_array.h',
+    'native_libraries_template_version_file': '<(native_libraries_template_data_dir)/native_libraries_version.h',
+    'generate_build_config%': 0,
+    'build_config_template': '<(DEPTH)/base/android/java/templates/BuildConfig.template',
+    'build_config_java_dir': '<(intermediate_dir)/build_config/',
+    'build_config_java_file': '<(build_config_java_dir)/',
+    'build_config_java_stamp': '<(intermediate_dir)/build_config_java.stamp',
+    'compile_stamp': '<(intermediate_dir)/compile.stamp',
+    'lint_stamp': '<(intermediate_dir)/lint.stamp',
+    'lint_result': '<(intermediate_dir)/lint_result.xml',
+    'lint_config': '<(intermediate_dir)/lint_config.xml',
+    'never_lint%': 0,
+    'findbugs_stamp': '<(intermediate_dir)/findbugs.stamp',
+    'run_findbugs%': 0,
+    'java_in_dir_suffix%': '/src',
+    'emma_instr_stamp': '<(intermediate_dir)/emma_instr.stamp',
+    'jar_stamp': '<(intermediate_dir)/jar.stamp',
+    'obfuscate_stamp': '<(intermediate_dir)/obfuscate.stamp',
+    'pack_relocations_stamp': '<(intermediate_dir)/pack_relocations.stamp',
+    'strip_stamp': '<(intermediate_dir)/strip.stamp',
+    'stripped_libraries_dir': '<(intermediate_dir)/stripped_libraries',
+    'strip_additional_stamp': '<(intermediate_dir)/strip_additional.stamp',
+    'version_stamp': '<(intermediate_dir)/version.stamp',
+    'javac_includes': [],
+    'jar_excluded_classes': [],
+    'javac_jar_path': '<(intermediate_dir)/<(_target_name).javac.jar',
+    'jar_path': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/<(jar_name)',
+    'obfuscated_jar_path': '<(intermediate_dir)/obfuscated.jar',
+    'test_jar_path': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/<(apk_name).jar',
+    'enable_multidex%': 0,
+    'enable_multidex_configurations%': [],
+    'multidex_configuration_path': '<(intermediate_dir)/multidex_config.json',
+    'main_dex_list_path': '<(intermediate_dir)/main_dex_list.txt',
+    'emma_device_jar': '<(android_sdk_root)/tools/lib/emma_device.jar',
+    'android_manifest_path%': '<(java_in_dir)/AndroidManifest.xml',
+    'split_android_manifest_path': '<(intermediate_dir)/split-manifests/<(android_app_abi)/AndroidManifest.xml',
+    'push_stamp': '<(intermediate_dir)/push.stamp',
+    'link_stamp': '<(intermediate_dir)/link.stamp',
+    'resource_zip_path': '<(intermediate_dir)/<(_target_name)',
+    'shared_resources%': 0,
+    'app_as_shared_library%': 0,
+    'final_apk_path_no_extension%': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/apks/<(apk_name)',
+    'final_abi_split_apk_path%': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/apks/<(apk_name)-abi-<(android_app_abi).apk',
+    'incomplete_apk_path': '<(intermediate_dir)/<(apk_name)-incomplete.apk',
+    'apk_install_record': '<(intermediate_dir)/apk_install.record.stamp',
+    'device_intermediate_dir': '/data/data/org.chromium.gyp_managed_install/<(_target_name)/<(CONFIGURATION_NAME)',
+    'symlink_script_host_path': '<(intermediate_dir)/',
+    'symlink_script_device_path': '<(device_intermediate_dir)/',
+    'create_standalone_apk%': 1,
+    'res_v14_skip%': 0,
+    'variables': {
+      'variables': {
+        'native_lib_target%': '',
+        'native_lib_version_name%': '',
+        'use_chromium_linker%' : 0,
+        'use_relocation_packer%' : 0,
+        'enable_chromium_linker_tests%': 0,
+        'is_test_apk%': 0,
+        'unsigned_apk_path': '<(intermediate_dir)/<(apk_name)-unsigned.apk',
+        'unsigned_abi_split_apk_path': '<(intermediate_dir)/<(apk_name)-abi-<(android_app_abi)-unsigned.apk',
+        'create_abi_split%': 0,
+        'enable_multidex%': 0,
+      },
+      'unsigned_apk_path': '<(unsigned_apk_path)',
+      'unsigned_abi_split_apk_path': '<(unsigned_abi_split_apk_path)',
+      'create_abi_split%': '<(create_abi_split)',
+      'final_apk_path%': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/apks/<(apk_name).apk',
+      'conditions': [
+        ['gyp_managed_install == 1 and native_lib_target != ""', {
+          'conditions': [
+            ['create_abi_split == 0', {
+              'unsigned_standalone_apk_path': '<(intermediate_dir)/<(apk_name)-standalone-unsigned.apk',
+            }, {
+              'unsigned_standalone_apk_path': '<(intermediate_dir)/<(apk_name)-abi-<(android_app_abi)-standalone-unsigned.apk',
+            }],
+          ],
+        }, {
+          'unsigned_standalone_apk_path': '<(unsigned_apk_path)',
+        }],
+        ['gyp_managed_install == 1', {
+          'apk_package_native_libs_dir': '<(intermediate_dir)/libs.managed',
+        }, {
+          'apk_package_native_libs_dir': '<(intermediate_dir)/libs',
+        }],
+        ['is_test_apk == 0 and emma_coverage != 0', {
+          'emma_instrument%': 1,
+        },{
