Revert "Revert "Upgrade to"" DO NOT MERGE

This reverts commit f2e3994fa5148cc3d9946666f0b0596290192b0e,
and updates the x64 makefile properly so it doesn't break that


Change-Id: Ib83e35bfbae6af627451c926a9650ec57c045605
(cherry picked from commit 109988c7ccb6f3fd1a58574fa3dfb88beaef6632)
diff --git a/src/runtime/runtime.h b/src/runtime/runtime.h
index 283087a..7019c3b 100644
--- a/src/runtime/runtime.h
+++ b/src/runtime/runtime.h
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 #include "src/allocation.h"
+#include "src/base/platform/time.h"
 #include "src/objects.h"
 #include "src/unicode.h"
 #include "src/zone.h"
@@ -50,7 +51,6 @@
   F(GetCachedArrayIndex, 1, 1)       \
   F(FixedArrayGet, 2, 1)             \
   F(FixedArraySet, 3, 1)             \
-  F(FastOneByteArrayJoin, 2, 1)      \
   F(ArraySpeciesConstructor, 1, 1)
@@ -73,7 +73,6 @@
   F(AtomicsFutexWakeOrRequeue, 5, 1) \
   F(AtomicsFutexNumWaitersForTesting, 2, 1)
   F(ThrowNonMethodError, 0, 1)              \
   F(ThrowUnsupportedSuperError, 0, 1)       \
@@ -82,18 +81,16 @@
   F(ThrowStaticPrototypeError, 0, 1)        \
   F(ThrowIfStaticPrototype, 1, 1)           \
   F(HomeObjectSymbol, 0, 1)                 \
-  F(DefineClass, 5, 1)                      \
+  F(DefineClass, 4, 1)                      \
   F(FinalizeClassDefinition, 2, 1)          \
-  F(DefineClassMethod, 3, 1)                \
-  F(LoadFromSuper, 4, 1)                    \
-  F(LoadKeyedFromSuper, 4, 1)               \
+  F(LoadFromSuper, 3, 1)                    \
+  F(LoadKeyedFromSuper, 3, 1)               \
   F(StoreToSuper_Strict, 4, 1)              \
   F(StoreToSuper_Sloppy, 4, 1)              \
   F(StoreKeyedToSuper_Strict, 4, 1)         \
   F(StoreKeyedToSuper_Sloppy, 4, 1)         \
   F(GetSuperConstructor, 1, 1)
   F(StringGetRawHashField, 1, 1)          \
   F(TheHole, 0, 1)                        \
@@ -203,26 +200,20 @@
   F(ForInDone, 2, 1)                \
+  F(ForInEnumerate, 1, 1)           \
   F(ForInFilter, 2, 1)              \
   F(ForInNext, 4, 1)                \
   F(ForInStep, 1, 1)
-  F(InterpreterEquals, 2, 1)              \
-  F(InterpreterNotEquals, 2, 1)           \
-  F(InterpreterStrictEquals, 2, 1)        \
-  F(InterpreterStrictNotEquals, 2, 1)     \
-  F(InterpreterLessThan, 2, 1)            \
-  F(InterpreterGreaterThan, 2, 1)         \
-  F(InterpreterLessThanOrEqual, 2, 1)     \
-  F(InterpreterGreaterThanOrEqual, 2, 1)  \
   F(InterpreterToBoolean, 1, 1)           \
   F(InterpreterLogicalNot, 1, 1)          \
   F(InterpreterTypeOf, 1, 1)              \
   F(InterpreterNewClosure, 2, 1)          \
-  F(InterpreterForInPrepare, 1, 1)
+  F(InterpreterTraceBytecodeEntry, 3, 1)  \
+  F(InterpreterTraceBytecodeExit, 3, 1)   \
+  F(InterpreterClearPendingMessage, 0, 1) \
+  F(InterpreterSetPendingMessage, 1, 1)
   F(FunctionGetName, 1, 1)                 \
@@ -248,18 +239,19 @@
   F(IsFunction, 1, 1)                      \
   F(FunctionToString, 1, 1)
   F(CreateJSGeneratorObject, 0, 1)      \
-  F(SuspendJSGeneratorObject, -1, 1)    \
+  F(SuspendJSGeneratorObject, 1, 1)     \
   F(ResumeJSGeneratorObject, 3, 1)      \
   F(GeneratorClose, 1, 1)               \
   F(GeneratorGetFunction, 1, 1)         \
   F(GeneratorGetContext, 1, 1)          \
   F(GeneratorGetReceiver, 1, 1)         \
+  F(GeneratorGetInput, 1, 1)            \
   F(GeneratorGetContinuation, 1, 1)     \
   F(GeneratorGetSourcePosition, 1, 1)   \
   F(GeneratorNext, 2, 1)                \
+  F(GeneratorReturn, 2, 1)              \
   F(GeneratorThrow, 2, 1)
@@ -293,50 +285,52 @@
-  F(CheckIsBootstrapping, 0, 1)               \
-  F(ExportFromRuntime, 1, 1)                  \
-  F(ExportExperimentalFromRuntime, 1, 1)      \
-  F(InstallToContext, 1, 1)                   \
-  F(Throw, 1, 1)                              \
-  F(ReThrow, 1, 1)                            \
-  F(UnwindAndFindExceptionHandler, 0, 1)      \
-  F(PromoteScheduledException, 0, 1)          \
-  F(ThrowReferenceError, 1, 1)                \
-  F(ThrowApplyNonFunction, 1, 1)              \
-  F(NewTypeError, 2, 1)                       \
-  F(NewSyntaxError, 2, 1)                     \
-  F(NewReferenceError, 2, 1)                  \
-  F(ThrowIllegalInvocation, 0, 1)             \
-  F(ThrowIteratorResultNotAnObject, 1, 1)     \
-  F(ThrowStackOverflow, 0, 1)                 \
-  F(ThrowStrongModeImplicitConversion, 0, 1)  \
-  F(PromiseRejectEvent, 3, 1)                 \
-  F(PromiseRevokeReject, 1, 1)                \
-  F(StackGuard, 0, 1)                         \
-  F(Interrupt, 0, 1)                          \
-  F(AllocateInNewSpace, 1, 1)                 \
-  F(AllocateInTargetSpace, 2, 1)              \
-  F(CollectStackTrace, 2, 1)                  \
-  F(MessageGetStartPosition, 1, 1)            \
-  F(MessageGetScript, 1, 1)                   \
-  F(FormatMessageString, 4, 1)                \
-  F(CallSiteGetFileNameRT, 1, 1)              \
-  F(CallSiteGetFunctionNameRT, 1, 1)          \
-  F(CallSiteGetScriptNameOrSourceUrlRT, 1, 1) \
-  F(CallSiteGetMethodNameRT, 1, 1)            \
-  F(CallSiteGetLineNumberRT, 1, 1)            \
-  F(CallSiteGetColumnNumberRT, 1, 1)          \
-  F(CallSiteIsNativeRT, 1, 1)                 \
-  F(CallSiteIsToplevelRT, 1, 1)               \
-  F(CallSiteIsEvalRT, 1, 1)                   \
-  F(CallSiteIsConstructorRT, 1, 1)            \
-  F(IS_VAR, 1, 1)                             \
-  F(IncrementStatsCounter, 1, 1)              \
-  F(ThrowConstructedNonConstructable, 1, 1)   \
-  F(ThrowCalledNonCallable, 1, 1)             \
-  F(CreateListFromArrayLike, 1, 1)            \
-  F(IncrementUseCounter, 1, 1)
