Upgrade V8 to version 4.9.385.28



Change-Id: I4b2e74289d4bf3667f2f3dc8aa2e541f63e26eb4
diff --git a/test/unittests/compiler/escape-analysis-unittest.cc b/test/unittests/compiler/escape-analysis-unittest.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b088367
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/unittests/compiler/escape-analysis-unittest.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+// Copyright 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "src/bit-vector.h"
+#include "src/compiler/escape-analysis.h"
+#include "src/compiler/escape-analysis-reducer.h"
+#include "src/compiler/graph-visualizer.h"
+#include "src/compiler/js-graph.h"
+#include "src/compiler/node-properties.h"
+#include "src/compiler/simplified-operator.h"
+#include "src/types-inl.h"
+#include "src/zone-containers.h"
+#include "test/unittests/compiler/graph-unittest.h"
+namespace v8 {
+namespace internal {
+namespace compiler {
+class EscapeAnalysisTest : public GraphTest {
+ public:
+  EscapeAnalysisTest()
+      : simplified_(zone()),
+        jsgraph_(isolate(), graph(), common(), nullptr, nullptr, nullptr),
+        escape_analysis_(graph(), common(), zone()),
+        effect_(graph()->start()),
+        control_(graph()->start()) {}
+  ~EscapeAnalysisTest() {}
+  EscapeAnalysis* escape_analysis() { return &escape_analysis_; }
+ protected:
+  void Analysis() { escape_analysis_.Run(); }
+  void Transformation() {
+    GraphReducer graph_reducer(zone(), graph());
+    EscapeAnalysisReducer escape_reducer(&graph_reducer, &jsgraph_,
+                                         &escape_analysis_, zone());
+    graph_reducer.AddReducer(&escape_reducer);
+    graph_reducer.ReduceGraph();
+  }
+  // ---------------------------------Node Creation Helper----------------------
+  Node* BeginRegion(Node* effect = nullptr) {
+    if (!effect) {
+      effect = effect_;
+    }
+    return effect_ = graph()->NewNode(common()->BeginRegion(), effect);
+  }
+  Node* FinishRegion(Node* value, Node* effect = nullptr) {
+    if (!effect) {
+      effect = effect_;
+    }
+    return effect_ = graph()->NewNode(common()->FinishRegion(), value, effect);
+  }
+  Node* Allocate(Node* size, Node* effect = nullptr, Node* control = nullptr) {
+    if (!effect) {
+      effect = effect_;
+    }
+    if (!control) {
+      control = control_;
+    }
+    return effect_ = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->Allocate(), size, effect,
+                                      control);
+  }
+  Node* Constant(int num) {
+    return graph()->NewNode(common()->NumberConstant(num));
+  }
+  Node* Store(const FieldAccess& access, Node* allocation, Node* value,
+              Node* effect = nullptr, Node* control = nullptr) {
+    if (!effect) {
+      effect = effect_;
+    }
+    if (!control) {
+      control = control_;
+    }
+    return effect_ = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->StoreField(access),
+                                      allocation, value, effect, control);
+  }
+  Node* Load(const FieldAccess& access, Node* from, Node* effect = nullptr,
+             Node* control = nullptr) {
+    if (!effect) {
+      effect = effect_;
+    }
+    if (!control) {
+      control = control_;
+    }
+    return graph()->NewNode(simplified()->LoadField(access), from, effect,
+                            control);
+  }
+  Node* Return(Node* value, Node* effect = nullptr, Node* control = nullptr) {
+    if (!effect) {
+      effect = effect_;
+    }
+    if (!control) {
+      control = control_;
+    }
+    return control_ =
+               graph()->NewNode(common()->Return(), value, effect, control);
+  }
+  void EndGraph() {
+    for (Edge edge : graph()->end()->input_edges()) {
+      if (NodeProperties::IsControlEdge(edge)) {
+        edge.UpdateTo(control_);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  Node* Branch() {
+    return control_ =
+               graph()->NewNode(common()->Branch(), Constant(0), control_);
+  }
+  Node* IfTrue() {
+    return control_ = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfTrue(), control_);
+  }
+  Node* IfFalse() { return graph()->NewNode(common()->IfFalse(), control_); }
+  Node* Merge2(Node* control1, Node* control2) {
+    return control_ = graph()->NewNode(common()->Merge(2), control1, control2);
+  }
+  FieldAccess AccessAtIndex(int offset) {
+    FieldAccess access = {kTaggedBase, offset, MaybeHandle<Name>(), Type::Any(),
+                          MachineType::AnyTagged()};
+    return access;
+  }
+  // ---------------------------------Assertion Helper--------------------------
+  void ExpectReplacement(Node* node, Node* rep) {
+    EXPECT_EQ(rep, escape_analysis()->GetReplacement(node));
+  }
+  void ExpectReplacementPhi(Node* node, Node* left, Node* right) {
+    Node* rep = escape_analysis()->GetReplacement(node);
+    ASSERT_NE(nullptr, rep);
+    ASSERT_EQ(IrOpcode::kPhi, rep->opcode());
+    EXPECT_EQ(left, NodeProperties::GetValueInput(rep, 0));
+    EXPECT_EQ(right, NodeProperties::GetValueInput(rep, 1));
+  }
+  void ExpectVirtual(Node* node) {
+    EXPECT_TRUE(node->opcode() == IrOpcode::kAllocate ||
+                node->opcode() == IrOpcode::kFinishRegion);
+    EXPECT_TRUE(escape_analysis()->IsVirtual(node));
+  }
+  void ExpectEscaped(Node* node) {
+    EXPECT_TRUE(node->opcode() == IrOpcode::kAllocate ||
+                node->opcode() == IrOpcode::kFinishRegion);
+    EXPECT_TRUE(escape_analysis()->IsEscaped(node));
+  }
+  SimplifiedOperatorBuilder* simplified() { return &simplified_; }
+  Node* effect() { return effect_; }
+ private:
+  SimplifiedOperatorBuilder simplified_;
+  JSGraph jsgraph_;
+  EscapeAnalysis escape_analysis_;
+  Node* effect_;
+  Node* control_;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Test cases.