+          'emma_instrument%': 0,
+        }],
+        # When using abi splits, the abi split is modified by
+        # gyp_managed_install rather than the main .apk
+        ['create_abi_split == 1', {
+          'managed_input_apk_path': '<(unsigned_abi_split_apk_path)',
+        }, {
+          'managed_input_apk_path': '<(unsigned_apk_path)',
+        }],
+        ['enable_multidex == 1', {
+          'dex_path': '<(intermediate_dir)/',
+        }, {
+          'dex_path': '<(intermediate_dir)/classes.dex',
+        }],
+      ],
+    },
+    'native_lib_target%': '',
+    'native_lib_version_name%': '',
+    'use_chromium_linker%' : 0,
+    'load_library_from_zip%' : 0,
+    'use_relocation_packer%' : 0,
+    'enable_chromium_linker_tests%': 0,
+    'emma_instrument%': '<(emma_instrument)',
+    'apk_package_native_libs_dir': '<(apk_package_native_libs_dir)',
+    'unsigned_standalone_apk_path': '<(unsigned_standalone_apk_path)',
+    'unsigned_apk_path': '<(unsigned_apk_path)',
+    'unsigned_abi_split_apk_path': '<(unsigned_abi_split_apk_path)',
+    'create_abi_split%': '<(create_abi_split)',
+    'managed_input_apk_path': '<(managed_input_apk_path)',
+    'libchromium_android_linker': 'libchromium_android_linker.>(android_product_extension)',
+    'extra_native_libs': [],
+    'native_lib_placeholder_stamp': '<(apk_package_native_libs_dir)/<(android_app_abi)/native_lib_placeholder.stamp',
+    'native_lib_placeholders': [],
+    'main_apk_name': '<(apk_name)',
+    'dex_path': '<(dex_path)',
+    'conditions': [
+      ['chromium_code == 0', {
+        'enable_errorprone': 0,
+      }],
+    ],
+    'enable_errorprone%': 0,
+    'errorprone_exe_path': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/',
+    'final_apk_path%': '<(final_apk_path)',
+  },
+  # Pass the jar path to the apk's "fake" jar target.  This would be better as
+  # direct_dependent_settings, but a variable set by a direct_dependent_settings
+  # cannot be lifted in a dependent to all_dependent_settings.
+  'all_dependent_settings': {
+    'conditions': [
+      ['proguard_enabled == "true"', {
+        'variables': {
+          'proguard_enabled': 'true',
+        }
+      }],
+      ['debug_build_proguard_enabled == "true"', {
+        'variables': {
+          'debug_build_proguard_enabled': 'true',
+        }
+      }],
+      ['is_test_apk == 0', {
+        'variables': {
+          'tested_apk_path': '<(final_apk_path)',
+          'tested_apk_obfuscated_jar_path': '<(obfuscated_jar_path)',
+          'tested_apk_dex_path': '<(dex_path)',
+          'tested_apk_is_multidex': '<(enable_multidex)',
+          'tested_apk_generated_multidex_config': '>(generate_build_config)',
+        }
+      }]
+    ],
+    'variables': {
+      'apk_output_jar_path': '<(jar_path)',
+    },
+  },
+  'conditions': [
+    ['resource_dir!=""', {
+      'variables': {
+        'resource_input_paths': [ '<!@(find <(resource_dir) -name "*")' ]
+      },
+    }],
+    ['R_package != ""', {
+      'variables': {
+        # We generate in package R_package (in addition to the package
+        # listed in the AndroidManifest.xml, which is unavoidable).
+        'additional_res_packages': ['<(R_package)'],
+        'additional_R_text_files': ['<(intermediate_dir)/R.txt'],
+      },
+    }],
+    ['native_lib_target != "" and android_must_copy_system_libraries == 1', {
+      'dependencies': [
+        '<(DEPTH)/build/android/setup.gyp:copy_system_libraries',
+      ],
+    }],
+    ['use_chromium_linker == 1', {
+      'dependencies': [
+        '<(DEPTH)/base/base.gyp:chromium_android_linker',
+      ],
+    }],
+    ['enable_errorprone == 1', {
+      'dependencies': [
+        '<(DEPTH)/third_party/errorprone/errorprone.gyp:require_errorprone',
+      ],
+    }],
+    ['native_lib_target != ""', {
+      'variables': {
+        'conditions': [
+          ['use_chromium_linker == 1', {
+            'variables': {
+              'chromium_linker_path': [
+                '<(SHARED_LIB_DIR)/<(libchromium_android_linker)',
+              ],
+            }
+          }, {
+            'variables': {
+              'chromium_linker_path': [],
+            },
+          }],
+        ],
+        'generated_src_dirs': [ '<(native_libraries_java_dir)' ],
+        'native_libs_paths': [
+          '<(SHARED_LIB_DIR)/<(native_lib_target).>(android_product_extension)',
+          '<@(chromium_linker_path)'
+        ],
+        'package_input_paths': [
+          '<(apk_package_native_libs_dir)/<(android_app_abi)/gdbserver',
+        ],
+      },
+      'copies': [
+        {
+          # gdbserver is always copied into the APK's native libs dir. The ant
+          # build scripts (apkbuilder task) will only include it in a debug
+          # build.
