Revert "Revert "Upgrade to"" DO NOT MERGE

This reverts commit f2e3994fa5148cc3d9946666f0b0596290192b0e,
and updates the x64 makefile properly so it doesn't break that


Change-Id: Ib83e35bfbae6af627451c926a9650ec57c045605
(cherry picked from commit 109988c7ccb6f3fd1a58574fa3dfb88beaef6632)
diff --git a/test/cctest/heap/ b/test/cctest/heap/
index 2fe099d..41345bc 100644
--- a/test/cctest/heap/
+++ b/test/cctest/heap/
@@ -448,236 +448,6 @@
-TEST(CompactionSpaceUsingExternalMemory) {
-  const int kObjectSize = 512;
-  Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate();
-  Heap* heap = isolate->heap();
-  MemoryAllocator* allocator = new MemoryAllocator(isolate);
-  CHECK(allocator != nullptr);
-  CHECK(allocator->SetUp(heap->MaxReserved(), heap->MaxExecutableSize()));
-  TestMemoryAllocatorScope test_scope(isolate, allocator);
-  CompactionSpaceCollection* collection = new CompactionSpaceCollection(heap);
-  CompactionSpace* compaction_space = collection->Get(OLD_SPACE);
-  CHECK(compaction_space != NULL);
-  CHECK(compaction_space->SetUp());
-  OldSpace* old_space = new OldSpace(heap, OLD_SPACE, NOT_EXECUTABLE);
-  CHECK(old_space != NULL);
-  CHECK(old_space->SetUp());
-  // The linear allocation area already counts as used bytes, making
-  // exact testing impossible.
-  heap->DisableInlineAllocation();
-  // Test:
-  // * Allocate a backing store in old_space.
-  // * Compute the number num_rest_objects of kObjectSize objects that fit into
-  //   of available memory.
-  //   kNumRestObjects.
-  // * Add the rest of available memory to the compaction space.
-  // * Allocate kNumRestObjects in the compaction space.
-  // * Allocate one object more.
-  // * Merge the compaction space and compare the expected number of pages.
-  // Allocate a single object in old_space to initialize a backing page.
-  old_space->AllocateRawUnaligned(kObjectSize).ToObjectChecked();
-  // Compute the number of objects that fit into the rest in old_space.
-  intptr_t rest = static_cast<int>(old_space->Available());
-  CHECK_GT(rest, 0);
-  intptr_t num_rest_objects = rest / kObjectSize;
-  // After allocating num_rest_objects in compaction_space we allocate a bit
-  // more.
-  const intptr_t kAdditionalCompactionMemory = kObjectSize;
-  // We expect a single old_space page.
-  const intptr_t kExpectedInitialOldSpacePages = 1;
-  // We expect a single additional page in compaction space because we mostly
-  // use external memory.
-  const intptr_t kExpectedCompactionPages = 1;
-  // We expect two pages to be reachable from old_space in the end.
-  const intptr_t kExpectedOldSpacePagesAfterMerge = 2;
-  CHECK_EQ(old_space->CountTotalPages(), kExpectedInitialOldSpacePages);
-  CHECK_EQ(compaction_space->CountTotalPages(), 0);
-  CHECK_EQ(compaction_space->Capacity(), 0);
-  // Make the rest of memory available for compaction.
-  old_space->DivideUponCompactionSpaces(&collection, 1, rest);
-  CHECK_EQ(compaction_space->CountTotalPages(), 0);
-  CHECK_EQ(compaction_space->Capacity(), rest);
-  while (num_rest_objects-- > 0) {
-    compaction_space->AllocateRawUnaligned(kObjectSize).ToObjectChecked();
-  }
-  // We only used external memory so far.
-  CHECK_EQ(compaction_space->CountTotalPages(), 0);
-  // Additional allocation.
-  compaction_space->AllocateRawUnaligned(kAdditionalCompactionMemory)
-      .ToObjectChecked();
-  // Now the compaction space shouldve also acquired a page.
