Upgrade V8 to version 4.9.385.28



Change-Id: I4b2e74289d4bf3667f2f3dc8aa2e541f63e26eb4
diff --git a/tools/gen-postmortem-metadata.py b/tools/gen-postmortem-metadata.py
index 04a1ea8..516f8e7 100644
--- a/tools/gen-postmortem-metadata.py
+++ b/tools/gen-postmortem-metadata.py
@@ -70,8 +70,6 @@
     { 'name': 'ExternalStringTag',      'value': 'kExternalStringTag' },
     { 'name': 'SlicedStringTag',        'value': 'kSlicedStringTag' },
-    { 'name': 'FailureTag',             'value': 'kFailureTag' },
-    { 'name': 'FailureTagMask',         'value': 'kFailureTagMask' },
     { 'name': 'HeapObjectTag',          'value': 'kHeapObjectTag' },
     { 'name': 'HeapObjectTagMask',      'value': 'kHeapObjectTagMask' },
     { 'name': 'SmiTag',                 'value': 'kSmiTag' },
@@ -93,15 +91,37 @@
     { 'name': 'prop_idx_first',
         'value': 'DescriptorArray::kFirstIndex' },
     { 'name': 'prop_type_field',
-        'value': 'FIELD' },
-    { 'name': 'prop_type_first_phantom',
-        'value': 'TRANSITION' },
+        'value': 'DATA' },
     { 'name': 'prop_type_mask',
         'value': 'PropertyDetails::TypeField::kMask' },
     { 'name': 'prop_index_mask',
         'value': 'PropertyDetails::FieldIndexField::kMask' },
     { 'name': 'prop_index_shift',
         'value': 'PropertyDetails::FieldIndexField::kShift' },
+    { 'name': 'prop_representation_mask',
+        'value': 'PropertyDetails::RepresentationField::kMask' },
+    { 'name': 'prop_representation_shift',
+        'value': 'PropertyDetails::RepresentationField::kShift' },
+    { 'name': 'prop_representation_integer8',
+        'value': 'Representation::Kind::kInteger8' },
+    { 'name': 'prop_representation_uinteger8',
+        'value': 'Representation::Kind::kUInteger8' },
+    { 'name': 'prop_representation_integer16',
+        'value': 'Representation::Kind::kInteger16' },
+    { 'name': 'prop_representation_uinteger16',
+        'value': 'Representation::Kind::kUInteger16' },
+    { 'name': 'prop_representation_smi',
+        'value': 'Representation::Kind::kSmi' },
+    { 'name': 'prop_representation_integer32',
+        'value': 'Representation::Kind::kInteger32' },
+    { 'name': 'prop_representation_double',
+        'value': 'Representation::Kind::kDouble' },
+    { 'name': 'prop_representation_heapobject',
+        'value': 'Representation::Kind::kHeapObject' },
+    { 'name': 'prop_representation_tagged',
+        'value': 'Representation::Kind::kTagged' },
+    { 'name': 'prop_representation_external',
+        'value': 'Representation::Kind::kExternal' },
     { 'name': 'prop_desc_key',
         'value': 'DescriptorArray::kDescriptorKey' },
@@ -120,11 +140,15 @@
         'value': 'DICTIONARY_ELEMENTS' },
     { 'name': 'bit_field2_elements_kind_mask',
-       'value': 'Map::kElementsKindMask' },
+        'value': 'Map::ElementsKindBits::kMask' },
     { 'name': 'bit_field2_elements_kind_shift',
-       'value': 'Map::kElementsKindShift' },
+        'value': 'Map::ElementsKindBits::kShift' },
     { 'name': 'bit_field3_dictionary_map_shift',
         'value': 'Map::DictionaryMap::kShift' },
+    { 'name': 'bit_field3_number_of_own_descriptors_mask',
+        'value': 'Map::NumberOfOwnDescriptorsBits::kMask' },
+    { 'name': 'bit_field3_number_of_own_descriptors_shift',
+        'value': 'Map::NumberOfOwnDescriptorsBits::kShift' },
     { 'name': 'off_fp_context',
         'value': 'StandardFrameConstants::kContextOffset' },
@@ -136,24 +160,54 @@
         'value': 'JavaScriptFrameConstants::kFunctionOffset' },
     { 'name': 'off_fp_args',
         'value': 'JavaScriptFrameConstants::kLastParameterOffset' },
+    { 'name': 'scopeinfo_idx_nparams',
+        'value': 'ScopeInfo::kParameterCount' },
+    { 'name': 'scopeinfo_idx_nstacklocals',
+        'value': 'ScopeInfo::kStackLocalCount' },
+    { 'name': 'scopeinfo_idx_ncontextlocals',
+        'value': 'ScopeInfo::kContextLocalCount' },
+    { 'name': 'scopeinfo_idx_ncontextglobals',
+        'value': 'ScopeInfo::kContextGlobalCount' },
+    { 'name': 'scopeinfo_idx_first_vars',
+        'value': 'ScopeInfo::kVariablePartIndex' },
+    { 'name': 'sharedfunctioninfo_start_position_mask',