+          'destination': '<(apk_package_native_libs_dir)/<(android_app_abi)',
+          'files': [
+            '<(android_gdbserver)',
+          ],
+        },
+      ],
+      'actions': [
+        {
+          'variables': {
+            'input_libraries': [
+              '<@(native_libs_paths)',
+              '<@(extra_native_libs)',
+            ],
+          },
+          'includes': ['../build/android/write_ordered_libraries.gypi'],
+        },
+        {
+          'action_name': 'native_libraries_<(_target_name)',
+          'variables': {
+            'conditions': [
+              ['use_chromium_linker == 1', {
+                'variables': {
+                  'linker_gcc_preprocess_defines': [
+                    '--defines', 'ENABLE_CHROMIUM_LINKER',
+                  ],
+                }
+              }, {
+                'variables': {
+                  'linker_gcc_preprocess_defines': [],
+                },
+              }],
+              ['load_library_from_zip == 1', {
+                'variables': {
+                  'linker_load_from_zip_file_preprocess_defines': [
+                    '--defines', 'ENABLE_CHROMIUM_LINKER_LIBRARY_IN_ZIP_FILE',
+                  ],
+                }
+              }, {
+                'variables': {
+                  'linker_load_from_zip_file_preprocess_defines': [],
+                },
+              }],
+              ['enable_chromium_linker_tests == 1', {
+                'variables': {
+                  'linker_tests_gcc_preprocess_defines': [
+                    '--defines', 'ENABLE_CHROMIUM_LINKER_TESTS',
+                  ],
+                }
+              }, {
+                'variables': {
+                  'linker_tests_gcc_preprocess_defines': [],
+                },
+              }],
+            ],
+            'gcc_preprocess_defines': [
+              '<@(linker_load_from_zip_file_preprocess_defines)',
+              '<@(linker_gcc_preprocess_defines)',
+              '<@(linker_tests_gcc_preprocess_defines)',
+            ],
+          },
+          'message': 'Creating for <(_target_name)',
+          'inputs': [
+            '<(DEPTH)/build/android/gyp/util/',
+            '<(DEPTH)/build/android/gyp/',
+            '<(ordered_libraries_file)',
+            '<(native_libraries_template)',
+          ],
+          'outputs': [
+            '<(native_libraries_java_stamp)',
+          ],
+          'action': [
+            'python', '<(DEPTH)/build/android/gyp/',
+            '--include-path=',
+            '--output=<(native_libraries_java_file)',
+            '--template=<(native_libraries_template)',
+            '--stamp=<(native_libraries_java_stamp)',
+            '--defines', 'NATIVE_LIBRARIES_LIST=@FileArg(<(ordered_libraries_file):java_libraries_list)',
+            '--defines', 'NATIVE_LIBRARIES_VERSION_NUMBER="<(native_lib_version_name)"',
+            '<@(gcc_preprocess_defines)',
+          ],
+        },
+        {
+          'action_name': 'strip_native_libraries',
+          'variables': {
+            'ordered_libraries_file%': '<(ordered_libraries_file)',
+            'stripped_libraries_dir%': '<(stripped_libraries_dir)',
+            'input_paths': [
+              '<@(native_libs_paths)',
+              '<@(extra_native_libs)',
+            ],
+            'stamp': '<(strip_stamp)'
+          },
+          'includes': ['../build/android/strip_native_libraries.gypi'],
+        },
+        {
+          'action_name': 'insert_chromium_version',
+          'variables': {
+            'ordered_libraries_file%': '<(ordered_libraries_file)',
+            'stripped_libraries_dir%': '<(stripped_libraries_dir)',
+            'version_string': '<(native_lib_version_name)',
+            'input_paths': [
+              '<(strip_stamp)',
+            ],
+            'stamp': '<(version_stamp)'
+          },
+          'includes': ['../build/android/insert_chromium_version.gypi'],
+        },
+        {
+          'action_name': 'pack_relocations',
+          'variables': {
+            'conditions': [
+              ['use_chromium_linker == 1 and use_relocation_packer == 1 and profiling != 1', {
+                'enable_packing': 1,
+              }, {
+                'enable_packing': 0,
+              }],
+            ],
+            'exclude_packing_list': [
+              '<(libchromium_android_linker)',
+            ],
+            'ordered_libraries_file%': '<(ordered_libraries_file)',
+            'stripped_libraries_dir%': '<(stripped_libraries_dir)',
+            'packed_libraries_dir': '<(libraries_source_dir)',
+            'input_paths': [
+              '<(version_stamp)'
+            ],
+            'stamp': '<(pack_relocations_stamp)',
+          },
+          'includes': ['../build/android/pack_relocations.gypi'],
+        },
+        {
+          'variables': {
+            'input_libraries': [
+              '<@(additional_bundled_libs)',
+            ],
+            'ordered_libraries_file': '<(additional_ordered_libraries_file)',
+            'subtarget': '_additional_libraries',
+          },
+          'includes': ['../build/android/write_ordered_libraries.gypi'],
+        },
+        {
+          'action_name': 'strip_additional_libraries',
+          'variables': {
+            'ordered_libraries_file': '<(additional_ordered_libraries_file)',
+            'stripped_libraries_dir': '<(libraries_source_dir)',
+            'input_paths': [
+              '<@(additional_bundled_libs)',
+              '<(strip_stamp)',
+            ],
+            'stamp': '<(strip_additional_stamp)'
+          },
+          'includes': ['../build/android/strip_native_libraries.gypi'],
+        },
+        {
+          'action_name': 'Create native lib placeholder files for previous releases',
+          'variables': {
+            'placeholders': ['<@(native_lib_placeholders)'],
+            'conditions': [
+              ['gyp_managed_install == 1', {
+                # This "library" just needs to be put in the .apk. It is not loaded
+                # at runtime.