-  CHECK_EQ(compaction_space->CountTotalPages(), kExpectedCompactionPages);
-  old_space->MergeCompactionSpace(compaction_space);
-  CHECK_EQ(old_space->CountTotalPages(), kExpectedOldSpacePagesAfterMerge);
-  delete collection;
-  delete old_space;
-  allocator->TearDown();
-  delete allocator;
-CompactionSpaceCollection** HeapTester::InitializeCompactionSpaces(
-    Heap* heap, int num_spaces) {
-  CompactionSpaceCollection** spaces =
-      new CompactionSpaceCollection*[num_spaces];
-  for (int i = 0; i < num_spaces; i++) {
-    spaces[i] = new CompactionSpaceCollection(heap);
-  }
-  return spaces;
-void HeapTester::DestroyCompactionSpaces(CompactionSpaceCollection** spaces,
-                                         int num_spaces) {
-  for (int i = 0; i < num_spaces; i++) {
-    delete spaces[i];
-  }
-  delete[] spaces;
-void HeapTester::MergeCompactionSpaces(PagedSpace* space,
-                                       CompactionSpaceCollection** spaces,
-                                       int num_spaces) {
-  AllocationSpace id = space->identity();
-  for (int i = 0; i < num_spaces; i++) {
-    space->MergeCompactionSpace(spaces[i]->Get(id));
-    CHECK_EQ(spaces[i]->Get(id)->accounting_stats_.Size(), 0);
-    CHECK_EQ(spaces[i]->Get(id)->accounting_stats_.Capacity(), 0);
-    CHECK_EQ(spaces[i]->Get(id)->Waste(), 0);
-  }
-void HeapTester::AllocateInCompactionSpaces(CompactionSpaceCollection** spaces,
-                                            AllocationSpace id, int num_spaces,
-                                            int num_objects, int object_size) {
-  for (int i = 0; i < num_spaces; i++) {
-    for (int j = 0; j < num_objects; j++) {
-      spaces[i]->Get(id)->AllocateRawUnaligned(object_size).ToObjectChecked();
-    }
-    spaces[i]->Get(id)->EmptyAllocationInfo();
-    CHECK_EQ(spaces[i]->Get(id)->accounting_stats_.Size(),
-             num_objects * object_size);
-    CHECK_GE(spaces[i]->Get(id)->accounting_stats_.Capacity(),
-             spaces[i]->Get(id)->accounting_stats_.Size());
-  }
-void HeapTester::CompactionStats(CompactionSpaceCollection** spaces,
-                                 AllocationSpace id, int num_spaces,
-                                 intptr_t* capacity, intptr_t* size) {
-  *capacity = 0;
-  *size = 0;
-  for (int i = 0; i < num_spaces; i++) {
-    *capacity += spaces[i]->Get(id)->accounting_stats_.Capacity();
-    *size += spaces[i]->Get(id)->accounting_stats_.Size();
-  }
-void HeapTester::TestCompactionSpaceDivide(int num_additional_objects,
-                                           int object_size,
-                                           int num_compaction_spaces,
-                                           int additional_capacity_in_bytes) {
-  Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate();
-  Heap* heap = isolate->heap();
-  OldSpace* old_space = new OldSpace(heap, OLD_SPACE, NOT_EXECUTABLE);
-  CHECK(old_space != nullptr);
-  CHECK(old_space->SetUp());
-  old_space->AllocateRawUnaligned(object_size).ToObjectChecked();
-  old_space->EmptyAllocationInfo();
-  intptr_t rest_capacity = old_space->accounting_stats_.Capacity() -
-                           old_space->accounting_stats_.Size();
-  intptr_t capacity_for_compaction_space =
-      rest_capacity / num_compaction_spaces;
-  int num_objects_in_compaction_space =
-      static_cast<int>(capacity_for_compaction_space) / object_size +
-      num_additional_objects;
-  CHECK_GT(num_objects_in_compaction_space, 0);
-  intptr_t initial_old_space_capacity = old_space->accounting_stats_.Capacity();
-  CompactionSpaceCollection** spaces =
-      InitializeCompactionSpaces(heap, num_compaction_spaces);
-  old_space->DivideUponCompactionSpaces(spaces, num_compaction_spaces,
-                                        capacity_for_compaction_space);
-  intptr_t compaction_capacity = 0;
-  intptr_t compaction_size = 0;
-  CompactionStats(spaces, OLD_SPACE, num_compaction_spaces,
-                  &compaction_capacity, &compaction_size);
-  intptr_t old_space_capacity = old_space->accounting_stats_.Capacity();
-  intptr_t old_space_size = old_space->accounting_stats_.Size();
-  // Compaction space memory is subtracted from the original space's capacity.