+#define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_INTERNAL(F)              \
+  F(CheckIsBootstrapping, 0, 1)                     \
+  F(ExportFromRuntime, 1, 1)                        \
+  F(ExportExperimentalFromRuntime, 1, 1)            \
+  F(InstallToContext, 1, 1)                         \
+  F(Throw, 1, 1)                                    \
+  F(ReThrow, 1, 1)                                  \
+  F(UnwindAndFindExceptionHandler, 0, 1)            \
+  F(PromoteScheduledException, 0, 1)                \
+  F(ThrowReferenceError, 1, 1)                      \
+  F(ThrowApplyNonFunction, 1, 1)                    \
+  F(NewTypeError, 2, 1)                             \
+  F(NewSyntaxError, 2, 1)                           \
+  F(NewReferenceError, 2, 1)                        \
+  F(ThrowIllegalInvocation, 0, 1)                   \
+  F(ThrowIteratorResultNotAnObject, 1, 1)           \
+  F(ThrowStackOverflow, 0, 1)                       \
+  F(ThrowStrongModeImplicitConversion, 0, 1)        \
+  F(PromiseRejectEvent, 3, 1)                       \
+  F(PromiseRevokeReject, 1, 1)                      \
+  F(StackGuard, 0, 1)                               \
+  F(Interrupt, 0, 1)                                \
+  F(AllocateInNewSpace, 1, 1)                       \
+  F(AllocateInTargetSpace, 2, 1)                    \
+  F(CollectStackTrace, 2, 1)                        \
+  F(MessageGetStartPosition, 1, 1)                  \
+  F(MessageGetScript, 1, 1)                         \
+  F(FormatMessageString, 4, 1)                      \
+  F(CallSiteGetFileNameRT, 1, 1)                    \
+  F(CallSiteGetFunctionNameRT, 1, 1)                \
+  F(CallSiteGetScriptNameOrSourceUrlRT, 1, 1)       \
+  F(CallSiteGetMethodNameRT, 1, 1)                  \
+  F(CallSiteGetLineNumberRT, 1, 1)                  \
+  F(CallSiteGetColumnNumberRT, 1, 1)                \
+  F(CallSiteIsNativeRT, 1, 1)                       \
+  F(CallSiteIsToplevelRT, 1, 1)                     \
+  F(CallSiteIsEvalRT, 1, 1)                         \
+  F(CallSiteIsConstructorRT, 1, 1)                  \
+  F(IS_VAR, 1, 1)                                   \
+  F(IncrementStatsCounter, 1, 1)                    \
+  F(ThrowConstructedNonConstructable, 1, 1)         \
+  F(ThrowDerivedConstructorReturnedNonObject, 0, 1) \
+  F(ThrowCalledNonCallable, 1, 1)                   \
+  F(CreateListFromArrayLike, 1, 1)                  \
+  F(IncrementUseCounter, 1, 1)                      \
+  F(GetAndResetRuntimeCallStats, 0, 1)
@@ -345,12 +339,11 @@
   F(ParseJson, 1, 1)
-  F(CreateRegExpLiteral, 4, 1)           \
-  F(CreateObjectLiteral, 4, 1)           \
-  F(CreateArrayLiteral, 4, 1)            \
-  F(CreateArrayLiteralStubBailout, 3, 1) \
-  F(StoreArrayLiteralElement, 5, 1)
+  F(CreateRegExpLiteral, 4, 1)         \
+  F(CreateObjectLiteral, 4, 1)         \
+  F(CreateArrayLiteral, 4, 1)          \
+  F(CreateArrayLiteralStubBailout, 3, 1)
 #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_LIVEEDIT(F)              \
@@ -385,7 +378,6 @@
   F(RoundNumber, 1, 1)              \
   F(MathSqrt, 1, 1)                 \
   F(MathFround, 1, 1)               \
-  F(IsMinusZero, 1, 1)              \
   F(GenerateRandomNumbers, 1, 1)
@@ -410,18 +402,14 @@
   F(GetHoleNaNUpper, 0, 1)             \
   F(GetHoleNaNLower, 0, 1)
 #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_OBJECT(F)                 \
   F(GetPrototype, 1, 1)                              \
   F(InternalSetPrototype, 2, 1)                      \
   F(SetPrototype, 2, 1)                              \
-  F(GetOwnProperty, 2, 1)                            \
   F(GetOwnProperty_Legacy, 2, 1)                     \
   F(OptimizeObjectForAddingMultipleProperties, 2, 1) \
   F(GetProperty, 2, 1)                               \
-  F(GetPropertyStrong, 2, 1)                         \
   F(KeyedGetProperty, 2, 1)                          \
-  F(KeyedGetPropertyStrong, 2, 1)                    \
   F(LoadGlobalViaContext, 1, 1)                      \
   F(StoreGlobalViaContext_Sloppy, 2, 1)              \
   F(StoreGlobalViaContext_Strict, 2, 1)              \
@@ -434,7 +422,6 @@
   F(HasOwnProperty, 2, 1)                            \
   F(HasProperty, 2, 1)                               \
   F(PropertyIsEnumerable, 2, 1)                      \
-  F(GetPropertyNamesFast, 1, 1)                      \
   F(GetOwnPropertyKeys, 2, 1)                        \
   F(GetInterceptorInfo, 1, 1)                        \
   F(ToFastProperties, 1, 1)                          \
@@ -448,12 +435,10 @@
   F(IsJSGlobalProxy, 1, 1)                           \
   F(DefineAccessorPropertyUnchecked, 5, 1)           \
   F(DefineDataPropertyUnchecked, 4, 1)               \
+  F(DefineDataPropertyInLiteral, 5, 1)               \
   F(GetDataProperty, 2, 1)                           \
   F(HasFastPackedElements, 1, 1)                     \
   F(ValueOf, 1, 1)                                   \
-  F(SetValueOf, 2, 1)                                \
-  F(JSValueGetValue, 1, 1)                           \
-  F(ObjectEquals, 2, 1)                              \
   F(IsJSReceiver, 1, 1)                              \
   F(IsStrong, 1, 1)                                  \
   F(ClassOf, 1, 1)                                   \
@@ -468,10 +453,9 @@
   F(ToLength, 1, 1)                                  \
   F(ToString, 1, 1)                                  \
   F(ToName, 1, 1)                                    \
-  F(Equals, 2, 1)                                    \
-  F(StrictEquals, 2, 1)                              \