+        'value': 'SharedFunctionInfo::kStartPositionMask' },
+    { 'name': 'sharedfunctioninfo_start_position_shift',
+        'value': 'SharedFunctionInfo::kStartPositionShift' },
+    { 'name': 'jsarray_buffer_was_neutered_mask',
+        'value': 'JSArrayBuffer::WasNeutered::kMask' },
+    { 'name': 'jsarray_buffer_was_neutered_shift',
+        'value': 'JSArrayBuffer::WasNeutered::kShift' },
 # The following useful fields are missing accessors, so we define fake ones.
 extras_accessors = [
+    'JSFunction, context, Context, kContextOffset',
+    'Context, closure_index, int, CLOSURE_INDEX',
+    'Context, native_context_index, int, NATIVE_CONTEXT_INDEX',
+    'Context, previous_index, int, PREVIOUS_INDEX',
+    'Context, min_context_slots, int, MIN_CONTEXT_SLOTS',
     'HeapObject, map, Map, kMapOffset',
     'JSObject, elements, Object, kElementsOffset',
     'FixedArray, data, uintptr_t, kHeaderSize',
+    'JSArrayBuffer, backing_store, Object, kBackingStoreOffset',
+    'JSArrayBufferView, byte_offset, Object, kByteOffsetOffset',
+    'JSTypedArray, length, Object, kLengthOffset',
     'Map, instance_attributes, int, kInstanceAttributesOffset',
-    'Map, inobject_properties, int, kInObjectPropertiesOffset',
+    'Map, inobject_properties_or_constructor_function_index, int, kInObjectPropertiesOrConstructorFunctionIndexOffset',
     'Map, instance_size, int, kInstanceSizeOffset',
     'Map, bit_field, char, kBitFieldOffset',
     'Map, bit_field2, char, kBitField2Offset',
-    'Map, bit_field3, SMI, kBitField3Offset',
+    'Map, bit_field3, int, kBitField3Offset',
     'Map, prototype, Object, kPrototypeOffset',
     'NameDictionaryShape, prefix_size, int, kPrefixSize',
     'NameDictionaryShape, entry_size, int, kEntrySize',
+    'NameDictionary, prefix_start_index, int, kPrefixStartIndex',
     'SeededNumberDictionaryShape, prefix_size, int, kPrefixSize',
     'UnseededNumberDictionaryShape, prefix_size, int, kPrefixSize',
     'NumberDictionaryShape, entry_size, int, kEntrySize',
@@ -165,6 +219,7 @@
     'SeqOneByteString, chars, char, kHeaderSize',
     'SeqTwoByteString, chars, char, kHeaderSize',
     'SharedFunctionInfo, code, Code, kCodeOffset',
+    'SharedFunctionInfo, scope_info, ScopeInfo, kScopeInfoOffset',
     'SlicedString, parent, String, kParentOffset',
     'Code, instruction_start, uintptr_t, kHeaderSize',
     'Code, instruction_size, int, kInstructionSizeOffset',
@@ -196,9 +251,9 @@
  * This file is generated by %s.  Do not edit directly.
-#include "v8.h"
-#include "frames.h"
-#include "frames-inl.h" /* for architecture-specific frame constants */
+#include "src/v8.h"
+#include "src/frames.h"
+#include "src/frames-inl.h" /* for architecture-specific frame constants */
 using namespace v8::internal;
@@ -219,6 +274,20 @@
+# Get the base class
+def get_base_class(klass):
+        if (klass == 'Object'):
+                return klass;
+        if (not (klass in klasses)):
+                return None;
+        k = klasses[klass];
+        return get_base_class(k['parent']);
 # Loads class hierarchy and type information from "objects.h".
 def load_objects():
@@ -250,18 +319,20 @@
                         in_insttype = False;
-                line = re.sub('//.*', '', line.rstrip().lstrip());
+                line = re.sub('//.*', '', line.strip());
                 if (in_insttype):
                         typestr += line;
-                match = re.match('class (\w[^\s:]*)(: public (\w[^\s{]*))?\s*{',
+                match = re.match('class (\w[^:]*)(: public (\w[^{]*))?\s*{\s*',
                 if (match):
-                        klass = match.group(1);
+                        klass = match.group(1).strip();
                         pklass = match.group(3);
+                        if (pklass):
+                                pklass = pklass.strip();
                         klasses[klass] = { 'parent': pklass };
@@ -512,6 +583,9 @@
         for klassname in keys:
                 pklass = klasses[klassname]['parent'];
+                bklass = get_base_class(klassname);
+                if (bklass != 'Object'):
+                        continue;
                 if (pklass == None):