-  CHECK_EQ(old_space_capacity,
-           initial_old_space_capacity - compaction_capacity);
-  CHECK_EQ(compaction_size, 0);
-  AllocateInCompactionSpaces(spaces, OLD_SPACE, num_compaction_spaces,
-                             num_objects_in_compaction_space, object_size);
-  // Old space size and capacity should be the same as after dividing.
-  CHECK_EQ(old_space->accounting_stats_.Size(), old_space_size);
-  CHECK_EQ(old_space->accounting_stats_.Capacity(), old_space_capacity);
-  CompactionStats(spaces, OLD_SPACE, num_compaction_spaces,
-                  &compaction_capacity, &compaction_size);
-  MergeCompactionSpaces(old_space, spaces, num_compaction_spaces);
-  CHECK_EQ(old_space->accounting_stats_.Capacity(),
-           old_space_capacity + compaction_capacity);
-  CHECK_EQ(old_space->accounting_stats_.Size(),
-           old_space_size + compaction_size);
-  // We check against the expected end capacity.
-  CHECK_EQ(old_space->accounting_stats_.Capacity(),
-           initial_old_space_capacity + additional_capacity_in_bytes);
-  DestroyCompactionSpaces(spaces, num_compaction_spaces);
-  delete old_space;
-HEAP_TEST(CompactionSpaceDivideSinglePage) {
-  const int kObjectSize = KB;
-  const int kCompactionSpaces = 4;
-  // Since the bound for objects is tight and the dividing is best effort, we
-  // subtract some objects to make sure we still fit in the initial page.
-  // A CHECK makes sure that the overall number of allocated objects stays
-  // > 0.
-  const int kAdditionalObjects = -10;
-  const int kAdditionalCapacityRequired = 0;
-  TestCompactionSpaceDivide(kAdditionalObjects, kObjectSize, kCompactionSpaces,
-                            kAdditionalCapacityRequired);
-HEAP_TEST(CompactionSpaceDivideMultiplePages) {
-  const int kObjectSize = KB;
-  const int kCompactionSpaces = 4;
-  // Allocate half a page of objects to ensure that we need one more page per
-  // compaction space.
-  const int kAdditionalObjects = (Page::kPageSize / kObjectSize / 2);
-  const int kAdditionalCapacityRequired =
-      Page::kAllocatableMemory * kCompactionSpaces;
-  TestCompactionSpaceDivide(kAdditionalObjects, kObjectSize, kCompactionSpaces,
-                            kAdditionalCapacityRequired);
 TEST(LargeObjectSpace) {
@@ -744,50 +514,6 @@
-UNINITIALIZED_TEST(NewSpaceGrowsToTargetCapacity) {
-  FLAG_target_semi_space_size = 2 * (Page::kPageSize / MB);
-  if (FLAG_optimize_for_size) return;
-  v8::Isolate::CreateParams create_params;
-  create_params.array_buffer_allocator = CcTest::array_buffer_allocator();
-  v8::Isolate* isolate = v8::Isolate::New(create_params);
-  {
-    v8::Isolate::Scope isolate_scope(isolate);
-    v8::HandleScope handle_scope(isolate);
-    v8::Context::New(isolate)->Enter();
-    Isolate* i_isolate = reinterpret_cast<Isolate*>(isolate);
-    NewSpace* new_space = i_isolate->heap()->new_space();
-    // This test doesn't work if we start with a non-default new space
-    // configuration.
-    if (new_space->InitialTotalCapacity() == Page::kPageSize) {
-      CHECK_EQ(new_space->CommittedMemory(), new_space->InitialTotalCapacity());
-      // Fill up the first (and only) page of the semi space.
-      FillCurrentPage(new_space);
-      // Try to allocate out of the new space. A new page should be added and
-      // the
-      // allocation should succeed.
-      v8::internal::AllocationResult allocation =
-          new_space->AllocateRawUnaligned(80);
-      CHECK(!allocation.IsRetry());
-      CHECK_EQ(new_space->CommittedMemory(), 2 * Page::kPageSize);
-      // Turn the allocation into a proper object so isolate teardown won't
-      // crash.