+TEST_F(EscapeAnalysisTest, StraightNonEscape) {
+  Node* object1 = Constant(1);
+  BeginRegion();
+  Node* allocation = Allocate(Constant(kPointerSize));
+  Store(AccessAtIndex(0), allocation, object1);
+  Node* finish = FinishRegion(allocation);
+  Node* load = Load(AccessAtIndex(0), finish);
+  Node* result = Return(load);
+  EndGraph();
+  Analysis();
+  ExpectVirtual(allocation);
+  ExpectReplacement(load, object1);
+  Transformation();
+  ASSERT_EQ(object1, NodeProperties::GetValueInput(result, 0));
+TEST_F(EscapeAnalysisTest, StraightEscape) {
+  Node* object1 = Constant(1);
+  BeginRegion();
+  Node* allocation = Allocate(Constant(kPointerSize));
+  Store(AccessAtIndex(0), allocation, object1);
+  Node* finish = FinishRegion(allocation);
+  Node* load = Load(AccessAtIndex(0), finish);
+  Node* result = Return(allocation);
+  EndGraph();
+  graph()->end()->AppendInput(zone(), load);
+  Analysis();
+  ExpectEscaped(allocation);
+  ExpectReplacement(load, object1);
+  Transformation();
+  ASSERT_EQ(allocation, NodeProperties::GetValueInput(result, 0));
+TEST_F(EscapeAnalysisTest, StoreLoadEscape) {
+  Node* object1 = Constant(1);
+  BeginRegion();
+  Node* allocation1 = Allocate(Constant(kPointerSize));
+  Store(AccessAtIndex(0), allocation1, object1);
+  Node* finish1 = FinishRegion(allocation1);
+  BeginRegion();
+  Node* allocation2 = Allocate(Constant(kPointerSize));
+  Store(AccessAtIndex(0), allocation2, finish1);
+  Node* finish2 = FinishRegion(allocation2);
+  Node* load = Load(AccessAtIndex(0), finish2);
+  Node* result = Return(load);
+  EndGraph();
+  Analysis();
+  ExpectEscaped(allocation1);
+  ExpectVirtual(allocation2);
+  ExpectReplacement(load, finish1);
+  Transformation();
+  ASSERT_EQ(finish1, NodeProperties::GetValueInput(result, 0));
+TEST_F(EscapeAnalysisTest, BranchNonEscape) {
+  Node* object1 = Constant(1);
+  Node* object2 = Constant(2);
+  BeginRegion();
+  Node* allocation = Allocate(Constant(kPointerSize));
+  Store(AccessAtIndex(0), allocation, object1);
+  Node* finish = FinishRegion(allocation);
+  Branch();
+  Node* ifFalse = IfFalse();
+  Node* ifTrue = IfTrue();
+  Node* effect1 = Store(AccessAtIndex(0), allocation, object1, finish, ifFalse);
+  Node* effect2 = Store(AccessAtIndex(0), allocation, object2, finish, ifTrue);
+  Node* merge = Merge2(ifFalse, ifTrue);
+  Node* phi = graph()->NewNode(common()->EffectPhi(2), effect1, effect2, merge);
+  Node* load = Load(AccessAtIndex(0), finish, phi, merge);
+  Node* result = Return(load, phi);
+  EndGraph();
+  graph()->end()->AppendInput(zone(), result);
+  Analysis();
+  ExpectVirtual(allocation);
+  ExpectReplacementPhi(load, object1, object2);
+  Node* replacement_phi = escape_analysis()->GetReplacement(load);
+  Transformation();
+  ASSERT_EQ(replacement_phi, NodeProperties::GetValueInput(result, 0));
+TEST_F(EscapeAnalysisTest, DanglingLoadOrder) {
+  Node* object1 = Constant(1);
+  Node* object2 = Constant(2);
+  Node* allocation = Allocate(Constant(kPointerSize));
+  Node* store1 = Store(AccessAtIndex(0), allocation, object1);
+  Node* load1 = Load(AccessAtIndex(0), allocation);
+  Node* store2 = Store(AccessAtIndex(0), allocation, object2);
+  Node* load2 = Load(AccessAtIndex(0), allocation, store1);
+  Node* result = Return(load2);
+  EndGraph();
+  graph()->end()->AppendInput(zone(), store2);
+  graph()->end()->AppendInput(zone(), load1);
+  Analysis();
+  ExpectVirtual(allocation);
+  ExpectReplacement(load1, object1);
+  ExpectReplacement(load2, object1);
+  Transformation();
+  ASSERT_EQ(object1, NodeProperties::GetValueInput(result, 0));
