Revert "Revert "Upgrade to"" DO NOT MERGE

This reverts commit f2e3994fa5148cc3d9946666f0b0596290192b0e,
and updates the x64 makefile properly so it doesn't break that


Change-Id: Ib83e35bfbae6af627451c926a9650ec57c045605
(cherry picked from commit 109988c7ccb6f3fd1a58574fa3dfb88beaef6632)
diff --git a/src/compiler/bytecode-graph-builder.h b/src/compiler/bytecode-graph-builder.h
index 94a278c..2fa5967 100644
--- a/src/compiler/bytecode-graph-builder.h
+++ b/src/compiler/bytecode-graph-builder.h
@@ -23,19 +23,14 @@
                        JSGraph* jsgraph);
   // Creates a graph by visiting bytecodes.
-  bool CreateGraph(bool stack_check = true);
-  Graph* graph() const { return jsgraph_->graph(); }
+  bool CreateGraph();
   class Environment;
   class FrameStateBeforeAndAfter;
-  void CreateGraphBody(bool stack_check);
   void VisitBytecodes();
-  Node* LoadAccumulator(Node* value);
   // Get or create the node that represents the outer function closure.
   Node* GetFunctionClosure();
@@ -45,13 +40,6 @@
   // Get or create the node that represents the incoming new target value.
   Node* GetNewTarget();
-  // Builder for accessing a (potentially immutable) object field.
-  Node* BuildLoadObjectField(Node* object, int offset);
-  Node* BuildLoadImmutableObjectField(Node* object, int offset);
-  // Builder for accessing type feedback vector.
-  Node* BuildLoadFeedbackVector();
   // Builder for loading the a native context field.
   Node* BuildLoadNativeContextField(int index);
@@ -111,91 +99,102 @@
   Node* MakeNode(const Operator* op, int value_input_count, Node** value_inputs,
                  bool incomplete);
-  // Helper to indicate a node exits the function body.
-  void UpdateControlDependencyToLeaveFunction(Node* exit);
   Node** EnsureInputBufferSize(int size);
   Node* ProcessCallArguments(const Operator* call_op, Node* callee,
                              interpreter::Register receiver, size_t arity);
-  Node* ProcessCallNewArguments(const Operator* call_new_op,
-                                interpreter::Register callee,
+  Node* ProcessCallNewArguments(const Operator* call_new_op, Node* callee,
+                                Node* new_target,
                                 interpreter::Register first_arg, size_t arity);
   Node* ProcessCallRuntimeArguments(const Operator* call_runtime_op,
                                     interpreter::Register first_arg,
                                     size_t arity);
-  void BuildCreateLiteral(const Operator* op,
-                          const interpreter::BytecodeArrayIterator& iterator);
-  void BuildCreateRegExpLiteral(
-      const interpreter::BytecodeArrayIterator& iterator);
-  void BuildCreateArrayLiteral(
-      const interpreter::BytecodeArrayIterator& iterator);
-  void BuildCreateObjectLiteral(
-      const interpreter::BytecodeArrayIterator& iterator);
-  void BuildCreateArguments(CreateArgumentsParameters::Type type,
-                            const interpreter::BytecodeArrayIterator& iterator);
-  void BuildLoadGlobal(const interpreter::BytecodeArrayIterator& iterator,
-                       TypeofMode typeof_mode);
-  void BuildStoreGlobal(const interpreter::BytecodeArrayIterator& iterator);
-  void BuildNamedLoad(const interpreter::BytecodeArrayIterator& iterator);
-  void BuildKeyedLoad(const interpreter::BytecodeArrayIterator& iterator);
-  void BuildNamedStore(const interpreter::BytecodeArrayIterator& iterator);
-  void BuildKeyedStore(const interpreter::BytecodeArrayIterator& iterator);
-  void BuildLdaLookupSlot(TypeofMode typeof_mode,
-                          const interpreter::BytecodeArrayIterator& iterator);
-  void BuildStaLookupSlot(LanguageMode language_mode,
-                          const interpreter::BytecodeArrayIterator& iterator);
-  void BuildCall(const interpreter::BytecodeArrayIterator& iterator);
-  void BuildBinaryOp(const Operator* op,
-                     const interpreter::BytecodeArrayIterator& iterator);
-  void BuildCompareOp(const Operator* op,
-                      const interpreter::BytecodeArrayIterator& iterator);
-  void BuildDelete(const interpreter::BytecodeArrayIterator& iterator);
-  void BuildCastOperator(const Operator* js_op,
-                         const interpreter::BytecodeArrayIterator& iterator);
+  void BuildCreateLiteral(const Operator* op);
+  void BuildCreateRegExpLiteral();
+  void BuildCreateArrayLiteral();
+  void BuildCreateObjectLiteral();
+  void BuildCreateArguments(CreateArgumentsType type);
+  void BuildLoadGlobal(TypeofMode typeof_mode);
+  void BuildStoreGlobal(LanguageMode language_mode);
+  void BuildNamedLoad();
+  void BuildKeyedLoad();
+  void BuildNamedStore(LanguageMode language_mode);
+  void BuildKeyedStore(LanguageMode language_mode);
+  void BuildLdaLookupSlot(TypeofMode typeof_mode);
+  void BuildStaLookupSlot(LanguageMode language_mode);
+  void BuildCall(TailCallMode tail_call_mode);
+  void BuildCallJSRuntime();
+  void BuildCallRuntime();
+  void BuildCallRuntimeForPair();
+  void BuildCallConstruct();
+  void BuildThrow();
+  void BuildBinaryOp(const Operator* op);
+  void BuildCompareOp(const Operator* op);
+  void BuildDelete(LanguageMode language_mode);
+  void BuildCastOperator(const Operator* op);
+  void BuildForInPrepare();
+  void BuildForInNext();
   // Control flow plumbing.