+  F(SameValue, 2, 1)                                 \
+  F(SameValueZero, 2, 1)                             \
   F(Compare, 3, 1)                                   \
-  F(Compare_Strong, 3, 1)                            \
   F(InstanceOf, 2, 1)                                \
   F(HasInPrototypeChain, 2, 1)                       \
   F(CreateIterResultObject, 2, 1)                    \
@@ -479,7 +463,6 @@
   F(ObjectDefineProperties, 2, 1)                    \
   F(ObjectDefineProperty, 3, 1)
 #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_OBSERVE(F)            \
   F(IsObserved, 1, 1)                            \
   F(SetIsObserved, 1, 1)                         \
@@ -493,30 +476,26 @@
   F(GetObjectContextObjectGetNotifier, 1, 1)     \
   F(GetObjectContextNotifierPerformChange, 1, 1)
   F(Multiply, 2, 1)                     \
-  F(Multiply_Strong, 2, 1)              \
   F(Divide, 2, 1)                       \
-  F(Divide_Strong, 2, 1)                \
   F(Modulus, 2, 1)                      \
-  F(Modulus_Strong, 2, 1)               \
   F(Add, 2, 1)                          \
-  F(Add_Strong, 2, 1)                   \
   F(Subtract, 2, 1)                     \
-  F(Subtract_Strong, 2, 1)              \
   F(ShiftLeft, 2, 1)                    \
-  F(ShiftLeft_Strong, 2, 1)             \
   F(ShiftRight, 2, 1)                   \
-  F(ShiftRight_Strong, 2, 1)            \
   F(ShiftRightLogical, 2, 1)            \
-  F(ShiftRightLogical_Strong, 2, 1)     \
   F(BitwiseAnd, 2, 1)                   \
-  F(BitwiseAnd_Strong, 2, 1)            \
   F(BitwiseOr, 2, 1)                    \
-  F(BitwiseOr_Strong, 2, 1)             \
   F(BitwiseXor, 2, 1)                   \
-  F(BitwiseXor_Strong, 2, 1)
+  F(Equal, 2, 1)                        \
+  F(NotEqual, 2, 1)                     \
+  F(StrictEqual, 2, 1)                  \
+  F(StrictNotEqual, 2, 1)               \
+  F(LessThan, 2, 1)                     \
+  F(GreaterThan, 2, 1)                  \
+  F(LessThanOrEqual, 2, 1)              \
+  F(GreaterThanOrEqual, 2, 1)
   F(IsJSProxy, 1, 1)                    \
@@ -538,7 +517,6 @@
   F(RegExpExecReThrow, 4, 1)                   \
   F(IsRegExp, 1, 1)
   F(ThrowConstAssignError, 0, 1)           \
   F(DeclareGlobals, 2, 1)                  \
@@ -547,11 +525,9 @@
   F(DeclareLookupSlot, 3, 1)               \
   F(InitializeLegacyConstLookupSlot, 3, 1) \
   F(NewSloppyArguments_Generic, 1, 1)      \
-  F(NewStrictArguments_Generic, 1, 1)      \
-  F(NewRestArguments_Generic, 2, 1)        \
+  F(NewStrictArguments, 1, 1)              \
+  F(NewRestParameter, 1, 1)                \
   F(NewSloppyArguments, 3, 1)              \
-  F(NewStrictArguments, 3, 1)              \
-  F(NewRestParam, 3, 1)                    \
   F(NewClosure, 1, 1)                      \
   F(NewClosure_Tenured, 1, 1)              \
   F(NewScriptContext, 2, 1)                \
@@ -562,317 +538,321 @@
   F(IsJSModule, 1, 1)                      \
   F(PushModuleContext, 2, 1)               \
   F(DeclareModules, 1, 1)                  \
-  F(DeleteLookupSlot, 2, 1)                \
-  F(StoreLookupSlot, 4, 1)                 \
-  F(ArgumentsLength, 0, 1)                 \
-  F(Arguments, 1, 1)
+  F(DeleteLookupSlot, 1, 1)                \
+  F(LoadLookupSlot, 1, 1)                  \
+  F(LoadLookupSlotInsideTypeof, 1, 1)      \
+  F(StoreLookupSlot_Sloppy, 2, 1)          \
+  F(StoreLookupSlot_Strict, 2, 1)
-#define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_SIMD(F)           \
-  F(IsSimdValue, 1, 1)                       \
-  F(SimdSameValue, 2, 1)                     \
-  F(SimdSameValueZero, 2, 1)                 \
-  F(CreateFloat32x4, 4, 1)                   \
-  F(CreateInt32x4, 4, 1)                     \
-  F(CreateUint32x4, 4, 1)                    \
-  F(CreateBool32x4, 4, 1)                    \
-  F(CreateInt16x8, 8, 1)                     \
-  F(CreateUint16x8, 8, 1)                    \
-  F(CreateBool16x8, 8, 1)                    \
-  F(CreateInt8x16, 16, 1)                    \
-  F(CreateUint8x16, 16, 1)                   \
-  F(CreateBool8x16, 16, 1)                   \
-  F(Float32x4Check, 1, 1)                    \
-  F(Float32x4ExtractLane, 2, 1)              \
-  F(Float32x4ReplaceLane, 3, 1)              \
-  F(Float32x4Abs, 1, 1)                      \
-  F(Float32x4Neg, 1, 1)                      \
-  F(Float32x4Sqrt, 1, 1)                     \
-  F(Float32x4RecipApprox, 1, 1)              \
-  F(Float32x4RecipSqrtApprox, 1, 1)          \
-  F(Float32x4Add, 2, 1)                      \
-  F(Float32x4Sub, 2, 1)                      \
-  F(Float32x4Mul, 2, 1)                      \
-  F(Float32x4Div, 2, 1)                      \
-  F(Float32x4Min, 2, 1)                      \
-  F(Float32x4Max, 2, 1)                      \
-  F(Float32x4MinNum, 2, 1)                   \
-  F(Float32x4MaxNum, 2, 1)                   \
-  F(Float32x4Equal, 2, 1)                    \
-  F(Float32x4NotEqual, 2, 1)                 \
-  F(Float32x4LessThan, 2, 1)                 \
-  F(Float32x4LessThanOrEqual, 2, 1)          \
-  F(Float32x4GreaterThan, 2, 1)              \
-  F(Float32x4GreaterThanOrEqual, 2, 1)       \
-  F(Float32x4Select, 3, 1)                   \
-  F(Float32x4Swizzle, 5, 1)                  \
-  F(Float32x4Shuffle, 6, 1)                  \
-  F(Float32x4FromInt32x4, 1, 1)              \
-  F(Float32x4FromUint32x4, 1, 1)             \
-  F(Float32x4FromInt32x4Bits, 1, 1)          \
-  F(Float32x4FromUint32x4Bits, 1, 1)         \
-  F(Float32x4FromInt16x8Bits, 1, 1)          \
-  F(Float32x4FromUint16x8Bits, 1, 1)         \
-  F(Float32x4FromInt8x16Bits, 1, 1)          \