+                'placeholders': [''],
+              }]
+            ],
+          },
+          'inputs': [
+            '<(DEPTH)/build/android/gyp/',
+          ],
+          'outputs': [
+            '<(native_lib_placeholder_stamp)',
+          ],
+          'action': [
+            'python', '<(DEPTH)/build/android/gyp/',
+            '--dest-lib-dir=<(apk_package_native_libs_dir)/<(android_app_abi)/',
+            '--stamp=<(native_lib_placeholder_stamp)',
+            '<@(placeholders)',
+          ],
+        },
+      ],
+      'conditions': [
+        ['gyp_managed_install == 1', {
+          'variables': {
+            'libraries_top_dir': '<(intermediate_dir)/lib.stripped',
+            'libraries_source_dir': '<(libraries_top_dir)/lib/<(android_app_abi)',
+            'device_library_dir': '<(device_intermediate_dir)/lib.stripped',
+          },
+          'dependencies': [
+            '<(DEPTH)/build/android/setup.gyp:get_build_device_configurations',
+            '<(DEPTH)/build/android/pylib/device/commands/commands.gyp:chromium_commands',
+          ],
+          'actions': [
+            {
+              'includes': ['../build/android/push_libraries.gypi'],
+            },
+            {
+              'action_name': 'create device library symlinks',
+              'message': 'Creating links on device for <(_target_name)',
+              'inputs': [
+                '<(DEPTH)/build/android/gyp/util/',
+                '<(DEPTH)/build/android/gyp/',
+                '<(apk_install_record)',
+                '<(build_device_config_path)',
+                '<(ordered_libraries_file)',
+              ],
+              'outputs': [
+                '<(link_stamp)'
+              ],
+              'action': [
+                'python', '<(DEPTH)/build/android/gyp/',
+                '--build-device-configuration=<(build_device_config_path)',
+                '--libraries=@FileArg(<(ordered_libraries_file):libraries)',
+                '--script-host-path=<(symlink_script_host_path)',
+                '--script-device-path=<(symlink_script_device_path)',
+                '--target-dir=<(device_library_dir)',
+                '--apk=<(incomplete_apk_path)',
+                '--stamp=<(link_stamp)',
+                '--configuration-name=<(CONFIGURATION_NAME)',
+                '--output-directory=<(PRODUCT_DIR)',
+              ],
+            },
+          ],
+          'conditions': [
+            ['create_standalone_apk == 1', {
+              'actions': [
+                {
+                  'action_name': 'create standalone APK',
+                  'variables': {
+                    'inputs': [
+                      '<(ordered_libraries_file)',
+                      '<(strip_additional_stamp)',
+                      '<(pack_relocations_stamp)',
+                    ],
+                    'output_apk_path': '<(unsigned_standalone_apk_path)',
+                    'libraries_top_dir%': '<(libraries_top_dir)',
+                    'input_apk_path': '<(managed_input_apk_path)',
+                  },
+                  'includes': [ 'android/create_standalone_apk_action.gypi' ],
+                },
+              ],
+            }],
+          ],
+        }, {
+          # gyp_managed_install != 1
+          'variables': {
+            'libraries_source_dir': '<(apk_package_native_libs_dir)/<(android_app_abi)',
+            'package_input_paths': [
+              '<(strip_additional_stamp)',
+              '<(pack_relocations_stamp)',
+            ],
+          },
+        }],
+      ],
+    }], # native_lib_target != ''
+    ['gyp_managed_install == 0 or create_standalone_apk == 1 or create_abi_split == 1', {
+      'dependencies': [
+        '<(DEPTH)/build/android/rezip.gyp:rezip_apk_jar',
+      ],
+    }],
+    ['create_abi_split == 1 or gyp_managed_install == 0 or create_standalone_apk == 1', {
+      'actions': [
+        {
+          'action_name': 'finalize_base',
+          'variables': {
+            'output_apk_path': '<(final_apk_path)',
+            'conditions': [
+              ['create_abi_split == 0', {
+                'input_apk_path': '<(unsigned_standalone_apk_path)',
+              }, {
+                'input_apk_path': '<(unsigned_apk_path)',
+                'load_library_from_zip': 0,
+              }]
+            ],
+          },
+          'includes': [ 'android/finalize_apk_action.gypi']
+        },
+      ],
+    }],
+    ['create_abi_split == 1', {
+      'actions': [
+        {
+          'action_name': 'generate_split_manifest_<(_target_name)',
+          'inputs': [
+            '<(DEPTH)/build/android/gyp/util/',
+            '<(DEPTH)/build/android/gyp/',
+            '<(android_manifest_path)',
+          ],
+          'outputs': [
+            '<(split_android_manifest_path)',
+          ],
+          'action': [
+            'python', '<(DEPTH)/build/android/gyp/',
+            '--main-manifest', '<(android_manifest_path)',
+            '--out-manifest', '<(split_android_manifest_path)',
+            '--split', 'abi_<(android_app_abi)',
+          ],
+        },
+        {
+          'variables': {
+            'apk_name': '<(main_apk_name)-abi-<(android_app_abi)',
+            'asset_location': '',
+            'android_manifest_path': '<(split_android_manifest_path)',
+            'create_density_splits': 0,
+            'language_splits=': [],
+          },
+          'includes': [ 'android/package_resources_action.gypi' ],
+        },
+        {
+          'variables': {
+            'apk_name': '<(main_apk_name)-abi-<(android_app_abi)',
+            'apk_path': '<(unsigned_abi_split_apk_path)',