-  void BuildJump(int source_offset, int target_offset);
   void BuildJump();
   void BuildConditionalJump(Node* condition);
   void BuildJumpIfEqual(Node* comperand);
   void BuildJumpIfToBooleanEqual(Node* boolean_comperand);
+  void BuildJumpIfNotHole();
-  // Constructing merge and loop headers.
-  void MergeEnvironmentsOfBackwardBranches(int source_offset,
-                                           int target_offset);
-  void MergeEnvironmentsOfForwardBranches(int source_offset);
-  void BuildLoopHeaderForBackwardBranches(int source_offset);
+  // Simulates control flow by forward-propagating environments.
+  void MergeIntoSuccessorEnvironment(int target_offset);
+  void BuildLoopHeaderEnvironment(int current_offset);
+  void SwitchToMergeEnvironment(int current_offset);
-  // Attaches a frame state to |node| for the entry to the function.
-  void PrepareEntryFrameState(Node* node);
+  // Simulates control flow that exits the function body.
+  void MergeControlToLeaveFunction(Node* exit);
+  // Simulates entry and exit of exception handlers.
+  void EnterAndExitExceptionHandlers(int current_offset);
   // Growth increment for the temporary buffer used to construct input lists to
   // new nodes.
   static const int kInputBufferSizeIncrement = 64;
+  // The catch prediction from the handler table is reused.
+  typedef HandlerTable::CatchPrediction CatchPrediction;
+  // An abstract representation for an exception handler that is being
+  // entered and exited while the graph builder is iterating over the
+  // underlying bytecode. The exception handlers within the bytecode are
+  // well scoped, hence will form a stack during iteration.
+  struct ExceptionHandler {
+    int start_offset_;      // Start offset of the handled area in the bytecode.
+    int end_offset_;        // End offset of the handled area in the bytecode.
+    int handler_offset_;    // Handler entry offset within the bytecode.
+    int context_register_;  // Index of register holding handler context.
+    CatchPrediction pred_;  // Prediction of whether handler is catching.
+  };
   // Field accessors
+  Graph* graph() const { return jsgraph_->graph(); }
   CommonOperatorBuilder* common() const { return jsgraph_->common(); }
   Zone* graph_zone() const { return graph()->zone(); }
-  CompilationInfo* info() const { return info_; }
   JSGraph* jsgraph() const { return jsgraph_; }
   JSOperatorBuilder* javascript() const { return jsgraph_->javascript(); }
   Zone* local_zone() const { return local_zone_; }
   const Handle<BytecodeArray>& bytecode_array() const {
     return bytecode_array_;
+  const Handle<HandlerTable>& exception_handler_table() const {
+    return exception_handler_table_;
+  }
+  const Handle<TypeFeedbackVector>& feedback_vector() const {
+    return feedback_vector_;
+  }
   const FrameStateFunctionInfo* frame_state_function_info() const {
     return frame_state_function_info_;
-  LanguageMode language_mode() const {
-    // TODO(mythria): Don't rely on parse information to get language mode.
-    return info()->language_mode();
-  }
-  const interpreter::BytecodeArrayIterator* bytecode_iterator() const {
-    return bytecode_iterator_;
+  const interpreter::BytecodeArrayIterator& bytecode_iterator() const {
+    return *bytecode_iterator_;
   void set_bytecode_iterator(
@@ -211,28 +210,32 @@
     branch_analysis_ = branch_analysis;
-#define DECLARE_VISIT_BYTECODE(name, ...) \
-  void Visit##name(const interpreter::BytecodeArrayIterator& iterator);
+#define DECLARE_VISIT_BYTECODE(name, ...) void Visit##name();
   Zone* local_zone_;
-  CompilationInfo* info_;
   JSGraph* jsgraph_;
   Handle<BytecodeArray> bytecode_array_;
+  Handle<HandlerTable> exception_handler_table_;
+  Handle<TypeFeedbackVector> feedback_vector_;
   const FrameStateFunctionInfo* frame_state_function_info_;
   const interpreter::BytecodeArrayIterator* bytecode_iterator_;
   const BytecodeBranchAnalysis* branch_analysis_;
   Environment* environment_;
+  // Indicates whether deoptimization support is enabled for this compilation
+  // and whether valid frame states need to be attached to deoptimizing nodes.