-  F(Float32x4FromUint8x16Bits, 1, 1)         \
-  F(Float32x4Load, 2, 1)                     \
-  F(Float32x4Load1, 2, 1)                    \
-  F(Float32x4Load2, 2, 1)                    \
-  F(Float32x4Load3, 2, 1)                    \
-  F(Float32x4Store, 3, 1)                    \
-  F(Float32x4Store1, 3, 1)                   \
-  F(Float32x4Store2, 3, 1)                   \
-  F(Float32x4Store3, 3, 1)                   \
-  F(Int32x4Check, 1, 1)                      \
-  F(Int32x4ExtractLane, 2, 1)                \
-  F(Int32x4ReplaceLane, 3, 1)                \
-  F(Int32x4Neg, 1, 1)                        \
-  F(Int32x4Add, 2, 1)                        \
-  F(Int32x4Sub, 2, 1)                        \
-  F(Int32x4Mul, 2, 1)                        \
-  F(Int32x4Min, 2, 1)                        \
-  F(Int32x4Max, 2, 1)                        \
-  F(Int32x4And, 2, 1)                        \
-  F(Int32x4Or, 2, 1)                         \
-  F(Int32x4Xor, 2, 1)                        \
-  F(Int32x4Not, 1, 1)                        \
-  F(Int32x4ShiftLeftByScalar, 2, 1)          \
-  F(Int32x4ShiftRightByScalar, 2, 1)         \
-  F(Int32x4Equal, 2, 1)                      \
-  F(Int32x4NotEqual, 2, 1)                   \
-  F(Int32x4LessThan, 2, 1)                   \
-  F(Int32x4LessThanOrEqual, 2, 1)            \
-  F(Int32x4GreaterThan, 2, 1)                \
-  F(Int32x4GreaterThanOrEqual, 2, 1)         \
-  F(Int32x4Select, 3, 1)                     \
-  F(Int32x4Swizzle, 5, 1)                    \
-  F(Int32x4Shuffle, 6, 1)                    \
-  F(Int32x4FromFloat32x4, 1, 1)              \
-  F(Int32x4FromUint32x4, 1, 1)               \
-  F(Int32x4FromFloat32x4Bits, 1, 1)          \
-  F(Int32x4FromUint32x4Bits, 1, 1)           \
-  F(Int32x4FromInt16x8Bits, 1, 1)            \
-  F(Int32x4FromUint16x8Bits, 1, 1)           \
-  F(Int32x4FromInt8x16Bits, 1, 1)            \
-  F(Int32x4FromUint8x16Bits, 1, 1)           \
-  F(Int32x4Load, 2, 1)                       \
-  F(Int32x4Load1, 2, 1)                      \
-  F(Int32x4Load2, 2, 1)                      \
-  F(Int32x4Load3, 2, 1)                      \
-  F(Int32x4Store, 3, 1)                      \
-  F(Int32x4Store1, 3, 1)                     \
-  F(Int32x4Store2, 3, 1)                     \
-  F(Int32x4Store3, 3, 1)                     \
-  F(Uint32x4Check, 1, 1)                     \
-  F(Uint32x4ExtractLane, 2, 1)               \
-  F(Uint32x4ReplaceLane, 3, 1)               \
-  F(Uint32x4Add, 2, 1)                       \
-  F(Uint32x4Sub, 2, 1)                       \
-  F(Uint32x4Mul, 2, 1)                       \
-  F(Uint32x4Min, 2, 1)                       \
-  F(Uint32x4Max, 2, 1)                       \
-  F(Uint32x4And, 2, 1)                       \
-  F(Uint32x4Or, 2, 1)                        \
-  F(Uint32x4Xor, 2, 1)                       \
-  F(Uint32x4Not, 1, 1)                       \
-  F(Uint32x4ShiftLeftByScalar, 2, 1)         \
-  F(Uint32x4ShiftRightByScalar, 2, 1)        \
-  F(Uint32x4Equal, 2, 1)                     \
-  F(Uint32x4NotEqual, 2, 1)                  \
-  F(Uint32x4LessThan, 2, 1)                  \
-  F(Uint32x4LessThanOrEqual, 2, 1)           \
-  F(Uint32x4GreaterThan, 2, 1)               \
-  F(Uint32x4GreaterThanOrEqual, 2, 1)        \
-  F(Uint32x4Select, 3, 1)                    \
-  F(Uint32x4Swizzle, 5, 1)                   \
-  F(Uint32x4Shuffle, 6, 1)                   \
-  F(Uint32x4FromFloat32x4, 1, 1)             \
-  F(Uint32x4FromInt32x4, 1, 1)               \
-  F(Uint32x4FromFloat32x4Bits, 1, 1)         \
-  F(Uint32x4FromInt32x4Bits, 1, 1)           \
-  F(Uint32x4FromInt16x8Bits, 1, 1)           \
-  F(Uint32x4FromUint16x8Bits, 1, 1)          \
-  F(Uint32x4FromInt8x16Bits, 1, 1)           \
-  F(Uint32x4FromUint8x16Bits, 1, 1)          \
-  F(Uint32x4Load, 2, 1)                      \
-  F(Uint32x4Load1, 2, 1)                     \
-  F(Uint32x4Load2, 2, 1)                     \
-  F(Uint32x4Load3, 2, 1)                     \
-  F(Uint32x4Store, 3, 1)                     \
-  F(Uint32x4Store1, 3, 1)                    \
-  F(Uint32x4Store2, 3, 1)                    \
-  F(Uint32x4Store3, 3, 1)                    \
-  F(Bool32x4Check, 1, 1)                     \
-  F(Bool32x4ExtractLane, 2, 1)               \
-  F(Bool32x4ReplaceLane, 3, 1)               \
-  F(Bool32x4And, 2, 1)                       \
-  F(Bool32x4Or, 2, 1)                        \
-  F(Bool32x4Xor, 2, 1)                       \
-  F(Bool32x4Not, 1, 1)                       \
-  F(Bool32x4AnyTrue, 1, 1)                   \
-  F(Bool32x4AllTrue, 1, 1)                   \
-  F(Bool32x4Swizzle, 5, 1)                   \
-  F(Bool32x4Shuffle, 6, 1)                   \
-  F(Int16x8Check, 1, 1)                      \
-  F(Int16x8ExtractLane, 2, 1)                \
-  F(Int16x8ReplaceLane, 3, 1)                \
-  F(Int16x8Neg, 1, 1)                        \
-  F(Int16x8Add, 2, 1)                        \
-  F(Int16x8AddSaturate, 2, 1)                \
-  F(Int16x8Sub, 2, 1)                        \
-  F(Int16x8SubSaturate, 2, 1)                \
-  F(Int16x8Mul, 2, 1)                        \
-  F(Int16x8Min, 2, 1)                        \
-  F(Int16x8Max, 2, 1)                        \
-  F(Int16x8And, 2, 1)                        \
-  F(Int16x8Or, 2, 1)                         \
-  F(Int16x8Xor, 2, 1)                        \
-  F(Int16x8Not, 1, 1)                        \
-  F(Int16x8ShiftLeftByScalar, 2, 1)          \
-  F(Int16x8ShiftRightByScalar, 2, 1)         \
-  F(Int16x8Equal, 2, 1)                      \
-  F(Int16x8NotEqual, 2, 1)                   \