-      HeapObject* free_space = NULL;
-      CHECK(allocation.To(&free_space));
-      new_space->heap()->CreateFillerObjectAt(free_space->address(), 80);
-    }
-  }
-  isolate->Dispose();
 static HeapObject* AllocateUnaligned(NewSpace* space, int size) {
   AllocationResult allocation = space->AllocateRawUnaligned(size);
@@ -797,10 +523,27 @@
   return filler;
-class Observer : public InlineAllocationObserver {
+static HeapObject* AllocateUnaligned(PagedSpace* space, int size) {
+  AllocationResult allocation = space->AllocateRaw(size, kDoubleUnaligned);
+  CHECK(!allocation.IsRetry());
+  HeapObject* filler = NULL;
+  CHECK(allocation.To(&filler));
+  space->heap()->CreateFillerObjectAt(filler->address(), size);
+  return filler;
+static HeapObject* AllocateUnaligned(LargeObjectSpace* space, int size) {
+  AllocationResult allocation = space->AllocateRaw(size, EXECUTABLE);
+  CHECK(!allocation.IsRetry());
+  HeapObject* filler = NULL;
+  CHECK(allocation.To(&filler));
+  return filler;
+class Observer : public AllocationObserver {
   explicit Observer(intptr_t step_size)
-      : InlineAllocationObserver(step_size), count_(0) {}
+      : AllocationObserver(step_size), count_(0) {}
   void Step(int bytes_allocated, Address, size_t) override { count_++; }
@@ -810,8 +553,76 @@
   int count_;
+template <typename T>
+void testAllocationObserver(Isolate* i_isolate, T* space) {
+  Observer observer1(128);
+  space->AddAllocationObserver(&observer1);
-UNINITIALIZED_TEST(InlineAllocationObserver) {
+  // The observer should not get notified if we have only allocated less than
+  // 128 bytes.
+  AllocateUnaligned(space, 64);
+  CHECK_EQ(observer1.count(), 0);
+  // The observer should get called when we have allocated exactly 128 bytes.
+  AllocateUnaligned(space, 64);
+  CHECK_EQ(observer1.count(), 1);
+  // Another >128 bytes should get another notification.
+  AllocateUnaligned(space, 136);
+  CHECK_EQ(observer1.count(), 2);
+  // Allocating a large object should get only one notification.
+  AllocateUnaligned(space, 1024);
+  CHECK_EQ(observer1.count(), 3);
+  // Allocating another 2048 bytes in small objects should get 16
+  // notifications.
+  for (int i = 0; i < 64; ++i) {
+    AllocateUnaligned(space, 32);
+  }
+  CHECK_EQ(observer1.count(), 19);
+  // Multiple observers should work.
+  Observer observer2(96);
+  space->AddAllocationObserver(&observer2);
+  AllocateUnaligned(space, 2048);
+  CHECK_EQ(observer1.count(), 20);
+  CHECK_EQ(observer2.count(), 1);
+  AllocateUnaligned(space, 104);
+  CHECK_EQ(observer1.count(), 20);
+  CHECK_EQ(observer2.count(), 2);
+  // Callback should stop getting called after an observer is removed.
+  space->RemoveAllocationObserver(&observer1);
+  AllocateUnaligned(space, 384);
+  CHECK_EQ(observer1.count(), 20);  // no more notifications.
+  CHECK_EQ(observer2.count(), 3);   // this one is still active.
+  // Ensure that PauseInlineAllocationObserversScope work correctly.
+  AllocateUnaligned(space, 48);
+  CHECK_EQ(observer2.count(), 3);
+  {
+    PauseAllocationObserversScope pause_observers(i_isolate->heap());
+    CHECK_EQ(observer2.count(), 3);
+    AllocateUnaligned(space, 384);
+    CHECK_EQ(observer2.count(), 3);
+  }
+  CHECK_EQ(observer2.count(), 3);
+  // Coupled with the 48 bytes allocated before the pause, another 48 bytes
+  // allocated here should trigger a notification.