+  bool deoptimization_enabled_;
-  // Merge environments are snapshots of the environment at a particular
-  // bytecode offset to be merged into a later environment.
+  // Merge environments are snapshots of the environment at points where the
+  // control flow merges. This models a forward data flow propagation of all
+  // values from all predecessors of the merge in question.
   ZoneMap<int, Environment*> merge_environments_;
-  // Loop header environments are environments created for bytecodes
-  // where it is known there are back branches, ie a loop header.
-  ZoneMap<int, Environment*> loop_header_environments_;
+  // Exception handlers currently entered by the iteration.
+  ZoneStack<ExceptionHandler> exception_handlers_;
+  int current_exception_handler_;
   // Temporary storage for building node input lists.
   int input_buffer_size_;
@@ -243,100 +246,12 @@
   SetOncePointer<Node> function_closure_;
   SetOncePointer<Node> new_target_;
-  // Optimization to cache loaded feedback vector.
-  SetOncePointer<Node> feedback_vector_;
   // Control nodes that exit the function body.
   ZoneVector<Node*> exit_controls_;
-class BytecodeGraphBuilder::Environment : public ZoneObject {
- public:
-  Environment(BytecodeGraphBuilder* builder, int register_count,
-              int parameter_count, Node* control_dependency, Node* context);
-  int parameter_count() const { return parameter_count_; }
-  int register_count() const { return register_count_; }
-  Node* LookupAccumulator() const;
-  Node* LookupRegister(interpreter::Register the_register) const;
-  void ExchangeRegisters(interpreter::Register reg0,
-                         interpreter::Register reg1);
-  void BindAccumulator(Node* node, FrameStateBeforeAndAfter* states = nullptr);
-  void BindRegister(interpreter::Register the_register, Node* node,
-                    FrameStateBeforeAndAfter* states = nullptr);
-  void BindRegistersToProjections(interpreter::Register first_reg, Node* node,
-                                  FrameStateBeforeAndAfter* states = nullptr);
-  void RecordAfterState(Node* node, FrameStateBeforeAndAfter* states);
-  bool IsMarkedAsUnreachable() const;
-  void MarkAsUnreachable();
-  // Effect dependency tracked by this environment.
-  Node* GetEffectDependency() { return effect_dependency_; }
-  void UpdateEffectDependency(Node* dependency) {
-    effect_dependency_ = dependency;
-  }
-  // Preserve a checkpoint of the environment for the IR graph. Any
-  // further mutation of the environment will not affect checkpoints.
-  Node* Checkpoint(BailoutId bytecode_offset, OutputFrameStateCombine combine);
-  // Returns true if the state values are up to date with the current
-  // environment.
-  bool StateValuesAreUpToDate(int output_poke_offset, int output_poke_count);
-  // Control dependency tracked by this environment.
-  Node* GetControlDependency() const { return control_dependency_; }
-  void UpdateControlDependency(Node* dependency) {
-    control_dependency_ = dependency;
-  }
-  Node* Context() const { return context_; }
-  void SetContext(Node* new_context) { context_ = new_context; }
-  Environment* CopyForConditional() const;
-  Environment* CopyForLoop();
-  void Merge(Environment* other);
- private:
-  explicit Environment(const Environment* copy);
-  void PrepareForLoop();
-  bool StateValuesAreUpToDate(Node** state_values, int offset, int count,
-                              int output_poke_start, int output_poke_end);
-  bool StateValuesRequireUpdate(Node** state_values, int offset, int count);
-  void UpdateStateValues(Node** state_values, int offset, int count);
-  int RegisterToValuesIndex(interpreter::Register the_register) const;
-  Zone* zone() const { return builder_->local_zone(); }
-  Graph* graph() const { return builder_->graph(); }
-  CommonOperatorBuilder* common() const { return builder_->common(); }
-  BytecodeGraphBuilder* builder() const { return builder_; }
-  const NodeVector* values() const { return &values_; }
-  NodeVector* values() { return &values_; }
-  int register_base() const { return register_base_; }
-  int accumulator_base() const { return accumulator_base_; }
-  BytecodeGraphBuilder* builder_;
-  int register_count_;
-  int parameter_count_;
-  Node* context_;
-  Node* control_dependency_;
-  Node* effect_dependency_;
-  NodeVector values_;
-  Node* parameters_state_values_;
-  Node* registers_state_values_;
-  Node* accumulator_state_values_;
-  int register_base_;
-  int accumulator_base_;
 }  // namespace compiler
 }  // namespace internal
 }  // namespace v8