-  F(Int16x8LessThan, 2, 1)                   \
-  F(Int16x8LessThanOrEqual, 2, 1)            \
-  F(Int16x8GreaterThan, 2, 1)                \
-  F(Int16x8GreaterThanOrEqual, 2, 1)         \
-  F(Int16x8Select, 3, 1)                     \
-  F(Int16x8Swizzle, 9, 1)                    \
-  F(Int16x8Shuffle, 10, 1)                   \
-  F(Int16x8FromUint16x8, 1, 1)               \
-  F(Int16x8FromFloat32x4Bits, 1, 1)          \
-  F(Int16x8FromInt32x4Bits, 1, 1)            \
-  F(Int16x8FromUint32x4Bits, 1, 1)           \
-  F(Int16x8FromUint16x8Bits, 1, 1)           \
-  F(Int16x8FromInt8x16Bits, 1, 1)            \
-  F(Int16x8FromUint8x16Bits, 1, 1)           \
-  F(Int16x8Load, 2, 1)                       \
-  F(Int16x8Store, 3, 1)                      \
-  F(Uint16x8Check, 1, 1)                     \
-  F(Uint16x8ExtractLane, 2, 1)               \
-  F(Uint16x8ReplaceLane, 3, 1)               \
-  F(Uint16x8Add, 2, 1)                       \
-  F(Uint16x8AddSaturate, 2, 1)               \
-  F(Uint16x8Sub, 2, 1)                       \
-  F(Uint16x8SubSaturate, 2, 1)               \
-  F(Uint16x8Mul, 2, 1)                       \
-  F(Uint16x8Min, 2, 1)                       \
-  F(Uint16x8Max, 2, 1)                       \
-  F(Uint16x8And, 2, 1)                       \
-  F(Uint16x8Or, 2, 1)                        \
-  F(Uint16x8Xor, 2, 1)                       \
-  F(Uint16x8Not, 1, 1)                       \
-  F(Uint16x8ShiftLeftByScalar, 2, 1)         \
-  F(Uint16x8ShiftRightByScalar, 2, 1)        \
-  F(Uint16x8Equal, 2, 1)                     \
-  F(Uint16x8NotEqual, 2, 1)                  \
-  F(Uint16x8LessThan, 2, 1)                  \
-  F(Uint16x8LessThanOrEqual, 2, 1)           \
-  F(Uint16x8GreaterThan, 2, 1)               \
-  F(Uint16x8GreaterThanOrEqual, 2, 1)        \
-  F(Uint16x8Select, 3, 1)                    \
-  F(Uint16x8Swizzle, 9, 1)                   \
-  F(Uint16x8Shuffle, 10, 1)                  \
-  F(Uint16x8FromInt16x8, 1, 1)               \
-  F(Uint16x8FromFloat32x4Bits, 1, 1)         \
-  F(Uint16x8FromInt32x4Bits, 1, 1)           \
-  F(Uint16x8FromUint32x4Bits, 1, 1)          \
-  F(Uint16x8FromInt16x8Bits, 1, 1)           \
-  F(Uint16x8FromInt8x16Bits, 1, 1)           \
-  F(Uint16x8FromUint8x16Bits, 1, 1)          \
-  F(Uint16x8Load, 2, 1)                      \
-  F(Uint16x8Store, 3, 1)                     \
-  F(Bool16x8Check, 1, 1)                     \
-  F(Bool16x8ExtractLane, 2, 1)               \
-  F(Bool16x8ReplaceLane, 3, 1)               \
-  F(Bool16x8And, 2, 1)                       \
-  F(Bool16x8Or, 2, 1)                        \
-  F(Bool16x8Xor, 2, 1)                       \
-  F(Bool16x8Not, 1, 1)                       \
-  F(Bool16x8AnyTrue, 1, 1)                   \
-  F(Bool16x8AllTrue, 1, 1)                   \
-  F(Bool16x8Swizzle, 9, 1)                   \
-  F(Bool16x8Shuffle, 10, 1)                  \
-  F(Int8x16Check, 1, 1)                      \
-  F(Int8x16ExtractLane, 2, 1)                \
-  F(Int8x16ReplaceLane, 3, 1)                \
-  F(Int8x16Neg, 1, 1)                        \
-  F(Int8x16Add, 2, 1)                        \
-  F(Int8x16AddSaturate, 2, 1)                \
-  F(Int8x16Sub, 2, 1)                        \
-  F(Int8x16SubSaturate, 2, 1)                \
-  F(Int8x16Mul, 2, 1)                        \
-  F(Int8x16Min, 2, 1)                        \
-  F(Int8x16Max, 2, 1)                        \
-  F(Int8x16And, 2, 1)                        \
-  F(Int8x16Or, 2, 1)                         \
-  F(Int8x16Xor, 2, 1)                        \
-  F(Int8x16Not, 1, 1)                        \
-  F(Int8x16ShiftLeftByScalar, 2, 1)          \
-  F(Int8x16ShiftRightByScalar, 2, 1)         \
-  F(Int8x16Equal, 2, 1)                      \
-  F(Int8x16NotEqual, 2, 1)                   \
-  F(Int8x16LessThan, 2, 1)                   \
-  F(Int8x16LessThanOrEqual, 2, 1)            \
-  F(Int8x16GreaterThan, 2, 1)                \
-  F(Int8x16GreaterThanOrEqual, 2, 1)         \
-  F(Int8x16Select, 3, 1)                     \
-  F(Int8x16Swizzle, 17, 1)                   \
-  F(Int8x16Shuffle, 18, 1)                   \
-  F(Int8x16FromUint8x16, 1, 1)               \
-  F(Int8x16FromFloat32x4Bits, 1, 1)          \
-  F(Int8x16FromInt32x4Bits, 1, 1)            \
-  F(Int8x16FromUint32x4Bits, 1, 1)           \
-  F(Int8x16FromInt16x8Bits, 1, 1)            \
-  F(Int8x16FromUint16x8Bits, 1, 1)           \
-  F(Int8x16FromUint8x16Bits, 1, 1)           \
-  F(Int8x16Load, 2, 1)                       \
-  F(Int8x16Store, 3, 1)                      \
-  F(Uint8x16Check, 1, 1)                     \
-  F(Uint8x16ExtractLane, 2, 1)               \
-  F(Uint8x16ReplaceLane, 3, 1)               \
-  F(Uint8x16Add, 2, 1)                       \
-  F(Uint8x16AddSaturate, 2, 1)               \
-  F(Uint8x16Sub, 2, 1)                       \
-  F(Uint8x16SubSaturate, 2, 1)               \
-  F(Uint8x16Mul, 2, 1)                       \
-  F(Uint8x16Min, 2, 1)                       \
-  F(Uint8x16Max, 2, 1)                       \
-  F(Uint8x16And, 2, 1)                       \
-  F(Uint8x16Or, 2, 1)                        \
-  F(Uint8x16Xor, 2, 1)                       \
-  F(Uint8x16Not, 1, 1)                       \
-  F(Uint8x16ShiftLeftByScalar, 2, 1)         \
-  F(Uint8x16ShiftRightByScalar, 2, 1)        \
-  F(Uint8x16Equal, 2, 1)                     \
-  F(Uint8x16NotEqual, 2, 1)                  \
-  F(Uint8x16LessThan, 2, 1)                  \
-  F(Uint8x16LessThanOrEqual, 2, 1)           \
-  F(Uint8x16GreaterThan, 2, 1)               \
-  F(Uint8x16GreaterThanOrEqual, 2, 1)        \
