update V8 to r5532 as required by WebKit r68651

Change-Id: I5f75eeffbf64b30dd5080348528d277f293490ad
diff --git a/test/cctest/test-api.cc b/test/cctest/test-api.cc
index 2b50db7..1b6359b 100644
--- a/test/cctest/test-api.cc
+++ b/test/cctest/test-api.cc
@@ -2937,6 +2937,49 @@
+THREADED_TEST(NamedInterceptorDictionaryICMultipleContext) {
+  v8::HandleScope scope;
+  v8::Persistent<Context> context1 = Context::New();
+  context1->Enter();
+  Local<ObjectTemplate> templ = ObjectTemplate::New();
+  templ->SetNamedPropertyHandler(XPropertyGetter);
+  // Create an object with a named interceptor.
+  v8::Local<v8::Object> object = templ->NewInstance();
+  context1->Global()->Set(v8_str("interceptor_obj"), object);
+  // Force the object into the slow case.
+  CompileRun("interceptor_obj.y = 0;"
+             "delete interceptor_obj.y;");
+  context1->Exit();
+  {
+    // Introduce the object into a different context.
+    // Repeat named loads to exercise ICs.
+    LocalContext context2;
+    context2->Global()->Set(v8_str("interceptor_obj"), object);
+    Local<Value> result =
+      CompileRun("function get_x(o) { return o.x; }"
+                 "interceptor_obj.x = 42;"
+                 "for (var i=0; i != 10; i++) {"
+                 "  get_x(interceptor_obj);"
+                 "}"
+                 "get_x(interceptor_obj)");
+    // Check that the interceptor was actually invoked.
+    CHECK_EQ(result, v8_str("x"));
+  }
+  // Return to the original context and force some object to the slow case
+  // to cause the NormalizedMapCache to verify.
+  context1->Enter();
+  CompileRun("var obj = { x : 0 }; delete obj.x;");
+  context1->Exit();
+  context1.Dispose();
 static v8::Handle<Value> SetXOnPrototypeGetter(Local<String> property,
                                                const AccessorInfo& info) {
   // Set x on the prototype object and do not handle the get request.
@@ -3022,6 +3065,27 @@
+THREADED_TEST(IndexedInterceptorWithGetOwnPropertyDescriptor) {
+  v8::HandleScope scope;
+  Local<ObjectTemplate> templ = ObjectTemplate::New();
+  templ->SetIndexedPropertyHandler(IdentityIndexedPropertyGetter);
+  LocalContext context;
+  context->Global()->Set(v8_str("obj"), templ->NewInstance());
+  // Check fast object case.
+  const char* fast_case_code =
+      "Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, 0).value.toString()";
+  ExpectString(fast_case_code, "0");
+  // Check slow case.
+  const char* slow_case_code =
+      "obj.x = 1; delete obj.x;"
+      "Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, 1).value.toString()";
+  ExpectString(slow_case_code, "1");
 THREADED_TEST(IndexedInterceptorWithNoSetter) {
   v8::HandleScope scope;
   Local<ObjectTemplate> templ = ObjectTemplate::New();
@@ -10947,7 +11011,9 @@
   script = v8::Script::Compile(v8_str("new C1();"));
-  for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+  // Allow enough iterations for the inobject slack tracking logic
+  // to finalize instance size and install the fast construct stub.
+  for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
     v8::Handle<v8::Object> c1 = v8::Handle<v8::Object>::Cast(script->Run());
     CHECK_EQ(23, c1->Get(v8_str("x"))->Int32Value());
     CHECK_EQ(42, c1->Get(v8_str("y"))->Int32Value());
@@ -11308,3 +11374,72 @@
   // the other tests.
+TEST(StringCheckMultipleContexts) {
+  const char* code =
+      "(function() { return \"a\".charAt(0); })()";
+  {
+    // Run the code twice in the first context to initialize the call IC.
+    v8::HandleScope scope;
+    LocalContext context1;
+    ExpectString(code, "a");
+    ExpectString(code, "a");
+  }
+  {
+    // Change the String.prototype in the second context and check
+    // that the right function gets called.
+    v8::HandleScope scope;
+    LocalContext context2;
+    CompileRun("String.prototype.charAt = function() { return \"not a\"; }");
+    ExpectString(code, "not a");
+  }
+TEST(NumberCheckMultipleContexts) {
+  const char* code =
+      "(function() { return (42).toString(); })()";
+  {
+    // Run the code twice in the first context to initialize the call IC.
+    v8::HandleScope scope;
+    LocalContext context1;
+    ExpectString(code, "42");
+    ExpectString(code, "42");
+  }
+  {
+    // Change the Number.prototype in the second context and check
+    // that the right function gets called.
+    v8::HandleScope scope;
+    LocalContext context2;
+    CompileRun("Number.prototype.toString = function() { return \"not 42\"; }");
+    ExpectString(code, "not 42");
+  }
+TEST(BooleanCheckMultipleContexts) {
+  const char* code =
+      "(function() { return true.toString(); })()";
+  {
+    // Run the code twice in the first context to initialize the call IC.
+    v8::HandleScope scope;
+    LocalContext context1;
+    ExpectString(code, "true");
+    ExpectString(code, "true");
+  }
+  {
+    // Change the Boolean.prototype in the second context and check
+    // that the right function gets called.
+    v8::HandleScope scope;
+    LocalContext context2;
+    CompileRun("Boolean.prototype.toString = function() { return \"\"; }");
+    ExpectString(code, "");
+  }