+TEST_F(EscapeAnalysisTest, DeoptReplacement) {
+  Node* object1 = Constant(1);
+  BeginRegion();
+  Node* allocation = Allocate(Constant(kPointerSize));
+  Store(AccessAtIndex(0), allocation, object1);
+  Node* finish = FinishRegion(allocation);
+  Node* effect1 = Store(AccessAtIndex(0), allocation, object1, finish);
+  Branch();
+  Node* ifFalse = IfFalse();
+  Node* state_values1 = graph()->NewNode(common()->StateValues(1), finish);
+  Node* state_values2 = graph()->NewNode(common()->StateValues(0));
+  Node* state_values3 = graph()->NewNode(common()->StateValues(0));
+  Node* frame_state = graph()->NewNode(
+      common()->FrameState(BailoutId::None(), OutputFrameStateCombine::Ignore(),
+                           nullptr),
+      state_values1, state_values2, state_values3, UndefinedConstant(),
+      graph()->start(), graph()->start());
+  Node* deopt = graph()->NewNode(common()->Deoptimize(DeoptimizeKind::kEager),
+                                 frame_state, effect1, ifFalse);
+  Node* ifTrue = IfTrue();
+  Node* load = Load(AccessAtIndex(0), finish, effect1, ifTrue);
+  Node* result = Return(load, effect1, ifTrue);
+  EndGraph();
+  graph()->end()->AppendInput(zone(), deopt);
+  Analysis();
+  ExpectVirtual(allocation);
+  ExpectReplacement(load, object1);
+  Transformation();
+  ASSERT_EQ(object1, NodeProperties::GetValueInput(result, 0));
+  Node* object_state = NodeProperties::GetValueInput(state_values1, 0);
+  ASSERT_EQ(object_state->opcode(), IrOpcode::kObjectState);
+  ASSERT_EQ(1, object_state->op()->ValueInputCount());
+  ASSERT_EQ(object1, NodeProperties::GetValueInput(object_state, 0));
+TEST_F(EscapeAnalysisTest, DeoptReplacementIdentity) {
+  Node* object1 = Constant(1);
+  BeginRegion();
+  Node* allocation = Allocate(Constant(kPointerSize * 2));
+  Store(AccessAtIndex(0), allocation, object1);
+  Store(AccessAtIndex(kPointerSize), allocation, allocation);
+  Node* finish = FinishRegion(allocation);
+  Node* effect1 = Store(AccessAtIndex(0), allocation, object1, finish);
+  Branch();
+  Node* ifFalse = IfFalse();
+  Node* state_values1 = graph()->NewNode(common()->StateValues(1), finish);
+  Node* state_values2 = graph()->NewNode(common()->StateValues(1), finish);
+  Node* state_values3 = graph()->NewNode(common()->StateValues(0));
+  Node* frame_state = graph()->NewNode(
+      common()->FrameState(BailoutId::None(), OutputFrameStateCombine::Ignore(),
+                           nullptr),
+      state_values1, state_values2, state_values3, UndefinedConstant(),
+      graph()->start(), graph()->start());
+  Node* deopt = graph()->NewNode(common()->Deoptimize(DeoptimizeKind::kEager),
+                                 frame_state, effect1, ifFalse);
+  Node* ifTrue = IfTrue();
+  Node* load = Load(AccessAtIndex(0), finish, effect1, ifTrue);
+  Node* result = Return(load, effect1, ifTrue);
+  EndGraph();
+  graph()->end()->AppendInput(zone(), deopt);
+  Analysis();
+  ExpectVirtual(allocation);
+  ExpectReplacement(load, object1);
+  Transformation();
+  ASSERT_EQ(object1, NodeProperties::GetValueInput(result, 0));
+  Node* object_state = NodeProperties::GetValueInput(state_values1, 0);
+  ASSERT_EQ(object_state->opcode(), IrOpcode::kObjectState);
+  ASSERT_EQ(2, object_state->op()->ValueInputCount());
+  ASSERT_EQ(object1, NodeProperties::GetValueInput(object_state, 0));
+  ASSERT_EQ(object_state, NodeProperties::GetValueInput(object_state, 1));
+  Node* object_state2 = NodeProperties::GetValueInput(state_values1, 0);
+  ASSERT_EQ(object_state, object_state2);
+}  // namespace compiler
+}  // namespace internal
+}  // namespace v8