-  F(Uint8x16Select, 3, 1)                    \
-  F(Uint8x16Swizzle, 17, 1)                  \
-  F(Uint8x16Shuffle, 18, 1)                  \
-  F(Uint8x16FromInt8x16, 1, 1)               \
-  F(Uint8x16FromFloat32x4Bits, 1, 1)         \
-  F(Uint8x16FromInt32x4Bits, 1, 1)           \
-  F(Uint8x16FromUint32x4Bits, 1, 1)          \
-  F(Uint8x16FromInt16x8Bits, 1, 1)           \
-  F(Uint8x16FromUint16x8Bits, 1, 1)          \
-  F(Uint8x16FromInt8x16Bits, 1, 1)           \
-  F(Uint8x16Load, 2, 1)                      \
-  F(Uint8x16Store, 3, 1)                     \
-  F(Bool8x16Check, 1, 1)                     \
-  F(Bool8x16ExtractLane, 2, 1)               \
-  F(Bool8x16ReplaceLane, 3, 1)               \
-  F(Bool8x16And, 2, 1)                       \
-  F(Bool8x16Or, 2, 1)                        \
-  F(Bool8x16Xor, 2, 1)                       \
-  F(Bool8x16Not, 1, 1)                       \
-  F(Bool8x16AnyTrue, 1, 1)                   \
-  F(Bool8x16AllTrue, 1, 1)                   \
-  F(Bool8x16Swizzle, 17, 1)                  \
-  F(Bool8x16Shuffle, 18, 1)
+  F(IsSimdValue, 1, 1)                 \
+  F(CreateFloat32x4, 4, 1)             \
+  F(CreateInt32x4, 4, 1)               \
+  F(CreateUint32x4, 4, 1)              \
+  F(CreateBool32x4, 4, 1)              \
+  F(CreateInt16x8, 8, 1)               \
+  F(CreateUint16x8, 8, 1)              \
+  F(CreateBool16x8, 8, 1)              \
+  F(CreateInt8x16, 16, 1)              \
+  F(CreateUint8x16, 16, 1)             \
+  F(CreateBool8x16, 16, 1)             \
+  F(Float32x4Check, 1, 1)              \
+  F(Float32x4ExtractLane, 2, 1)        \
+  F(Float32x4ReplaceLane, 3, 1)        \
+  F(Float32x4Abs, 1, 1)                \
+  F(Float32x4Neg, 1, 1)                \
+  F(Float32x4Sqrt, 1, 1)               \
+  F(Float32x4RecipApprox, 1, 1)        \
+  F(Float32x4RecipSqrtApprox, 1, 1)    \
+  F(Float32x4Add, 2, 1)                \
+  F(Float32x4Sub, 2, 1)                \
+  F(Float32x4Mul, 2, 1)                \
+  F(Float32x4Div, 2, 1)                \
+  F(Float32x4Min, 2, 1)                \
+  F(Float32x4Max, 2, 1)                \
+  F(Float32x4MinNum, 2, 1)             \
+  F(Float32x4MaxNum, 2, 1)             \
+  F(Float32x4Equal, 2, 1)              \
+  F(Float32x4NotEqual, 2, 1)           \
+  F(Float32x4LessThan, 2, 1)           \
+  F(Float32x4LessThanOrEqual, 2, 1)    \
+  F(Float32x4GreaterThan, 2, 1)        \
+  F(Float32x4GreaterThanOrEqual, 2, 1) \
+  F(Float32x4Select, 3, 1)             \
+  F(Float32x4Swizzle, 5, 1)            \
+  F(Float32x4Shuffle, 6, 1)            \
+  F(Float32x4FromInt32x4, 1, 1)        \
+  F(Float32x4FromUint32x4, 1, 1)       \
+  F(Float32x4FromInt32x4Bits, 1, 1)    \
+  F(Float32x4FromUint32x4Bits, 1, 1)   \
+  F(Float32x4FromInt16x8Bits, 1, 1)    \
+  F(Float32x4FromUint16x8Bits, 1, 1)   \
+  F(Float32x4FromInt8x16Bits, 1, 1)    \
+  F(Float32x4FromUint8x16Bits, 1, 1)   \
+  F(Float32x4Load, 2, 1)               \
+  F(Float32x4Load1, 2, 1)              \
+  F(Float32x4Load2, 2, 1)              \
+  F(Float32x4Load3, 2, 1)              \
+  F(Float32x4Store, 3, 1)              \
+  F(Float32x4Store1, 3, 1)             \
+  F(Float32x4Store2, 3, 1)             \
+  F(Float32x4Store3, 3, 1)             \
+  F(Int32x4Check, 1, 1)                \
+  F(Int32x4ExtractLane, 2, 1)          \
+  F(Int32x4ReplaceLane, 3, 1)          \
+  F(Int32x4Neg, 1, 1)                  \
+  F(Int32x4Add, 2, 1)                  \
+  F(Int32x4Sub, 2, 1)                  \
+  F(Int32x4Mul, 2, 1)                  \
+  F(Int32x4Min, 2, 1)                  \
+  F(Int32x4Max, 2, 1)                  \
+  F(Int32x4And, 2, 1)                  \
+  F(Int32x4Or, 2, 1)                   \
+  F(Int32x4Xor, 2, 1)                  \
+  F(Int32x4Not, 1, 1)                  \
+  F(Int32x4ShiftLeftByScalar, 2, 1)    \
+  F(Int32x4ShiftRightByScalar, 2, 1)   \
+  F(Int32x4Equal, 2, 1)                \
+  F(Int32x4NotEqual, 2, 1)             \
+  F(Int32x4LessThan, 2, 1)             \
+  F(Int32x4LessThanOrEqual, 2, 1)      \
+  F(Int32x4GreaterThan, 2, 1)          \
+  F(Int32x4GreaterThanOrEqual, 2, 1)   \
+  F(Int32x4Select, 3, 1)               \
+  F(Int32x4Swizzle, 5, 1)              \
+  F(Int32x4Shuffle, 6, 1)              \
+  F(Int32x4FromFloat32x4, 1, 1)        \
+  F(Int32x4FromUint32x4, 1, 1)         \
+  F(Int32x4FromFloat32x4Bits, 1, 1)    \
+  F(Int32x4FromUint32x4Bits, 1, 1)     \
+  F(Int32x4FromInt16x8Bits, 1, 1)      \
+  F(Int32x4FromUint16x8Bits, 1, 1)     \
+  F(Int32x4FromInt8x16Bits, 1, 1)      \
+  F(Int32x4FromUint8x16Bits, 1, 1)     \
+  F(Int32x4Load, 2, 1)                 \
+  F(Int32x4Load1, 2, 1)                \
+  F(Int32x4Load2, 2, 1)                \
+  F(Int32x4Load3, 2, 1)                \
+  F(Int32x4Store, 3, 1)                \
+  F(Int32x4Store1, 3, 1)               \
+  F(Int32x4Store2, 3, 1)               \
+  F(Int32x4Store3, 3, 1)               \
+  F(Uint32x4Check, 1, 1)               \
+  F(Uint32x4ExtractLane, 2, 1)         \
+  F(Uint32x4ReplaceLane, 3, 1)         \
+  F(Uint32x4Add, 2, 1)                 \
+  F(Uint32x4Sub, 2, 1)                 \
+  F(Uint32x4Mul, 2, 1)                 \
+  F(Uint32x4Min, 2, 1)                 \
+  F(Uint32x4Max, 2, 1)                 \
+  F(Uint32x4And, 2, 1)                 \
+  F(Uint32x4Or, 2, 1)                  \
+  F(Uint32x4Xor, 2, 1)                 \
+  F(Uint32x4Not, 1, 1)                 \
+  F(Uint32x4ShiftLeftByScalar, 2, 1)   \
+  F(Uint32x4ShiftRightByScalar, 2, 1)  \
+  F(Uint32x4Equal, 2, 1)               \
+  F(Uint32x4NotEqual, 2, 1)            \
+  F(Uint32x4LessThan, 2, 1)            \