+            'has_code': 0,
+            'native_libs_dir': '<(apk_package_native_libs_dir)',
+            'extra_inputs': ['<(native_lib_placeholder_stamp)'],
+          },
+          'includes': ['android/apkbuilder_action.gypi'],
+        },
+      ],
+    }],
+    ['create_abi_split == 1 and (gyp_managed_install == 0 or create_standalone_apk == 1)', {
+      'actions': [
+        {
+          'action_name': 'finalize_split',
+          'variables': {
+            'output_apk_path': '<(final_abi_split_apk_path)',
+            'conditions': [
+              ['gyp_managed_install == 1', {
+                'input_apk_path': '<(unsigned_standalone_apk_path)',
+              }, {
+                'input_apk_path': '<(unsigned_abi_split_apk_path)',
+              }],
+            ],
+          },
+          'includes': [ 'android/finalize_apk_action.gypi']
+        },
+      ],
+    }],
+    ['gyp_managed_install == 1', {
+      'actions': [
+        {
+          'action_name': 'finalize incomplete apk',
+          'variables': {
+            'load_library_from_zip': 0,
+            'input_apk_path': '<(managed_input_apk_path)',
+            'output_apk_path': '<(incomplete_apk_path)',
+          },
+          'includes': [ 'android/finalize_apk_action.gypi']
+        },
+        {
+          'action_name': 'apk_install_<(_target_name)',
+          'message': 'Installing <(apk_name).apk',
+          'inputs': [
+            '<(DEPTH)/build/android/gyp/util/',
+            '<(DEPTH)/build/android/gyp/',
+            '<(build_device_config_path)',
+            '<(incomplete_apk_path)',
+          ],
+          'outputs': [
+            '<(apk_install_record)',
+          ],
+          'action': [
+            'python', '<(DEPTH)/build/android/gyp/',
+            '--build-device-configuration=<(build_device_config_path)',
+            '--install-record=<(apk_install_record)',
+            '--configuration-name=<(CONFIGURATION_NAME)',
+            '--android-sdk-tools', '<(android_sdk_tools)',
+            '--output-directory', '<(PRODUCT_DIR)',
+          ],
+          'conditions': [
+            ['create_abi_split == 1', {
+              'inputs': [
+                '<(final_apk_path)',
+              ],
+              'action': [
+                '--apk-path=<(final_apk_path)',
+                '--split-apk-path=<(incomplete_apk_path)',
+              ],
+            }, {
+              'action': [
+                '--apk-path=<(incomplete_apk_path)',
+              ],
+            }],
+            ['create_density_splits == 1', {
+              'inputs': [
+                '<(final_apk_path_no_extension)-density-hdpi.apk',
+                '<(final_apk_path_no_extension)-density-xhdpi.apk',
+                '<(final_apk_path_no_extension)-density-xxhdpi.apk',
+                '<(final_apk_path_no_extension)-density-xxxhdpi.apk',
+                '<(final_apk_path_no_extension)-density-tvdpi.apk',
+              ],
+              'action': [
+                '--split-apk-path=<(final_apk_path_no_extension)-density-hdpi.apk',
+                '--split-apk-path=<(final_apk_path_no_extension)-density-xhdpi.apk',
+                '--split-apk-path=<(final_apk_path_no_extension)-density-xxhdpi.apk',
+                '--split-apk-path=<(final_apk_path_no_extension)-density-xxxhdpi.apk',
+                '--split-apk-path=<(final_apk_path_no_extension)-density-tvdpi.apk',
+              ],
+            }],
+            ['language_splits != []', {
+              'inputs': [
+                "<!@(python <(DEPTH)/build/ '<(final_apk_path_no_extension)-lang-ZZLOCALE.apk' <(language_splits))",
+              ],
+              'action': [
+                "<!@(python <(DEPTH)/build/ -- '--split-apk-path=<(final_apk_path_no_extension)-lang-ZZLOCALE.apk' <(language_splits))",
+              ],
+            }],
+          ],
+        },
+      ],
+    }],
+    ['create_density_splits == 1', {
+      'actions': [
+        {
+          'action_name': 'finalize_density_splits',
+          'variables': {
+            'density_splits': 1,
+          },
+          'includes': [ 'android/finalize_splits_action.gypi']
+        },
+      ],
+    }],
+    ['is_test_apk == 1', {
+      'dependencies': [
+        '<(DEPTH)/build/android/pylib/device/commands/commands.gyp:chromium_commands',
+        '<(DEPTH)/tools/android/android_tools.gyp:android_tools',
+      ],
+    }],
+    ['run_findbugs == 1', {
+      'actions': [
+        {
+          'action_name': 'findbugs_<(_target_name)',
+          'message': 'Running findbugs on <(_target_name)',
+          'variables': {
+            'additional_findbugs_args': [],
+            'findbugs_verbose%': 0,
+          },
+          'conditions': [
+            ['findbugs_verbose == 1', {
+              'variables': {
+                'additional_findbugs_args+': ['-vv'],
+              },
+            }],
+          ],
+          'inputs': [
+            '<(DEPTH)/build/android/',
+            '<(DEPTH)/build/android/findbugs_filter/findbugs_exclude.xml',
+            '<(DEPTH)/build/android/pylib/utils/',
+            '>@(input_jars_paths)',
+            '<(jar_path)',
+            '<(compile_stamp)',
+          ],
+          'outputs': [
+            '<(findbugs_stamp)',
+          ],
+          'action': [
+            'python', '<(DEPTH)/build/android/',
+            '--auxclasspath-gyp', '>(input_jars_paths)',
+            '--stamp', '<(findbugs_stamp)',
+            '<@(additional_findbugs_args)',
+            '<(jar_path)',
+          ],
+        },
+      ],
+    }],
+  ],
+  'target_conditions': [
+    ['generate_build_config == 1 and tested_apk_generated_multidex_config == 0', {