+  AllocateUnaligned(space, 48);
+  CHECK_EQ(observer2.count(), 4);
+  space->RemoveAllocationObserver(&observer2);
+  AllocateUnaligned(space, 384);
+  CHECK_EQ(observer1.count(), 20);
+  CHECK_EQ(observer2.count(), 4);
+UNINITIALIZED_TEST(AllocationObserver) {
   v8::Isolate::CreateParams create_params;
   create_params.array_buffer_allocator = CcTest::array_buffer_allocator();
   v8::Isolate* isolate = v8::Isolate::New(create_params);
@@ -822,73 +633,13 @@
     Isolate* i_isolate = reinterpret_cast<Isolate*>(isolate);
-    NewSpace* new_space = i_isolate->heap()->new_space();
-    Observer observer1(128);
-    new_space->AddInlineAllocationObserver(&observer1);
-    // The observer should not get notified if we have only allocated less than
-    // 128 bytes.
-    AllocateUnaligned(new_space, 64);
-    CHECK_EQ(observer1.count(), 0);
-    // The observer should get called when we have allocated exactly 128 bytes.
-    AllocateUnaligned(new_space, 64);
-    CHECK_EQ(observer1.count(), 1);
-    // Another >128 bytes should get another notification.
-    AllocateUnaligned(new_space, 136);
-    CHECK_EQ(observer1.count(), 2);
-    // Allocating a large object should get only one notification.
-    AllocateUnaligned(new_space, 1024);
-    CHECK_EQ(observer1.count(), 3);
-    // Allocating another 2048 bytes in small objects should get 16
-    // notifications.
-    for (int i = 0; i < 64; ++i) {
-      AllocateUnaligned(new_space, 32);
-    }
-    CHECK_EQ(observer1.count(), 19);
-    // Multiple observers should work.
-    Observer observer2(96);
-    new_space->AddInlineAllocationObserver(&observer2);
-    AllocateUnaligned(new_space, 2048);
-    CHECK_EQ(observer1.count(), 20);
-    CHECK_EQ(observer2.count(), 1);
-    AllocateUnaligned(new_space, 104);
-    CHECK_EQ(observer1.count(), 20);
-    CHECK_EQ(observer2.count(), 2);
-    // Callback should stop getting called after an observer is removed.
-    new_space->RemoveInlineAllocationObserver(&observer1);
-    AllocateUnaligned(new_space, 384);
-    CHECK_EQ(observer1.count(), 20);  // no more notifications.
-    CHECK_EQ(observer2.count(), 3);   // this one is still active.
-    // Ensure that PauseInlineAllocationObserversScope work correctly.
-    AllocateUnaligned(new_space, 48);
-    CHECK_EQ(observer2.count(), 3);
-    {
-      PauseInlineAllocationObserversScope pause_observers(new_space);
-      CHECK_EQ(observer2.count(), 3);
-      AllocateUnaligned(new_space, 384);
-      CHECK_EQ(observer2.count(), 3);
-    }
-    CHECK_EQ(observer2.count(), 3);
-    // Coupled with the 48 bytes allocated before the pause, another 48 bytes
-    // allocated here should trigger a notification.
-    AllocateUnaligned(new_space, 48);
-    CHECK_EQ(observer2.count(), 4);
-    new_space->RemoveInlineAllocationObserver(&observer2);
-    AllocateUnaligned(new_space, 384);
-    CHECK_EQ(observer1.count(), 20);
-    CHECK_EQ(observer2.count(), 4);
+    testAllocationObserver<NewSpace>(i_isolate, i_isolate->heap()->new_space());
+    // Old space is used but the code path is shared for all
+    // classes inheriting from PagedSpace.
+    testAllocationObserver<PagedSpace>(i_isolate,
+                                       i_isolate->heap()->old_space());
+    testAllocationObserver<LargeObjectSpace>(i_isolate,
+                                             i_isolate->heap()->lo_space());
@@ -908,16 +659,16 @@
     NewSpace* new_space = i_isolate->heap()->new_space();
     Observer observer1(512);
-    new_space->AddInlineAllocationObserver(&observer1);
+    new_space->AddAllocationObserver(&observer1);
     Observer observer2(576);
-    new_space->AddInlineAllocationObserver(&observer2);
+    new_space->AddAllocationObserver(&observer2);
     for (int i = 0; i < 512; ++i) {
       AllocateUnaligned(new_space, 32);
-    new_space->RemoveInlineAllocationObserver(&observer1);
-    new_space->RemoveInlineAllocationObserver(&observer2);
+    new_space->RemoveAllocationObserver(&observer1);
+    new_space->RemoveAllocationObserver(&observer2);
     CHECK_EQ(observer1.count(), 32);
     CHECK_EQ(observer2.count(), 28);