+  F(Uint32x4LessThanOrEqual, 2, 1)     \
+  F(Uint32x4GreaterThan, 2, 1)         \
+  F(Uint32x4GreaterThanOrEqual, 2, 1)  \
+  F(Uint32x4Select, 3, 1)              \
+  F(Uint32x4Swizzle, 5, 1)             \
+  F(Uint32x4Shuffle, 6, 1)             \
+  F(Uint32x4FromFloat32x4, 1, 1)       \
+  F(Uint32x4FromInt32x4, 1, 1)         \
+  F(Uint32x4FromFloat32x4Bits, 1, 1)   \
+  F(Uint32x4FromInt32x4Bits, 1, 1)     \
+  F(Uint32x4FromInt16x8Bits, 1, 1)     \
+  F(Uint32x4FromUint16x8Bits, 1, 1)    \
+  F(Uint32x4FromInt8x16Bits, 1, 1)     \
+  F(Uint32x4FromUint8x16Bits, 1, 1)    \
+  F(Uint32x4Load, 2, 1)                \
+  F(Uint32x4Load1, 2, 1)               \
+  F(Uint32x4Load2, 2, 1)               \
+  F(Uint32x4Load3, 2, 1)               \
+  F(Uint32x4Store, 3, 1)               \
+  F(Uint32x4Store1, 3, 1)              \
+  F(Uint32x4Store2, 3, 1)              \
+  F(Uint32x4Store3, 3, 1)              \
+  F(Bool32x4Check, 1, 1)               \
+  F(Bool32x4ExtractLane, 2, 1)         \
+  F(Bool32x4ReplaceLane, 3, 1)         \
+  F(Bool32x4And, 2, 1)                 \
+  F(Bool32x4Or, 2, 1)                  \
+  F(Bool32x4Xor, 2, 1)                 \
+  F(Bool32x4Not, 1, 1)                 \
+  F(Bool32x4AnyTrue, 1, 1)             \
+  F(Bool32x4AllTrue, 1, 1)             \
+  F(Bool32x4Swizzle, 5, 1)             \
+  F(Bool32x4Shuffle, 6, 1)             \
+  F(Bool32x4Equal, 2, 1)               \
+  F(Bool32x4NotEqual, 2, 1)            \
+  F(Int16x8Check, 1, 1)                \
+  F(Int16x8ExtractLane, 2, 1)          \
+  F(Int16x8ReplaceLane, 3, 1)          \
+  F(Int16x8Neg, 1, 1)                  \
+  F(Int16x8Add, 2, 1)                  \
+  F(Int16x8AddSaturate, 2, 1)          \
+  F(Int16x8Sub, 2, 1)                  \
+  F(Int16x8SubSaturate, 2, 1)          \
+  F(Int16x8Mul, 2, 1)                  \
+  F(Int16x8Min, 2, 1)                  \
+  F(Int16x8Max, 2, 1)                  \
+  F(Int16x8And, 2, 1)                  \
+  F(Int16x8Or, 2, 1)                   \
+  F(Int16x8Xor, 2, 1)                  \
+  F(Int16x8Not, 1, 1)                  \
+  F(Int16x8ShiftLeftByScalar, 2, 1)    \
+  F(Int16x8ShiftRightByScalar, 2, 1)   \
+  F(Int16x8Equal, 2, 1)                \
+  F(Int16x8NotEqual, 2, 1)             \
+  F(Int16x8LessThan, 2, 1)             \
+  F(Int16x8LessThanOrEqual, 2, 1)      \
+  F(Int16x8GreaterThan, 2, 1)          \
+  F(Int16x8GreaterThanOrEqual, 2, 1)   \
+  F(Int16x8Select, 3, 1)               \
+  F(Int16x8Swizzle, 9, 1)              \
+  F(Int16x8Shuffle, 10, 1)             \
+  F(Int16x8FromUint16x8, 1, 1)         \
+  F(Int16x8FromFloat32x4Bits, 1, 1)    \
+  F(Int16x8FromInt32x4Bits, 1, 1)      \
+  F(Int16x8FromUint32x4Bits, 1, 1)     \
+  F(Int16x8FromUint16x8Bits, 1, 1)     \
+  F(Int16x8FromInt8x16Bits, 1, 1)      \
+  F(Int16x8FromUint8x16Bits, 1, 1)     \
+  F(Int16x8Load, 2, 1)                 \
+  F(Int16x8Store, 3, 1)                \
+  F(Uint16x8Check, 1, 1)               \
+  F(Uint16x8ExtractLane, 2, 1)         \
+  F(Uint16x8ReplaceLane, 3, 1)         \
+  F(Uint16x8Add, 2, 1)                 \
+  F(Uint16x8AddSaturate, 2, 1)         \
+  F(Uint16x8Sub, 2, 1)                 \
+  F(Uint16x8SubSaturate, 2, 1)         \
+  F(Uint16x8Mul, 2, 1)                 \
+  F(Uint16x8Min, 2, 1)                 \
+  F(Uint16x8Max, 2, 1)                 \
+  F(Uint16x8And, 2, 1)                 \
+  F(Uint16x8Or, 2, 1)                  \
+  F(Uint16x8Xor, 2, 1)                 \
+  F(Uint16x8Not, 1, 1)                 \
+  F(Uint16x8ShiftLeftByScalar, 2, 1)   \
+  F(Uint16x8ShiftRightByScalar, 2, 1)  \
+  F(Uint16x8Equal, 2, 1)               \
+  F(Uint16x8NotEqual, 2, 1)            \
+  F(Uint16x8LessThan, 2, 1)            \
+  F(Uint16x8LessThanOrEqual, 2, 1)     \
+  F(Uint16x8GreaterThan, 2, 1)         \
+  F(Uint16x8GreaterThanOrEqual, 2, 1)  \
+  F(Uint16x8Select, 3, 1)              \
+  F(Uint16x8Swizzle, 9, 1)             \
+  F(Uint16x8Shuffle, 10, 1)            \
+  F(Uint16x8FromInt16x8, 1, 1)         \
+  F(Uint16x8FromFloat32x4Bits, 1, 1)   \
+  F(Uint16x8FromInt32x4Bits, 1, 1)     \
+  F(Uint16x8FromUint32x4Bits, 1, 1)    \
+  F(Uint16x8FromInt16x8Bits, 1, 1)     \
+  F(Uint16x8FromInt8x16Bits, 1, 1)     \
+  F(Uint16x8FromUint8x16Bits, 1, 1)    \
+  F(Uint16x8Load, 2, 1)                \
+  F(Uint16x8Store, 3, 1)               \
+  F(Bool16x8Check, 1, 1)               \
+  F(Bool16x8ExtractLane, 2, 1)         \
+  F(Bool16x8ReplaceLane, 3, 1)         \
+  F(Bool16x8And, 2, 1)                 \
+  F(Bool16x8Or, 2, 1)                  \
+  F(Bool16x8Xor, 2, 1)                 \
+  F(Bool16x8Not, 1, 1)                 \
+  F(Bool16x8AnyTrue, 1, 1)             \
+  F(Bool16x8AllTrue, 1, 1)             \
+  F(Bool16x8Swizzle, 9, 1)             \
+  F(Bool16x8Shuffle, 10, 1)            \
+  F(Bool16x8Equal, 2, 1)               \
+  F(Bool16x8NotEqual, 2, 1)            \
+  F(Int8x16Check, 1, 1)                \
+  F(Int8x16ExtractLane, 2, 1)          \
+  F(Int8x16ReplaceLane, 3, 1)          \
+  F(Int8x16Neg, 1, 1)                  \
+  F(Int8x16Add, 2, 1)                  \
+  F(Int8x16AddSaturate, 2, 1)          \
+  F(Int8x16Sub, 2, 1)                  \
+  F(Int8x16SubSaturate, 2, 1)          \
+  F(Int8x16Mul, 2, 1)                  \
+  F(Int8x16Min, 2, 1)                  \
+  F(Int8x16Max, 2, 1)                  \
+  F(Int8x16And, 2, 1)                  \
+  F(Int8x16Or, 2, 1)                   \
+  F(Int8x16Xor, 2, 1)                  \
+  F(Int8x16Not, 1, 1)                  \
+  F(Int8x16ShiftLeftByScalar, 2, 1)    \
+  F(Int8x16ShiftRightByScalar, 2, 1)   \
+  F(Int8x16Equal, 2, 1)                \