+      'variables': {
+        'generated_src_dirs': ['<(build_config_java_dir)'],
+      },
+      'actions': [
+        {
+          'action_name': 'configure_multidex_for_<(_target_name)',
+          'inputs': [
+            '<(DEPTH)/build/android/gyp/',
+            '<(build_config_template)',
+          ],
+          'outputs': [
+            '<(multidex_configuration_path)',
+            '<(build_config_java_stamp)',
+          ],
+          'variables': {
+            'additional_multidex_config_options': [],
+            'enabled_configurations': '>(enable_multidex_configurations)',
+            'conditions': [
+              ['enable_multidex == 1', {
+                'additional_multidex_config_options': ['--enable-multidex'],
+              }],
+            ],
+          },
+          'action': [
+            'python', '<(DEPTH)/build/android/gyp/',
+            '--configuration-name', '<(CONFIGURATION_NAME)',
+            '--enabled-configurations', '<(enabled_configurations)',
+            '--multidex-configuration-path', '<(multidex_configuration_path)',
+            '--multidex-config-java-template', '<(build_config_template)',
+            '--multidex-config-java-file', '<(build_config_java_file)',
+            '--multidex-config-java-stamp', '<(build_config_java_stamp)',
+            '>@(additional_multidex_config_options)',
+          ],
+        },
+      ],
+      'conditions': [
+        ['enable_multidex == 1', {
+          'actions': [
+            {
+              'action_name': 'main_dex_list_for_<(_target_name)',
+              'variables': {
+                'jar_paths': ['>@(input_jars_paths)', '<(javac_jar_path)'],
+                'output_path': '<(main_dex_list_path)',
+              },
+              'includes': [ 'android/main_dex_action.gypi' ],
+            },
+          ]
+        }]
+      ],
+    }],
+  ],
+  'dependencies': [
+    '<(DEPTH)/build/android/android_lint_cache.gyp:android_lint_cache',
+    '<(DEPTH)/tools/android/md5sum/md5sum.gyp:md5sum',
+  ],
+  'actions': [
+    {
+      'action_name': 'process_resources',
+      'message': 'processing resources for <(_target_name)',
+      'variables': {
+        'local_additional_input_paths': [
+          '>@(additional_input_paths)',
+        ],
+        'local_dependencies_res_zip_paths': [
+          '>@(dependencies_res_zip_paths)'
+        ],
+        # Write the inputs list to a file, so that its mtime is updated when
+        # the list of inputs changes.
+        'inputs_list_file': '>|(apk_codegen.<(_target_name).gypcmd >@(local_additional_input_paths) >@(resource_input_paths))',
+        'process_resources_options': [],
+        'conditions': [
+          ['dependencies_locale_zip_alternative_paths == []', {
+            'local_dependencies_res_zip_paths': ['>@(dependencies_locale_zip_paths)'],
+            'local_additional_input_paths': ['>@(additional_locale_input_paths)']
+          }, {
+            'local_dependencies_res_zip_paths': ['<@(dependencies_locale_zip_alternative_paths)'],
+            'local_additional_input_paths': ['>@(dependencies_locale_zip_alternative_paths)'],
+          }],
+          ['is_test_apk == 1', {
+            'dependencies_locale_zip_paths=': [],
+            'dependencies_res_zip_paths=': [],
+            'additional_res_packages=': [],
+          }],
+          ['res_v14_skip == 1', {
+            'process_resources_options+': ['--v14-skip']
+          }],
+          ['shared_resources == 1', {
+            'process_resources_options+': ['--shared-resources']
+          }],
+          ['app_as_shared_library == 1', {
+            'process_resources_options+': ['--app-as-shared-lib']
+          }],
+          ['R_package != ""', {
+            'process_resources_options+': ['--custom-package', '<(R_package)']
+          }],
+          ['include_all_resources == 1', {
+            'process_resources_options+': ['--include-all-resources']
+          }]
+        ],
+      },
+      'inputs': [
+        '<(DEPTH)/build/android/gyp/util/',
+        '<(DEPTH)/build/android/gyp/',
+        '<(android_manifest_path)',
+        '>@(local_additional_input_paths)',
+        '>@(resource_input_paths)',
+        '>@(local_dependencies_res_zip_paths)',
+        '>(inputs_list_file)',
+      ],
+      'outputs': [
+        '<(resource_zip_path)',
+        '<(generated_proguard_file)',
+        '<(codegen_stamp)',
+      ],
+      'action': [
+        'python', '<(DEPTH)/build/android/gyp/',
+        '--android-sdk-jar', '<(android_sdk_jar)',
+        '--aapt-path', '<(android_aapt_path)',
+        '--android-manifest', '<(android_manifest_path)',
+        '--dependencies-res-zips', '>(local_dependencies_res_zip_paths)',
+        '--extra-res-packages', '>(additional_res_packages)',
+        '--extra-r-text-files', '>(additional_R_text_files)',
+        '--proguard-file', '<(generated_proguard_file)',
+        '--resource-dirs', '<(resource_dir)',
+        '--resource-zip-out', '<(resource_zip_path)',
+        '--R-dir', '<(intermediate_dir)/gen',
+        '--stamp', '<(codegen_stamp)',
+        '<@(process_resources_options)',
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      'action_name': 'javac_<(_target_name)',
+      'message': 'Compiling java for <(_target_name)',
+      'variables': {
+        'extra_args': [],
+        'extra_inputs': [],
+        'gen_src_dirs': [
+          '<(intermediate_dir)/gen',
+          '>@(generated_src_dirs)',
+        ],
+        # If there is a separate find for additional_src_dirs, it will find the
+        # wrong .java files when additional_src_dirs is empty.
