Upgrade V8 to version 4.9.385.28



Change-Id: I4b2e74289d4bf3667f2f3dc8aa2e541f63e26eb4
diff --git a/src/js/string-iterator.js b/src/js/string-iterator.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c331dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/js/string-iterator.js
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+// Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+(function(global, utils) {
+"use strict";
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Imports
+var GlobalString = global.String;
+var IteratorPrototype = utils.ImportNow("IteratorPrototype");
+var iteratorSymbol = utils.ImportNow("iterator_symbol");
+var MakeTypeError;
+var stringIteratorIteratedStringSymbol =
+    utils.ImportNow("string_iterator_iterated_string_symbol");
+var stringIteratorNextIndexSymbol =
+    utils.ImportNow("string_iterator_next_index_symbol");
+var toStringTagSymbol = utils.ImportNow("to_string_tag_symbol");
+utils.Import(function(from) {
+  MakeTypeError = from.MakeTypeError;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------
+function StringIterator() {}
+// CreateStringIterator Abstract Operation
+function CreateStringIterator(string) {
+  var s = TO_STRING(string);
+  var iterator = new StringIterator;
+  SET_PRIVATE(iterator, stringIteratorIteratedStringSymbol, s);
+  SET_PRIVATE(iterator, stringIteratorNextIndexSymbol, 0);
+  return iterator;
+// ES6 section %StringIteratorPrototype%.next ( )
+function StringIteratorNext() {
+  var iterator = this;
+  var value = UNDEFINED;
+  var done = true;
+  if (!IS_RECEIVER(iterator) ||
+      !HAS_DEFINED_PRIVATE(iterator, stringIteratorNextIndexSymbol)) {
+    throw MakeTypeError(kIncompatibleMethodReceiver,
+                        'String Iterator.prototype.next');
+  }
+  var s = GET_PRIVATE(iterator, stringIteratorIteratedStringSymbol);
+  if (!IS_UNDEFINED(s)) {
+    var position = GET_PRIVATE(iterator, stringIteratorNextIndexSymbol);
+    var length = TO_UINT32(s.length);
+    if (position >= length) {
+      SET_PRIVATE(iterator, stringIteratorIteratedStringSymbol, UNDEFINED);
+    } else {
+      var first = %_StringCharCodeAt(s, position);
+      value = %_StringCharFromCode(first);
+      done = false;
+      position++;
+      if (first >= 0xD800 && first <= 0xDBFF && position < length) {
+        var second = %_StringCharCodeAt(s, position);
+        if (second >= 0xDC00 && second <= 0xDFFF) {
+          value += %_StringCharFromCode(second);
+          position++;
+        }
+      }
+      SET_PRIVATE(iterator, stringIteratorNextIndexSymbol, position);
+    }
+  }
+  return %_CreateIterResultObject(value, done);
+// String.prototype [ @@iterator ]( )
+function StringPrototypeIterator() {
+  return CreateStringIterator(this);
+%FunctionSetPrototype(StringIterator, {__proto__: IteratorPrototype});
+%FunctionSetInstanceClassName(StringIterator, 'String Iterator');
+utils.InstallFunctions(StringIterator.prototype, DONT_ENUM, [
+  'next', StringIteratorNext
+%AddNamedProperty(StringIterator.prototype, toStringTagSymbol,
+                  "String Iterator", READ_ONLY | DONT_ENUM);
+utils.SetFunctionName(StringPrototypeIterator, iteratorSymbol);
+%AddNamedProperty(GlobalString.prototype, iteratorSymbol,
+                  StringPrototypeIterator, DONT_ENUM);