+  F(Int8x16NotEqual, 2, 1)             \
+  F(Int8x16LessThan, 2, 1)             \
+  F(Int8x16LessThanOrEqual, 2, 1)      \
+  F(Int8x16GreaterThan, 2, 1)          \
+  F(Int8x16GreaterThanOrEqual, 2, 1)   \
+  F(Int8x16Select, 3, 1)               \
+  F(Int8x16Swizzle, 17, 1)             \
+  F(Int8x16Shuffle, 18, 1)             \
+  F(Int8x16FromUint8x16, 1, 1)         \
+  F(Int8x16FromFloat32x4Bits, 1, 1)    \
+  F(Int8x16FromInt32x4Bits, 1, 1)      \
+  F(Int8x16FromUint32x4Bits, 1, 1)     \
+  F(Int8x16FromInt16x8Bits, 1, 1)      \
+  F(Int8x16FromUint16x8Bits, 1, 1)     \
+  F(Int8x16FromUint8x16Bits, 1, 1)     \
+  F(Int8x16Load, 2, 1)                 \
+  F(Int8x16Store, 3, 1)                \
+  F(Uint8x16Check, 1, 1)               \
+  F(Uint8x16ExtractLane, 2, 1)         \
+  F(Uint8x16ReplaceLane, 3, 1)         \
+  F(Uint8x16Add, 2, 1)                 \
+  F(Uint8x16AddSaturate, 2, 1)         \
+  F(Uint8x16Sub, 2, 1)                 \
+  F(Uint8x16SubSaturate, 2, 1)         \
+  F(Uint8x16Mul, 2, 1)                 \
+  F(Uint8x16Min, 2, 1)                 \
+  F(Uint8x16Max, 2, 1)                 \
+  F(Uint8x16And, 2, 1)                 \
+  F(Uint8x16Or, 2, 1)                  \
+  F(Uint8x16Xor, 2, 1)                 \
+  F(Uint8x16Not, 1, 1)                 \
+  F(Uint8x16ShiftLeftByScalar, 2, 1)   \
+  F(Uint8x16ShiftRightByScalar, 2, 1)  \
+  F(Uint8x16Equal, 2, 1)               \
+  F(Uint8x16NotEqual, 2, 1)            \
+  F(Uint8x16LessThan, 2, 1)            \
+  F(Uint8x16LessThanOrEqual, 2, 1)     \
+  F(Uint8x16GreaterThan, 2, 1)         \
+  F(Uint8x16GreaterThanOrEqual, 2, 1)  \
+  F(Uint8x16Select, 3, 1)              \
+  F(Uint8x16Swizzle, 17, 1)            \
+  F(Uint8x16Shuffle, 18, 1)            \
+  F(Uint8x16FromInt8x16, 1, 1)         \
+  F(Uint8x16FromFloat32x4Bits, 1, 1)   \
+  F(Uint8x16FromInt32x4Bits, 1, 1)     \
+  F(Uint8x16FromUint32x4Bits, 1, 1)    \
+  F(Uint8x16FromInt16x8Bits, 1, 1)     \
+  F(Uint8x16FromUint16x8Bits, 1, 1)    \
+  F(Uint8x16FromInt8x16Bits, 1, 1)     \
+  F(Uint8x16Load, 2, 1)                \
+  F(Uint8x16Store, 3, 1)               \
+  F(Bool8x16Check, 1, 1)               \
+  F(Bool8x16ExtractLane, 2, 1)         \
+  F(Bool8x16ReplaceLane, 3, 1)         \
+  F(Bool8x16And, 2, 1)                 \
+  F(Bool8x16Or, 2, 1)                  \
+  F(Bool8x16Xor, 2, 1)                 \
+  F(Bool8x16Not, 1, 1)                 \
+  F(Bool8x16AnyTrue, 1, 1)             \
+  F(Bool8x16AllTrue, 1, 1)             \
+  F(Bool8x16Swizzle, 17, 1)            \
+  F(Bool8x16Shuffle, 18, 1)            \
+  F(Bool8x16Equal, 2, 1)               \
+  F(Bool8x16NotEqual, 2, 1)
@@ -914,7 +894,6 @@
   F(SymbolRegistry, 0, 1)            \
   F(SymbolIsPrivate, 1, 1)
 #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_TEST(F)            \
   F(DeoptimizeFunction, 1, 1)                 \
   F(DeoptimizeNow, 0, 1)                      \
@@ -942,6 +921,7 @@
   F(DisassembleFunction, 1, 1)                \
   F(TraceEnter, 0, 1)                         \
   F(TraceExit, 1, 1)                          \
+  F(TraceTailCall, 0, 1)                      \
   F(HaveSameMap, 2, 1)                        \
   F(InNewSpace, 1, 1)                         \
   F(HasFastSmiElements, 1, 1)                 \
@@ -963,7 +943,6 @@
   F(HasFixedFloat64Elements, 1, 1)            \
   F(HasFixedUint8ClampedElements, 1, 1)
   F(ArrayBufferGetByteLength, 1, 1)          \
   F(ArrayBufferSliceImpl, 4, 1)              \
@@ -981,7 +960,6 @@
   F(IsSharedTypedArray, 1, 1)                \
   F(IsSharedIntegerTypedArray, 1, 1)         \
   F(IsSharedInteger32TypedArray, 1, 1)       \
-  F(DataViewInitialize, 4, 1)                \
   F(DataViewGetUint8, 3, 1)                  \
   F(DataViewGetInt8, 3, 1)                   \
   F(DataViewGetUint16, 3, 1)                 \
@@ -1004,11 +982,11 @@
   F(URIEscape, 1, 1)              \
   F(URIUnescape, 1, 1)
-  F(LoadLookupSlot, 2, 2)                 \
-  F(LoadLookupSlotNoReferenceError, 2, 2)
+  F(LoadLookupSlotForCall, 1, 2)
+  F(ForInPrepare, 1, 3)
 // Most intrinsics are implemented in the runtime/ directory, but ICs are
 // implemented in for now.
@@ -1029,7 +1007,7 @@
   F(LoadIC_MissFromStubFailure, 4, 1)        \
   F(LoadPropertyWithInterceptor, 3, 1)       \
   F(LoadPropertyWithInterceptorOnly, 3, 1)   \
-  F(StoreCallbackProperty, 5, 1)             \
+  F(StoreCallbackProperty, 6, 1)             \
   F(StoreIC_Miss, 5, 1)                      \
   F(StoreIC_MissFromStubFailure, 5, 1)       \
   F(StoreIC_Slow, 5, 1)                      \
@@ -1074,8 +1052,9 @@
 // FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC defines the list of all intrinsics, coming in 2 flavors,
 // either returning an object or a pair.
-#define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC(F)       \
+#define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC(F)         \
@@ -1148,8 +1127,7 @@
       Handle<Object> value, LanguageMode language_mode);
   MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Object> GetObjectProperty(
-      Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> object, Handle<Object> key,
-      LanguageMode language_mode = SLOPPY);
+      Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> object, Handle<Object> key);
   enum TypedArrayId {
     // arrayIds below should be synchronized with typedarray.js natives.
@@ -1203,6 +1181,7 @@
   unibrow::Mapping<unibrow::ToUppercase, 128> to_upper_mapping_;
   unibrow::Mapping<unibrow::ToLowercase, 128> to_lower_mapping_;
   base::SmartArrayPointer<Runtime::Function> redirected_intrinsic_functions_;
   friend class Isolate;