+        # TODO(thakis): Gyp caches >! evaluation by command. Both java.gypi and
+        # java_apk.gypi evaluate the same command, and at the moment two targets
+        # set java_in_dir to "java". Add a dummy comment here to make sure
+        # that the two targets (one uses java.gypi, the other java_apk.gypi)
+        # get distinct source lists. Medium-term, make targets list all their
+        # Java files instead of using find. (As is, this will be broken if two
+        # targets use the same java_in_dir and both use java_apk.gypi or
+        # both use java.gypi.)
+        'java_sources': ['>!@(find >(java_in_dir)>(java_in_dir_suffix) >(additional_src_dirs) -name "*.java"  # apk)'],
+        'conditions': [
+          ['enable_errorprone == 1', {
+            'extra_inputs': [
+              '<(errorprone_exe_path)',
+            ],
+            'extra_args': [ '--use-errorprone-path=<(errorprone_exe_path)' ],
+          }],
+        ],
+      },
+      'inputs': [
+        '<(DEPTH)/build/android/gyp/util/',
+        '<(DEPTH)/build/android/gyp/',
+        '>@(java_sources)',
+        '>@(input_jars_paths)',
+        '<(codegen_stamp)',
+        '<@(extra_inputs)',
+      ],
+      'conditions': [
+        ['native_lib_target != ""', {
+          'inputs': [ '<(native_libraries_java_stamp)' ],
+        }],
+      ],
+      'target_conditions': [
+        ['generate_build_config == 1 and tested_apk_generated_multidex_config == 0', {
+          'inputs': [ '<(build_config_java_stamp)' ],
+        }],
+      ],
+      'outputs': [
+        '<(compile_stamp)',
+        '<(javac_jar_path)',
+      ],
+      'action': [
+        'python', '<(DEPTH)/build/android/gyp/',
+        '--bootclasspath=<(android_sdk_jar)',
+        '--classpath=>(input_jars_paths) <(android_sdk_jar) >(library_jars_paths)',
+        '--src-gendirs=>(gen_src_dirs)',
+        '--javac-includes=<(javac_includes)',
+        '--chromium-code=<(chromium_code)',
+        '--jar-path=<(javac_jar_path)',
+        '--jar-excluded-classes=<(jar_excluded_classes)',
+        '--stamp=<(compile_stamp)',
+        '<@(extra_args)',
+        '>@(java_sources)',
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      'action_name': 'emma_instr_jar_<(_target_name)',
+      'message': 'Instrumenting <(_target_name) jar',
+      'variables': {
+        'input_path': '<(javac_jar_path)',
+        'output_path': '<(jar_path)',
+        'coverage_file': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/<(_target_name).em',
+        'sources_list_file': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/<(_target_name)_sources.txt',
+        'stamp_path': '<(emma_instr_stamp)',
+      },
+      'outputs': [
+        '<(emma_instr_stamp)',
+        '<(jar_path)',
+      ],
+      'inputs': [
+        '<(javac_jar_path)',
+      ],
+      'includes': [ 'android/emma_instr_action.gypi' ],
+    },
+    {
+      'variables': {
+        'src_dirs': [
+          '<(java_in_dir)<(java_in_dir_suffix)',
+          '>@(additional_src_dirs)',
+        ],
+        'lint_jar_path': '<(jar_path)',
+        'stamp_path': '<(lint_stamp)',
+        'result_path': '<(lint_result)',
+        'config_path': '<(lint_config)',
+      },
+      'outputs': [
+        '<(lint_stamp)',
+      ],
+      'includes': [ 'android/lint_action.gypi' ],
+    },
+    {
+      'action_name': 'obfuscate_<(_target_name)',
+      'message': 'Obfuscating <(_target_name)',
+      'variables': {
+        'additional_obfuscate_options': [],
+        'additional_obfuscate_input_paths': [],
+        'proguard_out_dir': '<(intermediate_dir)/proguard',
+        'proguard_input_jar_paths': [
+          '>@(input_jars_paths)',
+          '<(jar_path)',
+        ],
+        'target_conditions': [
+          ['is_test_apk == 1', {
+            'additional_obfuscate_options': [
+              '--testapp',
+            ],
+          }],
+          ['is_test_apk == 1 and tested_apk_obfuscated_jar_path != "/"', {
+            'additional_obfuscate_options': [
+              '--tested-apk-obfuscated-jar-path', '>(tested_apk_obfuscated_jar_path)',
+            ],
+            'additional_obfuscate_input_paths': [
+              '>(tested_apk_obfuscated_jar_path).info',
+            ],
+          }],
+          ['proguard_enabled == "true"', {
+            'additional_obfuscate_options': [
+              '--proguard-enabled',
+            ],
+          }],
+          ['debug_build_proguard_enabled == "true"', {
+            'additional_obfuscate_options': [
+              '--debug-build-proguard-enabled',
+            ],
+          }],
+        ],
+        'obfuscate_input_jars_paths': [
+          '>@(input_jars_paths)',
+          '<(jar_path)',
+        ],
+      },
+      'conditions': [
+        ['is_test_apk == 1', {
+          'outputs': [
+            '<(test_jar_path)',
+          ],
+        }],
+        ['enable_multidex == 1', {
+          'inputs': [
+            '<(main_dex_list_path)',
+            '<(multidex_configuration_path)',
+          ],
+          'variables': {
+            'additional_obfuscate_options': [
+              '--main-dex-list-path', '<(main_dex_list_path)',
+              '--multidex-configuration-path', '<(multidex_configuration_path)',
+            ],
+          },
+        }],
+      ],
+      'inputs': [
+        '<(DEPTH)/build/android/gyp/',
+        '<(DEPTH)/build/android/gyp/util/',
+        '>@(proguard_flags_paths)',
+        '>@(obfuscate_input_jars_paths)',
+        '>@(additional_obfuscate_input_paths)',
+        '<(emma_instr_stamp)',
+      ],
+      'outputs': [
+        '<(obfuscate_stamp)',
+        # In non-Release builds, these paths will all be empty files.
+        '<(obfuscated_jar_path)',
+        '<(obfuscated_jar_path).info',
+        '<(obfuscated_jar_path).dump',
+        '<(obfuscated_jar_path).seeds',
+        '<(obfuscated_jar_path).mapping',
+        '<(obfuscated_jar_path).usage',
+      ],
+      'action': [
+        'python', '<(DEPTH)/build/android/gyp/',
+        '--configuration-name', '<(CONFIGURATION_NAME)',
+        '--android-sdk', '<(android_sdk)',
+        '--android-sdk-tools', '<(android_sdk_tools)',
+        '--android-sdk-jar', '<(android_sdk_jar)',
+        '--input-jars-paths=>(proguard_input_jar_paths)',
+        '--proguard-configs=>(proguard_flags_paths)',
+        '--test-jar-path', '<(test_jar_path)',
+        '--obfuscated-jar-path', '<(obfuscated_jar_path)',
+        '--proguard-jar-path', '<(DEPTH)/third_party/proguard/lib/proguard.jar',
+        '--stamp', '<(obfuscate_stamp)',
+        '>@(additional_obfuscate_options)',
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      'action_name': 'dex_<(_target_name)',
+      'variables': {
+        'dex_additional_options': [],
+        'dex_input_paths': [
+          '<(jar_path)',
+        ],
+        'output_path': '<(dex_path)',
+        'proguard_enabled_input_path': '<(obfuscated_jar_path)',
+      },
+      'conditions': [
+        ['enable_multidex == 1', {
+          'inputs': [
+            '<(main_dex_list_path)',
+            '<(multidex_configuration_path)',
+          ],
+          'variables': {
+            'dex_additional_options': [
+              '--main-dex-list-path', '<(main_dex_list_path)',
+              '--multidex-configuration-path', '<(multidex_configuration_path)',
+            ],
+          },
+        }],
+      ],
+      'target_conditions': [
+        ['enable_multidex == 1 or tested_apk_is_multidex == 1', {
+          'variables': {
+            'dex_input_paths': [
+              '>@(input_jars_paths)',
+            ],
+          },
+        }, {
+          'variables': {
+            'dex_input_paths': [
+              '>@(library_dexed_jars_paths)',
+            ],
+          },
+        }],
+        ['emma_instrument != 0', {
+          'variables': {
+            'dex_no_locals': 1,
+            'dex_input_paths': [
+              '<(emma_device_jar)'
+            ],
+          },
+        }],
+        ['is_test_apk == 1 and tested_apk_dex_path != "/"', {
+          'variables': {
+            'dex_additional_options': [
+              '--excluded-paths', '@FileArg(>(tested_apk_dex_path).inputs)'
+            ],
+          },
+          'inputs': [
+            '>(tested_apk_dex_path).inputs',
+          ],
+        }],
+        ['proguard_enabled == "true" or debug_build_proguard_enabled == "true"', {
+          'inputs': [ '<(obfuscate_stamp)' ]
+        }, {
+          'inputs': [ '<(emma_instr_stamp)' ]
+        }],
+      ],
+      'includes': [ 'android/dex_action.gypi' ],
+    },
+    {
+      'variables': {
+        'local_dependencies_res_zip_paths': ['>@(dependencies_res_zip_paths)'],
+        'extra_inputs': ['<(codegen_stamp)'],
+        'resource_zips': [
+          '<(resource_zip_path)',
+        ],
+        'conditions': [
+          ['dependencies_locale_zip_alternative_paths == []', {
+            'local_dependencies_res_zip_paths': ['>@(dependencies_locale_zip_paths)'],
+          }, {
+            'local_dependencies_res_zip_paths': ['<@(dependencies_locale_zip_alternative_paths)'],
+          }],
+          ['is_test_apk == 0', {
+            'resource_zips': [
+              '>@(local_dependencies_res_zip_paths)',
+            ],
+          }],
+        ],
+      },
+      'includes': [ 'android/package_resources_action.gypi' ],
+    },
+    {
+      'variables': {
+        'apk_path': '<(unsigned_apk_path)',
+        'conditions': [
+          ['native_lib_target != ""', {
+            'extra_inputs': ['<(native_lib_placeholder_stamp)'],
+          }],
+          ['create_abi_split == 0', {
+            'native_libs_dir': '<(apk_package_native_libs_dir)',
+          }, {
+            'native_libs_dir': '<(DEPTH)/build/android/ant/empty/res',
+          }],
+        ],
+      },
+      'includes': ['android/apkbuilder_action.gypi'],
+    },
+  ],